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Clay mineralogy and whole-rock stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C) of Upper Cretaceous marly sediments on the Basque-Cantabrian Basin have been integrated to determine the main effects of diagenesis, palaeoclimate and tectono-sedimentary factors in sections belonging to deep- (Barrika) and platform-marine (Isla de Castro, Villamartín and Olazagutía) settings.The mean values for the clay assemblages and δ18O exhibit notable differences among the sections, partially explainable by the influence of diagenesis. The Barrika sediments, with more diagenetically advanced illite-smectite (I-S) mixed-layer (R1, 70% illite), authigenic chlorite, and low δ18O (−4.05‰ PDB), experienced higher diagenetic grade than Isla de Castro and Olazagutía, which have R0 I-S (20% illite) and heavier δ18O. Villamartín was also affected by higher diagenesis than Isla de Castro and Olazagutía, given the occurrence of R1 I-S (60% illite) and low δ18O (−4.11‰ PDB). However, the absence of other clays in Villamartín (e.g. authigenic chlorite) is indicative of less diagenetic grade than Barrika. These results show the useful integration of clay mineralogy and stable isotopes to detect different diagenetic grades in distinct marine successions of the same basin.Despite being influenced by diagenesis, the clay mineralogy partially preserves its inherited signature. This allows detection of major contents of I-S and mica, and minor kaolinite, interpreted as indicative of warm palaeoclimatic conditions. High kaolinite content in Villamartín and absence of kaolinite in Isla de Castro, though, are considered to be a product of neither diagenesis nor palaeoclimatic influences. Instead, tectono-sedimentary causes, related to unsuitable conditions for clay formation and transport from the local source areas, contributed to original clay differences. The inferred effects of diagenesis, palaeoclimate and tectono-sedimentary factors make this work important to show the potentially great variety of controls on the clay mineralogy of marine sections, which are often uncritically treated in studies concerning the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusion studies combined with the isotope geochemistry of several generations of fracture calcite from the Olkiluoto research site, Finland, has been used to better understand the past thermal and fluid history in the crystalline rock environment. Typically, fracture mineral investigations use O and C isotopes from calcite and an estimate of the isotopic composition of the water that precipitated the calcite to perform δ18O geothermometry calculations to estimate past temperature conditions. By combining fluid inclusion information with calcite isotopes, one can directly measure the temperature at which the calcite formed and can better determine past fluid compositions. Isotopic, petrologic and fluid inclusion studies at the Olkiluoto research site in Finland were undertaken as part of an investigation within the Finnish nuclear waste disposal program. The study revealed that four fluids were recorded by fracture calcites. From petrologic evidence, the first fluid precipitated crystalline calcite at 151–225°C with a δ13C signature of −21 to −13.9‰ PDB and a δ18O signature of 12.3–13.0‰ SMOW. These closed fracture fillings were found at depths greater than 500 m and were formed from a high temperature, low salinity, Na–Cl fluid of possible meteoric water altered by exchange with wallrock or dilute basinal origin. The next fluid precipitated crystalline calcite with clay at 92–210°C with a δ13C signature of −2.6 to +3.8‰ PDB and a δ18O signature of 19.4–20.7‰ SMOW. These closed fracture fillings were found at depths less than 500 m and were formed from a moderate to high temperature, low to moderate salinity, Na–Cl fluid, likely of magmatic origin. The last group of calcites to form, record the presence of two distinct fluid types. The platy (a) calcite formed at 95–238°C with a δ13C signature of −12.2 to −3.8‰ PDB and a δ18O signature of 14.9–19.6‰ SMOW, from a high temperature, low salinity, Na–Cl fluid of possible magmatic origin. The platy (b) calcite formed at 67–98°C with a δ13C signature of −13.0 to −6.2‰ PDB and a δ18O signature of 15.1–20.1‰ SMOW, from a low temperature, high salinity, Ca–Na–Cl fluid of possible basinal brine origin. The two calcites are related through a mixing between the two end members. The source of the fluids for the platy grey (a) calcites could be the olivine diabase dykes and sills that cut through the site. The source of fluids for the platy (b) calcites could be the Jotnian arkosic sandstone formations in the northern part of the site. At the Olkiluoto site, δ18O geothermometry does not agree with fluid inclusion data. The original source of the water that forms the calcite has the largest effect on the isotopic signature of the calcites formed. Large isotopic shifts are seen in any water by mineral precipitation during cooling under rock–water equilibrium fractionation conditions. Different calcite isotopic signatures are produced depending on whether cooling occurred in an open or closed system. Water–rock interaction, at varying W/R ratios, between a water and a host rock can explain the isotopic shifts in many of the calcites observed. In some cases it is possible to shift the δ18O of the water by +11.5‰ (SMOW) using a realistic water–rock ratio. This process still does not explain some of the very positive δ18O values calculated using fluid inclusion data. Several other processes, such as low temperature recrystallization, boiling, kinetic effects and dissolution of calcite from fluid inclusion walls can affect isotopic signatures to varying degrees. The discrepancy between fluid inclusion data and δ18O geothermometry at the Olkiluoto site was most likely due to poor constraint on the original source of the water.  相似文献   

A carbon and oxygen isotope survey based on 42 samples from the Amba Dongar carbonatite complex of Gujarat, India, indicates that the magmatic differentiation series sövite → alvikite → ankeritic carbonatite is beset with a distinct isotope trend characterized by a moderate rise in 13C coupled with a sizeable increase in 18O. From an average of −4.6 ± 0.4 ‰ [PDB] for the least differentiated (coarse) sövite member, δ13C values slowly increase in the alvikite (−3.7 ± 0.6 ‰) and ankeritic fractions (−3.0 ± 1.1 ‰), whereas δ18O rises from 10.3 ± 1.7 ‰ [SMOW] to 17.5 ± 5.8 ‰ over the same sequence, reaching extremes between 20 and 28 ‰ in the latest generation of ankeritic carbonatite. While an apparent correlation between δ13C and δ18O over the δ18O range of 7–13 ‰ conforms with similar findings from other carbonatite complexes and probably reflects a Rayleigh fractionation process, the observed upsurge of 18O notably in the ankeritic member is demonstrably related to a late phase of low-temperature hydrothermal activity involving large-scale participation of 18O-depleted groundwaters. As a whole, the Amba Dongar carbonatite province displays the characteristic 13C/12C label of deep-seated (primordial) carbon, reflecting the carbon isotope composition of the subcontinental upper mantle below the Narmada Rift Zone of the Indian subcontinent.  相似文献   

In the Pattani Basin, a failed-rift basin, extensive water-rock interaction has occurred between subquartzose alluvial sandstones of Miocene age and their pore fluids. Diagenetic rates and pathways have been strongly influenced by high geothermal gradients, high CO2 fugacities, and low pore water salinities. Depositional pore water was fresh to brackish, depending on the depositional environment of the sediments. Chloride concentrations in modern formation water are believed primarily to reflect the proportions of river and sea water in the depositional environment. However, the concentration of other important solutes and the isotopic composition of the formation waters can not be explained by roportional mixing of these two end-member waters. Dissolution of detrital plagioclase (An = 3) and K- feldspar are reactions of major significance that are reflected chemically in the Na/Cl and K/Cl ratios of the formation water. Despite the high temperature of the sandstones (120–200°C), diagenetic albite does not occur. Geochemical calculations indicate the formation water is undersaturated with respect to both orthoclase and albite. This style of feldspar diagenesis differs significantly from that of sandstones of similar composition in other basins, and has probably influenced other aspects of silicate diagenesis.Important authigenic minerals are: 1. locally abundant calcite cement (δ13C= −12.8, δ18O= −17.3 PDB), an early diagenetic phase that formed at about 60°C; 2. pore-filling kaolinite (δ18O= 9.9, δD= −83.5SMOW) that was closely associated with feldspar dissolution and formed over a range of temperatures; and 3. fibrous pore-lining and pore-bridging illite (δ18O = 9.8, δD = − 86.7 SMOW, the last significant cement, formed at temperatures of 120 to 150°C. Potassium/argon dates on illite indicate that sandstone diagenesis took place during a period of rapid sedimentation in the first two-thirds of the burial history.Comparison of Pattani Basin diagenesis with diagenesis of sandstones of similar age in other sedimentary basins demonstrates that chemical diagenesis, relative to mechanical compaction, has been especially rapid in the Pattani Basin. This reflects the effect of high temperatures on reaction rates. The net effect is a high average rate of porosity loss with burial (11% km).  相似文献   

The CO2 gas reservoir sandstones in the Hailaer Basin contain abundant dawsonite and provide an ideal laboratory to study whether any genetic relationship exists between dawsonite and the modern gas phase of CO2. The origins of dawsonite and CO2 in these sandstones were studied by petrographic and isotopic analysis. According to the paragenetic sequence of the sandstones, dawsonite grew later than CO2 charging at 110–85 Ma. The dawsonite δ18O value is 7.4‰ (SMOW), and the calculated δ18O values of the water present during dawsonite growth are from −11.4‰ to −9.2‰ (SMOW). This, combined with the NaHCO3-dominated water linked to dawsonite growth, suggests meteoric water being responsible for dawsonite growth. The δ13C values of gas phase CO2 and the ratios of 3He/4He of the associated He suggest a mantle magmatic origin of CO2-rich natural gas in Hailaer basin. Dawsonite δ13C values are −5.3‰ to −1.5‰ (average −3.4‰), and the calculated δ13C values of CO2 gas in isotopic equilibrium with dawsonite are −11.4‰ to −7.3‰. These C isotopic values are ambiguous for the dawsonite C source. From the geological context, the timing of events, together with formation water conditions for dawsonite growth, dawsonite possibly grew in meteoric-derived water, atmospherically-derived CO2 maybe, or at least the dominant, C source for dawsonite. It seems that there are few relationships between dawsonite and the modern gas phase of CO2 in the Hailaer basin.  相似文献   

A case study of three springs in Switzerland is used to demonstrate the value of geochemical time-series data as a powerful tool to study the dynamics of groundwater systems. Values of repeatedly measured parameters revealed intermixings of two water types: (a) a 29°C water, circulating to a depth of 1100 m and containing approximately 700 mg/l Ca, 2000 mg/l SO4, 700 mg/l HCO3, 20 mg/l of Na and Cl, 6 mg/l Fe, at least 47 mg/l SiO2, and with an isotopic composition of δD = − 73.0‰ and δ18 O = −10.9‰, and (b) a 12°C or colder water, shallow, and of a post-1953 age, containing 420 mg/l TDI or less, very low in Na and Cl (4 mg/l or less), isotopic values of δD = −71.0‰ and δ18 O = −10.5‰ and tritium as in recent (post-bomb) precipitation.  相似文献   

The middle Cenomanian–lower Turonian deposits of Ohaba-Ponor section (Southern Carpathians) were studied from biostratigraphic and isotopic points of view. Both the qualitative and semiquantitative nannofloral analyses, as well as the stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) data support significant palaeoenvironmental changes in the investigated interval. Two δ13C positive excursions were recognized: (1) an excursion up to 1.8‰ (PDB) within the middle/late Cenomanian boundary; (2) an excursion up to 2.2‰ (PDB) in the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval. The oldest δ13C positive excursion recorded (placed within the Acanthoceras jukes-brownei/Eucalycoceras pentagonum Ammonite Zone boundary interval, and in the NC11 Calcareous Nannofossil Zone respectively) could be assigned to the middle Cenomanian Event II (MCEII). During the above-mentioned event, significant increase in abundance of Watznaueria barnesae, followed by successive blooms of Biscutum constans and Eprolithus floralis, were observed. The youngest δ13C positive excursion was identified in the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval (in the NC12 and lower part of the NC13 Calcareous Nannofossil Zones). Even the amplitude of this δ13C positive excursion is lower in the Ohaba-Ponor section, as generally reported, this may represent the regional record of the OAE2. The successive peaks of the nannofossils Biscutum constans, Zeugrhabdotus erectus and Eprolithus floralis indicate episodes of cooler surface water and high fertility, which preceded and lasted the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary event. Additionally, fluctuations of δ18O values between −2 and −6‰ suggest also cooler conditions within the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval.  相似文献   

Twenty two samples of calcretes from seven depth-profiles in the Menindee catchment, Broken Hill region, Australia were analysed for their inorganic and organic carbon contents and inorganic carbon and oxygen isotopes. The organic carbon content is very low (from 0.06 to 0.31 wt.%) while inorganic carbon (carbonate) is up to 3.9 wt.%. Both δ13C and δ18O become more positive closer to the surface. Carbon isotopes vary from − 8.5‰ to −5.5‰ PDB. Oxygen isotopes vary from − 6‰ to − 1.8‰ V-PDB. Depth-related δ13C and δ18O variations correlate over at least 15 km and show no significant variation along the flow path. δ13C values increase by 3‰ and δ18O values increase by 4‰ with decreasing depth in a 1.40 m thick soil profile. The variation is interpreted to indicate an increasingly elevated air temperature, greater water stress and subsequently an aridification of the area through time. The Broken Hill calcrete data confirm that climatic evolution can be deduced from isotopic series and be applied successfully to the Broken Hill region.  相似文献   

Between 10,500 and 9000 cal yr BP, δ18O values of benthic ostracodes within glaciolacustrine varves from Lake Superior range from − 18 to − 22‰ PDB. In contrast, coeval ostracode and bivalve records from the Lake Huron and Lake Michigan basins are characterized by extreme δ18O variations, ranging from values that reflect a source that is primarily glacial ( − 20‰ PDB) to much higher values characteristic of a regional meteoric source ( − 5‰ PDB). Re-evaluated age models for the Huron and Michigan records yield a more consistent δ18O stratigraphy. The striking feature of these records is a sharp drop in δ18O values between 9400 and 9000 cal yr BP. In the Huron basin, this low δ18O excursion was ascribed to the late Stanley lowstand, and in the Lake Michigan basin to Lake Agassiz flooding. Catastrophic flooding from Lake Agassiz is likely, but a second possibility is that the low δ18O excursion records the switching of overflow from the Lake Superior basin from an undocumented northern outlet back into the Great Lakes basin. Quantifying freshwater fluxes for this system remains difficult because the benthic ostracodes in the glaciolacustrine varves of Lake Superior and Lake Agassiz may not record the average δ18O value of surface water.  相似文献   

Stable isotope ratios of oxygen and carbon were determined for CO2 in soil gas in the vicinity of the massive sulfide deposit at Crandon, Wisconsin with the objective of determining the source of anomalously high CO2 concentrations detected previously by McCarthy et al. (1986). Values of δ13C in soil gas CO2 from depths between 0.5 and 1.0 m were found to range from −12.68‰ to −20.03‰ (PDB). Organic carbon from the uppermost meter of soil has δ13C between −24.1 and −25.8‰ (PDB), indicating derivation from plant species with the C3 (Calvin) type of photosynthetic pathway. Microbial decomposition of the organic carbon and root respiration from C3 and C4 (Hatch-Slack) plants, together with atmospheric CO2 are the likely sources of carbon in soil gas CO2. Values of δ18O in soil-gas CO2 range from 32 to 38‰ (SMOW). These δ18O values are intermediate between that calculated for CO2 gas in isotopic equilibrium with local groundwaters and that for atmospheric CO2. The δ18O data indicate that atmospheric CO2 has been incorporated by mixing or diffusion. Any CO2 generated by microbial oxidation of organic matter has equilibrated its oxygen isotopes with the local groundwaters.The isotopic composition of soil-gas CO2 taken from directly above the massive sulfide deposit was not distinguishable from that of background samples taken 1 to 2 km away. No enrichment of the δ13C value of soil-gas CO2 was observed, contrary to what would be expected if the anomalous CO2 were derived from the dissolution of Proterozoic marine limestone country rock or of Paleozoic limestone clasts in glacial till. Therefore, it is inferred that root respiration and decay of C3 plant material were responsible for most CO2 generation both in the vicinity of the massive sulfide and in the “background” area, on the occasion of our sampling. Interpretation of our data is complicated by the effects of rainfall, which significantly reduced the magnitude of the CO2 anomaly. Therefore, we cannot rule out the possible mechanism of carbonate dissolution driven by pyrite oxidation, as proposed by Lovell et al. (1983) and McCarthy et al. (1986). Further work is needed on seasonal and daily variations of CO2 concentrations and stable isotope ratios in various hydrogeologic and ecologic settings so that more effective sampling strategies can be developed for mineral exploration using soil gases.  相似文献   

Groundwaters and surface water in the Shihongtan sandstone-hosted U ore district, Xinjiang, NW China, were sampled and analyzed for their major-, and trace element concentrations and oxygen, hydrogen, boron and strontium isotope compositions in order to assess the possible origins of the waters and water–rock interactions that occurred in the deep aquifer system. The waters in the study district have been grouped into three hydrochemical facies: Facies 1, potable spring-water, is a pH neutral (7.0), Na–Ca–HCO3 type water with low total dissolved solids (TDS; 0.2 g/l, fresh) and has δ18O of − 8.3‰, δD of − 48.2‰,δ11B of 1.5‰, and 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70627. Facies 2 groundwaters are mildly acidic to mildly alkaline (pH of 6.5–8.0, mean 7.3), Na–Ca–Mg–Cl–SO4 type waters with moderate TDS (8.2 g/l–17.2 g/l, mean 9.3 g/l, brackish) and haveδ18O values in the − 5.8‰ to − 9.3‰ range (mean − 8.1‰), δD values in the − 20.8‰ to − 85.5‰ range (mean − 47.0‰),δ11B values in the + 9.5‰ to + 39.1‰ range (mean + 17.1‰), and 87Sr/86Sr values in the 0.70595 to 0.70975 range (mean 0.70826). Facies 3, Aiting Lake water, is a mildly alkaline (pH = 7.4), Na–Ca–Mg–Cl–SO4 type water with the highest TDS (249.1 g/l, brine) and has δ18O of − 2.8‰, δD of − 45.8‰,δ11B of 21.2‰, and 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70840. The waters from the study district show a systematic increase in major, trace element and TDS concentrations and δ11B values along the pathway of groundwater migration which can only be interpreted in terms of water–rock interaction at depth and strong surface evaporation. The hydrochemical and isotopic data presented here confirm that the groundwaters in the Shihongtan ore district are the combined result of migration, water–rock interaction and mixing of meteoric water with connate waters contained in sediments.  相似文献   

Cryogenic cave carbonate (CCC) represents a specific type of speleothem. Its precipitation proceeds at the freezing point and is triggered by freezing-induced concentration of solutes. Compared to classical speleothems (stalagmites, flowstones), CCC occurs as accumulations of loose uncemented aggregates. The grain sizes range from less than 1 μm to over 1 cm in diameter. Karst groundwater chemistry and its freezing rate upon entering the cave are responsible for highly variable grain morphology. Rapid freezing of water results in the formation of CCC powders with grain size typically below 50 μm. Slow freezing of water in caves (usually in systems where the CO2 escape is partly restricted; e.g., ice covered water pools) results in the formation of large mineral grains, with sizes from less than 1 mm to about 20 mm. The range of carbon and oxygen stable isotope compositions of CCC is larger than for a typical carbonate speleothem. Rapid freezing of water accompanied by a quick kinetic CO2 degassing results in large ranges of δ13C of the CCC powders (between –10‰ and +18‰ PDB). Slow freezing of water, with a restricted CO2 escape results in gradual increase of δ13C values (from −9‰ to +6‰ PDB; data ranges in individual caves are usually much more restricted), accompanied by a δ18O decrease of the precipitated carbonate (overall range from −10‰ to −24‰ PDB). These unusual trends of the carbonate δ18O evolution reflect incorporation of the heavier 18O isotope into the formed ice. New isotope data on CCC from three Romanian ice caves allow better understanding of the carbon and oxygen isotope fingerprint in carbonates precipitated from freezing of bulk water. CCCs are proposed as a new genetic group of speleothems.  相似文献   

Miocene igneous rocks (diorites, andesites, dacites, rhyolites and microgranites) of Chetaibi and Cap de Fer massif, NE Algeria, are high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic rocks. Fresh diorites have δ34S and δ18O values ranging between −2.5‰ and +5.9‰, +6.5‰ and +6.7‰ respectively, indicating a mantle origin. The relatively low δ34S values (−5.4‰ to −12.2‰) and high δ18O (+8.3‰ to +9.0‰) of altered diorites indicate the input of a crustal component to the initial magma. The microgranites’ I-type signature is indicated by the geochemical data and the δ34S and δ18O values of −1.2‰ and −3.6‰, and +7.8‰ to +10.4‰ respectively. The andesites show a large variation of δ34S, between −33.2‰ and +25.7‰. Massive andesites with δ34S between +6.8‰ and +7.6‰ preserve a 34S-enriched mantle signature. The δ34S of the lava flows between +25.7‰ and +25.8‰ are attributed to open system magma degassing, whereas the low δ34S of two andesitic dyke samples (−13.7‰ and −33.2‰) strongly suggest a crustal sulphur input. High δ18O (+9.2‰ to +15.7‰) of andesites indicate post-magmatic alteration (mainly silicification); the flyschs with δ18O between of +13.3‰ and +21.7‰ are most likely the contaminant. Quartz veins within the andesites gave a δ18O value of +23.0‰ while silica-filling vesicles yielded a value of +13.8‰. Initial Sr-isotope data are rather high for all the rocks (diorites: 0.707–0.708, andesites: 0.707–0.710, and microgranites and rhyolites: 0.717–0.719), and because geochemical and stable isotope data do not indicate a substantial amount of crustal assimilation, an extensive enrichment of the mantle source by subducted sediments is called for. A metasomatized-mantle source, characterized by high radiogenic Sr and relatively high δ18O, has also been indicated for the genesis of similar Tertiary igneous rocks in the Western Mediterranean basin, e.g. the Volcanic Province of southeasten Spain [Benito, R., Lopez-Ruiz, J., Cebria, J.M., Hertogen, J., Doblas M., Oyarzun, R., Demaiffe, D., 1999. Sr and O isotope constraints on source and crustal contamination in the high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic neogene volcanic rocks of SE Spain. Lithos 46, 773–802] and some plutons of northeastern Algeria [Ouabadi, A., 1994. Pétrologie, géochimie et origine des granitoïdes peralumineux à cordiérite (Cap Bougaroun, Béni-Touffout et Filfila), Algérie nord-orientale. Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Rennes I, France, 257p; Fourcade, S., Capdevila, R., Ouabadi, A., Martineau, F., 2001. The origin and geodynamic significance of the Alpine cordierite-bearing granitoids of northern Algeria. A combined petrological, mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic (O, H, Sr, Nd) study. Lithos 57, 187–216].  相似文献   

In the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the Brabant Massif (Belgium), a recently discovered polysulphide mineralisation is related to a low-angle reverse shear zone. This shear zone has been attributed to the main early Devonian deformation event. Data from boreholes and outcrops allow a detailed investigation of the alteration pattern and palaeofluid flow along this shear zone. Macroscopic observations of the mineralogy and quantitative changes in the phyllosilicate mineralogy indicate that this shear zone is characterised by an envelope of intense sericitisation and silicification. In addition, chloritisation is associated with this alteration. The alteration zone may reach a thickness of 250 m. Ore mineralisation occurred synkinematically and is spatially related to the shear zone. The mineralisation consists of pyrite, marcasite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, stibnite and smaller amounts of tetrahedrite and other sulphosalts. It is concentrated in quartz–sulphide veins or occurs diffusely in the host rock. The mineralising fluids have a low-salinity H2O–CO2–CH4–NaCl–(KCl) composition and a minimum temperature of 250–320 °C. The δ18O values of quartz vary between +12.3‰ and +14.5‰ SMOW, and δD compositions of the fluid inclusions in the quartz crystals range from −65‰ to −35‰ V-SMOW. The δD and the calculated δ18O values of the mineralising fluids fall in the range typical for metamorphic fluids and partly overlap with that for primary magmatic fluids. The δ34S values, between +4.7‰ and +10.6‰ CDT, fall outside the interval typical for I-type magmas. Important migration of likely metamorphic fluids, causing a widespread alteration and a polysulphide mineralisation along a low-angle shear zone, has, thus, been identified for the first time in the Caledonian Anglo-Brabant fold belt.  相似文献   

Inorganic gases are commonly seen in eastern China and occasionally in southern China from the shallow water columns above hot and cold springs. The gases contain 68% to nearly 100% CO2, with δ13CCO2 and δ13C1 values in the range of −1.18‰ to −6.00‰ and −19.48‰ to −24.94‰, respectively. All of the 34 large inorganic CO2 and one inorganic methane accumulations discovered in China are distributed in eastern parts of the country, from both onshore and continental shelf basins. No commercial inorganic gas accumulation has been found in central and western China. This is a review of the occurrence and geochemical characteristics of inorganic gas accumulations in Chinese sedimentary basins. A detailed study of gas samples collected from four representative inorganic CO2 pools and one possible inorganic methane pool indicates that inorganic alkane gases typically show δ13C1 values greater than −10‰ versus PDB (mostly −30‰), with a positive stable carbon isotope sequence of δ13C1 < δ 13C2 < δ13C3 < δ 13C4. In contrast, the δ13C1 values of biogenic alkane gases are lighter than −30‰, with a negative isotope sequence (i.e. δ13C1 > δ13C2 > δ 13C3 > δ13C4). Inorganic gases also tend to show less negative δ13CCO2 values (−10‰) than biogenic gases (<−10‰).  相似文献   

The δ18O and δ13C values of the calcites associated with E-W and NE-SW transverse faults in the Negev, Israel, indicate that calcite was deposited from meteoric water. A regional change in the δ18O and δ13C values was observed. The 18O content in the calcite increases, from the southwestern (δ18O = −17.8‰) to the northeastern (δ18O = −2.9‰) part of the region. The δ13C values show the opposite trend of the 13C content decrease: from +2‰ in the south to −10‰ in the northeast. These trends had to reflect changes in regional paleoclimate, suggesting a change in the isotopic composition of the solution from which the calcite was deposited in different periods. The variations in the δ18O values reflect shifts in the δ18O values of precipitation and are associated with a change in the source of moist air masses which came from the equatorial Atlantic in the early Pleistocene and from the Mediterranean during a later period. Variations in δ13C values reflect changes from humid to arid conditions. Two modes of calcite deposition are suggested: (1) precipitation of calcite minerals in the unsaturated zone following the dissolution in the soil or (2) calcite deposition that occurred as CO2 was lost during emergence of paleogroundwater from Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic aquifers.  相似文献   

Black and white dolomite crystals (mm to cm width) of different isotopic composition are associated with Triassic diapirism in central Tunisia, as well as with evaporite minerals and clays. The white dolomites occur mostly in the Jabal Hadifa diapir near the contact with Cretaceous limestones, whereas the smaller black dolomites occur in the Jabal Hamra diapir. The former dolomite has a narrow range of δ18O and δ13C values (− 3.83‰ to − 6.60‰ VPDB for δ18O; − 2.11‰ to − 2.83‰ VPDB for δ13C), whereas the latter dolomite has a wider range and more depleted values (− 4.92‰ to − 9.97‰ for δ18O; − 0.55‰ to − 6.08‰ for δ13C). However, the 87Sr / 86Sr ratios of most of the samples are near Triassic seawater values. Dolomite formation is due to at least two different fluids. The main fluid originated from deeper hydrothermal or basinal sources related to the Triassic saliferous rocks and ascended through faults during the diapiric intrusion. The second, less important fluid source is related to meteoric water originating from Cretaceous rocks.  相似文献   

Chemical and isotopic compositions have been measured on 62 microbial gases from Tertiary hemipelagic sediments in the Middle America Trench off Guatemala and from decaying kelp and surf grass currently accumulating in Scripps Submarine Canyon off southern California. Gases from the Middle America Trench have been generated primarily by the reduction of carbon dioxide; methane δ13C varies from −84‰ to −39‰, methane δD varies from −208‰ to −145‰, and carbon dioxide δ13 C varies from −27‰ to +28‰. Gases from Scripps Submarine Canyon have been generated primarily by acetate dissimilation; methane δ13 C varies from −63‰ to −43‰, methane δD varies from −331‰ to −280‰, and carbon dioxide δ13C varies from −17‰ to +3‰.Methane δ13C values as heavy as −40‰ appear to be uncommon for gases produced by carbon dioxide reduction and, in the Middle America Trench, are associated with unusually positive carbon dioxide δ13C values. However, based on the 25‰ intramolecular fractionation between acetate car☐yl carbon and methyl carbon estimated from the Scripps Submarine Canyon data, methane produced by acetate dissimilation may commonly have heavy δ13C values. The δD of methane derived from acetate is more negative than natural methanes from other origins. Microbial methane δD values appear to be controlled primarily by interstitial water δD and by the relative proportions of methane derived from carbon dioxide and acetate.The chemical and isotopic compositions of microbial gas and thermogenic gas overlap, making it difficult to determine the origins of many commercial natural gases from methane δ13C and C2+ hydrocarbon concentrations alone. Measurements of methane δD and carbon dioxide δ13C can provide useful additional information, and together with ethane δ13C data, help identify gases with mixed microbial and thermogenic origins.  相似文献   

The Daduhe gold field comprises several shear-zone-controlled Tertiary lode gold deposits distributed at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. The deposits are hosted in a Precambrian granite–greenstone terrane within the Yangtze Craton. The gold mineralization occurs mainly as auriferous quartz veins with minor sulphide minerals. Fluid inclusions in pyrite have 3He/4He ratios of 0.16 to 0.86 Ra, whereas their 40Ar/36Ar ratios range from 298 to 3288, indicating a mixing of fluids of mantle and crust origins. The δ34S values of pyrite are of 0.7–4.2‰ (n = 12), suggesting a mantle source or leaching from the mafic country rocks. δ18O values calculated from hydrothermal quartz are between − 1.5‰ and + 6.0‰ and δD values of the fluids in the fluid inclusions in quartz are − 39‰ and − 108‰. These ranges demonstrate a mixing of magmatic/metamorphic and meteoric fluids. The noble gas isotopic data, along with the stable isotopic data suggest that the ore-forming fluids have a dominantly crustal source with a significant mantle component.  相似文献   

The Qaleh-Zari copper deposit, located in South Khorasan in the Central Lut region of Iran, is a polymetallic vein deposit with major amounts of Cu, Au, Ag and minor amounts of Pb, Zn and Bi. Mineralization occurs in a series of NW–SE trending fault planes and breccia zones in Paleogene andesitic to basaltic volcanic rocks. Argillization, sericitization and propylitization characterize alteration halos bordering mineral veins. The main ore minerals are chalcopyrite, pyrite, galena and sphalerite, with quartz, calcite and minor chlorite as the main gangue phases. Microthermometric measurements of fluid inclusions in cogenetic quartz indicate homogenization temperatures between 160 and 300 °C and salinities from 1 to 4 wt% NaCl equiv. Boiling occurred in the mineralising fluids at 160–1000 m below the paleo-water table at pressures of approximately 15−80 bar at various stages in the formation of the ore body. The wide range of pressures and temperatures reflects the multi-stage nature of the mineralization at Qaleh-Zari. The δ18O values in quartz (relative to SMOW) and δ34S values in chalcopyrite and galena (relative to CDT) range from 6.5 to 7.5‰ and 0.0–1.5‰ (mean: 7.0‰), respectively. At 300 °C, calculated fluid δ18O values are close to 0‰. These data suggest a magmatic origin for sulfur and a surficial origin for the mineralizing fluid. Mineralization at Qaleh-Zari is interpreted as epithermal and low-sulfidation in style and was probably related to a deep-seated magmatic system. Ore deposition was the result of boiling, cooling and pressure reduction.  相似文献   

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