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The deformation behavior of fine grained limestones from the Monte Sirino area (Lucania region) of the southern Apennines has been analysed by constraining microstructural observations and crystallographic fabrics with data on the metamorphic conditions of deformation. X-ray and infrared analysis of clay minerals, together with illite ‘crystallinity’ data, suggest that the studied rocks underwent very low grade metamorphism in the deep diagenetic zone. The limestones consist of very fine grained (<10 μm) aggregates of micrite. Elliptically-shaped radiolarians, preserved as moulds with coarser (>20 μm) crystalline fillings, provide common strain markers. Optical microstructures and strain analysis indicate heterogeneous intracrystalline strain in the coarser (>50 μm) calcite. On the other hand, SEM and TEM observations, and crystallographic fabrics determined by X-ray texture goniometry, indicate a deformation involving not only intracrystalline slip, but also an important component of grain boundary sliding in the fine grained matrix. The inferred microscopic deformation mechanisms are compared with constitutive flow laws derived from experimental studies. For the maximum inferred temperature of deformation of 250 °C and geologic strain rates of 10?13?10?15 s?1, deformation mechanism maps for calcite suggest twinning and other glide mechanisms to be active in grains larger than about 5?10 μm. Smaller grains would be mostly deformed by grain size sensitive creep mechanisms, which include both diffusion mass transfer processes and grain boundary sliding. Deformation features observed in the study limestones are compatible with the prediction of such temperature-dependent mechanism maps. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

We investigate background seismic activity of the Abruzzo region, a 5000 km2 area located within the Central Apennines of Italy, where in the past 600 years at least 5 large earthquakes (I = XI–X) have occurred.Between April 2003 and September 2004, a dense temporary seismic network composed of 30 digital three-component seismic stations recorded 850 earthquakes with 0.9 < ML < 3.7. We present earthquake locations and focal mechanisms obtained by standard procedures and an optimized velocity model computed with a search technique based on genetic algorithms.The seismicity occurs at a low and constant rate of  2.6 e− 04 events/daykm2 and is sparsely distributed within the first 15 km of the crust. Minor increases in the seismicity rate are related to the occurrence of small and localised seismic sequences that occur at the tip of major active normal faults along secondary structures.We observe that during the 16 months of study period, the Fucino fault system responsible for the 1915 Fucino earthquake (MS = 7.0), and the major normal faults of the area, did not produce significant seismic activity.Fault plane solutions evaluated using P-wave polarity data show the predominance of normal faulting mechanisms ( 55%) with NE-trending direction of extension coherent with the regional stress field active in this sector of the Apennines. Around 27% of the focal solutions have pure strike–slip mechanisms and the rest shows transtensional faulting mechanisms that mainly characterise the kinematics of the secondary structures activated by the small sequences.We hypothesize that the largest known NW-trending normal faults are presently locked and we propose that in the case of activation, the secondary structures located at their tips may act as transfer faults accommodating a minor part of the extensional deformation with strike–slip motion.  相似文献   

Geochemical maps can provide us with much information on geology, earth surface processes and anthropogenic pressure and are valuable tools for ore prospecting and land management. Stream sediments represent an integral of the various possible sources of sediments upstream from the sampling point therefore there can be multiple signal sources but generally the prevailing signal source is the one related to bedrock geology. Stream sediments collected from active second-order channels including singular geological units, were selected in order to determine the geochemical characteristics of each unit. The aim of this study was to analyze their potential for using them to integrate geological interpretation and produce a geologically-oriented geochemical map. From the 770 samples collected for a regional geochemical mapping program, we selected 149 samples whose catchment basin included only one of the members recognized within the Marnoso-arenacea formation. This middle–upper Miocene (Langhian–Tortonian) turbiditic unit forms the backbone of the Romagna Apennines and has been subdivided into 14 members according to age and lithostratigraphic criteria. The results indicate that there are marked differences in the composition of the members of the Marnoso arenecea formation which indicate the provenance of the sediment and the palaeogeographic evolution of the units. By means of univariate and multivariate statistical analyses (Factor analyzes) two main types of sediment compositions are identified: Tortonian members are characterized by sialic coarse grain-sediments while the Langhian–Serravallian members are richer in carbonate fraction, slightly enriched in a mafic contribution. This study elaborated the geochemical data from a geological point of view by integrating the information available in literature to spatially extend the interpretation based on limited site observation as for petrographic studies. In general, the geochemical map based on a geological unit could be a useful tool for carrying out the geological reconstruction of a complex area.  相似文献   

Spalluto  Luigi  Fiore  Antonio  Miccoli  Maria Nilla  Parise  Mario 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(1):277-292
Natural Hazards - Flooding poses a serious public health hazard throughout the world. Flood modeling is an important tool for emergency preparedness and response, but some common methods require a...  相似文献   

This case study paper is about a large rotational rock and earth slide—earth flow located in the Secchia River Valley, in the Northern Apennines of Italy, that has displayed multiple reactivation phases between 2002 and 2004. The main geological constraints of the mass movement are related to the overlap of flysch rock masses over clayey complexes that allows rock slides to take place in the source area. The disarrangement and weathering of rock masses following slope movements causes large amount of fine-grained debris to be accumulated on the slope and mobilised by earth sliding and flowing. Analysis of rainfall data at the onset of reactivation events has proved that they occurred after periods with cumulated values higher than the averages of the last 30 years. The quantification of the morphological modifications induced by these reactivations has been made possible by comparing pre- and post-event digital elevation models. Depletion and accumulation has been in the range of 30 m in different parts of the slope. In particular, an advancement of the landslide toe of more than 400 m, which caused a 30-m thick landslide tip to deposit, has been clearly seen. Monitoring data regarding subsurface movements and surface tension crack widening (tension cracks so large as to be properly described at trenches) has shown that sliding surfaces as deep as 43 m exist in the upper part of the landslide, while the accumulation lobe has moved by sliding and flowing over surfaces as deep as some 10 m. Velocities of cm/day have been recorded in the deep surfaces and in widening trenches of the source area, while the advancement of the accumulation lobe has been estimated as having velocities of up to 10 m/day. Groundwater in the landslide body has been observed at depths of 5–15 m in the upper areas, while it is estimated as being at the ground level in the toe. On this basis, it is concluded that the landslide still has a high potential for further development, both in the upper landslide zone and in the toe area.  相似文献   

The detection of detached nearshore wedges formed in response to relative sea-level drops is considered one of the hottest topics in sequence stratigraphic analysis due to their importance as reservoir analogues. In fact, they usually constitute sandy and porous bodies generally encased in impermeable clay, thus presenting a good potential as traps for fluids. This paper focuses on the sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Pliocene deposits cropping out in the central-southern sector of the Siena Basin (Tuscany, Italy), a post-collisional basin of the Northern Apennines. The exposed sedimentary succession was investigated through a detailed sedimentological and stratigraphic approach, integrated by biostratigraphic analyses, aimed at a better characterization of the infilling history of this sector of the basin. Specifically, this study revealed the occurrence of repeated facies shifts that allowed the identification of two depositional sequences. In detail, a thick sand-rich body far from the basin margins, and previously considered as a turbiditic lobe, has been reinterpreted as formed in a nearshore setting during a fall in relative sea level. This body is totally encased in offshore clay, and due to the lack of physical connection with the related HST deposits, it has to be considered as a detached forced-regressive wedge. The present work led to the recognition of some sedimentological and stratigraphic features typical of falling stage systems tract deposits (e.g. presence of intrabasinal recycled materials, sedimentological evidence of a pre-existing fluvial network subsequently eroded) that can provide useful clues for the identification of detached forced-regressive nearshore wedges in core studies and poorly exposed settings.  相似文献   

Extensional deformations are common within foredeep basins and generally consist of hinterland-dipping normal faults located at the foredeep–foreland transition zones. Foreland-dipping normal faults at the belt–foredeep boundaries, by contrast, are far less documented and their occurrence is not predicted by simple orogenic load models. New surface data integrated with seismic reflection profiles across the Central Apennines of Italy reveal the occurrence of foreland-dipping normal faults located in the inner edges of foredeep depressions. Extensional deformations are systematically found within sequentially younger Tortonian, Messinian and Early Pliocene foredeep basins, thus suggesting that normal fault development was an intrinsic feature of the evolving belt–foredeep–foreland system and could have influenced the stratal architectures of the host syn-orogenic deposits. Foreland extension is consistent with existing geodynamic models for the Apennines and could represent the effects of lithospheric bending: its recognition and documentation elsewhere could provide significant insights to improve our understanding of syn-orogenic basin dynamics.  相似文献   

The activity of natural radionuclides in soil has become an environmental concern for local public and national authorities because of the harmful effects of radiation exposure on human health. In this context, modelling and mapping the activity of natural radionuclides in soil is an important research topic. The study was aimed to model, in a spatial sense, the soil radioactivity in an urban and peri-urban soils area in southern Italy to analyse the seasonal influence on soil radioactivity. Measures of gamma radiation naturally emitted through the decay of radioactive isotopes (potassium, uranium and thorium) were analysed using a geostatistical approach to map the spatial distribution of soil radioactivity. The activity of three radionuclides was measured at 181 locations using a high-resolution ?-ray spectrometry. To take into account the influence of season, the measurements were carried out in summer and in winter. Activity data were analysed by using a geostatistical approach and zones of relatively high or low radioactivity were delineated. Among the main processes which influence natural radioactivity such as geology, geochemical, pedological, and ecological processes, results of this study showed a prominent control of radio-emission measurements by seasonal changes. Low natural radioactivity levels were measured in December associated with winter weather and moist soil conditions (due to high rainfall and low temperature), and higher activity values in July, when the soil was dry and no precipitations occurred.  相似文献   

Geochemical maps can provide us with much information on geology, earth surface processes and anthropogenic pressure and are valuable tools for ore prospecting and land management. Stream sediments represent an integral of the various possible sources of sediments upstream from the sampling point therefore there can be multiple signal sources but generally the prevailing signal source is the one related to bedrock geology. Stream sediments collected from active second-order channels including singular geological units, were selected in order to determine the geochemical characteristics of each unit. The aim of this study was to analyse their potential for using them to integrate geological interpretation and produce a geologically-oriented geochemical map. From the 770 samples collected for a regional geochemical mapping program, we selected 149 samples whose catchment basin included only one of the members recognized within the Marnoso–Arenacea formation. This Middle-Upper Miocene (Langhian–Tortonian) turbiditic unit forms the backbone of the Romagna Apennines and has been subdivided into 14 members according to age and lithostratigraphic criteria. The results indicate that there are marked differences in the composition of the members of the Marnoso Arenecea formation which indicate the provenance of the sediment and the palaeogeographic evolution of the units. By means of univariate and multivariate statistical analyses (Factor analyses) two main types of sediment compositions are identified: Tortonian members are characterized by sialic coarse grain- sediments while the Langhian–Serravallian members are richer in carbonate fraction, slightly enriched in a mafic contribution. This study elaborated the geochemical data from a geological point of view by integrating the information available in literature to spatially extend the interpretation based on limited site observation as for petrographic studies. In general, the geochemical map based on a geological unit could be a useful tool for carrying out the geological reconstruction of a complex area.  相似文献   

The Ca’ Lita landslide is a large and deep-seated mass movement located in the northern Apennines, about 70 km west of Bologna (Northern Italy). It consists of a composite landslide that affects Cretaceous to Eocene flysch rock masses and chaotic complexes. Many of the sectors making up the landslide have resumed activity between 2002 and 2006, threatening some villages and an important road connecting several key industrial facilities located in the upper watershed. This paper presents the management of the emergency, dealing with the investigation campaigns (geological, geomorphological and LiDAR surveys, borehole drillings, seismic surveys), with the monitoring (in situ instrumentation) and with the design and construction of mitigation measures. The whole process, from landslide reactivation to date, has been modelled on a numerical basis with the finite difference code FLAC 2D, to assess the efficiency of the mitigation system and to propose further countermeasure works in different scenarios.  相似文献   

Low temperature metamorphosed clastic rocks of northern Apennines (Verrucano) contain detrital and metamorphic muscovite along with aggregates of interleaved phyllosilicate grains. The extent of celadonite substitution in the metamorphic muscovite progressively increases from Al-rich pyrophyllite-bearing samples to Al-poor K-feldspar-bearing samples and appears to be compatible with the phase relation in the AKF and AKNa diagrams. Some detrital muscovite grains, not equilibrated with the present metamorphic mineral assemblages, seem to be unreacted grains retaining their premetamorphic composition. The chemistry of the re-equilibrated detrital muscovite is mainly controlled by the activity of Al2O3 that is implied by mineral assemblages in the host rocks and is independent of the original composition of detrital mica. Four types of phyllosilicate associations in the interleaved phyllosilicate grains were recognized: 1) muscovite- pyrophyllite-sudoite; 2) muscovite-pyrophyllite-chlorite; 3) muscovite-paragonite-chlorite; 4) muscovite-chlorite. A microstructural and petrological model is proposed for the origin of interleaved phyllosilicate grains in the Verrucano rocks. The model supports the idea that the interleaved phyllosilicate grains are the result of the trend towards equilibrium between detrital muscovite, metamorphic mineral assemblages and the fluid phase.  相似文献   

This paper reports experimental data on surface and deep displacements evaluated by means of GPS stations and inclinometers in two rototranslational deep landslides in a clayey slope of the Italian Southern Apennines. The displacements of the landslides cause continuous damage to buildings and infrastructures. To study these phenomena and control their effects, the local public administration provided financial support for a geotechnical investigation that started in 2004. Laboratory tests, in situ pore pressure and inclinometer measurements were carried out. In July 2006, systems of fixed-in-place inclinometer probes with continuous data acquisition were installed in two of the eleven guide casings, in correspondence to the slip surfaces detected by previous periodical measurements. In the meanwhile, a GPS network was installed, consisting in six permanent stations and ten non-permanent ones. Among the latter, five were installed on the top of five inclinometer casings. The experimental results show that, in the case under study, the surface displacements evaluated by means of the GPS stations are consistent with the surface displacements evaluated by means of the inclinometer measurements. This implies mutual data validation, availability of considerable amount of continuous data, as well as monitoring continuity when, for some reason, one of the instruments goes out of use.  相似文献   

In the Alpine-Mediterranean region, the continental redbeds and shallow-marine siliciclastics related to the early depositional phases of the Late Permian-Mesozoic continental rifting are referred to as the most common representative of the “Verrucano tectofacies”. The Verrucano-type successions exposed in southern Tuscany are diachronous, spanning from Triassic to earliest Jurassic in age, and accumulated within the Tuscan domain, a paleogeographic region of continental crust that due to the opening of the Piedmont–Ligurian ocean formed part of the Adria passive-margin. They belong to the metamorphic Verrucano Group and the non-metamorphic Pseudoverrucano fm. Viewed overall, these Verrucano-type successions appear to manifest five episodes or pulses of an ongoing continental rifting. With the exception of the first episode that developed entirely within a terrestrial setting, each one is represented by basal Verrucano-type continental siliciclastics overlain by compositionally mixed marine deposits, which resulted from four diachronous, post-Middle Triassic transgressions. This suite of tectonic pulses produced the progressive westward widening (backstepping) of the Tuscan domain in the rifting south-Tuscany area.  相似文献   

The Lagonegro Units are a part of the southern Apennines orogenic wedge. The age of the Lagonegro successions ranges from lower–middle Triassic to Oligo-Miocene. During late Cretaceous and Oligocene the deposition of calcareous-clastic sediments occurred interbedded with shales (Flysch Rosso Fm). During Oligocene and early Miocene, in the Mediterranean area, an important variation of the tectonic regime occurred, and siliciclastic sediments of the Numidian Basin unconformably lay on the Meso-Cenozoic units of the Lagonegro Basin. In the Lucanian Apennine, the Aquitanian–Langhian Numidian Flysch Fm overlies the Flysch rosso Fm. The shales of the Flysch rosso Fm have a peculiar geochemical fingerprint relative to typical shales of post-Archean age. The abundance of Ni and Cr is significantly higher and the HREE chondrite-normalized patterns are steep with a (Gd/Yb)ch>2. A supply of material from the African Archean terranes could be the cause. The palaeo-weathering indices record changes at the source, reflecting variations in the tectonic regime. The oldest samples are derived from an environment in which steady-state weathering conditions prevailed, whereas the youngest samples are related to non-steady-state weathering conditions. This difference could record deformational events that affected the Mediterranean area during the Oligocene and early Miocene. The sample at the top of the studied log has very high silica content and an abundant coarse grain-sized fraction. This suggests that this sample belongs to the Numidian Flysch Fm. The geochemical proxies of this sample are different from those associated with samples from the Flysch rosso Fm, indicating that the source-area of the Numidian Flysch Fm did not include the Archean terranes.  相似文献   

Destructive volcaniclastic flows are among the most recurrent and dangerous natural phenomena in volcanic areas. They can originate not only during or shortly after an eruption (syn-eruptive) but also during a period of volcanic quiescence (inter-eruptive), when heavy and/or persistent rains remobilize loose pyroclastic deposits. The area in Italy most prone to such flows is that of the Apennine Mountains bordering the southern Campania Plain. These steep slopes are covered by pyroclastic material of variable thickness (a few cm to several m) derived from the explosive activity of the Somma-Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei volcanoes a few tens of kilometers to the west. The largest and most recent devastating event occurred on May 5, 1998, causing the death of more than 150 people and considerable damage to villages at the foot of the Apennine Mountains. This tragic event was only the most recent of a number of volcaniclastic flows affecting the area in both historical and prehistoric times. Historical accounts report that more than 500 events have occurred in the last five centuries and that more than half of these occurred in the last 100 years, causing hundreds of deaths. In order to improve volcaniclastic flow hazard zonation and risk mitigation in the study area, we produced a zonation map that identifies the drainage basins potentially prone to disruption. This map was obtained by combining morphological characteristics (concavity and basin shape factor) and the mean slope distribution of drainage basins derived from a digital elevation model with a 10-m resolution. These parameters allowed for the classification of 1,069 drainage basins, which have been grouped into four different classes of proneness to disruption: low, moderate, high and very high. The map compiled in a GIS environment, as well as the linked database, can be rapidly queried.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - Our research is aimed at estimating the vertical deformation affecting late Quaternary units accumulated into the foreland basin of the Northern Apennines...  相似文献   

Analysis of strain in Jurassic argillites forming part of the folded and thrusted sedimentary succession of the Lagonegro basin (southern Italian Apennines) has been carried out using ellipsoid-shaped reduction spots as strain markers. Most of the determined finite strain ellipsoids are of oblate type and show a peculiar distribution of the maximum extension direction (X), with maxima either subparallel or subperpendicular to the local fold axes. Using the strain matrix method, two different deformation histories have been considered to assist the interpretation of the observed finite strain pattern. A first deformation history involved vertical compaction followed by horizontal shortening (occurring by a combination of true tectonic strain and volume loss), whereby all strain is coaxial and there is no change in the intermediate axis of the strain ellipsoid. By this type of deformation sequence, which produces a deformation path where total strain moves from the oblate to the prolate strain field and back to the oblate field, prolate strain ellipsoids can be generated and may be recorded where tectonic deformation has not been large enough to reverse pretectonic compaction. This type of deformation history may be of local importance within the study area (i.e. it may characterize some fold hinge regions) and, more generally, is probably of limited occurrence in deformed pelitic rocks. A second deformation sequence considered the superposition of pre-tectonic compaction and tectonic strain consisting of initial layer-parallel shortening followed by layer-parallel shear (related to flexural folding). Also in this instance, volume change during tectonic deformation and tectonic plane strain have been assumed. For geologically reasonable amounts of volume loss due to compaction and of initial layer-parallel shortening, this type of deformation history is capable of producing a deformation path entirely lying within the oblate strain field, but still characterized by a changeover, during deformation, of the maximum extension axis (X) from a position parallel to the fold axis to one perpendicular to it. This type of deformation sequence may explain the main strain features observed in the study area, where most of the measured finite strain ellipsoids, determined from the limb regions of flexural folds, display an oblate shape, irrespective of the orientation of their maximum extension direction (X) with respect to the local structural trends. More generally, this type of deformation history provides a mechanism to account for the predominance of oblate strains in deformed pelitic rocks.  相似文献   

New mineralogical and chemical data for ophiolitic rocks from the southwesternmost Liguride Units are presented in order to constrain their ocean-floor origin and subsequent emplacement in an accretionary wedge. Their complete petrochemical evolution is particularly well preserved in the southern Apennine metabasites. Metadolerites show amphibolite and greenschist facies mineral assemblages of ocean-floor metamorphism. Metabasalts display greenschist facies ocean-floor metamorphism and spilitic alteration. Veins cutting the mafic rocks show mineral assemblage of the prehnite–pumpellyite metamorphic facies. HP/LT orogenic metamorphism, reflecting underplating of the ophiolitic suite at the base of the Liguride accretionary wedge during subduction of the western Tethys oceanic lithosphere produced a mineral assemblage typical of the lawsonite–glaucophane facies. Bulk-rock chemistry suggests that the mafic protoliths had a MORB-type affinity, and were affected by ocean-floor rodingitic and/or spilitic alteration. Hydrothermal alteration-induced LREE mobility and LREE enrichment may be correlated with the ocean-floor metamorphism.  相似文献   

Luca Salvati  Marco Zitti 《GeoJournal》2007,70(2-3):185-194
The aim of this paper is to analyse the territorial disparities in some socio-economic and environmental factors involved in land degradation (LD) processes in a dry Mediterranean region. A simplified framework in which ecological and economic factors may increase inequality in natural resource distribution along the elevation gradient and accelerate LD is illustrated. To test at a local scale if territorial disparities observed in such factors have increased in the last period, we studied changes in LD sensitivity over thirty years in Latium, central Italy, a region prone to soil degradation phenomena. An estimate of LD sensitivity at the municipality level was obtained through a synthetic index (ISD) composed by three partial indicators analysing respectively climate and soil conditions (CLI), land use characteristics (LAN), and human pressure (POP). ISD and the three partial indicators were computed separately for 1970 and 2000. The divergence in LD sensitivity among coastal and inland areas significantly increased over the study period. In the former zones, median ISD increased with a reduction in score variability among municipalities; the reverse pattern was observed in the latter zones. Differences in ISD score among the elevation gradient are especially due to human factors affecting land use changes and agriculture intensification. New findings to be achieved in the context of human impacts on the environment as an original contribution to the study of LD at a local scale were finally delineated.  相似文献   

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