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本文介绍了利用美国喷气推进实验室(JPL)的星历磁带DE303,在计算机内存在中创建DE303/LE303星历表和月球天平动LLB303文件的过程,并应用这一最新历表处理了1987年10月至1990年12月的全球4个测月站的观测资料,求得了UT0-UTC序列SHA90M01。同时,对不同历表解逄的UT0-UTC结果也作了比较,计算结果表明,采用DE303/LE303星历表LLB303天平动历表照片得到的UT0-UTC序列的外部精度略好于用DE200/LE200星历表及LLB200天平动历表归算所得结果序列的外部精度。 相似文献
激光时间传递技术的进展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
激光时间传递技术是通过激光脉冲在空间的传播来实现地面与卫星时钟或地球上远距离两地时钟的同步,它具有很高的准确度和稳定度。一些国家已经成功进行了激光时间传递的试验,结果证明利用激光进行时钟之间的同步是有效可行的。介绍国内外已有的激光时间传递试验的情况和结果,重点介绍美国地面与机载原子钟之间的激光时间比对,以及法国的LASSO(LAser Synchronization from Stationary Orbit)和T2L2(Time Transfer by Laser Link)计划。 相似文献
小型激光天文动力学空间计划概念 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
倪维斗 朱进 武向平 褚桂柏 杨彬 高健 关敏 汤健仁 周翊 张中豪 黄天衣 曲钦岳 易照华 李广宇 陶金河 吴岸明 罗俊 叶贤基 周泽兵 熊耀恒 毕少兰 须重明 吴雪君 唐孟希 包芸 李芳昱 黄珹 杨福民 叶叔华 张书练 张元仲 聂玉昕 陈光 Joergen Christensen-Dalsgaard Hansjoerg Dittus Yasunori Fujii Claus Laemmerzahl Jean Francois Mangin Achim Peters Albrecht Ruediger Etienne Samain Stephan Schiller 《天文研究与技术》2002,(3):123-136
小型激光天文动力学空间计划是 :使用在太阳轨道上无拖曳航天器和地面站以激光干涉和脉冲测距的方法 ,精确地探讨天文动力学 ,检测相对论与时空基本定律 ,改进探测引力波的灵敏度以及更准确地测定太阳、行星和小行星的参数。 1 969年开始的月球激光 (反射 )测距 ,对地球物理、参考坐标的选定、相对论的检验均有重要的贡献。 3 0年来 ,激光技术的长足进步 ,使现在正是适合于开始进行研究空间有源 (主动 )测距和光波空间通讯的时候。激光天文动力学的兴起是必然的趋势 ,其精确度将比现在提高 3到 6个数量级 ,将是天文动力学革命性的发展。小型激光天文动力学空间计划可以起到带头作用。它的关键技术有三 ,即 :弱光锁相、极精确无拖曳航天和高衰减日冕仪。弱光锁相已有长足的进步。对高衰减日冕仪的研究 ,也有了初步的方案。LISA空间计划将于 2 0 0 6年 8月发射SMART -2 ,研究测试极精确无拖曳航天。小型激光天文动力学空间计划的关键技术已日趋成熟。在第一届国际激光天文动力学研讨会 ( 2 0 0 1 ,9.1 3 -2 3 )中介绍了各相关学科背景及前沿研究 ,讨论了激光天文动力学空间计划科学目标及相关技术 ,并召开了两次小型激光天文动力学空间计划预研究筹备会 ,建立了和欧洲的合作关系。会后着手进行此项对基础 相似文献
近年来激光物理与应用的进展促成了激光天文动力学空间任务概念的提出。在激光天文动力学任务概念研究方面 ,必须对由远程航天器上传回的激光进行讯号的测量与处理。激光经过长距离的传输后 ,功率大幅下降 ,因此在空间任务概念的考虑上 ,弱光锁相是计划中关键性的技术。由航天器射来的激光 ,经过望远镜聚光后与本地激光进行锁相 ,由本地激光承载及传达太空激光的相位信息。实验中 ,我们使用 2支半导体激光泵浦非平面环形共振腔钇镏石激光 (Diodelaserpumpednon -planarringcavityNd :YAGlaser) ,分别代表远程的弱光及代表本地的强光 ,建立弱光锁相环路系统 (weak -lightphase -lockedloopsystem)。以中性光强度滤光器 (ND -filter;neutraldensityfilter)减弱光讯号来仿真远程激光传来的弱光。在相位探测部分使用均衡探测法 ,消除激光强度噪声 ,以提高讯噪比。同时配合适当的环路滤波器 ,控制激光频率 ,提高锁相的能力。对 2nW的弱光与 2mW的强光可长时间锁相 ,其均方根相位误差为 57mrad。 2 0 0pW的弱光与 2 0 0 μW的强光锁相时间可达 2h以上 ,其相位误差为 2 0 0mrad。 2 0pW的弱光与 2 0 0 μW的强光锁相时间亦可达 2h以上 ,其相位误差为 1 60mrad。最后 ,我们对 2pW的弱光与 2 0 0 μW的强光锁相 , 相似文献
小型激光天文动力学空间计划概念 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
小型激光天文动力学空间计划是:使用在太阳轨道上天拖曳航天器和地面站以激光干涉和脉冲测距的方法,精确地探讨天文动力学,检测相对论与时空基本定律,改进探测引力波的灵敏度以及更准确地测定太阳,行星和小行星的参数。1969年开始的月球激光(反射)测距,对地球物理,参考坐标的选定,相对论的检验均有重要的贡献。30年来,激光技术的长足进步,使现在正是适合于开始进行研究空间有源(主动)测距和光波空间通讯的时候。激光正是适合于开始进行研究空间有源(主动)测跑和光波空间通讯的时候。激光天文动力学的兴起是必然的趋势,其精确度将比现在提高3到6个数量级,将是天文动力学革命性的发展。小型激光天文动力学空间计划可以起到带头作用。它的关键技术有三,即:弱光锁相,极精确无拖曳航天和高衰减日冕仪。弱光锁相已有长足的进步。对高衰减日冕仪的研究,也有初步的方案。LISA空间计划将于2006年8月发射SMART-2,研究测试极精确地拖曳航天。小型激光天文动力学空间计划的关键技术已日趋成熟。在第一届国际激光天文动力学研讨会(2001,9.13-23)中介绍了各相关学科背景及前沿研究,讨论了激光天文动力学空间计划科学目标及相关技术,并召开了两次小型激光天文动力学空间计划预研究筹备会,建立了和欧洲的合作关系。会后着手进行此项对基础物理,太阳系探索及引力波天文学有重要科学价值的空间计划预研究。 相似文献
近年来激光物理与应用的进展促成了激光天文动力学空间任务概念的提出。在激光天文动力学任务概念研究方面,必须对由远程航天器上传回的激光进行讯号的测量与处理。激光经过长距离的传输后,功率大幅下降,因此在空间任务概念的考虑上,弱光锁相是计划中关键性的技术。由航天器射来的激光,经过望远镜聚光后与本地激光进行锁相,由本地激光承载及传达太空激光的相位信息。实验中,我们使用2支半导体激光泵浦非平均环形共振腔钇馏石激光(Diode laser pumped non-planar ring cavity Nd:YAG laser),分别代表远程的弱及光代表本地的强光,建立弱光锁相环路系统(weak-light phase-locked loop system)。以中性光强度滤光器(ND-filter;neutrel density filter)减弱光讯叫来仿真远程激光传来的弱光。在相位探测部分使用均衡探测法,消除激光强度噪声,以提高讯噪比。同时配合适当的环路滤波器,控制激光频率,提高锁相的能力。对2nW的弱光与2mW的强光可长时间锁相,其均方根相位误差为57mrad。 200Pw的弱光与200μW的强光锁相时间可达2h以上,其相位误差为200mrad。20pW弱光与200μW的强光锁相时间亦可达2h以上,其相位误差为160mrad。最后,我们对2pW的弱光与200μW的强光锁相,锁相后的相位误差为290mrad,锁相时间可维持一分半钟。 相似文献
From the analysis of all available radiometric measurements of distances between the Earth and the major planets (including
observations of martian landers and orbiters over 1971–2003 with the errors of few meters) the positive secular trend in the
Astronomical Unit AU is estimated as
. The given uncertainty is the 10 times enlarged formal error of the least-squares estimate and so accounts for possible
systematic errors of measurements and deficiencies of the mathematical model. The reliability of this estimate as well as
its physical meaning are discussed. A priori most plausible attribution of this effect to the cosmological expansion of the
Universe turns out inadequate. A model of the observables developed in the frame of the relativistic background metric of
the uniform isotropic Universe shows that the corresponding dynamical perturbations in the major planet motions are completely
canceled out by the Einstein effect of dependence of the rate of the observer’s clock (that keeps the proper time) on the
gravitational field, though separately values of these two effects are quite large and attainable with the accuracy achieved.
Another tentative source of the secular rate of AU is the loss of the solar mass due to the solar wind and electromagnetic
radiation but it amounts in
only to 0.3 m/cy. Excluding other explanations that seem exotic (such as secular decrease of the gravitational constant)
at present there is no satisfactory explanation of the detected secular increase of AU, at least in the frame of the considered
uniform models of the Universe. 相似文献
O. Vaduvescu A. Tudorica M. Birlan R. Toma M. Badea D. Dumitru C. Opriseanu D. Vidican 《Astronomische Nachrichten》2011,332(6):580-589
The Canada‐France‐Hawaii Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) comprising about 25 000 MegaCam images was data mined to search for serendipitous encounters of known Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) and Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs). A total of 143 asteroids (109 NEAs and 34 PHAs) were found on 508 candidate images which were field corrected and measured carefully, and their astrometry was reported to Minor Planet Centre. Both recoveries and precoveries (apparitions before discovery) were reported, including data for 27 precovered asteroids (20 NEAs and 7 PHAs) and 116 recovered asteroids (89 NEAs and 27 PHAs). Our data prolonged arcs for 41 orbits at first or last opposition, refined 35 orbits by fitting data taken at one new opposition, recovered 6 NEAs at their second opposition and allowed us to ameliorate most orbits and their Minimal Orbital Intersection Distance (MOID), an important parameter to monitor for potential Earth impact hazard in the future (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
O. Vaduvescu L. Curelaru M. Birlan G. Bocsa L. Serbanescu A. Tudorica J. Berthier 《Astronomische Nachrichten》2009,330(7):698-707
Besides new observations, mining old photographic plates and CCD image archives represents an opportunity to recover and secure newly discovered asteroids, also to improve the orbits of Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs), Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) and Virtual Impactors (VIs). These are the main research aims of the EURONEAR network. As stated by the IAU, the vast collection of image archives stored worldwide is still insufficiently explored, and could be mined for known NEAs and other asteroids appearing occasionally in their fields. This data mining could be eased using a server to search and classify findings based on the asteroid class and the discovery date as “precoveries” or “recoveries”. We built PRECOVERY, a public facility which uses the Virtual Observatory SkyBoT webservice of IMCCE to search for all known Solar System objects in a given observation. To datamine an entire archive, PRECOVERY requires the observing log in a standard format and outputs a database listing the sorted encounters of NEAs, PHAs, numbered and un‐numbered asteroids classified as precoveries or recoveries based on the daily updated IAU MPC database. As a first application, we considered an archive including about 13 000 photographic plates exposed between 1930 and 2005 at the Astronomical Observatory in Bucharest, Romania. Firstly, we updated the database, homogenizing dates and pointings to a common format using the JD dating system and J2000 epoch. All the asteroids observed in planned mode were recovered, proving the accuracy of PRECOVERY. Despite the large field of the plates imaging mostly 2.27° × 2.27° fields, no NEA or PHA could be encountered occasionally in the archive due to the small aperture of the 0.38m refractor insufficiently to detect objects fainter than V ∼ 15. PRECOVERY can be applied to other archives, being intended as a public facility offered to the community by the EURONEAR project. This is the first of a series of papers aimed to improve orbits of PHAs and NEAs using precovered data derived from archives of images to be data mined in collaboration with students and amateurs. In the next paper we will search the CFHT Legacy Survey, while data mining of other archives is planned for the near future (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
傅燕宁 《紫金山天文台台刊》2000,19(2):127-133
本文介绍一种由J.Laskar提出的、可以精确还原拟周期函数的主要拟周期项的频率分析方法,进而用该法给出一紧凑的月球物理天平动的近似拟周期表达,最后指出所介绍方法在研究具小耗散因素动力系统时的局限性并讨论有关对策。 相似文献
本文扼要介绍了PMOE行星历表研究当前的进展和工作 ,给出了PMOE2 0 0 2与DE40 5历表的比较。 相似文献
“干支回推法”是针对中国历史时期所特有的干支材料而设计的新天文年代学方法.以一组假设的材料为例,系统地给出了该方法的完整求解过程.指出该方法的优势在于准确高效,能有效地处理某些年代学难题.此外,除材料的公历日期外还能将当时的历法细节一同迭代解出. 相似文献
We report on the development of a fast crossed-dispersion spectrograph (CRAB) mounted at the Nasmyth focus of the 6-m telescope. The spectrograph is designed for visible and near-infrared (3800–10 500 Å) CCD observations with the spectral resolution R=4000. We give the basic parameters of the optical scheme and the parameters of the echelle frame. We determined the gain involved in putting the spectrograph into observational practice and discuss the possible range of spectroscopic problems for which the instrument is optimal. 相似文献
Lorenzo Iorio 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2007,376(4):1727-1730
In this paper, we directly constrain possible spatial variations of the Newtonian gravitational constant G over the range ≈ 0.01–5 au in various extrasolar multiplanet systems. Using the third Kepler law, we determine the quantity ΓXY = G X / G Y for each couple of planets X and Y located at different distances from their parent star; deviations of the measured values of Γ from unity would signal variations of G . The obtained results for η= 1 −Γ are found to be very compatible with zero within the experimental errors (η/δη≈ 0.2–0.3) . We make a comparison with an analogous test previously performed in our Solar system. 相似文献
考察明末邢云路所撰《古今律历考》中述及的日躔推步实例与先期恢复的《授时历》和《大统历》方法进行推步比对.采用邢云路改进的《授时历》法推步万历己亥岁(1599年)日躔交宫时间,结果与邢氏的标准偏差为5.93刻(=85.39 min),同时交宫夜半黄道宿度的偏差0.06古度(=0.059°);其中若扣除戌宫可能因数据错误产生的较大误差,则标准偏差将降为1.38刻(=19.87 min)和0.01古度(=0.0099°).其次,采用《大统历》计算该年日躔交宫,与邢云路计算的标准偏差为1.09刻(=15.70 min),交宫夜半黄道宿度的标准误差为0.05古度(=0.049°).据此可认为:基本恢复了邢氏的日躔推步方法;邢云路并未对《授时历》的日躔推步方法作本质上的改进,只是修改了其中的年长、周天分及宫界度.研究表明,邢氏所得《大统历》推交宫的结果与《授时历》偏差过大,原因在于其修改了《授时历》的参数,邢氏有厚《授时》薄《大统》之嫌. 相似文献