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中华拟阮水蚤Paramisophria sinica n.sp.(桡足类,哲水蚤目,尖头水蚤科)的正模(♀)与副模(♀)标本分别采自南黄海东南部和南海北部海域。与本属以往己知种比较,它有若干明显的特征差异,如雌性末胸节后缘每侧各具2个尖锐刺突;生殖节不对称,愈合线明显存在;第5对胸足内肢具4羽状刚毛,外肢具3~4外缘刺及1末端刺。  相似文献   

单毛尖头水蚤Arietell usunisetosus n.sp.(桡足亚纲,哲水蚤目,尖头水蚤科,尖头水蚤属)模式标本(2♀)系采自太平洋中部热带水域.它有若干明显不同于本属其他已知种的形态特征,如雌性尾叉不对称,左叉外缘隆起呈瘤状;第5对胸足瘤状内肢顶端各具1长刚毛,宽舌状的外肢末端不具末刺等.  相似文献   

中华拟阮水蚤Paramisophriasinican.sp.(桡足类,哲水蚤目,尖头水蚤科)的正模(♀)与副模(♀)标本分别采自南黄海东南部和南海北部海域。与本属以往己知种比较,它有若干明显的特征差异,如雌性末胸节后缘每侧各具2个尖锐刺突;生殖节不对称,愈合线明显存在;第5对胸足内肢具4羽状刚毛,外肢具3~4外缘刺及1末端刺。  相似文献   

王绍武 《海洋与湖沼》1981,12(2):142-147
原新糠虾属Proneomysis属于糠虾科Mysidae糠虾族Mysini,它的第2触角鳞片披针形,周围具羽状刚毛,末节小,顶端圆形;尾节末端完全,无缺刻,呈三角形或舌状,与刺糠虾Acanthomysis近似。但雄性第4腹肢外肢由3节构成,第3节末端具2根带小刺的长刚毛,与后者显著不同。这个属自Tattersall,1933建立以来已知共14种,其中除模式  相似文献   

浮游介形类是海洋生态系统中极为丰富的一类小型甲壳动物,是海洋浮游动物的重要组成部分。吸海萤科是介形纲吸海萤目下的一大类群,其中,浮萤族已记述21属的生物。本文报道和描述了新近采自南海中部的一个浮萤族新属新种--复合多腺浮萤。该新物种与相关属和种可通过综合相关特征进行区分:位于右不对称腺体上方的侧角腺开口于近后缘;沿其壳腹缘具有一列排列密集的边缘腺;其前器官形状的综合特点与族内其他属物种均不同;第一触角的e刚毛不具有毛或刺;第二触角内肢乳状突表现为一具有腹面中央凹的椭圆隆起,第一外肢具有一根小背前缘刺,第一与第二外肢愈合,第三与第四外肢不具有刚毛或刺;大颚的第一内肢具一根长腹侧刚毛,第二内肢具一根腹侧刚毛;小颚第一内肢具两根基部刚毛;第五肢的第一外肢仅具一根腹侧刚毛;第六肢的第一与第二外肢不具有腹侧刚毛。其壳上主要腺体及开口位置与其他已记录属种的显著区别是该新属的主要特征。  相似文献   

王博文  郭东晖 《海洋学报》2019,41(6):93-102
记述了采自九龙江口桡足类1个新种——沈氏伪镖水蚤(Pseudodiaptomus sheni Guo&Wang,sp.nov.),对其形态特征进行了拍照、绘图和描述。形态上,新种头部钝尖,雌性胸部后侧角内缘乳状突起明显、生殖厣末端突起呈长倒刺状、尾叉外侧第2和第3尾刚毛基部膨大、第5胸足外肢第1节内末角突起尖细,雄性第5胸足左足第2基节后缘中部三角形突起狭尖,与火腿伪镖水蚤[P.poplesia(Shen,1955)]存在显著的形态差异;两者基于线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(mtCOI)基因片段的遗传差异为17.4%~19.5%。沈氏伪镖水蚤的命名旨在纪念中国科学院动物研究所甲壳动物分类学家沈嘉瑞(1902-1975)研究员,模式标本保存于厦门大学海洋科技博物馆。  相似文献   

粗毛猛水蚤科(Miraciidae Dana,1846)是猛水蚤目(Harpacticoida Sars,1903)种类数目居于第二的科,分布广泛,栖息环境多样。本文通过对2008年在胶州湾海域采集的沉积物进行离心提取,经解剖和形态分类学方法鉴定,鉴定粗毛猛水蚤科5属5种。其中,田园威伦狭腹猛水蚤(Willenstenhelia thalia Karanovic&Kim K.,2014)为我国海域的首次记录。文中还对胶州湾已发现的底栖粗毛猛水蚤制定了检索表。  相似文献   

本文基于南海采集的浮游动物标本,详细描述了腹突平头水蚤Candacia varicans Giesbrecht,1892的雌雄个体形态分类特征。本文报道腹突平头水蚤雄性个体是中国海的首次记录。腹突平头水蚤雄性在形态上与武平头水蚤和短平头雄性个体相似,但腹突平头水蚤可以通过以下几个特征与上述两个物种区分:1)头胸部:末胸节后侧角尖锐,左右对称;2)生殖节:右侧下缘具一个指向后方的小突起;3)第五胸足:右足第3节近末端背面具1片状突起。  相似文献   

粗毛猛水蚤科(Miraciidae Dana,1846)是猛水蚤目(Harpacticoida Sars,1903)种类数目居于第二的科,分布广泛,栖息环境多样。本文通过对2008年在胶州湾海域采集的沉积物进行离心提取,经解剖和形态分类学方法鉴定,鉴定粗毛猛水蚤科5属5种。其中,田园威伦狭腹猛水蚤(Willenstenhelia thalia KaranovicKim K.,2014)为我国海域的首次记录。文中还对胶州湾已发现的底栖粗毛猛水蚤制定了检索表。  相似文献   

左涛  王俊  王秀霞 《海洋与湖沼》2017,48(2):327-335
基于2011年5月至2012年4月(12月和翌年1—2月冰期除外)在渤海莱州湾逐月网采的数据资料,进行了莱州湾浮游桡足类胸刺水蚤(Centropages)种类组成、生态分布和生产力估算的研究。结果显示:莱州湾最为常见的胸刺水蚤是腹胸刺水蚤(Centropages abdominalis)和背针胸刺水蚤(C.dorsispinatus)。腹胸刺水蚤主要出现在冬、春季,该种5月丰度最高,月均丰度为435ind./m~3;背针胸刺水蚤主要出现夏、秋季(7—11月),该种9月丰度最高,月均丰度(76ind./m~3)明显低于腹胸刺水蚤相应值。成体中,两种胸刺水蚤的雌/雄比介于1—2。水温较高时,两种胸刺水蚤的桡足幼体和成体的前体长较小。腹胸刺水蚤密集区(100ind./m~3)主要分布于莱州湾湾口外东北侧,该水域水温多低于20°C;而背针胸刺水蚤密集区主要分布于水温介于21—25°C的湾内西侧近岸水域。粗略估算得到腹胸刺水蚤和背针胸刺水蚤桡足幼体和成体的月均生物量值分别为471μg C/m~3和50μg C/m~3,日生产力分别为89μg C/(m~3·d)和15μg C/(m~3·d)。两种胸刺水蚤具有明显季节更替和丰度空间分布互补性。背针胸刺水蚤已取代了2000年以前的优势种瘦尾胸刺水蚤(C.tenuiremis),成为莱州湾夏、秋季主要的胸刺水蚤。  相似文献   

A new species belonging to the genus Haloschizopera Lang, 1944 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Miraciidae, Diosaccinae) was identifi ed based on the samples collected from the East China Sea, near the off shore of Zhejiang Province, East China. The new species is closely related to H . pygmaea Norman & Sccot T., 1905 and shares a combination of the following features: A1 eight-segmented;A2 exp-2 with one distal seta, exp-3 with three setae;P1 endopodal segments subequal, enp-1 not exceeding exp-2;exp-3 of P3 with one inner seta, of P4 with two inner setae. The new species is characterized by the presence of one inner seta on P2 exp-3 of both sexes. It can also be distinguished from its congeners by the characters of female: P5 exopod subcircular, endopodal lobe extending beyond half-length of exopod;genital doublesomite ornamented with three dorsolateral rows of spinules on anterior part.  相似文献   

AnewspeciesofthegenusParamisophria(Copepoda,Calanoida,Arietellidae)fromtheChinaSeas¥LianGuangshanandQianHonglin(ReceivedFebru...  相似文献   

Eight species of the Hatschekiidae are recorded as parasites of marine fishes from southern coast of Korea. One new species, Hatschekia jejuensis, parasitic on Cheilodactylus zonatus Cuvier is included. The remaining seven species are new to Korean fauna: Hatschekia iridescens Wilson, 1913, H. japonica Jones, 1985, H. monacanthi Yamaguti, 1939, H. tenuis (Heller, 1865) H. pseudolabri Yamaguti, 1953, H. cylindrica Shiino, 1957, and Pseudocongericola chefoonensis Yü, 1933. Hatschekia jejuensis n. sp. has a combination of characteristics in the female where the trunk is 2.35 times as long as the cephalothorax and displays a pair of posterolateral bulges on both sides, the antennules is 5-segmented, the mandible bears six teeth, and the armature formulae of the legs are I-0; III (exopod) and 0-0; II (endopod) for leg 1 and I-0; I (exopod) and 0-0; II (endopod) for leg 2.  相似文献   

Specimens of Congericola from a New Zealand conger eel, Conger verreauxi, which were previously described as Congericola pallidus Beneden, are placed in a new species, Congericola kabatai, on the basis of the possession of a four‐segmented first antenna, a two‐segmented exopod in the third pereiopod, the presence of spines on the fourth pereiopod, and other differences in ornamentation of the pereiopods which separate it from the closely related species Congericola pallidus.  相似文献   

沈萍萍  齐雨藻  欧林坚 《海洋科学》2018,42(10):146-162
球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa Scherffel)是全球海洋广泛分布的有害藻华种类。1997年10月,中国东南沿海首次暴发了此种藻类的大规模藻华,其后陆续在福建、广东、广西、海南、河北及天津等省市沿海暴发多起同种藻华。中国近海的球形棕囊藻藻华呈现两大独有的特点,即藻类囊体较大(可达3厘米),以及藻华可毒害养殖业。历经20多年,球形棕囊藻在中国沿海已从一个"藻华新记录种"变成了"藻华常见种"。值得注意的是, 2014年以来,广西北部湾海域棕囊藻藻华肆虐,威胁核电冷源安全,受到了社会高度关注,也对球形棕囊藻藻华的研究提出了新的挑战与要求。针对这一生态灾害的最新发展趋势,本文总结了20年来中国球形棕囊藻及其藻华灾害的发生与发展状况,分别就棕囊藻的分类、生活史特征、营养特性、藻华形成的环境驱动因素、生态毒理等诸多方面开展简要综述,冀望为棕囊藻藻华的研究及防治提供基础资料及思路。  相似文献   

Two species of benthopelagic calanoid Copepoda, Neoscolecithrix cf. magna (Grice, 1972) and N. ornata n. sp., are described from the upper slope off North Cape, New Zealand. Neoscolecithrix ornata is distinguished from other species of Neoscolecithrix Canu, 1896 s.s. that have a female leg 5 terminal segment with 4 spines (2 terminal and 1 on each border) principally by the transverse row of long, fine spines on the female genital double somite; and by the more squat terminal segment of leg 5 (length/width ratio about 3.7). This is the second time Neoscolecithrix has been recorded from New Zealand. A new genus, Cenognatha n. gen., is distinguished from Neoscolecithrix principally because: rostrum short (bearing 2 filaments); mandibu‐lar gnathobase masticatory margin with slender dorsal spinulose seta; maxilla endite 1 with 5 well‐developed setae, endite 3 without brush‐like sensory seta, endopod usually with 3 long worm‐like sensory setae and 5 brush‐like setae; posterodistal border of basis of legs 1–3 without spines; distal segment of female leg 5 and its basis subequal in length; male leg 5 of similar lengths on both sides (styliform on right), endopod present at least on 1 side, 1‐segmented and spine‐like on right.  相似文献   

采集自中国东海和南海的4个真虾物种,经研究发现为中国海域的新记录物种,即凯氏鞭腕虾(Lysmata kempi Chace,1997),利普克鞭腕虾(Lysmata lipkei Okuno&Fiedler,2010);透明近绿虾(Chlorocurtis jactans(Nobili,1904))和黑斑活额虾(Rhynchocinetes conspiciocellus Okuno&Takeda,1992)。本文描述了这四个物种的形态特征,编制了检索表,并对其分类地位进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A new species, Arietellus unisetosus n. sp, (Copepods, Calanoida, Arietellidae, Arietellus) sampled from the tropical waters of the central Pacific Ocean is described. It is easily distinguished from the other known congeneric species by the following some characters (female):the caudal rami asymmetrical, the outer margin of left ramus swollen, knob-like; leg 5:both knob-like endopods each with a long apical seta; both lobate exopods without any terminal spine, etc.  相似文献   

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