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在南太行山平顺闪长岩体中偶见具有特殊环带结构的斜长石,其核部为钙含量高的基性斜长石(An>63),幔部为富钠的斜长石,二者之间存在由绢云母和绿帘石组成的溶蚀带,且核、幔An值变化截然不同。根据斜长石的环带构造特征和成分分析,认为本区岩浆混合过程大致如下:起源于EMI型富集地幔的幔源岩浆底侵作用于下地壳,在高温下结晶出钙含量高的基性斜长石,且所携带的热使下地壳开始熔融形成壳源岩浆;壳、幔两种岩浆沿着太行山深大断裂快速上升侵位于地壳浅部,发生岩浆混合;与此同时,早期形成的基性斜长石由于压力突然减小发生溶蚀,形成形态不规则的溶蚀带;壳幔混合岩浆在基性斜长石基础上结晶生长富钠斜长石,形成具有特殊环带结构的斜长石。这为研究区内存在岩浆混合作用提供了最直接的证据。  相似文献   

斜长石作为主要造岩矿物,是研究岩石成因、示踪岩浆演化和岩浆混合过程的有效工具.对冈底斯带曲水岩基始新世花岗闪长岩、二长花岗岩、闪长岩脉和暗色包体中的斜长石进行了阴极发光图像结构特征、电子探针主量元素和LA-ICP-MS微量元素成分的分析,揭示了斜长石复杂环带的成因和相关的岩浆过程.该区斜长石的阴极发光图像呈现出多种颜色且与其An值相对应,随着An值降低依次为绿色、蓝色和暗灰色或暗红色等,并发育补丁状环带、筛状环带、韵律环带等.花岗闪长岩、二长花岗岩中斜长石的An值具有相似的变化范围(20~55),而闪长岩脉和暗色包体中An值的变化范围较大(25~85),表明曲水岩基经历了复杂的开放过程.微量元素结果表明:花岗闪长岩与闪长岩脉和暗色微粒包体具有相同的Sr含量范围(600×10^-6~1 100×10^-6);而二长花岗岩的Sr含量(1 000×10^-6~2 400×10^-6)整体高于前者.以上研究表明,花岗闪长岩中阴极发光呈现绿色的核部或幔部是偏中性岩浆注入寄主岩岩浆混合的结果;具有高Sr含量的二长花岗岩认为是高Sr含量的岩浆结晶形成的;闪长岩脉和暗色微粒包体中的筛状结构斜长石为寄主岩捕掳晶.  相似文献   

Taiwan is an active mountain belt created by the oblique collisionof the northern Luzon arc with Asia. Late Pliocene extensionalcollapse of the northern Taiwan mountain belt (NTMB) was accompaniedby magmatism that formed the Northern Taiwan Volcanic Zone (NTVZ;2·8–0·2 Ma). The geochemical characteristicsof the NTVZ magmas can thus provide constraints both for themantle source composition and the geodynamic processes operatingin the late orogenic stage of the region. The NTVZ volcanicrocks consist dominantly of calc-alkaline andesites and basalts,along with subordinate but heterogeneous lavas including low-K,shoshonitic and ultrapotassic magmas. From the NE to the SWin the NTVZ, the magmas show systematic compositional variationsfrom low-K to calc-alkaline and then shoshonitic. This spatialgeochemical variation, characterized by southwesterly increasein potassium and incompatible trace elements, appears to besubparallel to the southwestern part of the modern Ryukyu subductionsystem. Sr–Nd isotope ratios of the NTVZ volcanic rocks(87Sr/86Sr  相似文献   

长白山火山活动历史、岩浆演化与喷发机制探讨   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
广义的长白山火山在我国境内包括著名的天池火山、望天鹅火山、图们江火山和龙岗火山,是我国最大的第四纪火山岩分布区。图们江火山和望天鹅火山活动都始于上新世,喷发活动分别介于上新世—中更新世(5.5~0.19 Ma)和上新世—早更新世(4.77 ~2.12 Ma)。天池火山和龙岗火山属于第四纪火山,喷发活动从早更新世(~2 Ma)持续到全新世。图们江火山岩为溢流式喷发的拉斑玄武岩,望天鹅火山、天池火山和龙岗火山母岩浆都是钾质粗面玄武岩,但经历了不同的演化过程。天池火山和望天鹅火山都经历了钾质粗面玄武岩造盾、粗面岩造锥和晚期碱性酸性岩浆(碱流岩和碱性流纹岩)的喷发;龙岗火山来自地幔的钾质粗面玄武岩浆则未经演化和混染直接喷出地表。图们江火山岩以溢流式喷发的拉斑玄武岩为主,少量玄武质粗安岩等。天池火山造盾之后,地壳岩浆房和地幔岩浆房具互动式喷发特点,来自地幔的钾质粗面玄武岩浆一方面在天池火山锥体内外形成诸多小火山渣锥,另一方面持续补给地壳岩浆房发生岩浆分离结晶作用和混合作用,分别导致双峰式火山岩分布特征和触发千年大喷发。火山岩微量元素和Sr-Nd-Pb同位素示踪揭示,长白山东(图们江火山、望天鹅火山和天池火山)、西(龙岗火山)两区显示地幔非均一性,东区岩浆源区具有软流圈地幔与富集岩石圈地幔混合特征,西区岩浆源区具有相对亏损的较原始地幔特征。西太平洋板块俯冲—东北亚大陆弧后引张是长白山火山活动的动力学机制。  相似文献   

北太行紫荆关基性岩体的成因: 岩石学和地球化学证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘玲  陈斌  刘安坤 《地球科学》2009,34(1):165-178
通过对北太行紫荆关晚中生代基性岩体的岩石学和地球化学特征研究, 讨论其岩浆源区特征及成因.结果表明, 紫荆关岩体主要由橄榄二辉石岩、角闪辉长岩和闪长岩等岩石组成.橄榄二辉石岩具有明显的堆晶结构, 可能是堆晶成因, 而角闪辉长岩和闪长岩可能是堆晶形成之后的残余岩浆的结晶.闪长岩中的斜长石显示复杂的结构和成分环带, 相对富钠的核部见富钙斜长石叠加, 后者又向富钠斜长石演化.闪长岩中的单斜辉石也显示复杂的成分环带, 主要是最边部的MgO含量比紧邻的内侧辉石更高.这表明在闪长岩形成过程中有新的幔源高温富镁的岩浆注入.以上各岩石类型具有类似的地球化学性质, 包括较强的稀土分异((La/Yb)N比值为5.76~23.13), 高Sr/Y比值(50.95~146.13), 富集K、Sr、Ba等大离子亲石元素和LREE, 亏损Nb、Zr、Ti等高场强元素和HREE, Eu异常不明显.都显示富集的Sr-Nd同位素特征, ISr=0.7058~0.7066, εNd(t) =-13.8~-18.2.这些特征表明紫荆关基性岩体的母岩浆来源于EM1型富集地幔的部分熔融.橄榄辉石岩和角闪辉长岩具有类似的Nd同位素成分(主要为εNd(t) =-15.0~-16.6), 但形成较晚的闪长岩的εNd(t) 值却比较高(-13.8~-14.6), 也支持新的幔源岩浆在晚期的注入.   相似文献   

陈斌  刘超群  田伟 《地学前缘》2006,13(2):140-147
太行山中生代岩浆岩的主体———石英二长岩中常见闪长质包体。无论包体还是寄主岩石中均可见斜长石具有成分和结构的不平衡现象,即斜长石具有富钙的核(An=57~65)和富钠的幔部(An=20~35),而且两者变化截然。这是壳幔岩浆发生混合作用的记录:核部代表基性岩浆中早期结晶的斜长石(或代表花岗岩中斜长石由于高温基性岩浆的注入而发生部分熔融形成的残留核?),而幔部代表从混浆中结晶的斜长石。与此类似,角闪石也发育成分环带,其核部为相对富Al和Ti的黄褐色的韭闪石,而边部为贫Al和Ti的绿色调的浅闪石。韭闪石形成于较高的温度,浅闪石形成于较低的温度,也反映了壳幔岩浆混合的过程。壳幔岩浆混合模式同样得到地球化学数据的支持,太行山中生代岩浆岩的高K2O和MgO、高分异稀土模式(和Eu异常不明显)、高Sr-Ba和富集的Sr-Nd同位素特征等均与来自富集地幔的基性岩浆的混合有关。  相似文献   

The Rotoiti eruption from the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) in northernNew Zealand produced voluminous pyroclastic deposits. The ferromagnesianmineral assemblage in these dominantly consists of cummingtonite+ hornblende + orthopyroxene with uniform magnesium/iron ratios;a second assemblage of biotite + hornblende + orthopyroxene,also with uniform Fe/Mg ratios, appears midway through the eruptionsequence and, thereafter, increases in abundance. These contrastingmineral assemblages, together with pumice clast and groundmassglass compositions, provide evidence for mingling of two discretemagmas. Similarities in the chemical characteristics of thetwo magmas suggest that they developed from a similar source.The eruption initially tapped relatively homogeneous magma thatwas erupted throughout most of this phase of activity. The middlestages of the eruption included some mixed magma. The finalstages of the eruption were dominated by a second magma composition,which was probably injected into the bottom of the main magmabody as the eruption proceeded. The source that fed the eruptionwas complex, and discrete magma bodies existed and evolved separatelyprior to the eruption. We conclude that eruptions in the TVZare fed from a diffuse upper-crustal zone of partially interconnected,and at times physically separate, magma bodies rather than fromcentralized and necessarily large long-lived magma chambers. KEY WORDS: Taupo Volcanic Zone; Okataina Volcanic Centre; Rotoiti eruption; rhyolite system; magma mixing  相似文献   

Processes of crystal separation in a magma heavily laden withcrystals without phase change are investigated from observationson frozen magma systems: Nosappumisaki and other shoshoniteintrusions in the Nemuro peninsula, Japan, for which the originof the crystals and the initial conditions are well constrained.The Nosappumisaki intrusion is 120 m in thickness and extendsfor more than 1·5 km. It exhibits a wide range of lithologicalvariation, principally as a result of crystal redistributionafter intrusion. Crystals in each lithology can be clearly dividedinto two kinds according to their composition and texture: thosepresent before the intrusion of the magma (‘phenocrysts’)and those that crystallized in situ after intrusion. From thevertical change in mode and size of ‘phenocrysts’,it is shown that (1) augite ‘phenocrysts’ were rapidlydeposited, with little overgrowth after intrusion, by significantcoagulation or clustering on a time-scale of more than a fewyears, and (2) plagioclase ‘phenocrysts’, definitelydenser than the melt but concentrated in the upper level, floatedby counter flow of massive deposition of augite ‘phenocrysts’.These results indicate that in a magma heavily laden with crystalsof a few millimeters in size (>20 vol. %), crystal–crystaland crystal–melt interaction play an important role inthe separation of crystals from the host melt. KEY WORDS: magma chamber; sill; crystal settling; plagioclase flotation; Nosappumisaki  相似文献   

The latest eruption of Haruna volcano at Futatsudake took placein the middle of the sixth century, starting with a Plinianfall, followed by pyroclastic flows, and ending with lava domeformation. Gray pumices found in the first Plinian phase (lowerfall) and the dome lavas are the products of mixing betweenfelsic (andesitic) magma having 50 vol. % phenocrysts and maficmagma. The mafic magma was aphyric in the initial phase, whereasit was relatively phyric during the final phase. The aphyricmagma is chemically equivalent to the melt part of the phyricmafic magma and probably resulted from the separation of phenocrystsat their storage depth of 15 km. The major part of the felsicmagma erupted as white pumice, without mixing and heating priorto the eruption, after the mixed magma (gray pumice) and heatedfelsic magma (white pumice) of the lower fall deposit. Althoughthe mafic magma was injected into the felsic magma reservoir(at 7 km depth), part of the product (lower fall ejecta) precedederuption of the felsic reservoir magma, as a consequence ofupward dragging by the convecting reservoir of felsic magma.The mafic magma injection made the nearly rigid felsic magmaerupt, letting low-viscosity mixed and heated magmas open theconduit and vent. Indeed the lower fall white pumices preservea record of syneruptive slow ascent of magma to 2 km depth,probably associated with conduit formation. KEY WORDS: high-crystallinity felsic magma; magma plumbing system; multistage magma mixing; upward dragging of injected magma; vent opening by low-viscosity magma  相似文献   

Cenozoic, post-collisional, potassic and ultrapotassic igneousrocks in the North Qiangtang, Songpan–Ganzi and NorthKunlun terranes of the northern Tibetan Plateau are distributedalong a semi-continuous, east–west-trending, volcanicbelt, which is over 1200 km in length. Spatially, there is aclose association with major strike-slip faults, thrust faultsand pull-apart basins. The ages of these magmatic rocks rangefrom 45 Ma to the present (the youngest known eruption occurredin 1951); they are shoshonitic, compositionally similar to K-richsubduction-related magmas, and range in SiO2 from 44 to 66 wt%. There is a relative enrichment of large ion lithophile elements(LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE) in the most primitivemagmatic rocks (MgO >6 wt %) in the North Qiangtang terranecompared with those in the Songpan–Ganzi and North Kunlunterranes; correspondingly, the primitive magmas have higher87Sr/86Sr and 206Pb/204Pb, and lower 143Nd/144Nd ratios in theNorth Qiangtang terrane than in the Songpan–Ganzi andNorth Kunlun terranes. The dominant factors that control thegeochemical characteristics of the magmas are an enriched asthenosphericmantle source composition, the degree of partial melting ofthis source, and the combined processes of crustal assimilationand fractional crystallization (AFC). Enrichment of the asthenosphereis considered to have occurred by incorporation of subductedsediments into the mantle wedge above a subducted slab of Indianlithosphere during India–Asia convergence. Continentallithospheric mantle, metasomatically enriched during earlierepisodes of subduction, may have also contributed a source componentto the magmas. Trace element modelling indicates that the mantlesource of the most primitive magmas in the North Qiangtang terranecontained higher amounts of subducted sediment (0·5–10%)compared with those in the Songpan–Ganzi and North Kunlunterranes (<2%). The degrees of partial melting required togenerate the primitive potassic and ultrapotassic magmas fromthe enriched mantle sources range from <0·1% to 15%in the three major basement terranes. Energy-constrained AFCmodel calculations show that the more evolved magmatic rocks(MgO <6 wt %) are the results of AFC processes in the middlecrust in the North Qiangtang terrane and the upper crust inthe Songpan–Ganzi and North Kunlun terranes. We proposethat the ultimate driving force for the generation of the post-collisionalpotassium-rich magmatism in north Tibet is the continuous northwardunderthrusting of the Indian continental lithosphere followingIndia–Asia collision. This underthrusting resulted inupwelling of hot asthenosphere beneath north Tibet, squeezedup between the advancing Indian lithosphere and the backstopof the rigid Asian continental lithosphere. Asthenospheric upwellingmay have also contributed to uplift of the northern TibetanPlateau. KEY WORDS: Tibetan Plateau; potassic and ultrapotassic magmatism; enriched asthenospheric mantle source; EC-AFC modelling; geodynamics  相似文献   

We have investigated the evolution of an active silicic magma-feedingsystem beneath Usu volcano, Japan, where eight eruptions havebeen recorded since AD 1663. All magmatic products contain similartypes of plagioclase and orthopyroxene phenocrysts that consistof homogeneous cores with uniform compositions, and a zonedmantle that increases in size with time. The compositions ofplagioclase and orthopyroxene phenocrysts vary gradually andregularly with time, as do the bulk-rock compositions. The textureof these phenocrysts also changes systematically, caused byprogressive crystal growth, dissolution and diffusion. On thebasis of these observations, we conclude that the same magma-feedingsystem has persisted at Usu volcano since AD 1663. Compositionalvariation of magnetite phenocrysts differs from that of plagioclaseand orthopyroxene, because magnetite has large diffusion coefficientsand should represent magmatic conditions immediately beforethe eruption. Most pumices from Usu volcano contain two typesof magnetite phenocryst, each with a different composition andcrystallization temperature, indicating that two magmas mixedbefore each eruption (approximately several days before). Theend-members changed with time: rhyolite + basaltic andesite(1663); dacite ± rhyolite (1769, 1822, 1853); dacite± dacite (1977, 2000). The temperature of the magma apparentlyincreases with time, and the increase can be explained by sequentialtapping from a magma chamber with a thermal and chemical gradientin addition to injection of high-temperature magma. KEY WORDS: continuous existence of magma chamber; dacite; dissolution and diffusion of phenocrysts; magma mixing; magnetite  相似文献   

In order to provide mantle and crustal constraints during the evolution of the Colombian Andes, Sr and Nd isotopic studies were performed in xenoliths from the Mercaderes region, Northern Volcanic Zone, Colombia. Xenoliths are found in the Granatifera Tuff, a deposit of Cenozoic age, in which mantle- and crustal-derived xenoliths are present in bombs and fragments of andesites and lamprophyres compositions. Garnet-bearing xenoliths are the most abundant mantle-derived rocks, but websterites (garnet-free xenoliths) and spinel-bearing peridotites are also present in minor amounts. Amphibolites, pyroxenites, granulites, and gneisses represent the lower crustal xenolith assemblage. Isotopic signatures for the mantle xenoliths, together with field, petrographic, mineral, and whole-rock chemistry and pressure–temperature estimates, suggest three main sources for these mantle xenoliths: garnet-free websterite xenoliths derived from a source region with low P and T (16 kbar, 1065 °C) and MORB isotopic signature, 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7030, and 143Nd/144Nd ratio of 0.5129. Garnet-bearing peridotite and websterite xenoliths derived from two different sources in the mantle: i) a source with intermediate P and T (29–35 kbar, 1250–1295 °C) conditions, similar to that of sub-oceanic geotherm, with an OIB isotopic signature (87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7043 and 143Nd/144Nd ratio of 0.5129); and ii) another source with P and T conditions similar to those of a sub-continental geotherm (>38 kbar, 1140–1175 °C) and OIB isotopic characteristics (87Sr/86Sr ratio=0.7041 and 143Nd/144Nd ratio=0.5135).  相似文献   

本文对鲁西临朐青山群火山岩进行了系统的年代学、元素地球化学和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素组成研究,据此探讨其岩石成因。临朐早白垩世青山群火山岩主要为一套中性岩(SiO2=52.43%~67.81%),岩石组合为安山岩-粗安岩-粗面岩-粗面英安岩,属于钙碱性岩类。锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年获得粗安岩的年龄为121.3±1.5 Ma,形成于早白垩世。岩石地球化学表现出富集轻稀土元素和Rb、Ba、K等大离子亲石元素,明显的亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素的特征。临朐火山岩具有富集的Sr-Nd同位素特征,其(87Sr/86Sr)t值在0.704346~0.708656之间,εNd(t)值在-14.6~-9.2之间,并且具有低的Hf同位素组成,其锆石εHf(t)值在-29.3~-21.6。岩石具有与变基性岩熔融产生熔体相一致的Mg~#值,但镜下存在显著的矿物不平衡结构和变化范围较大的Cr(26.7×10~(-6)~239×10~(-6))和Ni(10×10~(-6)~69.7×10~(-6))含量。研究表明,临朐青山群火山岩形成于早白垩世伸展的构造背景下,是华北古老下地壳部分熔融熔体与富集地幔熔体发生岩浆混合形成的。  相似文献   

柴北缘鱼卡地区达肯大坂岩群的地质特征与构造环境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
柴达木北缘鱼卡河地区的达肯大坂岩群可划分为斜长角闪岩岩组和片岩岩组.斜长角闪岩岩组主要由变质基性火山岩和碎屑岩组成,火山岩的地球化学特征指示为岛弧环境构造;片岩岩组分布在柴达木山西南侧,为一套陆源碎屑岩建造.该岩群遭受了三幕构造变形,前两幕褶皱变形是造山作用的产物,具有近似的北西-南东向或北北西向的褶皱枢纽,近共轴褶皱叠加的构造样式指示了北东-南西向挤压收缩的动力学背景.达肯大坂岩群遭受中压高绿片岩相-角闪岩相的变质,变质程度往北东方向递减,可与其南柴达木盆地一侧的高压-超高压变质带构成双变质带.结合最近从达肯大坂岩群中获得的锆石年龄,推断该岩群形成于大陆边缘的弧后盆地,时代为新元古代晚期-早古生代,是柴北缘早古生代造山带的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONCompositionally ,the term“boninite”refers to alarge variety of pri mary or near-pri mary ( Mg#=0 .60 -0 .85) magmas with a wide variation of CaO/Al2O3(most range from0 .55 to 0 .75) (Crawford etal .,1989) . With regard to its definition as recom-mended bythe I UGS (Deng et al .,1993) and Hickeyand Frey (1982) ,the classification of boninitic rocksis still a matter of petrological debate ( Qiu et al .,2004) .In general ,rock with some typical geochemi-cal features of bon…  相似文献   

Rates of magmatic processes in a cooling magma chamber wereinvestigated for alkali basalt and trachytic andesite lavaserupted sequentially from Rishiri Volcano, northern Japan, bydating of these lavas using 238U–230Th radioactive disequilibriumand 14C dating methods, in combination with theoretical analyses.We obtained the eruption age of the basaltic lavas to be 29·3± 0·6 ka by 14C dating of charcoals. The eruptionage of the andesitic lavas was estimated to be 20·2 ±3·1 ka, utilizing a whole-rock isochron formed by U–Thfractionation as a result of degassing after lava emplacement.Because these two lavas represent a series of magmas producedby assimilation and fractional crystallization in the same magmachamber, the difference of the ages (i.e. 9 kyr) is a timescaleof magmatic evolution. The thermal and chemical evolution ofthe Rishiri magma chamber was modeled using mass and energybalance constraints, as well as quantitative information obtainedfrom petrological and geochemical observations on the lavas.Using the timescale of 9 kyr, the thickness of the magma chamberis estimated to have been about 1·7 km. The model calculationsshow that, in the early stage of the evolution, the magma cooledat a relatively high rate (>0·1°C/year), and thecooling rate decreased with time. Convective heat flux fromthe main magma body exceeded 2 W/m2 when the magma was basaltic,and the intensity diminished exponentially with magmatic evolution.Volume flux of crustal materials to the magma chamber and rateof convective melt exchange (compositional convection) betweenthe main magma and mush melt also decreased with time, from 0·1 m/year to 10–3 m/year, and from 1 m/yearto 10–2 m/year, respectively, as the magmas evolved frombasaltic to andesitic compositions. Although the mechanism ofthe cooling (i.e. thermal convection and/or compositional convection)of the main magma could not be constrained uniquely by the model,it is suggested that compositional convection was not effectivein cooling the main magma, and the magma chamber is consideredto have been cooled by thermal convection, in addition to heatconduction. KEY WORDS: convection; magma chamber; heat and mass transport; timescale; U-series disequilibria  相似文献   

详细的野外地质调查显示,甘肃省刘家坪蓟县系为一套变基性火山岩,岩石以变玄武岩为主。岩石地球化学特征表明:A/CNK平均值为059%,具有铝不饱和特征;Na2O/K2O值为4700~14400,表现为钠质;在TAS图解中,显示原岩为亚碱性系列;在AFM图解中,样品点均落入拉斑玄武岩系列;稀土元素含量∑REE为5822×10-6~9559×10-6,平均为6781×10-6;δEu=083~117,δCe=088~095,稀土配分模式为平坦型;微量元素中,高场强元素Zr、P、Y、Yb相对亏损,Th、Hf、Nb相对富集,低场强元素K亏损明显,Rb、Ba相对富集,且Zr/Y值为238~391,Ti/Zr值为9230~14723,Th/Ta值为177~221,大于160。Sm Nd同位素测试结果表明,变玄武岩等时线年龄为(1 387±32) Ma。根据地球化学构造环境判别图,结合区域地质背景,认为刘家坪蓟县系变基性火山岩主要形成于与岛弧相关的构造环境,这一认识对研究碧口地块的构造演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

滇西无量山岩群为原1:100万下关幅(1975)命名,为一套浅变质砂岩和泥岩,形成于滨海相-浅海陆棚相,其时代一般认为属古生代,但一直缺乏化石依据或准确的年龄数据.本次1:5万区调在澜沧江西岸云龙县毛草坪村无量山岩群四段(PzW4)的下部和上部获得两层变质基性火山岩夹层,根据野外岩石产状、镜下薄片鉴定、岩石地球化学综合分析恢复其原岩为玄武岩,形成于大洋扩张环境.采用LA-ICP-MS技术,对下部和上部变质基性火山岩中的锆石进行了U-Pb同位素测定,分别获得206Pb/238U年龄为(327±11)Ma(N=14,MSWD=6.7)和(284±3.7)Ma(N=27,MSWD=4.9),为早石炭世晚期和早二叠世晚期,这为无量山岩群形成时代及其演化提供了重要的年龄依据,对于进一步深入研究古特提斯洋晚古生代的构造属性与演化历史具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The Palaeogene Kangerlussuaq Intrusion (50 Ma) of East Greenlanddisplays concentric zonation from quartz-rich nordmarkite (quartzsyenite) at the margin, through pulaskite, to foyaite (nephelinesyenite) in the centre; modal layering and igneous laminationare locally developed but there are no internal intrusive contacts.This is an apparent violation of the phase relations in Petrogeny'sResidua System. We propose that this intrusion is layered, gradingfrom quartz syenite at the bottom to nepheline syenite at thetop. Mineral and whole-rock major and trace element data andSr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotope data are presented thatprovide constraints on the petrogenesis of the intrusion. Radiogenicisotope data indicate a continuously decreasing crustal componentfrom the quartz nordmarkites (87Sr/86Sr = 0·7061; Ndi= 2·3; Hfi = 5·2; 206Pb/204Pbmeas = 16·98)to the foyaites (87Sr/86Sr = 0·7043–0·7044;Ndi = 3·8–4·9; Hfi = 10·7–11·1;206Pb/204Pbmeas = 17·78–17·88); the foyaitesare dominated by a mantle isotopic signature. The average Mg-numberof amphibole cores becomes increasingly primitive, varying from26·4 in the nordmarkites to 57·4 in the pulaskites.Modal layering, feldspar lamination and the presence of hugebasaltic xenoliths derived from the chamber roof, now restingon the transient chamber floor, demonstrate bottom-upwards crystallization.The intrusion cannot, therefore, have formed in a system closedto magmatic recharge. The lack of gneissic xenoliths in thenordmarkites suggests that most contamination took place deeperin the crust. In the proposed model, the nordmarkitic magmaformed during crustal assimilation in the roof zone of a large,silica-undersaturated alkali basaltic/basanitic, stratifiedmagma chamber, prior to emplacement in the uppermost crust.The more primitive syenites, terminating with foyaite at thetop of the intrusion, formed as a consequence of repeated rechargeof the Kangerlussuaq Intrusion magma chamber by tapping lesscontaminated, more primitive phonolitic melt from deeper partsof the underlying chamber during progressive armouring of theplumbing system. KEY WORDS: Kangerlussuaq; East Greenland; syenite; crustal contamination; magma mixing  相似文献   

青海南山岩浆岩带沿柴达木盆地和西秦岭造山带北缘分布,主要由与古特提斯洋俯冲-碰撞相关的晚二叠世-三叠纪花岗岩组成。本文对柴北缘东段果可山石英闪长岩及其中镁铁质微粒包体开展岩相学、矿物学、地球化学和Sr-Nd同位素综合研究及成因约束,为探究壳-幔相互作用提供新信息。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果显示,果可山石英闪长岩与镁铁质包体形成于~247Ma。石英闪长岩属中钾钙碱性I型花岗岩,具有中等K_2O含量(1.43%~2.18%)和高Mg~#值(48.9~52.4),还表现出富集轻稀土元素、大离子亲石元素(如U、K、Pb),亏损重稀土元素和高场强元素(如Nb、Ta、Ti)和弱Eu负异常特征(Eu/Eu~*=0.71~0.85)。Sr-Nd同位素组成和矿物不平衡结构(如斜长石韵律环带和突变环带及角闪石包裹黑云母)表明,石英闪长岩主要源自镁铁质下地壳部分熔融并伴有富集地幔来源镁铁质组分的参与。镁铁质微粒包体呈椭球状,发育冷凝边和特殊的显微结构(如针状磷灰石、斜长石反环带和斜长石含刀刃状角闪石),具有更低的SiO 2含量(56.68%~59.28%)、更高的ε#Nd(t)和Mg值(58.5~62.2)以及更平坦的稀土配分曲线,暗示果可山镁铁质包体和寄主花岗岩是由源自遭受俯冲交代地幔的镁铁质岩浆与古老下地壳(古元古代晚期)来源的长英质岩浆不同比例混合形成的。结合前人对区域沉积学和构造解析研究结果,本文认为青海南山早-中三叠世岩浆活动与古特提斯洋向北俯冲诱发的幔源岩浆底侵和岩浆混合作用有关。  相似文献   

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