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Zhang  Fengshou  Li  Mengli  Peng  Ming  Chen  Chen  Zhang  Limin 《Acta Geotechnica》2019,14(2):487-503

In this work, 3D discrete element method modeling of drained shearing tests with gap-graded soils after internal erosion is carried out based on published experimental results. The erosion in the model is achieved by randomly deleting fine particles, mimicking the salt dissolving process in the experiments. The present model successfully simulates the stress–strain behavior of the physical test by employing the roll resistance and lateral membrane. The case without erosion shows a strain-softening and dilative response, while strain-hardening and contractive response starts to occur as the degree of erosion increases. The dilative to contractive transition is mainly caused by the increase in void ratio due to the loss of fine particles. The change from dilative behavior to contractive behavior is more abrupt for the specimen with larger fine particle percentage because the soil skeleton is mainly controlled by the fine particles instead of by the coarse soil particles. The transition from “fines in sand” to “sand in fines” might be associated with the rapid increasing in the contacts associated with fine particles in the specimen as the percentage of fine content increases. The erosion scenario based on the hydraulic gradient is also modeled by deleting the fine particles based on the ranking of the contact force. Compared with the scenario based on random deletion, the remaining fine particles for the erosion scenario based on the ranking of contact force are more dispersedly distributed, which might benefit the small strain stiffness but result in a smaller strength. This work provides some insights for better understanding the mechanism behind the internal erosion and the associated stress–strain behavior of soil. The gradient of the critical state line increases with more loss of fine particles denoting that the fine particles are helpful for holding the structure of the soils from larger deformation.


The two-dimensional multifractional Brownian motion (2D-mBm) provides a convenient model for image processing. However, the accurate estimation of its associated local regularity function presents a serious difficulty. Here, we suggest a new estimator of the local Hölder exponent (H) of 2D-mBm paths. The idea consists of extending the algorithm, as suggested by Peltier and Lévy-Véhél (1995) for quantifying regularity of mono-dimensional signals, to the 2D case. The resulting algorithm is first tested on artificial 2D-mBm paths shaped by the kriging method. The good accuracy of the obtained H estimations motivates us to implement it on digitalized image data of a core extracted from an Algerian borehole. The derived regularity map shows a significant correlation with the geological features observed on the investigated core. These lithological discontinuities are marked by local variations of the Hölder exponent value. Besides, it is shown that no clear relationship can be drawn between regularity and digitalized data. To conclude, the proposed method may be of high importance in characterizing heterogeneities from core images using the regularity exponents.  相似文献   

In this study the relationship between brittle rocks’ behaviour and uniaxial compression stress is obtained based on the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion and the behavioural characteristics of brittle rocks under uniaxial compression stress are investigated. According to the laboratory uniaxial compression tests on granite rocks, and also available results in the literature, required parameters in the study are obtained. It is indicated that the behaviour of brittle rocks which is affected by uniaxial compression is function of cohesion. In the other words, cohesion changes as the uniaxial compression increases. Also, in yield point where its stress is equivalent to the uniaxial compressive strength, the cohesion maximises. By suggesting a new viewpoint to the Mohr’s circle, normal stresses on failure plane, shear stresses tangential to the failure plane and hydrostatic stresses are investigated. Results show that, normal stress on the failure plane in yield point of the behavioural curve equals zero and shear stress tangential to the failure plane is maximum which is equal to the maximum rocks’ natural strength. Also, in this point the strength is equi-pressure, therefore the stress is of hydrostatic type.  相似文献   

The competency of any TBM in any geological condition is determined by a rock or rock mass breakage process. A 12.24 km long tunnel between Maroshi and Ruparel College was excavated by Brihanmumbai municipal corporation (BMC) to improve water supply system of greater Mumbai, India, using open-type hard rock tunnel boring machines (TBMs). In this paper an attempt has been made to establish the relationship between rock mass characteristics i.e. RMR and UCS of the Deccan trap rocks and TBMs performance characteristics for 5.83 km long Maroshi–Vakola tunnel section of the Maroshi–Ruparel college tunnel project. To analyze the effect of variable rock mass conditions on the TBM performance, the operating parameters i.e. thrust force, torque and RPM of the machine, were recorded and intact rock strength was determined. The effect of rock mass properties on machine penetration rate (PR) and the relation with other operational parameters were analyzed. The rock strength affects the rock behaviour under compression. When the rolling cutters indent the rock, the stress exerted must be higher than the rock strength i.e.; the rock strength is directly relevant to the performance of TBM. Studies show that the penetration rate decreases with increase in uniaxial compressive strength (UCS). The comparison of measured penetration rate with empirical model developed by Graham, in which, the penetration rate is computed using UCS and average thrust per cutter, showed good agreement with coefficient of determination (R2), i.e. 0.97. The study shows that the TBM performance was maximum in rock mass rating (RMR) range from 40 to 75, while slower penetration was recorded both in very poor and very good rock masses.  相似文献   

A method is described for estimating the activity of titania (TiO2) in a magmatic liquid from the compositions of coexisting cubic oxide (spinel) and rhombohedral oxide (ilmenite). These estimates are derived from the thermodynamic models of Ghiorso and Evans (Am J Sci 308:957–1039, 2008; see also Sack and Ghiorso in Contrib Mineral Petrol 106:474–505, 1991a; Am Mineral 76:827-847, 1991b) and may be computed self consistently along with temperature and oxygen fugacity for an assumed pressure. The method is applied to a collection of 729 naturally occurring oxide pairs from rhyolites and dacites. For this suite of oxides, values of titania activity relative to rutile saturation range from 0.3 to 0.9. Genetically related groups of oxide pairs display activity–temperature trends with negative slopes at higher activities (0.6–0.9) or positive slopes at lower activities (0.3–0.7). Thermodynamic analysis supports the assumption of two-oxide, liquid equilibrium for the former group, but suggests that such an interpretation for oxide sequences with positive activity–temperature trends may be problematic. Application of the estimation method to oxide pairs from the Shiveluch Volcano and the Bishop Tuff reveals that the former are consistent with having equilibrated with known matrix glass compositions, whereas the latter pairs are inconsistent with equilibration with pre-eruptive liquids trapped in quartz inclusions.  相似文献   

A new biostratigraphic correlation for Late Cretaceous and Palaeocene strata of the Côte d’Ivoire–Ghana continental margin has been developed from the identification of significant dinoflagellate cyst events in ODP Hole 959D. The Late Cretaceous stage boundaries are mostly consistent with previous studies. However, the Maastrichtian/Danian boundary is placed much lower than previously recognized on the basis of the first occurrences of Carpatella cornuta and Damassadinium californicum. The base of the Selandian is recognized from the last occurrence of Cerodinium diebelii and the first occurrence of Adnatosphaeridium multispinosum. The base of the Thanetian is recognized from the first occurrence of Areoligera gippingensis. The rarity of the age-marker taxa is the main reason for different age determinations among studies of the same section.  相似文献   

Up until now, it has been assumed that oil in the Palaeozoic reservoirs of the Tazhong Uplift was derived from Upper Ordovician source rocks. Oils recently produced from the Middle and Lower Cambrian in wells ZS1 and ZS5 provide clues concerning the source rocks of the oils in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin, China. For this study, molecular composition, bulk and individual n-alkane δ13C and individual alkyl-dibenzothiophene δ34S values were determined for the potential source rocks and for oils from Cambrian and Ordovician reservoirs to determine the sources of the oils and to address whether δ13C and δ34S values can be used effectively for oil–source rock correlation purposes. The ZS1 and ZS5 Cambrian oils, and six other oils from Ordovician reservoirs, were not significantly altered by TSR. The ZS1 oils and most of the other oils, have a “V” shape in the distribution of C27–C29 steranes, bulk and individual n-alkane δ13C values predominantly between −31‰ to −35‰ VPDB, and bulk and individual alkyldibenzothiophene δ34S values between 15‰ to 23‰ VCDT. These characteristics are similar to those for some Cambrian source rocks with kerogen δ13C values between −34.1‰ and −35.3‰ and δ34S values between 10.4‰ and 21.6‰. The oil produced from the Lower Ordovician in well YM2 has similar features to the ZS1 Cambrian oils. These new lines of evidence indicate that most of the oils in the Tazhong Uplift, contrary to previous interpretations, were probably derived from the Cambrian source rocks, and not from the Upper Ordovician. Conversely, the δ13C and δ34S values of ZS1C Cambrian oils have been shown to shift to more positive values due to thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR). Thus, δ13C and δ34S values can be used as effective tools to demonstrate oil–source rock correlation, but only because there has been little or no TSR in this part of the section.  相似文献   

A new approach for paleostress analysis using the multiple inverse method with calcite twin data including untwinned e-plane was performed in the East Walanae fault (EWF) zone in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Application of untwinned e-plane data of calcite grain to constrain paleostress determination is the first attempt for this method. Stress states caused by the collision of the south-east margin of Sundaland with the Australian microcontinents during the Pliocene were successfully detected from a combination of calcite-twin data and fault–slip data. This Pliocene NE–SW-to-E–W-directed maximum compression activated the EWF as a reverse fault with a dextral component of slip with pervasive development of secondary structures in the narrow zone between Bone Mountain and Walanae Depression.  相似文献   

A numerical method is formulated for the solution of the advective Cahn–Hilliard (CH) equation with constant and degenerate mobility in three-dimensional porous media with non-vanishing velocity on the exterior boundary. The CH equation describes phase separation of an immiscible binary mixture at constant temperature in the presence of a conservation constraint and dissipation of free energy. Porous media / pore-scale problems specifically entail images of rocks in which the solid matrix and pore spaces are fully resolved. The interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin method is used for the spatial discretization of the CH equation in mixed form, while a semi-implicit convex–concave splitting is utilized for temporal discretization. The spatial approximation order is arbitrary, while it reduces to a finite volume scheme for the choice of element-wise constants. The resulting nonlinear systems of equations are reduced using the Schur complement and solved via inexact Newton’s method. The numerical scheme is first validated using numerical convergence tests and then applied to a number of fundamental problems for validation and numerical experimentation purposes including the case of degenerate mobility. First-order physical applicability and robustness of the numerical method are shown in a breakthrough scenario on a voxel set obtained from a micro-CT scan of a real sandstone rock sample.  相似文献   

The Yangyang iron-oxide–apatite deposit in South Korea has undergone multiple episodes of igneous activity, deformation, hydrothermal alteration, and iron-oxide–apatite (IOA) mineralization. The iron orebodies occur as concordant- to discordant-layered lenticular or massive magnetite and/or magnetite–pyrite ores. The iron mineralization occurs along a N–S-trending shear zone within the Yangyang syenite, which experienced both early ductile and later brittle deformations. Alteration was caused mainly by the injection of hydrothermal fluid through the shear zone, leading to Fe–P mineralization. We recognize multiple stages of alteration in the Yangyang deposit, based on a paragenesis that is defined by distinct mineral assemblages including Na–Ca–K alteration phases (e.g., albite, diopside, actinolite, and biotite) and accessory minerals containing high field strength elements (e.g., apatite, sphene, allanite, and monazite). The alteration around the magnetite ore body shows an evolutionary trend from Ca (–Na) alteration, through K to phyllic alterations. The Fe–P mineralization is associated with the Ca–K and K alteration products. The iron orebodies are hosted by deformed and altered syenite, which intruded the Paleoproterozoic gneiss complexes at 233 ± 1 Ma (SHRIMP U–Pb zircon age) in a post-collisional tectonic setting. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of REE-rich sphene and apatite from the iron ores and alteration products yields Fe mineralization ages of 216 ± 3 Ma (sphene) and 212 ± 13 Ma (apatite). This is the first time, which IOA-type mineralization in the Korean Peninsula was dated as Triassic age related to post-collisional magmatism within the Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea. The U–Pb system was subsequently reset (208 ± 3 Ma–sphene and 151 ± 13 Ma–apatite) by Jurassic and Cretaceous magmatism. This unique geological evolution was responsible for Mesozoic metal enrichment and remobilization into suitable structural traps in the Yangyang district.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1171-1188

The East Kunlun Orogenic Belt (EKOB) in northern Tibet provides an important record of the amalgamation of the Wanbaogou oceanic basalt plateau and the Qaidam Block. Here we report geochemical, geochronological, and Hf isotopic data for newly identified late Silurian–Early Devonian mafic–ultramafic igneous complexes from the EKOB at the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. These complexes are dominantly composed of gabbro and pyroxenite rocks. Three complexes yield zircon U–Pb ages of 398.8 ± 1.8, 420.2 ± 1.2, and 413.4 ± 0.78 Ma. The εHf(t) values of zircons range from +0.8 to +3.3 with TDM1 ages of 897 to 998 Ma. Modelling of the geochemical data indicates that these igneous complexes have a hybrid origin, involving depleted mantle fluids derived from a previous subduction event and crustal materials. The geochemical and geochronological data suggest that these complexes formed in a post-collisional setting linked to break-off of a subducted oceanic slab, which occurred after the Wanbaogou oceanic basalt plateau amalgamated with the Qaidam Block in the late Silurian–Early Devonian.  相似文献   

The defined by the reaction 6 MnO+O2 =2 Mn3O4 has been determined from 917 to 1,433 K using electrochemical cells (with calcia-stabilized zirconta, CSZ) of the type: Steady emfs were achieved rapidly at all temperatures on both increasing and decreasing temperature, indicating that the MnO-Mn3O4 oxygen buffer equilibrates relatively easily. It therefore makes a useful alternative choice in experimental petrology to Fe2O3-Fe3O4 for buffering oxygen potentials at oxidized values. The results are (in J/mol, temperature in K, reference pressure 1 bar); (±200)=-563,241+1,761.758T-220.490T inT+0.101819T 2 with an uncertainty of ±200 J/mol. Third law analysis of these data, including a correction for the deviations in stoichiometry of MnO, impliesS 298.15 for Mn3O4 of 166.6 J/K · mol, which is 2.5 J/K · mol higher than the calorimetric determination of Robie and Hemingway (1985). The low value of the calorimetric entropy may be due to incomplete ordering of the magnetic spins. The third law value of r H 298.15 0 is-450.09 kJ/mol, which is significantly different from the calorimetric value of-457.5±3.4 kJ/mol, calculated from f H 298.15 0 of MnO and Mn3O4, implying a small error in one or both of these latter.  相似文献   

Index species useful for correlations with the International Stratigraphical Column are rare or absent in the Pennsylvanian–Permian strata of the Paraná Basin in Brazil, preventing accuracy in geochronologic assignments. Besides, absolute datings are very scarce in comparison with other Gondwana basins. This paper presents palynological data from an outcrop on the surroundings of the Candiota coal mine, southmost Brazil, from several levels of the Rio Bonito and Palermo formations. The presence of certain index species of spore–pollen allowed the recognition of two Permian palynozones: the Vittatina costabilis and the Lueckisporites virkkiae zones. Furthermore, U–Pb in zircons from a volcaniclastic level interbedded in the coal strata of the former unit was analyzed through LA-MC-ICP-MS method, providing a new absolute age dating of 281.4 ± 3.4 Ma (Cisuralian, Early Permian). This dating is assumed as the oldest occurrence of the L. virkkiae Zone in Paraná Basin, which contains index species that are widespread in other Gondwana basins. A well distributed surface boundary occurs in this section also, allowing local and regional correlations. These new biostratigraphical and geochronological data are integrated, in order to offer a deep analysis on the stratigraphical significance for correlations across the Occidental Gondwana.  相似文献   

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