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The study area is the South Tatarstan Arch located in the Volgo-Ural Region, which is an enigmatic crustal segment occupying one third of the East European Platform. Monitoring studies have shown that fluid discharge processes are still active and time-dependent. This paper presents an integrated review of the geological, geophysical, hydrochemical and geochemical studies of the crystalline basement of Tatarstan. These studies are based on the stratigraphic and compositional schemes within the crystalline basement, the drilling of deep wells, the geodynamic activity of the fractured zones of the crystalline basement and the presence of fluids therein. Furthermore, the changes in the chemical composition of the basement waters are taken into account.  相似文献   

Sodic alteration is widespread in Palaeoproterozoic greenstone and schist belts of the northern Fennoscandian shield. In the Misi region that forms the easternmost part of the Peräpohja schist belt, several small magnetite deposits show intimate spatial relationships with intensely albitised gabbros, raising the possibility that regional sodic alteration released iron, which was subsequently accumulated into deposits. Two of these magnetite deposits, Raajärvi and Puro display a typical paragenesis as follows (from oldest to youngest): (1) diopside, (2) actinolite/tremolite-magnetite ± chlorite, biotite, and (3) serpentine ± hematite, chlorite. Mass balance calculations suggest that significant amounts of Fe, Ca, Mg, K, Cu, V, and Ba were lost, and Na and Si gained during the albitisation of the gabbro, at near-constant Al, Ga, Ti, and Zr. Significant amounts of Si, Ca, Fe, and Na were enriched in the formation of skarn related to magnetite deposits. Fe and V leached from country rocks deposited during the skarn-alteration and formed the vanadium rich iron deposits while Cu passed through the system without significant precipitation due to low sulphur fugasity. Variations in Na, Ca, Mg, K, and Ba contents reflect the composition of the infiltrating fluid during alteration. Conventional heating-freezing measurements and proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analyses of the fluid inclusions related to actinolite/tremolite-magnetite stage alteration indicate that the fluids that caused the alteration and the Fe-mineralisation were complex, oxidised, highly saline H2O ± CO2 fluids that contained high amounts of Na, Ca, K, Fe, and Ba as well as elevated concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Pb. The oxygen isotope thermometry suggest that temperature during the Fe-mineralisation stage was between 390 and 490°C. Calculated δ18Ofluid values of 6.1–9.8‰ SMOW and δ13C values of calcites in the ores and skarns were between ?7.7 and 10.9‰ PDB and most likely reflect admixture of 13C depleted, possibly magmatic fluids with the marble wall rocks that show δ13Ccalcite values of 13‰ PDB. The SIMS U–Pb data on the zircons in the albitised gabbro next to the Raajärvi and Puro deposits suggest that intrusion of the gabbro took place at 2123±7 Ma and was accompanied by the formation of diopside skarn. The TIMS data on the metasomatic titanites related to sodic alteration yielded ages of 2062±3 and 2017±3 Ma. Iron was probably stripped from the mafic country rocks by sodic alteration between 2123 and 2017 Ma, driven by repeated brine influxes. Subsequently, the metal-rich brine was focused by a fault system and the iron was precipitated from this fluid by a combination of wall rock reaction, fluid mixing, and a drop in the temperature.  相似文献   

A comparative hydrogeochemical study evaluated arsenic release mechanism and differences in contamination levels in the shallow groundwater of two areas within the deltaic environment of West Bengal (i.e. Karimpur and Tehatta blocks of Nadia district) in India. Groundwaters from both the areas are Ca-Na(K)-Cl-HCO3 type with highly reducing character (−110.16 ± 16.85 to −60.77 ± 16.93 mV). Low correlations among As, Fe, and Mn and the higher association between As and DOC are indicative of microbial decomposition of organic matter enhancing the weathering of shallow aquifer materials. Arsenic contamination in groundwater is higher in Karimpur (95 ± 81.17 μg/L) than that in Tehatta (43.05 ± 41.06 μg/L). The release mechanism of arsenic into groundwater is very complex. Low Fe (0.27–4.78 mg/L and 0.81–4.13 mg/L), Mn (0.08–0.2 mg/L and 0.03–0.22 mg/L), and SO42− (3.82 ± 0.31 and 2.78 ± 0.40 mg/L) suggest that the mechanism of arsenic release is not a single mechanistic pathway. Clustering of redox-active parameters in the principal component planes indicate that the reductive dissolution, and/or weathering/co-precipitation of Fe/Mn-bearing minerals in the shallow aquifer sediments control the dominant mechanistic pathway of arsenic release.  相似文献   

A detailed water quality analysis was carried out in the quaternary aquifer system of the marginal alluvial plain (Ganga Plain) in Bah Tahsil, Agra district, India. The electrical conductivity of 50 samples each from dug wells, hand pumps and tube wells was analysed for the study of salinity levels in shallow, intermediate and deep aquifers. Out of 50, 20 samples of each were also analysed for other chemical constituents such as Na+, K+, Cl, Fand TDS. The analyses show drastic changes in the salinity levels of shallow, intermediate and deep aquifers. The deep aquifers are more saline compared to the shallow and intermediate aquifers. On the contrary, the concentration of chemical constituents such as Na+, K+, Cl and Fwas more in the shallow aquifers compared to the deep aquifers. Moreover, there is an indication that the salinity and concentration of the above chemical constituents also escalate with time in each aquifer. The chemical constituents such as Na+, K+, Cl, F and TDS range from 51 to 165 mg/l, 1 to 14 mg/l, 224 to 1,459 mg/l, 0 to 1.5 mg/l and 750 to 2,650 mg/l, respectively. Over a 3-year period, the salinity levels have sharply increased and the average F level has increased by 0.1–0.3 mg/l. An attempt has been made here to discuss the factors causing the variation and escalation of chemical constituents and salinity in the water of the three aquifers.  相似文献   

The semi-arid Sahel regions of West Africa rely heavily on groundwater from shallow to moderately deep(100 m b.g.l.)crystalline bedrock aquifers for drinking water production.Groundwater quality may be affected by high geogenic arsenic(As)concentrations(10μg/L)stemming from the oxidation of sulphide minerals(pyrite,arsenopyrite)in mineralised zones.These aquifers are still little investigated,especially concerning groundwater residence times and the influence of the annual monsoon season on groundwater chemistry.To gain insights on the temporal aspects of As contamination,we have used isotope tracers(noble gases,~3H,stable water isotopes(~2 H,~(18)O))and performed hydrochemical analyses on groundwater abstracted from tube wells and dug wells in a small study area in southwestern Burkina Faso.Results revealed a great variability in groundwater properties(e.g.redox conditions,As concentrations,water level,residence time)over spatial scales of only a few hundred metres,characteristic of the highly heterogeneous fractured underground.Elevated As levels are found in oxic groundwater of circum-neutral pH and show little relation with any of the measured parameters.Arsenic concentrations are relatively stable over the course of the year,with little effect seen by the monsoon.Groundwater residence time does not seem to have an influence on As concentrations,as elevated As can be found both in groundwater with short(50 a)and long(10~3 a)residence times as indicated by ~3He/~4He ratios spanning three orders of magnitude.These results support the hypothesis that the proximity to mineralised zones is the most crucial factor controlling As concentrations in the observed redox/pH conditions.The existence of very old water portions with residence times10~3 years already at depths of50 m b.g.l.is a new finding for the shallow fractured bedrock aquifers of Burkina Faso,suggesting that overexploitation of these relatively low-yielding aquifers may be an issue in the future.  相似文献   

The application of variations in the earth's gravity in groundwater exploration on a regional scale, especially in sedimentary basins, metamorphic terrains, valley fills, and for buried alluvial channels, is well established. However, its use in hard crystalline rocks is little known. In granite, for example, the upper weathered layer is a potential primary aquifer, and the underlying fractured rock can form a secondary aquifer. Fracturing and weathering increases the porosity of a rock, thereby reducing the bulk density. Changes in gravity anomalies of 0.1–0.7 mGal for granites, due to weathering or variations in lithology, can be detected. To test the use of gravity as a groundwater exploration tool for crystalline rocks, a gravity survey of the peninsular shield granites underlying Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad, India, was undertaken. At the site, gravity anomalies reflect variations in the lithology and in the thickness of weathered zones. These anomalies also define the position of intrusives and lineaments. Areas of more deeply weathered granite that contain wells of higher groundwater yield are represented by negative gravity values. In the weathered zone, well yield has an inverse relation to the magnitudes of residual gravity. The study confirms the feasibility of gravity as a tool for groundwater exploration in crystalline rocks. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The reliance on aquifers which are shared by more than one country is increasing. Yet, shared aquifers are only rarely addressed in international treaties, despite the wide recognition of the desirability of comprehensive coordinated management. In order to identify the impediments to reaching agreements on the management of shared aquifers, and the factors that may assist in overcoming these impediments, the political economy of transboundary groundwater exploitation is outlined, and the Israeli-Palestinian case examined. It is argued that the main impediment to the conclusion of international agreements on groundwater is the array of domestic power structures, and particularly the power of small cohesive interest groups. The analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian 1995 interim agreement, and the negotiations leading to it, suggest that this impediment can be overcome, if the domestic interests are recognized in advance, and addressed in the agreement. It also shows that high level politics can play a positive role in forcing water negotiators to conclude an agreement.
Eran FeitelsonEmail: Phone: +972-2-5883346Fax: +972-2-5881200

Organic matter in the environment is involved in many biogeochemical processes,including the mobilization of geogenic trace elements,such as arsenic,into groundwater.In this paper we present the use of fluorescence spectroscopy to characterize the dissolved organic matter(DOM)pool in heavily arsenicaffected groundwaters in Kandal Province,Cambodia.The fluorescence DOM(fDOM)characteristics between contrasting field areas of differing dominant lithologies were compared and linked to other hydrogeochemical parameters,including arsenic and dissolved methane as well as selected sedimentary characteristics.Absorbance-corrected fluorescence indices were used to characterize depth profiles and compare field areas.Groundwater fDOM was generally dominated by terrestrial humic and fulvic-like components,with relatively small contributions from microbially-derived,tryptophan-like components.Groundwater fDOM from sand-dominated sequences typically contained lower tryptophan-like,lower fulvic-like and lower humic-like components,was less bioavailable,and had higher humification index than clay-dominated sequences.Methane concentrations were strongly correlated with fDOM bioavailability as well as with tryptophan-like components,suggesting that groundwater methane in these arsenic-prone aquifers is likely of biogenic origin.A comparison of fDOM tracers with sedimentary OM tracers is consistent with the hypothesis that external,surface-derived contributions to the aqueous DOM pool are an important control on groundwater hydrogeochemistry.  相似文献   

The question of how well the true underlying hydraulic conductivity statistics of heterogeneous media are captured by well tests is addressed. The hydraulic conductivity value and the corresponding support volume associated with a theoretical well are correlated, causing a bias in the statistics derived from well-test analyses. Statistics derived from numerically simulated well tests are compared with the known underlying conductivity statistics and the results indicate an under-prediction by simulations at higher hydraulic conductivities. The deviation starts at about mean conductivity and can be as large as an order of magnitude, with the conductivity in the vicinity of the well defining the upper boundary. In other words, the conductivity value interpreted from the well test cannot be larger than the value that the well test first encounters. Consequently, for data in this simulation exercise, the standard deviation, if only determined for the upper range of the conductivity values, would be underestimated by a factor of 1.6–2. While this specific range is likely to depend on the scale and degree of the underlying heterogeneity as well as the duration of the test, the results should be indicative of a more general behaviour and are likely to occur in other heterogeneous data as well.
Resumen Se plantea la pregunta de qué tan bien son representadas en las pruebas de pozo, las estadísticas reales de conductividad hidráulica subyacente de medios heterogéneos. Son correlacionados el valor de conductividad hidráulica y el volumen de apoyo correspondiente asociado con un pozo teórico, causando una distorsión en las estadísticas derivadas del análisis de la prueba de pozo. Las estadísticas derivadas de las pruebas de pozo simuladas numéricamente son comparadas con las estadísticas de conductividad subyacente conocidas, y los resultados indican una sub-predicción por las simulaciones hechas con conductividades hidráulicas más altas. La desviación empieza casi con la conductividad media y puede ser tan grande como un orden de magnitud, con la conductividad en la vecindad del pozo definiendo el límite superior. En otras palabras, el valor de conductividad interpretado a partir de la prueba del pozo no puede ser más grande que el valor que la prueba de pozo encuentre primero. Por consiguiente, para los datos en este ejercicio de simulación, la desviación estándar, si solamente fue determinada para el rango superior de los valores de conductividad, se subestimaría en un factor de 1.6–2. Mientras es probable que este rango específico dependa de la escala y del grado de la heterogeneidad subyacente, así como de la duración de la prueba, los resultados deben ser indicativos de un comportamiento más general y son probables también de ocurrir en otros datos heterogéneos.

Résumé Nous posons ici la question de savoir dans quelle mesure les statistiques de la conductivité hydraulique des milieux hétérogènes pourrait être révélée par des essais de puits. La valeur de la conductivité hydraulique et le volume capté correspondant sont corrélés, créant un biais dans l’analyse des statistiques dérivées des essais de puits. Les statistiques en provenance de simulations numériques d’essais de puits sont comparées avec les statistiques de conductivités connues et les résultats indiquent une sous-évaluation par les simulations, pour les conductivités hydrauliques les plus élevées: la déviation commence à partir de la valeur moyenne de la conductivité et peut atteindre la magnitude d’un ordre de grandeur en considérant la conductivité mesurée au voisinage du puits. Autrement dit, la valeur de la conductivité interprétée via l’essais de pompage ne peut être plus importante que les premières valeurs rencontrées. Par conséquence, pour les données de cet exercice de simulation, la déviation standard sera sous-estimée d’un facteur compris entre 1.6–2 pour les valeurs les plus élevées. Tandis que l’échelle spécifique de valeurs est dépendante de l’échelle et du degré de l’hétérogénéité souterraine, de même que de la durée du test, les résultats pourraient être indicatifs d’un comportement plus général et seraient sans doute observables dans d’autres cas de données hétérogènes.

Mineralogical, geochemical and zircon U–Pb dating studies were carried out to identify the sources of arsenic in the shallow aquifers of Datong Basin in northern China. A sediment sample from 18 m depth containing 10.3 mg/kg arsenic showed a Zircon U–Pb concordant age of 2528 ± 20 to 271 ± 4 Ma that can be divided into two groups (2528 ± 20 to 1628 ± 21 Ma and 327 ± 4 to 271 ± 4 Ma) and is comparable to that of the sedimentary rocks of Taiyuan (upper Carboniferous) and Shanxi Formation (lower Permian) outcropping to the west of Datong Basin. In contrast, a sediment sample from 22.5 m depth containing 5.7 mg/kg arsenic displayed a Zircon U–Pb concordant age ranging from 2561 ± 21 to 1824 ± 26 Ma that is comparable to that of the Hengshan Complex (Ne-Archaean Precambrian) outcropping to the east of .  相似文献   

A map indicating zones related to groundwater on the mountainous terrain of the island of Naxos, Greece, was produced, using statistics, remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques. Naxos mainly consists of polydeformed and polymetamorphosed crystalline formations where groundwater is restricted to secondary porosity; its movement is erratic and occurs along lithological contacts, solution openings, faults and fractures. As in the most central Aegean islands, water in Naxos is a scarce commodity. Many dry holes have been drilled. It is known that in areas of such geology, linear features may play a significant role in their hydrogeological regime. Various lineaments’ directional properties were calculated and statistically tested against collected spring data using GIS techniques in an attempt to evaluate the hydrogeological significance of remotely sensed lineaments. Based on the results achieved, a map was prepared to contribute to conventional ground surveys in the selection of drilling sites. The reliability of the map was tested with existing borehole data. The results obtained encourage the use of statistical analysis on remotely sensed lineaments for groundwater targeting studies in crystalline mountainous areas.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to explain the origin of 234U–238U fractionation in groundwater from sedimentary aquifers of the St. Lawrence Lowlands (Quebec, Canada), and its relationship with 3He/4He ratios, to gain insight regarding the evolution of groundwater in the region. (234U/238U) activity ratios, or (234U/238U)act, were measured in 23 groundwater samples from shallow Quaternary unconsolidated sediments and from the deeper fractured regional aquifer of the Becancour River watershed. The lowest (234U/238U)act, 1.14 ± 0.01, was measured in Ca–HCO3-type freshwater from the Quaternary Shallower Aquifer, where bulk dissolution of the carbonate allows U to migrate into water with little 234U–238U isotopic fractionation. The (234U/238U)act increases to 6.07 ± 0.14 in Na–HCO3–Cl-type groundwater. Preferential migration of 234U into water by α-recoil is the underlying process responsible for this isotopic fractionation. An inverse relationship between (234U/238U)act and 3He/4He ratios has been observed. This relationship reflects the mixing of newly recharged water, with (234U/238U)act close to the secular equilibrium and containing atmospheric/tritiogenic helium, and mildly-mineralized older water (14C ages of 6.6 kyrs), with (234U/238U)act of ≥6.07 and large amounts of radiogenic 4He, in excess of the steady-state amount produced in situ. The simultaneous fractionation of (234U/238U)act and the addition of excess 4He could be locally controlled by stress-induced rock fracturing. This process increases the surface area of the aquifer matrix exposed to pore water, from which produced 4He and 234U can be released by α-recoil and diffusion. This process would also facilitate the release of radiogenic helium at rates greater than those supported by steady-state U–Th production in the rock. Consequently, sources internal to the aquifers could cause the radiogenic 4He excesses measured in groundwater.  相似文献   

Four times of observation of the ocean tide and groundwater levels in the coastal aquifers near Beihai, China show that fluctuation in the tide-induced groundwater levels follows the tide, with the highest and lowest water levels corresponding to the high water level syzygy tide and the low water level neap tide. The tidal coefficient is less than 0.5, decreasing approximately exponentially with the distance from the coast. The tide can affect the groundwater levels at observation wells as far as about 4,200 and 3,300 m in the southern and northern coasts in Beihai. Observations and spectrum analyses of the time series of the tide and water levels suggest that the tide and water levels have similar changes with complex fluctuations of a long period of 14.37 days and two short periods of 24.7 and 12.5 h. Time lags of water levels to the tide at observation wells last several hours and increases roughly linearly with the distance from the coast. Mathematic models consisting of a periodic term plus a linear term are established to describe the changes in the tide and the groundwater levels. The periodic terms for the tide and water levels are constructed using finite Fourier’s series consisting of 7 to 11 terms other than a single term of a sine function in earlier work. Computed water levels with the models can fit the observed water levels with reasonable accuracy and satisfactory prediction of the changes in the water levels is also obtained.  相似文献   

The geochemical analyses of fluvial-lacustrine aquifer sediments of the Kathmandu Valley have been made as a step in assessing the environment for the mobilization of arsenic in groundwater. Elements measured by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) include 4 major oxides (Fe2O3, TiO2, CaO, P2O5) and 14 trace elements (As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, V, Sr, Y, Nb, Zr, Th, Sc and TS). Elution tests of 15 selected core samples were also carried out to determine the potential leaching of arsenic from the sediments. The XRF results show that average bulk concentrations of the major oxides and trace elements are similar to modern unconsolidated sediments and average upper continental crust. However, the abundance of elements varies with grain size, with higher concentrations in finer-size grades. Variations in elemental abundances within the basin are strongly controlled by sediment facies. The elution tests show that greater amounts of arsenic are generally eluted from the fine sediments, although the rates are variable. The results overall suggest that As concentrations in the bulk sediments are not a controlling factor for elevated As in the Kathmandu Basin groundwater, and the roles of other factors such as redox conditions and organic matter contents are likely to be more significant.  相似文献   

The east coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, shows a worrying overlap between areas with intrinsic groundwater vulnerability and the most significant urban expansion zones. It experienced a rapid population growth in recent years, mainly due to the tourism industry, resulting in a significant pressure on drinking groundwater resources. In this regard, development and use of techniques to control and protect areas susceptible to contamination is crucial. The elaboration of aquifer vulnerability maps is thus extremely helpful to support water resources management. The aim of the work is to present the methodological approach in the use of Geoprocessing techniques to obtain a suitable groundwater vulnerability model in Rio de Janeiro east coast. Considering the existing problems and the current land use and characteristics of the study region, it is clear that the most vulnerable areas (that is, “extreme” and “very high” vulnerability areas), coincide with the most significant zones of urban occupation, corresponding to 11% of the total study area, demanding adoption of urgent measures in the near future. Geoprocessing tools and remote sensing for characterization of Rio de Janeiro’s east coast aquifer vulnerability gave good results, representing a satisfactory method for management actions at low cost.  相似文献   

深层地热水开采与地面沉降的关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文根据天津塘沽区深层地沉观测标观测到的地面沉降数据,分析了深层地下热水开采对地面沉降的影响比例.在分析地热水开采引起地面沉降机理的基础上,通过统计回归方法建立了深层孔隙型地热水开采量与地面沉降量的相关模型;提出了进行地热尾水回灌和建立深层沉降监测网以加强综合研究的防治对策.  相似文献   

Heavy/toxic metals have been widely investigated in the Antarctic. However, there are rare reports on arsenic up to now. Here, we analyzed a 1,800-year record of arsenic concentration in lake sediments affected by penguin droppings. We found that arsenic enriches in the penguin dropping sediments with 12.41 ± 0.45 μg/g (on dry weight), which is about two times higher than the one in the background sediments with absence of penguin. Historical change in arsenic concentration was found to significantly correlate with the fluctuation of penguin number, indicating that penguin activity will result in the enrichment of arsenic somewhere in the maritime Antarctic.  相似文献   

Aquifers overlying coal seams are common water sources in coalmines. The unexpected inflow of water can flood mines and threatens the mine safety. Mine flooding caused by the overlying aquifers has occurred more frequently in recent years in China. Proposed in this paper is a new method that involves three basic maps and two predictions to tackle this geo-hazard. This new approach is based on the water abundance in the overlying aquifer and risk analysis of the roof collapse. It couples groundwater flow models with rock mechanics analysis. The method was successfully applied to prediction of the water intrusion from the overlying aquifer at Jinggezhuang Coalmine in Kailuan, China. The areas with high risk of water intrusion were delineated. Visual Modflow (version 2.61) was used to simulate the inflows at two active working faces. The developed approach can predict the total inflow for a working face and the transient inflow as the working face advances.  相似文献   

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