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Mean profiles of virtual potential temperature, specific humidity, and the wind velocity components are obtained from aircraft data taken during the NORPAX trans-equatorial shuttle over the Pacific Ocean. The resulting parameters are used to calculate the similarity functions A,B,C, and D. These agree well with similarity functions obtained for the tropical Atlantic Ocean using GATE data (Fitzjarrald and Garstang, 1981). The similarity function A for wind speed over the tropical oceans is in good agreement with values obtained over land at higher latitudes. The tropical temperature and humidity functions, C and D, are lower than those obtained at higher latitudes, becoming negative as h/(-L) → 0.  相似文献   

During the spring of 2005, the total particle concentrations and the submicron aerosol size distributions were measured on board the research vessel over the south sea of Korea and the Korean sector of the Yellow Sea. Similar measurements were made over the East China Sea in autumn 2005. The aerosol properties varied dynamically according to the meteorological conditions, the proximity to the land masses and the air mass back trajectories. The average total particle concentration was the lowest over the East China Sea, 4335 ± 2736 cm 3, but the instantaneous minimum, 837 cm 3, for the entire ship measurement was recorded during the Yellow Sea cruise. There was also a long (more than 6 h) stretch of low total particle concentrations that fell as low as 1025 cm 3 during the East China Sea cruise when the ship was the farthest from the shores and the air mass back trajectories resided long hours over the sea. These observations lead to the suggestion of ~ 1000 cm 3 as the background total particle concentration over the marine boundary layer in the studied region of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, implying significant anthropogenic influence even for the background value. In the mean time, average aerosol size distributions were unimodal and the mode diameter ranged between 52 and 86 nm, excluding the fog periods, which suggests that the aerosols measured in this study experienced relatively less aging processes within the marine boundary layer.  相似文献   

Particle number and mass concentrations were measured in Beijing during the winter and summer periods in 2003, together with some other parameters including black carbon (BC) and meteorological conditions. Particle mass concentrations exhibited low seasonality, and the ratio of PM2.5/PM10 in winter was higher than that in summer. Particle number size distribution (PSD) was characterized by four modes and exhibited low seasonality. BC was well correlated with the number and mass concentrations of accumulation and coarse particles, indicating these size particles are related to anthropogenic activities.Particle mass and number concentrations (except ultra-fine and nucleation particles) followed well the trends of 13C concentration for the majority of the day, indicating that most particles were associated with primary emissions. The diurnal number distributions of accumulation and coarse mode particles were characterized by two peaks.  相似文献   

The Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment (PASE) was a field mission that took place aboard the NCAR C-130 airborne laboratory over the equatorial Pacific Ocean near Christmas Island (Kirimati, Republic of Kiribati) during August?CSeptember, 2007. Eddy covariance measurements of the ozone fluxes at various altitudes above the ocean surface, along with simultaneous mapping of the horizontal gradients provided a unique opportunity to observe all of the dynamical components of the ozone budget in this remote marine environment. The results of six daytime and two sunrise flights indicate that vertical transport into the marine boundary layer from above and horizontal advection by the tradewinds are both important source terms, while photochemical destruction consisting of 82% photolysis (leading to OH production), 11% reaction with HO2, and 7% reaction with OH provides the main sink. The overall photochemical lifetime of ozone in the marine boundary layer was found to be 6.5 days. Ocean uptake of ozone was observed to be fairly slow (mean deposition velocity of 0.024?±?0.014 cm s?1) accounting for a diurnally averaged loss rate that was ??30% as large as the net photochemical destruction. From the measurement of deposition velocity an ozone reactivity of ??50 s?1 in seawater is inferred. Due to the unprecedented measurement accuracy of the dynamical budget terms, unobserved photochemistry was able to be deduced, leading to the conclusion that 3.9?±?3.0 ppt (parts per trillion by volume) of NO is present on average in the daytime tropical marine boundary layer, broadly consistent with several previous studies in similar environments. It is estimated, however, that each ppt of BrO hypothetically present would counter each ppt of NO above the requisite 3.9 ppt needed for budget closure. The long-term budget of ozone is further analyzed in the buffer layer, between the boundary layer and free troposphere, and used to derive an entrainment velocity across the trade wind inversion of 0.51 ± 0.38 cm s?1.  相似文献   

1949~1995年西太平洋热带气旋活动的气候学特征   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用 1 949~ 1 995年的西太平洋地区热带气旋的有关资料 ,对南海和西北太平洋地区热带气旋年生成个数 ,不同强度的热带气旋登陆次数以及热带气旋出现频数的空间分布进行了气候学分析。结果表明西太平洋地区热带气旋活动与 ENSO现象有一定的联系。  相似文献   

Observations of the tropical atmosphere are fundamental to the understanding of global changes in air quality, atmospheric oxidation capacity and climate, yet the tropics are under-populated with long-term measurements. The first three years (October 2006–September 2009) of meteorological, trace gas and particulate data from the global WMO/Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory Humberto Duarte Fonseca (CVAO; 16° 51′ N, 24° 52′ W) are presented, along with a characterisation of the origin and pathways of air masses arriving at the station using the NAME dispersion model and simulations of dust deposition using the COSMO-MUSCAT dust model. The observations show a strong influence from Saharan dust in winter with a maximum in super-micron aerosol and particulate iron and aluminium. The dust model results match the magnitude and daily variations of dust events, but in the region of the CVAO underestimate the measured aerosol optical thickness (AOT) because of contributions from other aerosol. The NAME model also captured the dust events, giving confidence in its ability to correctly identify air mass origins and pathways in this region. Dissolution experiments on collected dust samples showed a strong correlation between soluble Fe and Al and measured solubilities were lower at high atmospheric dust concentrations. Fine mode aerosol at the CVAO contains a significant fraction of non-sea salt components including dicarboxylic acids, methanesulfonic acid and aliphatic amines, all believed to be of oceanic origin. A marine influence is also apparent in the year-round presence of iodine and bromine monoxide (IO and BrO), with IO suggested to be confined mainly to the surface few hundred metres but BrO well mixed in the boundary layer. Enhanced CO2 and CH4 and depleted oxygen concentrations are markers for air-sea exchange over the nearby northwest African coastal upwelling area. Long-range transport results in generally higher levels of O3 and anthropogenic non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) in air originating from North America. Ozone/CO ratios were highest (up to 0.42) in relatively fresh European air masses. In air heavily influenced by Saharan dust the O3/CO ratio was as low as 0.13, possibly indicating O3 uptake to dust. Nitrogen oxides (NOx and NOy) show generally higher concentrations in winter when air mass origins are predominantly from Africa. High photochemical activity at the site is shown by maximum spring/summer concentrations of OH and HO2 of 9?×?106 molecule cm?3 and 6?×?108 molecule cm?3, respectively. After the primary photolysis source, the most important controls on the HOx budget in this region are IO and BrO chemistry, the abundance of HCHO, and uptake of HOx to aerosol.  相似文献   

The characteristics of a boundary layer depend both on conditions at the surface and in the interior of the medium. In the undisturbed tropics, the latter are largely determined by subsidence and by infrared radiational cooling. One-dimensional models are used to establish relationships between the inversion height, subsidence, upper-air humidity and sea-surface temperature. In particular, it is shown that a universally colder tropical ocean would probably be covered by more extensive clouds.Contribution No. 1700 Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami.  相似文献   

为深入认识当前人工影响天气作业中广泛使用的AgI焰剂的成冰特性, 利用电子显微镜对含AgI焰剂产生的人工冰核粒子尺度特征进行分析研究。利用环境场扫描电镜对焰剂颗粒的尺度分布和形态学特征进行研究, 利用场发射高分辨透射电镜纳米区域的X射线成分分析 (EDS) 对实验样品的颗粒结构特点和主要组成成分进行研究。实验结果表明:不同配方焰剂燃烧产生的颗粒谱分布特征有明显差异, 所取5种焰剂产生的颗粒平均谱分布, 其直径在0.02~0.50 μm之间的粒子数占98.96%, 即产生粒子绝大部分都可直接参加云内的成冰核化过程, 但其谱宽、峰值直径, 分布特征都不相同。透射电镜结果表明:焰剂颗粒的主要组成是KCl, 其表面附着AgI小颗粒, 该结构特征可能更有利于焰剂颗粒的成冰核化。利用中国气象科学研究院1 m3等温冷云室对AgI焰剂阈温对比实验表明:5种焰剂的成冰阈温在-3.5~-4.4 ℃范围内, 不同焰剂配方的阈温不同, 最大相差1 ℃。焰剂成冰核化速率主要由颗粒的大小 (均立方根直径) 决定, 同时受到谱宽、主峰位置等多种分布特征量影响, 改进配方时应综合考虑。同时, 由于高于-4.4 ℃时, 焰剂产生颗粒接触过冷水滴缺少活性, 即含AgI焰剂不适于云中较暖区的催化。  相似文献   

Our long-term study provides an unequivocal evidence for near-quantitative (80–100%) depletion of chloride from sea-salts in the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) of tropical Bay of Bengal. During the late NE-monsoon (Jan-Mar), continental outflow from south and south-east Asia dominate the wide-spread dispersal of pollutants over the Bay of Bengal. Among anthropogenic constituents, SO 4 2? (range: 0.6–35 μg m?3) is the most dominant. The non-sea-salt SO 4 2? (nss-SO 4 2? ) constitutes a major fraction (55–65%) of the aerosol water-soluble ionic composition (WSIC), whereas contribution of NO 3 ? is relatively minor. The magnitude of Cl-deficit (with respect to its sea-salt proportion) exhibits linear increase with the excess-nss-SO 4 2? (excess over NH 4 + ). We propose that displacement of HCl from sea-salt aerosols by H2SO4 is a dominant reaction mechanism for the chloride-depletion. These results also suggest that sea-salts could serve as a potential sink for anthropogenic SO2 in the downwind polluted marine environment. Furthermore, loss of hydrogen chloride, representing a large source of reactive chlorine, has implications to the oxidant chemistry in the MABL (oxidation of hydrocarbons and dimethyl sulphide).  相似文献   

利用包含详细微物理动力学机制的NAQPMS+APM(Nested Air Quality Prediction Modeling System with Advanced Particle Microphysics)模式,对北京城市大气2006年1月15日至2月13日期间的粒子数浓度谱分布进行了模拟,模式模拟结果合理,能够很好地再现北京城市大气细粒子的数浓度谱分布演变特征。分析表明,北京冬季大气新粒子形成事件频发,核化作用使核模态粒子数浓度急剧升高;污染累积时,积聚模态粒子数浓度显著增大,而核模态粒子数浓度很小,粒子谱分布向大粒子端移动;重污染期间,粒子微物理混合作用强烈,二次成分在一次粒子上的附着使一次粒子粒径显著增大,二次成分可使一次粒子粒径增大50%以上,积聚模态的二次粒子与一次粒子共同促进了污染的形成。在北京及其近周边区域,北京南部和河北南部一次粒子数量多,占据主导地位,而在河北北部二次粒子则占主导地位。  相似文献   

A one-dimensional numerical model of the planetary boundary layer was used to investigate thermal and kinetic energy budgets. The simulation experiments were based on two sets of data. The first set was based on a ‘typical’ June with climatological data extracted for the oceanic region slightly northeast of Barbados. The second set used data from the third phase of project BOMEX, for approximately the same area and time of year as the first set. Comparison with observations of three simulated elements (viz., sea surface temperature and wind and humidity at 6 m) which are important in determining the near-interface energy transports shows that:
  1. the model is capable of realistic simulations of both ‘typical’ conditions, and conditions for a specific four-day period;
  2. the model is capable of realistically simulating the differences between prevailing values of these parameters in the two cases (‘typical’ and specific four-day period).
The simulated interface fluxes are those of incoming and outgoing short- and long-wave radiation; transmitted radiation at -0.5 m in the ocean, sensible heat transfer into the ocean and air, and latent heat flux of evaporation. Comparison with observational analyses shows that the diurnal variations in net radiation and heat storage in the mixed layer are realistically simulated. The simulated values of evaporation are consistent with other estimates for both ‘typical’ conditions and specific conditions during this four-day period. The rate of heat storage varies between +51 and -37 percent of the diurnal maximum incoming radiation, and the evaporation varies between +16% and -13% of this term. The non-dimensional transfer coefficients (C D, CT, Cq) computed from the model show general agreement with the coefficients calculated from observations in the simulated region (Pondet al., 1971). The simulated vertical profiles of temperature are in general agreement with observed profiles, except in the uppermost portions of the atmospheric boundary layer where deviations of approximately 1.5C occur. Simulated vertical profiles of wind speed are generally consistent with observed profiles, with the largest deviations appearing to be of the order of 0.5 m s-1. Simulated vertical profiles of the eddy fluxes of sensible heat, water vapor, and momentum are generally consistent with Bunker's (1970) aircraft-based measurements of these quantities. The time averages of these simulated profiles show regular decreases with height, while simulated profiles for specific hours of the day show intermediate maxima and minima, which are also seen in the measured profiles. The vertically integrated kinetic energy budgets of the modelled atmospheric layer are presented through the four terms of the kinetic energy budget, viz., the upper and the lower boundary drags, dissipation, and potential-to-kinetic conversion. The dominant terms in the atmospheric energy budgets are the production and dissipation terms, with kinetic energy being exported both to the overlying atmospheric layer and to the underlying oceanic layer at rates of about 2 to 6% of the production, respectively. Comparisons between the climatological and BOMEX simulations are presented. The vertically integrated humidity budgets are presented for the two simulation experiments. Under ‘typical’ conditions, the humidity budget reveals an upper boundary flux of about +29% of the lower boundary flux with the vertically integrated advective flux being -59% of the lower flux. For the specific four-day simulation, the upper boundary flux and advection are about +28 and -70%, respectively, of the lower boundary flux.  相似文献   

Radon daughters are produced as free ions, but they become attached to aerosol particles at a rate depending on the particle concentration. In the lower marine boundary layer, most of those which do not become attached plate out on the ocean surface. In this paper a simple model is used to examine the influence of several parameters on radon/radon daughter disequilibria in maritime air. The model is compared with experimental data from Cape Grim.The radon daughter to radon ratio, f, decreases from 0.86 to 0.1 as the particle concentration falls from 1000 to 10 cm-3. Estimates of radon concentration at sea level, based on daughter measurements may therefore be in error by as much as a factor of 10 unless allowance is made for particle concentration. At 100 cm-3, the standard deviation of the distribution of measured f values is about 30%, indicating that the particle concentration is not the only factor influencing the loss of radon daughters. The implication is that radon daughters can be used to measure radon concentrations at sea level with an accuracy of about 30%, provided the particle concentration is known.The measurements show that there is a very low proportion of unattached daughers in the air between about 30 and 165 m above sea level. According to the model, this implies that mixing of air up to about 200 m is usually rapid enough to result in plate-out of radon daughters on the ocean on a time scale of less than 100 s.  相似文献   

A time and height dependent eddy diffusion model is used to investigate possible scenarios for the size distribution of dust in the lower atmosphere of Mars. The dust is assumed to either have been advected from a distant source or to have originated locally. In the former case, the atmosphere is assumed to initially contain dust particles with sizes following a modified gamma distribution. Larger particles are deposited relatively rapidly while small particles are well mixed up to the maximum height of the afternoon boundary layer and are deposited more slowly. In other cases, a parameterization of the dust source at the surface is proposed. Model results show that smaller particles are rapidly mixed within the Martian boundary layer, while larger particles (r > 10 μm) are concentrated near the ground with a stronger diurnal cycle. In all simulations we assume that the initial concentration or surface source depend on a modified gamma function distribution. For small particles (cross- sectional area weighted mean radius, reff = 1.6 μm) distributions retain essentially the same form, though with variations in the mean and variance of the area-weighted radius, and the gamma function can be used to represent the particle size distribution reasonably well at most heights within the boundary layer. In the case of a surface source of larger particles (mean radius 50 μm) the modified gamma function does not fit the resulting particle size distribution. All results are normalised by a scaling factor that can be adjusted to correspond to an optical depth for assumed particle optical scattering properties.  相似文献   

Mass size distribution of the crustal elements (Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Si, Ti), anthropogenic elements (Zn, Mn, Cr, Cu, K, P, Pb) and sea elements (Na, Cl) were obtained from measurements carried out with an inertial cascade impactor in Sfax. A fitting procedure by data inversion was applied to those data. This procedure yields accurate size distributions of aerosols in the diameter range 0.1–25 μm in two different sites. In a coastal industrial site, the mass distribution of the aerosol showed a bimodal structure; and in urban area, the lower particle mode cannot be observed. The elemental dry deposition flux was calculated as a function of particle size. The element flux size distribution increased rapidly with particle size. The modelling results indicate that the majority of the crustal and anthropogenic elements flux (>90%) was due to particles larger than 3 μm in diameter.  相似文献   

Until recently, pollution dispersion models have made predictions on the basis that the pollutant concentration is Gaussian. Such is not the case for convective conditions where the observed vertical velocity distribution is skewed towards the updraught portion of the distribution. One recent dispersion model assumes that the observed distribution can be synthesized by superimposing two Gaussians of appropriate means, variances and amplitudes.In the current paper, two techniques for deriving the constituent distributions are investigated. The first technique is based on conditionally sampling the vertical velocity time series and partitioning the vertical velocity samples into two sets — one set recorded when the sensor was experiencing an updraught and the other when the sensor was experiencing a downdraught. The second method consists of fitting two Gaussian distributions to the observed data and adjusting these using an iterative procedure until a specified tolerance is achieved.Both techniques give similar results which compare favourably with results obtained by other researchers. Assumptions, as well as advantages and disadvantages of each technique are also discussed.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper by one of the authors (Smith, 1968), a momentum integral method was developed to parameterize the gross constraint imposed by the surface boundary layer of a steady, axisymmetric, tropical cyclone on the meridional circulation within the vortex itself. Specifically, the method provides an effective means of estimating the radial variation of mean upflow/downflow induced by the boundary layer, compatible with a prescribed radial variation of azimuthal velocity just above the boundary layer,V gr. However, it relies on a judicious choice of vertical profiles of radial and azimuthal velocity components within the boundary layer. An especially suitable set of profiles is discussed herein; these are Ekman-like profiles in which turbulent mixing is characterized by a vertically constant eddy diffusivityK M , matched to a constant stress sublayer just above the sea surface. An attractive feature of the formulation is that a suitable value forK M as a function of radius, which is extremely difficult to extract from observational data, can be calculated when the state of the sea surface, described by a roughness lengthZ 0, is prescribed. Although observations ofZ 0 at high wind speeds are not yet available, the effect of radial variations in sea surface roughness can be assessed and it is shown that these affect the upflow to a significant degree.  相似文献   

The atmospheric concentration of peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN) was measured during a cruise of the R.S. Polarstern from Bremerhaven (Germany) to Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) in September/ October 1988. The measurements were made in-situ by a combination of electron capture gaschromatography with a cryogenic preconcentration step. The theoretical lower limit of detection (3) was 0.4 ppt. The mixing ratios of PAN varied by more than three orders of magnitude from 2000 ppt in the English Channel to less than 0.4 ppt south of the Azores (38° N). South of 35° N, PAN levels were below the detection limit, except at 30–31° S off the eastern coast of South America. Here, PAN mixing ratios of 10 to 100 ppt were detected in continentally influenced air masses. Detectable levels of PAN were mostly observed in air masses of continental or high northern origin. Changes in the wind directions were usually associated with substantial changes in the PAN mixing ratios.  相似文献   

Aerosol samples were collected in the Atlantic marine boundary layer between the English Channel and Antarctica during November–December 1999. The composition of coarse (aerodynamic diameter 1–3 μm) individual aerosol particles was studied using the SEM/EDX method. The major particle types observed were fresh sea salt, sea-salt particles reacted partly or totally with sulphuric acid or nitric acid, Mg-sulphate, Ca-sulphate, mixed aluminosilicates and sea salt, aluminosilicates, Ca-rich particles and Fe-rich particles. The relative fractions of sea-salt particles with moderate or strong Cl depletion were high near the coasts of Europe (65–74%) and Northern Africa (44–87%), low far from the coast of Western Africa (10–20%) and very low in remote sea areas between Africa and Antarctica (1%). The Cl depletion was strongest when air masses arrived from the direction of anthropogenic pollution sources. The fractions of Mg-sulphate particles were high (18–25%) in 2 samples near Europe. The Mg-sulphate particles were probably formed as a result of fractional recrystallization of sea-salt particles in which Cl was substituted by sulphate. It remained unclear whether these particles were formed in the atmosphere or during and after sampling. The relative fractions of particles from continental sources were quite low (10–15%) near Europe, very high (25–78%) near the coast of Northwestern Africa and very low in the remote sea areas (0–2%). Most of the continental particles were aluminosilicates and some of them were internally mixed with sea salt. Near the coast of Northwestern Africa, the main source of aluminosilicates was Saharan dust, and near the Gulf of Guinea, emissions from biomass burning were also mixed with aluminosilicates and sea salt.  相似文献   

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