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张向宇 《江苏地质》2015,39(2):247-250
有效弹性厚度(Te)是刻画岩石圈弹性性质的重要参数,通过分析有效弹性厚度值,可以获得与区域构造相关的信息,为后续解释工作提供一些依据。基于均衡响应函数法,选取南海北部区域4个典型区块的数据,计算均衡响应函数值,并根据公式推算得到各区块的Te值,通过分析Te值对研究区地质构造有所了解。  相似文献   

包含  伍法权  郗鹏程 《岩土力学》2016,37(9):2505-2512
结构面是影响岩体弹性模量的主要因素。基于岩体结构面参数统计,结合岩体应变能推导出的节理岩体本构关系,能够真实地反映岩体弹性模量的弱化和各向异性。在此基础上,以吉图珲铁路隧道围岩为例,研究了岩体弹性模量特征及影响因素。结果表明,该岩体弹性模量的弱化和各向异性程度随应力轴线与结构面法线的夹角而变化,并在夹角值为54.5°时达到最大;同时,岩体弹性模量的弱化与结构面内摩擦角和黏聚力成反相关,与结构面平均半径和密度呈正相关。当结构面半径超过3 m时,岩体弹性模量弱化趋于稳定。应力环境对弹性模量同样有影响,围压的增大,可使岩体弹性模量增大,同时减小了其各向异性和弱化的程度。当围压达到2.32 MPa时,各向异性及弱化现象消失。  相似文献   

This paper is intended to give some information about how to build a model necessary for bending analysis of rectangular and circular plates resting on a two‐parameter elastic foundation, subjected to combined loading and permitting various types of boundary conditions. The formulation of the problem takes into account the shear deformation of the plate and the surrounding interaction effect outside the plate. The numerical model based on an 18‐node zero‐thickness isoparametric interface element interacting with a thick Reissner–Mindlin plate element with three degrees of freedom at each of the nine nodes, which enforce C0 continuity requirements for the displacements and rotations of the midsurface, is proposed. Stiffness matrices of a special interface element are superimposed on the global stiffness matrix to represent the stiffening elastic foundation under and beyond the plate. Some numerical examples are given to illustrate the advantages of the method presented. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

从弹性波在介质中传播的特点和弹性波法在岩体工程中的实际应用情况方面,分析了弹性波在含裂隙岩体介质中的传播特征。将岩体中裂隙呈随机分布的裂隙岩体似为准各向同性裂隙岩体,根据能量平衡原理、岩石断裂力学理论和卡氏最小功能定理(Castiglano’s theorem),确定了准各向同性裂隙岩体的有效动弹性参数( 、 、 )与裂隙密度参数(Xv)的数学关系。在此基础上,根据各向同性介质中传播的弹性波理论,建立了准各向同性裂隙岩体中弹性波速( 、 )和 / 与裂隙密度参数(Xv)之间的关系。理论研究表明,在此裂隙岩体中,有效动弹性参数和弹性波速与裂纹密度参数之间相互的关系均近似成倒数函数的非线性关系;裂隙密度参数增加,有效动弹性模量( )也减少,弹性波速( , )也减小;在裂隙密度参数较小时,此裂隙岩体的有效弹性模量和弹性波速随裂隙密度参数的变化较大,说明裂隙体的有效弹性参数和弹性波速对裂隙体非常敏感。  相似文献   

An analytical solution of the plane strain problem of the deformation of a homogeneous, isotropic, poroelastic layer of uniform thickness overlying a homogeneous, isotropic, elastic half‐space due to two‐dimensional seismic sources buried in the elastic half‐space has been obtained. The integral expressions for the displacements, stresses and pore pressure have been obtained using the stress function approach by applying suitable boundary conditions at the free surface and the interface. The solution obtained is in the Laplace–Fourier transform domain. The case of a vertical dip‐slip line dislocation for the oceanic crust model of Earth is studied in detail. Schapery's formula is used for the Laplace inversion and the extended Simpson's formula for the Fourier inversion. Diffusion of pore pressure in the layer is studied numerically. Contour maps showing the pore pressure in the poroelastic layer have been plotted. The effect of the compressibility of the solid and fluid constituents on pore pressure has also been studied. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A two‐scale modeling of solute transport in double‐porosity (DP) media under unsaturated water flow conditions is presented. The macroscopic model was developed by applying the asymptotic homogenization method. It is based on theoretical and empirical considerations dealing with the orders of magnitude of characteristic quantities involved in the process. For this purpose a physical model that mimics the behavior of DP medium was built. The resulting two‐equation model relies on a coupling exchange term between micro‐ and macro‐porosity subdomains associated with local non‐equilibrium solute concentrations. The model was numerically implemented (Comsol Multiphysics®) to simulate the macroscopic one‐dimensional physical process taking place into the porous medium of 3D periodic microstructure. A series of dispersion experiments of NaCl solution under unsaturated steady‐state flow conditions were performed. The experimental results were used first to calibrate the dispersion coefficient of the model, and second to validate it through two other independent experiments. The excellent agreement between the numerical simulations and the measurements of the time evolution of the non‐symmetrical breakthrough curves provides a proof of predictive capacity of the developed model. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

顾晓强  杨朔成 《岩土力学》2019,40(2):785-791
土体在非常小应变(小于10?6)时表现为线弹性。以往大量试验研究表明,土体的弹性特性主要受到土体有效围压、孔隙比、颗粒级配和试样制备方法等影响。通过离散元方法模拟Duffy和Mindlin中的物理试验,建立球形颗粒规则排列的三维模型,继而进行小变形条件下的数值加载试验来确定弹性特性,并从细观层面揭示决定土体弹性特性的内在因素。模拟结果表明:粒状土的弹性模量取决于土体的颗粒接触配位数、法向接触力的大小和分布,跟宏观土体孔隙比、有效围压作用相对应。弹性模量应力指数n高于Hertz-Mindlin接触法则对应的1/3,主要是由于应力增加过程中配位数的增加和接触力趋于更均匀导致。同时,泊松比也随着配位数的增加而减小,并非保持不变,跟试验结果趋势一致。  相似文献   

A discrete plastic–damage model is developed for cohesive‐frictional geomaterials subjected to compression‐dominated stresses. Macroscopic plastic strains of material are physically generated by frictional sliding along weakness planes. The evolution of damage is related to the evolution of weakness planes physically in connection with the propagation of microcracks. A discrete approach is used to account for anisotropic plastic flow and damage evolution, by introducing two stress invariants and one plastic hardening variable for each family of sliding weakness planes. Plastic flow in each family is coupled with damage evolution. The proposed model is applied to typical geomaterials and comparisons between numerical predictions and experimental data are presented. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

简要分析了桩体弹性模量对于桩体负摩阻力特性的影响机制。低弹性模量桩身压缩是桩顶位移的主要组成部分。在这种情况下桩身压缩对桩的荷载传递影响很大。在复合地基中常用的低刚度桩的桩-土相互作用分析中应当考虑桩身压缩的影响。有限元分析表明,影响桩体负摩阻力特性的桩体弹性模量存在一个临界值,当桩体弹性模量大于此值时,可以忽略桩体弹性模量对桩体负摩阻力性状的影响;桩体弹性模量小于此值时,桩身压缩变形增大,会造成中性点位置上移,桩身中最大附加应力降低。这些变化随着桩体弹性模量的降低而加剧  相似文献   

华南陆块受多阶段超大陆聚合、裂解,碰撞、陆内造山,及伸展等作用影响,造成其深部结构和构造极其复杂。岩石圈有效弹性厚度(Te)是表征地质时间尺度上岩石圈力学强度的定量指标,可为深入认识岩石圈力学结构及演化提供有效约束。本文基于导纳和相关函数联合方法对地壳布格重力异常和地形数据进行计算,获得华南陆块Te的空间分布。Te高值(>20 km)区域主要分布于扬子地块的四川盆地周边区域,而Te低值(<20 km)区域集中于华夏地块和江南造山带区域。由于Te分布特征与地热场、地震关系密切。通过分析研究区Te与地热场(地表热流、居里面深度)、地震之间的关系,本文得到如下认识:(1)Te与地热场参数具有较好的相关性,但受浅部地壳被破坏,深部仍为克拉通地壳影响,导致龙门山断裂带和江南造山带区域的Te与地表热流或居里面深度之间的部分对应关系相反。(2)Te与地震关系复杂,Te较薄区域并不代表着地震频发区域,地震活动性与其所处的深部环境相关。龙门山断裂带强震频发的原因是受周边两块体中上地壳刚性地层长期相互作用,致使应力和能量积累较强;华夏地块区域地震较少是因为深部热物质上涌对华夏地块的壳幔进行强烈...  相似文献   

Experimental evidence shows that soil stiffness at very small strains is strongly anisotropic and depends on the stress level and void ratio. In particular, stiffness anisotropy varies considerably in sand when subjected to cyclic loading, following the stress cycles applied. To model this behaviour, an innovative hyperelastic formulation based on the elastoplastic coupling is incorporated in a new kinematic hardening elastoplastic model. The proposed hyperelastic–plastic model is the first to be capable of correctly simulating all aspects of the small‐strain behaviour of granular materials subjected to monotonic and cyclic loads. This hyperelastic formulation is generally applicable to any elastoplastic model. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Analyses for the response of a linear visco‐elastic system subjected to axi‐symmetric vertical circular loading are presented. Hankel transforms with respect to the radial spatial coordinate are used to reduce the three‐dimensional problem to that involving only a single spatial dimension, which is then discretized using the finite element method. Three techniques are employed to handle the time factor in the visco‐elastic material: (i) direct time integration; (ii) Fourier transforms; and (iii) Laplace transforms. These methods are compared and evaluated through their numerical results. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The investigation of equivalent elastic method is made to predict settlements and stresses of multi‐layered grounds and improved grounds. Analytical models to represent the heterogeneous elastic properties of layers in vertical and horizontal directions for multi‐layered grounds and improved grounds are proposed in taking into account the equivalent elastic modulus and the equivalent thickness. By introducing the equivalent thickness derived from Terzaghi's formula of the vertical stress, the equivalent elastic method of using the equivalent elastic modulus and the equivalent thickness is applied to the formulations concerning immediate settlements and vertical stresses in multi‐layered grounds and improved grounds. Comparison is performed between rigorous solutions and simulations for immediate settlements and vertical stresses in multi‐layered grounds and improved grounds. It is found that the proposed method is able to describe properly the characteristics of distributions for settlements and vertical stresses in multi‐layered grounds and improved grounds. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a rigorous analysis for the static interaction of a cylindrical thin‐walled pile with an inhomogeneous isotropic elastic half‐space under vertical, horizontal, and torsional forces individually applied at the top of pile. The inhomogeneity is specified with the exponential variation of shear modulus along depth of the embedding medium, and the Poisson's ratio is assumed to be constant. By means of a set of Green's functions for pile and soil medium and satisfying the compatibility conditions between the 2 interacting media, the formulation is reduced to coupled Fredholm integral equations. Using the adaptive‐gradient elements, capable of capturing the singular stress transfer at both ends of the pile, a numerical procedure is developed and utilized for evaluating the relevant integral equations and studying the inhomogeneity effect on the soil‐pile interaction responses. The analysis results have been validated for different soil‐pile modulus ratios under axial load and for a Poisson's ratio of 0.3 under lateral load. The procedure does not consider the nonlinear behavior of the soil medium or plastic yielding in the pile section, and the impact of the unreliable results for the case of high Poisson's ratio is not examined.  相似文献   

A modulus‐multiplier approach, which applies a reduction factor to the modulus of single pile py curves to account for the group effect, is presented for analysing the response of each individual pile in a laterally loaded pile group with any geometric arrangement based on non‐linear pile–soil–pile interaction. The pile–soil–pile interaction is conducted using a 3D non‐linear finite element approach. The interaction effect between piles under various loading directions is investigated in this paper. Group effects can be neglected at a pile spacing of 9 times the pile diameter for piles along the direction of the lateral load and at a pile spacing of 6 times the pile diameter for piles normal to the direction of loading. The modulus multipliers for a pair of piles are developed as a function of pile spacing for departure angle of 0, 90, and 180sup>/sup> with respect to the loading direction. The procedure proposed for computing the response of any individual pile within a pile group is verified using two well‐documented full‐scale pile load tests. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

李志康  李春峰  朱塽  黄亮  刘文潇 《地质学报》2022,96(8):2670-2682
南海构造环境复杂,海盆内海山规模不一,为了探究南海岩石圈强度的影响因素及其与海山演化的联系,本文利用Parker-Oldenburg法计算得到地壳密度分布并结合基于小波变换的导纳法计算南海岩石圈有效弹性厚度(简称Te),提高了计算结果的准确度和分辨率。南海大洋岩石圈Te整体较小,分布在0~16 km范围内。南海Te与居里点深度和热流点相关性高,说明岩石圈强度受温度结构影响强烈,海山Te值与海山加载时岩石圈年龄未表现出相关性,表明岩浆活动等热异常会削弱岩石圈强度。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of pre‐existing, or structural, cracks on dynamic fragmentation of granite. Because of the complex behavior of rock materials, a continuum approach is employed relying upon a plasticity model with yield surface locus as a quadratic function of the mean pressure in the principal stress space coupled with an anisotropic damage model. In particular, Bohus granite rock is investigated, and the material parameters are chosen based on previous experiments. The equation of motion is discretized using a finite element approach, and the explicit time integration method is employed. The pre‐existing cracks are introduced in the model by considering sets of elements with negligible tensile strength that leads to their immediate failure when loaded in tension even though they still carry compressive loads as crack closure occurs because of compressive stresses. Previously performed edge‐on impact tests are reconsidered here to validate the numerical model. Percussive drilling is simulated, and the influence of the presence of pre‐existing cracks is studied. The results from the analysis with different crack lengths and orientations are compared in terms of penetration stiffness and fracture pattern. It is shown that pre‐existing cracks in all investigated cases facilitate the drilling process. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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