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A new modified Kramers Kronig Integral is derived and shown to produce excellent results when k data is only known over a limited range. By considering the effect of resonance features simulated using the Dirac-Delta function, the new integral is shown to be more rapidly converging than both the conventional Kramers Kronig integral and a modified (Subtractive Kramers Kronig – SKK) integral introduced by Ahrenkiel (1971). The new integral does not require extensive extrapolation of reflectance data outside the measured region in order to produce reliable results. By extending the above procedure to include n data points, it is shown that at wavelength 0, \[ n(_0)=\sum_{i=1}^{\rm n}(-1)^{\rm n+1}\prod_{\stackrel{j=1}{j \not=i}}^{\rm n} \frac{(_j^2-_0^2)}{(_i^2- _j^2)}n(_i)+\frac{2}{\pi}P\int_{0}^{\infty}(-1)^{\rm n+1} \frac{\prod_{i=1}^{\rm n}(_i^2-_0^2)}{\prod_{i=0}^{\rm n}(^2-_i^2)} k()d \] with relative error given by, \[ R_n(_0)=\prod_{i=1}^{\rm n}\frac{_i^2- _0^2}{_^2-_i^2} . \] This nth order expression should prove useful in establishing the internal self-consistency of data sets for which both optical coefficients have been theoretically derived.  相似文献   

We present high angular resolution (1.2), narrow band (/=0.1) images of the nucleus of NGC253 at three wavelengths in the mid-IR (8.5, 10.0, and 12.5 m). We find that most of the mid-IR flux in the nucleus of NGC253 derives from a very small region 120 pc in diameter. Within this small region there are three spatially and spectrally distinct IR components: two bright compact sources, and a surrounding envelope of low level, diffuse emission. The mid-IR and 6cm radio are loosely correlated in position but not in brightness. The implication is that the mid-IR - radio correlation may begin to break down on small spatial scales relevant to individual star forming regions and large individual sources. These variations in the mid-IR spectra and in the radio-IR correlation imply that the nuclear emission is excited by more than one mechanism and source type.  相似文献   

A list of objects of the BIG (Byurakan-IRAS galaxies) sample is given: 89 galaxies identified with 55 point sources from the IRAS Point Source Catalog. The identifications were based on the Digital Sky Survey (DSS), the First Byurakan Survey, blue and red maps of the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, and infrared fluxes at wavelengths of 12, 25, 60, and 100 mm in the region of +61° +65° and 05h30m 18h 00m with an area of 340 deg2 (additional IR sources were identified). The optical coordinates of the identified galaxies, their departure from the IR coordinates, the V stellar magnitude, morphological type, angular size, and position angle were determined. The objects have optical magnitudes in the range of 12 m .5 - 21 m .5 and angular sizes in the range of 3 - 43. Finder charts for these objects from the DSS are given.  相似文献   

The tenth list of objects from the BIG (Byurakan-IRAS Galaxies) sample, containing 104 galaxies identified with 60 point sources from the IRAS PSC catalog, is introduced. The identifications have been made in the region +69°+73° and 09h50m15h20m with an area of 107 sq.deg. The identified objects include 13 Sy candidates, 5 compact star-formation galaxies, 11 interacting pairs (including 5 merger candidates) and 1 interacting triple system, 5 LSB galaxies, and 5 groups. 21 objects are also identified with radio sources. The optical coordinates, their deviations from the IR coordinates, V stellar magnitudes, morphological types, angular sizes of the central regions, and position angles have been determined. The identified galaxies are of Sa-Sc, SB, and Irr morphological types, the optical stellar magnitudes lie in the range 15m.0-21m.5, and the angular sizes of the central regions lie in the range 3-32. Finding charts from the DSS2 are included for these objects.  相似文献   

R. Muller 《Solar physics》1975,45(1):105-114
High resolution pictures (about 0.3) of photospheric faculae near the solar limb have been obtained with the Pic du Midi 50 cm refractor; their granular structure then clearly appears. The microphotometric study of these facular granules shows that the ratio of their intensity to the photospheric intensity, I f/I ph (cos) reaches a maximum near cos = 0.3 and then decreases towards the limb. The values of this ratio have been corrected with a most likely spread function. Then a temperature model of a facular granule is obtained: with respect to the neighbouring photosphere, this granule appears as a photospheric hot cloud which does not extend high in the solar atmosphere (thickness 100 km above 5000 = 1). The temperature excess is 750K at maximum. This hot region is located over a layer which is cooler than the normal photosphere at the same level. Another hot region might extend above the photospheric hot cloud, possibly up to the chromosphere. This photospheric facula model which is confined to the lower photosphere seems to indicate that this phenomenon is different from the photospheric network which is visible up to the lower chromosphere.  相似文献   

An expression is derived for the fluctuation (t) in emergent intensity (observed at some wavelength in a Fraunhofer line or the continuum) caused by a perturbation in temperature (z, t) in the Sun's atmosphere. If the contribution function for the observed intensity is single-peaked near z and if (z) and p(z) are not too rapidly varying, then (t) m (z , t)+N p(z , t) where m and N depend on the structure of the atmosphere. We compute M, N, and contribution functions for several values of and in the inner wings of the K line (13933 Caii).Presently on leave of absence from the Institute for Astronomy, Honolulu, Hawaii.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The results of the spectroscopic observation of 23 galaxies with a UV excess from Kazarian's lists are presented. The spectra were obtained on the 2.6-m telescope of Byurakan Observatory with a Byu FOSC-2 camera. Two grisms, red and green, were used in the observations. Emission lines are observed in the spectra of 21 of the galaxies.  相似文献   

The equivalent widths of the oxygen lines at 7774 and 8446 and of H (and some H) have been measured for 22 early-type, emission-line stars. A strong correlation between H and 8446 intensities has been found, although there is no such correlation between H and 7774. This confirms the probability that Bowen's mechanism is operative (the neutral oxygen 33 D state is overpopulated because the excitation energy of Ly- nearly coincides with that of theOi 1025 line). The possibility of using 8446 and H equivalent widths for a comparison of oxygen to hydrogen abundances in these stars is discussed.  相似文献   

u , . , .. (1.10), (1.2) ( (1.2)) . (1964) . (1.10), , , , (1.13). , , S iq ,R iglm ,K iqlm (1.10) . , . . , (1.3), (2.3); (2.8)–(2.10). , , , , z (2.20), .. , , (. (2.15)). (K e, 0 ) . S , ( (2.24)). (2.24a) S ±/4. , , (K e, o<0). L, — , , ; , . .  相似文献   

The ninth list of objects from the BIG (Byurakan-IRAS Galaxies) sample is presented; 87 galaxies are identified with 60 point sources from the IRAS PSC catalog in the region +69° +73° and 03h50m 09h50m with an area of 117 deg2. Most of the identified galaxies are compact with bright bulges and faint peripheries. The identified objects include 7 Sy candidates, 8 interacting pairs (of which one is a merger candidate), and 6 LSB galaxies. The optical coordinates and their deviations from the IR coordinates, the V magnitudes, morphological types, angular dimensions, and position angles are given. The identified galaxies are of morphological types Sa-Sc and have optical stellar magnitudes in the range 15.5m-21.5m with angular sizes in the range 3-26. Finding charts from DSS2 are provided for these objects.  相似文献   

Evolutionary tracks of 0.9M , 0.7M and 0.6M models for Population II stars have been computed in the post-red giant phase. The stars are initially composed of a helium core containing a mass fraction equal to 0.9 and of a hydrogen-rich envelope. They represent hypothetical remnants of stars after substantial mass loss in previous evolutionary phases or/and at the helium flash.u 0,9M , 0,7M 0,6M . , 90% , . , .Riassunto È stata calcolata per modelli di stelle di 0,9M , 0,7M e 0,6M di Popolazione II l'evoluzione successiva allo stadio di gigante rossa. Inizialmente i modelli constano di un nucleo di elio contenente il 90% della massa totale e di un inviluppo idrogenico. Essi possono interpretarsi come i resti di stelle che abbiano perso una frazione di massa considerevole in fasi evolutive precedenti, o all'innesco violento dell'elio al centro.  相似文献   

For the case of closed Friedmann models with the cosmological constant, an N - dependence is plotted, whereN is the conformal time of existence of the Universe, and is the ratio of the cosmological constant to its Einstein's value. The observational properties of the asymptotic model of the first kind (the so-called Al model) corresponding to the maximum of this dependence are analyzed. For the matter-dominated models, the maximum is achieved at the point = 1. Formulae for the calculation of the age of the Universe and for that of the photometric distance in the Al model are deduced. The observational properties of the A1 model are compared to the corresponding properties of the standard cosmological model ( = 0) which does not occupy any special distinguished position on the N - diagram. It is shown that from the standpoint of the modern observational cosmology these two models cannot be told one from another. However, the A1 model has better standing from the viewpoint of the strong wordings of the anthropic cosmological principle.  相似文献   

Explosions of quasars and young galaxies at large redshifts must cause propagation of blast waves in the metagalactic medium. The shock waves formed can, during the radiative cooling stage, produce dense cold spherical shells around the epicentres of explosions. But, even before that, at the stage of adiabatic expansion, each spherical shock-wave front, if it lies on one line-of-sight with a more distant quasar, can imprint into the quasar spectrum a specific absorption doublet with a distance between the components (in the rest frame) 0 3 Å. The L doublet components have a small but the same equivalent widthW 0 0.3 Å, the ratioW 0/0 weakly depending onW 0 ifW 0 is small. We demonstrate here that such absorption L doublets are really present among the L forest in the absorption spectra of distant quasars which are, according to Sargentet al. (1980), of mostly intervening (and not intrinsic) origin. Further accumulation of data on absorption doublets, which can serve as direct indicators of metagalactic shock-waves, may provide valuable information about the physical conditions in the metagalactic gas at large redshifts.  相似文献   

Quasi-steady high-temperature current sheets are an energy source during the main or hot phase of solar flares. Such sheets are shown to be stabilized with respect to the tearing instability by a small transverse component of magnetic field existing in the sheets.  相似文献   

Periodic orbits of stars in axisymmetrical nearly spherical stellar systems have been investigated. Generating orbits have been found among periodic ones relating to the spherically-symmetrical field. The linear approximation appears to be insufficient for constructing periodic trajectories. Possible variants of the generating periodic solutions have been found, which give rise to disturbed periodic orbits in the second approximation.
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An approximate metric is found which represents a sphere of matter embedded in a background of dust. The use of this metric in conjunction with the Friedmann equations gives values of for the three possible values ofk as +6×10–36 (k=+1), +3×10–35 (k=0), +10–36 (k=–1). These values depend on data regarding clusters of galaxies, and are probably accurate to within an order of magnitude given the correctness of the assumptions on which their derivation rests.  相似文献   

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The stability of the stationary motions of a spin-stabilized satellite is investigated using the Lyapunov second method. The nutating motion of the satellite is damped by a special-purpose device. In case the damping device consists of several independent dampers with one degree of freedom little affecting the satellite motion, their optimal parameters ensuring a maximal rate of damping the nutating motion of the satellite are determined with the hypothesis of resonance adjustmentsof the dampers. The Krylov-Bogolyubov method is used to investigate the influence of external moments on the motion of the satellite rotation axis.

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