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A 3D backstripping approach considering salt flow as a consequence of spatially changing overburden load distribution, isostatic rebound and sedimentary compaction for each backstripping step is used to reconstruct the subsidence history in the Northeast German Basin. The method allows to determine basin subsidence and the salt-related deformation during Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic inversion and during Late Triassic–Jurassic extension. In the Northeast German Basin, the deformation is thin-skinned in the basinal part, but thick-skinned at the basin margins. The salt cover is deformed due to Late Triassic–Jurassic extension and Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic inversion whereas the salt basement remained largely stable in the basin area. In contrast, the basin margins suffered strong deformation especially during Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic inversion. As a main question, we address the role of salt during the thin-skinned extension and inversion of the basin. In our modelling approach, we assume that the salt behaves like a viscous fluid on the geological time-scale, that salt and overburden are in hydrostatical near-equilibrium at all times, and that the volume of salt is constant. Because the basement of the salt is not deformed due to decoupling in the basin area, we consider the base of the salt as a reference surface, where the load pressure must be equilibrated. Our results indicate that major salt movements took place during Late Triassic to Jurassic E–W directed extension and during Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic NNE–SSW directed compression. Moreover, the study outcome suggests that horizontal strain propagation in the salt cover could have triggered passive salt movements which balanced the cover deformation by viscous flow. In the Late Triassic, strain transfer from the large graben systems in West Central Europe to the east could have caused the subsidence of the Rheinsberg Trough above the salt layer. In this context, the effective regional stress did not exceed the yield strength of the basement below the Rheinsberg Trough, but was high enough to provoke deformation of the viscous salt layer and its cover. During the Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic phase of inversion, horizontal strain propagation from the southern basin margin into the basin can explain the intensive thin-skinned compressive deformation of the salt cover in the basin. The thick-skinned compressive deformation along the southern basin margin may have propagated into the salt cover of the basin where the resulting folding again was balanced by viscous salt flow into the anticlines of folds. The huge vertical offset of the pre-Zechstein basement along the southern basin margin and the amount of shortening in the folded salt cover of the basin indicate that the tectonic forces responsible for this inversion event have been of a considerable magnitude.  相似文献   

Basement fault reactivation is now recognized as an important control on sedimentation and fault propagation in intracratonic basins. In southern Ontario, the basement consists of complexly structured mid-Proterozoic (ca. 1.2 Ga) crystalline rocks and metasedimentary rocks that are overlain by up to 1500 m of Paleozoic sedimentary strata. Reactivation of basement structures is suspected to control the location of Paleozoic fault and fracture systems, but evaluation has been hindered by a limited understanding of the regional structural characteristics of the buried basement. New aeromagnetic- and gravimetric-lineament mapping presented in this paper better resolves the location of basement discontinuities and provides further evidence for basement controls on the distribution of Paleozoic fault and fracture systems. Lineament mapping was facilitated by reprocessing and digital image enhancement (micro-levelling, regional residual separation, derivative filtering) of existing regional gravity and aeromagnetic datasets. Reprocessed images identify new details of the structural fabric of the basement below southern Ontario and delineate several previously unrecognized aeromagnetic and gravity lineaments and linear zones. Linear zones parallel the projected trends of mid-Proterozoic terrane boundaries identified by field mapping on the exposed shield to the north of the study area, and are interpreted as zones of shearing and basement faulting. Mapped aeromagnetic and gravity lineaments show similar trends to Paleozoic faults and fracture networks and broad zones of seismicity in southern Ontario. These new data support an ‘inheritance model’ for Paleozoic faulting, involving repeated reactivation and upward propagation of basement faults and fractures into overlying cover strata.  相似文献   

The study region is located in the Lower Tagus Valley, central Portugal, and includes a large portion of the densely populated area of Lisbon. It is characterized by a moderate seismicity with a diffuse pattern, with historical earthquakes causing many casualties, serious damage and economic losses. Occurrence of earthquakes in the area indicates the presence of seismogenic structures at depth that are deficiently known due to a thick Cenozoic sedimentary cover. The hidden character of many of the faults in the Lower Tagus Valley requires the use of indirect methodologies for their study. This paper focuses on the application of high-resolution seismic reflection method for the detection of near-surface faulting on two major tectonic structures that are hidden under the recent alluvial cover of the Tagus Valley, and that have been recognized on deep oil-industry seismic reflection profiles and/or inferred from the surface geology. These are a WNW–ESE-trending fault zone located within the Lower Tagus Cenozoic basin, across the Tagus River estuary (Porto Alto fault), and a NNE–SSW-trending reverse fault zone that borders the Cenozoic Basin at the W (Vila Franca de Xira–Lisbon fault). Vertical electrical soundings were also acquired over the seismic profiles and the refraction interpretation of the reflection data was carried out. According to the interpretation of the collected data, a complex fault pattern disrupts the near surface (first 400 m) at Porto Alto, affecting the Upper Neogene and (at least for one fault) the Quaternary, with a normal offset component. The consistency with the previous oil-industry profiles interpretation supports the location and geometry of this fault zone. Concerning the second structure, two major faults were detected north of Vila Franca de Xira, supporting the extension of the Vila Franca de Xira–Lisbon fault zone northwards. One of these faults presents a reverse geometry apparently displacing Holocene alluvium. Vertical offsets of the Holocene sediments detected in the studied geophysical data of Porto Alto and Vila Franca de Xira–Lisbon faults imply minimum slip rates of 0.15–0.30 mm/year, three times larger than previously inferred for active faults in the Lower Tagus Valley and maximum estimates of average return periods of 2000–5000 years for M 6.5–7 co-seismic ruptures.  相似文献   

Seismic sections across the NW part of the Polish Basin show that thrust faults developed in the sedimentary units above the Zechstein evaporite layer during basin inversion. These cover thrust faults have formed above the basement footwall. Based on the evolution of the basin, a series of scaled analogue models was carried out to study interaction between a basement fault and cover sediments during basin extension and inversion. During model extension, a set of normal faults originated in the sand cover above the basement fault area. The distribution and geometry of these faults were dependent on the thickness of a ductile layer and pre-extension sand layer, synkinematic deposition, the amount of model extension, as well as on the presence of a ductile layer between the cover and basement. Footwall cover was faulted away from the basement only in cases where a large amount of model extension and hanging-wall subsidence were not balanced by synkinematic deposition. Model inversion reactivated major cover faults located above the basement fault tip as reverse faults, whereas other extensional faults were either rotated or activated only in their upper segments, evolving into sub-horizontal thrusts. New normal or reverse faults originated in the footwall cover in models which contained a very thin pre-extension sand layer above the ductile layer. This was also the case in the highly extended and shortened model in which synkinematic hanging-wall subsidence was not balanced by sand deposition during model extension. Model results show that inversion along the basement fault results in shortening of the cover units and formation of thrust faults. This scenario happens only when the cover units are decoupled from the basement by a ductile layer. Given this, we argue that the thrusts in the sedimentary infill of the Polish Basin, which are decoupled from the basement tectonics by Zechstein evaporites, developed due to the inversion of the basement faults during the Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary.  相似文献   

The Gondwana successions (1–4 km thick) of peninsular India accumulated in a number of discrete basins during Permo-Triassic period. The basins are typically bounded by faults that developed along Precambrian lineaments during deposition, as well as affected by intrabasinal faults indicating fault-controlled synsedimentary subsidence. The patterns of the intrabasinal faults and their relationships with the respective basin-bounding faults represent both extensional and strike-slip regimes. Field evidence suggests that preferential subsidence in locales of differently oriented discontinuities in the Precambrian basement led to development of Gondwana basins with varying, but mutually compatible, kinematics during a bulk motion, grossly along the present-day E–W direction. The kinematic disparity of the individual basins resulted due to different relative orientations of the basement discontinuities and is illustrated with the help of a simple sandbox model. The regional E–W motion was accommodated by strike-slip motion on the transcontinental fault in the north.  相似文献   

A 3D structural model for the entire southwestern Baltic Sea and the adjacent onshore areas was created with the purpose to analyse the structural framework and the sediment distribution in the area. The model was compiled with information from several geological time-isochore maps and digital depth maps from the area and consists of six post-Rotliegend successions: The Upper Permian Zechstein; Lower Triassic; Middle Triassic; Upper Triassic–Jurassic; Cretaceous and Cenozoic. This structural model was the basis for a 3D backstripping approach, considering salt flow as a consequence of spatially changing overburden load distribution, isostatic rebound and sedimentary compaction for each backstripping step in order to reconstruct the subsidence history in the region. This method allows determination of the amount of tectonic subsidence or uplifting as a consequence of the regional stress field acting on the basin and was followed by a correlation with periods of active salt movement. In general, the successions above the highly deformed Zechstein evaporites reveal a thickening trend towards the Glückstadt Graben, which also experienced the highest amount of tectonic subsidence during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Two periods of accelerating salt movement in the area has been correlated with the E–W directed extension during the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic and later by the Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic inversion, suggesting that the regional stress field plays a key role in halokinesis. The final part of this work dealt with a neotectonic forward modelling in an attempt to predict the future topography when the system is in a tectonic equilibrium. The result reveals that many of the salt structures in the region are still active and that future coastline will run with a WNW–ESE trend, arguing that the compressional stresses related to the Alpine collision are the prime factor for the present-day landscape evolution.  相似文献   

Northern Apulia is an emerged portion of the Adriatic microplate, representing the foreland–foredeep area of a stretch of the Apennine chain in southern Italy. The interaction between the relatively rigid microplate and the contiguous more deformable domains is responsible for the intense seismicity affecting the chain area. However strong, sometimes even disastrous, earthquakes have also hit northern Apulia on several occasions. The identification of the causative faults of such events is still unclear and different hypotheses have been reported in literature. In order to provide guidelines and constraints in the search for these structures, a comprehensive re-examination and reprocessing of all the available seismic data has been carried out taking into consideration 1) the characteristics of historical events, 2) the accurate relocation of events instrumentally recorded in the last 20 years, 3) the determination of focal mechanisms and of the regional stress tensor.The results obtained bring to light a distinction between the foreland and foredeep areas. In the first region there is evidence of a regional stress combining NW compression and NE extension, thus structures responsible for major earthquakes should be searched for among strike–slip faults, possibly with a slight transpressive character. These structures could be either approximately N–S oriented sinistral or E–W dextral faults. In the foredeep region there is a transition toward transtensive mechanisms, with strikes similar to those of the previous zone, or maybe also towards NW oriented normal faults, more similar to those prevailing in the southern Apennine chain in relation to a dominant NE extension; this appears to be the effect of a reduction of the NW compression, probably due to a decrease in efficiency of stress transmission along the more tectonised border of the Adriatic microplate.  相似文献   

An unusual structural paragenesis, complicated by brachyanticlines, is revealed for the first time in the sedimentary cover of the West Siberian Plate by 3D seismic surveying. These are linear (in plan view) systems of en-echelon arranged low-amplitude normal faults related to wrench faults in the basement. On different sides off a wrench fault, the planes of normal faults dip in opposite directions, forming a helicoidal structure that resembles the blades of a propeller. In the section parallel to the wrench fault, the boundaries of the beds and normal fault planes dip in opposite directions as well. In the section across the strike of the normal faults converging toward the basement, the beds take the shape of an antiform with a crest sagged along the normal faults (flower structure). This structural assembly was formed as a result of interference of stress fields of horizontal shear in the vertical plane (induced by faulting in the basement) and in the horizontal plane (caused by gravity resistance of the cover). In this case, the displacements along the normal faults develop in both the vertical and, to a greater extent, horizontal directions, so that the faults in cover are actually characterized by normal-strike-slip kinematics. The regional N-S-trending compression of the West Siberian Plate is the main cause of shearing along the NW- and NE-trending faults in the basement, which make up a rhomb-shaped system in plan view. Petroliferous brachyanticlines, whose axes, notwithstanding tectonophysical laws, are oriented in the direction close to the maximum compression axis, are known in the large wrench fault zones of Western Siberia. Our experiments with equivalent materials showed that a local stress field arising at the ends of echeloned Riedel shears within a wrench fault zone may be a cause of the formation of such brachyanticlines. The progressive elongation of Riedel shears leads to the corresponding elongation of the brachyanticlines located between their ends. The performed study has shown that the known types of interference of elementary geodynamic settings such as horizontal shear along the vertical plane + horizontal compression (transpression) and horizontal shear along the vertical plane + horizontal extension (transtension) may be supplemented by combination of horizontal shears along the vertical and horizontal planes, resulting in tectonic lamination. By analogy, we propose to name this type of interference of elementary shear settings translamination. Petroliferous helicoidal structures arise in the given geodynamic setting of translamination.  相似文献   

The geometry and dynamics of the Mesozoic basins of the Weald–Boulonnais area have been controlled by the distribution of preexisting Variscan structures. The emergent Variscan frontal thrust faults are predominantly E–W oriented in southern England while in northern France they have a largely NW–SE orientation.Extension related to Tethyan and Atlantic opening has reactivated these faults and generated new faults that, together, have conditioned the resultant Mesozoic basin geometries. Jurassic to Cretaceous N–S extension gave the Weald–Boulonnais basin an asymmetric geometry with the greatest subsidence located along its NW margin. Late Cretaceous–Palaeogene N–S oriented Alpine (s.l.) compression inverted the basin and produced an E–W symmetrical anticline associated with many subsidiary anticlines or monoclines and reverse faults. In the Boulonnais extensional and contractional faults that controlled sedimentation and inversion of the Mesozoic basin are examined in the light of new field and reprocessed gravity data to establish possible controls exerted by preexisting Variscan structures.  相似文献   

A compilation of gravity data from the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) is presented that includes all the main data sources from its German and French parts. This data is used to show that the URG consists of, at least, two arc-shaped and asymmetric rift units that tectonically are the basic building blocks of the graben. In this sense the URG does not differ from other continental rifts, such as the African rifts. This division should replace the now classical geomorphologic division of the URG into three segments, based on their different trends. Moreover, the gravity suggests that the faults in the central and southern segments are continuous and have the same trend, appearing to respond as a single kinematic unit. Changes in the gravity field in the graben are shown to reflect not only the structure of the graben, but also the highly variable composition of the basement. In this respect, the URG is quite different from some other Tertiary continental rifts, where possible changes in the composition of the basement are mostly masked in the gravity field by the effect of the overlying low-density sediments. This characteristic is used to study the extent of some of the main basement units that underlie the graben.  相似文献   

The Malatya Basin is situated on the southern Taurus-Anatolian Platform. The southern part of the basin contains a sedimentary sequence which can be divided into four main units, each separated by an unconformity. From base to top, these are: (1) Permo-Carboniferous; (2) Upper Cretaceous–Lower Paleocene, (3) Middle-Upper Eocene and (4) Upper Miocene. The Upper Cretaceous–Tertiary sedimentary sequence resting on basement rocks is up to 700 m thick.The Permo-Carboniferous basement consist of dolomites and recrystallized limestones. The Upper Cretaceous–Lower Paleocene transgressive–regressive sequence shows a transition from terrestrial environments, via lagoonal to shallow-marine limestones to deep marine turbiditic sediments, followed upwards by shallow marine cherty limestones. The marine sediments contain planktic and benthic foraminifers indicating an upper Campanian, Maastrichtian and Danian age. The Middle-Upper Eocene is a transgressive–regressive sequence represented by terrestrial and lagoonal clastics, shallow-marine limestones and deep marine turbidites. The planktic and benthic foraminifers in the marine sediments indicate a Middle-Upper Eocene age. The upper Miocene sequence consists of a reddish-brown conglomerate–sandstone–mudstone alternation of alluvial and fluvial facies.During Late Cretaceous–Early Paleocene times, the Gündüzbey Group was deposited in the southern part of a fore-arc basin, simultaneously with volcanics belonging to the Yüksekova Group. During Middle-Late Eocene times, the Yeşilyurt Group was deposited in the northern part of the Maden Basin and the Helete volcanic arc. The Middle-Upper Eocene Malatya Basin was formed due to block faulting at the beginning of the Middle Eocene time. During the Late Paleocene–Early Eocene, and at the end of the Eocene, the study areas became continental due to the southward advance of nappe structures.The rock sequences in the southern part of the Malatya Basin may be divided into four tectonic units, from base to top: the lower allochthon, the upper allochthon, the parautochthon and autochthonous rock units.  相似文献   

The ENE-tilted Mesta half-graben contains a 3-km-thick section of Priabonian (Late Eocene) to Oligocene sedimentary and volcanic rocks that rest unconformably on basement metamorphic rocks along its west side. Basal strata dip 50–60° E and dip at progressively lower angles upward, indicating synrotational deposition. The southern part of the half-graben contains nested volcanic caldera complexes, formed during the deposition of the middle part of the sedimentary sequence, which have been rotated by about half the total rotation of the sedimentary succession. The half-graben is bounded on the east by a fault that steepens from more deeply exposed structural levels in the south (8–18° W) to shallower exposed structural levels in the north (70° W) and together with the rotation of Paleogene strata during deposition indicate the Mesta half-graben is underlain by a listric detachment fault, the Mesta detachment. Subhorizontal Middle Miocene strata that unconformably overlie tilted Paleogene strata yield an upper age limit to the extension. West and northwest of the Mesta half-graben are many other NNW-trending NE-tilted Paleogene half-grabens which we suggest are part of an important extended area in SW Bulgaria and eastern Macedonia that lies above one or more west-dipping detachment faults and date the beginning of Aegean extension in the southern Balkan region as at least as old as Priabonian. The Mesta detachment is oblique to the trend of a contemporaneous Paleogene magmatic arc in the southern Balkans and the origin of the detachment is probably related to gravitationally induced spreading of thickened hot arc crust and Hellenic trench roll back.  相似文献   

Surface geology and heophysical data, supplemented by regional structural interpretations, indicate that the Valle del Cauca basin and adjacent areas in west-central Colombia form a west-vergent, basement-involved fold and thrust belt. This belt is part of a Cenozoic orogen developed along the west side of the Romeral fault system. Structural analysis and geometrical constraints show that the Mesozoic ophiolitic basement and its Cenozoic sedimentary cover are involved in a “thick-skinned” west-vergent foreland style deformation. The rocks are transported and shortened by deeply rooted thrust faults and stacked in imbricate fashion. The faults have a NE---SW regional trend, are listric in shape, developed as splay faults which are interpreted as joining a common detachment at over 10 km depth. The faults carry Paleogene sedimentary strata and Cretaceous basement rocks westward over Miocene strata of the Valle del Cauca Basin. Fold axes trend parallel or sub parallel to the thrust faults. The folds are westwardly asymmetrical with parallel to kink geometry, and are interpreted to be fault-propagation folds stacked in an imbricate thrust system. Stratigraphic evidence suggests that the Valle del Cauca basin was deformed between Oligocene and upper Miocene time. The kinematic history outlined above is consistent with an oblique convergence between the Panama and South American plates during the Cenozoic.A negative residual Bouguer anomaly of 20–70 mgls in the central part of the Valle del Cauca basin indicates that a substantial volume of low density sedimentary rocks is concealed beneath the thrust sheets exposed at the land surface. The hydrocarbon potential of the Valle del Cauca should be reevaluated in light of the structural interpretations presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Marine geophysical data from the southern Natal Valley and northern Transkei Basin, offshore southeast Africa, were used to study the structure of the crust and sedimentary cover in the area. The data includes seismic reflection, gravity and magnetics and provides information on the acoustic basement geometry (where available), features of the sedimentary cover and the basin's development. Previously mapped Mesozoic magnetic anomalies over a part of the basin are now recognized over wider areas of the basin. The ability to extend the correlation to the southeast within the Natal Valley further confirms an oceanic origin for this region and provides an opportunity to amplify the existing plate boundary reconstructions.The stratigraphic structure of the southern Natal Valley and the northern Transkei Basin reflects processes of the ocean crust formation and subsequent evolution. The highly variable relief of the acoustic basement may relate to the crust formation in the immediate vicinity of the continental transform margin. Renewed submarine seismicity and neotectonic activity in the area is probably related to the diffuse boundary between the Nubia and Somalia plates.2.5-D crustal models show that a 1.7–3.2-km-thick sediment sequence overlies a 6.3±1.2-km-thick normal oceanic crust in the deep southern Natal Valley and Transkei Basin. The oceanic crust in the study area is heterogeneous, made up of blocks of laterally varying remanent magnetization (0.5–3.5 A/m) and density (2850–2900 kg/m3). Strong modifications of accretionary processes near ridge/fracture zone intersections may be a reason of such heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The Uralides, a linear N–S trending Palaeozoic fold belt, reveals an intact, well-preserved orogen with a deep crustal root within a stable continental interior. In the western fold-and-thrust belt of the southern Uralides, Devonian to Carboniferous siliciclastic and carbonate rocks overlay Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks. Deformation in the Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian caused thick-skinned tectonic features in the western and central parts of the western fold-and-thrust belt. A stack of several nappes characterizes the deformation in the eastern part. Along the E–W transect AC-TS'96 that crosses the western fold-and-thrust belt, apatite fission track data record various stages of the geodynamic evolution of the Uralide orogeny such as basin evolution during the Palaeozoic, synorogenic movements along major thrusts, synorogenic to postorogenic exhumation and a change in the regional stress field during the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous. The Palaeozoic sedimentary cover and the Neoproterozoic basement of the Ala-Tau anticlinorium never exceed the upper limit of the PAZ since the Devonian. A temperature gradient similar to the recent one (20 °C/km) would account for the FT data. Reactivation of the Neoproterozoic Zilmerdak thrust was time equivalent to the onset of the Devonian and Carboniferous collision-related deformation in the east. West-directed movement along the Tashli thrust occurred in the Lower Permian. The Devonian and Carboniferous exhumation path of the Neoproterozoic siliciclastic units of the Tirlyan synclinorium mirrors the onset of the Uralian orogeny, the emplacement of the Tirlyan nappe and the continuous west-directed compression. The five main tectonic segments Inzer Synclinorium, Beloretzk Terrane, Ala-Tau anticlinorium, Yamantau anticlinorium and Zilair synclinorium were exhumed one after another to a stable position in the crust between 290 and 230 Ma. Each segment has its own t–T path but the exhumation rate was nearly the same. Final denudation of the western fold-and-thrust belt and exhumation to the present surface probably began in Late Tertiary. In Jurassic and Cretaceous, south-directed movements along W–E trending normal faults indicate a change in the tectonic regime in the southern Uralides.  相似文献   

The Donbas Foldbelt is part of the Prypiat–Dnieper–Donets intracratonic rift basin (Belarus–Ukraine–southern Russia) that developed in Late Devonian times and was reactivated in Early Carboniferous. To the southeast, the Donbas Foldbelt joins the contiguous, deformed Karpinsky Swell. Basin “inversions” led first to the uplift of the Palaeozoic series (mainly Carboniferous but also syn-rift Devonian strata in the southwesternmost part of the Donbas Foldbelt, which are deeply buried in the other parts of the rift system), and later to the formation of the fold-and-thrust belt. The general structural trend of the Donbas Foldbelt, formed mainly during rifting, is WNW–ESE. This is the strike of the main rift-related fault zones and also of the close to tight “Main Anticline” of the Donbas Foldbelt that developed along the previous rift axis. The Main Anticline is structurally unique in the Donbas Foldbelt and its formation was initiated in Permian times, during a period of (trans) tensional reactivation, during which active salt movements occurred. A relief inversion of the basin also took place at this time with a pronounced uplift of the southern margin of the basin and the adjacent Ukrainian Shield. Subsequently, Cimmerian and Alpine phases of tectonic inversion of the Donbas Foldbelt led to the development of flat and shallow thrusts commonly associated with folds into the basin. A fan-shaped deformation pattern is recognised in the field, with south-to southeast-vergent compressive structures, south of the Main Anticline, and north- to northwest-vergent ones, north of it. These compressive structures are clearly superimposed onto the WNW–ESE structural grain of the initial rift basin. Shortening structures that characterise the tectonic inversion of the basin are (regionally) orientated NW–SE and N–S. Because of the obliquity of the compressive trends relative to the WNW–ESE strike of inherited structures (major preexisting normal faults and the Main Anticline), in addition to reverse displacements, right lateral movements occurred along the main boundary fault zones and along the faulted hinge of the Main Anticline. The existence of preexisting structures is also thought to be responsible for local deviations in contractional trends (that are E–W in the southwesternmost part of the basin).  相似文献   

金湖凹陷隐性断裂带形成机制及分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金湖凹陷基底存在北东、北西向两组断裂。北西向基底断裂活动较弱,对盖层变形影响较小,在盖层中多以隐性断裂带显现;北东向基底断裂活动强烈,对凹陷盖层变形影响较大,不仅形成了凹陷东部边界杨村断裂在内的多条显性断裂,而且形成了多条隐性断裂带。凹陷中部的北东向石港显性断裂带将凹陷分割成西部斜坡带和东部凹陷带。东部凹陷带受基底北西向断裂隐性活动的影响呈现南北分段特征。凹陷盖层中还发育了大量近东西走向的三、四级正断层,它们大致平行成带分布,形成了宝应平行雁列式断裂构造带、唐港雁列式断裂构造带、卞闵杨平行雁列式断裂构造带、西斜坡平行入字型断裂构造带、汊涧泥沛平行雁列式断裂构造带等一系列油气富集区带。上述构造带中的油气藏分布明显受到北东和北西向基底断裂活动影响,呈现北东、北西或近南北向成带、成串分布特征。应用区域地质、重磁等资料开展隐性断裂带预测,识别出10条北东向、5条北西向、6条南北向隐性断裂带。沉积盖层中形成的这些隐性断裂带控制了储集砂体分布、改善了储层物性、使隐性圈闭成带成串分布,是油气聚集成藏的有利区带。  相似文献   

Interpretation of seismic data from the Lufeng Sag of the Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB) in the northern part of South China Sea shows that different intersection patterns developed in the cover units above basement normal faults. A series of analogue models are used to investigate the intersection patterns and deformation in the sedimentary cover sequences above a basement horst bounded by two non-parallel faults. Modelling results show that during their upward propagation, the basement faults may intersect within the cover sequences and form a graben above the basement horst. Length and width of the graben increase with cover thickness. The strike and dip intersection points are controlled directly by the thickness of the cover sequences, dip and strike of the basement faults, and width of the basement horst. The intersection point migrates along the axis of the graben toward the wide end of the basement horst, when the cover sequence thickens. In contrast, it migrates toward the narrow end of the basement horst, where both fault dip and angle of strike difference increase. The intersection point moves upward with increasing width of the basement horst crest. Model profiles also indicate that in the presence of a ductile layer between the cover and basement such intersection patterns do not form. Interpretation of seismic data and model results show that the intersection pattern developed in the Lufeng Sag is a result of propagation of basement faults into cover units during different extension stages of the basin. Results of this study can be applied to many other sedimentary basins where such fault intersection patterns are likely to form when non-parallel conjugate basement faults are active during sedimentation.  相似文献   

In the northern part of the Upper Rhine Graben (URG), a high-resolution seismic reflection survey was carried out on the Rhine River over a length of 80 km, and on its tributary Neckar over a length of 25 km. The seismic investigation provides new results to redefine the base of Quaternary fluvial sediments from Oppenheim upstream to the south of Mannheim. The standard Quaternary thickness map of Bartz (1974) was partially revised and completed. Maximum Pleistocene sediment thickness is documented in the area of Mannheim with approximately 225 m. The top of the Pliocene in this area is sub-horizontal and not faulted, and rises downstream continuously towards the fault block of Worms. Intercalated lacustrine pelitic layers play a main role in defining the litho-stratigraphy in this part of the URG. In the north of Worms, Pleistocene sediments are mainly coarse-grained. In the area of Worms, a Pleistocene tectonic phase along N–S striking normal faults with variable displacement along the strike is obvious.  相似文献   

The Malargüe fold-and-thrust belt is a thick-skinned belt developed in Miocene-Pliocene times during the Andean orogeny, which together with the Cordillera Frontal constitutes the Andes of central Argentina in the Diamante River area. Detailed field mapping and construction of three regional balanced cross-sections, supported by seismic and well information, constrains the structural style of this Andean region as two basement uplifts in the western and eastern sectors surrounding a central region of thin-skinned deformation. In the west, large basement wedges related to thrust faults developed during Andean compression propagated along favourable horizons (commonly gypsum) into the sedimentary cover. These wedges transferred shortening to the cover rocks producing the thin-skinned structures. There is therefore a close spatial and temporal relationship between basement and cover deformation. In the thin-skinned region, the abundance of shales and salt horizons in the west facilitated the formation of fault-related folds while the more competent units in the east were deformed into duplex and imbricated thrusts. The basement uplift in the eastern sector represents the southern end of the Cordillera Frontal, where the Carrizalito fault placed pre-Jurassic rocks over tertiary synorogenic sediments in the northern area while in the southern region it remained as a blind thrust. A common feature is the development of backthrust systems related to the major east-vergent basement structures. The backthrusts therefore serve to locate basement uplifts where outcrops are absent. Three-dimensional integration of the cross-sections and a structural map at the top of the pre-Jurassic basement show that although the main structures change considerably along strike, the total shortening of each section shows little variation.  相似文献   

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