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The ankaramitic scoria and carbonatite tuffs of the Lashainevolcano, northern Tanzania, contain a suite of alkalic pyroxenitexenoliths, in addition to the previously investigated magnesianlherzolite types. The rocks of the pyroxenite suite, which includemica-dunite and iron-rich lherzolite, consist of varying combinationsof olivine (Fo86–72), sodic diopside, Ti-pargasite, Ti-phlogopite,ilmenite, chromite, and magnetite. The over-all assemblagesare poorer in alumina than those from other alkalic pyroxenitelocalities. Comparison with the products of experimentally investigatedsystems is difficult because of low alumina, and emphasizesthe need for experimental syntheses on rocks of this type.  相似文献   

Ultrabasic Xenoliths and Lava from the Lashaine Volcano, Northern Tanzania   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
The Lashaine tuff-ring consists of carbonatite tuff and glassyscoria of ankaramitic composition. The pyroclastics encloseejected blocks of country-rock metamorphic rocks and a suiteof ultramafic blocks which are divisible into two groups. Thefirst group, characterized by xenomorphic granular textures,contains rocks comprising varying combinations of pyrope garnet,spinel, magnesian olivine and orthopyroxene, chromiferous diopside,and phlogopite. Analyses are given for garnet lherzolite, lherzolite,harzburgite, and wehrlite and their separate phases. The chemistryof the garnet lherzolite and its phases resembles that of garnetperidotite nodules in kimberlite diatremes, and the A12O2 contentand Ca/Ca+Mg ratio of the clinopyroxenes in the lherzolite andwehrlite indicate more affinities with those in mantle-derivedrocks rather than with peridotites derived by accumulation froma basaltic melt. The phlogopite in a mica garnet lherzolite,that otherwise resembles other mantle garnet peridotites, isan unusual variety containing > 9 per cent TiO2. The othergroup of ultramafic xenoliths, characterized by cumulate andidiomorphic textures, comprises pyroxenite, with or withoutolivine, mica and amphibole, and mica dunite. Analyses are givenfor a mica dunite and its separate phases. The pressure andtemperature of formation of the various rock-types are estimated,and the relationship of the rocks to each other and to the hostlava is discussed. The chemistry of the host lava is discussedin the light of current experimental data and also in relationto the Northern Tanzania volcanic province. The significanceof the presence of mica in the upper mantle is also discussed.  相似文献   

为完整了解华北克拉通的破坏程度和机制,加深对其西部陆块岩石圈地幔的研究十分重要,而位于华北克拉通西部集宁新生代碱性玄武岩中的地幔橄榄岩包体,为研究人员认识该地区的岩石圈地幔的性质和演化起到指示作用.运用LA-ICP-MS和LA-MC-ICP-MS对集宁地区橄榄岩矿物进行原位微区测试,获得其主量、微量元素和Sr同位素成分的数据.根据矿物组成,可以将集宁地区的橄榄岩分为两类:第一类为贫单斜辉石橄榄岩 (单斜辉石体积分数小于8%),它们经历了高程度的部分熔融,可能是古老难熔岩石圈地幔的残留;第二类为二辉橄榄岩 (单斜辉石体积分数大于13%),其熔融程度低,代表了新生饱满的岩石圈地幔.第一类橄榄岩中单斜辉石REE含量整体偏低且轻微富集LREE,第二类橄榄岩中单斜辉石具有LREE富集和轻微亏损两种配分模式,大部分样品的核边有一定的强不相容元素及Sr同位素组成变化.这些微量元素和同位素特征都表明集宁橄榄岩包体经历过交代作用.(La/Yb)N和Ti/Eu比值特征表明它们经历过多阶段的交代作用,交代介质有硅酸盐、碳酸盐熔/流体,这些交代介质可能为来源于古亚洲洋板块俯冲时释放的熔/流体.   相似文献   

Magmatic plutonic rocks in the Oldoinyo Lengai pyroclasticsare jacupirangite, pyroxenite, ijolite, nepheline syenite andwollastonitite. Mainly cumulates, they are combinations of nepheline,clinopyroxene, Ti-andradite, spinel (sensu lato), apatite, perovskite,titanite, wollastonite, sulphides, mica, glass and K-rich feldspar,most of which are strongly zoned. Low analytical sums for glasses,vesiculation of intergranular glasses, and the generally explosivenature of the volcanicity point to significant concentrationof dissolved volatiles in the parent magma; the absence of hydrousphases suggests that the dominant volatile is CO2. Cumulatetextures, widely variable modes, veining and variation in specimenconsolidation and metasomatism all indicate derivation froma structurally complicated and multiply injected sub-volcaniccomplex. Complex zoning of phases and mineral disequilibrium is attributedto convective percolation of fluids through permeable cumulates,possibly complicated by magma replenishment during crystallizationof individual magma batches. Olivine, mica and pyroxene megacrystsin some ijolites indicate polybaric crystallization; mixingof potassic and sodic magmas may be the cause of these megacryst-bearingijolites, but the main parent is highly evolved, of carbonatedijolitic (nephelinitic) composition and with Nd and Sr isotopecharacteristics slightly more depleted than Bulk Earth. KEY WORDS: xenoliths; ijolite; jacupirangite; nepheline syenite *Corresponding author. Telephone 031 650 4837. Fax: 031 668 3184. e-mail: jbdawson{at}glg.ed.ac.uk  相似文献   

Xenoliths hosted by Quaternary basanites and alkali basaltsfrom Marsabit (northern Kenya) represent fragments of Proterozoiclithospheric mantle thinned and chemically modified during riftingin the Mesozoic (Anza Graben) and in the Tertiary–Quaternary(Kenya rift). Four types of peridotite xenoliths were investigatedto constrain the thermal and chemical evolution of the lithosphericmantle. Group I, III and IV peridotites provide evidence ofa cold, highly deformed and heterogeneous upper mantle. Textures,thermobarometry and trace element characteristics of mineralsindicate that low temperatures in the spinel stability field(750–800°C at <1·5 GPa) were attained bydecompression and cooling from initially high pressures andtemperatures in the garnet stability field (970–1080°Cat 2·3–2·9 GPa). Cooling, decompressionand penetrative deformation are consistent with lithosphericthinning, probably related to the development of the Mesozoicto Paleogene Anza Graben. Re-equilibrated and recrystallizedperidotite xenoliths (Group II) record heating (from 800°Cto 1100°C). Mineral trace element signatures indicate enrichmentby mafic silicate melts, parental to the Quaternary host basanitesand alkali basalts. Relationships between mineral textures,P–T conditions of equilibration, and geochemistry canbe explained by metasomatism and heating of the lithosphererelated to the formation of the Kenya rift, above a zone ofhot upwelling mantle. KEY WORDS: East African Rift System; Anza Graben; in situ LA-ICPMS; peridotite xenoliths; thermobarometry  相似文献   

DAWSON  J. B. 《Journal of Petrology》2002,43(9):1749-1777
A group of chrome-spinel peridotite upper-mantle xenoliths fromthe Lashaine volcano, northern Tanzania, differs from otherxenoliths at this locality in containing glassy melt pockets.Modal, mineral chemical and isotopic evidence indicates that,before the melting that was coincident with the xenolith entrainmentand eruption in the Pleistocene, the sub-Tanzanian mantle lithospherehad a complex history. A major element depletion at  相似文献   

Eclogite xenoliths from the Colorado Plateau, interpreted asfragments of the subducted Farallon plate, are used to constrainthe trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositionsof oceanic crust subducted into the upper mantle. The xenolithsconsist of almandine-rich garnet, Na-clinopyroxene, lawsoniteand zoisite with minor amounts of phengite, rutile, pyrite andzircon. They have essentially basaltic bulk-rock major elementcompositions; their Na2O contents are significantly elevated,but K2O contents are similar to those of unaltered mid-oceanridge basalt (MORB). These alkali element characteristics areexplained by spilitization or albitization processes on thesea floor and during subduction-zone metasomatism in the fore-arcregion. The whole-rock trace element abundances of the xenolithsare variable relative to sea-floor-altered MORB, except forthe restricted Zr/Hf ratios (36·9–37·6).Whole-rock mass balances for two Colorado Plateau eclogite xenolithsare examined for 22 trace elements, Rb, Cs, Sr, Ba, Y, rareearth elements, Pb, Th and U. Mass balance considerations andmineralogical observations indicate that the whole-rock chemistriesof the xenoliths were modified by near-surface processes afteremplacement and limited interaction with their host rock, aserpentinized ultramafic microbreccia. To avoid these secondaryeffects, the Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of mineralsseparated from the xenoliths were measured, yielding 0·70453–0·70590for 87Sr/86Sr, –3·1 to 0·5 for Nd and 18·928–19·063for 206Pb/204Pb. These isotopic compositions are distinctlymore radiogenic for Sr and Pb and less radiogenic for Nd thanthose of altered MORB. Our results suggest that the MORB-likeprotolith of the xenoliths was metasomatized by a fluid equilibratedwith sediment in the fore-arc region of a subduction zone andthat this metasomatic fluid produced continental crust-likeisotopic compositions of the xenoliths. KEY WORDS: Colorado Plateau; eclogite xenolith; geochemistry; subducted oceanic crust  相似文献   

Petrology and Geochemistry of Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths from SE China   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
Geochemical data on Type I spinel peridotite and garnet peridotitexenoliths in Cenozoic basalts from SE China demonstrate thatthe lithospheric mantle under this region is heterogeneous.The depletion and enrichment shown by these peridotite xenolithsare not related to their locations as suggested earlier. Samplesfrom individual localities, at the continental margin or thecontinental interior, show large variational ranges from depletedharzburgite to fertile Iherzolite. The measured Nd and Sr isotopiccompositions of clinopyroxene separates range from Nd 49 to160 and from 87Sr/86Sr 070256 to 070407, respectively. Thedepleted signatures of Sr and Nd isotopic compositions and major-elementcontents (low CaO and Al2O3 in most xenoliths require an olddepletion event, probably mid-Proterozftic, and the enrichmentof LREE in the depleted peridotites implies a young metasomaticevent shortly before Cenozoic magmatism. Major-element compositionsof the peridotite xenoliths are controlled largely by the degreeof partial melting, and the extra fertile peridotites (highCaO and Al2O3) are probably the products of interaction betweenperidotites and a basaltic component. The equilibrium P–Tconditions, determined from coexisting mineral phases, indicatethat these xenoliths equilibrated over a wide P–T range,from 770 to 1250 C and from 10 to 27 kbar. Calculated oxygenfugacities for most spinel peridotites range from near the FMQbuffer to 25 log units below. The late-stage metasomatism didnot change the redox state in the upper mantle. *Corraponding author  相似文献   

CLAGUE  DAVID A. 《Journal of Petrology》1988,29(6):1161-1186
Ultramafic xenoliths were recovered in four alkalic lava flowsfrom Loihi Seamount at depths between 2200 and 1400m. No xenolithbearing flows were sampled near the summit despite a concentrateddredge program. The flows, three of alkalic basalt and one ofbasanite, contain common olivine megacrysts and small xenolithsof dunite, rarer harzburgite, and a single wehrlite. Olivinemegacrysts as large as 8 mm are Fo84–88 6 and containmagnesiochromite inclusions with 1?1–3?5 wt.% TiO2 Dunitecontains Fo83 5–88?5 olivine, magnesiochromite with l?5–6?9wt.% TiO2 (avg. 3?2 wt.%), and extremely rare chrome-rich diopside.The wehrlite contains euhedral Fo85 9 olivine and magnesiochromitewith 1?9–4?7 wt.% TiO2 poikilitically enclosed in chrome-richdiopside (Wo45 4En48 0Fs6?6).Most of the olivine megacrysts,dunite, and the wehrlite are cumulates of Loihi alkalic lavasthat accumulated in a magma storage zone located at least 16kmbelow sea level. The rarity of dunite related to tholeiiticmagmas supports the interpretation that the alkalic lavas atLoihi generally predate the tholeiitic lavas. The harzburgitexenoliths have cataclastic textures and contain Fo89 5–926 olivine, enstatite (Wo2 0–2?7En90?0–88 7Fe8?0–8?6),Cr-rich endiopside (Wo43 4–44 5En52 0–50 0Fs4 6–45), and translucent red-brown magnesiochromite. The harzburgitexenoliths, which have 2-pyroxene temperatures of 1066 ? 35?C,originated in the uppermost mantle in a region of high strainrate, probably near the boundary between the mantle and theoverlying ocean crust. The presence of upper mantle xenolithsindicates that the magma storage zone is located below the baseof the ocean crust within the uppermost mantle.  相似文献   

Mantle-derived xenoliths and xenocrysts in Pale-ozoic diamondiferous ki mberlites in Mengyin (Shan-dong Province) and Fuxian (Liaoning Province) showthe presence of a cold,thick lithospheric mantle be-neath the North China craton ( NCC) in the MiddleOrdovician ( Griffin et al ., 1998 ; Menzies et al .,1993 ;Fan and Menzies ,1992) . However ,studies onmantle peridotites captured in the Tertiary to Neo-gene basalts of the NCC have revealed the existenceof a thin, hot and fertile lithosph…  相似文献   

The metabasites within the Tokoro belt of eastern Hokkaido,Japan, suffered pervasive high–P/ Tetamorphism. Mineralassemblages and compositions of more than 400 metabasites fromthe Saroma–Tokoro district were investigated. The metabasites are divided into six metamorphic zones basedon mineral assemblages. The laumontite (Lm) zone is definedby the presence of laumontite. The prehnite–pumpellyite(Pr–Pp) zone is characterized by the association of prehnite+ pumpellyite. The lawsonite–sodic. pyroxene (Lw–Napx)zone is defined by the assemblage lawsonite + pumpellyite +sodic pyroxene + chlorite. The epidote–sodic pyroxene(Ep–Napx)(1) and (2) zones are charecterized by the assemblage epidote+ pumpellyite + sodic pyroxene + chlorite. The former is characterizedby the absence of aragonite, sodic amphibole, and winchite,as well as the presence of jadeite–poor sodic pyroxene(maxJd mol% = 13), whereas these minerals occur in the Ep–Napx(2)zone, together with jadeite–rich sodic pyroxene (max.Jd mol % = 34). In the epidote–actinolite (Ep–Act)zone, the most common assemblages contain epidote+ actionolite+ pumpellyite + chlorite. The Lm zone corresponds to the zeolite facies (150–200?Cand 1–2 kb) and the Pr–Pp zone is equivalent tothe prehnite–pumpellyite facies (200–250?C and 2–2–5kb). The Ep–Napx(I) zone appears to be stable at 200–250?C and 2? 5?3?5 kb. The pressure conditions in the Lw–Napx,Ep-Napx(2), and Ep–Act zones appear to range from 5 to6 kb, and the temperatures are estimated to be 200–230,230–270, and 270–300? C, respectively. The sequenceof the metamorphic zones is charaterized by the curved P–Tpath. The stability field of pumpellyite+ sodic+ pyroxene+ chloritein Fe3+ bearing metabasites is located in the lower–temperatureand higher–pressure part of the pumpellyite–actionolitefacies. On the basis of Schreinmaker's method, the stabilityfield of the assemblage is bounded by a high–pressurereaction Pp+ Napx+ Chl+ Ab+ Qz+ H2O= Lw+ Gl, and by a high-temperaturereaction Pp Napx+ Chl+ Ab+ Qz = Ep + Gl + H2O.  相似文献   

The late-stage basanite (~12–1 Ma) of the NNW-SSE extending Gharyan Cenozoic volcanics (Northern West Libya) contains numerous fresh lherzolite xenoliths. These xenoliths display magmatic protogranular and porphyroclastic textures. Chemistry of olivine (forsterite content –90–91, NiO = 0.26–0.39 wt %), orthopyroxene (Mg# = 0.91–0.92, Cr# = 0.03–0.07, Al2O3 = 3.64–4.43 wt %), clinopyroxene ((Wo45.59–48.61, En45.89–48.80, Fs4.47–5.81), Mg# = 0.82–0.92, Al2O3 = 5.14–6.58 wt % and Cr2O3 = 0.5–0.95 wt %) and spinel (hercynite–picotite–Al-rich chromite spinels with Cr# = 0.08–0.11) refer to the fertile nature of Gharyan peridotites. Mantle source region was close to the primitive composition with low degrees of melting and depletion in melt (1.5% in average). However, it underwent metasomatism as illustrated by formation of secondary clinopyroxene (Wo37.96–44.77, En47.44–54.18, Fs7.59–8.03) with high contents of Na2O, and enrichment of the Al-spinel in TiO2. The estimated pre-eruptive temperature ranges from 1066 to 837°C. Despite the Gharyan peridotite is similar to mantle components in many districts in Saharan belt of North Africa, it represents juvenile mantle source with minor refractory residues. This compositional heterogeneity is mainly attributed to the local effect of the interaction of the Gharyan mantle with the host basanite magma that may be related to the Cenozoic rifting of the Pan-African basement.  相似文献   

江苏东海县幔源橄榄岩包体及其深部构造意义   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
东海县境内仅有两个碱性玄武岩火山口(平明山和安峰山)形成于晚新生代,K-Ar同位素年龄测定,平明山为4.02~6.38Ma,安峰山为7.3~12.3Ma。岩石学和地球化学特征揭示包体寄主岩为碧玄岩,岩浆没有经历明显分异和同化混杂作用。平明山碧玄岩含有丰富幔源包体,包括尖晶石二辉橄榄岩、方辉橄榄岩和二辉岩。采用:Bertrand等(1985)和Kohler等(1990)的温度-压力计估算了包体平衡温度和压力分别为830~900℃和1.5~1.7GPa。根据温压资料构建的古地温曲线,对应于大陆热流值75mW/m^2和岩石圈厚度55km。氧化缀饰法揭示本区橄榄岩包体经历了高温低应变速率塑性流动变形,形成各种类型的位错构造。高温高压实验测定,二辉橄榄岩Vp速度为8.0~8.2km/s,Vs速度为4.50~4.77km/s。中国大陆科学钻(CCSD)附近幔源橄榄岩包体的发现对东海地区岩石圈厚度、物质组成、热结构和底侵作用动力过程提供了重要约束。  相似文献   

A varied suite of mantle xenoliths from Malaita, Solomon Islands,was investigated to constrain the evolution of the mantle beneaththe Ontong Java Plateau. Comprehensive petrological and thermobarometricstudies make it possible to identify the dominant processesthat produced the compositional diversity and to reconstructthe lithospheric stratigraphy in the context of a paleogeotherm.PT estimates show that both peridotites and pyroxenitescan be assigned to a shallower or deeper origin, separated bya garnet-poor zone of 10 km between 90 and 100 km. This zoneis dominated by refractory spinel harzburgites (Fo91–92),indicating the occurrence of an intra-lithospheric depletedzone. Shallower mantle (  相似文献   

中国西北大陆岩石圈类型、岩石学结构及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据西北地区的地质和地球物理特征,区分出中国西北大陆以准噶尔和塔里木为代表的克拉通型岩石圈和造山带型岩石圈,而造山带型岩石圈又可以区分为以额济纳旗为代表的古生代造山带型岩石圈(老物质新结构)和包括天山、阿尔泰山、昆仑山在内的新生代造山型岩石圈(老物质新结构);依据岩石学方法、壳幔演化模型和造山带形成过程以及地震波速与岩石化学成分之间的关系,建立相应类型岩石圈的壳幔岩石学结构,讨论了不同岩石圈类型的壳幔物质结构、地壳和岩石圈地幔厚度的地质含义及其找矿意义.  相似文献   

印藏碰撞导致了青藏高原内部及周边地区形成巨量储量的成矿带。虽然这一地区的成矿研究非常深入,但仍然需要 完善对“源-运-储”的综合研究,需要从地壳上地幔结构角度对成矿源的起源进行探索。位于哀牢山剪切带南段的大坪- 长安金矿具有幔源成因迹象,该文研究了该矿区及邻区的岩石圈结构,从深部研究成矿来源。通过接收函数方法获得的研 究区剖面,揭示壳幔边界(Moho) 深度在30~40 km,但在金矿矿区下表现为Moho转换震相强烈横向不连续,表现为东西 两侧约3~5 km的下沉。岩石圈软流圈边界(LAB) 的转换震相揭示,研究区的岩石圈厚度为60~80 km,有效约束了研究区 强烈岩石圈减薄后剩余岩石圈的厚度。金矿区西侧思茅块体的岩石圈厚度最薄,位于前人层析成像工作揭示上地幔顶部一 低速体的上方。金矿区下方的岩石圈厚度为~80 km且LAB的转换震相表现为强烈的横向不连续。金矿下Moho和LAB的横 向不连续暗示了金矿区下方存在岩石圈尺度的岩浆通道,即软流圈的地幔物质可以较快速地到达浅表。笔者认为,研究区 的岩石圈结构支持由俯冲驱动的幔源成矿模型,但大坪-长安金矿矿区下的岩石圈尺度的岩浆通道的形成与哀牢山剪切带 的剪切变形直接相关。由Burma俯冲导致的地幔物质上涌对该通道的形成贡献有限。  相似文献   

张宏福 《地球科学》2006,31(1):31-37
地幔和/或下地壳中存在2类“复杂”橄榄岩捕虏体:一类为“混杂”,即“polymict”橄榄岩捕虏体;另一类为相对常见的“复合”,即“composite”橄榄岩捕虏体.复合橄榄岩捕虏体通常由橄榄岩和辉石岩/麻粒岩或由橄榄岩夹辉石岩脉2部分或多部分组成.岩相学上易于辨认,有时手标本上即可辨认.而混杂橄榄岩捕虏体为各种橄榄岩和/或辉石岩来源的矿物和熔体混杂在一起组成的构造岩,岩相学上很难辨认,只有通过矿物组成分析来判断.混杂橄榄岩捕虏体仅见于南非Kaapvaal 克拉通金伯利岩岩管中,该类捕虏体来源于地幔塑性剪切带,记录了流/熔体参与下的地幔变形和交代作用的全过程.复合橄榄岩捕虏体较常见,出现在全球各类玄武岩和金伯利岩中.复合橄榄岩捕虏体有多种成因,如地幔变形、壳幔过渡带样品、交代作用和堆积成因等等.这些复合橄榄岩捕虏体同样记录了岩石圈地幔和/或下地壳交代作用/改造过程的中间状态.因此,这些罕见而重要的复杂橄榄岩捕虏体为大陆岩石圈动力学演化过程提供了最直接的样品.  相似文献   

The xenoliths of garnet–clinopyroxene–disthene rocks(grospydites and associated kyanite eclogites) from the Zagadochnayakimberlite pipe in Yakutia have been studied in detail. Contraryto previous data, the presence of a continuous range in thepyrope-grossular series of garnets is shown on the basis ofnumerous X-ray data and 17 chemical analyses of garnets. Thisconclusion is confirmed by the study of separate grains withkyanite intergrowths from the kimberlite heavy fraction, whichare present in the kimberlite as the result of destruction ofgrospydite xenoliths, and possible, of garnet-kyanite rocksalso. A close connection of the calcium content in the garnetwith the sodium content in the coexisting clinopyroxes is alsoshown. An increase in the chemical potential of sodium resultsin the stability of the pryoxene-kyanite assemblage insteadof a garnet of intermediate composition (50 percent of grossular).The interval of the miscibility gap between calcium-rich andcalcium-poor garnets is increased in this way. The data of chemicalanalyses of 14 pyroxenes from the xenoliths indicate that theydiffer in the high aluminium and sodium content from other pyroxenesof eclogite-facies rocks. Chromium-rich bands with a high chromiumcontent in coexisting garnet, pyroxene, and kyantic have beenoccasionally found in the xenoliths. A study has been made ofthe chrome-kyanite with 12.86 per Cr202. The presence of chromium-richminerals in the grospydite xenoliths confrms their connectionwith ultrabasic rocks.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Comprehensive studies of peridotitic xenoliths from the Udachnaya kimberlite (Yakutian diamond province, Siberian craton) confirm that garnet shows inverse correlation of...  相似文献   

对西准噶尔及周边地区壳幔结构的研究是揭示准噶尔盆地演化的重要基础.利用最新的卫星重力场模型, 通过计算得到西准噶尔及周边地区的布格重力异常, 进而采用三维反演技术, 对西准噶尔及周边地区的地壳与上地幔顶部进行密度成像, 得到了0~80 km深度范围的密度异常结构.地壳密度分布显示古准噶尔洋壳有可能向NE和NW分别俯冲于西伯利亚板块和西准噶尔地块之下.上地幔顶部密度变化表明: 阿尔泰褶皱带具有相对较低的密度, 可能为古大陆巨厚的硅铝层所致; 哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔盆地具有相对完整的高密度结构; 天山褶皱带区域的密度大幅度变化刻画了超岩石圈断裂对岩石圈的切割以及岩石圈形变与构造活动的痕迹.   相似文献   

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