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Hunters in the Western world today do not need to hunt to obtain food and other animal products. So why do they hunt? This paper examines the motives of hunters, the motives ascribed to hunters by members of the general public, and the role motives play for the moral acceptability of hunting among members of the general public. It draws on a nationally representative survey of the general public (n?=?1,001) and hunters (n?=?1,130) in Denmark. People with a negative attitude to hunting are more likely to take motives into account when they consider the acceptability of hunting. Three clusters of motives defining distinctive hunting motivational orientations were identified: action/harvest, management/care, and natural and social encounters. The general public ascribed action/harvest motives to hunters more than hunters did. In a policy perspective, if hunters’ motives are misperceived, improved dialog may be needed to protect the legitimacy of recreational hunting.  相似文献   

Limiting resources are generally available in brief temporal pulses in arid systems. We compared the abilities of dominant shrubs in a saltbush scrub community to capture N from pulses and evaluated whether N capture and partitioning within this community is influenced by the seasonal timing of pulses. Based on previous research in agronomic systems we predicted that the ability of a species to capture N following a pulse would depend on when the pulse occurred in relation to plant growth rate and N demand. Supporting this hypothesis, Atriplex confertifolia and Sarcobatus vermiculatus, which had greater growth rates early in the growing season compared to Atriplex parryi, captured more N from early spring pulses than A. parryi. Atriplex parryi, which had higher growth rates later in the growing season, captured more N from mid- and late spring pulses than the other species. These temporal differences in N capture among species, however, also depended on the magnitude of the N pulse. These results suggest that temporal variation in N availability may differentially impact competitive abilities of coexisting species and potentially facilitate species coexistence in arid systems.  相似文献   

The contents of regurgitated Long-eared Owls (Asio otus) pellets collected in Minqin Desert Experimental Research Station of northwestern China were analysed. A total of 303 individuals representing five species of rodents and one of bird were identified in the pellets. By frequency, the most common species taken by Long-eared Owls was Meriones meridianus, followed by Cricetulus barabensis and Phodopus roborovskii. By biomass, Meriones meridianus was the most important species taken, followed by C. barabensis and Rhombomys opimus. Our results suggest that the Long-eared Owls were nocturnal hunters and fed on a wide range of animals with respect to their habitats.  相似文献   

Estimates of energetic demands for carnivore species can be valuable for estimating their annual prey requirements and thus, their potential impact on prey populations. This is the case for the coyote (Canis latrans) which has a ubiquitous distribution and preys on a wide variety of wild and domestic prey species. We took data on daily activity of coyotes and with standard energy models, estimated the daily field metabolic rate (FMR) of adult male and female coyotes in the Great Basin desert of the western United States. We then calculated the total annual energy demand and from this, extrapolated annual prey needs for lagomorph and rodent-sized prey. Daily FMR of male coyotes in the Great Basin desert averaged 1170.1 kcal±29.1, S.E. (n=11) and was significantly higher than 988.6 kcal±44.3 (n=8) for females (p=0.002). The highest reproductive cost for females was lactation (1441.1 kcal/day above FMR). Males and females need to consume 192 and 162 lagomorphs, or 3681 and 3110 rodents/year, respectively. For reproduction, females should consume 37 more lagomorphs or 700 more rodents per year. We concluded that preference for lagomorphs by coyotes reflects the most reasonable energy return on their hunting investment.  相似文献   

Shrub is an important factor on structuring ground arthropod communities in desert ecosystems. In this study, in order to determine how shrubs and their species influence ground arthropod distribution patterns in a sandy desert scrubland dominated by two different shrub species, Calligonum mongolicum and Nitraria sphaerocarpa, the ground arthropods were sampled with pitfall traps during spring, summer and autumn. At the community level, total arthropod abundance was shown to be significantly higher under shrubs than in intershrub bare areas in spring; similar patterns occurred in terms of the richness of arthropod groups in the spring and over three seasons, suggesting season-specific shrub presence effects on arthropod activity. In addition, more arthropods were found under N. sphaerocarpa shrubs than under C. rnongolicum shrubs in autumn, suggesting season-specific effects of shrub species of arthropod activity, whereas more arthropods taxa were captured under C. mongoIicum than N. sphaerocarpa. At the trophic group level, the abundances of predator and herbivore arthropods were significantly greater under shrubs than in intershrub bare habitats, whereas herbivore arthropods were more abundant under N. sphaerocarpa than C. rnongolicum, and an opposite rule was detected for predator arthropods At the family level, the mean abundances of Carabidae, Curculionidae, Gnaphosidae and Lycosidae were significantly higher in the shrub microhabitats than in the intershrub bare habitat, there was no significant difference between habitats on the mean abundances of Formicidae and Tenebrionidae. The study results suggested that shrub presence and shrub species variation are important determinants of ground arthropod assemblages in this desert ecosystem, but the responses of ar- thropods differed among trophic and taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

A paleolimnological evaluation of cladoceran microfossils was initiated to study limnological changes in Lake Apopka, a large (125 km2), shallow (mean depth = 1.6 m), warm, polymictic lake in central Florida. The lake switched from macrophyte to algal dominance in the late 1940s, creating a Sediment Discontinuity Layer (SDL) that can be visually used to separate sediments derived from macrophytes and phytoplankton. Cladoceran microfossils were enumerated as a means of corroborating extant eutrophication data from the sediment record. Inferences about the timing and trajectory of eutrophication were made using the cladoceran-based paleo-reconstruction. The cladoceran community of Lake Apopka began to change abruptly in both total abundance and relative percent abundance just before the lake shifted from macrophyte to algal dominance. Alona affinis, a mud-vegetation associated cladoceran, disappeared before the SDL was formed. Planktonic and benthic species also began to increase below the SDL, indicating an increase in production of both planktonic and benthic species. Chydorus cf. sphaericus, an indicator of nutrient loading, increased relative to all other cladocerans beginning in the layer below the SDL and continuing upcore. Changes in the transitional sediment layer formed before the lake switched to phytoplankton dominance, including an increase in total phosphorus concentration, suggest a more gradual eutrophication process than previously reported. Data from this study supported conclusions from other paleolimnological studies that suggested anthropogenic phosphorus loading was the key factor in the hypereutrophication of Lake Apopka.  相似文献   

Cattle grazing is an important disturbance in the Monte plain, reducing grass biomass and rates of fruit setting. Grass seeds are the most important food for granivorous birds (Emberizidae) during winter. The objective of this study was to test whether granivorous bird populations (Emberizidae), grass seed production, and vegetation structure differed at sites with different intensities of grazing. Emberizid density and species richness were higher in the ungrazed site than in the two grazed paddocks. Seed abundance was also higher in ungrazed vs. grazed sites. Woody vegetation, that serve as safe nest sites, did not differ among treatments. Granivorous bird populations seemed to be affected by cattle grazing; however, the main mechanisms of this process remain unknown.  相似文献   

Black-tailed prairie dogs (BTPD; Cynomys ludovicianus) have often been labeled as keystone species because of their ability to strongly influence grassland ecosystems. I used line-transect surveys and distance sampling to compare breeding bird and mammal communities on shortgrass prairie occupied by BTPD colonies versus similar uncolonized habitat in New Mexico, and to identify species that were either strongly associated with, or that avoided, BTPD colonies. Overall, I detected 32 bird and 8 mammal species during three years. Mountain plover (Charadrius montanus), ferruginous hawk (Buteo regalis), burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia), curve-billed thrasher (Toxostoma curvirostre), desert cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii), and American badger (Taxidea taxus) were more abundant on, or at least strongly associated with, colonies, while long-billed curlew (Numenius americanus), horned lark (Eremophila alpestris), vesper sparrow (Poecetes gramineus), lark sparrow (Chondestes grammacus), Cassin's sparrow (Aimophila cassinii), and western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) were more abundant on, or strongly associated with, uncolonized prairie. Observed responses of several species differed from other studies suggesting that a species' response to BTPD activities may vary by location, grassland type, or season. Although BTPDs negatively impacted a suite of grassland bird species, biodiversity is maximized in this landscape by maintaining a mixture of colonized and uncolonized habitats.  相似文献   

周婧  杨庆媛  信桂新  冯应斌  戴佩淇 《地理研究》2010,29(10):1767-1779
贫困山区农户兼业现象普遍,对相关的土地利用活动影响深刻。采用重点与随机抽样、参与式农村评估和景观格局分析等方法,从微观尺度定量分析了云阳县568户农户兼业行为与居民点用地形态变化的相互关系,可为土地利用结构调整、居民点用地整理挖潜提供认识依据。结果表明:(1)云阳县农户兼业现象普遍,依据非农收入与农业收入差、非农劳动投入比重,将农户划分为纯农业型、农业主导型、农工兼具型、非农主导型、非农业型五种兼业类型;(2)老龄和女性人口少、且平均文化水平较高的农户兼业水平最高,人口数量多、分工多元化的农户兼业水平居中;(3)以农业生产为主要生计活动的纯农业型与农业主导型农户,居民点用地规模变化较小,约为180m2,土地利用粗放且多样化程度高,其中,纯农业户圈养与堆棚用地比重较高,农业主导型院坝用地比重较高;(4)农工兼具型农户的居民点用地规模扩大,约为190m2,土地利用集约度得到提高,且多样性下降,堆棚用地弱化,住房用地占主导;(5)逐渐退出农业生产的非农主导型与非农业型农户,居民点用地规模缩减,约为160~130m2,土地集约度较高,多样性下降,居民点中生产性用地比重下降、居住性用地比重上升。研究认为,农村居民点整理挖潜必须与农户的兼业需求相适应。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine if metrics for ant species assemblages can be used as indicators of rangeland condition, and to determine the influence of vegetation and ground cover variables, factors often influenced by livestock grazing, on ant communities. The study was conducted in two areas in the Great Basin: a sagebrush-steppe in southeastern Idaho (n=30 sites), and a salt-desert shrub in western Utah (n=27 sites). Sites were selected based on known rangeland condition (i.e. good, fair, poor) associated with livestock grazing. Ant communities differed considerably between the two study areas. Collectively, more ant species occurred at the Idaho sites (30) than at the Utah sites (21), relatively few species (eight) occurred in both areas, species richness was significantly greater at the Idaho sites (mean=12·0 species) than the Utah sites (mean=6·9 species), and Formica spp. were diverse (total of 15 species) at the Idaho sites but rare (one species) at the Utah sites. In Idaho, all species collectively, generalists, and Formica spp. were significantly less abundant on sites in poor condition than that on sites in good or fair condition, whereas in Utah, seed harvesters and Pheidole spp. were significantly more abundant on sites in poor condition than that on sites in good or fair condition. In Idaho, species richness was significantly lower on sites in poor condition. In Idaho, species richness and relative abundances of several ant groups were significantly related to bare patch size and parameters for cover or species richness of several vegetation groups. In contrast to the comparisons involving sites in poor condition, no differences in ant communities in either Idaho or Utah were evident between sites in good and fair condition. Thus, the ant communities responded only to large changes in rangeland condition and to large differences in climatic/edaphic conditions between the two areas. Hence, ant community metrics appear to have limited utility as indicators of rangeland condition in the Great Basin.  相似文献   

Studies of breeding birds and small mammals were conducted at a series of sites that form a gradient of severity of desertification. Desert grassland sites represented the least changed landscape units and mesquite coppice dunes represented the most severe degradation, an irreversibly degraded landscape unit. The hypothesis that desertification reduces species diversity was not supported by the data. Species richness and diversities (Shannon-Weaver H′) of breeding birds were higher in the desertified areas than in the grassland with one exception. Data from a site dominated by the exotic African grass,Eragrostis lehmanniana, in south-eastern Arizona showed that breeding bird diversity was lower at that site than at a site in the same region that was dominated by native grasses. Species richness, diversity (H′), and abundance of small mammals were also higher in desertified areas than in desert grassland. Most grassland species of birds and mammals persist in the desertified habitats and species that are characteristic of shrublands colonize desertified desert grasslands. This accounts for the increases in species richness. However some species such as the banner-tailed kangaroo rat,Dipodomys spectabilis, are eliminated when grassland degrades to mesquite coppice dune or eroded creosotebush communities. These data suggest that other measures of faunal biodiversity such askeystone speciesmay be better measures of the impact of desertification on animal biodiversity.  相似文献   

Acacia senegal, Guiera senegalensis and Pterocarpus lucens, browse species important in the Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso were studied by the estimation of their phenological variation over time and the evaluation of edible biomass production, total and accessible directly to animals. Biomass production was also estimated using dendrometric parameters. All the three species started the foliation phase as soon as the rains started. A. senegal and P. lucens flowered before G. senegalensis and A. senegal lost leaves earlier. The fruiting phase lasted 6–7 months for all species. Accessible edible biomass varied according to the animal species, the plant species and the height of plants. G. senegalensis showed the highest proportion of accessible biomass, but P. lucens had higher total edible biomass. Goats browsing at higher height had more edible biomass at their disposal. The accessible edible biomass was weakly correlated with tree parameters, while crown diameter was the best parameter to predict total edible biomass production, with R2 varying from 90% (G. senegalensis) to 98% (P. lucens) in log10 transformation of dependent and independent variables. The single species models developed could be applied in similar agro-ecological zones, taking into account the height stratification of plants. Further investigations on others species are needed to be able to estimate total biomass available for browsing.  相似文献   

广东南岭国家级自然保护区森林鸟类多样性监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野生鸟类资源是自然保护区生物多样性的重要组成部分,为了解广东南岭国家级自然保护区鸟类种类和数量动态变化以及鸟类栖息地环境状况,2017年4月、7月和10月对区内11条鸟类监测样线进行了调查。调查结果显示:1)记录鸟种11目27科89种,其中雀形目15科61种;发现频次888次,记录数量3 367只,频次和数量均居前五的有栗背短脚鹎Hemixos castanonotus、灰眶雀鹛Alcippe morrisonia、灰树鹊Dendrocitta formosae、红嘴相思鸟Leiothrix lutea。2)居留型以留鸟为主,共61种,占68.5%;夏候鸟15种,占16.9%;旅鸟7种,占7.9%;冬侯鸟6种,占6.7%。鸟类区系组成以东洋界鸟种为主,共62种,占总数的69.7%;广布种19种,占21.3%;古北种8种,占9.0%。3)4月份是南岭鸟类繁殖活跃期,也是调查记录鸟种和数量最多的月份。11条样线中,相思坑、炉田、横水、南木、泽子坪、电视台、第一峰鸟类多样性(Shannon Wiener index)较高,怡坑、仙洞、担杆冲、竹坳多样性较低。4)根据海拔和植被类型,样线鸟类群落可分为4类:低海拔针阔混交林、常绿阔叶林、高海拔针阔混交林和山顶矮林。300~1 500 m的针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林生境鸟类群落并没有很大差异,优势种均为栗背短脚鹎、灰眶雀鹛、灰树鹊等;而高海拔山顶矮林(1 300~1 800 m)生境鸟种则明显不同,以画眉科(Timaliidae)的红嘴相思鸟、红头穗鹛、赤尾噪鹛、褐胸噪鹛、灰眶雀鹛及莺科(Sylviidae)的金头缝叶莺、比氏鹟莺、栗头鹟莺、冠纹柳莺为主。建议建立南岭鸟类多样性监测网络和评价体系,以鸟类长期监测数据,如种类变化、种群波动,作为评价保护区生态环境质量的指标。  相似文献   

The Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) is an endangered species. Even southern Patagonia, home to the most stable and abundant populations of Andean condors, is witnessing increasing pressure from development and tourism. Taking the case of Torres del Paine National Park, in the Chilean Patagonia, we examine monitoring of condor populations at roosting sites and communal bird behavior in response to humans as an effective tool for bird conservation within protected areas. Based on field data collected throughout 2007, we identify new roosting places, explore activity patterns and population characteristics of free‐ranging and roosting Andean condors, examine bird behavior in response to humans, and analyze the current and likely future ecological impacts of tourism on the condor population and its habitat. Our results reveal that the impact of tourism is still low and that the Andean condors do not seem to be declining in numbers in the park but that the importance of roosts and animal behavior in response to humans must be considered for future monitoring, bird‐conservation planning, and ecotourism management.  相似文献   

基诺山林地环境及鸟类分布的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着人类经济活动的增加,自然环境条件也在改变;人与自然的协调发展,保护生物多样性已成为突出的问题。本文分析了基诺山(又称攸乐山)林地及农作区鸟类多样性的变化,以探索地方民族与自然环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

Over the last 10 years a great interest in spineless cactus pear was shown in the drier areas in terms of both fresh fruit and fodder production. However, there is a lack of knowledge on quantitative data on root dynamics of these plants needed to fully understand its potential under water limiting conditions. This study aimed at quantifying the effects of water stress on the growth of tap roots, side roots and rain roots of the species Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller (cultivar Morado—green cladode) and O. robusta Wendl. (cultivar Monterey—blue cladode). One-year-old cladodes were planted in root boxes and pots (2002/2003 season) that were kept in the greenhouse at day/night temperatures of 25–30 °C/15–18 °C. Placing the cladodes flat on the soil, more areoles came in contact with the soil and therefore more roots developed in both species with an average of only 3.4% areole complexes not rooting. Each areole complex formed on average 3 roots. The highest daily tap root growth was 42 and 36 mm for O. ficus-indica and O. robusta, respectively. Tap root growth increased in the morning with water stress for both species but decreased in the afternoon. Side root growth increased with water stress, with that of O. robusta more per tap root than O. ficus-indica. O. robusta showed a finer root system than O. ficus-indica. The side roots grew as much as 8 and 5 mm per day for O. ficus-indica and O. robusta, respectively. Whitish rain roots developed on the established roots within the first hour after rewetting the soil and grew for only 3 days. Rain roots grew up to 7 and 5 mm within a day for O. ficus-indica and O. robusta, respectively. Considering all studied aspects of their roots systems, O. robusta appears to be better adapted to drought (less sensitive to water stress) than O. ficus-indica.  相似文献   

Cactus seedlings often establish under nurse plants which modify environmental conditions by increasing moisture and decreasing solar radiation, which may cause beneficial and detrimental effects, respectively, on seedling growth. Three soil moisture treatments (5%, 25% and 60%) and two solar radiation levels (100% exposure=243 μmol m−2 s−1, and 40%=102 μmol m−2 s−1) were used in a factorial design to analyze seedling growth response of three rare cactus species (Mammillaria pectinifera, Obregonia denegrii and Coryphantha werdermannii). The variables evaluated were relative growth rate (RGR), root/shoot ratio (R/S), and K (RGRroots/RGRshoot), obtained from an initial seedling harvest (6-month-old seedlings) and a final harvest 6 months after treatment application. All three species had slow RGRs (0.002–0.012 g g−1 day−1). O. denegrii had the lowest RGR values, but was the only species for which R/S and K varied with soil moisture. While all seedlings responded markedly to soil moisture, no response was observed to radiation treatments. The latter might have been related to the relatively low solar radiation levels present in the greenhouse. Yet, our results suggest that the main benefit nurse plants offer to seedlings is the increase in soil moisture.  相似文献   

Assemblages of small bird species (<90 g body mass) from the Monte desert in Argentina were studied to analyze spatial and temporal variation in abundance and species richness. Mean species richness was higher during breeding season than in non-breeding season. The same pattern was observed in aerial insectivores, while granivores and substrate insectivores did not differ between breeding and non-breeding seasons. Overall bird abundance was similar across seasons. Species richness was positively correlated with bird abundance and negatively correlated with dominance; bird abundance and dominance were not correlated. These patterns could be explained by distinct responses of functional groups of birds; dominant species were granivores in the non-breeding season and aerial insectivores during the breeding season, and bird abundance in functional groups changed according to food supply. Most species are residents or regular migrants, while there are few nomadic and transient species. Predictable annual fluctuations in rainfall and resource availability should favor a migratory strategy more than nomadic movements. Similarly, breeding is strongly seasonal and most species start breeding when the first summer rains have generally not yet fallen. Finally, concordances in assemblage structure at local and regional scale suggest that similar mechanisms are acting on the local bird assemblages across the Monte.  相似文献   

The effect of fire on growth of Piptochaetium napostaense, Stipa tenuis, and Stipa gynerioides, three important native perennial grasses in the semi-arid region of central Argentina, was evaluated under different fire temperature regimes: 300–400°C (low temperature regime), 500–600°C (high temperature regime) and no fire (control). Fire treatments were applied with a portable propane plant burner in April and December 1994, May 1995, and January 1996. Overall results indicate that during the first months after fire occurrence, average total green length of S. tenuis, P. napostaense and S. gynerioides tillers was severely reduced (p<0.05) by fire. This effect was more pronounced in plants burned with the high temperature treatment. The observed patterns of response to fire for height of tillers were very similar to those already reported for total green length of tillers. Towards the end of each growth cycle, the number of green leaves per tiller of burned plants of P. napostaense, S. tenuis, and S. gynerioides were similar or greater (p<0.05) than the number of green leaves on tillers of control plants. Relative growth rates for total green length and for height in tillers of burned plants of S. tenuis, P. napostaense and S. gynerioides were greater than in tillers of control plants. Our results indicate that fire affected differentially the growth of the studied species; S. gynerioides was more affected by fire than P. napostaense and S. tenuis. The species most tolerant to fire was P. napostaense.  相似文献   

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