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Serpentinites in the Eastern Desert of Egypt are the most distinctive lithological unit in the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) ophiolite sequence which associated with major suture zones. Khor Um-Safi (KUS) serpentinites represent dismembered fragments of ophiolitic rocks located in the central Eastern Desert (CED) of Egypt.KUS serpentinites exhibit affinity to the typical metamorphic peridotites with harzburgitic protolith compositions. Their opaque mineral assemblage (pentlandite, heazlewoodite and magnetite) is similar to that observed in oceanic serpentinites and implies serpentinization under highly reducing conditions. They have refractory major element compositions with Al2O3 contents comparable to oceanic and active margin peridotites as well as Pan-African serpentinites. The Cr and TiO2 contents reflect evolution within a supra-subduction zone (SSZ) environment. This implication is confirmed by the Al2O3/SiO2 and MgO/SiO2 ratios which akin to ANS ophiolitic peridotites in fore-arc setting. Their enrichment in compatible trace elements (Cr, Ni and Co) reveals a depleted mantle peridotite protolith.Modelling trace elements indicates that they represent the mantle residues from 15 to 20 % melting of spinel peridotite at oxygen fugacity conditions of the QFM + 1 buffer. This range of melt extraction is consistent with the typical range of SSZ peridotite. Oxygen fugacity estimation suggests evolution under more oxidizing regime similar to modern fore-arc basin system. Moreover, this implication indicates that the KUS mantle represents arc lithosphere interacted with arc melt.  相似文献   

There is an increasing evidence for the involvement of pre-Neoproterozoic zircons in the Arabian–Nubian Shield, a Neoproterozoic crustal tract that is generally regarded to be juvenile. The source and significance of these xenocrystic zircons are not clear. In an effort to better understand this problem, older and younger granitoids from the Egyptian basement complex were analyzed for chemical composition, SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages, and Sm–Nd isotopic compositions. Geochemically, the older granitoids are metaluminous and exhibit characteristics of I-type granites and most likely formed in a convergent margin (arc) tectonic environment. On the other hand, the younger granites are peraluminous and exhibit the characteristics of A-type granites; these are post-collisional granites. The U–Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons revealed the ages of magmatic crystallization as well as the presence of slightly older, presumably inherited zircon grains. The age determined for the older granodiorite is 652.5 ± 2.6 Ma, whereas the younger granitoids are 595–605 Ma. Xenocrystic zircons are found in most of the younger granitoid samples; the xenocrystic grains are all Neoproterozoic, but fall into three age ranges that correspond to the ages of other Eastern Desert igneous rocks, viz. 710–690, 675–650 and 635–610 Ma. The analyzed granitoids have (+3.8 to +6.5) and crystallization ages, which confirm previous indications that the Arabian–Nubian Shield is juvenile Neoproterozoic crust. These results nevertheless indicate that older Neoproterozoic crust contributed to the formation of especially the younger granite magmas.  相似文献   


The Eastern Tianshan Orogen (Xinjiang, NW China) in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is featured by its many Carboniferous-Triassic mafic-ultramafic intrusions and associated magmatic Fe-Ti-V oxide mineralization. In this study, we present the first systematic data comparison on the age and whole-rock geochemistry of the ore-forming mafic-ultramafic complexes at Yaxi, Niumaoquan, Xiangshanxi, and Weiya. Our new age dating on the Yaxi complex indicates that the mineralized gabbro (zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dated 297.3 ± 4.9 Ma) formed in the latest Carboniferous-Early Permian, similar to the diorite (LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dated 308.3 ± 8.6 Ma) and granodiorite (LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dated 304.9 ± 1.7 Ma). The Yaxi complex is the oldest late Palaeozoic mafic-ultramafic intrusion reported so far in the Eastern Tianshan. The mineralized gabbro at Yaxi contains higher average Fe2O3T (20.83 wt.%), TiO2 (5.91 wt.%), and V (523 ppm) contents than its ore-barren counterpart (7.45 wt.%, 0.99 wt.%, and 133 ppm, respectively). These Eastern Tianshan mafic rocks are mildly large ion lithophile element (LILE) enriched and high field-strength element (HFSE) depleted, and with LREE/HREE enrichment (Yaxi: (La/Yb)N = 2.7 ~ 5.37) and subtle positive Eu anomalies (Yaxi: Eu/Eu* = 0.94 to 3.31). This suggests that the Eastern Tianshan mafic-ultramafic magmas were likely derived from an arc/subduction-modified magma source. The E-W trending crustal-scale faults (e.g. the Aqikkuduk fault) may have acted as magma conduits and controlled the magma emplacement. The spatial-temporal distribution of the Eastern Tianshan Fe-Ti-V ore-forming mafic-ultramafic complexes and their petrologic and geochemical features suggest that the latest Carboniferous-Early Permian magmatic phase was likely emplaced in a collision-related compression setting following the Junggar Ocean closure, whereas the late Early Permian phase may have been related to a post-collisional orogenic setting.  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic metavolcanic rocks of Kolet Um Kharit (KUKh) in the southern Eastern Desert of Egypt have been traditionally regarded as a bimodal island-arc sequence. However, geological and geochemical arguments presented here make this interpretation doubtful. Geochemically, these rocks are classified into mafic (tholeiitic basalts) and felsic (high-K rhyodacites to rhyolites) groups. Both the KUKh mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks show similar geochemical characteristics, implying a genetic link. They have comparable trace element ratios, such as Zr/Nb (27–30 vs. 20–36), Y/Nb (5.44–6.25 vs. 5.05–5.9), K/Rb (577–1164 vs. 573–937), Ba/La (4.29–25–9 vs. 11.4–16.2), Nb/Yb (1.82–2.03 vs. 1.76–1.99). Similarly both groups have parallel LREE-enriched patterns (La/YbCN=2.37–2.81 vs. 2.55–3.17); and negative Nb and Ta anomalies (Nb/Lapm=0.51–0.58 vs. 0.45–0.52 and Ta/Lapm=0.51–0.62 vs. 0.49–0.55). The observed negative Nb and Ta anomalies in the KUKh metavolcanic rocks cannot be attributed to crustal contamination or fractional crystallization. These rocks could represent either a remnant of break-up LIP or were derived from an enriched mantle source containing subduction components beneath an intraoceanic back-arc basin. The recognition of the KUKh rocks as derived from an enriched mantle source revives interest in models that involve enrichment from “plume” interaction during the evolution of the Arabian-Nubian Shield.  相似文献   

Regional cooling in the course of Neoproterozoic core complex exhumation in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt is constraint by 40Ar/39Ar ages of hornblende and muscovite from Meatiq, Sibai and Hafafit domes. The data reveal highly diachronous cooling with hornblende ages clustering around 580 Ma in the Meatiq and the Hafafit, and 623 and 606 Ma in the Sibai. These 40Ar/39Ar ages are interpreted together with previously published structural and petrological data, radiometric ages obtained from Neoproterozoic plutons, and data on sediment dynamics from the intramontane Kareim molasse basin. Early-stage low velocity exhumation was triggered by magmatism initiated at 650 Ma in the Sibai and caused early deposition of molasses sediments within rim synforms. Rapid late stage exhumation was released by combined effect of strike-slip and normal faulting, exhumed Meatiq and Hafafit domes and continued until 580 Ma. We propose a new model that adopts core complex exhumation in oblique island arc collision-zones and includes transpression combined with lateral extrusion dynamics. In this model, continuous magma generation weakened the crust leading to facilitation of lateral extrusion tectonics. Since horizontal shortening is balanced by extension, no major crustal thickening and no increase of potential energy (gravitational collapse) is necessarily involved in the process of core complex formation. Core complexes were continuously but slowly exhumed without creating a significant mountain topography.  相似文献   

 The Neoproterozoic Dokhan volcanics of the Fatira area in eastern Egypt comprise two main rock suites: (a) an intermediate volcanic suite, consisting of basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite, and their associated pyroclastic rocks; and (b) a felsic volcanic suite composed of rhyolite and rhyolitic tuffs. The two suites display well-defined major and trace element trends and a continuum in composition with wide ranges in SiO2 (54–76%), CaO (8.19–0.14%), MgO (6.96–0.04%), Sr (983–7 ppm), Zr (328–95 ppm), Cr (297–1 ppm), and Ni (72–1 ppm). They are enriched in LILEs (Rb, Ba, K, Th, Ce) relative to high field strength elements (Nb, Zr, P, Ti) and show strong affinity to calc-alkaline subduction-related rocks. However, their undeformed character, their emplacement temporally and spatially with post-orogenic A-type granite, and their high Zr/Y values suggest that their emplacement follow the cessation of subduction in eastern Egypt in an extensional-related within-plate setting. Major and trace element variations in the intermediate volcanics are consistent with their formation via partial melting of an enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle source followed by a limited low-pressure fractional crystallization of olivine and pyroxene before emplacement. The LILE enrichment relative to HFSE is attributed to the inheritance of a subduction component from mantle material which constituted the mantle wedge during previous subduction events in eastern Egypt. The evolution of the whole volcanic spectrum was governed mainly by crystal/melt fractionation of amphibole, plagioclase, titanomagnetite, and apatite in the intermediate varieties and plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, Fe–Ti oxides, apatite, and zircon in the felsic varieties. At each stage of evolution, crystal fractionation was accompanied by variable degrees of crustal contamination. Received: 28 June 1998 / Accepted: 25 August 1999  相似文献   

Orogenic peridotite is an important component of orogenic belts and retains crucial information on mantle magmatic activity, slab subduction, and melt or fluid metasomatism. To determine the source of the mantle-derived parental magma of the peridotite and to investigate the metasomatism that it experienced, we undertook an integrated study of the petrography, whole-rock major-and trace-element compositions, in situ zircon U-Pb geochronology, and mineral majorand trace-element compositions of an...  相似文献   

Ophiolitic peridotites exposed in the Eastern Desert(ED) of Egypt record multiple stages of evolution, including different degrees of partial melting and melt extraction, serpentinization, carbonatization and metamorphism. The present study deals with metaperidotites at two selected localities in the central and southern ED, namely Wadi El-Nabá and Wadi Ghadir, respectively. They represent residual mantle sections of a Neoproterozoic dismembered ophiolite that tectonically emplaced over a volcano-sedimentary succession that represents island–arc assemblages. The studied metaperidotites are serpentinized, with the development of talc-carbonate and quartz-carbonate rocks, especially along shear and fault planes. Fresh relics of primary minerals(olivine, orthopyroxene and Cr-spinel) are preserved in a few samples of partiallyserpentinized peridotite. Most of the Cr-spinel crystals have fresh cores followed by outer zones of ferritchromite and Crmagnetite, which indicates that melt extraction from the mantle protolith took place under oxidizing conditions. The protoliths of the studied metaperidotites were dominated by harzburgites, which is supported by the abundance of mesh and bastite textures in addition to some evidence from mineral and whole-rock chemical compositions. The high Cr#(0.62–0.69; Av. 0.66) and low TiO2(0.3 wt%) contents of the fresh Cr-spinels, the higher Fo(89–92; Av. 91) and NiO(0.24–0.54 wt%, Av. 0.40) contents of the primary olivine relics, together with the high Mg#(0.91–0.93; Av. 91) and low CaO, Al2 O3 and TiO2 of the orthopyroxene relics, are all comparable with depleted to highly depleted forearc harzburgite from a suprasubduction zone setting. The investigated peridotites have suffered subsequent phases of metasomatism, from oceanfloor hydrothermal alteration(serpentinization) to magmatic hydrothermal alteration. The enrichment of the studied samples in light rare earth elements(LREEs) relative to the heavy ones(HREEs) is attributed to most probably be due to the contamination of their mantle source with granitic source hydrothermal fluids after the obduction of the ophiolite assemblage onto the continental crust. The examined rocks represent mantle residue that experienced different degrees of partial melting(~10% to 25% for W. El-Nabá rocks and ~5% to 23% for W. Ghadir rocks). Variable degrees of partial melting among the two investigated areas suggest mantle heterogeneity beneath the Arabian-Nubian Shield(ANS).  相似文献   

Ophiolites are key components of the Neoproterozoic Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS). Understanding when they formed and were emplaced is crucial for understanding the evolution of the ANS because their ages tell when seafloor spreading and terrane accretion occurred. The Yanbu–Onib–Sol Hamed–Gerf–Allaqi–Heiani (YOSHGAH) suture and ophiolite belt can be traced  600 km across the Nubian and Arabian shields. We report five new SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages from igneous rocks along the Allaqi segment of the YOSHGAH suture in southernmost Egypt and use these data in conjunction with other age constraints to evaluate YOSHGAH suture evolution. Ophiolitic layered gabbro gave a concordia age of 730 ± 6 Ma, and a metadacite from overlying arc-type metavolcanic rocks yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 733 ± 7 Ma, indicating ophiolite formation at  730 Ma. Ophiolite emplacement is also constrained by intrusive bodies: a gabbro yielded a concordia age of 697 ± 5 Ma, and a quartz-diorite yielded a concordia age of 709 ± 4 Ma. Cessation of deformation is constrained by syn- to post-tectonic granite with a concordia age of 629 ± 5 Ma. These new data, combined with published zircon ages for ophiolites and stitching plutons from the YOSHGAH suture zone, suggest a 2-stage evolution for the YOSHGAH ophiolite belt ( 810–780 Ma and  730–750 Ma) and indicate that accretion between the Gabgaba–Gebeit–Hijaz terranes to the south and the SE Desert–Midyan terranes to the north occurred as early as 730 Ma and no later than 709 ± 4 Ma.  相似文献   

Strongly deformed and locally migmatized gneisses occur at several places in the southern Eastern Desert of Egypt and in Sinai and have variously been interpreted as a basement to Pan-african (900 to 600 Ma) supracrustal and intrusive assemblages. A suite of grabbroic to granitic gneisses was investigated in the Hafafit area, which constitutes an I-type calc-alkaline intrusive assemblage whose chemistry suggests emplacement along an active continental margin and whose granitoid members can be correlated with the so-called Older Granites of Egypt.207Pb/206Pb single zircon evaporation from three samples of the Hafafit gneisses yielded protolith emplacement ages between 677 ± 9 and 700 ± 12 Ma and document granitoid activity over a period of about 23 Ma. A migmatitic granitic gneiss from Wadi Bitan, south-west of Ras Banas, has a zircon age of 704 ± 8 Ma, and its protolith was apparently generated during the same intrusive event as the granitoids at Hafafit. Single zircons from a dioritic gneiss from Wadi Feiran in south-west Sinai suggest emplacement of the protolith at 796 ± 6 Ma and this is comparable with ages for granitoids in north-east Sinai and southern Israel. None of the above gneisses is derived from remelting of older continental crust, but they are interpreted as reflecting subduction-related calc-alkaline magmatism during early Pan-african magmatic arc formation.  相似文献   

The Wadi Dabr intrusive complex, west of Mersa-Alam, Eastern Desert, Egypt ranges in composition from gabbro to diorite, quartz diorite and tonalite. The gabbroic rocks include pyroxene-horn blend e gabbro, hornblende gabbro, quartz-hornblende gabbro, metagabbro and amphibolite. Mineral chemistry data for the gabbroic rocks indicate that the composition of clinopyroxenes ranges from diopside to augite and the corresponding magma is equivalent to a volcanic-arc basalt. Plagioclase cores range from An75 to An34 for the gabbroic varieties, except for the metagabbro which has An 11–18. The brown amphiboles are primary phases and classified as calcic amphiboles, which range from tschermakitic hornblende to magnesiohornblende. Green hornblende and actinolite are secondary phases. Hornblende barometry and hornblende-plagioclase themometry for the gabbroic rocks estimate crystallisation conditions of 2–5 kb and 885–716°C.The intrusive rocks cover an extensive silica range (47.86–72.54 wt%) and do not exhibit simple straight-line variation on Harker diagrams for many elements (e.g. TiO2, Al2O3, FeO*, MgP, CaO, P2O5, Cr, Ni, V, Sr, Zr and Y). Most of these elements exhibit two geochemical trends suggesting two magma sources.The gabbroic rocks are relatively enriched in large ion lithophile elements (K, Rb, Sr and Ba) and depleted in high field strength elements (Nb, Zr, Ti and Y) which suggest subduction-related magma. Rare earth element (REE) data demonstrate that the gabbroic rocks have a slight enrichment of light REE [(La/Yb)N=2.67−3.91] and depletion of heavy REE ((Tb/Yb)N=1.42−1.47], which suggest the parent magma was of relatively primitive mantle source.The diorites and tonalites are clearly calc-alkaline and have negative anomalies of Nb, Zr, and Y which also suggest subduction-related magma. They are related to continental trondhjemites in terms of Rb---Sr, K---Na---Ca, and to volcanic-arc granites in terms of Rb---and Nb---Y.The Wadi Dabr intrusive complex is analogous to intrusions emplaced in immature ensimatic island-arcs and represents a mixture of mantle (gabbroic rocks) and crustal fusion products (diorites and tonalites) modified by fractional processes.  相似文献   

Gabbroic intrusions of the El-Aradiya area are a part of the Neoproterozoic basement cropping out in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt. They are composed mainly of gabbroic cumulates (diopside-plagioclase cumulate and plagioclase-augite cumulate) and fine-grained noncumulate gabbro. Mineral chemistry data indicate that the plagioclase core compositions of the gabbroic cumulates range between An90 and An60, whereas fine-grained noncumulate gabbro plagioclase core compositions are An61−56 and rim compositions are An54−42. The clinopyroxenes are diopside and augite in the gabbroic cumulate, and augite in the fine-grained noncumulate gabbro. Chemical re-equilibration between pyroxenes of gabbroic cumulates vary from 1150-900°C and for fine-grained noncumulate gabbro range from 1200-1100°C. The amphiboles are calcic, varying from tschermakite and tschermakitic hornblende, and Mg-hornblende in the gabbroic cumulate and only Mg-hornblende in the fine-grained noncumulate gabbro. They indicate an island-arc tholeiitic setting for gabbroic intrusions of the El-Aradiya area. Major and trace element data suggest arc tholeiite characters, a comagmatic suite and subduction-related magma with enrichment of LILE and depletion in HFSE relative to MORB. The estimated parent magma is similar to tholeiitic Aleutian arc primary magma. The gabbroic intrusions are analogous to intrusions emplaced in an immature island-arc setting in which the oceanic crust was thin.  相似文献   

孙洋  马昌前  张超 《地学前缘》2011,18(2):85-99
对大别山造山带的鲁家寨花岗岩进行了锆石U-Pb年代学、锆石Hf同位素和岩石地球化学研究.锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果表明鲁家寨花岗岩形成于新元古代((816±17)Ma).鲁家寨花岗岩总体具有高硅(SiO2 69.13%~75.47%)、准铝-弱过铝(A/CNK=0.98~1.01)的化学组成特征.稀土元素...  相似文献   

Serpentinites and talc-carbonate rocks of El Ideid-El Sodmein District (ISD), central Eastern Desert, Egypt, contain variably altered chrome-spinels. Back-scattered electron images and electron microprobe analyses of chrome-spinels and associated silicates are made to evaluate their textural and compositional variations with metamorphism. In most cases the chrome-spinel crystals are concentrically zoned with unaltered cores through transitional zone of ferritchromit to Cr-magnetite toward the rims. In talc-carbonate rocks chrome-spinels are extensively altered to Cr-magnetite. Compared to cores, the metamorphic rims are enriched in Cr# (0.83–1.0 vs. 0.58–0.63 for rims and cores, respectively) and impoverished in Mg# (0.05–0.29 vs. 0.57–0.63), due to Mg–Fe and Al(Cr)–Fe3+ exchange with the surrounding silicates during regional metamorphism rather than serpentinization process. Textural and compositional features of the chrome-spinels suggest transitional greenschist-amphibolite up to lower amphibolite facies metamorphism (at 500–600 °C), which is isofacial with the country rocks. The common preservation of unaltered chrome-spinel cores in the serpentinites, contrary to talc-carbonate rocks, implies that full equilibration has not been attained due to small metamorphic fluid–rock ratio. Microprobe analyses profile across a concentrically zoned grain confirms the presence of two compositional (miscibility?) gaps; one between chrome-spinel core and ferritchromit zone; and another one between ferritchromit zone and Cr-magnetite outer rim.Chrome-spinel cores do not appear to have re-equilibrated completely with the metamorphic spinel rims and surrounding silicates, indicating relic magmatic composition not affected by metamorphism. Core compositions suggest an ophiolitic origin and derivation by high degrees of melting of reduced, depleted harzburgite to dunite mantle peridotites in an oceanic supra-subduction zone (marginal-basin) tectonic environment.  相似文献   

The present paper investigates the stream sediment geochemistry, behavior of gold and associated elements, delineates Au-anomalous sites and defines related sources in the Wadi Umm Rilan area. Fifty three major and trace elements were analyzed using ICP-MS and treated applying various statistical and mapping techniques. The results showed a significant difference of mean and median Au and most chemical elements in the three portions of the area, and higher values were recorded in the western portion. Furthermore, Au-anomalous sites appeared in upper and lower parts of the Wadi Umm Rilan, along the tributaries of metavolcanic unit and near granitoid contacts. This indicates the main source of Au mineralization is related to emplacement of granitoid plutons and accompanying hydrothermal solutions. There are significant indications for the presence of more than one mineralization event forming a probable single major episode of mineralization in the area, involving Au, Pb and U mineralizations. Geology, geomorphologic aspects and weathering processes could control stream sediment geochemistry, anomalies of Au and associated elements, elemental association and their dispersion patterns. Therefore, the area is fruitful and regarded as a promising target for Au exploration, using Ag, As, Sb, Cd, Cs, and Tl as pathfinder elements.  相似文献   

The Xiadong mafic–ultramafic complex lies in the central part of the Middle Tianshan Massif (MTM), along the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). This complex is composed of dunite, hornblende (Hbl) clinopyroxenite, hornblendite, and Hbl gabbro. These rocks are characterized by adcumulated textures and variable alteration. Orthopyroxene is an extremely rare mineral in all rock units and plagioclase is absent in dunite and Hbl clinopyroxenite. Hbl, Fe-chromite, and Cr-magnetite are common phases. Olivines have forsterite (Fo) contents ranging from 92.3 to 96.6. Clinopyroxenes are Ca-rich, Ti-poor diopsides, and mostly altered to tremolites or actinolites. Chromites display low TiO2 and Al2O3 contents and high Cr# and Fe2+/(Fe2+ + Mg) values. Primary and secondary Hbls show wide compositional variations. These petrological and mineralogical features as well as mineral chemistry are comparable to typical Alaskan-type complexes worldwide, which are widely considered to have formed above subduction zones. The chemistry of clinopyroxene and chromite supports an arc plate-tectonic origin for the Xiadong complex. Its confirmation as an Alaskan-type complex implies that the MTM, with Precambrian basement, was probably a continental arc during oceanic plate underflow and further supports the hypothesis of southward subduction of the Palaeozoic Junggar Ocean.  相似文献   


The dismembered ophiolites in Wadi Arais area of the south Eastern Desert of Egypt are one of a series of Neoproterozoic ophiolites found within the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS). We present new major, trace, and rare earth element analyses and mineral composition data from samples of the Wadi Arais ophiolitic rocks with the goal of constraining their geotectonic setting. The suite includes serpentinized ultramafics (mantle section) and greenschist facies metagabbros (crustal section). The major and trace element characteristics of the metagabbro unit show a tholeiitic to calc-alkaline affinity. The serpentinized ultramafics display a bastite, or less commonly mesh, texture of serpentine minerals reflecting harzburgite and dunite protoliths, and unaltered relics of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and chrome spinel can be found. Bulk-rock chemistry confirms harzburgite as the main protolith. The high Mg# (91.93–93.15) and low Al2O3/SiO2 ratios (0.01–0.02) of the serpentinized peridotite, together with the high Cr# (>0.6) of their Cr-spinels and the high NiO contents (0.39–0.49 wt.%) of their olivines, are consistent with residual mantle rocks that experienced high degrees of partial melt extraction. The high Cr# and low TiO2 contents (0.02–0.34 wt.%) of the Cr-spinels are most consistent with modern highly refractory fore-arc peridtotites and suggest that these rocks probably developed in a supra-subduction zone environment.  相似文献   

The Wadi Ibib area is situated in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Hamisana Shear Zone (HSZ), which is a high strain zone evolved during the late stages of the Pan-African orogeny, likely as a tectonic escape structure. Amphibolite facies pelitic metasedimentary windows crop out in the axial parts of the HSZ and are noticeably associated with numerous N-trending pegmatite dikes. Whole-rock geochemistry of the pegmatites reveals a peraluminous (S-type) affinity, with low K/Rb ratios and elevated concentrations of U, Th, REE, Rb, Li, Cs, Y, Nb and Ta. Structurally, the pegmatite sets intrude along the shear plane of the HSZ, corresponding to the regional N-trending tectonic fabrics, such as axial planar foliation and dextral-shearing in the metasedimentary host rock. Field relationships, including structural context, coupled with geochemical characteristics of the Wadi Ibib pegmatites, do not support their formation as a complementary part of evolved granitic magmas. Space-localized decompression-induced partial melting of peraluminous garnet-bearing metapelites was alternatively the underlying process for formation of these pegmatites. Such decompression was associated with regional escape tectonics and stress axes permutations during the late deformation stage (D3) in the evolution of the south Eastern Desert terrane, due to end-orogeny system pressure-release.  相似文献   

Massive mafic sheets were recently recognized intruding the Neoproterozoic strata in Fuyang area, eastern Jiangnan orogen. Geochronological, geochemical, and isotopic studies were carried out to understand their mantle source, crust–mantle interaction, and tectonic setting. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon data indicate that the sheets were generated at 808 ± 7 Ma. The mafic sheets consist of two groups: high Ti and low Ti. They are enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE; 3.3–5.3 ppm) and show negligible Eu anomalies (δEu = 0.77–1.12). They also have strong large-ion lithophile element (LILE; Sr, K, Rb, Ba) enrichment, moderately strong high-field-strength element (HFSE) enrichment (except for Nb-Ta depletion), and positive εNd(t) (5.1–9.1). Geochemical and isotopic data indicate that the mafic sheets were generated from a depleted asthenospheric mantle source. The high-Ti mafic sheets have higher HFSE contents and less Nb-Ta depletion than the low Ti series, indicating a lower degree of partial melting and crustal contamination. The mafic sheets grew in a within-plate setting, concurrent with the ~820–750 Ma rifting events in the eastern Jiangnan orogen. They are likely related to the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent.  相似文献   

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