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李斌  许梦国  刘艳章 《岩土力学》2016,37(2):390-398
岩石强度准则一般是通过低围压岩石力学试验提出,这些准则在高围压下得到的岩石强度比实测强度偏大。为解决这一问题,提出岩石临界状态围压的概念,并推导得到当围压达到临界状态围压时,偏应力为常数,临界断裂角为45°,以广泛使用的Mohr-Coulomb和Hoek-Brown准则为例,将其应用到准则的改进中。通过完整岩石三轴试验数据对改进准则的准确性和适用性进行验证,分析结果表明:应用岩石临界状态围压改进的强度准则参数对围压变化的敏感度较低,其不仅保持了原准则在低围压时评估岩石强度的一致性、准确性,而且在高围压时其评估的强度与试验强度较一致,解决了高应力条件下原强度准则高估岩石强度的问题。  相似文献   

Understanding the extent to which discrete element method (DEM) simulations can capture the critical state characteristics of granular materials is important to legitimize the use of DEM in geomechanics. This paper documents a DEM study that considered the sensitivity of the critical state response characteristics to the coefficient of interparticle friction (μ) using samples with gradings that are representative of a real soil. Most of the features that are typically associated with sand behaviour at the critical state were seen to emerge from the DEM simulation data. An important deviation occurs when high μ values (μ ≥ 0.5) are used, as has been the case in a number of prior DEM studies. While there is a systematic variation in the critical state behaviour with μ for μ < 0.5, when μ ≥ 0.5, the behaviour at the critical state seems to be insensitive to further increases in μ. In contrast to observations of conventional soil response, when μ ≥ 0.5, the void ratio at the critical state initially increases with increasing mean effective stress (p′). Analysis of the DEM data and use of simple models of isolated force chains enabled some key observations. When ‘floating’ particles that do not transmit stress are eliminated from the void ratio calculation, the void ratio at the critical state decreases consistently with increasing p′. There is a transition from sliding to rolling behaviour at the contact points as μ increases. Beyond a limiting value of μ, further increases in μ do not increase the buckling resistance of individual strong force chains. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

姚仰平  万征  杨一帆  牛雷 《岩土力学》2011,32(9):2561-2569
试验资料表明:饱和黏土在不排水常载升温条件下会产生很大的变形并最终可发生热破坏现象,因此,升温也成为一种加载方式。基于姚仰平等提出的热UH临界状态模型,推导了受温度影响的热不排水抗剪强度表达式,对不同超固结度饱和黏土在升温下的不排水抗剪强度模拟与试验结果对比表明:所提公式能够合理反映试验资料中受温度影响的不排水抗剪强度变化规律。利用热UH模型对不排水常载-升温过程进行了模拟,模拟结果表明,热UH模型可合理地反映不排水常载-升温条件下饱和黏土的应力-应变关系以及强度变化规律。针对能影响热破坏过程的几种因素如升温初始时的偏应力比、升温幅度、超固结度以及先期固结压力等进行了讨论分析,得到了各因素对于饱和黏土不排水剪切下的应力-应变关系及强度特性的影响规律。  相似文献   

A framework alternative to that of classical slope stability analysis is developed, wherein the soil mass is treated as a continuum and in-situ soil stresses and strengths are computed accurately using inelastic finite element methods with general constitutive models. Within this framework, two alternative methods of stability analysis are presented. In the first, the strength characteristics of the soil mass are held constant, and the gravitational loading on the slope system is increased until failure is initiated by well-defined mechanisms. In the second approach, the gravity loading on the slope system is held constant, while the strength parameters of the soil mass are gradually decreased until well-defined failure mechanisms develop. Details on applying both of the proposed methods, and comparisons of their characteristics on a number of solved example problems are presented. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary The mechanical behaviour of reconstituted normally consolidated Boom clay was examined in a series of laboratory triaxial stress path tests. The aim was to establish some basic characteristics of this soil. The compressibility of the reconstituted Boom clay was found to be moderate, corresponding to the soils of the same plasticity. The results indicated also that the destructured Boom clay exhibited a brittle behaviour. The undrained secant stiffness was found to vary with strain level and also to be dependent on the consolidation pressure.  相似文献   

王秋生 《岩土力学》2008,29(12):3179-3185
临界状态土力学中孔隙比-平均有效压力 坐标下 压缩线和临界状态线可以简化为平行的直线,倾斜的椭圆屈服面是能够考虑土体各向异性的数学表达最简单的屈服面形式。结合临界状态土力学理论和倾斜的椭圆屈服面方程,给出了轴对称和平面应变情况下 固结软黏土的临界不排水强度比的解析式,通过一些试验数据对这些解析式进行了验证,最后给出了便于工程应用的临界不排水强度比关于有效内摩擦角的简易表达式。  相似文献   

We present a micro‐mechanical analysis of macroscopic peak strength, critical state, and residual strength in two‐dimensional non‐cohesive granular media. Typical continuum constitutive quantities such as frictional strength and dilation angle are explicitly related to their corresponding grain‐scale counterparts (e.g., inter‐particle contact forces, fabric, particle displacements, and velocities), providing an across‐the‐scale basis for a better understanding and modeling of granular materials. These multi‐scale relations are derived in three steps. First, explicit relations between macroscopic stress and strain rate with the corresponding grain‐scale mechanics are established. Second, these relations are used in conjunction with the non‐associative Mohr–Coulomb criterion to explicitly connect internal friction and dilation angles to the micro‐mechanics. Third, the mentioned explicit connections are applied to investigate, understand, and derive micro‐mechanical conditions for peak strength, critical state, and residual strength. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A gradient-dependent viscoplastic constitutive model for water saturated clay is proposed to describe the strain localization phenomena and pattern formation during deformation. Second- and fourth-order gradients of volumetric viscoplastic strain are introduced into the constitutive equations to account for the non-local effects due to the motion of microstructures. A linear perturbation analysis is applied to this model. The instability of the government equations (i.e. the constitutive equations and the equations of motion for the clay skeleton and pore water) is discussed for both the one-dimensional and the two-dimensional situations. In addition, issues concerned with the formulation of boundary value problems by finite element analysis in relation to the formulation and the boundary conditions are presented. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

边坡稳定临界破坏状态的动力学评判方法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
针对目前用有限单元法分析边坡稳定时,对临界状态判别存在的一些问题和不足,提出了边坡稳定临界破坏状态的动力学评判方法。该方法以加速度是否为零作为边坡是否稳定的判据,同静力方法相比,具有物理意义明确,计算易收敛等优点。在分析滑动本质的基础上,提出通过搜索剪应变最大的点以确定临界滑裂面的方法。算例证明了临界状态动力学评判方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

均质黏土中圆形平板锚的抗拉承载力分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王栋  胡玉霞  宋振河 《岩土力学》2007,28(6):1242-1246
基于网格重新生成和场变量映射的大变形有限元模型,探索了立即脱离和无脱离两种典型条件下均质黏土中圆形平板锚的抗拉承载力。与小变形有限元比较,大变形分析克服了锚周围土体初始网格畸变的不利影响,能够追踪平板锚整个拔出过程中抗拉力的变化。通过具体算例,考察平板锚表面摩擦性质和上覆土重等因素对立即脱离工况承载力的影响程度,指出有重土中深锚的承载力小于无重土中对应的承载力与上覆土重之和,其上限是无脱离条件下的承载力。计算结果表明:土重对无脱离条件下的承载力影响很小,进而给出了无脱离承载力系数与初始埋深的关系曲线。  相似文献   

考虑流变性状的软土地基固结有限元分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
汤斌  陈晓平  张伟 《岩土力学》2004,25(4):583-585
对具有流变性状的软土地基固结特性进行了研究,编制了相应的有限元程序。利用该程序对某高速公路软土地基固结问题进行了计算和分析。通过计算结果与实测结果的对比可得到以下结论:在软土地基的固结变形计算中,考虑流变性状的影响是必要的,其计算值与实测值比较吻合。  相似文献   

基于接触价键的颗粒材料微观临界状态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张洪武  秦建敏 《岩土力学》2008,29(4):865-870
用颗粒离散元法,分别对二维圆形、椭圆形颗粒体进行了双轴压缩数值模拟。微观尺度的变形是基于孔隙胞元和其中的变形来计算的,而单个孔隙胞元的变形通过周围颗粒的相对运动来计算。针对该方法提出了以接触价键(每个孔隙胞元的边数)来表征颗粒材料微观临界状态的理论。为了定义临界接触价键的极限值,分别讨论了摩擦系数较大、较小时的两种情况。文中给出了微观几何织构(包括接触价键、孔隙胞元的形状、孔隙比)随压缩变形的演变过程,比较了不同颗粒形状、颗粒间摩擦系数以及颗粒体的固结压力对颗粒体的微观力学性能的影响。计算结果表明,颗粒材料的微观临界状态并不是可以唯一表征的,而是受围压、摩擦系数,颗粒形状等参数的共同影响。  相似文献   

肖武权 《中国岩溶》2016,35(2):197-201
在岩溶土洞发育地区进行工程建设时需要确定土洞是否会发展成地面塌陷和对工程结构物稳定性有影响,分析表明土洞临界深度可作为评价土洞稳定和加固深度的依据。本文采用有限元分析方法,以土洞塑性区贯通至地面或路基表面作为土洞发展成地面塌陷和临界深度的标准。研究表明,土洞的临界深度与土洞形状、土洞尺寸、位置和路基填土厚度有关;土洞断面形状为圆形时临界深度最小,土洞尺寸越大,路基填土越厚,相应土洞临界深度越大。  相似文献   

刘增利  张小鹏  李洪升 《岩土力学》2007,28(12):2657-2660
采用沈阳原位冻结黏土制备了冻土单轴压缩试样,进行了冻结黏土的单轴压缩试验,获得了冻结黏土单轴压缩载荷-位移关系曲线,并对原位冻结黏土的破坏特征进行了研究。试验表明,原位冻结黏土在给定温度(-15℃)和加载速率范围(2.5×10-2~1.0×10-5 mm/s)下,开始均具有一定的线弹性压缩过程,随后产生微裂纹,而冻土也进入塑性硬化阶段,随着裂纹的扩展与贯通,最终达到剪切破坏。原位冻土的破坏形型表明,由于其固有的结构性,使之与重塑土的单轴压缩破坏特征具有明显的不同。  相似文献   

循环荷载下路基红黏土临界应力水平分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据设计改装的循环动单轴压缩试验,研究不同含水率、不同轴向应力水平、不同循环加载次数、不同应力加载路径条件下路基土的塑性力学行为,并结合shakedown概念,界定了循环动荷载作用下红黏土的安定界限(shakedown limit)和临界应力水平,系统地分析了影响循环动荷载作用下路基土力学行为的因素和永久变形的发展趋势,以及路基土在循环载荷作用下的力学行为发展规律。通过试验结果的分析,把红黏土的塑性变形分为稳定、破坏和临界3个阶段,并按3个阶段划分出可接受状态和不可接受状态,由此确定路基红黏土在循环荷载作用下的临界应力水平为41.8 %。  相似文献   

甄文战  孙德安  陈瑶瑶 《岩土力学》2011,32(9):2663-2668
就服从非关联流动法则软化型砂的临界状态本构模型,在不同应力路径下的分叉进行了理论和数值分析。理论分析表明:分叉现象强烈依赖于应力路径,即当平均应力p一定时,应力路径在洛德角在-25o~15o之间时,均会在应力-应变关系硬化阶段出现分叉现象,而其他应力路径下不会产生分叉。并且分叉时对应的应力比、主应变及剪切带倾角都随洛德角的增加而变化,其值是先增加而后减小。采用回映应力更新算法,编写了该本构模型材料子程序,借助有限元软件ABAQUS及材料子程序,通过数值计算方法预测到了分叉点所对应的应力状态,表明了分叉现象在数值计算中的存在性,并通过数值预测值和理论解的对比,两者结果基本一致。  相似文献   

针对非均质软黏土地基上复合加载模式下桶形基础的破坏包络面,运用大型有限元分析软件ABAQUS进行了三维非线性数值分析。通过比较系统的数值计算与分析,考察了软黏土非均质性对复合加载模式下桶形基础破坏包络面形状的作用及影响。结果表明:软黏土地基的不排水抗剪强度对于力矩为0的平面内,其应力归一化的破坏包络面影响不大,而在水平荷载与竖向荷载为0的平面内,其应力归一化的破坏包络面具有一定影响。通过与有关模型试验的对比分析,在一定程度上验证了有限元计算模型与数值分析结果的合理性。  相似文献   

刘洋  李爽 《岩土力学》2018,39(6):2237-248
基于离散单元法对不同密实度理想散粒体进行了双轴剪切试验的宏微观数值模拟,通过网格剖分将Voronoi多边形表征的loop单元作为散粒介质细观力学结构的基本单元,模拟了剪切过程中不同类型loop单元数量、几何形态和力学特征的演化过程,并重点分析了临界状态时散粒介质的细观力学结构特征。模拟结果显示,初始密实度不同的试样在向临界状态发展的过程中,高阶单元与低阶单元的发展规律完全不同,不同初始密实度试样中同阶loop单元的发展规律也不相同,但同阶loop单元的数量比例、几何形态、颗粒接触力及单元内滑动率最终均达到了各自的临界状态。从细观角度分析,散体介质的临界状态是高阶和低阶loop单元在荷载作用下相互转化的结果,是所有loop单元物理力学状态的综合平均与外在表现,临界状态时不同阶数的loop单元处于一个动态平衡状态,宏观上表现为常剪应力和常体积下剪切变形的不断发展。数值模拟结果也表明,loop细观结构单元包含了丰富的信息,其数量、几何形态、受力特征及接触稳定性的发展与散粒体的强度、剪胀以及临界状态的发展密切相关,可以将其作为散粒介质细观尺度的分析单元。  相似文献   

杜佐龙  黄茂松 《岩土力学》2013,34(2):455-461
经典的Prandtl 机构不能很好地反映支护结构入土深度的影响,也不能反映土体强度非均质和各向异性的影响。根据塑性极限分析上限定理,基于修正的Prandtl机构,推导了既可以合理反映支护结构入土深度影响,又可以反映土体强度非均质和各向异性特性的基坑抗隆起稳定的上限解公式,同时基于商业化程序的二次开发,建立了可以考虑土体强度非均质和各向异性影响的强度折减弹塑性有限元方法。通过提出的修正Prandtl机构上限解与强度折减有限元方法以及多块体上限解的对比,验证了修正机构上限解以及强度折减有限元法的合理性和可行性,最后讨论了非均质系数、各向异性系数、支护机构入土深度等因素对基坑抗隆起稳定性的影响,并通过了实例的验证,相关结论可供工程参考。  相似文献   

A new perspective on the numerical simulation of cone penetration in sand is presented, based on an enhanced critical state model implemented in an explicit-integration finite element code. Its main advantage, compared to similar studies employing simpler soil models, is that sand compressibility can be described with a single set of model parameters, irrespective of the stress level and the sand relative density. Calibration is based on back-analysis of published centrifuge experiments, while results of the methodology are also compared against independent tests. Additional analyses are performed to investigate sand state effects on cone penetration resistance, in comparison with empirical expressions from the literature.  相似文献   

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