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This study examined the biomass structure of autotrophic and heterotrophic plankton along a trophic gradient in the northwestern Pacific Ocean in an attempt to understand planktonic food web structure. Autotrophic biomass exceeded that of heterotrophic organisms in all sampling regions, but with lesser contribution to total planktonic biomass at stations of higher phytoplankton biomass, including the northern East China Sea, compared to the regions of lower phytoplankton biomass. The proportion of the biomass of heterotrophic bacteria, nanoflagellates (HNF), and dinoflagellates (HDF) relative to that of phytoplankton was all inversely related to phytoplankton biomass, but positive relationships were observed for both ciliates and mesozooplankton. Mesozooplankton biomass inclined greater than phytoplankton along the gradient of phytoplankton biomass, with biomass rise being most closely associated with ciliate and HDF biomass and, to a lesser degree, with large phytoplankton (>3?μm). Both bacteria and picophytoplankton were significantly and positively related to the biomass ratio of mesozooplankton to the sum of HDF and ciliates (i.e., proxy of mesozooplankton predation on protozoans), but no positive relationship was apparent either for HNF or for large phytoplankton. Such relationships may result from predation relief on lower food webs associated with mesozooplankton feeding on protistan plankton.  相似文献   

利用2008年大洋环球航次,研究了热带、亚热带太平洋和南印度洋中束毛藻丰度的大尺度分布特征,结果表明:在亚热带西北太平洋和热带东南亚海域束毛藻藻丝平均丰度较高,分别为25.2×103和33.3×103m-3,在热带中太平洋、热带东太平洋和南印度洋束毛藻平均丰度较低,分别为1.76×103,0.87×103和1.52×103m-3。各海区束毛藻丰度与水温无明显相关关系。总叶绿素a的分布特征与束毛藻不同,在太平洋呈西低、东高,在热带东南亚海域较高而在南印度洋较低,从总叶绿素a的粒级结构看,微微型浮游植物(0.2~2μm)所占比重最高,其次是微型浮游植物(2~20μm),小型浮游植物(20μm)所占比重最低。各海区束毛藻对总叶绿素a贡献的比例不同,在亚热带西北太平洋和热带东南亚海域较高,分别占总叶绿素a的7.79%和3.92%,在热带中太平洋、热带东太平洋和南印度洋占总叶绿素a的比例较低,均低于1%。在亚热带西北太平洋束毛藻固氮占真光层总新氮输入量的比例较高,这是该海域新氮的重要来源之一,而在热带中太平洋和热带东太平洋束毛藻固氮对真光层新氮的贡献比例则很低。  相似文献   

2016年秋季热带西太平洋网采浮游植物群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈卓  孙军  张桂成 《海洋科学》2018,42(7):114-130
作者于2016年9月27日~10月25日对热带西太平洋(0°~20°N, 120°~130°E)10个站位的网采浮游植物群落结构进行了采样调查。应用Uterm?hl方法对调查海域浮游植物的物种组成、细胞丰度、优势物种以及群落多样性等相关生态特征进行了分析。希望为热带西太平洋提供一些基础的背景资料,为以后的研究奠定基础。结果表明, 鉴定出浮游植物共计4门、66属、243种(包括变种、变型), 含硅藻门(Bacillariophyta)34属、103种, 甲藻门(Pyrrophyta)28属、133种, 金藻门(Chrysophyta)2属、4种,蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)2属、3种。浮游植物细胞丰度1 965.573×103 细胞/m3 , 其中蓝藻的细胞丰度为1 945.169×103 细胞/m3 , 决定了浮游植物的分布格局, 占总细胞丰度的98.96%, 高值区分布在0°N130°E-10°N130°E的4个站位(E130-13、E130-15、E130-17、E130-19); 硅藻丰度在20°N断面N20-4站位存在高值区; 甲藻丰度在130°E断面的3个站位(E130-10、E130-13、E130-15)存在高值区。本次调查的优势种依次为铁氏束毛藻(Trichodesmium thiebaultii)、扁形原甲藻(Prorocentrum compressum)、扁豆原甲藻(Prorocentrum leniculatum)、胞内植生藻(Richelia intracellularis)、菱形海线藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides)、细弱海链藻(Thalassiosira subtilis)、具边线形圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus marginato-lineatus)、科氏角藻(Ceratium kofoidii)、鲁比膝沟藻(Gonyaulax lurbynaii)、中华半管藻(Hemiaulus sinensis)、霍氏半管藻(Hemiaulus hauckii)、小等刺硅鞭藻(Dictyocha fibula)。Shannon-Weiner多样性指数的均值为2.440,Pielou 均匀度指数的均值为0.163。相关分析结果显示浮游植物空间分布主要受PO4-P、NH4-N的影响,且由蓝藻的相关性决定的。聚类分析得出群落结构分为大洋群聚和近岸群聚两种类型(其中大洋群聚的站位又划分为0°~10°N纬度范围聚集和10°~20°N纬度范围聚集)。  相似文献   

Studies on the analysis of the Pacific Ocean surface temperature are presented based on the data of the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. Two methods are used in the work. The first is a classical analysis of the empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) that makes it possible to identify the El Niño and La Niña phenomena in tropics. In this case, the anomalies of the ocean surface temperature (OST) are reconstructed during these events with quite high accuracy when using several first EOFs. In contrast, at the time between these events, more harmonics are required for the reconstruction. The OST variability in the middle and high latitudes cannot be identified highly accurately based on this approach, since it is considerably weaker than a strong signal in tropics. This signal was detected by the method of cluster analysis. The results show that, in addition to the signal in tropics, there are well-pronounced quasi-decadal signals between the eastern and western Pacific, as well as in the region of the Kuroshio continuation and in the subpolar gyre that can be identified with Pacific decadal oscillations (PDOs).  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variability and size fractionation of chlorophyll a(Chl a) were investigated in the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean during four survey cruises from 2005 to 2009.The surface Chl a(S-Chl a) concentration ranged from 0.002 to 0.497 mg/m 3 and was obviously higher in the eastern Pacific than in the western and central Pacific.The vertical distribution of Chl a displayed a single peak pattern,and the maximum Chl a layer(MCL) was observed at a shallower depth in the eastern Pacific than in the western Pacific.All three size fractions of Chl a measurements in the surface water showed a similar distribution to total Chl a and were found in higher concentrations in the eastern Pacific than in the western and central Pacific.Picoplankton dominated the phytoplankton in the surveyed tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean.Furthermore,pico-Chl a(0.2-2 μm) accounted for a larger percentage of the total Chl a in the central Pacific than it did in the western Pacific and eastern Pacific.In the western Pacific,there seemed to be a latitudinal variability in the phytoplankton community composition where small-sized phytoplankton(<2 μm) were more dominant in the tropical than in the subtropical western Pacific.The spatial and temporal variability and size fractionation of Chl a were controlled by hydrological and chemical characteristics and climate events,such as El Nin o and La Nin a.  相似文献   

Water mass formation rates were calculated for subtropical underwater (STUW) in the North and South Pacific by two partially independent methods. One is based on the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE)/TOGA drifter array over two periods: 1988–1992, and 1992–1996. Drifter velocities were used to calculate two components of the subduction rate, lateral induction and vertical pumping. The second method used CFC-12 data (1987–1994) from WOCE and Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory to calculate ages on σθ surfaces. Subduction rates were estimated from the inverse age gradient. The two subduction rate methods are independent, but they share a common identification of STUW formation area based on satellite-derived surface temperature maps. Using both methods, one can put bounds on the formation rates: 4–5 Sv in the North and 6–7 Sv in the South Pacific. The drifter calculated STUW subduction rates for 1988–1992 and 1992–1996 are 21 and 13 m/yr in the North Pacific and 25 and 40 m/yr in the South. The CFC-12 calculated STUW subduction rate in the North Pacific is 26 m/yr, and 32 m/yr in the South. The South Pacific rates exceed those in the North Pacific. Consistent differences between the two methods support earlier studies, they conclude that mixing contributes to STUW formation in addition to the larger-scale circulation effects. The drifter and tracer rates agree well quantitatively, within 22%, except for the second period in the North Pacific and there are some differences in spatial patterns. Tracer rates integrate over time, and drifters allow analysis of interannual variability. The decrease in subduction rate between periods in the North Pacific is due to negative lateral induction entraining STUW into the mixed layer. The increase in the South Pacific rate is due to an increase in the vertical pumping. Although Ekman pumping is in phase in the North and South, the subduction rate is out of phase. These results confirm that subduction depends on the large-scale circulation and a combination of the outcrop pattern and air–sea fluxes. Temporal differences in rates and partitioning between the hemispheres are consistent with interannual changes in gyre intensity and current positions.  相似文献   

In October and November 2002, high and relatively high values of the chlorophyll a concentration at the sea surface (C chl) were observed in the English Channel (0.47 mg/m3), in the waters of the North Atlantic Current (0.25 mg/m3), in the tropical and subtropical anticyclonic gyres (0.07–0.42 mg/m3), and also in the southwestern region of the southern subtropical anticyclonic gyre (usually 0.11–0.23 mg/m3). The central regions of the southern subtropical anticyclonic gyre (SATG) and the North Atlantic tropical gyre (NATR) were characterized by lower values of C chl (0.02–0.08 mg/m3 for the SATG and 0.07–0.14 mg/m3 for the NATR). At most of the SATG stations, the values of the surface primary production (C phs) varied from 2.5 to 5.5 mg C/m3 per day and were mainly defined by the fluctuations of C chl (r = +0.78) rather than by those of the assimilation number (r = +0.54). The low assimilation activity of phytoplankton in these waters (1.3–4.6 mg chl a per hour) pointed to a lack of nutrients. An analysis of the variability of their concentration and the composition of photosynthetic pigments showed that, in the waters north of 30° N, the growth of phytoplankton was mostly restricted by the deficiency of nitrogen, while, in more southern areas, at the majority of stations (about 60%), the phosphorus concentrations were the minimum. At the low concentrations of nitrates and nitrites, ammonium represented itself as a buffer that prevented planktonic algae from extreme degrees of nitric starvation. In the tropical waters and in the waters of the SATG, the primary production throughout the water column varied from 240 to 380 mg C/m2 30° per day. This level of productivity at stations with low values of C chl (<0.08 mg/m3) was provided by a well-developed deep chlorophyll maximum and a high transparency of the water. The light curves of photosynthesis based on in situ measurements point to the high efficiency of utilizing the penetrating solar radiation by phytoplankton on cloudy days.  相似文献   

-Mainly on the basis of the data obtained during PRC/US bilateral TOGA cruises, abnormal variation occurred during the 1986/1987 El Nino is shown in this paper about the thermal structure and circulation of the upper western tropical Pacific Ocean. The effects of the abmormal variation on the subtropical high over the Northwest Pacific Ocean are discussed. During the El Nino: (1) In the east part of the western tropical Pacific Ocean (the subsurface temperature data on the 165° E section are taken as an example), the water wanner than 29 C in the upper layer spread on the longitudinal section and positive temperature anormalies appeared in a large area of the sea surface. (2) In the west part of the western tropical Pacific Ocean (the subsurface temperature data on the 137°E section are representative ), the cross section occupied by the upper layer warmer water ( T >28 ℃ ) became shrunk, and the sea surface temperature showed negative amomalies. (3) The eastward flows in the upper layer of the 165°  相似文献   

To isolate sea surface salinity (SSS) maps on seasonal, ENSO, decadal, and long-term trend timescales in the tropical Pacific Ocean, the ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) is applied on an SSS data set covering 1950–2009, concerning three key regions including the western equatorial Pacific Warm Pool (WP), South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ), and Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ); then a self-organizing map is performed on the intrinsic mode function maps decomposed by the EEMD, concerning the whole basin. The ENSO and decadal signals concern mainly the western Pacific, in contrast to the seasonal signal mostly notable in the east. (1) The modulated annual cycle has smaller (larger) amplitudes during El Ni?o (La Ni?a) years and later appearance of minima during El Ni?o years; one unique annual cycle is observed at the northwestern edge of the ITCZ lagging the well-known ITCZ cycle by ~3?months. (2) The pronounced 1999–2001 SSS-related La Ni?a event in the SPCZ was reinforced twice by the decadal shift in the 1990s; the eastern Pacific and central Pacific ENSO-related SSS features are compared. (3) The contrasted anomalies between the western equatorial and non-equatorial regions were pronounced during 1977–1996, whereas they were less pronounced during 1971–1976, 2005–2008, and a roughly opposite pattern appeared with strong and abrupt decrease shift prevailing in large areas over the southwestern basin during 1997–2004. (4) The freshening at the western equator and the saltening located east of the SPCZ SSS front together amplify the geographical SSS contrasts exhibited by the WP and SPCZ SSS fronts.  相似文献   

A synoptic spatial examination of the eddy Haulani (17–20 November 2000) revealed a structure typical of Hawaiian cyclonic eddies with divergent surface flow forcing the upward displacement of deep waters. Hydrographic surveys revealed that surface water in the eddy center was ca. 3.5°C cooler, 0.5 saltier, and 1.4 kg m−3 denser than surface waters outside the eddy. Vertically integrated concentrations of nitrate+nitrite, phosphate and silicate were enhanced over out-eddy values by about 2-fold, and nitrate+nitrite concentrations were ca. 8× greater within the euphotic zone inside the eddy than outside. Si:N ratios were lower within the upper mixed layer of the eddy, indicating an enhanced Si uptake relative to nitrate+nitrite. Chlorophyll a concentrations were higher within the eddy compared to control stations outside, when integrated over the upper 150 m, but were not significantly different when integrated over the depth of the euphotic zone. Photosynthetic competency, assessed using fast repetition-rate fluorometry, varied with the doming of the isopycnals and the supply of macro-nutrients to the euphotic zone. The physical and chemical environment of the eddy selected for the accumulation of larger phytoplankton species. Photosynthetic bacteria (Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus) and small (<3 μm diameter) photosynthetic eukaryotes were 3.6-fold more numerically abundant outside the eddy as compared to inside. Large photosynthetic eukaryotes (>3 μm diameter) were more abundant inside the eddy than outside. Diatoms of the genera Rhizosolenia and Hemiaulus outside the eddy contained diazotrophic endosymbiontic cyanobacteria, but these endosymbionts were absent from the cells of these species inside the eddy. The increase in cell numbers of large photosynthetic eukaryotes with hard silica or calcite cell walls is likely to have a profound impact on the proportion of the organic carbon production that is exported to deep water by sinking of senescent cells and cells grazed by herbivorous zooplankton and repackaged as large fecal pellets.  相似文献   

The volume scattering function and size distribution of suspended particles in the surface water were determined in the North Pacific. The relationship between the scattering coefficient estimated from observed volume scattering function and cross-section concentration of the particles greater than 2.4m in diameter was found to be linear in both northern and southern regions of central North Pacific. Difference in the constant of proportionality between two regions, however, was very great. Moreover the constant in the southern region was too large compared with the values obtained by the Mie theory. This is considered to be due to the fact that particles smaller than 2.4m which were not measureable by the Coulter Counter, were neglected in the calculation of cross-section concentration. If small particles are taken into consideration, total cross-section concentration and scattering coefficient in the two regions tend to follow a linear relation. From the correlation between the scattering coefficient computed from size distribution and the volume scattering function, the refractive index of particles was estimated to be 1.03–1.05. By the same procedure, the refractive index of particles in Tateyama Harbour where the water was very turbid, was estimated to be also 1.03–1.05. This is in contrast to the result for the refractive index of particles originating from the river which flows into the harbour. This index was found to be 1.10–1.20.  相似文献   

为了探明热带西太平洋海区砂壳纤毛虫的多样性、垂直分布及纬向变化,我们于2012年11-12月在该海区四个断面采集了0-200 m的水样。共检出砂壳纤毛虫39属124种,多数种类喜好生活在表层和次表层。砂壳纤毛虫种丰富度、丰度以及多样性指数的高值主要出现在比叶绿素浓度最大值稍浅的位置,与温度和叶绿素浓度显著正相关,与盐度和采样深度显著负相关。多数优势种与环境因子间的相关性不显著。热带西太平洋海区砂壳纤毛虫多样性极高,各站种丰富度在25-52之间。在从表层至75 m处的多数采样点香农指数均大于3。该海区砂壳纤毛虫冗余种的比例很高,占砂壳纤毛虫总种类数的87.90%,贡献了砂壳纤毛虫60.38%的丰度,表明热带西太平洋海区砂壳纤毛虫群落对饵料组成和摄食压力改变的应对能力很强,稳定性很高。  相似文献   

对北太平洋西部海域、苏禄海及印尼海、中国南海、印度洋东部海域、孟加拉湾及安达曼海等表层水体中放射性核素137Cs的活度进行了测定。结果表明,上述海域表层水体中137Cs活度显示了较大的变化范围,最低值出现在南极附近的南大洋(1.1Bqm-3),较高的活度值则出现在北太平洋西部海域及中国南海(3Bqm-3)。在所研究水域范围内,137Cs活度的纬度分布特征并没有完全有效地反映出137Cs的全球理论大气沉降趋势及其纬度效应。综合本研究及Miyake等人(1988)的测定结果,我们计算出137Cs自表层海水中的析出速率在苏禄海及印尼海约为0.016/a,在孟加拉湾及安达曼海约为0.033/a,在中国南海约为0.029/a,这一结果明显低于西北太平洋日本沿海表层水体中137Cs的析出速率。这可能是因为在这些海域,横向及纵向的水体混合过程相对都较慢,而且颗粒物对137Cs的吸附析出过程也比较弱所致。  相似文献   

两种热通量边界条件对热带太平洋海温模拟的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室发展的气候海洋模式(LICOM),考察了两种热通量边界条件(牛顿冷却型边界条件和总体公式型边界条件)对热带太平洋海温平均态和年际变率模拟效果的影响.结果显示,在两种边界条件下,模式均能较好的再现海温的年平均空间分布特征和季节循环特征.对比分析发现,...  相似文献   

利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室发展的气候海洋模式(LICOM),考察了两种热通量边界条件(牛顿冷却型边界条件和总体公式型边界条件)对热带太平洋海温平均态和年际变率模拟效果的影响。结果显示,在两种边界条件下,模式均能较好的再现海温的年平均空间分布特征和季节循环特征。对比分析发现,在牛顿冷却条件下,模拟结果与观测更加接近,这是因为该条件会通过调整净海表热通量使模拟海温向观测的气候态海温逼近。就年际变率而言,牛顿冷却条件下模式模拟的净海表热通量负反馈作用偏强,从而使ENSO模拟偏弱,进而使中东太平洋的异常经向温度平流模拟偏弱,造成海温异常的经向尺度偏窄。负反馈的强度与耦合系数的选取有关。而总体公式条件下模式能够合理地模拟出ENSO相关的热通量负反馈过程,从而能正确的模拟出ENSO振幅以及ENSO空间型。因此,当利用海洋模式对气候平均态海温进行模拟时,两种条件均可采用,但以牛顿冷却条件为佳;而当对海温的年际变率进行模拟时,应该采用总体公式型边界条件。  相似文献   

To better understand the vertical distribution of phytoplankton in the tropical and subtropical North Pacific, we used fast repetition rate fluorometry to investigate the photo-physiological condition of the phytoplankton assemblage in this region between February and March 2007. Along 155°E, between the equator and 24°N, the peak of fluorescence (F m), an indication of the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), was deeper than the top of the nitracline and occurred at the 2.4 ± 1.3 % (mean ± SD) light depth (relative to 0 m). The photochemical efficiency (F v/F m) and effective absorption cross-section of photosystem II (σPSII) were low at the surface but increased rapidly at depths between the top of the nitracline (40–138 m) and the DCM (70–158 m), an indication that the photo-physiological condition of the phytoplankton improved below the top of the nitracline. The depth of the maximal F v/F m [Z(F v/F m max)] was 18–32 m deeper than the DCM and corresponded to the 0.8 ± 0.2 % light depth. The values of F v/F m at the Z(F v/F m max) were 20 % higher than those at the DCM and averaged 0.48 ± 0.01. These results suggest that the phytoplankton assemblage beneath the DCM had a high potential photosynthetic performance capacity and was growing by using the very low ambient light in this region.  相似文献   

The annual flux of biologically produced organic carbon from surface waters is equivalent to annual net community production (NCP) at a steady state and equals the export of particulate and dissolved organic carbon (POC and DOC, respectively) to the ocean interior. NCP was estimated from carbon budgets of salinity-normalized dissolved inorganic carbon (nDIC) inventories at two time-series stations in the western subarctic (K2) and subtropical (S1) North Pacific Ocean. By using quasi-monthly biogeochemical observations from 2004 to 2013, monthly mean nDIC inventories were integrated from the surface to the annual maximum mixed layer depth and corrected for changes due to net air–sea CO2 exchange, net CaCO3 production, vertical diffusion from the upper thermocline, and horizontal advection. The annual organic carbon flux at K2 (1.49 ± 0.42 mol m?2 year?1) was lower than S1 (2.81 ± 0.53 mol m?2 year?1) (p < 0.001 based on t test). These fluxes consist of three components: vertically exported POC fluxes (K2: 1.43 mol m?2 year?1; S1: 2.49 mol m?2 year?1), vertical diffusive DOC fluxes (K2: 0.03 mol m?2 year?1; S1: 0.25 mol m?2 year?1), and suspended POC fluxes (K2: 0.03 mol m?2 year?1; S1: 0.07 mol m?2 year?1). The estimated POC export flux at K2 was comparable to the sum of the POC flux observed with drifting sediment traps and active carbon flux exported by migrating zooplankton. The export fluxes at both stations were higher than those reported at other time-series sites (ALOHA, the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study, and Ocean Station Papa).  相似文献   

A new species, Arietellus unisetosus n. sp, (Copepods, Calanoida, Arietellidae, Arietellus) sampled from the tropical waters of the central Pacific Ocean is described. It is easily distinguished from the other known congeneric species by the following some characters (female):the caudal rami asymmetrical, the outer margin of left ramus swollen, knob-like; leg 5:both knob-like endopods each with a long apical seta; both lobate exopods without any terminal spine, etc.  相似文献   

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