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Exsolution intergrowths of a chrome rich spinel are reported for the first time in terrestrial ilmenite. The ilmenite in which this phenomenon has been observed occurs in the Premier Diamond Mine kimberlite. The occurrence is also noteworthy for the reasons that exsolution textures of any nature are extremely rare in ilmenite derived from kimberlite, and because the exsolved spinel has no known terrestrial counterpart, but is remarkably similar in chemical composition to certain lunar chromian ulvöspinels.  相似文献   

The lower sill at Benfontein, South Africa, shows a high degree of magmatic sedimentation to kimberlite, oxide-carbonate, and carbonate layers. The iron-titanium oxide minerals are similar in the carbonate-rich and silicate-rich layers and are represented by titaniferous Mg-Al chromite, Mg-Al titanomagnetite, magnesian ilmenite, rutile, and perovskite. The spinel crystallization trend was toward enrichment in Mg and Ti and depletion in Cr; this trend is similar to that observed in many kimberlites. The ilmenite has Mg and Cr contents within the range observed in kimberlites and lacks the Mn enrichment observed in ilmenites from carbonatites. Perovskite in silicate-rich and carbonate-rich layers shows similar total REE contents and LREE enrichment and lacks the remarkable Nb enrichment observed in perovskite from carbonatites. These new data on the iron-titanium oxide minerals in the lower Benfontein sill do not support a genetic relationship between kimberlites and carbonatites.  相似文献   

The relationship among kimberlites, carbonate-rich bodies associatedwith them, and the carbonatites associated with alkalis rockcomplexes are reviewed. Particular attention is paid to theparageneses of oxide minerals in six carbonate-kimberlites:Peuyuk, Tunraq, Wesselton, Liqhobong, De Beers, and Benfontein.New analyses of spinel, limonite, and perovskite from the lowerBenfontein Sill, are consistent with previous reports and canbe divided into (1) early macrocrysts and cores of grains, and(2) late rims and groundmass grains. The evolution of a carbonate-richresiduum with progressive crystallization appears to be typicalof carbonate-rich kimberlite magmas, and is texturally relatedto the two stages of oxide precipitation in these carbonate-kimberlites.Thus, early Mg-ilmenite and Cr-rich spinel are separated byreaction textures and carbonate from later Mg-Al-titanomagnetite,perovskite, and accessory utile and apatite. The spinels spana large range in composition from Mg-Al-chromite to Mg-Al-titanomagnetite,with an intermediate gap. This simplified paragenetic scheme,and in particular the spinel trend, is repeated in the fiveother carbonate-kimberlites reviewed. It may be representativeof the hypabyssal kimberlites in general, and others where fluidizationprocesses did not completely disrupt the crystallization sequence.  相似文献   

Garnets from phlogopite harzburgite xenoliths from the Wesselton kimberlite show zoning from low-Ca harzburgitic cores to rims with lherzolitic Ca-Cr relations. Garnet cores are depleted in Y and HREE, but have sinuous REE patterns enriched in the MREE. Rimwards increase in Ca and decrease in Cr and Mg is accompanied by increases in Zr, Y, Ti and HREE. Secondary replacement rims on some garnets consist of garnet with low Ca and Cr, but high Mg, Ti and HREE. The zoning, and the secondary replacement rims, are attributed to different stages of a metasomatic process that has converted harzburgite to lherzolite, at temperatures near 1000 °C. Modelling of zoning profiles suggests that the process can be divided into three parts: (a) Inwards diffusion of Ca, Zr and Y over periods of 10,000–30,000 years, from a fluid depleted in Ti, Ga and Y; (b) formation of overgrowths high in Ca, Zr, Y and Ti, followed by annealing over periods of several thousand years; (c) formation of secondary reaction rims of low-Ca garnet, on very short timescales prior to eruption. The sinuous REE patterns of the garnet cores are regarded as “primary” features reflecting an ancient metasomatic event superimposed on a depleted protolith. The high Zr/Y, Zr/Ti and Zr/Ca of the fluids corresponding to stage (a) are ascribed to the presence of phlogopite and garnet in the matrix near the fluid source (presumed to be a melt, possibly a kimberlite precursor), leading to the development of concentration fronts in the percolating fluid. The overgrowths of stage (b) appear to coincide with the precipitation of phlogopite in the rock. The low Ca of the fluid responsible for the secondary replacement rims of stage (c) may reflect the late precipitation of clinopyroxene or Ca-carbonate as part of the metasomatic assemblage. These processes have significantly modified the modal, major- and trace-element composition of the mantle volume sampled by the Wesselton kimberlite, within <1 Ma of eruption. Recognition of such effects and their distribution in time and space is essential to understanding of the evolution of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Received: 11 February 1998 / Accepted: 24 June 1998  相似文献   

This paper reports on the petrology and geochemistry of a diamondiferous peridotite xenolith from the Premier diamond mine in South Africa.

The xenolith is altered with pervasive serpentinisation of olivine and orthopyroxene. Garnets are in an advanced state of kelyphitisation but partly fresh. Electron microprobe analyses of the garnets are consistent with a lherzolitic paragenesis (8.5 wt.% Cr2O3 and 6.6 wt.% CaO). The garnets show limited variation in trace element composition, with generally low concentrations of most trace elements, e.g. Y (<11 ppm), Zr (<18 ppm) and Sr (<0.5 ppm). Garnet rare earth element concentrations, when normalised against the C1 chondrite of McDonough and Sun (Chem. Geol. 120 (1995) 223), are characterised by a rare earth element pattern similar to garnet from fertile lherzolite.

All diamonds recovered are colourless. Most crystals are sharp-edged octahedra, some with minor development of the dodecahedral form. A number of crystals are twinned octahedral macles, while aggregates of two or more octahedra are also common. Mineral inclusions are rare. Where present they are predominantly small black rosettes believed to consist of sulfide. In one instance a polymineralic (presumably lherzolitic) assemblage of reddish garnet, green clinopyroxene and a colourless mineral is recognised.

Infrared analysis of the xenolith diamonds show nitrogen contents generally lower than 500 ppm and variable nitrogen aggregation state, from 20% to 80% of the ‘B’ form. When plotted on a nitrogen aggregation diagram a well defined trend of increasing nitrogen aggregation state with increasing nitrogen content is observed. Carbon isotopic compositions range from −3.6 ‰ to −1.3 ‰. These are broadly correlated with diamond nitrogen content as determined by infrared spectroscopy, with the most negative C-isotopic compositions correlating with the lowest nitrogen contents.

Xenolith mantle equilibration temperatures, calculated from nitrogen aggregation systematics as well as the Ni in garnet thermometer are on the order of 1100 to 1200 °C.

It is concluded that the xenolith is a fertile lherzolite, and that the lherzolitic character may have resulted from the total metasomatic overprinting of pre-existing harzburgite. Metasomatism occurred prior to, or accompanied, diamond growth.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition of 66 inclusion-containing diamonds from the Premier kimberlite, South Africa, 93 inclusion-containing diamonds and four diamonds of two diamond-bearing peridotite xenoliths from the Finsch kimberlite, South Africa was measured. The data suggest a relationship between the carbon isotopic composition of the diamonds and the chemical composition of the associated silicates. For both kimberlites similar trends are noted for diamonds containing peridotite-suite inclusions (P-type) and for diamonds containing eclogite-suite inclusions (E-type): Higher δ13C P-type diamonds tend to have inclusions lower in SiO2 (ol), Al2O3 (opx, gt), Cr2O3, MgO, Mg(Mg + Fe) (ol, opx, gt) and higher in FeO (ol, opx, gt) and CaO (gt). Higher δ13C E-type diamonds tend to have inclusions lower in SiO2, Al2O3 (gt, cpx), MgO, Mg(Mg + Fe) (gt), Na2O, K2O, TiO2 (cpx) and higher in CaO, Ca(Ca + Mg) (gt, cpx).Consideration of a number of different models that have been proposed for the genesis of kimberlites, their xenoliths and diamonds shows that they are all consistent with the conclusion that in the mantle, regions exist that are characterized by different mean carbon isotopic compositions.  相似文献   

Electron microprobe analyses of the spinel mineral group, ilmenite and rutile have been carried out on part of the Luna 20 soil sample. The spinel group shows an almost continuous trend from MgAl8O4 to FeCr2O4 and a discontinuous trend from FeCr2O4 to Fe2TiO4. Well defined non-linear relationships exist within the spinel group for Fe-Mg substitution, for divalent (FeOFeO + MgO) versus trivalent (Cr2O3Cr2O3 + A12O3), and for divalent versus TiO2TiO2 + A12O3 + Cr2O3. For Cr-Al substitution the relationship is linear and is negative for Mg-rich spinel and positive for Fe-Ti rich spinel. In general a combination of aluminous-rich chromite and ulvöspinel in the Luna 16 samples, combined with the chromian-pleonaste in Apollo 14 define comparable major compositional trends to those observed in Luna 20. Ilmenite is present in trace amounts. It is exsolved from pleonaste and pyroxene, is present in subsolidusreduced ulvöspinel and has undergone reequilibration to produce oriented intergrowths of chromite + rutile. Primary ilmenite is among the most magnesian-rieh (6 wt.% MgO) yet found in the lunar samples. The high MgO, inferred high Cr2O3 concentrations and the iron content of rutile (2.5 wt.% FeO) suggest crystallization at high temperatures and pressures for some components of the Luna 20 soil.  相似文献   

Zincian spinel or gahnite [(Zn,Fe,Mg)Al2O4] occurs in metamorphosed sulphide-rich rocks, garnet quartzites, quartz-magnetite rocks, aluminous metasediments, barite-magnetite rocks, quartz veins, and pegmatites associated with the Aggeneys base metal deposits, Namaqualand, South Africa. Zincian spinel in, sulphide-bearing rocks, is considered to have formed predominantly by desulphurization reactions involving a member of the system Fe-S-O and sphalerite with sillimanite or garnet. Gahnite in sulphide-free garnet quartzites, quartz-magnetite rocks and barite-magnetite rocks probably formed from Zn and Al that were hydrothermally derived whereas gahnite in aluminous metasediments was derived from the metamorphism of metalliferous shales, in which Zn may originally have been linked to organic material. Gahnite is Zn-rich in sulphide-bearing rock, but is Fe-rich in sulphide-free garnet quartzites and quartz-magnetite rocks. Although Zn-rich spinels represent guides to ore in the Aggeneys area and elsewhere in the Namaqualand Metamorphic Complex, Fe-rich spinels should not be discounted because Zn-rich and Fe-rich spinels occur within metres of sulphides at Aggeneys.  相似文献   

The Lower Zone of the Bushveld Complex comprises an up to 2-km-thick package of different ultramafic rock types with an approx. 90-cm-thick, sulphide-bearing noritic interval that occurs in the western and eastern limbs. The distribution and geometry of the zone are highly variable across the Complex, showing pronounced, yet laterally discontinuous layering on different scales. Together with the ubiquitous lack of large-scale fractionation in the Mg# of orthopyroxene, variable Sr isotope compositions and erratic Pt/Pd ratios, these observations strongly suggest an emplacement of the Lower Zone as a sill complex, as these contrasting geochemical characteristics are difficult to account for in a large Bushveld magma chamber, as previously suggested. It is more likely that these sills were episodically fed from a sub-Bushveld staging chamber, and variably contaminated, while passing through the crust before their final emplacement in the Lower Zone. Detailed mineralogical and microtextural work based on high-resolution elemental mapping of a set of samples, covering the entire Lower Zone stratigraphy of the western Bushveld shows that the variations in the late crystallising interstitial mineral mode are different from what would be expect, if all phases crystallised from a fixed initial mass of interstitial liquid. The interstitial mineral mode, represented by plagioclase, clinopyroxene and other late stage phases, shows variable ratios of these minerals ranging from ca. 21:15:64 to 75:17:8. In comparison to modelled expected ratios, most of the analysed rocks have higher amounts of early crystallising interstitial phases (e.g. plagioclase, clinopyroxene), relative to late crystallising phases (e.g. quartz, alkali feldspar). Therefore, interstitial melt must have migrated at different stages of fractionation during cumulate solidification, as a consequence of either compaction or displacement by convecting interstitial liquids. Two samples, however, show the opposite: late phases are relatively more abundant than early ones, which is consistent with a convection-driven replacement of primitive interstitial liquid by more evolved liquid. These results have important implications for the interpretation of the Lower Zone and, by extension, for layered intrusions in general: (1) interstitial sulphide mineralisation may be introduced into a cumulate through infiltrating melts, i.e. the liquid components of a sulphur-saturated crystal mush are not withheld from further migration, upon interaction with a cumulate pile; (2) most importantly, late stage minerals, such as zircon, rarely crystallise from trapped liquid that was initially in equilibrium with the cumulate. Therefore, dating of interstitial zircon from cumulates is unlikely to record the actual timing of emplacement, but merely the crystallisation of a later episode of residual melt that migrated through the cumulate.  相似文献   

An undulating sheet-like granodiorite body is intrusive into sedimentary rocks and dolerite of the Karoo Supergroup north of Cradock. The top of this sheet, where in contact with dolerite, is characterised by the presence of graphite containing nodules of sedimentary origin, and by sulphide-arsenide mineralization. REE and other geochemical evidence indicate that the granodiorite and the ore-bearing horizon are genetically related, but the latter is more altered by hydrothermal fluids. Similarities in REE distribution patterns also imply very little assimilation of sedimentary material. The granodiorite displays plume-like features signifying that the material was plastic or semi-molten when segregation of the plume-like features took place. The Ni-mineralisation in the ore-bearing horizon is not linked to the MgO or Fe2O3 of the granodiorite or of the ore-bearing zone, and is regarded as a separate event of hydrothermal origin. Received: 26 July 1996 / Accepted: 17 March 1997  相似文献   

Airborne magnetic data and Landsat imagery, as well as time-domain electromagnetic soundings, were used to assess groundwater potential of the region around the town of Mafikeng in North West Province, South Africa. Lineaments were extracted based on on-screen digital data derived from magnetic and Landsat 7 imagery. The relationship between lineament-intersection density and borehole yield was assessed using statistical analysis. The results were discussed with respect to factors that determine the groundwater potential of the area. Correlation between lineament-intersection frequency and borehole yield is 60?C65% in the south and southeastern parts, and 45?C50% within 5?C30?km radius of Mafikeng. The eastern and western parts of the study area are characterized by weak or no correlation. Areas that correspond to high correlation between lineament-intersection frequency and borehole yield suggest the significance of cross-cutting structures in controlling groundwater potential zones, while results that suggest low or no correlation represent the influence of other factors. The overall results demonstrate that the combined analysis of airborne magnetic data, satellite imagery, borehole yield and ground-based time-domain electromagnetic soundings provide the best approach for groundwater assessment within the hard rock and carbonate terrains of the study area.  相似文献   

GeoJournal - Schools are unique places that greatly influence the daily lives of learners. Examining any factors that may be contributing to school absenteeism and dropout rates is vital as gaining...  相似文献   

Three kornerupine occurrences are reported in distinctive SiO2-poor, MgO- and Al2O3-rich paragneisses from the Namaqualand Metamorphic Complex in South Africa. Kornerupine coexists stably with phlogopite, cordierite, orthopyroxene, gedrite, sapphirine, sillimanite and plagioclase and, in sapphirine-free rocks, with spinel and corundum. Tourmaline of a texturally older generation than kornerupine is commonly present in the same samples.Ten analysed kornerupines show a variation in total Fe as FeO from 1.8 to 10.9 weight per cent. B2O3 contents are estimated from x-ray data and a few spectrochemical analyses to range from 0.9 to 3.5 weight per cent. There is a strong inverse correlation between B3+ and Al3+. Total iron content has a strong and systematic effect on refractive index, colour and dispersion. Fe and Mg are systematically partitioned with the other minerals, and Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios increase as follows: spinel 相似文献   

Coarse-grained, granular spinel lherzolites xenoliths from the Premier kimberlite show evidence of melt extraction and metasomatic enrichment, documenting a complex history for the shallow mantle beneath the Bushveld complex. Compositions of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and spinel indicate equilibration within the spinel–peridotite facies of the upper mantle, at depths from 80 to 100 km and temperatures from 720 to 850 °C. Bulk compositions have lower Mg-number [atomic 100 Mg/(Mg + Fe*)] than previously studied spinel peridotites from Premier, and have higher Mg/Si than low-temperature coarse grained garnet lherzolites, suggesting shallower melting conditions or metasomatic enrichment. Clinopyroxene in one sample is highly LREE-depleted indicating very minor modification of a residue of 20% melt extraction, whereas the calculated REE pattern for a melt in equilibrium with a mildly LREE-depleted sample is similar to MORB or late Archean basalt, possibly related to the Bushveld Complex. Bulk and mineral compositions suggest minimal refertilization by silicate melts in four out of six samples, but REE patterns indicate introduction of a LIL-enriched component that may be related to kimberlite.  相似文献   

Magmatic sulfide deposits are the most significant source of platinum-group elements (PGE) in the world. Key to understanding their genesis is determining the processes and timing of sulfide saturation, metal enrichment and crustal contamination. In this study, we have identified droplets of magmatic sulfide from the Platreef, South Africa, where droplets of sulfide have been trapped in the earliest crystallising phase, chromite. Due to their early entrapment at high temperatures, metal concentrations and ratios that they display are indicative of a very early-stage sulfide liquid in the system, as they will have cooled and fractionated within an essentially closed system, unlike interstitial blebs that crystallise in an open system as the magma cools. Analysis of these droplets in an opaque mineral like chromite by LA-ICP-MS is problematic as some of the fractionated inclusion is necessarily lost during cutting and polishing to initially identify the inclusion. This particularly affects the ability to representatively sample the most fractionated phases such as gold and platinum minerals. Here, using a novel technique whereby the inclusions are homogenized and quickly quenched, so that any cutting, polishing and subsequent LA-ICP-MS analysis samples a truly representative portion of the droplet. This has been used to show that early sulfide liquids in the Platreef were highly PGE-rich and had Pt/Pd ratios of close to unity that supports genetic models invoking sulfide saturation and metal enrichment prior to intrusion, with pre-enriched sulfides entrained within the Platreef magma.  相似文献   

Summary Pseudotachylitic breccias, associated with either bedding-parallel or normal faults, are abundant in the northern and northwestern parts of the gold- and uranium-rich Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa. They are particularly abundant in a zone tangential to the Vredefort Dome, a structure which is now widely accepted to be the eroded remnant of the central uplift of the originally 250 to 300 km wide Vredefort impact structure.Several of these fault zones were sampled along vertical traverses that included both fault breccias and host rocks. Geochemical analyses were undertaken to investigate the processes involved in fault rock formation. In addition, the temporal relationships of fault activity to regional geological events was studied. Detailed petrographic analysis shows evidence for strong hydrothermal overprints of the faults related to breccia formation (thus termed autometasomatism), as well as post-formational alteration. Mixing between two or more precursor lithologies and fluid alteration affected both the fault zones and their wall-rocks. A wide spectrum of trace elements, including Au and U, has been locally mobilised and redeposited by these processes.These fault zones, some of which are of basin-wide significance, were important channels for fluids that also modified the distribution of base metals in the Witwatersrand Basin. The regionally separated locations of our study areas suggest that these processes affected at least a major part of the basin. However, as the chemical characteristics determined for the fault zones differ from site to site, it is likely that the metals were only locally remobilised in the vicinity of fault zones or to previously hydrothermally altered country rock. Subsequent redeposition of metals was limited to the regimes in and around such fault zones.
Pseudotachylitische Brekzien aus Störungszonen des Witwatersrand-Beckens: Hinweise auf Autometasomatose und Alteration nach der Brekzienbildung
Zusammenfassung Pseudotachylitische Brekzien, entweder an schicht-parallelen oder normalen Verwerfungen, kommen häufig im nördlichen und nordwestlichen Teil des Gold- und Uranreichen Witwatersrand Beckens in Südafrika vor. Man hat sie hauptsächlich von einem tangentialen Bereich um den Vredefort Dom beschrieben. Der Dom ist der tieferodierte Rest der zentralen Aufwölbung der Vredefort Impaktstruktur, die ursprünglich linen Durchmesser von mindestens 250 Km hatte.Einige dieser Verwerfungszonen wurden entlang von Traversen beprobt, die Verwerfungsbrekzien sowie deren Nebengesteine beinhalteten, und geochemisch mit dem Ziel untersucht, die Prozesse bei der Brekzien-Bildung und die zeitlichen Verhältnisse von Verwerfungen und regionalgeologischen Ereignissen zu erfassen. Petrographische Analysen zeigten, daß die Verwerfungszonen im Zusammenhang mit der Brekzierungsphase stark hydrothermal überprägt wurden (ein Prozess, der daher als Autometasomatose bezeichnet wird) und eine zweite Überprägungsphase erfahren haben, die nach der Brekzierung stattfand. Es wird gezeigt, daß sowohl Mischung von wenigstens zwei Mutter-Gesteinskomponenten und Flüssigkeitsüberprägung, die Verwerfungszonen und Nebengesteine betraf, wichtige Rollen in der Bestimmung der chemischen Charakteristiken der untersuchten Zonen spielten. Viele Elemente, darunter Gold und Uran, wurden durch diese Prozesse lokal mobilisiert und wieder abgelagert.Diese Verwerfungszonen, von denen einige eine beckenweite Bedeutung besitzen, agierten als wichtige Kanäle für Flüssigkeiten, die die Verbreitung von wichtigen Metallen im Witwatersrand Becken modifizieren konnten. Da unsere Untersuchungsorte weit voneinander getrennt liegen, muß angenommen werden, daß diese Prozesse wenigstens weite Teile des Beckens beeinflußten. Da jedoch die chemischen Charakteristika der untersuchten Zonen von Fall zu Fall unterschiedlich sind, liegt die Vermutung nahe, daß Metalle höchstens lokal mobilisiert und umgelagert wurden und daß dies vermutlich im wesentlichen in der Nähe von existierenden Reefs stattfand. Es ist ferner klar, daß die Umlagerung von Metallen auf die unmittelbaren Bereiche dieser Verwerfungszonen beschränkt war.

Several deformed Transvaal Supergroup inliers occur in the Bushveld complex. The most prominant are the Crocodile River dome and the Rooiberg fragment in the western Transvaal basin and the Dennilton-Marble Hall dome and Stavoren fragment in the eastern Transvaal basin. Several other smaller Transvaal Supergroup inliers are situated in the Bushveld complex to the east and west of the central inliers. The geology and tectonic relationship of these inliers with the Bushveld complex imposed important constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Transvaal basin and the subsequent distribution of the Bushveld complex.The central inliers are subdivided into two groups. The Crocodile River, Marble Hall and Dennilton domes consist of highly deformed, lower Transvaal strata that were subjected to low-grade metamorphism. The domes were formed by interference folding that was accentuated by the intrusion of the Bushveld complex. They acted as physical barriers to the emplacement of the mafic rocks of the Bushveld complex in the centre of the Transvaal basin.The Rooiberg and Stavoren fragments are synforms of upper Transvaal strata. The strara that comprise them are less deformed than those in the domes. These fragments were subjected to low-grade metamorphism because of the intrusion of Bushveld granite beneath them. They acted as roof pendants to the emplacement of the Bushveld complex.Other smaller Transvaal Supergroup inliers in the Transvaal basin are shown to be either attached or detached structures, depending on their tectonic setting and relation to the Bushveld complex.  相似文献   

Summary Thaumasite from the manganese mine of Tschwinning, South Africa, has the formula Ca3.097 Si1.062OH6.372(CO3)0.994(SO4)1.000·11.596 H2O. Unit cell parameters (a=11.013(2) Å,c=10.379(5) Å,V=1090.1(6) Å3) and refraction indices (ne=1.458(2),n o=1.498(2)) compare well with the best ones available in the literature. The IR spectrum and DT-TG profiles are given. Contradictions between the IR spectrum, a recent structural refinement and the DT-TG are discussed, but cannot be explained satisfactorily.
Thaumasit aus der Mangan-Mine von Tschwinning, Süd-Afrika
Zusammenfassung Thaumasit aus der Mangan-Mine von Tschwinning, Süd-Afrika, besitzt die Formel Ca3.097 Si1.062OH6.372(CO3)0.994(SO4)1.000·11.596 H2O. Die Parameter der Elementarzelle (a=11.013(2) Å,c=10.379(5) Å,V=1090.1(6) Å3) und die Brechungsindizes (n e=1.458(2),n o=1.498(2)) zeigen gute Übereinstimmung mit verfügbaren Literaturdaten. Es werden ein IR-Spektrum und DT-TG-Profile präsentiert. Gegensätze zwischen dem IR-Spektrum, einer neueren Strukturverfeinerung und dem DT-TG werden diskutiert, können jedoch nicht zufriedenstellend erklärt werden.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   

Ag/Au ratios of individual gold particles and of ore-samples obtained from the Basal Reef conglomerate horizon of the Upper Witwatersrand System in the Orange Free State Goldfield (South Africa) are discussed. The Ag/Au values of individual gold grains were found to be exceptionally constant at about 0.0812, whereas the Ag/Au ratios of the ore-samples have markedly higher values and show a large variation. These values indicate that the detrital gold has been homogenized during transportation and sedimentation and that part of the original silver content has been redistributed. It is likely that the first refining of detrital gold particles occurred in streams which eventually drained into the Witwatersrand basin. Further redistribution of the silver relative to the gold took place in the littoral zone of the basin, where the conglomerates were reworked by wave action and erosion. It is contended that supergenic enrichment of gold might also have taken place close to the original shore-line. These processes are believed to account for an increase in the Ag/Au values of ore-samples towards the northwest in the area investigated. Finally, the gold has been homogenized during the metamorphic period of the Witwatersrand System, when pseudohydrothermal transport and redeposition of certain constituents took place. It is suggested that the main portion of the silver content of the original alloy, which was redistributed during the various processes outlined above, is now present as finely dispersed silver minerals. The hypothesis of an elevation control of the Ag/Au values has been found to be improbable.
Es werden Ag/Au Verhältnisse von Goldkörnern und von Erzproben aus dem Basal Reef-Konglomerathorizont des Oberen Witwatersrand-Systems im Oranje-Freistaat-Goldfeld mitgeteilt. Die Ag/Au-Werte der Goldkörner sind außerordentlich konstant und bewegen sich um 0,0812, während die Ag/Au-Verhältnisse der Erzproben merklich höher sind und starken Schwankungen unterliegen. Das detritische Gold muß daher während seines Transportes und während seiner Ablagerung homogenisiert worden sein und dabei einen Teil seines ursprünglichen Silbergehaltes verloren haben. Eine erste Raffinierung des Goldes geschah wahrscheinlich während des Flußtransportes der Partikel in den Sedimentationsraum. Weitere Umlagerungen von Silber relativ zu Gold fanden in der Küstenzone des Witwatersrand Beckens statt, im Bereich starker Wellenbewegung und intensiver Aufbereitung des Sedimentmaterials. Es wird zudem angenommen, daß in der Nähe der ehemaligen Küste deszendente Prozesse aktiv waren, welche Gold anreicherten. Diese Silberumlagerungen werden als Grund dafür betrachtet, daß im Untersuchungsgebiet die Ag/Au-Werte von Erzproben in der Haupttransportrichtung gegen Nordwesten hin zunehmen. Schließlich wurde das Gold im Gefolge der Metamorphose der Witwatersrand-Sedimente pseudohydrothermal über kurze Distanzen umgelagert und dabei weitgehend homogenisiert. Es wird angenommen, daß die Silbergehalte, welche bei den verschiedenen Umlagerungsprozessen freigesetzt wurden, heute größtenteils in Form fein verteilter Silbermineralien vorliegen. Eine Abnahme der Ag/Au-Werte mit zunehmender Teufe konnte nicht bestätigt werden.

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