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目前国内外对目标层埋深仅有几十米(甚至十几米)的超浅层地震勘探经验不多,理论研究也不够深入。本文从城市活断层探测的角度出发,利用地质学、地球物理学及数学等学科中的相关理论和方法,探讨超浅层地震勘探在青岛复杂地质构造背景下取得有效探测结果的前提条件,并对青岛市主要活断层的典型剖面进行重点研究,力求在城市活断层超浅层地震勘探数据采集技术、数据处理等方面有所进展,为青岛及类似地质构造背景的地区开展活动断层超浅层地震探测提供参考。研究表明超浅层地震反射波法可以获取深度仅有十几米的地层反射信号,且大部分反射剖面都可较清楚地揭示出超浅部断层位置和断层特征。  相似文献   

中国大陆主要强震断裂带超长地震活动期的划分和对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
楚全芝 《中国地震》1998,14(3):94-99
根据古地震和历史地震研究了强震断裂带-阿尔金带、祁连山带、阿尼玛卿山带、鲜水河带、金沙江-红河带和汾渭带的地震活动。划分了超长地震活动期。  相似文献   

The method and principle of common offset seismic surveys as well as the field data gathering and processing technique were introduced briefly. Through two urban active fault survey examples in Fuzhou and Shenyang, the efficiency and limitation of using the common offset seismic reflection technique to carry out urban active fault surveys were probed. The results show that this technique has the properties of high resolving power, better reconstruction of subsurface structures, and real-time analyzing and interpretation of investigation results on site. This method can be used to quickly locate objects under investigation accurately in the areas with thinner Quaternary overburdens and strong bedrock interface fluctuations.  相似文献   

2009年3月28日19时11分,在山西省原平市苏龙口镇发生4.2级地震。地震后,由山西省地震局、忻州市地震局联合组成的现场工作队,对此次地震进行了现场考察。经调查,宏观震中位于原平市苏龙口镇下政化村代县新高乡沿村之间,截止到3月30日08时共发生余震67次,宏观震中最大烈度为Ⅴ度,地震有感范围涉及忻州市大部分地区和太原、朔州、阳泉、大同等4市的部分县区,总面积约30000m^2。  相似文献   

商丹断裂南阳盆地第四纪活动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究商丹断裂的空间展布及断裂活动性特征,跨断裂布设了4条浅层地震勘探测线和1条钻孔联合地质剖面.综合分析表明,商丹断裂为一条走向NWW的正断层,钻孔联合地质剖面揭示断裂上断点埋深为13—19 m,最新活动时代为中更新世晚期.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带江苏新沂——安徽宿松段地震危险性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对郯庐断裂带江苏新沂—安徽宿松段历史及现代地震活动性分析、地震地质调查结果及沿线跨断层水准测量结果的综合分析,认为郯庐断裂带新沂—宿松段近期地震危险性主要位于新沂—泗县一带和明光一带,其中新沂—泗县一带近期有发生MS5.0~6.0级地震的活动背景;明光一带近期有发生MS5.0级地震的活动背景。  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate the high-resolution seismic reflection data for a depth range of several hundred meters across the Fenhe fault in Taiyuan city, China. In combination with the relevant borehole logs, these data provide useful constraints on the accurate position, geometry and deformation rate of the fault, as well as the kinematics of recent fault motion. The highresolution seismic reflection profiling revealed that the western branch of the Fenhe fault is a high angle, eastward dipping, oblique-normal fault, and cutting up to the lower part of the Quaternary system. It was revealed that the top breaking point of this fault is at a depth of~70m below the ground surface. A borehole log across the Fenhe fault permitted us to infer that there are two high-angle, oppositely dipping, oblique-normal faults. The eastern branch lies beneath the eastern embankment of the Fenhe river, dipping to the west and cutting into the Holocene-late Pleistocene strata with a maximum vertical offset of~8m. Another borehole log across the northern segment of the Fen]he fault indicates that the western branch of this fault has cut into the Holocene-late Pleistocene strata with a maximum vertical offset of~6m. The above-mentioned data provide a minimum average Pieistocene-Holocene vertical slip rate of 0.06~0.08mm/a and a maximum average large-earthquake recurrence interval of 5.0~6.7ka for the Fenhe fault.  相似文献   

The results of seismic deep reflection,high resolution refraction and shallow artificial seismic exploration indicate that the fault on the northern bank of the Weihe river is composed of two faults,one is the Yaodian-Zhangjiawan fault and the other is the Chuanzhang-Zuitou fault.The 22 km long Yaodian-Zhangjiawan fault of EW-striking starts from Chenjiagou via Yaodian town,Qianpai village,Bili village,Wujia town and Zhangjiawan to Jiajiatan.The 15 km long Chuanzhang-Zuitou fault striking near EW starts from Chuanzhang via Mabei to Zuitou.The Weihe fault offset the basement and upper crust,the reflecting layers of TQ,TN,TE and Tg are ruptured at depth of about 15 km.In the deep part,the Weihe fault and the secondary fault form a Y-shaped structure or a synthetic low angle intersection.The Weihe fault is a listric normal fault.The fault has obvious structural characteristics of a reversed-drag normal fault and a normal drag normal fault with the depth of 1 000 m,and also has the characteris-tics of syngenetic sediment.The Weihe fault is one of the faults which control the basin sediment,and it is the boundary fault of Xi’an depression and Xianyang salient.The depth of the fault decreases from the west to east gradually,the deep part intersects with the Lintong-Chang’an fault at the intersection part of Weihe River,Jinghe River and Bahe River and the shallow part connects with the Weinan-Jingyang fault.The seismic exploration re-sults indicate that no fault exists on southern bank of the Weihe River.  相似文献   

介绍了临汾区域数字地震台的技术系统建设过程、技术构成及成果应用,并将其与同台基模拟观测系统进行了分析对比,结果表明其监测地震的能力以及处理地震的速度明显优于模拟观测系统,山西临汾区域数字地城台的建成将大大提高山西南部对震的快速响应能力。  相似文献   

高密度电阻率法在隐伏断层探测中的应用   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
以实例说明高密度电阻率法在隐伏断层探测中的成功应用;讨论了用高密度电阻率法反演结果的地质解译方法;提出用高密度电阻率法探测隐伏断层的野外工作设想,对“十五”重大项目——城市活断层探测极具参考意义。  相似文献   

夏垫断裂浅部特征高分辨反射地震探测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在夏垫断裂上采用浅层纵、横波相结合的联合探测方法,获得了多条反映不同深度的高质量叠加时间剖面图,这些图像清晰地显示了夏垫断裂的浅部构造特征和地表以下浅至几米的地层结构和断裂特征信息,使得采用人工地震方法探测地表下10m以内的断裂成为可能。本次探测工作中,还在夏垫断裂的南侧发现了1条倾角较缓、呈铲型向下延伸的断裂,表明夏垫断裂是由2条断裂组成的断裂带。  相似文献   

郑州老鸦陈断裂的探测与活动性调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过浅层地震勘探、钻孔联合剖面分析、野外地貌调查以及新地质年代测定等技术方法,对原先认定的郑州老鸦陈断裂的活动性开展调查. 其中,浅层地震勘探结果表明,该断裂仅存在于新近纪以前的地层,而在新近纪地层内均未发现该断层错断和活动迹象. 同时,地表的地质地貌调查亦发现ldquo;地貌陡坎rdquo;与老鸦陈断裂的位置不一致. 另外钻探和钻孔联合剖面的分析也表明,地表的陡坎仅发育在马兰黄土中, 其下地层平缓,没有错断现象,认为该陡坎的形成与老鸦陈断层没有关系,但可能与黄河改道变迁的侵蚀作用有关. 因此,老鸦陈断裂不属于活动断裂.   相似文献   

宿松—枞阳断裂最新活动时代及未来地震危险性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宿松—枞阳断裂卫星影像清晰,是一条对构造、地貌、中新生代盆地有着控制意义的断裂。本文对该断裂所处的区域地震地质构造背景进行了分析,结合断裂的发育历史,选择典型剖面,对断裂的最新活动特征进行调查。根据野外地质考察和断裂沿线地震活动统计结果,对断裂未来的地震危险性进行了定量评估。分析认为,该断裂晚第四纪以来仍然有所活动,但活动强度已减弱,未来可能发生无地表位错的中强地震,最大震级综合判定为M5.5。  相似文献   

地震体波斜入射下的断层台阶地震反应分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李山有  马强  韦庆海 《地震研究》2005,28(3):277-281
应用显式有限元法对倾斜断层台阶在地震体波斜入射下的地震反应进行了数值模拟。模拟结果表明,P波入射时的竖向运动分量和SV波入射时的水平向运动分量在台阶上角点处存在极大值、在台阶下角点处存在极小值,同时在上下台面还出现由角点激发、向台阶外传播的转换体波与面波。这一结果说明,在断层台阶场地建设重大工程时应离开上角点一定距离,并考虑上下水平表面地面运动的差异性。  相似文献   

跨越断层地下管线震害因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下管线抗震安全性问题是生命线地震工程的重要研究内容,大量震害表明地下管线,特别是跨越断层的地下管线具有极大的脆弱性。分析跨断层地下管线的震害影响因素,制定有效的工程措施对于提高实际地下管线的抗震性能具有重要意义。本文回顾了地下管线遭受震害的历史背景,主要从断层参数、地震及场地参数以及管道参数三个角度分析了影响跨越断层地下管线震害的因素。在这些震害因素分析以及前人工作总结的基础上,从宏观角度和具体措施两个方面,提出了一些跨断层地下管道抗震的措施。  相似文献   

口泉断裂是大同盆地西缘的主控边界断裂,本文采用野外地质调查、布设地震钻孔、浅层人工地震勘探、电阻率CT法勘探和探槽开挖的手段,对该断裂在口泉村段的断裂特征进行了分析。  相似文献   

中国反射地震陆相断陷模型简介   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高反射地震数据处理方法研究水平 ,验证各种速度建模及偏移成像算法的实用效果 ,IFP(InstitutFrancoisdePetrole)、SEG/EAGE等地球物理组织 ,在 90年代先后推出了二维Marmousi模型和三维盐丘模型 ,业已成为勘探地球物理界的标准模型 .显然 ,这两个模型是基于欧美及中东国家的地质背景 ,反映海相沉积特点的 .为促进陆相油储地球物理学的发展 ,满足我国油田对方法技术发展的需求 ,使检验地震处理方法的地质模型能够体现我国陆相沉积的具体特点 ,经国家自然科学基金会重大项目“陆相油储地球…  相似文献   

Introduction Changbaishan Tianchi volcano, a dormant volcano in southeastern Jilin Province, northeast- ern China, is the most completely preserved Cenozoic polygenetic compound volcano (LIU, 2000). Study shows that the volcano has erupted many times from mid-late Pleistocene to Holocene and up to modern times (LIU et al, 1992, 1995; SHANGGUAN et al, 1997; SHANGGUAN and SUN, 1996). The latest eruption in A.D. (1215±15) was regarded as one of the largest explosive volcanic erupti…  相似文献   

Seismic hazard impact of the Lower Tagus Valley Fault Zone (SW Iberia)   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
The seismic hazard of SW Iberia is composed of two contributions: offshore, large to very large events on the plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia such as the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 or the Gorringe Bank earthquake of 1969; and onshore, moderate to strong intraplate earthquakes on inherited crustal fractures. One of these zones of crustal weakness is the Lower Tagus Valley (LTV) fault zone, which displays the highest level of seismic hazard in Western Iberia. In this paper we review the active tectonics and seismicity of the LTV, integrating previous geophysical data with recent results of paleoseismological investigations, and discuss its impact on the seismic hazard of SW Iberia. We conclude that the seismic zonation for hazard assessment currently in force in the building code is biased towards the scenario of distant offshore rupture, and does not take adequately into account the LTV seismic source.  相似文献   

通过对郯庐断裂带龙泉山西麓剖面的精细观测,样品微观和超微观测试,断层物质活动时代测定和综合分析研究,发现断裂带在第四纪曾有过多次活动(其中晚更新世以来也曾有过活动),并呈现粘蠕滑交替的变形特征,其最新活动方式以蠕滑活动为主,这些结论修正了前人对郯庐断裂带南段的基本认识,丰富和深化了该断裂新活动的研究内容。  相似文献   

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