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To aid interpreting the source area of charcoal in lake-sediment records, we compare charcoal deposition from an experimental fire to predictions from a particle dispersal model. This provides both a theoretical framework for understanding how lake sediments reflect fire history and a foundation for simulating sediment-charcoal records. The dispersal model captures the two-dimensional patterns in the empirical data (predicted vs. observed r2 = 0.67, p < 0.001). We further develop the model to calculate the potential charcoal source area (PCSA) for several classes of fires. Results suggest that (1) variations in airborne charcoal deposition can be explained largely by the size of PCSAs relative to fire sizes and (2) macroscopic charcoal travels many kilometers, longer than suggested by dispersal data from experimental fires but consistent with dispersal data from uncontrolled fires.  相似文献   

The history of the low-elevation forest and forest-steppe ecotone on the east side of the Andes is revealed in pollen and charcoal records obtained from mid-latitude lakes. Prior to 15,000 cal yr BP, the vegetation was characterized by steppe vegetation with isolated stands of Nothofagus. The climate was generally dry, and the sparse vegetation apparently lacked sufficient fuels to burn extensively. After 15,000 cal yr BP, a mixture of Nothofagus forest and shrubland/steppe developed. Fire activity increased between 13,250 and 11,400 cal yr BP, contemporaneous with a regionally defined cold dry period (Huelmo/Mascardi Cold Reversal). The early-Holocene period was characterized by an open Nothofagus forest/shrubland mosaic, and fire frequency was high in dry sites and low in wet sites; the data suggest a sharp decrease in moisture eastward from the Andes. A shift to a surface-fire regime occurred at 7500 cal yr BP at the wet site and at 4400 cal yr BP at the dry site, preceding the expansion of Austrocedrus by 1000-1500 yr. The spread of Austrocedrus is explained by a shift towards a cooler and wetter climate in the middle and late Holocene. The change to a surface-fire regime is consistent with increased interannual climate variability and the onset or strengthening of ENSO. The present-day mixed forest dominated by Nothofagus and Austrocedrus was established in the last few millennia.  相似文献   

We show how sedimentary charcoal records from multiple sites within a single landscape can be used to compare fire histories and reveal small scale patterns in fire regimes. Our objective is to develop strategies for classifying and comparing late-Holocene charcoal records in Midwestern oak- and pine-dominated sand plain ecosystems where fire regimes include a mix of surface and crown fires. Using standard techniques for the analysis of charcoal from lake sediments, we compiled 1000- to 4000-yr-long records of charcoal accumulation and charcoal peak frequencies from 10 small lakes across a sand plain in northwestern Wisconsin. We used cluster analysis to identify six types of charcoal signatures that differ in their charcoal influx rates, amount of grass charcoal, and frequency and magnitude of charcoal peaks. The charcoal records demonstrate that while fire histories vary among sites, there are regional patterns in the occurrence of charcoal signature types that are consistent with expected differences in fire regimes based on regional climate and vegetation reconstructions. The fire histories also show periods of regional change in charcoal signatures occurring during times of regional climate changes at ~ 700, 1000, and 3500 cal yr BP.  相似文献   

The equatorial peatlands of the Kutai lowland of eastern Kalimantan are generally 4–10 m in thickness but some sections exceed 16 m in depth. The deposition of peat commenced about 8000 yrs ago after shallow flooding of the basin by the Mahakam River. The earliest vegetation is a Pandanus swamp which grades upwards to swamp forest dominated by dipterocarps. The peatland has expanded laterally and rivers have maintained narrow levee-channel tracks through the swamp, which has grown vertically in balance with river accretion. Historical fires are associated with extreme El Niño years of drought, but human agency is important. The fires of 1982–1983 and 1997–1998 burnt up to 85% of the vegetation on the peatland. Although charcoal analyses show that fire has occurred throughout the history of the peatland, it is rare in forests remote from rivers until the last 3000 years and only common within the last millennium. Fires are earlier and more frequent in sites accessible from waterways, and floodplains have been widely burnt down to water table or below, forming extensive lakes.  相似文献   

Macroscopic charcoal records from a thermokarst lake deposit in central Yakutia, eastern Siberia, were used to reconstruct the history of forest fires and investigate its relationship to thermokarst initiation. High accumulation rates of charcoal and pollen were coincident in the basal deposits of the thermokarst lake, which suggests that both were initially deposited on the forest floor and subsequently reworked and accumulated in the thermokarst depression. High charcoal and pollen accumulation rates in the basal deposits, dating to 11,000-9000 cal yr BP, also indicate that the thermokarst topography developed during the early Holocene. A lower charcoal accumulation rate after ca. 9000 cal yr BP suggests that thermokarst development has been inhibited since this time. It also indicates that a surface-fire regime has been predominant at least since ca. 9000 cal yr BP in central Yakutia.  相似文献   

A large number of radiocarbon dates from charcoal layers buried beneath stacked solifluction lobes at Pippokangas, in the northern boreal zone of Finnish Lapland, are used to reconstruct a Holocene history of solifluction. Although the site is surrounded by Scots pine forest, the solifluction lobes occur on the lower slopes of a kettle hole, the microclimate of which prevents the growth of trees. Samples from the upslope end of charcoal layers have enabled the recognition of four synchronous phases of solifluction lobe initiation: 7400–6700, 4200–3400, 2600–2100 and 1500–500 cal. yr BP. Rates of lobe advance are shown to be lobe‐dependent and age‐dependent: initially, average rates were commonly 0.14–0.19 cm yr?1, later falling to 0.02–0.07 cm yr?1 or less as the lobes approached the bottom of the slope. The absence of charcoal prior to 8000 cal. yr BP, together with single IRSL and TL dates, indicate a relatively stable early Holocene landscape. The onset of solifluction around 7400 cal. yr BP. appears to have followed the immigration of pine around the site, which increased the frequency of forest fires. Phases of solifluction activity seem to have been triggered by millennial‐scale variations in effective moisture (the climatic hypothesis), rather than episodic burning of the surface vegetation cover (the geoecological hypothesis), although climate may also have affected fire frequency and severity. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Charcoal was sampled in four soil profiles at the Mayumbe forest boundary (DRC). Five fire events were recorded and 44 charcoal types were identified. One stratified profile yielded charcoal assemblages around 530 cal yr BP and > 43.5 cal ka BP in age. The oldest assemblage precedes the period of recorded anthropogenic burning, illustrating occasional long-term absence of fire but also natural wildfire occurrences within tropical rainforest. No other charcoal assemblages older than 2500 cal yr BP were recorded, perhaps due to bioturbation and colluvial reworking. The recorded paleofires were possibly associated with short-lived climate anomalies. Progressively dry climatic conditions since ca. 4000 cal yr BP onward did not promote paleofire occurrence until increasing seasonality affected vegetation at the end of the third millennium BP, as illustrated by a fire occurring in mature rainforest that persisted until around 2050 cal yr BP. During a drought episode coinciding with the ‘Medieval Climate Anomaly’, mature rainforest was locally replaced by woodland savanna. Charcoal remains from pioneer forest indicate that fire hampered forest regeneration after climatic drought episodes. The presence of pottery shards and oil-palm endocarps associated with two relatively recent paleofires suggests that the effects of climate variability were amplified by human activities.  相似文献   

Charcoal particles are widespread in terrestrial and lake environments of the northern temperate and boreal biomes where they are used to reconstruct past fire events and regimes. In this study, we used botanically identified and radiocarbon-dated charcoal macrofossils in mineral soils as a paleoecological tool to reconstruct past fire activity at the stand scale. Charcoal macrofossils buried in podzolic soils by tree uprooting were analyzed to reconstruct the long-term fire history of an old-growth deciduous forest in southern Québec. Charcoal fragments were sampled from the uppermost mineral soil horizons and identified based on anatomical characters. Spruce (Picea spp.) fragments dominated the charcoal assemblage, along with relatively abundant wood fragments of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and birch (Betula spp.), and rare fragments of pine (Pinus cf. strobus) and white cedar (Thuja canadensis). AMS radiocarbon dates from 16 charcoal fragments indicated that forest fires were widespread during the early Holocene, whereas no fires were recorded from the mid-Holocene to present. The paucity of charcoal data during this period, however, does not preclude that a fire event of lower severity may have occurred. At least eight forest fires occurred at the study site between 10,400 and 6300 cal yr B.P., with a dominance of burned conifer trees between 10,400 and 9000 cal yr B.P. and burned conifer and deciduous trees between 9000 and 6300 cal yr B.P. Based on the charcoal record, the climate at the study site was relatively dry during the early Holocene, and more humid from 6300 cal yr B.P. to present. However, it is also possible that the predominance of conifer trees in the charcoal record between 10,400 and 6300 cal yr B.P. created propitious conditions for fire spreading. The charcoal record supports inferences based on pollen influx data (Labelle, C., Richard, P.J.H. 1981. Végétation tardiglaciaire et postglaciaire au sud-est du Parc des Laurentides, Québec. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire 35, 345-359) of the early arrival of spruce and sugar maple in the study area shortly after deglaciation. We conclude that macroscopic charcoal analysis of mineral soils subjected to disturbance by tree uprooting may be a useful paleoecological tool to reconstruct long-term forest fire history at the stand scale.  相似文献   

Vegetation history after the late period of the Last Glacial Age has been reconstructed using phytolith records obtained from three tephra sections in the Nangodani Valley basin, southern part of the Aso caldera, south-west Japan. The topography of the Nangodani Valley basin is divided into three types: somma (caldera rim and wall), caldera floor (central valley) and post-caldera central cone slope. The vegetation transitions after the late period of the Last Glacial Age in the basin vary between these topographic types. The differences can be explained based on human activities in the valley basin. Grassland dominated by Sasa and Pleioblastus dwarf bamboos (before 8 ka) and Miscanthus and other Andropogoneae pampas grasses (after 8 ka) occurred in the central valley and on the post-caldera central cone slope, which were strongly affected by human activities including a long period of burning. In contrast, forest with an understory of Bambusoideae plants was preserved on the caldera rim and wall, which was inaccessible because of its steep topography, during the Holocene.  相似文献   

张克旗  吴中海  尼玛次仁  冯卉  李家存  李跃华      马丹    刘艳辉    蒋瑶    周春景  田婷婷   《地质通报》2014,33(04):485-496
对青藏高原东南部青海玉树地区的39个泥炭和含炭砂土样品进行了AMS 14C年龄测试,这些样品来自于为研究玉树断裂开挖的2个探槽和2个剖面。通过分析泥炭层及其他含炭地层的宏观岩性及其中样品的AMS 14C年龄,将玉树地区的全新世含炭地层的沉积过程划分为4个阶段:阶段Ⅰ:早全新世,10100~6000a BP,非常适宜泥炭的形成;阶段Ⅱ:中—晚全新世,6000~3500a BP,较不适宜泥炭的稳定形成,沉积物中含炭量相对减少,碎屑增加,颜色变浅;阶段Ⅲ:晚全新世阶段,3500~1500a BP。该阶段的气候总体变的更加干旱和凉爽,基本上不能形成泥炭,碎屑沉积在持续增加;阶段Ⅳ:1500a BP以来:自1500~1100a BP,气候可能更加干冷,沉积物中主要为碎屑沉积;1100a BP以来,受中世纪暖期气候变化影响,在本区许多地貌单元近地表形成一层灰黑色的炭质层。这4个阶段与红原泥炭所反映的全新世气候变化波动趋势能较一致。气候、地貌和构造因素三者共同控制本区域内泥炭和炭质层的发育和形成。  相似文献   

对青藏高原东南部青海玉树地区的39个泥炭和含炭砂土样品进行了AMS14C年龄测试,这些样品来自于为研究玉树断裂开挖的2个探槽和2个剖面。通过分析泥炭层及其他含炭地层的宏观岩性及其中样品的AMS14C年龄,将玉树地区的全新世含炭地层的沉积过程划分为4个阶段:阶段Ⅰ:早全新世,10100~6000a BP,非常适宜泥炭的形成;阶段Ⅱ:中—晚全新世,6000~3500a BP,较不适宜泥炭的稳定形成,沉积物中含炭量相对减少,碎屑增加,颜色变浅;阶段Ⅲ:晚全新世阶段,3500~1500a BP。该阶段的气候总体变的更加干旱和凉爽,基本上不能形成泥炭,碎屑沉积在持续增加;阶段Ⅳ:1500a BP以来:自1500~1100a BP,气候可能更加干冷,沉积物中主要为碎屑沉积;1100a BP以来,受中世纪暖期气候变化影响,在本区许多地貌单元近地表形成一层灰黑色的炭质层。这4个阶段与红原泥炭所反映的全新世气候变化波动趋势能较一致。气候、地貌和构造因素三者共同控制本区域内泥炭和炭质层的发育和形成。  相似文献   

基于不同方法的中国天山山区降水形态分离研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张雪婷  李雪梅  高培  李倩  唐宏 《冰川冻土》2017,39(2):235-244
基于天山山区1950s-1979年27个气象站点的日平均气温及标注的各类型降水资料,运用频率求交法和概率保证法并结合海拔高程,研究并分析了各站点降水形态转化的临界气温及固液态降水分离的阈值温度空间分布特征及原因,预测了天山山区1980-2014年雪雨比变化。结果表明:天山山区各站点降水形态转化的临界气温及固液态降水分离的阈值温度其空间分布上整体呈现出北坡小于南坡而雪雨比南坡小于北坡的变化规律,且三者均随着海拔高程的增加而增大,两种方法获得的结果基本一致。深入明晰了天山山区降水形态随温度变化特征,为天山山区水文模型中有关参数的选取提供科学的参考。  相似文献   

The Cochabamba Basin (Bolivia) is on the ancient road network connecting Andean and lowland areas. Little is known about the longevity of this trade route or how people responded to past environmental changes. The eastern end of the Cochabamba valley system constricts at the Vacas Lake District, constraining the road network and providing an ideal location in which to examine past human-environmental interactions. Multi-proxy analysis of sediment from Lake Challacaba has allowed a c. 4000 year environmental history to be reconstructed. Fluctuations in drought tolerant pollen taxa and calcium carbonate indicate two periods of reduced moisture availability (c. 4000-3370 and c. 2190-1020 cal yr BP) compared to adjacent wetter episodes (c. 3370-2190 and c. 1020 cal yr BP-present). The moisture fluctuations broadly correlate to El Niño/Southern Oscillation variations reported elsewhere. High charcoal abundance from c. 4000 to 2000 yr ago indicates continuous use of the ancient road network. A decline in charcoal and an increase in dung fungus (Sporormiella) c. 1340-1210 cal yr BP, suggests that cultural changes were a major factor in shaping the modern landscape. Despite undisputable impacts of human populations on the Polylepis woodlands today, we see no evidence of woodland clearance in the Challacaba record.  相似文献   

基于ARIMA模型的洞庭湖第四纪沉积物中镉演化及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对洞庭湖区沉积物钻探取样的年代学和地球化学研究基础上,分别建立第四纪和全新世时期Cd和Cd/Ca的时间序列演化ARIMA模型,并据模型的拟合值及未来预测值对区域地球化学环境中Cd的演化规律进行了探讨,结果显示区内Cd的演化有较显著的周期性——环境地球化学旋回,与气候多次冷暖的交替有关;沉积物Cd/Ca受气候环境等控制,分析该比值的变化规律可推测区域环境地球化学的演变历史;Cd和Cd/Ca两者的变化基本同步,说明该区Cd的演化主要为自然演化;未来30年内沉积层的Cd含量仍有逐渐增高的趋势,之后转为降低。从本区环境地球化学指标的时间变化规律及其与全球环境变化的相关联中说明自然条件是区域镉等元素沉积的主控因素。  相似文献   

高原湖泊是反映气候变化敏感的指示器。利用1976-2017年的多源资料对柴达木盆地湖泊面积动态进行了监测。结果表明:近50多年来,柴达木盆地气候呈现气温升高,降水普遍增加的增暖增湿趋势,21世纪以来这一趋势更为明显,但存在地区差异,年平均气温升温速率自东向西趋于增加,降水增加速率自东向西趋于减小;柴达木盆地外围东部的托素湖面积1956-2017年总体呈弱的减小趋势,减速为0.41 km2·a-1。但2005-2017年期间湖面以1.34 km2·a-1的增速呈明显扩张趋势,中部的小柴旦湖面积与过去13年同期平均相比,扩大了19.87 km2,而西部的尕斯库勒湖呈先增加后减小的趋势。柴达木盆地气候变化、植被面积、入湖径流等因子是导致湖泊面积变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

丁玲  王典  鹿琪 《世界地质》2014,33(4):867-874
时频分析是地震数据处理与解释中的一种重要的技术手段。笔者把该技术应用于吉林某油田中,得知研究区内储层主要由两个朵叶构成,分别位于该油田的西北部和西南部。地震反射波的85%能量位置对应的频率、65%能量位置对应的的频率和45 Hz位置的能量百分比,三个时频属性可确定砂岩的分布范围,有利储层发育程度和分布范围,并给出了有力井位,和钻井情况一致。  相似文献   


辽西地区是研究中国文明起源及早期文明化进程的重要区域。红山文化是辽西地区6.5~5.0 ka B.P. 的新石器时代晚期重要的考古学文化。本研究对辽西地区红山文化时期的魏家窝铺遗址、彩陶坡遗址、兴隆沟遗址第二地点和牛河梁遗址第一地点这4个遗址点中浮选和采集的134份样品中大于2 mm的940块木炭进行鉴定,分别是栎属(Quercus L.)、榆属(Ulmus L.)、朴属(Celtis L.)、李属(Prunus L.)、槭树属(Acer L.)、黄檗属(Phellodendron Rupr.)、椴属(Tilia L.)、梣属(Fraxinus L.)、胡桃属(Juglans L.)、松属(Pinus L.)、柳属(Salix L.)、侧柏属(Platycladus L.)等12种木本植物,以及2种未知的炭化植物遗存。研究表明遗址周围分布着桃、杏、胡桃楸等果树,生长着以栎属为建群种的暖温带落叶阔叶林及榆属、槭树属和朴属等阔叶树;山地上可能分布着由松属、侧柏属和黄檗属、椴属、梣属等组成的温性针阔混交林。利用共存生态因子法进行气候重建的结果表明,当时遗址周围的环境较现今温暖湿润。先民用栎属木材建造房屋、薪柴选用栎属、松属和槭树属木材。通过对牛河梁遗址第一地点出土的木炭推测当时祭祀时可能使用栎属木材。除了遗址中出土的炭化果核,核果类木材的出土,进一步佐证了先民会采集核果类木材的果实、种子作为食物,为探索红山文化时期先民生业方式提供了新视角。本研究为解读红山文化时期的先民对林木资源利用策略,了解当时生态环境与生业模式提供了新资料。


安徽宿松地区上石炭统碳酸盐岩发育,厚约100m,化石丰富,属于比较典型的浅海碳酸盐岩台地沉积。定量分析显示,研究区岩石类型主要为颗粒灰岩和泥粒灰岩,颗粒平均含量分别为81.2%和69.6%,以浅海生物碎屑为主;其次为粒泥灰岩和泥晶灰岩,颗粒平均含量分别为26.4%和4.1%。依据岩石学特征,研究区主要发育开阔台地相和潮坪相,并可进一步划分出5种沉积亚相,分别是台内滩、台内盆、台内坪、潮间坪和潮上坪。在研究区上石炭统中共识别出3个长期的海进—海退旋回,其表现出在海平面变化总体呈下降趋势的背景之上叠加了短期的高频海平面波动的特征。这3个旋回与扬子板块其他地区及欧美板块同时代地层中的长期海进—海退旋回相当,表明海平面的变化可能受到晚古生代冈瓦纳大陆冰川的冰期和间冰期交替活动的影响。  相似文献   

图像法作为国际地科联唯一推荐的粒度分析方法,长期受制于样本量不足的问题。基于新型快速成像和处理技术的动态图像法可在短时间内为样品建立海量颗粒的粒度粒形数据库,为天然沉积物粒度特征的直观表达开辟了广阔前景。本文以金沙江巧家段右岸支沟冲积扇沉积物为研究对象,对4个沉积剖面20个样品进行动态图像粒度分析,建立样品颗粒图像数据库,计算颗粒6种粒径,包括等效投影圆面积径(等积径),弗雷德(Feret)径三种(最大、最小和均值)以及最小外接矩形径两种(最大和最小)等,并与激光(衍射/散射)法测试结果进行对比。结果表明:①图像法所获6种粒径的中值粒径和均值粒径均较激光法粗,分选性较激光法优。②消除量程差异后的对比结果表明,激光法所测均值粒径仅为真实均值粒径(图像法结果)的3/10~1/2左右(差值为0.68~1.78φ);这种偏离可能与天然沉积物的多矿物属性和不规则性有关。③两种测试方法所获结果均能反映相同的剖面沉积物粒度相对变化趋势,在传统的沉积环境判别准则下均能反映基本一致的动力条件和堆积环境。这些认识为图像法粒度分析技术的应用和推广提供了技术支撑和解释依据。  相似文献   

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