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136 earthquakes,taking place in the west of Xietan area,recorded by portable stations deployed in the Three Georges reservoir area were relocated using the double difference algorithm.The relocations show that the root-mean-square deviations of the relocations in the directions of E-W,N-S and U-D are 0.38km,0.33km and 0.98km,respectively.The earthquakes in clasolite area with focal depths of about 4km~5km take on linear distributions from the shallow to deep parts.These earthquakes were deduced to be reservoir-induced earthquakes of fault fracture type.In contrast,the earthquakes in limestone pavement with the focal depths about 2km~3km take on slightly divergent distributions and have the characteristics of reservoir-induced earthquakes of the karst collapse type. 相似文献
本文采用基于波形互相关算法的双差定位方法对三峡水库地震进行精定位和地震活动性分析。首先使用双谱互相关方法分析了三峡库区加密台网于2009年3月至2010年12月观测到的地震波形数据,并对波形互相关分析的结果进行了评价。基于结合获得的波形互相关数据使用双差定位方法对地震事件进行精定位研究,结果表明使用双谱法验证的波形互相关数据的定位精度要高于其他数据的结果,其东西向震源位置平均误差为3.2m、南北向为3.9m、垂直向为6.2m。重定位震中结果显示巴东神龙溪两岸微震分布明显呈现出3条近东西向的线性条带状,与地表小规模断裂和碳酸盐岩地层走向一致,揭示了库水主要沿着溶洞或者地下暗河渗透进而诱发地震活动,较强地震可能是微小地震贯穿活动面的结果。 相似文献
This paper summarizes the latest developments, future prospects, and proposed countermeasures of reservoir sedimentation and channel scour downstream of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) on the Yangtze River in China. Three key results have been found.(1) The incoming sediment load to the TGR has been significantly lower than expected.(2) The accumulated volume of sediment deposition in the TGR is smaller than expected because the overall sediment delivery ratio is relatively low, and the deposition in the near-dam area of the TGR is still developing.(3) River bed scour in the river reaches downstream of the Gezhouba Dam is still occurring and channel scour has extended to reaches as far downstream as the Hukou reach. Significantly, sedimentation of the TGR is less problematic than expected since the start of operation of the TGR on the one hand;on the other hand, the possible increases in sediment risks from dependence on upstream sediment control, deposition in the reservoir, and scour along middle Yangtze River should be paid more attention.(1) Sediment trapped by dams built along the upper Yangtze River and billion tons of loose materials on unstable slopes produced by the Wenchuan Earthquake could be new sediment sources for the upper Yangtze River. More seriously, possible release of this sediment into the upper Yangtze River due to new earthquakes or extreme climate events could overwhelm the river system, and produce catastrophic consequences.(2) Increasing sediment deposition in the TGR is harmful to the safety and efficiency of project operation and navigation.(3) The drastic scour along the middle Yangtze River has intensified the down-cutting of the riverbed and erosion of revetment, it has already led to increasing risk to flood control structures and ecological safety. It is suggested to continue the Field Observation Program, to initiate research programs and to focus on risks of sedimentation. 相似文献
In this paper,based on the collected data and earthquake field investigation,characteristics of the MS4.1 Hujiaping earthquake of November 22,2008 at Guizhou town in Zigui county,Hubei Province and the geological and hydrogeological conditions and seismicity background of the area are analyzed,and the earthquake disaster is presented. Some scientific issues relating to earthquake precursors and the cause of the earthquake is discussed. The authors consider that the earthquake is a tectonic type reservoir-induced earthquake,occurring along the Xiannvshan fault under the joint action of reservoir water loading and water infiltration,and that there were certain suspected anomalies appearing in the gravity field before the earthquake. The cause of the earthquake may also be related to the effect of the Wenchuan earthquake on the local stress field. 相似文献
三峡水库童庄河浮游植物及其与水质的关系 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
通过对三峡水库支流童庄河库区的浮游植物进行调查,共检出浮游植物132种,其中蓝藻门23种,隐藻门2种,甲藻门3种,硅藻门55种,裸藻门3种,绿藻门46种.其中硅藻门的种类居首位,甲藻和隐藻则在数量上占优势.主要优势种为飞燕角甲藻(Ceratium hirundinella)和隐藻一种(Cryptomonas sp.).浮游植物的种类和数量随季节和水域不同而呈现差异.应用水质理化指标、污染指示种和污染指示群落评价童庄河水质,显示其水质为Ⅴ类,为β-中污型水体. 相似文献
三峡水库运行后长江中游洪、枯水位变化特征 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
流域大型水库蓄水后,坝下游河道调整过程中的洪、枯水位变化,对下游水安全、水生态和水资源利用影响甚大.利用1955-2012年长江中游各水文站水位、流量等资料,采用改进的时间序列分析方法,对三峡水库运行前后长江中游洪、枯水位变化特征进行了研究,结果表明:三峡水库蓄水前长江中游洪、枯水位变化的周期长度分别为9~14、11~15 a,在假设三峡水库运行后水位无趋势性变化的前提下,估算得到的水位变化周期长度基本在20 a以上,蓄水前的自然周期性已被打破,枯水位发生趋势性下降且无复归迹象,而洪水位波动周期虽有所延长,但上升幅度未超过历史波动变幅,仅可确定洪水位没有明显的下降趋势.三峡水库蓄水后坝下游长距离冲刷,枯水河槽冲刷量占平滩河槽的比例逐年增加,累计至2013年已达91.5%,是枯水位下降的主控因素.河槽冲刷导致的床沙粗化增加了河道床面阻力,高程在平滩水位附近的滩体上覆盖的大量植被增加了水流流动阻力,同时大量航道整治、护岸、码头等工程主体部分布设在枯水位以上,综合因素作用使得洪水河槽阻力增加.三峡水库蓄水后,虽然枯水期流量补偿作用显著削弱了枯水位下降的效应,但枯水位下降事实已经形成,不利于航道水深的提高及通江湖泊枯水期的水量存蓄,洪水位未明显下降,同级流量下的江湖槽蓄量不会明显调整. 相似文献
In this paper, we use the double difference location method based on waveform cross-correlation algorithm for precise positioning of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) earthquakes and analysis of seismic activity. First, we use the bi-spectrum cross-correlation method to analyze the seismic waveform data of TGR encrypted networks from March, 2009 to December, 2010, and evaluate the quality of waveform cross-correlation analysis. Combined with the waveform cross-correlation of data obtained, we use the double difference method to relocate the earthquake position. The results show that location precision using bi-spectrum verified waveform cross-correlation data is higher than that by using other types of data, and the mean 2 sig-error in EW, NS and UD are 3.2m, 3.9m and 6.2m, respectively. For the relocation of the Three Gorges Reservoir earthquakes, the results show that the micro-earthquakes along the Shenlongxi river in the Badong reservoir area obviously show the characteristics of three linear zones with nearly east-west direction, which is in accordance with the small faults and carbonate strata line of the neo-tectonic period, revealing the reservoir water main along the underground rivers or caves permeated and induced seismic activity.The stronger earthquakes may have resulted from small earthquakes through the active layers. 相似文献
三峡水库长江干流及其支流枯水期浮游植物多样性与水质 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
2010年4月对长江干流和26条支流未淹没区与回水区的浮游植物进行调查.结果表明,硅藻、绿藻和蓝藻共占浮游植物种类的93.33%~93.88%.干流优势种类有1门1种、未淹没区有3门6种、回水区有5门6种,出现率分别为15.38%、9.23%和25.00%.回水区现存量平均值最高、未淹没区其次、干流最低.现存量组成在干流、未淹没区和回水区之间有差异,绿藻所占比例干流最高,硅藻所占比例未淹没区最高,隐藻、蓝藻和甲藻所占比例均在回水区最高.Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H’)和Pielou均匀性指数(J),未淹没区最高、干流次之、回水区最低.17条支流回水区H’和8条支流回水区J均低于未淹没区.水质评价显示,轻或无污染断面(采样点)的比例,干流为76.92%,未淹没区为84.62%,回水区为47.06%.19条(73.08%)支流回水区出现中污染或重污染,7条(26.92%)支流未淹没区出现中污染或重污染.三峡工程蓄水对回水区浮游植物与水质影响比长江干流更大. 相似文献
Lateral migration is an important form of morphological changes on the Middle Yangtze River (MYR), particularly for the lower Jingjiang reach. The Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) has substantially reduced sediment supply to the downstream river channels since its impoundment in June 2003. The scientific understanding of how decrease of sediment influences the processes of bank erosion and channel adjustments is complex and limited. In the present paper, the morphological responses in a typical meandering and island-braided river segment of the MYR to the filling of the TGR were investigated by a 3-D morphodynamic model. The potential of the 3-D model has been demonstrated by the observed data. The morphological evolutions in the Shishou bend during the first 12 years of the TGR impound-ment were predicted. The effects of the TGR operation on the planform evolutions in the study reach were analyzed based on the simulated results. Sediment load is decreased by 75%due to the early filling of the TGR. The magnitude of bed degradation with less sediment load due to the TGR operation is increased compared with the pre-dam situation. Qualitatively, the overall planform evolution trends in the Shishou bend after the TGR operation are similar to that without the TGR operation. The magnitude of lateral migration has been increased in some part of the channel bend, where the morphological response of the TGR operation exhibits more lateral migration rather than vertical degradation. Scouring at the bank toe enhances bank failure. Decrease of sediment load and weak bank anti-scour ability as well as the significant helical flow can be responsible for intensified bank erosion in the channel bend. 相似文献
三峡水库蓄水后对支流大宁河富营养化特征及水动力的影响 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
三峡水库蓄水后支流大宁河水华频发,为了揭示水库蓄水以来,大宁河富营养化变化趋势以及水华暴发期间水动力等环境因子的影响特征,自2005年长期跟踪监测大宁河的水质状况,并于2010年针对东坪坝库湾2次典型水华事件,初步探讨了水华暴发期间的主要影响因素.结果表明:2005年以来,大宁河水体处于中度营养状态,水质尚好,但低估了水华敏感期的富营养化状况.东坪坝3月水华暴发期间,叶绿素a浓度与流速呈显著负相关,与pH、DO也呈显著相关,表明在此次水华期间,流速对藻细胞的增殖或聚集产生直接或间接的影响,pH和DO是引起水华暴发的主要水质因子;5月水华暴发期间,叶绿素a浓度与流速呈显著负相关,与流量呈显著正相关,同时与pH、透明度(SD)呈显著相关,表明在这次水华期间,流速和流量都对藻细胞增殖或聚集产生直接或间接的影响,pH和SD成为水质敏感因子.3月和5月水华暴发时间分别处于水库高水位运行期和泄水期,这可能是导致水华影响因子不同的主要原因,但具体机理还有待于进一步研究.本文结果表明在三峡水库调度运行的不同阶段支流库湾水华暴发的机制不同,需要针对不同时段支流库湾水环境特征分别加以调查研究. 相似文献
利用1960-2016年长江流域183个气象站逐月气温和降水数据以及干流3个水文站逐月径流资料,采用标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)和标准化径流指数(SRI)分析三峡水库蓄水运行前后长江中下游宜昌、汉口和大通站水文干旱的多时间尺度演变以及对气象干旱的响应特征.结果表明:(1)三峡水库运行后下游各站冬春季旱情明显趋缓,而秋季干旱状况略有加重;水库蓄水后各站中旱和重旱发生频率均呈减少趋势,其中中旱减幅明显,而特旱发生频率则总体表现为增加趋势;(2)三峡水库蓄水后3个站平均干旱历时的变幅相对较小,而干旱烈度和烈度峰值的均值增幅较大;同时,各站短时间尺度(1和3个月)干旱特征变量的变幅总体呈现沿程递增趋势,而长时间尺度(6和12个月)干旱特征变量的变幅整体表现为沿程递减趋势;(3)水库蓄水后各站短时间尺度SRI与SPEI的相关性减小,但相关性随时间尺度增加而迅速增强,12个月时间尺度的相关系数达到最大并略高于蓄水前;在年内相关性上,蓄水后各站短时间尺度SRI与SPEI的相关系数明显减小,冬季表现尤为突出,而长时间尺度的相关系数则略有增加;(4)水库影响下不同时间尺度宜昌站水文干旱滞后于气象干旱平... 相似文献
结合微震活动的流体作用强度检测及孔隙压扩散模拟,讨论了三峡库区不同时期微震活动的主要影响因素。以2008年9月蓄水季为界划分前、后期,前期流体渗透导致的孔隙压力增加,使裂隙或断层面强度降低,是库区微震活动的主要影响因素,这一时期微震频次及ETAS模型参数μ值有起伏地缓慢增大,与库水位加卸载过程关系不明显; 后期由于流体渗透引起的孔隙压力变化趋于零,在新的流体平衡条件下,库水位加卸载过程所导致的裂隙或断层面上的应力变化,成为库区微震活动的主要影响因素,这一时期微震频次及μ值显示出与水位变化明显的关联特征。库区小震震源深度的时间变化支持上述观点。在此基础上,进一步讨论了水库“诱发”和水库“触发”地震的力学差异,认为前者主要缘于流体渗透导致的裂隙或断层面强度的“主动”降低,后者则主要与库水加卸载所导致的裂隙或断层面上应力增强有关。进一步推论认为,流体对小地震“诱发”、“触发”皆可能发生,但中强地震缘于流体“诱发”的可能性非常小,对水库区发生的中强地震,流体仅可能对处于临界状态的断层系统起到“触发”作用。 相似文献
由于自然和人为因素的影响,三峡水库鱼类资源一直在发生变化,为掌握三峡水库蓄水后典型支流香溪河鱼类群落的现状及历史变化,于2020年7月—2021年4月使用多网目复合刺网和地笼对香溪河鱼类群落进行实地采样,并结合历史数据进行比较分析。研究期间共采集到鱼类55种,隶属于7目14科,鲤科鱼类种类数最多,以杂食性鱼类和湖泊定居性鱼类为主,优势种为贝氏?(Hemiculter bleekeri)、短颌鲚(Coilia bratchygnahus)、似鳊(Pseudobrama simoni)和翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus),其相对重要性指数(IRI)分别为5502、3828、2567和1109。鱼类物种多样性指数在春季最高,夏季最低。刺网单位捕捞努力量渔获个体数和单位捕捞努力量渔获量在夏季最高,冬季最低。与三峡水库蓄水前相比,香溪河鱼类中长江上游特有鱼类减少4种,外来鱼类增加3种。湖泊定居性种类持续增加,喜流水性种类减少,鱼类优势种发生较大变动。2020—2021年香溪河鱼类组成与1987年的相似性指数为0.29,与2012—2013年的相似性指数为0.53,反映三峡水库蓄水前后香溪河... 相似文献
长江三峡地区地球物理异常带的地表地质特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过对长江三峡地区(巴东-宜昌段)野外地质调查获得的实际资料研究,认为沿长江北西西向地球物理异常带在地不存在着相应的断层破碎带及裂隙密集带。地下深处与地球物理异常带相对应的基底断裂已切穿中、新生代沉积盖层,在地不形成一组北西西向断裂带,现代地震活动与这组断裂带有密切的关系。 相似文献
水库近岸湿地(消落带)土壤N2O释放和反硝化作用是消落带氮的生物地球化学过程的重要组成部分.以三峡水库支流澎溪河高阳平湖库湾消落带为研究对象,于2013年落干初期,采用C2H2抑制-原状土柱培养法研究该处自然植被恢复区、农耕区和对照组等不同土地类型土壤的N2O释放速率和反硝化速率,并测定了土壤p H值、氧化还原电位、温度、有机质、总氮、铵态氮、硝态氮和土壤孔隙含水量等环境指标.结果表明,自然植被恢复区土壤N2O释放速率为9.88±6.49 g N/(hm2·d),反硝化速率为58.94±52.84 g N/(hm2·d);农耕区土壤N2O释放速率和反硝化速率分别为7.71±4.44和30.70±25.68 g N/(hm2·d).不同土地类型间N2O释放速率差异显著,落干初期土壤氧含量、含水量及氮含量对不同土地类型N2O释放和反硝化作用影响明显.土壤氧含量的升高促进了自然植被恢复区的N2O释放,并在一定程度上抑制了该区域反硝化作用.农耕区土壤含水量高于自然植被恢复区,可能致使N2O释放速率低于自然植被恢复区,而反硝化速率高于自然植被恢复区.消落带土壤氮含量降低同反硝化速率降低有一定联系. 相似文献
基于Matlab的三峡水库地震数据处理与分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文以Matlab为平台,编制了相应的程序代码,实现了SAC二进制数据读取、地震观测报告数据检验、频谱分析、地震数据的互相关计算和各种地震数据成图等项功能,并将它们运用于长江三峡水库地震加密台网数据的处理.结果表明,三峡库区地震都属于水库诱发地震,在仙女山断裂过江段、九湾溪断裂附近的地震属于断层因蓄水诱发的错动事件;巴东库区神龙溪两岸地震明显呈现出3条线性分布,这是由于水库蓄水后库水从神龙溪两岸等地下暗河渗入而诱发的地震;在长江三峡库区泄滩乡以西的两岸则存在着一些与蓄水相关的塌陷地震. 相似文献
三峡水库156m蓄水前后澎溪河回水区藻类多样性变化特征 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
为了解156 m蓄水前后三峡水库次级河流藻类多样性变化特征,对2007年7月至2008年1月澎溪河回水区的藻类种群结构的变化进行连续监测.基于三峡水库水位调度特点,将监测期划分为蓄水前、中、后三个时段,即7-9月、10月、11月至翌年1月,应用Shannon-Weaver多样性指数H’对藻类多样性进行评价,通过Connell中度扰动假说理论结合优势藻种探讨蓄水过程水动力变化及藻类多样性的变化特征.结果表明:2007年7-9月蓄水前H’均值为3.466±0.317,10月蓄水期则降为3.246±0.338,而11月蓄水后高水位阶段H’均值上升为3.431±0.352.蓄水前澎溪河回水区具有河流型特征,流量与降雨作为主要的物理扰动因子影响水体扰动强度,进而引起多样性变化.10月蓄水期间水位突升、流量骤降导致水体扰动强度加剧,较蓄水前藻类多样性下降.自11月蓄水后的高水位阶段,降雨较小、流量趋于稳定,水体扰动降低,多样性回升并维持在相对稳定的状态. 相似文献
三峡水库神农溪2008年夏季铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)水华暴发特性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对三峡水库一级支流神农溪2008年夏季蓝藻水华进行调查,结果表明神农溪蓝藻水华优势种是铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa),暴发水域面积约0.2 km2,持续时间约50 d.本次水华暴发与水体总磷浓度呈正相关,温度、降雨、光照和营养盐等对水华暴发具有重要影响.研究发现尽管神龙溪水域总体处于中-富营养状态,但局部水域由于水流缓慢、水体滞留时间长、营养稀释扩散速率小,在夏季出现富营养化状态,这是蓝藻水华暴发的根本原因.建议开展包括流域综合治理在内的环境整治,确保神农溪水体生态环境的稳定. 相似文献
Inorganic ions and nutrients were measured at different depths of the Xiangxi and Daninghe Rivers to explore the mixing processes of representative bays in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR). HCO3− and Ca2+ are the dominant ions. Carbonate weathering is the most important mechanism controlling the ion water chemistry; however, important differences exist between the main channel and its tributaries. Major ion levels in the TGR bays depend on hydrological mixing. Results show that the major ions of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Sr2+, SO42− and Cl− show chemically conservative behaviour during transit through the bays of the TGR. This means the ions can be used as tracers in the same way that salinity is used in estuaries to explore behaviour of other non‐conservative elements and to indicate specific source waters. In contrast, nutrients are not conserved in the mixing zone. The mixing of the main channel and tributaries and biological utilization in backwater reaches were the key factor controlling nutrient distributions in Xiangxi and Daninghe Bays. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献