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Eastern boundary upwelling is an important aspect of the modern ocean, despite the relatively small area involved. Consequences of increased upwelling during the Neogene, as a result of intensifying trade winds, include increased heat transport by the ocean, increased mixing, increased fractionation of phosphate from silicate, and opportunities for evolution of new species. Coastal upwelling has been studied since the first decade of the 20th century. The processes involved are complex, and differ depending on geographic setting. Off Namibia, upwelling history has been studied by a number of drilling expeditions; the last of these was ODP Leg 175, which occupied seven sites on the continental slope between Walvis Ridge and Cape Town, during September and October of 1997. Productivity proxies all along southwestern Africa suggest the presence of increased upwelling and organic matter supply to the sea floor during glacial periods. At the same time, there is a decrease in the supply of diatoms and other siliceous plankton remains. This is the Walvis Opal Paradox, established through the contrasting results of studies by Diester-Haass (1985) and Oberhänsli (1991). We propose that the Walvis Opal Paradox is fundamental to the understanding of glacial–interglacial productivity fluctuations on a global scale. Furthermore, a central feature of the history of late Neogene upwelling off Namibia is the Matuyama Opal Maximum, centered between Gauss and Olduvai magnetic chrons [Wefer et al., Proc. ODP 175 (1998)]. It is due to the fact that diatom supply first increases (during the Gauss) when the planet cools and then decreases again during additional cooling, on entering the Quaternary. On a 400 000-year scale, peak productions are coincident with (or slightly lag) maximum seasonal contrast potential in the high-latitude insolation curve. We suggest that this is further evidence that the nutrient content of thermocline waters was diminished during glacial periods. The reasons why this should be so remain to be discovered.  相似文献   

Michael Fabinyi   《Marine Policy》2008,32(6):898-904
Many conservationists and local governments in the Philippines (and other tropical countries) have attempted to link marine protected areas (MPAs) with dive tourism, arguing that the user fees generated by dive tourism can potentially generate satisfactory outcomes for all stakeholders. In this paper, an account of the relationship between MPAs, dive tourism and small-scale fisheries in the Calamianes Islands, Philippines, is presented. It is argued that although the assumed harmonious relationship between marine conservation and dive tourism may work in theory, in practice different understandings of MPAs can create conflict.  相似文献   

Community-based marine protected areas have become a popular coastal resources management method advocated in many projects and programs. While many case studies have been written about factors contributing to project success, few empirical studies using quantitative methods have been employed. A study was conducted of 45 community-based marine protected areas in Philippines. Several success measures were developed and analyzed in relation to a number of independent variables categorized as contextual or project intervention factors. Correlations between individual factors and the dependent variables are discussed. Stepwise multiple regression was used to determine the most important predictors of success. These included: population size of the community, a perceived crisis in terms of reduced fish populations, successful alternative income projects, high levels of participation in community decision making, continuing advice from the implementing organization and inputs from local government. The implications of these results for policy makers and project managers are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the factors responsible for the differences in chlorophyll a concentration (Chl-a) observed between the California, Canary, Humboldt and Benguela upwelling areas. Monthly climatologic values of Chl-a obtained from satellite images, covering the years 1998–2004, revealed that this pigment was higher in the Benguela system than in the other areas. Upwelling intensity, as derived from offshore Ekman transport computations, was higher in the Benguela and Humboldt regions and, for the same upwelling intensity, Chl-a was higher in Benguela than in the other regions. Upwelling intensity appears to be able to drive Chl-a densities through nutrient supply, as nutrients are correlated to offshore Ekman transport. A linear regression model including the fraction of sea surface over the shelf in each 1° × 1° box, nitrate, silicate, turbulence and variability of offshore Ekman transport explained the 84.8% of the variance in Chl-a among the areas. Differences in offshore Ekman transport explained the lower Chl-a observed in Canary and California and the higher Chl-a observed in Benguela and Peru-Humboldt. A narrow continental shelf and low water column stability also contribute to reducing phytoplankton pigment biomass in the Canary and California areas. The higher Chl-a values observed in Benguela compared to Humboldt-Peru are due to a wider extension of the continental shelf in the Benguela region.  相似文献   

The peculiarities of the space-time structures of the currents in the sea appearing after wind forcings that cause upwelling and downwelling are investigated. Numerical modeling using the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) and data analysis were performed for the local area of the Southeastern Baltic adjacent to the Kaliningrad Region (Russia). The geostrophic and ageostrophic velocity components were distinguished to determine the peculiar features of different types of currents. We suggest considering the collinearity coefficient: the scalar product of the geostrophic and ageostrophic velocity vectors. We also considered the local vorticity and turbulent viscosity. Their difference during the upwelling and downwelling was noted. The data of the current velocity simulations and the ADCP measurements at the location of the D-6 oil platform (the Kravtsov oil field) were compared. The modeling adequately reproduces the most energetic geostrophic jet currents and their space-time characteristics.  相似文献   

南海主要上升流及其与渔场的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正>南海是我国的重要渔业产区,目前我国每年在这一海区的捕捞产量大约3×106 t。无论在南海北部还是在南海中部和南部海域都分布有优良渔场,这些渔场往往与上升流存在着密切关系。上升流是一种海水垂直向上的运动现象,通常因表层水体辐散所致,是海洋环流中的重要组成部分。上升流涌升速度与水平流速相比甚小,一般只有10–4~10–2 cm/s[1]。上升流可以把底层营养盐带到表层,为浮游植物的生长提供物质基础,进而为浮游动物、鱼类、虾类等  相似文献   

Numerical experiments on the reconstruction of upwelling and downwelling at the eastern boundary of the ocean were carried out in the framework of a multilayer model of the ocean involving the upper mixed layer (UML). The peculiarities of these phenomena when they are formed and attenuated owing to the strong intensification and abatement of the longshore wind have been studied. It is shown that cold waters are always involved from the thermocline to the UML during upwelling. In downwelling, this occurs as a rule. However, during upwelling the abatement of the wind may result in subduction —the inflow of warm waters from the UML to the thermocline.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

Coastal upwelling in the California Current system has been the subject of large scale studies off California and Baja California, and of small scale studies off Oregon. Recent studies of the winds along the entire coast from 25°N to 50°N indicate that there are significant along-shore variations in the strength of coastal upwelling, which are reflected in the observed temperature distribution. Active upwelling appears to be restricted to a narrow coastal band (about 10–25 km wide) along the entire coast, but the region influenced by coastal upwelling may be much wider. Intensive observations of the upwelling zone during summer off Oregon show the presence of a southward coastal jet at the surface, a mean vertical shear, a poleward undercurrent along the bottom, and persistently sloping isopycnals over the continental shelf; most of the upwelling there occurs during relatively short periods (several days long) of upwelling-favorable winds. During the upwelling season off Oregon, the offshore Ekman transport is carried by the surface Ekman layer, and the onshore return flow occurs through a quasi-geostrophic interior. It is not known whether the structure and dynamics observed off Oregon are typical of the upwelling zone along the entire coast, though some of the same features have been observed off Baja California. Current and future research will eventually show whether the Oregon results are also applicable in the region of persistently strong upwelling-favorable winds off northern California, and in the region of complex bathymetry off central and southern California.  相似文献   

-Six cruises were carried out off the south bank of Fujian - Taiwan during the period of December 21, 1987 to November 15, 1988 to estimate the contribution of bacterial biomass carbon (BBC) to the totai particulate organic pools using epifluorescent microscopic technique. The results show that the standing crop of bacteria fluctuated from 0. 95 to 66. 60 mg /m3 (dry weight). Upwelling phenomena appeared in the region around Nanpeng Island in summer while in the region of Waixie in all seasons. The average value of BBC was 27. 60(±6. 08)mg/m3and 21. 32 (±2. 34) mg/m3 respectively. The seasonal and spatial distribution is discussed in relation to environmental factors as well as upwelling phenomena. The role of bacteria in the flow of material and energy in the upwelling ecosystem is emphasized.  相似文献   

Simple numerical experiments on two-dimensional coastal upwelling are made with emphasis on the role of non-geostrophic solenoidal field of density in the formation of double-celled circulation and multi-celled density front. Geometry of shelf and slope is not taken into account. Existence of poleward undercurrent presumably caused by the longshore variation of the large scale pressure field is also suppressed for the sake of simplicity.The results are, (1) double-celled circulation revealed in the present experiment is closely related with the internal frictional layer, where the horizontal density gradient balances with the vertical gradient of the longshore velocity and the vertical diffusion of the vorticity. (2) density front formed by the emergence of the pycnocline to the sea surface is successively advected offshoreward by the Ekman transport. (3) the pycnocline intersecting the sea surface forms the density front which is nearly vertical on account of the small scale convection. The surface currents converge at the front and construct an anti-clockwise circulation (viewed from the lee side). (4) small coefficient of eddy viscosity and strong wind stress lead the Ekman transport unstable and form a multi-celled structure in the frontal region.  相似文献   

The concentration of hydrogen peroxide was measured in waters off the coast of Peru during June and July 1983. The study period coincided with the end of the 1982/83 El Niño and the onset of coastal upwelling. Depth profiles of hydrogen peroxide concentration exhibit surface maxima and decrease with depth to the base of the mixed layer. Surface peroxide concentrations ranged from 0.8 to 5 × 10?8 M. Below the mixed layer hydrogen peroxide was below the detection limit (5 × 10?9 M). Diel variations were observed, with surface peroxide levels increasing during the day and decreasing at night. The nearshore station exhibited lower hydrogen peroxide concentrations than offshore stations, a reversal of the trend found in other coastal regions. This is attributed to the lack of coastal vegetation and runoff, and to active coastal upwelling of deeper water with low hydrogen peroxide concentrations.  相似文献   

对基于流体动力学理论设计的注气式人工上升流提升装置进行了千岛湖湖试,并比较了不同注气结构(环形、十字形),不同注气孔径(24孔、400孔)下的提升效果。试验结果显示,十字形注气装置效果优于环形注气装置,并且24孔的提升效果优于400孔。该次湖试验证了注气人工上升流理论的正确性和可行性,并为下一步的理论和试验研究提供了试验依据。  相似文献   

During the 1980s, there was a major shift in the understanding of the structure of marine foodwebs. As a result, the microbial loop has been incorporated into the classical concept of the planktonic food chain. Heterotrophic bacteria and Protozoa have been shown to be important components of the plankton biomass in many parts of the world's oceans, and their role in the trophic dynamics of pelagic foodwebs has been studied intensively. In the southern Benguela, field, laboratory and modelling studies have been combined to calculate carbon and nitrogen fluxes through the microheterotrophic portion of the pelagic foodweb. A size-based simulation model incorporating recent hypotheses on the structure and functioning of the pelagic foodweb after upwelling predicts rapid growth of a phytoplankton community dominated by netphytoplankton and chain-forming nanophytoplankton cells. After nitrate-depletion the bloom declines, to be followed by a bloom of single nanophytoplankton cells dependent upon regenerated nitrogen. During conditions of high nitrate availability and a netphytoplankton-dominated community, mesozooplankton ingest 44 per cent of the total primary production through herbivory and 1,4 per cent through carnivory. During periods of low nitrate availability and a nanophytoplankton-dominated community, mesozooplankton ingest 0,6 per cent of the total primary production through herbivory and 5 per cent through carnivory. Food chains are longer and microheterotrophs are an important link between primary producers and the larger heterotrophs. Simulation results show that microheterotrophs are an important component of the pelagic foodweb, primarily as regenerators of nitrogen, which sustains phytoplankton growth, and as a food source for larger heterotrophs of the metazoan foodweb during the nanophytoplankton-dominated bloom.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of phytoplankton were observed at the Northern California coastal upwelling ecosystem studied as part of the CoOP-WEST project during monthly summer surveys in 2000, 2001 and 2002. The high concentrations of chlorophyll were made up mostly of larger cells; the phytoplankton communities that resulted were dominated by centric diatoms. The highest chlorophyll a concentrations were observed when large diatoms or small colony-forming species dominated the assemblages. In contrast, when smaller nano-flagellates and picoplankton were dominant, total chlorophyll a concentrations were over four or five-fold lower than when diatoms were prevalent, illustrating the importance of large diatoms to total phytoplankton biomass. Each year, when chlorophyll concentrations were greatest, Chaetoceros species created a Chaetoceros-dominated system. A few other genera contributed to the upwelling diatom community, mostly the centric diatoms Asterionella, Thalassiosira, Rhizosolenia (including Guinardia and Proboscia), and the pennate Nitzschia. These diatoms have been described in other coastal upwelling ecosystems, and at this study site form a functional group that are apparently well adapted to the high-nutrient, turbulent conditions that are typical of these coastal regions.  相似文献   

The specific features of the upwelling in the southeastern Baltic have been studied by comparing the field observations and numerical simulations. The upwelling registered in October 2005 (when a gale caused by a northeastern wind with a velocity of 15 m/s continued for about three days after a period of relatively calm weather during which the thermohaline structure was in the state close to the summer one) has been considered in detail. The gale caused a decrease in the temperature by approximately 4°C in the along-shore belt with a width of about 8 km in the region with depths of about 25 m located at a distance of approximately 8 km from the shore. The changes in the thermohaline structure that originated as a result of this gale were simulated using a 3D numerical model based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). This made it possible not only to consider the variability of the thermohaline fields at the observation region but also to study a rather wide region and to consider the field of velocity in addition to the fields of temperature and salinity. Subsequently, the numerical model made it possible to estimate the upwelling effect during cooling of the upper layer, which was more intense than the effect of turbulent mixing by an order of magnitude. It was confirmed that the specific features of the upwelling spatial structure depend on the geographic position of the upwelling observation region and on the velocity and duration of the wind that causes the upwelling.  相似文献   

Previously published estimates of the area of the Peru upwelling ecosystem vary by more than an order of magnitude. In an effort to improve this situation, we used a 24-month sequence of SeaWiFS satellite images of chlorophyll in the surface water off Peru from 5°S to 18.5°S during September 1997–August 1999 to estimate the size of the nutrient enhanced productive habitat associated with the upwelling. The first 12-month period was marked by El Niño conditions, the second by strong upwelling. Using a chlorophyll threshold of >1.0 mg m−3 to define the limit of the productive habitat resulted in maximum area estimates of 120×103 km2 during September 1997–August 1998, and 220×103 km2 during September 1998–August 1999. The latter result is consistent with an area estimate we calculated using total fishery landings and a regression relating fishery yields per unit area to annual primary production per unit area. Although year-to-year variation in the annual mean size of the upwelling ecosystem must be significant, even discounting El Niño events, our analysis has shown that at least five of the extreme earlier values are not good estimates of the size of the productive habitat. We may now be close to knowing the average size of the ecosystem to within a factor of about two.  相似文献   

用沿岸上升流指数分析中国东南沿岸风生上升流的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苗馨  胡建宇 《海洋通报》2011,30(3):258-265
对1968年1月到2007年12月中国东南沿海(17°N~30°N,109°E~123°E)上升流指数月平均数据进行分析,结论如下:(1)风生沿岸上升流主要在4-8月间发生于海南岛东部、雷州半岛东部、汕头以北至浙江沿岸.(2)风生沿岸上升流的强度具有时空分布变化特征,其中海南岛东部沿岸上升流最强,浙江沿岸其次;整个中国...  相似文献   

Analysis of carbonate microfossils (planktonic foraminifers and nannoplankton) in the DSDP Hole 362 Quaternary section made it possible to specify its zonal subdivision (almost all zones of Gartner’s high-resolution nannofossil scale are recognized), establish depositional environments, and restore past surface water temperatures. The latter appeared to be several degrees lower than their present-day values, which is evident from the anomalously high share of the subpolar species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sin. that constitutes 97% of the fossil assemblage in Lower Pleistocene sediments. It is shown that the Benguela upwelling existed throughout the entire Pleistocene, being less intense in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene.  相似文献   

It is not clear whether global warming will favour or reduce global ocean phytoplankton productivity in coastal areas. Moreover, the relative contributions made by natural and/or anthropogenic factors to possible changes in phytoplankton productivity are not clear. As the relationship between primary production and alongshore wind forcing is well established for the Eastern Boundary Current (EBC) ecosystems, our aim is to determine whether the changes experienced over the last five decades (1958–2007) in atmospheric CO2 and solar activity have been able to affect the wind regime and water column stability in the most biologically productive upwelling areas of California, Canary, Humboldt and Benguela. We approached the work by statistically studying the effect of solar activity and atmospheric CO2 on surface alongshore wind stress and on water column stability. There was an increasing trend in wind stress and water column stability in all the upwelling areas over the period studied (with the single exception of stability in the California EBC system). The analysis of detrended series evidenced significant relationships between atmospheric CO2 concentration and wind stress and water column stability in the coastal upwelling areas investigated. In addition, wind stress and stability data were found to be consistent, with negative linear relationships between wind stress and CO2 in most of the sites in the Benguela, Canary and Humboldt regions associated, as expected, to positive relationships when water column stability is used as regressand. The results of the present study suggest that greenhouse gas forcing, independent of its well known general increasing trend, was able to decrease wind stress intensity and increase water column stability for the period 1958 to present in most of the sites of the four Eastern Boundary Ecosystems studied, with the one exception of the California region. Conversely, the impact of solar activity appeared to be quite low compared to the greenhouse gas forcing.  相似文献   

Coastal upwelling is a phenomenon of great importance both for the study of ocean dynamics and for the development of fish production in some coastal regions. Our study region, the Galician coast, lies at the northern end of the Canary–Iberian Peninsula upwelling system. Knowing the changes provoked by climate change on this upwelling system is particularly relevant for the future of this area taking into account the social and economic importance of fishing activities in this region. In this paper we study the trends in the intensity and frequency of upwelling in the Galician coast and the expected changes in this phenomenon for the next decades using three regional models implemented within the European project ENSEMBLES. As a main result, we observe that the models show a positive trend in both the intensity and frequency of upwelling phenomenon for the future, particularly significant in spring and summer which are the seasons favorable for upwelling. In autumn and winter there are no significant changes.  相似文献   

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