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利用1960—2011年江西省81个台站月平均气温观测资料和NCEP/NCAR北半球逐月500 hPa高度场再分析资料,分析了江西地区冬季(当年12月至次年2月)气温异常的时空特征、冷暖典型年500 hPa高度距平场特征以及气温异常与北半球500 hPa高度场的相关性,并运用奇异值分解(SVD)方法探讨了北半球500 hPa高度场异常与江西地区冬季气温异常之间的耦合关系。结果表明:(1)江西地区省冬季气温以全区一致的变化为主;(2)影响江西地区冬季气温异常的500 hPa高度场关键区为北大西洋(20.0°—42.5°N,10°—70°W)和欧亚地区(25.0°—72.5°N,40°—150°E),影响时段分别为当年7月(前期)和当年冬季(同期);(3)前期7月北大西洋关键区500 hPa高度场与江西地区冬季气温呈显著的正相关关系,其中最显著的区域为赣北地区;冬季欧亚大陆关键区500 hPa高度场与江西地区冬季气温也呈显著的相关关系,其中最显著的区域为赣北、赣中地区。  相似文献   

夏季青藏高原位势高度场的长期振荡与气候变化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
赵振国 《气象学报》1995,53(1):108-114
利用北半球500hPa月平均位势高度场资料,揭示了夏季(6-8月)青藏高原位势高度场的长期振荡及其与两大洋副热带环流的相互联系。并分析了这种长期变化对全球和中国气候的影响。  相似文献   

北半球绕极涡的变异及其与我国气候异常的关系   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
顾思南  杨修群 《气象科学》2006,26(2):135-142
本文利用近50 a大气再分析资料和中国站点观测资料,通过定义绕极涡的总体面积指数,分析了北半球绕极涡的变异特征及其与我国气候异常的关系,通过考虑绕极涡的局地变异和利用SVD分析方法揭示了绕极涡的局地变异与我国气候变异的关系。结果表明:北半球绕极涡的总体面积变异表现为一致性的扩张或收缩变化特征,近50 a来其总体面积具有收缩的趋势,这与全球增暖尤其是极区增暖有密切关系;叠加在这种趋势之上的既有年际变化又有年代际变化,主要周期大约是3~5 a和8~12 a。因此,研究绕极涡与我国气候的相关时分时间尺度来考虑更合理。北半球绕极涡的总体面积变异与我国气候异常的关系主要体现在年代际时间尺度上,当北半球绕极涡总体一致性收缩时,冬季我国大部分地区的气温都会随之变高,而降水偏多;夏季东北、华北、西南和华南地区气温偏高,降水偏少,而江淮流域气温偏低,降水偏多。反之亦然。北半球绕极涡的局地变异主要体现在西风带长波振幅的变异上,而其与我国气候异常的联系主要表现在年际时间尺度上,当东亚大槽减弱时,冬季我国中、东部大部分地区气温偏高,降水偏多;夏季江淮流域和四川盆地气温偏低,其它地区气温偏高,降水变化不明显。反之亦然。  相似文献   

利用典型相关理论,研究了中国15个区春末5月降水指数与其前期(1—4月)和同期北半球500hPa高度场之间的相关关系。研究结果表明:我国5月降水和前期及同期500hPa环流场的相关性以前期1月和同期5月的最好。前期500hPa环流场对我国5月降水的影响具有明显的全球性,而同期的高相关区主要出现在上游的欧亚地区。此外,前期不同的大气环流运动变化形式对5月降水有不同的影响,即对于时间相隔较长的1—2月,中高纬度超长波的发展变化是主要的影响因子,对于相邻4月和同期5月更主要是不同类型遥相关的变化,如前期4月的西太平洋型(WP)和西大西洋型(WA)对我国5月黄河中上游地区的降水有着相当的影响。另外还发现,5月降水和1—5月高度场相关的典型特征向量分布在东部地区由南向北呈正负相间的波列结构,在全国范围内的东西方向上,相关区也是正负交替出现。  相似文献   

~~THE CCA BETWEEN 500 hPa GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT FIELDS OVER NORTHERN HEMISPHERE AND RAINFALL OF CHINA IN MAY@严华生$Department of Earth Sciences, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091 China @陈艳$Yunnan Meteorological Science Institute, Kunming 650034 China @郭世昌$Department of Earth Sciences, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091 China @王会军$Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100091 China~~ Project "973" (G1998040905)…  相似文献   

Variance analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis methods are applied to analyze the variation of circulation at 500 hPa. In winter, there are three regions (180°E – 150°W, 45°N – 60°N, 70°W – 100 °W,45°N – 75°N, 60°E – 100°E, 65°N – 80°N) whose variations are strong. Those regions are the key regions in which atmospheric circulation can change. Those regions are correlated to some teleconnections and can present a part of variations of 500 hPa to some degree. The linear contemporary correlation between those regions and the height at 500 hPa is significant. Those regions can account for 88 % of variations of concurrent height at 500 hPa. Those regions can present and forecast some variations to some degree in March and April. The longer the time interval, the worse the forecast effect will be. The interannual variations of Q1, Q2 and the SST are weak in the western Pacific.  相似文献   

利用一个耦合海气模式,用数值试验方法分析了1982/1983ENSO期间的暖池和赤道事带的相互使用对大气表面流场和散度的影响。结果指出,ENSO高峰期和成熟期SPCZ比ITCZ更重要;ENSO的形成初期和衰减期SPCZ和ITCZ同样重要。  相似文献   

A new East Asian subtropical summer monsoon circulation index is defined, where the barotropic and baroclinic components of circulation are included. Results show that this index can well indicate the interannual variability of summer precipitation and temperature anomalies in China. A strong monsoon is characterized by more rainfall in the Yellow River basin and northern China, less rainfall in the Yangtze River basin, and more rainfall in south and southeast China, in association with higher temperature in most areas of China. Furthermore, comparison is made between the index proposed in this paper and other monsoon indexes in representing climate anomalies in China.  相似文献   

采用NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均资料和NOAA全球逐日降水资料,首先利用EOF方法分析了南海夏季风的垂直结构时空变化特征,然后初步探讨了南海夏季风垂直结构对中国夏季降水的影响和机制。(1)南海夏季风的垂直结构有明显的年际和年代际变化特征。EOF第一模态型主要表现为南海夏季风垂直结构的年际变化特征,为对流层低层西南风和对流层高层东北风同时增强(同时减弱)(简称“低层-高层同时增强”和“低层-高层同时减弱”)两种典型结构变化;EOF第二模态主要表现为南海夏季风垂直结构的年代际变化,为对流低层(高层)西南风(东北风)由下向上的增强到减弱变化和相反的对流层低层(高层)西南风(东北风)减弱到增强的变化(简称“低层强弱-高层强弱”和“低层弱强-高层弱强”)的两个不同年代(时段)的垂直结构变化。(2)南海夏季风垂直结构变化通过改变对流层低层、高层的环流异常变化来影响中国东部夏季降水的异常变化。南海夏季风呈“低层-高层同时增强”垂直结构时,南海低纬热带季风环流异常加强,长江流域低层辐散、高层辐合及异常下沉运动,其南侧的华南地区和北侧的东北地区是低层辐合、高层辐散和异常上升运动,导致华南降水异常偏多、...  相似文献   

东亚副热带夏季风环流指数及其与中国气候的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用大气环流正、斜压分解方法,从东亚副热带夏季风为正、斜压混合型季风观点出发,定义并计算了1958-1997年东亚副热带夏季风环流指数。该环流指数与1961-1995年中国160站夏季降水、气温的相关分析表明,它与中国东部夏季降水和气温的关系密切:强季风年,以河套地区为中心的黄河流域及华北地区多雨,长江流域少雨,华南和东南沿海多雨,以长江流域为中心的全国绝大部分地区气温偏高。弱季风年情况相反。此外,还将该环流指数与目前常用的4种东亚夏季风指数进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

The interannual variability of winter and spring precipitation in South China(SC)and its relation to moisture transport are investigated by using the monthly precipitation data of NMIC,NCEP reanalysis datasets and NOAA ERSST analysis datasets from 1960 to 2008.The results show that winter and spring precipitation in SC is less than normal from the 1960s to the start of the 1970s and from the end of the 1990s to the present.Most of rainfall anomalies on the whole regional scale of SC is well in phase during winter and spring,and the frequency of persistent drought is higher than that of persistent flood.Seasonal variations of moisture transport differences of SC between persistent drought and flood events are observed:the differences in winter are characterized by moisture transport from Bay of Bangle(BOB)and South China Sea(SCS),while differences in spring are characterized by that from SCS and North China(NC).There are two types of Ni o3.4 sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA)related to persistent winter and spring drought(flood)events in SC,which are positive SSTA next to Ni o4(Ni o3)and negative SSTA next to Ni o3(Ni o4).Moreover,the variations of moisture transport from BOB and SC have important effects on persistent drought/flood in SC when the Ni o3.4 index is in the positive phase,while those from western North Pacific(WNP)-SC in winter and those from Philippine Sea(PHS)-SC and NC in spring primarily contribute to persistent drought/flood events in SC when the Ni o3.4 index is in the negative phase,and these stronger(weaker)moisture transports are observed in persistent flood(drought)during winter and spring regardless of the Ni o3.4 index.In conclusion,with the correlation between variations and distributions of Ni o3.4 SSTA and persistent drought/flood events in SC,moisture transport is responsible for the formation of precipitation anomalies.In addition,the moisture transport from SCS is most significantly correlated with persistent drought/flood events during winter and spring.  相似文献   

东亚冬季1 000 hPa环流异常与我国气候的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将NCEP/NCAR 1951/1952~2003/2004年东亚冬季1000hPa风场进行向量EOF分解,研究其第一特征模态的时空变化及其与我国气候异常的关系。结果表明,EOF1时间系数能够很好地刻画东亚冬季风的强度变化。强(弱)EOF1时间系数时,冬季我国气候冷、干(暖、湿),次年春季东北及河套等地区的温度明显偏低(高);次年夏季长江中下游地区的降水明显偏少(多),华北和华南降水则偏多(少),长江流域和江南地区的温度偏高(低),华南及西南地区夏季则温度偏低(高)。  相似文献   

华南冬春降水的年际变化及其与水汽输送的联系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1960—2008 年华南47 个基准站降水资料和NCEP/NCAR 再分析资料,研究了华南冬春降水的年际变化特征及其与水汽输送的联系。结果表明,1960 年代—1970 年代和1990 年代末至今,华南冬、春降水明显偏少。华南冬春降水异常以“ 全区冬春同号型” 居多,且冬春连旱频率较高。影响华南冬春连续旱/涝的水汽输送存在季节性差异,冬季水汽输送变化主要来源于孟加拉湾和南海,春季水汽输送变化则来源于南海和我国北方。进一步探讨海温异常的影响发现,与华南冬春连续旱(涝)事件相关的Niño3.4 海温存在正、负异常型,海温异常中心分别偏向Niño4(Niño3)区和Niño3(Niño4)区。Niño3.4 区海温正异常时,孟加拉湾和南海水汽输送与华南冬春连续旱涝有密切联系;Niño3.4 区海温负异常时,冬季自西北太平洋经南海的水汽输送及春季自菲律宾海经南海的水汽输送和北方水汽输送对华南冬春连续旱涝有重要影响。以上水汽输送在两种海温异常情况下,连涝(旱)年均异常偏强(弱)。因此,Niño3.4 海温异常的变化及分布与华南冬春持续旱/涝事件存在联系,在此气候背景下,水汽输送异常是影响华南冬春降水异常的重要物理因子,其中南海是水汽输送异常显著相关区。   相似文献   

施能 《气象学报》1996,54(6):675-683
研究北半球冬季大气环流遥相关型的长期变化发现:WA,PNA型有明显趋势变化及年代际变化。WA型有明显负趋势,PNA型有正趋势,它们的强度突变分别发生于1980年代初(WA型1983年由强转弱)及1970年代中(PNA型1976年由弱转强)。与此同时,亚洲地区、亚欧地区的经向环流强度于1983年突然减弱。大气环流及遥相关型强度的这种年代际变化是中国冬季气候变化的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the Ishii 700 m heat content (HC) in the South China Sea (SCS). During the 1978–2012 period, the HC in the SCS changed dramatically on interannual timescales. Three main findings emerged from the analysis. 1) The first spatial pattern of the empirical orthogonal function (EOF1) was consistently distributed over most of the SCS, whereas that of the second empirical orthogonal function (EOF2) showed a dipole signal. 2) The HC anomalies in the SCS were closely related to the SCS summer monsoon intensity. When the HC over most of the SCS increased (decreased) in previous winter, the SCS summer monsoon was strengthened (weakened). Therefore, the HC behavior in the SCS during previous winter can well predict the intensity of the SCS summer monsoon. 3) HC anomalies in the SCS largely influence the monsoon and Walker circulations, in turn affecting the western Pacific subtropical high and finally the SCS summer monsoon.  相似文献   

By employing the singular value decomposition(SVD) analysis, we have investigated in the present paper the covariations between circulation changes in the Northern(NH) and Southern Hemispheres(SH) and their associations with ENSO by using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, the reconstructed monthly NOAA SST, and CMAP precipitation along with NOAA Climate Prediction Center(CPC) ENSO indices. A bi-hemispheric covariation mode(hereafter BHCM) is explored, which is well represented by the first mode of the SVD analysis of sea surface pressure anomaly(SLPA-SVD1). This SVD mode can explain 57.36% of the total covariance of SLPA. BHCM varies in time with a long-term trend and periodicities of 3—5 years. The long term trend revealed by SVD1 shows that the SLP increases in the equatorial central and eastern Pacific but decreases in the western Pacific and tropical Indian Ocean, which facilitates easterlies in the lower troposphere to be intensified and El Ni觡o events to occur with lower frequency. The spatial pattern of the BHCM looks roughly symmetric about the equator in the tropics, whereas it is characterized by zonal disturbances in the mid-latitude of NH and is highly associated with AAO in the mid-latitude of SH. On inter-annual time scales, the BHCM is highly correlated with ENSO. The atmosphere in both the NH and SH responds to sea surface temperature anomalies in the equatorial region, while the contemporaneous circulation changes in the NH and SH in turn affect the occurrence of El Ni觡o/La Ni觡a. In boreal winter, significant temperature and precipitation anomalies associated with the BHCM are found worldwide. Specifically, in the positive phase of the BHCM,temperature and precipitation are anomalously low in eastern China and some other regions of East Asia. These results are helpful for us to better understand interactions between circulations in the NH and SH and the dynamical mechanisms behind these interactions.  相似文献   

The study of low-frequency oscillations is an important part of climate variability research. In view of insufficient efforts spent on multidecadal and ENSO-scale changes of the climate, the present paper undertakes study of > 30 year slowly-varying means, called climate base state (CBS), of northern winter AAC's in the past 100 years and more, with the CBS variability and its temporal evolution investigated, indicating that Aleutian low and Icelandic low (North Pacific high and North American high) experience maximum (minimum) variation in the CBS. The CBS exhibits two modes for its variation. The positive (negative) phase of mode Ⅰ presents a weak (strong) NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation), a weaker (stronger) NPO (North Pacific Oscillation), a robust (feeble) Siberian high and a quite weak (vigorous) Aleutian low whilst the positive (negative) phase of mode Ⅱ reveals a feeble (strong) Aleutian low and a weak (robust) Siberian high. Also, the research shows that the recent CBS of northern circulations is in a remarkably negative phase of mode Ⅰ and a noticeably positive phase of mode Ⅱ, viz., in the background of slowly-varying circulations of an exceptionally weak Siberian high, an extremely vigorous Aleutian low and an intense NAO. The background field is likely to persist for a matter of 30 years such that northern winter temperature is expected to be in such a warm situation for a long period to follow.  相似文献   

北半球冬季大气活动中心的基本态特征及影响研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
施能  陈辉  谌芸 《热带气象学报》2001,17(3):215-222
通过研究近100多年北半球全部大气活动中心30年以上的慢变平均值(气候基本态)、气候变率特征及时间演变规律,指出阿留申低压与冰岛低压的基本态改变最大。基本变态变化最小的是北太平洋高压,其次是北美高压。基本态的变化表现为两个基本模态:第一模太为弱(强)的NAO,较弱(强)的NPO,强(弱)的西伯利亚高压物较弱(强)的阿留申低压的特征;第二模态主要表现为弱(强)的阿留申低压及弱(强)的西伯利亚高压的特征。近期北半球环流基本态是处于第一模态明显的负位相,第二模态明显的正位相下,即特别弱的西伯利亚高压、特别强的阿留申低压及强NAO的慢变环充背景下。这种慢变的环流背景场还可能维持30年左右。所以北半球冬委今后还将长期处于气候暖背景下。  相似文献   

徐忠峰  钱永甫 《气象学报》2006,64(6):760-769
印度季风区是世界上季风现象最显著的地区,伴随着夏季风爆发和撤退,季风区的大气风场和湿度场都存在明显的季节转换,这种季节转换可以作为区分夏季风与冬季风的一个很好的标准.以往的季风指数大多只考虑了季风区的动力场或热力场的演变特征.在综合考虑了印度季风的热力和动力特征的基础上,利用湿位涡定义了一个新的印度夏季风指数.湿位涡是一个动力学和热力学的综合量,它既反映了风场的涡旋状况又反映了大气的垂直稳定度.研究表明:该指数可以很好地反映季风区大气热力场和动力场的季节演变特征.用湿位涡定义的印度夏季风指数不仅稳定而且可以较好地反映夏季风爆发时间、季风强度及季风的活跃与中断等多种特征.与以往的环流指数相比,湿位涡季风指数描述季风爆发时间的能力有较明显的改进.此外,该指数还可以很好地反映印度夏季降水的年际演变特征.初步的相关分析表明:印度夏季风爆发时间与中国西北及华北地区夏季降水呈负相关,与次年长江中下游以南地区夏季气温也存在显著的负相关.此外,印度夏季风平均强度与前期华南地区春季降水也有密切关系.  相似文献   

冬季积雪的异常分布型及其与冬、夏大气环流的耦合关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用 ECMWF1 979~ 1 993年 2 .5°× 2 .5°的网格点积雪深度资料 ,研究了较为细致的积雪异常的空间分布特征 ,揭示了欧亚大陆冬季积雪的异常空间分布型 ;并采用 SVD方法研究了冬季积雪的异常分布型与冬、夏大气环流的耦合关系。结果表明 :欧亚大陆冬季积雪深度存在典型的异常空间分布型 ;积雪的异常分布型与冬、夏大气环流之间均存在一定的耦合关系。冬季积雪的异常分布型与大气 EU遥相关型存在明显的同时性相互作用 ,大气 EU遥相关型有利于冬季积雪异常分布型的出现和维持 ,而积雪异常分布型对大气 EU遥相关型的发生起一定的作用 ,进而对冬季风活动产生影响。冬季积雪的这种异常分布型与夏季大气环流 ,尤其是东亚地区的夏季大气环流 ,也存在一定的联系。积雪异常分布型可以通过影响副热带高压的南北进退 ,对东亚季风及中国夏季雨带产生影响。  相似文献   

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