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Summary The Austroalpine Ötztal Basement (AOB) was affected by three metamorphic events during the Caledonian (ca. 450 Ma), Variscan (ca. 320 Ma) and Eo-Alpine (ca. 90 Ma) orogeny. The Variscan and Alpine events are clearly distinguished in terms of pressure and temperature evolution. Significant differences were observed between textures and densities of fluid inclusions of Variscan and Alpine age. Microthermometric and Raman spectroscopic investigations were done on fluid inclusions entrapped in garnet, apatite and quartz. Apatite hosts fluid inclusions of Variscan age which re-equilibrated during the Alpine overprint. Variscan garnets from metasedimentary rocks contain fluid inclusions, which were entrapped during isothermal decompression after the Variscan amphibolite facies temperature peak. The crystallinity of graphite coatings on the walls of fluid inclusions in Variscan garnets from orthogneisses as determined by Raman spectrosocopy indicates formation temperatures in excess of 550 °C. Superdense CO2 inclusions in quartz indicate isobaric cooling after the Alpine metamorphic temperature peak. The textures and the high density of late aqueous inclusions suggest their entrappment during the Alpine event. Raman spectra from hydrohalite and antarcticite support the presence of Na and Ca in the Variscan metamorphic fluid. Metasomatic reactions involving feldspars lead to the enrichment of these two elements in the fluid phase. The similarities of the chemical compositions of the metamorphic fluids within Variscan and Alpine inclusions suggest minor compositional changes with time and corroborate efficient rock buffering of the fluids. The combination of data from fluid inclusions, petrographic observations and published geothermobarometric data yields an improved and more detailed picture of the Variscan and Alpine metamorphic P-T evolution.
Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse im Zusammenhang mit variszischer und alpidischer Metamorphose im Ötztalkristallin (Ostalpen)
Zusammenfassung Das Ötztalkristallin wurde von drei Metamorphoseereignissen während der kaledonischen (ca. 450 Ma), variszischen (ca. 320 Ma) und alpidischen (ca. 90 Ma) Gebirgsbildung Beeinflußt. Die variszischen und alpidischen Ereignisse sind in Bezug auf ihre Druck- und Temperaturentwicklung eindeutig unterscheidbar. Deutliche Unterschiede wurden in den Texturen und den Dichte variszischer und alpidischer Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse beobachtet. Mikrothermometrische und Raman-spektroskopische Untersuchungen wurden an in Granat, Apatit und Quarz eingeschlossenen Flüssigkeitseinschlüssen durchgeführt. Apatit führt variszische Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse, die während der alpidischen Überprägung reequilibrierten. Varizischer Granat aus metasedimentären Gesteinen enthält Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse, die während der isothermalen Druckentlastung nach dem variszischen amphibolitfaziellen Temperaturhö-hepunkt eingefangen wurden. Die Kristallinität von Graphitausfdllungen an den Wänden von Flüssigkeitseinschlussen in variszischen Orthogneis-Granaten wurde mit Raman Spektroskopie bestimmt und zeigt Bildungstemperaturen über 550°C an. Hochdichte CO2-Einschlfisse in Quarz zeigen isobares Abkühlen nach dem alpidischen Metamorphosehöhepunkt an. Die Texturen und die hohe Dichte von späten wässrigen Einschlussen legen deren Einfangen während des alpidischen Ereignisses nahe. RamanSpektren von Hydrohalit und Antarcticit unterstützen das Vorhandensein von Na und Ca im variszisch metamorphen Fluid. Metasomatische Reaktionen unter Beteiligung von Feldspat führten zur Anreicherung dieser beiden Elemente in der fluiden Phase. Die Ähnlichkeiten den chemischen Zusammensetzung des metamorphen Fluides in variszischen und alpidischen Einschlussen legt eine geringe zeitliche Änderung der Zusammensetzung nape und bestätigt eine effiziente Bufferung den Fluide durch das Gestein. Die Kombination von Flüssigkeitseinschlußdaten, petrographischer Beobachtung und Geothermobarometrie aus der Literatur liefert ein verbessertes und detailiertes Bild der variszischen und alpidischen metamorphen P-T Entwicklung.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   

Summary A multi-method approach was applied to derive the age and origin of an orthogneiss body located in the central Kaunertal, western Ötztal Crystalline Basement (ÖCB). The Tieftal orthogneiss body is an internally differentiated, polymetamorphosed epizonal intrusion, embedded in amphibolites. It comprises leucocratic hedenbergite-hornblende-, hornblende- and biotite-hornblende-gneisses, but also some melanocratic rock types. The leucocratic Tieftal gneisses are granitic, have a near eutectic melt composition and share some features of A-type granites, such as high Na2O+K2O(8.07 to 8.58wt%), Zr (379 to 554ppm) and Y (58 to 79ppm) contents. The REE-patterns are rather flat ((La/Yb)N=2.4 to 3.7), with distinct negative Eu anomalies. Single zircon evaporation dating of two samples and Sm-Nd dating of relict magmatic titanite resulted in ages of 487±7, 484±3 and 487±5Ma, respectively. The weighted mean of 485±3Ma is interpreted as the primary crystallization age of the Tieftal orthogneiss body. Rb-Sr whole rock dating results in a well defined regression line, corresponding to an age of 411±9Ma. This age clearly documents at least a partial resetting of the whole rock Rb-Sr system, which is most probably due to subsequent metamorphic overprint. The leucocratic Tieftal gneisses are isotopically rather primitive with an Nd CHUR 485 Ma value of +1.7 and a calculated magmatic initial87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7047. These data suggest a major mantle contribution. Most probably, they originated through fractionation of the magmatic precursors of the accompanying tholeiitic metabasites. The more primitive isotopic composition of ÖCB metabasites and some late Archean/early Proterozoic and Cambrian inheritance in Tieftal gneiss zircons suggest some involvement of old crustal rocks, too. The amount of crustal contamination can be calculated to be in the range of 10 to 40%. The Tieftal gneisses and the accompanying metabasites are interpreted as remnants of igneous rocks related to an early Ordovician rifting and incipient formation of new oceanic crust, an event which can be traced throughout the central and western European Variscan and Alpine terranes.
Alter, Genese und geologische Bedeutung einer polymetamorphen felsischen Intrusion im Ötztalkristallin, Tirol, Österreich
Zusammenfassung Ein Vielzahl von Methoden wurde angewandt, um das Alter und die Genese eines Orthogneiskörpers im mittleren Kaunertal, westliches Ötztalkristallin, abzuleiten. Der Tieftal-Orthogneiskörper ist eine in Amphiboliten eingeschaltete, intern differenzierte, polymetamorph überprägte, epizonale Intrusion. Er umfaßt sowohl leukokrate Hedenbergit-Hornblende-, Hornblende- und Biotit-Hornblende-Gneise als auch untergeordnet melanokrate Gesteine. Die leukokraten Tieftal-Gneise besitzen einen granitischen, beinahe einer eutektischen Schmelze entsprechenden Chemismus; einige Parameter wie hohe Na2O+K2O(8.07 bis 8.58Gew%), Zr(379 bis 554ppm) und Y(58 bis 79ppm) Gehalte weisen auf eine A-Typ Affinität hin. Die SEE-Spektren sind nur gering fraktioniert ((La/Yb)N=2.3 bis 3.7) und weisen eine markante negative Eu-Anomalie auf. Einzelzirkon-Evaporationsdatierungen an 2 Proben und eine Sm-Nd Datierung von reliktischem magmatischem Titanit ergeben Alter von 487±7, 484±3 und 487±5Ma. Der gewichtete Mittelwert von 485±3Ma wird als das primäre magmatische Kristallisationsalter des Tieftal-Orthogneiskörpers interpretiert. Eine Rb-Sr Gesamtgesteinsdatierung ergibt eine gut definierte Regressionsgerade mit einem Alter von 411±9Ma. Dieses Alter beweist eine postmagmatische Störung des Rb-Sr Gesamtgesteinssystems, die durch die metamorphen überprägungen verursacht wurde. Die leukokraten Tieftal-Gneise besitzen eine relative primitive isotopische Zusammensetzung mit einem Nd CHUR 485 Ma a Wert von +1.7 und einem zurückgerechneten magmatischen87Sr/86Sr Initialverhältnis von 0.7047. Diese Daten machen eine große Beteiligung von Mantelmaterial wahrscheinlich. Am ehesten entstanden die leukokraten Tieftal-Gneise durch magmatische Fraktionierungsprozesse aus den Ausgangsgesteinen der begleitenden tholeiitischen Metabasite. Die noch primitivere isotopische Zusammensetzung der Metabasite im Ötztalkristallin und spätarchaische/frühproterozoische sowie kambrische Komponenten in den Zirkonen der leukokraten Tieftal-Gneise weisen aber auch auf die Beteiligung alten krustalen Materials hin. Der Anteil der krustalen Komponente liegt im Bereich von 10 bis 40%. Der Tieftal-Orthogneiskörper und die begleitenden Metabasite werden als Relikte magmatischer Gesteine, die während eines frühordovizischen Riftings und der beginnenden Bildung neuer ozeanischer Kruste entstanden sind, gedeutet. Zeugen dieses Vorganges sind in allen variszisch und alpidisch geprägten Gebieten Westund Mitteleuropas zu finden.

With 13 Figures  相似文献   

Within the Ötztal Complex (ÖC), migmatites are the only geological evidence of the pre-Variscan metamorphic evolution, which led to the occurrence of partial anatexis in different areas of the complex. We investigated migmatites from three localities in the ÖC, the Winnebach migmatite in the central part and the Verpeil- and Nauderer Gaisloch migmatite in the western part. We determined metamorphic stages using textural relations and electron microprobe analyses. Furthermore, chemical microprobe ages of monazites were obtained in order to associate the inferred stages of mineral growth to metamorphic events. All three migmatites show evidence for a polymetamorphic evolution (pre-Variscan, Variscan) and only the Winnebach migmatite shows evidence for a P-accentuated Eo-Alpine metamorphic overprint in the central ÖC. The P-T data range from 670–750 °C and < 2.8 kbar for the pre-Variscan event, 550–650 °C and 4–7 kbar for the Variscan event and 430–490 °C and ca. 8.5 kbar for the P-accentuated Eo-Alpine metamorphic overprint. U-Th-Pb electron microprobe dating of monazites from the leucosomes from all three migmatites provides an average age of 441 ± 18 Ma, thus indicating a pervasive Ordovician-Silurian metamorphic event in the ÖC.  相似文献   

Detailed characterization of Th–REE mineralization confined to terrigenous deposits of the Shatak complex is presented. For the first time the veinlet xenotime mineralization, unknown in the scientific literature, as well as diverse unidentified Th–REE compounds of variable composition were described in terrigenous deposits. It was concluded that permanent Th and REE admixtures and rare-earth minerals and thorite, respectively, as well as the occurrence of paragenetic intergrowths of Th and REE minerals of variable composition, are evidence that Th–REE mineralization crystallized as a result of the influence of the fluid phase on the sedimentary substrate upon magmatic melt intrusion into the frame rocks. The superimposed dynamothermal greenschist-facies metamorphism led to decay of metastable Th–REE phases without affecting significantly the redistribution of thorium and rare earth elements.  相似文献   

The La Peña alkaline complex (LPC) of Miocene age (18–19 Ma) lies on the eastern front of the Precordillera (32°41ʹ34ʺS, 68°59ʹ48″W, 1400–2900 m a.s.l.), 30 km northwest of Mendoza city, Argentina. It is a subcircular massif of 19 km2 and 5 km in diameter, intruded in the metasedimentary sequence of the Villavicencio Formation of Silurian-Devonian age. It is the result of integration of multiple pulses derived from one or more deep magma chambers, which form a suite of silicate rocks grouped into: a clinopyroxenite body, a central syenite facies with a large breccia zone at the contact with the clinopyroxenite, bodies of malignite, trachyte and syenite porphyry necks, and a system of radial and annular dikes of different compositions. Its subcircular geometry and dike system distribution are frequent features of intraplate plutons or plutons emplaced in post-orogenic settings. These morphostructural features characterize numerous alkaline complexes worldwide and denote the importance of magmatic pressures that cause doming with radial and annular fracturing, in a brittle country rock. However, in the LPC, the attitude of the internal fabric of plutonic and subvolcanic units and the preferential layout of dikes match the NW–SE extensional fractures widely distributed in the host rock. This feature indicates a strong tectonic control linked to the structure that facilitate space for emplacement, corresponding to the brittle shear zone parallel to the N–S stratigraphy of the country rock. Shearing produced a system of discontinuities, with a K fractal fracture pattern, given by the combination of Riedel (R), anti-Riedel (R′), (P) and extensional (T) fracture systems, responsible for the control of melt migration by the opening of various fracture branches, but particularly through the NW–SE (T) fractures. Five different pulses would have ascent, (1) an initial one from which cumulate clinopyroxenite was formed, (2) a phase of mafic composition represented by dikes cross-cutting the clinopyroxenite, (3) a malignite facies that causes a small breccia in the clinopyroxenite, (4) a central syenite facies that develops breccias at the contact with the clinopyroxenite and, finally, (5) porphyry necks and a system of radial dikes intruding all units. At the moment of the emplacement different mechanisms would have acted, they summarized in: 1) opening of discontinuities synchronous to the magma circulation as the principal mechanism for formation of dikes and conduits; 2) stoping processes, that play an important role in the development of the breccia zone and enabling an efficient transference of material during the emplacement of the syenitic magma and 3) shear-related deformation (regional stress), affected the internal fabric of the facies, causing intracrystalline deformation and submagmatic flow, which is very evident in the central syenite intrusive. The kinematic analysis of shear planes allows proposing that emplacement of the LPC took place in a transtensive regime, which would have occurred in the back-arc of the Andes orogen, during a long period spanning from Miocene to the present, of the compressive deformation responsible, westward and at the same latitude, for the development of the Aconcagua fold and thrust belt.  相似文献   

The Kiselyovka–Manoma accretionary complex formed at the end of the Early Cretaceous during subduction of the Pacific oceanic plate underneath the Khingan–Okhotsk active continental margin along the east of Eurasia. It is composed of Jurassic–Early Cretaceous oceanic chert, siliceous mudstone, and limestone that include a significant amount of basic volcanic rocks. The known and newly obtained data on the petrogeochemistry of the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous basalt from various parts of the accretionary complex are systemized in the paper. Based on the comprehensive analysis of these data, the possible geodynamic settings of the basalt are considered. The petrogeochemical characteristics provide evidence for the formation of basalt in different parts of the oceanic floor within the spreading ridge, as well as on oceanic islands far from the ridge. The basalts of oceanic islands are mostly preserved in the accretionary complex. The compositional variations of the basalts may be controlled by the different thickness of the oceanic lithosphere on which they formed. This is explained by the varying distances of the lithosphere from the spreading zone.  相似文献   

The lowermost units of the nappe pile of the Lepontine Alps crop out in the Antigorio valley in the footwall of the Simplon Fault. The whole orthogneiss section of the Antigorio Unit is exposed on both sides of the valley, sandwiched between the Mesozoic metasedimentary sequences of the Baceno unit below and the Tèggiolo unit above. The petrography and mineral composition of tremolite–calcite veins occurring in dolomite marble in both metasedimentary sequences were investigated. Tremolite–calcite (with lesser talc and minor phlogopite) veins have rhythmic banded texture. Banding is due to cyclic differences in modal abundances and fabric of tremolite and calcite. These veins are very similar to those occurring in dolomite rafts within the Bergell granite and it is inferred that they formed by the same “fracture-reaction-seal” mechanism. Veins formed by reaction of a silica-rich aqueous fluid with the host dolomite marble along fractures. According to thermo-barometric calculations, based on electron microprobe analyses, reaction occurred at temperatures between 450 and 490°C and minimum pressure of 2–3 kbar. Such temperature conditions occurred in this footwall region of the Simplon Fault Zone around 15 Ma, during exhumation and cooling of the nappe pile and a transition to brittle behaviour. Aqueous, silica-rich fluids concentrated along fractures, forming tremolite–calcite veins in the dolomite marbles and quartz veins in the orthogneiss.  相似文献   

Five domains (microplates) have been recognized by seismic anisotropy in the mantle lithosphere of the Bohemian Massif. The mantle domains correspond to major crustal units and each of the domains bears a consistent fossil olivine fabric formed before their Variscan assembly. The present-day mantle fabric indicates that this process consisted of at least three oceanic subductions, each followed by an underthrusting of the continental lithosphere. The seismic anisotropy does not detect remnants of the oceanic subductions, but it can trace boundaries of the preserved continental domains subsequently underthrust along the paths of previous oceanic subductions. The most robust continent–continent collision was followed by westward underthrusting of the Brunovistulian mantle lithosphere, still detectable by seismic anisotropy more than 100 km beneath the Moldanubian mantle lithosphere. Major occurrences of the high-pressure/ultra high-pressure (HP–UHP) rocks follow the ENE and NNE oriented sutures and boundaries of the mantle–lithosphere domains mapped from three-dimensional modeling of body-wave anisotropy. The HP–UHP rocks are products of oceanic subductions and the following underthrusting of the continental crust and mantle lithosphere exhumed along the mantle boundaries. The close relation of the mantle sutures and occurrences of the HP–UHP rocks near the paleosubductions testifies for models interpreting the granulite–garnet peridotite association by oceanic/continental subduction/underthrusting followed by the exhumation of deep-seated rocks. Our findings support the bivergent subduction model of tectonic development of the central part of the Bohemian Massif. The inferences from seismic anisotropy image the Bohemian Massif as a mosaic of microplates with a rigid mantle lithosphere preserving a fossil olivine fabric. The collisional mantle boundaries, blurred by tectonometamorphic processes in easily deformed overlying crust, served as major exhumation channels of the HP–UHP rocks.  相似文献   

1.Objectives Changshan Islands are located on the geographical boundary between the Bohai Sea and the North Yellow Sea,China.Intensively tectonic deformation developed in this area,which is an important connection point to study the tectonics of the Shandong Peninsula and Liaoning Peninsula.Previous studies have shown that the lithologies of the three northern islands(Beihuangcheng Island,Nanhuangcheng Island,and Xiaoqin Island)of the Changshan Islands include Neoproterozoic quartzite,phyllite,and slate(Fuzikuang Formation of the Penglai Group),and a few areas are covered by Quaternary slope deposits,marine deposits and loess(Fig.1 a;Qiao EW et al.,2019).Recently,a set of volcanic rocks was firstly discovered in Nanhuangcheng Island(Fig.1 a).  相似文献   

The Dovyren layered dunite–troctolite–gabbro massif (northern Transbaikalia region, Russia) contains precious metal mineralization related to sparsely disseminated sulfides (Stillwater type). The distribution of gases trapped in micro-inclusions and intergranular pores of the Dovyren massif has been investigated. This type of study had previously only been undertaken on the traps or peridotite–pyroxenite–norite intrusions hosting copper–nickel sulfide deposits. A novel method of analyzing trapped gases, involving the grinding of samples under high vacuum at room temperature, was employed. A modified gas-chromatography and mass-spectrometry approach was used to analyze the composition of the extracted gases. The concentrations of reduced gases (CH4 and H2) are higher in inclusions trapped by silicate minerals, whereas oxidized gases (H2O, CO2) are less common. The content of reduced gases (H2, CH4, CO), N2, He, radiogenic Ar, and C2H6 increases upward through the layered series of the massif. The distribution of all gases, especially methane and hydrogen, show peak concentrations coincident with the PGE and gold reef type horizons. A correlation of the gas peaks and noble metal contents appears to be related to their geochemical affinities. This conclusion is supported by the experimental modeling. Received: 4 August 1999 / Accepted: 13 January 2000  相似文献   

In the central and eastern part of the Northern Calcareous Alps, Upper Permian evaporitic rocks form a tectonic mélange whose distribution is restricted largely to the topmost thrust unit (Juvavicum). Mudrock and dolostone samples associated with the evaporites in ten major outcrops (mostly mines) were examined in order to constrain the paleothermal conditions of the mélange. Measurements of illite "crystallinity" reveal a regionally variable pattern of metamorphic grade ranging from diagenesis to the high anchizone and possibly epizone. Most samples contained very little organic matter and vitrinite particles were rare. Samples containing vitrinite show consistent minimum reflectance values of ~1.3–1.7% Ro, whereas maximum reflectance values are more variable (up to 4.9%). The former data constrain the minimum burial temperatures to ~160–180°C. The observed variability in illite "crystallinity" and organic maturity both between and within individual outcrops is consistent with the mélange architecture of this unit and is in good agreement with the regional thermal pattern recognized in Middle to Upper Triassic carbonate formations within the Juvavicum by conodont color alteration studies. Mélange formation and heating of the evaporites is suggested to be linked to the Upper Jurassic closure of the Meliata-Hallstatt Ocean and subsequent thrusting of obducted terranes (Juvavicum) into the depositional realm of the Northern Calcareous Alps.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2004,132(4):327-348
The Saramta massif in the Paleoproterozoic Sharyzhalgai complex, the southwestern margin of the Siberian craton, is mainly composed of spinel-peridotites with garnet-websterites; it is enclosed within granitic gneisses and migmatites with mafic intercalations of granulite-facies grade. The garnet-websterites occur as lenses or layers intercalated within spinel-harzburgite and spinel-lherzolite. They consist mainly of clinopyroxene (Cpx), garnet (Grt), and orthopyroxene (Opx): Grt often includes Cpx, Opx, and pargasite (Prg). Opx also occurs as kelyphite with plagioclase (Pl), spinel, olivine, Prg, and biotite. Relationships between textures and chemical compositions of these minerals suggest the following PT stages: stage 1 (pre-peak), 0.9–1.5 GPa at 640–780 °C; stage 2 (peak), 2.3–3.0 GPa at 920–1030 °C as the minimum estimate; and stage 3 (post-peak), 750–830 °C at 0.5–0.9 GPa. Finally, the garnet-websterites are veined with lower amphibolite- to greenschist-facies minerals (stage 4).These results suggests that the Saramta massif was carried to depths of c. 100 km by subduction, and metamorphosed under eclogite-facies conditions in the Paleoproterozoic, despite the commonly held view that high geothermal gradients in those times would have prevented such deep subduction. Paleoproterozoic plate subduction at the southwestern margin of the Siberian craton might have caused subduction-zone magmatism and mantle metasomatism similar to those in the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

Detailed investigations of dolomite fault rocks, formed at shallow crustal depths along the Salzach–Ennstal–Mariazell–Puchberg (SEMP) fault system in the Northern Calcareous Alps, revealed new insights into cataclasite formation. The examined Miocene, sinistral strike-slip faults reveal grain size reduction of dolomite host rocks by tensile microfracturing at a large range of scales, producing rock fragments of centimetre to micrometre sizes. In situ fracturing leads to grain size reduction down to grain sizes <25 μm, producing mosaic breccias and fault rocks which have previously been described as “initial/embryonic” and “intermediate” cataclasites. At all scales, grain fragments display little to no rotation and no or minor evidence of shear deformation. The observed microstructures are similar to those previously described in studies on pulverized rocks. Microstructural investigations of cataclasites and mosaic breccias revealed aggregations of small dolomite grains (<50 μm) that accumulated on top of large fragments or as infillings of V-shaped voids between larger grains and show constant polarity throughout the investigated samples. Fabrics indicate deposition in formerly open pore space and subsequent polyphase cementation. The newly described tectonic geopetal fabrics (geopetal-particle-aggregates, GPA) prove that these faults temporarily passed through a stage of extremely high porosity/permeability prior to partial cementation.  相似文献   

In the Dragon Belly cave helictites, a special type of irregular speleothem, are found, which grew on stalactites in all vertical and horizontal directions without any affinity to gravity. Microstructural and mineralogical analyses of this stalactite–helictite system indicate that its evolution is initiated by clogging of the central stalactite channel at its tip, probably when the cave was flooded by muddy water. Clogging caused the formation of secondary channels (≈0.2 mm in diameter) for water passage through the outer surface of the stalactite, where helictites start to grow. The secondary channel passes into the central channel of the helictite.The helictites consist of stacked idiomorphic calcite crystals with uniform orientation. Growth of calcite is essentially controlled by water transfer through the central channel and via canalicules (narrow channels of ≈0.05 mm in diameter) following the crystal boundaries of the calcite mesocrystal induced by capillary hydrostatic forces. At straight parts of the helictites calcite crystals are almost uniform in size, but at bended parts crystals are significantly smaller inside (≤0.1 mm in length) than outside of the bend (≤0.5 mm). It is proposed that the difference in calcite volume (larger crystals) vs. the inside of the bend leads to a helix form, which explains the origin of the term helictite.The Sr and Ba concentrations measured by laser ablation along helictites can be explained by cation incorporation during calcite precipitation close to equilibrium. Dilution effects caused by seasonality control the elemental distribution in the helictite, which result in a positive correlation between Sr and Ba. Variability of Mg is unrelated with Sr and Ba, and is probably due to the incongruent dissolution of Mg–calcite from the host rock.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):155-164
New structural data pointed out the presence of an older scattered migmatization event (Devonian?, M1) overcome by the well known Variscan migmatization event (Lower-Middle Carboniferous, M2) related to the Late extensional tectonic that affected the High Grade Metamorphic Complex (HGMC) in the Variscan Belt of Sardinia (Italy). The M1 event is only recognizable in the kyanite – amphibole bearing migmatitic gneiss. Both migmatization events (M1 and M2) are characterized by a syn-tectonic non coaxial deformations (D1 and D2 deformational events). D1 shows a top to NW sense of shear while the D2 event a top to NE/SE sense of shear (the shear senses are considered at the present Sardinia – Corsica block position in the Mediterranean sea). The M2+D2 is characterized by a complicate, composite normal shear network; the M1+D1 by inverse shear zones. The M2+D2 is transposed by the late D3 strike slip shear event: the D3 is characterized by strike slip shear zones syn-kinematic to the emplacement of Late Carboniferous granitoids (320 Ma – 300 Ma). Despite the absence of geochronological data about the M1+D1 event, the field relationships suggest, for first time, an older migmatization process (Devonian?) syn-tectonic with the late stage of thickness of the Sardinia Variscan Belt. Similar evolutions are recognized in different segments of the Variscan Belt such as the Massif Central (France) or in the eastern mid-European Variscides.  相似文献   

Dunites, peridotites, olivine and spinel pyroxenites, and metagabbroids have been described in the tectonic blocks of the Pekul’ney complex of the central Chukchi Peninsula together with garnet-hornblende-clinopyroxene and zoisite (clinozoisite)-garnet-hornblende rocks, which are indicative of high-pressure complexes. However, the interpretations of previous researchers on the composition, structure, setting, and processes of formation of this rock association are highly controversial. The petrographic and mineralogical results reported in this paper indicate that the blocks of the complex host bodies of cumulate ultramafics among metamorphic rocks. These relationships were supported by the finding of xenoliths and xenocrysts of metamorphic rocks in the ultramafics. The metamorphic country rocks are lower crustal amphibolites and schists with peak metamorphic parameters corresponding to the high-pressure portion of the epidoteamphibolite facies (610–680°C and 9–14 kbar). All the varieties of ultramafic rocks studied in the blocks of the complex are assigned to a single cumulate series (from dunite to clinozoisite-garnet hornblendite), and the compositions of their primary minerals show regular correlations similar to crystallization differentiation trends. Specific features of the ultramafics of the Pekul’ney complex are the early crystallization of hornblende (which is present already in peridotites), wide range of garnet crystallization (associating with clinopyroxene, ceylonite, and hornblende), presence of magmatic clinozoisite in the most evolved assemblages (with garnet, hornblende, and clinopyroxene), and absence of evidence for plagioclase crystallization. Clinopyroxene from the most evolved ultramafic rocks contains more than 15 wt % Al2O3. The classification of the rocks of the complex provides a basis for the interpretation of geological relations between them and the elucidation of the characteristics of the internal structure of the blocks of the complex and bodies of cumulate ultramafic rocks in them.  相似文献   

The mafic magmatic rocks associated with 1720–1700 Ma albitised A-type granites in the northern segment of the Aravalli orogen, NW India show evidence of metasomatism. It is, however, not clear whether the metasomatism of mafic rocks is related to the cooling of these associated granites or whether it took place much later after the emplacement of the granites on a regional scale. For this, we have investigated the mafic magmatic rocks, which occur in close association with these granites. In the Biharipur intrusive, the mafic rocks are intensely commingled with the A-type granites, whereas in the vicinity of the Dosi intrusive, the mafic rocks (clinopyroxenite) do not show any evidence of granite mingling. The commingled and metasomatised Biharipur mafics occur in contact with the albitised granites instead of original granite, indicating that the mafics were metasomatised along with the granites. This is supported by the similarity in REE and spider patterns of the intermixed mafic rocks and the albite granites. On the other hand, the Dosi mafic rocks, free from granite commingling, are scapolitised where the original diopside has been partly transformed to chlorine-rich marialites with a meionite component ranging from Me14.0 to Me16.0. The scapolite, occurring as anastomosing veins, within these rocks is also of similar composition, and the undeformed nature of these veins suggests that the scapolitisation postdates regional metamorphism in the region. Mineralogical, geochemical and Nd isotopic characteristics of the mafic rocks indicate that originally, these were clinopyroxenites, which have been altered to a monomineralic actinolite-bearing rock. The immobile incompatible trace element ratios indicate a continental tholeiite affinity for the mafics, which is in consonance with the A-type nature of the associated granites. During this metasomatic event, the mafic magmatic rocks experienced albitisation and scapolitisation, although the dominance of these processes varied on a local scale depending on the fluid composition.A whole-rock-mineral (clinopyroxene and scapolite) Sm–Nd isochron of the scapolitised clinopyroxenite at Dosi yields an age of 831 ± 15 Ma. Synthesis of this age data along with previously published geochronological data indicate an important Early Cryogenian (850–830 Ma) metasomatic event in the northern Aravalli orogen, which is also synchronous with the Erinpura granite event in the southern Aravalli orogen.  相似文献   

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