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杨小川  张春 《江苏地质》2008,32(2):144-147
新沂市的矿产资源开发利用程度低,潜力大,矿山开采规模小、资源浪费严重,采矿毁坏土地和植被,破坏生态环境,对自然地貌景观破坏严重;采矿掘进面高差大,边坡陡立,埋下诱发山体崩塌、滑坡等地质灾害隐患,易造成人员伤亡事故;露采矿山地质环境整治滞后,绝大多数露采矿山地质环境没有得到有效整治。根据露采矿山开采中存在的问题,提出了包括管理措施、工程技术措施和经济政策措施等地质环境恢复治理措施。  相似文献   

露采矿山是江苏的主体矿山,占用并破坏大量的土地资源,资源禁采后,采矿宕口的复垦给土地资源紧缺的江苏带来了增量土地资源的广阔前景,尤其是城市规划区内,土地复垦的环境、社会和经济效益十分显著。在分析全省露采矿山占用与破坏土地资源不同特征的基础上,初步估算全省露采矿山可复垦的土地资源面积及可复垦土地资源类型,并对土地复垦产生的经济、环境和社会效益进行分析评估,为露采矿山环境治理奠定基础。  相似文献   

在简要介绍GIS技术的基础上,对传统平面图与三维模型进行了比较。结合实例介绍MAPGIS三维模型的建立及其在露采矿山环境管理信息系统中的应用,并对露采矿山生产、管理及决策上提供更加直观、有效的支持。  相似文献   

水志林 《江西地质》2001,15(3):181-183
江西富家坞矿区露采基建剥离工程于1991年底开始施工,6年以后,于1997年11月发生露采边坡大垮塌,导致即将竣工投产的“坑改露”工程彻底失败。本文研究分析了造成该矿区露采边坡垮塌的主要原因,针对露采边坡垮塌后的现状,提出了今后恢复生产的治理措施。对以后类似工程的设计及生产矿山有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

陕西凤县八卦庙金矿床特征及采矿方法探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过八卦庙金矿床地质特征的分析,结合矿山生产实际探讨了采矿方法,认为应实行坑采与露采相结合,可充分利用资源延长矿山寿命,生产安全也优于单一的坑采方法。  相似文献   

矿山环境调查评价与综合研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张进德  马军 《西北地质》2003,36(C00):168-171
本文简要介绍了我国矿山环境基本状况,分析了当前矿山环境工作面临的主要任务,指出了矿山环境存在的问题。提出了做好矿山地质环境调查、评价与综合研究工作的总体思路,主要阐述了矿山环境调查、评价与综合研究的工作重点.包括组织全国矿山地质环境调查与评估、开展矿山地质环境专题研究、矿山生态环境保护规划、矿山地质环境监测、矿山地质环境综合整治、矿产资源规划环境影响评价、开展国际合作与交流。  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济快速发展,余杭区用地特别是建设用地需求与用地指标之间矛盾突出,缺口较大,保障用地面临较大压力。另一方面,全区山区面积470余平方公里,占全区总面积的38.52%,由于历史原因,余杭区内存有数量众多的露采废弃矿山。截至2010年底,全区除正在开采的7家矿山外,还有260多家已关停的露采废弃矿山,且大多数未进行土地复垦或其它方式的开发利用,矿地综合利用率长期较低。同时,余杭区已全面实施"环境立区"战略,现有矿山实行"到期  相似文献   

辽宁省营口后仙峪硼矿山现状地质灾害有采空区地面塌陷、巷道坍塌、露采场边坡局部岩石崩塌。矿山脆弱的地质环境条件和高强度不科学的矿业开发活动是引发矿山地质灾害的主要因素。针对矿山的地质灾害特征提出了矿山生产过程中要加强边坡观测、剥离堆积场一定要先筑坝后堆放等9条防治对策。  相似文献   

张孝科  康政虹 《江苏地质》2007,31(3):293-297
禁止开山采石后,加强矿山环境恢复治理是促进资源合理开发利用与生态保护相协调的必然要求。结合南京市废弃露采矿山环境整治工作实践,在对该项工作现状进行充分调研的基础上,对矿山环境整治工作中存在的主要问题进行了分析,从政策层面和技术层面上对进一步做好废弃矿山环境整治工作进行了深入地思考和探索。  相似文献   

江苏省露采矿山环境保护(整治)模式及其适宜性评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过对江苏省露天开采矿山环境保护和停采矿山环境整治的不同模式的特点、形成环境、采取的手段及取得的社会效益和经济效益的分析。结合其适宜性的评价论证,提出江苏省不同地理环境、经济基础和区位条件下的矿山环境保护(整治)模式,尤其是禁采区内停采、闭坑矿山环境整治模式和整治规划建议。土地资源紧缺的苏、锡、常地区的停采宕口。应充分利用土地置换模式,筹集资金,采取资源二次开发模式,将停采宕口成为土地开发利用新的组成部分;风景区内的采矿山宕口,拟采取景观再造模式,在恢复景区环境的基础上增加新景;大型停采矿区必须全面规划、综合整治;在采矿山地区,应引导企业规模开采,集约化经营,建立矿产资源工业园,并引进全新的矿山环境保护理念(京阳模式),采取生态采矿法开采;砖瓦粘土矿应边开采边复垦,保护耕地,达到矿业开发与环境保护协调发展的目的。  相似文献   

以SPOT卫星数据为主要信息源,通过不同时相对比,对南京东部地区露天采矿活动进行了动态监测,详细查明了不同时间段露采矿山的空间展布特征,分析了矿山开采对景观、环境的影响,探讨其与社会经济发展、政府决策之间的内部联系。  相似文献   

根据济宁市露天矿山开发利用现状,以及矿山开采引发的环境地质问题,按照资源开发与环境保护相协调的原则,对其进行了现状评估,同时,结合济宁实际情况,针对新建矿山、生产矿山和闭坑矿山,提出相应的矿山地质环境保护与恢复治理措施。  相似文献   

Buckling failure occurs in the open pit mines in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In this study, this failure mechanism is evaluated through stress–strain analysis, using the finite element software named Phase2. Many representative hypothetical models of the slopes were created in order to reproduce the conditions in open pit mines, like their geometry and foliated joints with kinematic conditions for buckling failure. Elastic and plastic simulations have been done. Strength and deformability parameters, such as discontinuity stiffness and cohesion, as well as the in situ stress field, are analyzed in order to understand their influence in the buckling failure mechanism in the global open pit mine slopes excavated in phyllites. As studies about this problem are extremely rare, the present research brings important contributions to establish the basic conditions for this kind of failure.  相似文献   

介绍了露采矿山整治中山体坡面表面积的两种计算方法:剖面法和小三角锁法。剖面法是把宕口坡表面分割成无数个小梯形进行计算表面积的一种方法。小三角锁法是通过对宕口坡表面数字化测量,根据测量数据建立数字高程模型,并在表面建立小三角锁,对所有小三角的面积累加得到面积的一种方法。小三角锁法大大提高了计算的准确度和效率。  相似文献   

复合采动影响下边坡岩体变形机制的数值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在各类矿产资源的开采过程中,有许多矿区属地下与露天复合开采情况。依据采区的空间对应关系,两种采动影响域中的一部分相互重叠,致使其采动效应相互作用和相互叠加,从而组成一个复合动态系统,因此,边坡岩体变形机理更加复杂,与单一露天开采相比有较大的差异。然而,过去在处理此类问题时近似地按单一露天采动影响下的分析方法,结果与实际情况有一定差异。  相似文献   

矿山复合采动效应的时空属性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在各类矿产资源的开采过程中,有许多矿区属于地下与露天复合开采情况,依据采区的空间对应关系,两种采动影响域中的一部分相互重叠,致使其采动汀互作用和相互叠加,从而组成一个复合动态系统,本文在理论与实例分析的基础上,研究地下与露天复合采动体系中岩体的变形机理及其不同时序开挖间的影响特点的记忆关系与空间变化特征,并在此基础上总结出矿山复合开挖岩体变形特点与规律性。  相似文献   

 Within the next 10–15 years, over 35 mines in Nevada will have a lake in their open pit mines after dewatering and cessation of mining. Of the ten past or existing pit lakes at eight different gold mines for which temporal data are available, most had near neutral pH, yet most had at least one constituent (e.g., As, SO4, TDS) that exceeded drinking water standards for at least one sampling event. Most samples from pit lakes had TDS exceeding drinking water standards, but lower than that in the natural Pyramid (TDS≈5,500 mg/l) and Walker (TDS≈14,000 mg/l) Lakes. In the past century, salinity increased in both natural, terminal lakes, in part due to irrigation withdrawals and evapoconcentration. The salinity in the pit lakes may also increase through time via evapoconcentration. However, water balance models indicate that up to 132% (Walker Lake) of the total yearly inflow evaporates from the terminal lakes, whereas steady-state may be reached in the pit lakes modelled, where evaporative losses account for only ≈6% of the total pit lake volume annually and ≈100% of the net inflow (groundwater inflow minus outflow, precipitation and runoff into the lake). The effects of evapoconcentration are expected to be less significant at most pit lakes than at the natural, terminal lakes because (1) evaporation rates are lower at many pit lakes because they are located at higher elevations than the terminal lakes, and (2) the surface area to depth ratio of the pit lakes is >1000 times smaller than that of the terminal lakes. Received: 1 March 1999 · Accepted: 13 April 1999  相似文献   

Detailed geotechnical data is often a major unknown factor in open pit design and mining, the lack of which constitutes a significant risk in any mining venture. As geotechnical data is accumulated so the risk of unforeseen conditions reduces, and so safety and productivity can be increased. Previously, most geotechnical work undertaken at open pit mines has focused on the slopes. The work done at Sandsloot open pit situated on the northern limb of the Bushveld Complex, 250 km north east of Johannesburg, however, has involved using geotechnical data for production, as well as slope stability benefits. Solutions to production problems encountered in a rapidly developing open pit are best formulated once some geotechnical control at the pit has been attained. At Sandsloot open pit this was achieved by delineation of geotechnical design zones from a detailed face mapping and drilling programme. Optimum design parameters then were assigned to these zones and geotechnically related problems assessed. This allowed slope management programmes to be initiated, as well as slope optimization of the hangingwall. The latter resulted in an improved slope configuration and an increase in the ultimate angle of the wall by 7°. This resulted in substantial savings, as well as an improvement in safety. In addition, the zones can be used for planning, costing and pit scheduling. The methods have proved successful in optimizing blast fragmentation and thereby loading, crushing and milling rates; in reducing secondary blasting and improving floor conditions; and in reducing drilling, blasting and comminution costs.  相似文献   

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