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A. B. Demidov 《Oceanology》2008,48(5):664-678
Seasonal variations in the surface chlorophyll a concentrations (Chl s) and the integrated primary production (PP inf) were investigated for ten regions of the Black Sea based on long term observations (1973–1997). Two or three maximums of both Chl s and PP inf were registered in most of the shelf regions (SR, <200 m), the continental slope (CS, 200–1500 m), and the deep regions (DSR >1500 m) in February–March, June–August, and October–November. Such a pattern suggests that the seasonal dynamics of PP inf strongly depend on the Chl s variability. The mean annual values of the PP inf comprised 130–420, 130–150, and 140–150 g C m?2 in the SR, CS, and DSR, respectively. These values are mainly typical of the eutrophic layer and the transition between the eutrophic and mesotrophic waters (SR) or for the upper boundary of the mesotrophic waters (CS and DSR). The maximal contribution of the wintertime (December–March) to the total PP inf values (40–42%) was observed in the DSR. In the SR and the adjacent eastern CS areas, the proportion of the PP inf summertime production (June–September) reaches 40–60% and is higher than the wintertime production. The lowest values of PP inf (9–17%) were produced in the spring and autumn periods. The total annual values of PP inf in the Black Sea are close to 50–70 Mt C.  相似文献   

The results of an investigation carried out during June 2005 to May 2007 on physico-chemical parameters,species composition and community structure of phytoplankton including Chlorophyll a(Chl-a) at the Coleroon coastal waters(Southeast coast of India) are reported.Air and surface water temperatures(°C) varied from 25.1 to 30.1 and from 24.5 to 28.5 respectively.Salinity values varied from 6 to 28.5 and the pH ranged between 7.0 and 8.3.Variation in dissolved oxygen content was from 3.1 to 7.5 mg/dm-3 while the light extinction coefficient values(LEC) ranged between 3.1 and 10.1 cm.The ranges of inorganic nutrients(μmol/dm-3) viz.,nitrate,nitrite,phosphate and silicate were 10.1-23.4,1.2-8.9,0.2-3.1 and 55-125,respectively.The ranges of Chlorophyll a(μg/dm-3) values was 2.0-7.5.Presently,124 phytoplankton species representing different classes viz:Bacillariophyceae(77),Dinophyceae(19),Cyanophyceae(15),Chlorophyceae(10) and Chrysophyceae(3) were recorded.The phytoplankton cell abundance varied from 0.290 to 111.662 cells/cm-3,with peak diversity(3.38 bits/ind.) during summer season.The maximum abundance was found during summer season coinciding with the stable hydrographical conditions.The seasonal distribution and abundance of phytoplankton are discussed in relation to hydrographical parameters.Canonical Correspondence Analysis(CCA) was applied in this paper for discriminating environmental factors having effect on phytoplankton community at species level.Coleroon coastal water is subjected to long term fluctuations in physico-chemical parameters depending upon the seasonal tidal amplitude and freshwater influx resulting in a continuous exchange of organic,inorganic,plant and animal matters.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of the integrated primary production (IPP) and surface chlorophyll (Chl0) in different regions of the Kara Sea was studied from satellite data obtained by the MODIS-Aqua colour scanner and averaged for 2003–2015. The minimum variation of Chl0 concentration during the growing season (from April to October) was 1.5 times in southwestern region and 2 times in the northern region of the sea. It was found that the Chl0 concentration increased slightly in all regions by the end of the growing season. The maximum IPP value recorded in June coincided with the peak level of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and maximum river discharge. The IPP value varied in a wider range compared with the Chl0 concentration. The ratio of the maximum and minimum monthly average IPP values varied from 8.9 times in Southwestern region to 11.7 times in the Northern region of the sea. The average increase in the Chl0 concentration was 1.7 times (from 0.78 mg/m3 in April to 1.29 mg/m3 in October). The IPP value varied by a factor of 10.7 (from 26 mg C/m2 per day in October to 279 mg C/m2 per day in June). The article also discusses the influence of water column stratification, the concentration of nutrients, the PAR level, and river discharge on the seasonal IPP dynamics in the Kara Sea.  相似文献   

We analysed mixed-layer seasonal and interannual variability in phytoplankton biomass and macronutrient (NO3 and Si(OH)4) concentrations from three decades of observations, and nitrogen uptake rates from the 1990s along Line P in the NE subarctic Pacific. Chlorophyll a concentrations near 0.35 mg m−3 were observed year-round along Line P except at the nearshore station (P4) where chlorophyll a concentrations in spring were on average 2.4 times the winter values. In contrast, the temporal variability in carbon-to-chlorophyll ratios at the two main end members of Line P (P4 and OSP) was high. Large seasonal and interannual variability in NO3 and Si(OH)4 concentration were observed along Line P. Highest upper mixed-layer (top 15 m) nutrient concentrations occurred on the continental shelf in late summer and early fall due to seasonal coastal upwelling. Beyond the shelf, maximum nutrient concentrations increased gradually offshore, and were highest in late winter and early spring due to mixing by winter storms. Interannual variations in upper mixed-layer nutrient concentrations beyond the shelf (>128°W) were correlated with E-W winds and the PDO since 1988 but were not correlated with either climate index between 1973 and 1981. Despite differences in nutrient concentration, nutrient utilization (ΔNO3 and ΔSi(OH)4) during the growing season were about 7.5 μM at all offshore stations. Variations in ΔNO3 were correlated with those of ΔSi(OH)4. The annual cycle of absolute NO3 uptake (ρNO3) and NH4 uptake (ρNH4) rates by phytoplankton in the upper mixed-layer showed a weak increasing trend from winter to spring/summer for the period 1992-1997. Rates were more variable at the nearshore station (P4). Rates of ρNO3 were low along the entire line despite abundant NO3 and low iron (Fe), at the offshore portion of Line P and sufficient Fe at the nearshore station (P4). As a result, new production contributed on average to only 32 ± 15% of the total nitrogen (N) uptake along Line P. NO3 utilization in the NE subarctic Pacific is probably controlled by a combination of environmental variables, including Fe, light and ambient NH4 levels. Elevated ambient NH4 concentrations seem to decrease the rates of new production (and f-ratios) in surface waters of the oceanic subarctic NE Pacific. Contrary to expectation, phytoplankton biomass, nutrient utilization (ΔNO3 and ΔSi(OH)4), and nitrogen uptake (ρNO3 + ρNH4) varied relatively little along Line P, despite significant differences in the factors controlling phytoplankton composition assemblages and production. Future studies would benefit from including other variables, especially light limitation, to improve our understanding of the seasonal and interannual variability in phytoplankton biomass and nutrients in this region.  相似文献   

The main factors influencing phytoplankton primary production in the surf zone of the Sundays River Beach, Algoa Bay have been characterized. These factors include cell concentration, chlorophyll concentration, irradiance, temperature and salinity. Good relationships have been obtained between cell concentration, chlorophyll concentration and primary production. The P-I curves showed dependence on temperature with a linear regression between temperature and Ik values. Light saturation was shown to occur between 300 and 510 μmol m−2 s−1 at normal field temperatures. Tmax and Tmin were found to be 34°C and 0°C, respectively; Pmax was 25°C. Salinity had a marked effect on primary production with Smax occurring at 60 ppt and an extrapolated Smin at 0 ppt. Pmax was found to occur at 30 ppt.  相似文献   

The study establishes an annual estimate for annual primary production of 81 g C m−2 for the open Greenland Sea based on data from five cruises and literature data. This estimate agrees well with a model estimate based on nutrient utilisation but is a factor of 2–5 less than published primary production estimates made by remote sensing of this area. The seasonal distribution of particulate primary production in open Greenland Sea waters followed the seasonal distribution of surface irradiance with a peak in June, indicating that light is the primary factor governing primary production in the area. At stations along the ice edge, blooms were recorded in both June and August, suggesting a pattern of repeated blooms during the summer season at the ice edge. Subsurface phytoplankton peaks were a persistent feature in the open Greenland Sea from May to August. These peaks were consisted of actively photosynthesising phytoplankton and up to 90% of total water column particulate primary production was estimated to occur in association with these peaks. Diatoms dominated the phytoplankton community during the spring bloom and in the Polar Water during August. Size distribution analyses of the phytoplankton communities indicated that the relative abundance of large cells compared to small cells was greatest in May as compared to June and August. No significant differences were noted between June and August in the slope of the phytoplankton size distribution spectra. Inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients were measurable in surface waters on all cruises. Only in August were there some indications (altered Redfield ratios and higher nutrient concentrations in subsurface chlorophyll peaks than at the surface) of nutrient depletion of surface waters. Implications for food web structure and carbon flux of these patterns in phytoplankton activity and distribution are discussed.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):131-143
The eastern Atlantic barotropic dynamics (in a region spanning from 20° N to 48° N and 34° W to 0°) are studied through numerical modelling and in situ measurements. The main source of data is the tidal gauge network REDMAR, managed by Clima Marítimo (Puertos del Estado). The numerical model employed is the HAMSOM, developed both by the Institut für Meereskunde (Hamburg University) and Clima Marítimo.In this paper, tidal and storm surge dynamics are studied for the region, focusing particularly on the nonlinear transfer of energy between the different forcings.The results of tidal simulations show good agreement between semidiurnal harmonic components and the values obtained from the tidal gauges (both coastal and pelagic) and current metres. The nonlinear transfers of energy from semidiurnal to higher order harmonics, such as M4 and M6, were mapped. Those transfers were found to be important in only two areas: The French continental shelf in the Bay of Biscay and the widest part of the African shelf, south of Cabo Bojador. The modelled diurnal constituents show larger relative differences with measurements than semidiurnal harmonics, especially in data concerning the phase.A method to isolate the nonlinear transfers of energy between tidal and atmospheric forcing during a storm surge was developed. These transfers were found to be significant in the same areas where tidal nonlinear activity was present. The effect of short period wind generated waves on sea surface elevation was also investigated. The magnitude of the spatial derivatives of radiation stress was compared with wind-induced stress. As a result of this comparison, we found the inclusion of a forcing term that depends on radiation stress in ocean model simulations at this scale and resolution to be not essential. The effect of computing wind-induced stresses, with a formulation that explicitly depends on sea state, was also explored by means of a coupled run of the HAMSOM and the spectral wave model WAM for a storm surge event in the Spanish coast. This formulation was not found to be an improvement over a classical parameterisation which only depends on wind fields.  相似文献   

Along the downwelling coast off Western Australia, late-autumn/early-winter chlorophyll a blooms are observed on the continental shelf south of Shark Bay (26°S), in contrast with summer blooms in the north. The late-autumn/early-winter blooms are in phase with seasonal strengthening of the Leeuwin Current and its eddy field. Anticyclonic eddies entrain the high phytoplankton biomass waters from the shelf and transport offshore into the oligotrophic, subtropical marine environment, as revealed by coalescing the finite-size Lyapunov exponent (FSLE) of the surface geostrophic flow field and the satellite chlorophyll a images.  相似文献   

Pigment indices were used to characterise the seasonal succession of phytoplankton, and associated changes in chlorophyll a and accessory pigments, in subtropical waters of the three ocean basins in the southern hemisphere. Diagnostic indices revealed the dominance of small flagellates and elevated biomass during winter–spring in the Pacific, mixed flagellate–prokaryote communities and intermediate biomass during early summer in the Atlantic, and prokaryote dominance with low biomass in mid-summer in the Indian Ocean. Photo-pigment indices indicated only a small variation in the chlorophyll a proportion of total pigments across the ocean basins, but the accessory pigments varied considerably. Under low temperature and irradiance conditions, the photosynthetic carotenoids were prominent, but as temperatures and irradiance increased and nutrients declined, there was a significant increase in the proportion of photoprotective carotenoids. At high temperatures and irradiances, the photoprotective carotenoids were the largest component of the pigment pool, exceeding the proportion of chlorophyll a. These variations in phytoplankton composition, and their photoacclimation status, could be explained according to environmental changes and have implications for satellite estimations of biomass and primary production.  相似文献   

The East Sea(Sea of Japan)is a marginal,semi-closed sea in the northwestern Pacific.The Ulleung Basin area,which is located near the subpolar front of the East Sea,is known to have high primary production and good fisheries in spring season.After episodic wind-driven events during the spring of 2017,horizontal and vertical profiles of physical chemical biological factors were investigated at 29 stations located in the Ulleung Basin area.In addition,growth responses of phytoplankton communities to nutrient additions were evaluated by bioassay experiments to understand the fluctuation of phytoplankton biomass.Because of strong northwestern wind,phytoplankton biomass was scattered and upwelling phenomenon might be suppressed in this season.The phytoplankton abundances in the coastal stations were significantly higher than offshore and island stations.In contrast,the nutrient and chlorophyll a(Chl a)concentrations and the phytoplankton biomass were quite low in all locations.Bacillariophyceae was dominated group(>75.1%for coastal,40.0%for offshore and 43.6%for island stations).In the algal bioassays,the phytoplankton production was stimulated by N availability.The in vivo Chl a values in the+N and+NP treatments were significantly higher than the values in the control and the+P treatments.Based on the field survey,the higher nutrients in coastal waters affected the growth of diatom assemblages,however,little prosperity of phytoplankton was observed in the offshore waters despite the injection of sufficient nutrients in bioassay experiments.The growth of phytoplankton depended on the initial cell density.All of results indicated that a dominant northwestern wind led to a limited nutrients condition at euphotic layers,and the low level of biomass supply from the coasts resulted in low primary production.Both supplying nutrients and introducing phytoplankton through the currents are critical to maintain the high productivity in the Ulleung Basin area of the East Sea.  相似文献   

南黄海浮游植物初级生产力粒级结构与碳流途径分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据2006年夏季与冬季南黄海真光层内浮游植物初级生产速率的实测数据,对比研究了两种差异显著的水动力条件下,不同粒级浮游植物初级生产力水平、时空分布特征及其环境调控机制,并探讨了真光层生源碳可能的碳流途径。研究结果表明,南黄海夏季总初级生产力(碳)平均为30.69 mg/(m2·h),高值区位于调查海域南部长江冲淡水影响区,冬季总初级生产力低于夏季,平均水平为21.73 mg/(m2·h),高值区北迁至海州湾附近;夏季不同粒径浮游植物对总初级生产的贡献率由高到低的顺序为小型(42.8%)、微型(29.6%)、微微型(27.6%),冬季的为微微型(41.2%)、微型(36.5%)、小型(22.3%);真光层初级生产力与环境因子的相关分析表明,水动力条件(混合与层化)引起的营养盐来源和光照的变化是初级生产力分布的主要控制因素;用生态比值法对南黄海碳流途径的分析表明,微食物环在冬夏两季碳流途径中均占有重要地位,从总体上看,南黄海浮游生态系统的碳输出潜力较弱。  相似文献   

The sea surface height data from 1992 through 2012 in the Eastern Indian Ocean, the 6 sets of hydrographic data sparsely spanning 1990–2001 in water south of Java–Bali, and the 24 shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data across the Ombai Strait during 1997–2000 were used as a combined dataset to understand sea level and current variability along the southern coast of Java and Lesser Sunda Islands. The first two dominant empirical orthogonal function (EOF) modes capture combined seasonal with interannual and seasonal variability that account for 44.5 and 19.9 % of the total variances caused by El Niño Southern Oscillation and Indian Ocean Dipole events, and by the seasonal change of the Asian monsoon, respectively. The geostrophic current and ADCP data show that the eastward and westward currents are distinguishable via the vertical profiles of current velocity. The eastward-flowing South Java Current (SJC) is characterized by a large vertical shear and shallower diminishing depth of about 150 m and it is increased to 300 m in the presence of the Indian Ocean Kelvin Waves (IOKWs). In contrast, the westward current is dominated by the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) with no vertical shear and has uniform current in the upper 300 m layer. The coastally trapped SJC and IOKWs are responsible for the eastward current. The SJC is not observed in the westward current because of non-existence of coastally trapped modes. The ITF and SJC generate persistent cyclonic (cold) and anticyclonic (warm) mesoscale eddies, respectively, in waters south of eastern Java.  相似文献   

The Wadden Sea (North Sea, Europe) is a shallow coastal sea with high benthic and pelagic primary production rates. To date, no studies have been carried out in the Wadden Sea that were specifically designed to study the relation between pelagic respiration and production by comparable methods. Because previous studies have suggested that the import of primary-produced pelagic organic matter is important for benthic Wadden Sea carbon budgets, we hypothesised that on an annual average the northern Wadden Sea water column is autotrophic. To test this hypothesis, we studied annual dynamics of primary production and respiration at a pelagic station in a shallow tidal basin (List Tidal Basin, northern Wadden Sea). Since water depth strongly influences production estimates, we calculated primary production rates per unit area in two ways: on the basis of the mean water depth (2.7 m) and on the basis of 1 m depth intervals and their respective spatial extent in the List Tidal Basin. The latter more precise estimate yielded an annual primary production of 146 g C m− 2 y− 1. Estimates based on the mean water depth resulted in a 40% higher annual rate of 204 g C m− 2 y− 1. The total annual pelagic respiration was 50 g C m− 2 y− 1. The P/R ratio varied between seasons: from February to October the water column was autotrophic, with the highest P/R ratio of 4–5 during the diatom spring bloom in April/May. In autumn and winter the water column was heterotrophic. On an annual average, the water column of the List Tidal Basin was autotrophic (P/R 3). We suggest that a large fraction of the pelagic produced organic matter was respired locally in the sediment.  相似文献   

The material was collected in the Ob River estuary and over the adjacent shallow Kara Sea shelf between 71°14′0 and 75°33′0N at the end of September 2007. Latitudinal zoning in the phytoplankton distribution was demonstrated; this zoning was determined by the changes in the salinity and concentration of nutrients. Characteristic of the phytocenosis in the southern desalinated zone composed of freshwater species of diatom and green algae were the high population density (1.5 × 106 cells/l), biomass (210 μgC/l), chlorophyll concentration (4.5 μg/l), and uniform distribution in the water column. High primary production (∼40 μgC/l/day) was recorded in the upper 1.5-m layer. The estuarine frontal zone located to the north contained a halocline at a depth of 3–5 m. Freshwater species with low population density (2.5 × 105 cells/l), biomass (24 μgC/l), and chlorophyll concentration (1.5 μg/l) dominated above the halocline. Marine diatom algae, dinoflagellates, and autotrophic flagellates formed a considerable part of the phytocenosis below the halocline; the community characteristics were twofold lower as compared with the upper layer. The maximal values of the primary production (∼10 μgC/l per day) were recorded in the upper 1.5-m layer. The phytocenosis in the seaward zone was formed by marine alga species and was considerably poorer as compared with the frontal zone. The assimilation numbers at the end of the vegetation season in the overall studied area were low, amounting to 0.4–1.0 μgC/μgChl/h in the upper layer and 0.03–0.1 μgC/μgChl/h under the pycnocline.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variation of upwelling along the southern coast of Bali and in the Nusa Tenggara waters — Indonesia was studied by using satellite image data of sea surface temperatures and chlorophyll-a from September 1997 to December 2008. This study clearly reveals annual upwelling in the regions from June to October, associated with the southeast monsoon cycle, with the sea surface temperature (chlorophyll-a concentration) being colder (higher) than that during the northwest monsoon. In addition, this study also shows that the upwelling strength is controlled remotely by ENSO and IOD climate phenomena. During El Niño/positive IOD (La Niña/negative IOD) periods, the Bali — Nusa Tenggara upwelling strength increases (decreases).  相似文献   

Principal components analysis was used to examine monthly data on sea level obtained from tide-gauge records from the west coast of southern Africa over the period 1957—1975. After a simple correction had removed the effect of local atmospheric pressure, this statistical analysis revealed the structure of nearshore ocean variability over time periods of months to years. The first principal component, accounting for over 55 per cent of the variability in monthly mean sea level, was a near uniform rise and fall everywhere along the west coast of southern Africa. The spectrum of this large-scale structure showed a strong interannual trend, which correlated well with long-term trends of temperature anomaly over the entire South-East Atlantic, and a high-frequency term, which could not be resolved at a time period of one month. The second principal component showed the contrasting response of the northern and southern sites on a seasonal scale, and it could be correlated with seasonal wind data. These results compared well with similar analysis carried out in the North Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of inorganic nutrients and phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a), and its relation with hydrological features, was studied in the NW Alboran Sea during four cruises conducted in February, April, July and October 2002. In the upper layers, the seasonal pattern of nutrient concentrations and their molar ratios (N:Si:P) was greatly influenced by hydrological conditions. The higher nutrient concentrations were observed during the spring cruise (2.54 μM NO3, 0.21 μM PO43− and 1.55 μM Si(OH)4, on average), coinciding with the increase of salinity due to upwelling induced by westerlies. The lowest nutrient concentrations were observed during summer (<0.54 μM NO3, 0.13 μM PO43− and 0.75 μM Si(OH)4, on average), when the lower salinities were detected. Nutrient molar ratios (N:Si:P) followed the same seasonal pattern as nutrient distribution. During all the cruises, the ratio N:P in the top 20 m was lower than 16:1, indicating a NO3 deficiency relative to PO43−. The N:P ratio increased with depth, reaching values higher than 16:1 in the deeper layers (200–300 m). The N:Si ratio in the top 20 m was lower than 1:1, excepting during spring when N:Si ratios higher than 1:1 were observed in some stations due to the upwelling event. The N:Si ratio increased with depth, showing a maximum at 50–100 m (>1.5:1), which indicates a shift towards Si-deficiency in these layers. The Si:P ratio was much lower than 16:1 throughout the water column during the four cruises. In general, the spatial and seasonal variation of phytoplankton biomass showed a strong coupling with hydrological and chemical fields. The higher chlorophyll a concentrations at the depth of the chlorophyll maximum were found in April (2.57 mg m−3 on average), while the lowest phytoplankton biomass corresponded to the winter cruise (0.74 mg m−3 on average). The low nitrate concentrations together with the low N:P ratios found in the upper layers (top 20 m) during the winter, summer and autumn cruises suggest that N-limitation could occur in these layers during great part of the year. However, N-limitation during the spring cruise was temporally overcome by nutrient enrichment caused by an intense wind-driven upwelling event.  相似文献   

Sendai Bay is located on the Pacific coast of northern Japan and suffered serious damage following the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. To assess the impact on the marine ecosystem, information was needed on the phytoplankton communities and their seasonal variation. However, such information was limited. Therefore, an intensive monitoring of the phytoplankton was carried out from March 2012 to April 2014. Seasonal variation of the phytoplankton community was similar at coastal and offshore stations. Total phytoplankton biomass, based on Chl a concentration, peaked in spring and then decreased to a minimum in summer, before gradually increasing during early winter and peaking again in the following spring. This seasonal pattern was consistent with previous studies conducted before the earthquake and tsunami. Also, size structure of the phytoplankton community and its four main groups was estimated from the size-fractioned samples of Chl a. Our results also showed that the spring bloom consisted of large diatoms, with their growth ceasing due to nitrogen depletion. The bloom was followed by a summer period where cyanobacteria and picoeukaryote became dominant, with high cell densities in spite of low nutrient concentrations. In addition, sporadic environmental changes, such as those following typhoons, were observed. These resulted in large increases/decreases in individual phytoplankton groups.  相似文献   

The spatial structures and propagation characteristics of coastal trapped waves (CTWs) along the southern and eastern coasts of Australia are investigated using observed daily mean sea level data and results from a high-resolution ocean general circulation model (OGCM), and by conducting sensitivity studies with idealized numerical models. The results obtained from the sea level observations show that shortterm variations, with a typical period of 1 to 2 weeks, dominate the sea level variability in the southern half of Australia. The signal propagates anticlockwise around Australia with a propagation speed of 4.5 m/s or faster in the western and southern coasts and 2.1 to 3.6 m/s in the eastern coast. Strong seasonality of the wave activity, with large amplitude during austral winter, is also observed. It turns out that the waves are mainly generated by synoptic weather disturbances in the southwestern and southeastern regions. The numerical experiment with idealized wind forcing and realistic topography confirms that the propagating signals have characteristics of the CTW both in the southern and eastern coasts. Sensitivity experiments demonstrate that the difference in the phase speed between the coasts and reduction of the amplitude of the waves in the eastern coast are attributed to the different shape of the continental shelf in each region. The structures and the propagation characteristics of the CTWs around Australia are well reproduced in OFES (OGCM for the Earth Simulator) with dominant contribution from the first mode, although meso-scale eddies may modify the structure of the CTWs in the eastern coast. It is also found that generation or reinforcement of the waves by the wind forcing in the southern part of the eastern coast is necessary to obtain realistically large amplitude of the CTWs in the eastern coast.  相似文献   

Investigations of primary production (PP) were undertaken in the southern Benguela ecosystem during two research surveys in October 2006 and May 2007. Significant differences in environmental conditions, as well as biomass and PP, were observed between October and May. During October, integrated biomass and PP were significantly higher, ranging from 20.43 to 355.01 mg m−2, and 0.71 to 6.98 g C m−2 d−1, respectively, than in May, where the range was 47.92–141.79 mg m−2, and 0.70–3.35 g C m−2 d−1, respectively. Distribution patterns indicated low biomass and PP in newly upwelled water along the coast, higher biomass and PP in the mid-shelf region, while lower values were observed at and beyond the shelf edge. Latitudinal variations showed consistently higher biomass and PP in the St. Helena Bay region compared to biomass and PP south of Cape Town. During both surveys, phytoplankton communities were comprised primarily of diatoms and small flagellates, with no significant differences. Phytoplankton adaptation to environmental variability was characterised by increased PmB and Ek under elevated temperatures and irradiance, while no clear relationships were evident for αB. Generalised Additive Models (GAMs) showed that photosynthetic parameters were all significant predictors of photosynthesis rates (Pz), with PmB being the most important, accounting for 36.97% of the deviance in Pz. However, biomass levels and environmental conditions exerted a much greater influence on Pz, with irradiance explaining the largest proportion (68.24%) of the deviance. Multiple predictor GAMs revealed that 96.26% of the deviance in Pz could be explained by a model which included nitrate, chlorophyll a, and irradiance.  相似文献   

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