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Erzurum, the biggest city of Eastern Anatolia Region in the Turkey, is located in Karasu Plain. Karasu Plain, located on the central segment of the Erzurum Fault Zone, is an intermountain sedimentary basin with a Miocene-Quaternary volcanic basement, andesitic-basaltic lava flows and fissure eruptions of basaltic lava. It was filled in the early Quaternary by lacustrine fan-delta deposits. The basin is characterized by NNE-SSW trending sinistral wrench faults on its eastern margin and ENE-WSW trending reverse faults on its southern margin. Both systems of active faults intersect very near to Erzurum, which is considered to be the most likely site for the epicenter of a probable future large earthquake. Historical records of destructive earthquakes, morphotectonic features formed by paleo-seismic events and instrument seismic data of region indicate to a very high regional seismicity. The residential areas of Erzurum are located on thick alluvial fan deposits forming under the control of faults on the central segment of the Erzurum Fault Zone, which is one of the most active fault belts of the East Anatolian Region. Over time, the housing estates of city such as Yenisehir and Yildizkent have been expanded toward to the west and southwest part of Erzurum as a consequence of rapid and massive construction during the last 30 years. Geotechnical investigation has therefore been undertaken the residential areas of city in order to characterize geotechnical properties over the varied lithologies examine the potential for geotechnical mapping and assess the foundation conditions of the present and future settlement areas. The geological field observations and operations have been performed to make the soil sampling and characterize the lateral and vertical changes in thickness of the alluvial deposits in trenches, excavations and deep holes with 6–12 m sections. The soil samples have been subjected to a series of tests under laboratory conditions to obtain physical and mechanical properties. Furthermore, the standard penetration tests have been applied to the soils under field conditions. The geological field observations, geotechnical data and distribution of bearing capacity have been considered for the geotechnical mapping. Based on the geotechnical map, there are five geotechnical zones distinguished in the study area.  相似文献   

Geological structures suggest that the Fennoscandian Shield was subjected to a higher seismicity at the end of the last glaciation than today. This article demonstrates the use of varved clay chronology for dating paleoseismic events. It is argued that the deposited annually layered glacial varves were sensitive to past ground movements. In the Stockholm area, the Erstavik varved clay chronology suggests four paleoseismic events: a first (I) dating from varve year 10,473 to 10,468 BP; a second (II) 10,451 to 10,445 BP; a third (III) 10,429 to 10,425 BP; and a fourth (IV) 10,409 to 10,404 BP. In De Geer's ‘old' (1940) chronology the first (I) dating corresponds with −1117 to −1112, the second (II) with −1095 to −1089, the third (III) with −1073 to −1069, and the fourth (IV) with −1053 to −1048. The most pronounced event was the one at around varve year 10,429 BP (varve −1073 in De Geer's ‘old' chronology). The recurrence time of about 20 years suggests a totally different seismic regime at the time of deglaciation than what exists today. It coincided with the period of maximum isostatic uplift. The complexity of the varved clay response to seismic events is also discussed.  相似文献   


在板片俯冲过程中, 基性洋壳、下伏蛇纹石化岩石圈地幔和覆盖在俯冲洋壳上的大洋沉积物在不同深度会依次发生板片脱水作用和沉积物熔融, 形成的俯冲带熔/流体可携带某些元素交代地幔楔, 进而通过弧岩浆作用返回地壳。同时, 俯冲板片内不同组分之间也会发生化学成分的迁移和交换, 并最终进入深部地幔, 造成地幔不均一性和不同程度壳幔相互作用。本文报道了我国西南天山典型高压-超高压变质带中蛇纹岩、辉石岩、绿片岩、蓝片岩和榴辉岩内各矿物相的主量元素及Cu、Co、Ni含量数据。结果表明, 除辉石岩中透辉石的Cu含量较高(1.26×10-6~76.9×10-6)外, 其它硅酸盐矿物的Cu含量均在1.0×10-6~10.0×10-6左右; 而Co和Ni在不同岩性及不同矿物之间显示较大的含量差异: 蛇纹岩中蛇纹石的Co和Ni含量分别为22.6×10-6~49.6×10-6和482×10-6~1097×10-6, 榴辉岩中绿辉石的Co和Ni含量分别为6.0×10-6~66.2×10-6和21.6×10-6~506×10-6, 辉石岩中透辉石的Co和Ni含量分别为20.8×10-6~289×10-6和69.5×10-6~351×10-6, 蓝片岩中蓝闪石的Co和Ni含量分别为9.0×10-6~94.3×10-6和75.5×10-6~495×10-6。绿片岩、蓝片岩和榴辉岩中均含石榴子石, Co、Ni含量变化范围分别为1.2×10-6~134×10-6和7.7×10-6~26.9×10-6。相较于绿片岩, 蓝片岩和榴辉岩中石榴子石的Co、Ni含量较高。矿物成分剖面分析表明, 蓝片岩和榴辉岩的石榴子石中由核至边Co含量明显增加, 而Ni含量无太大变化。这些矿物中Cu、Co和Ni的分布特征揭示, 随着板片持续俯冲深度的增加, 变质作用程度从绿片岩至榴辉岩, 硅酸盐矿物中Cu含量几乎不发生变化, 而Co和Ni的含量显示升高的趋势, 这可能与蛇纹岩和辉石岩的参与程度有关, 也显示Co具有较强的熔流体活动性和可迁移性。三种元素的迁移特征和变化规律表明俯冲板片对产于俯冲带的富Cu矿床中金属Cu的贡献可能主要来自于其中的硫化物而非硅酸盐矿物, 残余板片中硅酸盐矿物的熔融可能对俯冲结束后形成的岩浆Cu-Ni硫化物矿床提供Ni和Co元素的贡献。结合西南天山高压-超高压变质带所揭示的俯冲熔/流体的还原性特征, 上述推论可为解释中亚造山带南缘古生代斑岩铜矿, 尤其是还原性斑岩铜矿的发现, 并对岩浆铜镍硫化物矿床的时空分布和成矿特征提供重要制约。


贵州黔西南地区的微细浸染型金矿是一种典型的中、低温热液矿床, 矿床总体上受不同级别褶皱与断裂构造的控制。但是, 呈透镜状、似层状展布的矿体形态与大多数热液矿床的空间分布特点差别较大, 导致该区域金矿床的成因长期存疑。本文以水银洞金矿为例, 通过高精度的电子探针(EPMA)与环扫电子显微镜(ESEM)等原位微区分析测试方法, 查明矿石中的黄铁矿至少存在三种类型且空间上均与有机质密切伴生: (1)粗粒黄铁矿: 呈稠密浸染状或条带状分布于龙潭组1段的钙质砂岩内, 其内部和周围的孔洞中常见凝析油和磷灰石、金红石、方解石等热液矿物充填。其中具环带结构的黄铁矿为主要的载金矿物, 微细的不可见金主要赋存在外部2~3层富As的黄铁矿环带中, 测定的Au含量平均为0.06%, 最高可达0.24%, 揭示黄铁矿的内核和环带形成于不同的热液期次。(2)细粒黄铁矿: 呈星散状或稀疏浸染状分布于龙潭组2段富含生物碎屑的钙质凝灰岩内并构成工业富矿体, 富Au、As且多与毒砂等矿物共生, Au最高可达0.14%。围岩的微裂隙中可见被有机质环状包裹的5~10μm大小的自然金颗粒。(3)草莓状黄铁矿: 呈微粒集合体填充于生物格架(Ty1)或者围岩微裂隙(Ty2)中, 两者在龙潭组1段和2段均有分布。Ty1交代生物碎屑且自身具有有机质包壳, Ty2则充填在富含有机质的微裂隙中并部分交代粗粒和细粒黄铁矿, 表明其形成略晚于主成矿阶段。水银洞矿床黄铁矿的结构、成分及空间产状研究揭示, 黔西南微细浸染型金矿具有多期次热液叠加复合成矿的特点。成矿热液持续作用于龙潭组及其下伏的地层, 可交代围岩中的生物碎屑并将其分解为有机质和C、P、N、Ca、Na、K等元素。一方面成矿流体携带有机质向上迁移, 另一方面致密的龙潭组2段及其上部岩层作为"隔挡层"为富Au的热流体成矿提供岩相圈闭。这一成矿作用过程中, 流体交代生物碎屑形成的有机质可能有助于降低Au的溶解度促进其沉淀富集, 使矿体兼具裂控及层控的形态特点。  相似文献   

Clay deposits in Oltu-Narman basins (Erzurum, northern Turkey) have been studied to determine their engineering properties and to evaluate their uses for geotechnical applications. These deposits are concentrated in two different stratigraphic horizons namely the Late Oligocene and the Early Miocene sequences. Clay-rich fine-grained sedimentary units are deposited in shallow marine and lagoonar mixed environments. Their clay minerals originated by the alteration of Eocene calc-alkaline island-arc volcanics, preferably from pyroclastics (trachite and andesite flow), which form the basement for the Oltu depression. Smectite group clay minerals are found abundant in clay deposits. The experimental results show that the clay soils have high plasticity behaviors and low hydraulic conductivity properties. The optimum water content, the free swell, and the swelling pressure of clay samples decreased and the maximum dry unit weight of clay samples increased under high temperature. Consequently, it is concluded that the expanding of clay soils is an important soil problem that cannot be avoided in the significant parts of Oltu city and its villages. However, the soils of clay-rich layers in the outcrops-section of clay deposits can be successfully used to build compacted clay liners for landfill systems and to construct vertical and horizontal barriers for protection of ground water and for preventing soil pollution in geotechnical applications.  相似文献   

西南岩溶地区找水技术方法探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李伟 《地质与勘探》2011,47(5):918-923
我国西南岩溶地区的地下水主要赋存于溶洞、管道和裂隙中,由于岩溶发育的不均匀性及其浅部的泥质充填,给岩溶水的勘查和开发带来了极大的困难,造成了当地人畜饮用水严重缺乏。在广西隆安县抗旱找水工作实践中,根据地形地貌、地层岩性、落水洞及泉点的分布等情况分析推断储水构造的位置,确定找水靶区;进而依据储水构造的电性特征结合水文地质...  相似文献   

根据峰丛洼地区石漠化治理碳汇的现有研究文献,系统总结了峰丛洼地区石漠化治理过程中的碳储量空间格局及其动态过程、不同模式下的碳汇评价与定量化等方面的研究进展与不足,提出了峰丛洼地区二期石漠化治理应关注碳汇稳定性、受气候变化制约等问题,从而优化资源配置的思路;展望了峰丛洼地区二期石漠化治理工程中碳汇研究的趋势:一方面,将土壤分布格局、碳汇耦合机理研究和增加当地经济效益相结合,提高当地农民参与石漠化治理的积极性,推广和发展第一期石漠化治理工程的成果和经验; 另一方面,将遥感技术与石漠化治理碳汇研究相结合,构建更多碳汇估算模型,为二期石漠化治理碳汇定量化服务。  相似文献   

The Earth's surface is a complex system involving mutual interactions of its many components, including mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes and grasses. The interaction and mutual feedback of chemical elements in Earths surface layer can drive changes in chemical elemental distribution patterns. In this study, we evaluated the mechanisms and interactions driving the distribution patterns of macroelements, probiotics, halogens and heavy metals in soils in Southwest China, based on a systematic geochemical land-quality survey at a scale of 1250000. The results showed that the parent material determines the natural state of chemical elements in land resources. Epigenetic geochemical dynamics reshapes the distribution patterns of chemical elements in top soil; biogeochemical processes drive the evolutionary trends of land quality; and human activities, such as mining, disrupt the natural evolution of chemical elemental distribution patterns. The establishment of an epigenetic geochemical dynamics theory allows the construction of a framework for understanding the Earths surface layer and promoting technological innovations for the comprehensive geochemical investigation of land resources.  相似文献   

Hans Annersten 《Lithos》1968,1(4):374-397

“常么阶”沉积相及微相的研究与对比   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨湘宁  吴智平 《地层学杂志》1997,21(1):1-19,T002
研究、对比了广西宜山、隆林常么及贵州紫云扁平剖面常么阶的沉积相及微相类型。多元统计分析及碳酸盐岩岩石学的研究表明,这一地区常么阶至少有台前斜坡、台缘生物礁、礁后湖、台缘生物滩、开阔台地、局限台地及蒸发台地等7种沉积相类型及12种具有不同环境意义的微相类型。古地理位置、水动力条件、循环状况是控制各剖面沉积过程及生物分布的主要环境因素;某些生物(如藻类)的繁盛可以对局部环境进行改造,并进而造成其它生物在种类和数量上的差异。西南地区常么阶代表了马平期与栖霞期之间海退序列的沉积,这一时期的环境变化对有关古生物类群的地理分布产生了重要影响  相似文献   

地球表层是由山水林田湖草等要素构成的互动和互馈的复杂系统,这些要素中化学元素的互动和互馈过程均可驱动化学元素分布模式的变化。本文以系统的1∶25万土地质量地球化学调查数据为基础,讨论了中国西南地区土壤中常量元素、亲生物元素、卤族元素、重金属元素分布模式的驱动机制和互动过程。结果发现成土母质决定了土地资源中化学元素的自然状况,表生地球化学动力学过程重塑了表层土壤中元素分布模式,生物地球化学过程驱动了土地质量的演化趋势,强烈的人类活动(如矿业活动)破坏了元素分布的自然演化规律。表生地球化学动力学理论的提出将引领山水林田湖草生命共同体知识体系构建和土地资源地球化学综合调查技术的革新。  相似文献   

靳野  方念乔  袁晓博  胡克 《地学前缘》2021,28(1):334-352
西南印度洋脊的ODP 735B岩心中拥有大量富含钛铁氧化物的含氧化物辉长岩,此现象在岩性单元Ⅳ中表现尤为显著.同时,岩性单元1中主要硅酸盐矿物亦具有独特的成分变化趋势.以前研究将造成岩性单元I中氧化物辉长岩成因和主要造岩矿物成分变化趋势归因于具浮力的、高度分异的富钛铁熔体的作用,这些熔体应形成于735B钻孔之下或其附近...  相似文献   

The Zimudang gold deposit is a large Carlin‐type gold deposit in the Southwest Guizhou Province, China, with an average Au content of 6.2 g/t. Gold is mainly hosted in the fault zone and surrounding strata of the F1 fault and Permian Longtan Formation, and the ore bodies are strictly controlled by both the faults and strata. Detailed mineralogy and geochemistry studies are conducted to help judge the nature of ore‐forming fluids. The results indicate that the Au is generally rich in the sulfides of both ores and wall rocks in the deposit, and the arsenian pyrite and arsenopyrite are the main gold‐bearing sulfides. Four subtypes of arsenian pyrite are found in the deposit, including the euhedral and subhedral pyrite, framboidal pyrite, pyrite aggregates and pyrite veins. The euhedral and subhedral pyrite, which can take up about 80% of total pyrite grains, is the dominant type. Au distributed unevenly in the euhedral and subhedral pyrite, and the content of the Au in the rim is relatively higher than in the core. Au in the pyrite veins and pyrite aggregates is lower than the euhedral and subhedral pyrite. No Au has been detected in the points of framboidal pyrites in this study. An obvious highly enriched As rim exists in the X‐ray images of euhedral pyrites, implying the ore‐forming fluids may be rich in As. The relationship between Au and As reveals that the Au may host as a solid solution (Au+) and nanoparticles of native gold (Au0) in the sulfides. The high Co/Ni ratio (>1) of sulfides and the enrichment of W in the ores all reflect that the gold‐bearing minerals and ore‐forming process were mainly related to the hydrothermal fluids, but the magmatic and volcanic activities cannot be neglected. The general existence of Au and As in the sulfides of both ores and wall rocks and the REE results suggest that the ore‐forming fluids may mainly be derived from the basin itself. The enrichment of Tl suggests that the ore‐forming fluids may be enriched in Cl. The Ce and Eu show slightly or apparently negative anomalies, which means the ore fluids were probably formed under reducing environment. The Y/Ho ratios of ore samples fluctuate around 28, implying the bicarbonate complexation and fluorine were both involved in the ore‐forming process. Combined with the previous studies and our results, we infer that the ore‐forming fluids enriched Au, As, HS? and halogen (F, Cl) were derived from the mixture of reducing basinal fluids and magmatic or volcanic hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

黏土矿物是碎屑岩储层中胶结物的重要组成部分,其类型、含量对储层的质量有较大的影响。以涠西南凹陷和文昌A凹陷的黏土矿物为研究对象,开展了薄片观察、阴极发光、压汞测试、扫描电镜、X衍射、物性分析等研究。结果表明: 甜点储层发育与黏土矿物的关系密切,低孔渗背景下发育2类相对优质储层的黏土矿物组合。涠西南凹陷流沙港组甜点储层多发育于中粗砂岩与含砾粗砂岩中,储层酸性流体活动强度大,溶蚀作用强烈,高岭石相对含量较高,孔隙类型以溶蚀孔、粒间孔为主。高岭石存在早期大气淡水淋滤型和后期有机酸溶蚀型2种成因。文昌A凹陷珠海组优质储层多位于扇三角洲砂体前缘,受阵发性水流与海水改造,绿泥石相对含量高,孔隙类型以残余粒间孔为主。绿泥石以颗粒包膜和孔隙衬里型为主,粒间充填的团簇状绿泥石为辅。黏土矿物的分析对寻找甜点储层和指导油气勘探具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope microanalyses of authigenic quartz, in combination with temperatures of quartz precipitation constrained by fluid inclusion microthermometry and burial history modelling, are employed to trace the origin and evolution of pore waters in three distinct reservoirs of the Brae Formation in the Miller and Kingfisher Fields (North Sea). Oxygen isotope ratios of quartz cements were measured in situ in nine sandstone thin sections with a Cameca ims-4f ion microprobe. In conjunction with quartz cement paragenesis in the reservoirs, constrained from textural and cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy studies, pore water evolution was reconstructed from the time of deposition of the sandstones in the Upper Jurassic until the present.CL photomicrographs of quartz overgrowths in the Brae Formation sandstones show three cement zones (A, B and C) which can be related to different oxygen isotope compositions: (1) the earliest, and thinnest, zone A (homogeneous CL pattern with probable δ18O values between +23‰ and +26‰—direct measurements were not possible) precipitated in the sandstones at temperatures <60 °C; (2) the second zone B (complex CL pattern and directly measured δ18O values between +15‰ and +18‰) precipitated in the sandstones most likely between 70 and 90 °C; (3) the third zone C (homogeneous CL pattern and directly measured δ18O values between +16‰ and +22‰) precipitated in the sandstones most likely at temperatures >90 °C. Calculated oxygen isotope compositions of pore waters show that zone A quartz cements, and enclosing concretionary calcite, precipitated from a meteoric-type fluid (∼−7‰) during shallow burial (<1.5 km). Zone B quartz cements precipitated from fluids which evolved in composition from a meteoric-type fluid (δ18O −7‰) to a more 18O-enriched fluid (δ18O −4‰) as burial continued to ∼3.0 km. Data from zone C quartz cements are consistent with further fluid evolution from δ18O −4‰ to basinal-type fluids with δ18O similar to the present-day formation water oxygen isotope composition (+0.6‰ at 4.0 km burial). A similar pore water evolution can be derived for all three reservoirs studied, indicating that hydrogeologic evolution was similar across sandstones of the whole Brae Formation.The quartz cement zones observed in the Brae Formation sandstones, and the pore water history derived for the area studied, is analogous to published petrographic and pore water evolution data from the nearby Brent Group reservoirs and from reservoirs located in the Haltenbanken area on the Atlantic margin offshore Norway. Considering quartz cement is a major porosity-occluding phase in many reservoir sandstones, and because pore waters both dissolve quartz and carry the dissolved silica to cementation sites, the data presented are valuable for improving the understanding and prediction of reservoir quality development in sandstones globally.  相似文献   

This paper presents one of the most extensive Holocene tephra records found to date in Scandinavia. Microtephra horizons originating from Icelandic eruptions were recorded in two ca. 2 m thick peat profiles at Klocka Bog in west‐central Sweden. Five of the microtephra horizons were geochemically correlated to the Askja‐1875, Hekla‐3, Kebister, Hekla‐4 and Lairg A tephras respectively. Radiocarbon‐based dating of these tephras broadly agree with previously published ages from Iceland, Sweden, Germany and the British Isles. The identification of the Lairg A tephra demonstrates a more widespread distribution than previously thought, extending the usefulness of Icelandic Holocene tephrochronology further north into west‐central Scandinavia. Long‐lasting snow cover and seasonal wind distribution in the lower stratosphere are suggested as factors that may be responsible for fragmentary tephra deposition patterns in peat deposits of subarctic Scandinavia. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the Younger Dryas cold event, the Scandinavian ice sheet readvanced in southwest Sweden and formed the Middle Swedish end-moraine zone (MSEMZ). Recent highway construction near Skara has created an exposure through the prominent ridge at Ledsjö. Through sketching and measurement of structural information, we have documented the internal character of the Ledsjö moraine. The moraine consists predominantly of clay with numerous sand pods and lenses, which show undeformed, brittle deformed, or fluidized structures. Based on geomorphology and structural geology, it is clear the moraine was made during two advances. As ice advanced, proglacial marine clay was subglacially mobilized by the ice and extruded at the ice margin forming a ramp of debris-flow sediment. Contemporaneously, subglacial meltwater transported sand to the margin, where the meltwater became a buoyant plume, and sand was deposited near the ice margin by currents moving away from as well as toward the ice margin. These processes resulted in interbedded sand and clay. Continued advance of the ice margin deformed this package and further pushed the assemblage into a ridge form with gravity sliding of portions of the ridge. Prior to the second advance, sand was deposited on the proximal side of the initial ridge. During readvance, this sand was thrust faulted and intruded by mobilized clay. Up ice of the intruded sands, subglacial, extensional deformation created a complex shear zone of faulted sand and clay. The Ledsjö moraine represents a subaerial example of submarine push moraines like the submerged moraines recently documented in Svalbard.  相似文献   

西南寒武、二叠系富硒碳质岩中硒结合态的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
使用硒的7步连续化学提取技术,对采自贵州寒武纪牛蹄塘组和湖北恩施二叠纪茅口组富硒碳质岩中的水溶态、可交换态、有机态、元素态、酸性提取态、硫化物/硒化物态和残渣态硒进行了比较研究,应用氢化物-原子荧光法测定了岩石总硒和各结合态硒。结果表明,恩施二叠纪沙地新鲜富硒碳质硅质岩和碳质页岩中的硒主要以有机结合态和硫化物/硒化物态硒为主,残渣态硒较低;遵义松林早寒武世碳质硅质岩中的硒主要以有机结合态和硫化物态硒为主,碳质页岩与镍钼矿层中则以有机结合态、残渣态和硫化物态硒为主,斑脱岩中主要以有机结合态、元素态和可交换态硒为主。根据硒结合态的这种分布特征,推测二叠纪、寒武纪富硒碳质岩中硒初始富集的生物地球化学过程略有差异:前者碳质硅质岩中主要以微生物还原为主,碳质页岩中则是微生物还原作用和生物同化吸收或吸附兼而有之;后者主要以生物同化吸收或吸附为主,微生物还原次之。  相似文献   

陈中红  查明 《地质科学》2012,47(2):387-405
通过对沾化凹陷古近系1 160条数据体的试油资料,内容包含矿化度、水型、各离子含量(氯离子、钠离子、钙离子、镁离子、碳酸氢根离子、硫酸根离子等)、原油物性(原油密度、粘度、凝固点及含蜡量等)的分析,对沾化凹陷古近系的水化学场特征进行了研究,研究结果表明,与东营凹陷古近系沙河街组三段与四段封闭性滞留型水化学场特征明显不同,沾化凹陷古近系在宏观上呈现一系列开放性敞流湖盆水化学场的重要特征:矿化度及各离子含量较低(矿化度平均在10 g/L 左右),平面上水化学场环带状特征及剖面上的分带性不明显,而主要呈现平面的分区性及剖面的旋回性; 主要发育NaHCO3型地层水(比例达到80%),变质系数、碳酸盐平衡系数高(分别在1.0和50以上),显示地层水变质作用及交替活动能力强; 不同类型地层水Cl--HCO3-响应有明显差异,低矿化度NaHCO3型地层水rCl-/r(HCO3-)比值基本小于10,表明研究区溶解、溶蚀作用明显; 少量Ca2+ 和Mg2+ 负相关性显示,在研究区这种白云岩化作用主要发生在CaCl2型地层水中; Na+-Ca2+ 关系显示,Na相对亏损、Ca相对富集特征不明显,代表Ca的相对富集数量的流体线(Caexcess=0.997 4(Nadeficit)+29.355(R2=0.859 6))远低于世界平均盆地流体线; 原油物性响应明显,研究区大多次生稠油分布在低矿化度型地层水中,显示了原油在开放性敞流型湖盆地层水载体中发生运移、聚集时的稠化作用。受湖盆中各次级洼陷的不均衡性发育和演化,研究区这种总体开放性敞流湖盆水化学场特征并不排除局部(如渤南洼陷)有封闭性滞留型湖盆水化学场特征。  相似文献   

西南喀斯特山地水土流失特点及有关石漠化的几个科学问题   总被引:34,自引:4,他引:34  
由于特殊的岩土组构,喀斯特坡地的水土流失具有如下特点:地表和地下流失相互叠加;地表产流、产沙少;纯碳酸盐岩区地下流失比例大。论文区别了石漠化和石质化的科学内涵,指出了喀斯特山地石漠化的核心是土地的石质化,提出了按照地面物质组成与裸岩率叠加的石漠化分类系统。根据土壤中硅酸盐矿物的物质平衡,提出了不同碎屑岩含量碳酸盐岩区的土壤允许流失量介于5~500 t/(km2?a)之间。喀斯特坡地土壤虽然肥沃,但总量太少,矿质养分不足可能是石质坡地植物生产力低的重要原因。此外,根据农耕驱动土地石质化的机制,提出了相应的石漠化治理的对策建议,具体是:(1)不但要治标,提高植被覆盖率,更要治本,防止或减缓土地石质化,同时还要增加群众收入;(2)按照坡地岩土组成的垂直分带特点,因地(土)制宜,开展治理;(3)重视矿质肥料的施用;(4)在纯碳酸盐岩土石质和石质坡地农田的小型蓄水工程修建中,要加强集流面建设。   相似文献   

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