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The Guanshan Biota from the Cambrian Stage 4 Wulongqing Formation is a typical Burgess-shale type Lagerst?tte that had witnessed the Cambrian explosion. Here we report two new localities of the Guanshan Biota, which is located at Baimei village, south of Kunming and Xinglong village, Wuding County, Yunnan Province respectively. Both localities produce soft-body fossils and several new taxa, e.g. a new species of palaeoscolecidans (Palaeoscolex xinglongensis sp. nov.) reported herein. The comparative study of the new species with similar form not only indicates that there is a diversification of palaeoscolecid species in Guanshan Biota, but also strengthens the ties between the older Chengjiang Biota and the younger Kaili Biota (and also the coeval Burgess Shale community). Three paleoecological features, including high diversity, little disparity and richness of palaeoscolecid worms, are summarized as a case study to represent the differences between Guanshan and Chengjiang Biota.  相似文献   

总结了昆明地区关山动物群自1999年命名以来开展的研究工作和取得的新进展。简要叙述了关山动物群的研究概况、地层位置、生物群组合特征和关山动物群的研究意义。在关山动物群中首次发现了古虫动物门的Vetulicola ganggtoucunenisis Luo,Fu et Hu,吐卓虫Tuzoia sp.nov.,古蠕虫Palaeoscolex sp.nov.,腕足类Heliomedusa sp.nov.及三叶形虫、海绵动物新属种。指出关山动物群是一个由多门类软躯体后生动物化石组成的伯吉斯页岩型的动物群,时代介于澄江动物群与凯里动物群(或伯吉斯页岩动物群)之间,起到了承前启后的作用,在寒武纪生命大爆发和寒武纪早期生物演化的研究中有重要意义。  相似文献   

New Record of Palaeoscolecids from the Early Cambrian of Yunnan, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new palaeoscolecid, Guanduscolex minor Hu, Luo et Fu gen. et sp. nov., with preserved soft parts of introvert and intestines comes from the Lower Cambrian Guanshan fauna of Yunnan, South China. Microstructural details of the cuticle revealed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) show that each annulation bears three rows of plates and each plate bears 9-10 marginal and 4-5 central nodes. This discovery sheds new light on the relationships and evolutionary pathway of the palaeoscolecids and other early priapulids.  相似文献   

贵州台江中寒武世凯里生物群古生态研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
凯里生物群是世界三大布尔吉斯页岩型生物群之一。本文通过古生物个体埋藏保存情况、古生物个体生态学、沉积学和地球化学等的研究和分析,认为凯里生物群中大部分分子是从异地搬运到陆棚环境埋藏的。同时,提出了凯里生物群的埋藏机理模式和生态复原图。  相似文献   

This paper gives a brief report on the new occurrence of the Early CambrianQiongzhusi' an Chengjiang fauna in the Haikou area, Kunming and its assemblage feature andthe stratigraphic section of the horizon yielding these fossils. Eight genera and 8 species ofTrilobitoidea are described here, embracing Leanchoilia asiatica Luo et Hu (sp. nov.), Yohoiasinensis Luo et Hu (sp. nov.), Zhongxinia speciosa Luo et Hu (gen. et sp. nov.), Xandarellaspectuculum Hou et al., Dianchia mirabilis Luo et Hu (gen. et sp. nov.), Kuamaia lata Hou,Retifacies longispinus Luo et Hu (sp. nov.) and Sinoburius lunaris Hou et al.  相似文献   

贵州遵义寒武系底部黑色页岩中含Mo、Ni、U等重金属的富集层,它们一直被认为与热水沉积作用有关。本文通过对贵州遵义松林小竹一带的寒武系底部地层的系统的岩石、矿物、地球化学研究,认为遵义松林小竹一带寒武系底部黑色页岩中富含Mo、Ni、U等重金属层属于热液(水)喷流沉积,主要依据有:①含大量的黄铁矿、针镍矿、硫钼矿及较多的锑硫镍矿、黄铜矿、闪锌矿、重晶石、石英、石膏等矿物;②具有大量的同生砾屑,砾屑成分为黑色碳质体和碎屑状黄铁矿、针镍矿、硫钼矿等矿石,它们堆积成层状结构,碎屑呈被撕裂状、棱角状、熔蚀港湾状等结构,球状、脸盆状、枕头状等构造,它们类似海底喷流沉积;③硅同位素、锶同位素、Re/Os值、Th/Sc值、Th/U值都表明有深部物质加入;④黑色岩系中夹碳酸盐岩透镜体,碳同位素具有强烈负异常特征,表明有热液作用;⑤超强富集元素Mo、As、Se、Re和T1都属于典型的气相迁移元素,而钼是典型的高温气相迁移元素,暗示了可能存在火山射气作用;而强富集的Ni、U、Au、Ag、PGE元素组合是超基性岩浆活动的产物,表明有热液活动。研究发现在热液(水)喷流沉积形成的富集Mo、Ni、U等重金属硫化物层之上,产出丰度大、分异度低、含大型海绵类、双壳类、菌藻类和少量大型蠕虫化石的生物群,它的特征与现代太平洋海底热喷口附近的生物群类似,因此认为遵义小竹一带寒武系底部生物群属于与海底热喷口相关生物群,这一新发现对研究寒武纪生态和生物爆发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Ashdown Brickworks, near Bexhill, East Sussex, has produced a large number of vertebrate fossils from the Wadhurst Clay Formation, part of the Wealden Supergroup (Hastings Group; Valanginian; Lower Cretaceous). Here we describe the microvertebrate fauna of the ‘conglomerate bed’, representing a rich sample of taxa. While most of the recovered teeth and bones are abraded, some heavily, most can be identified to species level. The taxa include four species of hybodont sharks (Egertonodus basanus, Planohybodus ensis, Polyacrodus parvidens, P. brevicostatus), three taxa of bony fishes (an unidentified Lepidotes-like semionotiform, the pycnodontiform Ocloedus, and an albuliform), three taxa of crocodyliforms (the goniopholid Hulkepholis, a bernissartiid, and the atoposaurid Theriosuchus), and the theropod dinosaurs Baryonyx and an allosauroid. Sediments of the Wadhurst Clay Formation as a whole indicate freshwater to very slightly brackish-water environments of deposition, and the mainly aquatic time-averaged mixture of fishes and tetrapods recovered from the ‘conglomerate bed’, together with isolated terrestrial species, confirms this interpretation.  相似文献   

贵州台江革一黔东统杷榔组沉积环境初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
达扬  彭进  赵元龙  马海涛  谷雨 《地质论评》2011,57(4):574-582
贵州台江革一杷榔组出露完整、富含化石,其中—上部层位产有类群组合多样的杷榔动物群,为杷榔动物群的一个重要产地。本文通过详细的野外观察,结合生物化石保存情况及岩石薄片的分析结果,对革一杷榔组沉积环境及其海平面变化规律进行了综合分析,认为革一杷榔组的沉积位于盐度正常、较深水的陆棚环境,生物生活环境多为氧化—弱氧化环境,富含化石的层位经历了快速沉积事件,整组的沉积由底向上海水经历了由深至浅的变化过程,但其间经历2次小的波动,水体变深后变浅,并出现还原—氧化界面的波动 。  相似文献   

A new genus and species,Ramoferis amalia gen.et sp.nov.,is described from the Early Devonian(Pragian)Posongchong Formation,Wenshan district of southeastern Yunnan,China.This plant has isodichotomous major axes,which also divide anisotomously distally to produce closely spaced lateral branches,often within fertile regions.The stalked round to reniform sporangia,borne laterally and spirally over several levels of branches,are distantly to moderately spaced or aggregated into distinct spikes.The stalks incr...  相似文献   

Abstract: Two zosterophyll plants are described from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) Xitun Formation of Qujing, Yunnan, China. Xitunia spinitheca gen. et sp. nov. has stalked sporangia laterally attached on the axis in a helical arrangement. Sporangia are dorsoventrally flattened and composed of two unequal valves; the adaxial valve is round in face view, while the abaxial valve is larger than the former, triangular or wedge-shaped, and radially bears long spiny appendages along the distal margin. Xitunia shows new variation of sporangial morphology within the zosterophylls. Zosterophyllum minorstachyum sp. nov. has K-shaped branchings at the basal parts and small-sized terminal spikes, which consist of round to elliptical sporangia arranged helically. This paper provides new data on the diversity of plant types during Lochkovian when rare vascular plants were reported. As for various species of Zosterophyllum in South China, their apparent evolutionary trend of features from the Late Silurian to Early Devonian (Emsian) is discussed.  相似文献   

Mikbi intrusion(MI) is a part of the Neoproterozoic Nubian Shield located along the NE-SW trending major fracture zones prevailing southern Eastern Desert of Egypt. In this study, we present for the first time detailed mineralogical and bulk-rock geochemical data to infer some constraints on the parental magma genesis and to understand the tectonic processes contributed to MI formation. Lithologically, it is composed of fresh peridotite, clinopyroxenite, hornblendite, anorthosite, gabbronorite, pyroxene amphibole gabbro, amphibole gabbro and diorite. All rocks have low Th/La ratios(mostly <0.2) and lack positive Zr and Th anomalies excluding significant crustal contamination. They show very low concentrations of Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf together with sub-chondritic ratios of Nb/Ta(2-15) and Zr/Hf(19-35),suggesting that their mantle source was depleted by earlier melting extraction event. The oxygen fugacity(logfO_2) estimated from diorite biotite is around the nickel-nickel oxide buffer(NNO) indicating crystallization from a relatively oxidized magma. Amphiboles in the studied mafic-ultramafic rocks indicate relative oxygen fugacity(i.e. ΔNNO; nickel-nickel oxide) of 0.28-3 and were in equilibrium mostly with 3.77-8.24 wt.% H_2 Omelt(i.e. water content in the melt), consistent with the typical values of subduction-related magmas. Moreover, pressure estimates(0.53-6.79 kbar) indicate polybaric crystallization and suggest that the magma chamber(s) was located at relatively shallow crustal levels. The enrichment in LILE(e.g., Cs, Ba, K and Sr) and the depletion in HFSE(e.g., Th and Nb) relative to primitive mantle are consistent with island arc signature. The olivine, pyroxene and amphibole compositions also reflect arc affinity. These inferences suggest that their primary magma was derived from partial melting of a mantle source that formerly metasomatized in a subduction zone setting. Clinopyroxene and bulkrock data are consistent with orogenic tholeiitic affinity. Consequently, the mineral and bulk-rock chemistry strongly indicate crystallization from hydrous tholeiitic magma. Moreover, their trace element patterns are subparallel indicating that the various rock types possibly result from differentiation of the same primary magma. These petrological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics show that the MI is a typical Alaskan-type complex.  相似文献   

和凯里生物群一样,贵州寒武系杷榔动物群也含有丰富的棘皮动物始海百合化石,包括两个属种即俞氏贵州始海百合 GuizhoueocrinusyuiZhao,ParsleyetPeng,2007及殷氏原始球状始海百合(新属新种)Protogloboeocrinusyini(gen.etsp. nov.).其中新属种是近期在杷榔组分布区南部贵州麻江下司淑里村杷榔组上部发现的,是凯里组中球形球状始海百合(GloboeocrinusglobolusZhao, ParsleyetPeng,2008)的原始属种,两者均具有发育的吸盘、长的茎、近于球形或椭球形的萼及较长 的腕.但新属种茎呈倒长锥柱形,缝孔长卵形,腕枝数少,两者区别明显.Protogloboeocrinusyini(gen.etsp.nov.)的发现及研 究,不仅追溯到凯里组球形球状始海百合的原始属种,了解两者演化规律是茎变短,萼变球形,缝孔变为圆形,腕枝数量增加, 捕食能力增强.而且还增添了杷榔组始海百合的多样性及其分区性:杷榔组分布区北部仅见Guizhouocrinusyui,南部仅见 Protogloboeocrinusyini(gen.etsp.nov.)   相似文献   

本文报道了在中国云南东部晋宁、江川地区的震旦(Ediacaran)系顶部渔户村组旧城段新发现的龙凤山藻科(Longfengshaniaceae)化石,与华北燕山地区新元古代青白口系长龙山组及北美中元古代小达尔群产出的Longf engshania化石明显不同,叶状体形态更为多样,呈梭形、枣核形、铲形、长条带形或球囊形等,拟茎较粗壮,与叶状体的接合很平缓,部分可见盘状、短茎状、披针状固着构造和叶状体萌生现象。依据形态记述了2属6种,包括1新属2新种3相似种,讨论和修订了龙凤山藻的科、属特征。华南滇东地区这些宏体藻类化石的发现进一步表明震旦(Ediacaran)纪末期也存在后生植物的多样化发展,可能为早寒武世“澄江生物群”的爆发性演化奠定了生态基础。  相似文献   

<正>Mushroom Mountain karren with predominantly flat tops that formed along the stylolites and bedding planes dictated the special features of this karst landscape.Their features and rock relief clearly reflect the geological conditions and development.The subsoil karren with conical tops dissected by subsoil rock relief were exposed from beneath the soil.Below tree vegetation,the subsoil karren are to a great extent covered by moss and lichen,under which they acquire their characteristic shape.On the bare surface they were reshaped by rainwater that carves flutes and solution pans.The old cave that opens below the top of one of the cones reveals the period before its dissection into hills and cones when this part of the karst aquifer was still deep under the water table.  相似文献   

An analysis of Thalassinoides ichnofabrics in the Cambrian Stage 4 Longwangmiao Formation from six sections near Chonqing in the Middle and Upper Yangtze Block of South China was conducted to promote the understanding of the paleoenvironment of this period. Thalassinoides ichnofabrics are divided into three types according to their morphology,bioturbation index, abundance and related parameters: banded, mottled and grid. The completeness of the ichnofabrics gradually increases from banded to gri...  相似文献   

刘建清  何利  陈风霖  冉敬  何平  何佳伟 《岩石学报》2021,36(7):2245-2255
本文首次开展了滇东北盐津地区关岭组底部绿豆岩年代学及地球化学的研究.LA-ICP-MS对其定年结果为239.60±0.43Ma,即它们可能属于中上扬子地区中-下三叠统之间多层火山岩第二次喷发的产物,而这套火山岩第一次喷发的时间应为246~ 248 Ma.该两组年龄与新近发表的哀牢山洋缝合带两侧碎屑锆石250Ma、240...  相似文献   

1.Objective Skarn iron ore deposit is the principal source of highgrade iron reserves in China,contributing about 11% of the national iron reserves and about 60% of the high-grade iron reserves.Therefore,the study of typical skarn iron ore deposits will provide a better understanding of the formation and exploration of high-grade iron deposits in China.The Luxi area is one of the most representative and important skarn iron ore fields in China.  相似文献   

南岭燕山早期花岗岩成因类型的进一步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪洋 《地质论评》2008,54(2):162-174
在对近年来公开发表的南岭地区燕山早期(侏罗纪)花岗岩的地质年代学和地球化学资料的综合分析基础上,本文指出南岭地区出露最广泛的黑云母花岗岩至少属于两种成因类型,即Pitcher(1982, 1997)定义的S型和加里东I型,同时有一些黑云母花岗岩属于I型和S型之间的过渡类型。对于南岭燕山早期二云母和含白云母淡色花岗岩而言,它们与黑云母花岗岩在成因上没有联系,不是其分离结晶的产物,是地壳部分熔融产物,不是“分异I型花岗岩”。  相似文献   

The Eastern Tianshan Orogenic Belt (ETOB) in NW China is composed of the Dananhu–Tousuquan arc belt, the Kanggurtag belt, the Aqishan–Yamansu belt and the Central Tianshan belt from north to south. These tectonic belts have formed through arc–continent or arc–arc collisions during the Paleozoic. A number of Fe(‐Cu) deposits in the Aqishan–Yamansu belt, including the Heifengshan, Shuangfengshan and Shaquanzi Fe(‐Cu) deposits, are associated with Carboniferous–Early Permian volcanic rocks and are composed of vein‐type magnetite ores. Metallic minerals are dominated by magnetite and pyrite, with minor chalcopyrite. Calcite, chlorite, and epidote are the dominant gangue minerals. Pyrite separates of ores from those three deposits have relatively high and variable Re contents ranging from 3.7 to 184 ppb. All pyrite separates have very low common Os, allowing us calculation of single mineral model ages for each sample. Pyrite separates from the Heifengshan Fe deposit have an 187Re–187Os isochron age of 310 ± 23 Ma (MSWD = 0.04) and a weighted mean model age of 302 ± 5 Ma (MSWD = 0.17). Those from the Shuangfengshan Fe deposit have an isochron age of 295 ± 7 Ma (MSWD = 0.28) and a weighted mean model age of 292 ± 5 Ma (MSWD = 0.33). The Shaquanzi Fe‐Cu deposit has pyrite with an isochron age of 295 ± 7 Ma (MSWD = 0.26) and a weighted mean model age of 295 ± 6 Ma (MSWD = 0.23). Pyrite separates from these Fe(‐Cu) deposits have δ34SCDT ranging from ?0.41‰ to 4.7‰ except for two outliers. Calcite from the Heifengshan Fe deposit and Shaquanzi Fe‐Cu deposit have similar C and O isotope compositions with δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW ranging from ?5.5‰ to ?1.0‰ and from 10‰ to 12.7‰, respectively. These stable isotopic data suggest that S, C, and O are magmatic‐hydrothermal in origin. The association of low‐Ti magnetite and Fe/Cu‐sulfides resembles those of Iron–Oxide–Copper–Gold (IOCG) deposits elsewhere. Our reliable Re–Os ages of pyrite suggest that the Fe(‐Cu) deposits in the Aqishan–Yamansu belt formed at ~296 Ma, probably in a back‐arc extensional environment.  相似文献   

This paper determined the fixed-ammonium (NH4 +) contents of lamprophyres in the Zhenyuan gold orefield, Yunnan Province, China. The results show that the NH4 + contents of minettes in the orefield range from 120 × 10−6 to 469 × 10−6 and those of kersantites from 74.3 × 10−6 to 136 × 10−6. These values are higher than those of other mantle-derived rocks (less than 50 × 10−6), but lower than those of carbonaceous wall rocks in the orefield (from 1200 × 10−6 to 1343 × 10−6). Combining with the Sr isotopic composition, this paper suggested that lamprophyres in the orefield with high NH4 + contents relative to other mantle-derived rocks would not have resulted from the primary magma contaminated by crustal materials in the process of rising or in the magma chamber, but from mantel metasomatism. This research project was financially supported jointly by the State Key Basic Research Program of the People’s Republic of China (No. G1999043203) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Knowledge-Innovation Program (No. KZCX3-SW-125).  相似文献   

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