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We analyzed noble gases in an oxidized residue prepared from a HF‐HCl residue of the Saratov L4 chondrite. The Ar, Kr, and Xe concentrations in the oxidized residue are two orders of magnitude lower than those in the HF‐HCl residue, and they are close to concentrations in the bulk. The He and Ne concentrations are similar in the three samples. The Ne isotopic ratios are almost purely cosmogenic, indicating absence of presolar diamonds (the carrier of the HL component). Thus, Saratov contains phase Q without presolar diamond. A study of the Raman spectroscopic parameters for the HF‐HCl residue and the oxidized residue shows large changes due to oxidation. The directions of these changes are the same as observed in Allende, except oxidation increased the ID/IG (intensity ratio of the D band to the G band) in Saratov but decreased in Allende. This difference may be attributed to the different crystalline stages of carbon in both meteorites. The shifts in the Raman parameters to a discrete and/or more expanded region suggest that (1) oxidation changes the crystalline condition of graphitic carbon, (2) phase Q is not a dissolved site, and (3) the release of Q‐gas is simply related to the rearrangement of the carbon structure during oxidation.  相似文献   

Abstract— The L/LL5 chondrite Knyahinya had an approximately spherical shape, and as it experienced a single stage exposure history, it represents a very interesting object to study depth profiles of cosmic-ray-produced nuclide concentrations. Such data are required to improve and to validate model calculations of production rates. We report Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe isotopic abundances in five bulk samples. The adopted procedure of noble gas extraction included two pyrolysis steps at 450 °C and 650 °C, respectively, followed by a combustion step in pure O2 at 650 °C before melting the sample. This procedure allows for the separation of a significant fraction of the trapped Kr and Xe, leading to an enrichment of the cosmic-ray produced component, which is released in the melting step. The isotopic composition of the trapped Xe component measured in the combustion step is found to be identical with the OC-Xe composition (Lavielle and Marti, 1992) and supports the suggestion that ordinary chondrites formed in a homogeneous trapped noble gas reservoir. Cosmic-ray produced Kr and Xe components and depth profiles were measured, including for the first time a 81Kr profile. The calculated exposure age of 39.5 ± 1.0 Ma, based on the 81Kr-Kr method, is found to be in excellent agreement with previous determinations. The concentrations of trapped and fissiogenic noble gas components are clearly lower than those generally observed in type 5 ordinary chondrites and may suggest diffusion losses before a meter-sized object was exposed to the cosmic radiation.  相似文献   

Abstract– We carried out shock experiments on macroscopic spherical samples of the L4 ordinary chondrite Saratov (natural shock stages S2–S3), using explosively generated spherical shock waves with maximum peak pressures of 400 GPa and shock‐induced temperatures >800 °C (up to several thousands °C). The evolution of shock metamorphism within a radius of the spherical samples was investigated using optical and scanning electron microscopy, microprobe and magnetic analyses as well as Mössbauer spectroscopy and X‐ray diffraction techniques. Petrographic analyses revealed a shock‐induced formation of three different concentric petrographic zones within the shocked samples: zone of total melting (I), zone of partial melting (II), and zone of solid‐state shock features (III). We found a progressive pressure‐induced oxidation of Fe‐Ni metal, whose degree increased with increasing shock peak pressure. The amount of FeO within zone I increased the factor of 1.4 with respect to its amount in the unshocked Saratov sample. This suggests that within zone I about 70 wt% of the initial metallic iron was oxidized, whereas magnetic analyses showed that about 10 wt% of it remained intact. This strongly supports the hypothesis that, in addition to oxidation, a migration of metallic iron from the central heavily shocked zone I toward less shocked peripheral zone took place as well (likely through shock veins where metallic droplets were observed). Magnetic analyses also showed a shock‐induced transformation of tetrataenite to taenite within all shocked subsamples, resulting in magnetic softening of these subsamples (decrease in remanent coercivity). These results have important implications for extraterrestrial paleomagnetism suggesting that due to natural impact processes, the buried crustal rocks of heavily cratered solid solar system bodies can have stronger remanent magnetism than the corresponding surface rocks.  相似文献   

We analyzed noble gases in nine individual chondrules, an assemblage of small chondrules, and four whole‐rock samples of the Allende CV3 chondrite. Major elements were also determined for five chondrules. The cosmic ray exposure ages are calculated from cosmogenic 3He to be 5.17 ± 0.38 and 5.15 ± 0.25 Myr for the averages of the chondrules and whole rocks, respectively, showing no significant pre‐exposure evidence for the studied chondrules. Large amounts of 36Ar, 80,82Kr, and 128Xe produced by neutron capture are observed in most samples; the abundances of these nuclides are correlated among the samples. The epithermal neutron flux and neutron slowing down density are calculated based on [80Kr]n, from which a sample depth of about 30 cm can be calculated. The measured chondrules contain variable amounts of radiogenic 129Xe. The abundance ratios of radiogenic 129Xe to neutron capture–produced 128Xe are rather constant among the studied chondrules; four chondrules give more precise ratios at the high‐temperature fractions, ranging from 1920 ± 80 to 2280 ± 140, which corresponds to a time difference of 3.9 ± 2.4 Myr. It is noticeable that most chondrules also contain 244Pu‐derived fission Xe. The average 244Pu/238U ratio for nine chondrules is 0.0069 ± 0.0018, which agrees well with the preferred ratio reported for chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— We measured the concentrations of the cosmogenic radionuclides 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, and 41Ca in the stone and metal fractions of 15 fragments of the Gold Basin L4 chondrite shower, as well as noble gases in 18 Gold Basin fragments. A comparison of 10Be, 26Al, and 41Ca concentrations with calculated production rates from two different models indicates that the Gold Basin samples came from depths of about 10 cm to more than 150 cm in an object with a radius of 3–5 m. As was predicted by recent model calculations, the noble gases show a reversal of the 22Ne/21Ne ratio at very high shielding. The 21Ne/10Be and 21Ne/26Al ratios in most samples are constant and correspond to a 4π exposure age of 18 ± 2 Myr. However, three Gold Basin samples show a 30–120% excess of 21Ne implying that they were previously exposed close to the surface of the parent body, whereas the other samples were buried several meters deeper. Concentrations of neutron‐capture 36Ar in most samples are consistent with measured concentrations of neutron‐capture 36Cl and an exposure age of 18 Myr. Large excesses of neutron‐capture 36Ar were found in those samples with an excess of 21Ne, providing additional evidence of a first‐stage exposure on the parent body. The excess of spallation‐produced 21Ne and neutron‐capture‐produced 36Ar in these samples indicate a first‐stage exposure of 35–150 Myr on the parent body. The radiogenic 4He and 40Ar concentrations indicate a major impact on the parent body between 300 and 400 Myr ago, which must have preceded the impacts that brought the Gold Basin meteoroid to the surface of the parent body and then expelled it from the parent body 18 Myr ago.  相似文献   

Abstract— A philippinite with a large bubble (volume ?5 cm3) was crushed in a specifically constructed device under vacuum. The total pressure, the major gas components, and the concentration and the isotopic composition of noble gases in the trapped gas were measured. The total gas pressure was found to be low, ~10?4 atm. Compared to terrestrial atmosphere, the abundances of He and Ne are considerably more enriched than the concentrations of the heavy noble gases. Unusually high 20Ne/22Ne and 21Ne/22Ne ratios were measured in the bubble gas. These ratios are higher than values expected for any steady state process and are interpreted to reflect very fast nonsteady state diffusion in the early stages of tektite formation.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Moss meteorite is the first CO chondrite fall after a time period of 70 yr and the least terrestrially contaminated member of its group. Its cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) age (T3 ~ 13.5 Ma; T21 ~ 14.6 Ma) is distinct among CO chondrites and, within witnessed falls is the shortest after Lancé, which we have reanalyzed. Gas retention ages are approximately 3.95 × 109 yr (U/Th‐He) and approximately 4.43 × 109 yr (K/Ar), respectively. Trapped Ar, Kr, and Xe are present in Moss in abundances typical for CO chondrites, with “planetary” elemental and isotopic compositions. Presence of HL‐xenon from presolar diamonds is observed in the stepwise release analysis of Lancé. It may also be present in Moss, but it is difficult to ascertain in single‐step bulk analyses. It follows from our new data combined with a survey of the literature that the abundance of trapped gases in CO chondrites is not a good indicator of their petrological subtype.  相似文献   

Establishing connections between meteorites and their parent asteroids is an important goal of planetary science. Several links have been proposed in the past, including a spectroscopic match between basaltic meteorites and (4) Vesta, that are helping scientists understand the formation and evolution of the Solar System bodies. Here we show that the shocked L chondrite meteorites, which represent about two thirds of all L chondrite falls, may be fragments of a disrupted asteroid with orbital semimajor axis a=2.8 AU. This breakup left behind thousands of identified 1–15 km asteroid fragments known as the Gefion family. Fossil L chondrite meteorites and iridium enrichment found in an ≈467 Ma old marine limestone quarry in southern Sweden, and perhaps also ∼5 large terrestrial craters with corresponding radiometric ages, may be tracing the immediate aftermath of the family-forming collision when numerous Gefion fragments evolved into the Earth-crossing orbits by the 5:2 resonance with Jupiter. This work has major implications for our understanding of the source regions of ordinary chondrite meteorites because it implies that they can sample more distant asteroid material than was previously thought possible.  相似文献   

The disruption of the L chondrite parent body (LCPB) at ~470 Ma is currently the best-documented catastrophic celestial impact event, based on the large number of L chondritic materials associated with this event. Uranium-lead (U-Pb) dating of apatite and its high-pressure decomposition product, tuite, in the Sixiangkou L6 chondrite provides a temporal link to this event. The U-Pb system of phosphates adjacent to shock melt veins was altered to varying degrees and the discordance of the U-Pb system correlates closely with the extent of apatite decomposition. This suggests that the U-Pb system of apatite could be substantially disturbed by high-temperature pulse during shock compression from natural impacts, at least on the scale of mineral grains. Although many L chondrites can be temporally related to the catastrophic LCPB impact event, the shock conditions experienced by each individual meteorite vary. This could be due to the different geologic settings of these meteorites on their parent body. The shock pressure and duration derived from most meteorites may only reflect local shock features rather than the impact conditions, although they could provide lower limits to the impact conditions. The Sixiangkou shock duration (~4 s), estimated from high-pressure transformation kinetics, provides a lower limit to the high-pressure pulse of the LCPB disruption impact. Combined with available literature data of L chondrites associated with this impact event, our results suggest that the LCPB suffered a catastrophic collision with a large projectile (with a diameter of at least 18–22 km) at a low impact velocity (5–6 km s−1). This is consistent with astronomical estimates based on the dynamical evolution of L chondritic asteroids.  相似文献   

Abstract– The isotopic compositions of Sm and/or Gd of nine documented drill core samples of the Jilin H5 chondrite were determined to study the neutron capture records of individual meteorite samples. All the samples showed significant isotopic shifts of 150Sm/149Sm and/or 158Gd/157Gd corresponding to neutron fluences of (1.3–1.7) × 1015 n cm?2. Considering the short 4π irradiation age of 0.32 Ma during the second stage, the 2π irradiation of 7 Ma during the first stage is the main influence on the Sm and Gd isotopic shifts of the Jilin chondrite. Although a depth dependence of the neutron capture effects was expected from the isotopic variations of 150Sm/149Sm and 158Gd/157Gd in the Jilin chondrite core samples that were possibly drilled perpendicular to the surface of the large object with a radius of >10 m in the 2π‐geometry, no clear evidence was observed in this study. The data from the combination of the isotopic shifts between Sm and Gd defined as εSmGd suggest that the neutrons produced in the 2π‐geometry of the Jilin chondrite follow the similar energy spectra as the neutrons in lunar samples, although the present analytical quality is not enough to discuss a critical discussion for the thermalization of the neutron energy levels.  相似文献   

Abstract— We measured cosmogenic radionuclides (10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl) and noble gases (He, Ne, and Ar) in 10 specimens of the Mocs L6 chondrite to determine the exposure history and preatmospheric relationship among fragments from known locations in the strewn field. Cosmogenic noble gas contents alone are consistent with a simple irradiation exposure of 15.2 Ma. However, Mocs has very low 22Ne/21Ne ratios indicative of deep burial in a large meteoroid, but radionuclide levels at saturation values typical for much smaller meteoroids: this paradox suggests a possible complex exposure. For the latter case, we propose a two‐stage exposure history in which Mocs initially was deeply buried in a large object for 110 Ma, followed by exposure in a 65 cm object for 10.5 Ma. Relative shielding was inferred from the measured 22Ne/21Ne ratios assuming constant 22Ne/21Ne production for all samples during the first stage. These shielding levels, which are supported by estimates based on 36Cl production by neutron capture, indicate a possible relationship between depth of samples in the Mocs meteoroid and fall location in the strewn field.  相似文献   

Abstract— Twenty ~100-mg random fragments of the Bruderheim chondrite were analyzed by INAA to determine extents of heterogeneity and to check earlier results that gave anomalous LREE concentrations. Considerable compositional heterogeneity was observed in both concentrations (maximum/minimum of 1.7 for Ir, 1.8 for Na, 6.8 for La, 7.4 for Co) and concentration ratios (>3 × for Ni/Co and La/Eu). Compositions could be modelled quantitatively in terms of end-member components of constant composition representing the minerals olivine + orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, kamacite, taenite, troilite, chromite, and phosphate. The model yields the proportions of minerals in each sample as well as the meteorite as a whole; accurate determination of the end members depends on high intrasample precision for many elements. No evidence of compositional heterogeneity of end members for trace elements was found. It is shown that these analyses, which used only ~2 grams of the meteorite, are equivalent in accuracy to a single sample of several tens of grams, and that knowledge of the extent of heterogeneity is essential to knowing the quality of sampling as well as for comparing results from one analysis with another and of one meteorite with another.  相似文献   

Abstract We report on a series of measurements of 14C in samples of the L-chondrite Knyahinya, as a function of depth. The results show 14C concentrations ranging from 37 to 58 dpm/kg. These measurements are compared to the levels of 21Ne, 10Be and noble-gas ratios in this meteorite reported by Graf et al (1990). We also compare the 14C data to the expected profile based on two sets of model calculations. The behavior of this radioisotope with depth is similar to that expected from the models, and good agreement with the profiles of other nuclides is also observed.  相似文献   

Abstract— In order to assess weathering effects, sixteen elements were determined by neutron activation in the surficial layer and the interior of the extensively weathered Bayard L5 chondrite. Na, As, Sb, La and Sm show enrichment in the surface; for these elements soil concentrations are greater than in the meteorite. Elements showing no significant differences between surface and interior are Sc, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Se, Eu, Yb, Ir and Au; with the exception of Eu and Yb, soil concentrations were lower than those in the chondrite. Concentrations of Fe, Ni and Co, and to some extent Na, are lower than the mean of the L-chondrite values probably due to oxidation and leaching from the chondrite. The data support an L classification for the Bayard chondrite.  相似文献   

A large shock‐induced melt vein in L6 ordinary chondrite Roosevelt County 106 contains abundant high‐pressure minerals, including olivine, enstatite, and plagioclase fragments that have been transformed to polycrystalline ringwoodite, majorite, lingunite, and jadeite. The host chondrite at the melt‐vein margins contains olivines that are partially transformed to ringwoodite. The quenched silicate melt in the shock veins consists of majoritic garnets, up to 25 μm in size, magnetite, maghemite, and phyllosilicates. The magnetite, maghemite, and phyllosilicates are the terrestrial alteration products of magnesiowüstite and quenched glass. This assemblage indicates crystallization of the silicate melt at approximately 20–25 GPa and 2000 °C. Coarse majorite garnets in the centers of shock veins grade into increasingly finer grained dendritic garnets toward the vein margins, indicating increasing quench rates toward the margins as a result of thermal conduction to the surrounding chondrite host. Nanocrystalline boundary zones, that contain wadsleyite, ringwoodite, majorite, and magnesiowüstite, occur along shock‐vein margins. These zones represent rapid quench of a boundary melt that contains less metal‐sulfide than the bulk shock vein. One‐dimensional finite element heat‐flow calculations were performed to estimate a quench time of 750–1900 ms for a 1.6‐mm thick shock vein. Because the vein crystallized as a single high‐pressure assemblage, the shock pulse duration was at least as long as the quench time and therefore the sample remained at 20–25 GPa for at least 750 ms. This relatively long shock pulse, combined with a modest shock pressure, implies that this sample came from deep in the L chondrite parent body during a collision with a large impacting body, such as the impact event that disrupted the L chondrite parent body 470 Myr ago.  相似文献   

Abstract— Measurements of particle tracks, cosmogenic radionuclides, and rare gas isotopes in Mbale indicate that the meteoroid had a simple, one-stage exposure for 30.2 Ma in interplanetary space. On the basis of the measured track production rates and 60Co and 26Al activities, the meteoroid is estimated to be a sphere with a radius of ~36 cm. The activities of several cosmogenic radionuclides (i.e., 57Co, 54Mn, 22Na, 44Ti, and 26Al) in two fragments having different shielding, as estimated by their track density and 60Co activity, provide the depth variation in their production rates. Cobalt-57, 54Mn and 22Na activities agree with the production that is expected around the maximum of the solar cycle 22 as calculated from the Sunspot numbers. The U, Th-4He and K-40Ar ages are measured to be 0.54 Ga indicating a late thermal event which is in agreement with the thermal history of some other L group chondrites. The trapped N has δ15N of ?57 ± 4%o, which is much lighter than the average L-group chondrite value; this indicates the presence of an isotopically anomalous light N component.  相似文献   

Abstract— The He, Ne, and Ar compositions of 32 individual interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) were measured using low‐blank laser probe gas extraction. These measurements reveal definitive evidence of space exposure. The Ne and Ar isotopic compositions in the IDPs are primarily a mixture between solar wind (SW) and an isotopically heavier component dubbed “fractionated solar” (FS), which could be implantation‐fractionated solar wind or a distinct component of the solar corpuscular radiation previously identified as solar energetic particles (SEP). Space exposure ages based on the Ar content of individual IDPs are estimated for a subset of the grains that appear to have escaped significant volatile losses during atmosphere entry. Although model‐dependent, most of the particles in this subset have ages that are roughly consistent with origin in the asteroid belt. A short (<1000 years) space exposure age is inferred for one particle, which is suggestive of cometary origin. Among the subset of grains that show some evidence for relatively high atmospheric entry heating, two possess elevated 21Ne/22Ne ratios generated by extended exposure to solar and galactic cosmic rays. The inferred cosmic ray exposure ages of these particles exceeds 107 years, which tends to rule out origin in the asteroid belt. A favorable possibility is that these 21Ne‐rich IDPs previously resided on a relatively stable regolith of an Edgeworth‐Kuiper belt or Oort cloud body and were introduced into the inner solar system by cometary activity. These results demonstrate the utility of noble gas measurements in constraining models for the origins of interplanetary dust particles.  相似文献   

The Mifflin meteorite fell on the night of April 14, 2010, in southwestern Wisconsin. A bright fireball was observed throughout a wide area of the midwestern United States. The petrography, mineral compositions, and oxygen isotope ratios indicate that the meteorite is a L5 chondrite fragmental breccia with light/dark structure. The meteorite shows a low shock stage of S2, although some shock‐melted veins are present. The U,Th‐He age is 0.7 Ga, and the K‐Ar age is 1.8 Ga, indicating that Mifflin might have been heated at the time of the 470 Ma L‐chondrite parent body breakup and that U, Th‐He, and K‐Ar ages were partially reset. The cosmogenic radionuclide data indicate that Mifflin was exposed to cosmic rays while its radius was 30–65 cm. Assuming this exposure geometry, a cosmic‐ray exposure age of 25 ± 3 Ma is calculated from cosmogenic noble gas concentrations. The low 22Ne/21Ne ratio may, however, indicate a two‐stage exposure with a longer first‐stage exposure at high shielding. Mifflin is unusual in having a low radiogenic gas content combined with a low shock stage and no evidence of late stage annealing; this inconsistency remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Abstract— A new meteorite find from the Nullarbor Plain in Australia was studied using optical, SEM, and electron microprobe techniques. The meteorite, Nullarbor 018, is an orthodox L6 chondrite that experienced minor-to-moderate alteration of metal during terrestrial weathering (grade A–B to B). During weathering, troilite was preferentially altered, and roughly 20% of the original complement of S in the meteorite was removed. Shock metamorphic effects corresponding to shock stage S4 (or shock facies d) are found, including the presence of some diaplectic feldspar (maskelynite). The meteorite is not obviously paired with other finds from the Nullarbor region, but the possibility that it is paired cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 8418 is an unusual chondrite whose properties do not exactly match those of any other known chondrite. It has similarities to the CV (Vigarano group), CK (Karoonda group), and CL (Loongana group) chondrites, but its abundance of large calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) and the low NiO content (<0.2 wt%) of its matrix olivine ally it most closely with the CV group. The absence of grossular, monticellite, wollastonite, and sodalite from the alteration products of the CAIs; the magnesium-rich nature of the matrix olivines (Fa38) relative to that of the CV3 chondrites (~Fa50); and the presence of secondary Na-bearing plagioclase and chlorapatite indicate a metamorphic temperature >600 °C. NWA 8418 contains kamacite, taenite, and troilite, and lacks magnetite and pentlandite. We propose that NWA 8418 be reclassified as a reduced CV4 chondrite, which makes it the first CV chondrite of petrologic type 4.  相似文献   

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