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The aim of the study is to investigate the existing form and the partitioning pattern of fluoride in krill (Euphusia superba) by analysing the fluoride and other elements in various part of krill, primarily to approach the potential concentrating mechanism and the effect of fluoride in krill on the geochemical characteristics of fluoride in the Antarctic ecoenvironment. The results of the study show that the amount of flouride in various part of krill has a considerable difference. Most of fluoride is concentrated in the carapace, up to 4028μg/g, and the head and legs, respectively 2724μg/g and 2828μg/g. The muscle contains the least flouride with amount of 226μg/g. The amount of fluoride in whole freeze-dried krill is averagely 1232μg/g, which indicates that the functional position of fluoride in krill is mainly located at the crust. Only a few of fluoride is found in the chitin of the carapaces (200μg/g), which exhibits that fluoride in the carapaces exists mostly in the form of the nonchitious  相似文献   

Analysis and study of clastic and clay minerals of surface sediments and their chemical composition in the sea area northwest of the Antarctic Peninsula enable the authors to divide this area basically into four mineralogical provinces: (1) the mineral ogical province of coast and island shelf of the Southern Shetland Islands, (2) the mineral ogical province of the eastern Bransfield Strait, (3) the mineral ogical province of the western Bransfield Strait, and (4)the mineral ogical province of the western Antarctic Peninsula. Finally, the relationships between the mineral distribution and geologic, structure, material sources, glaciers, currents, and environments are briefly described.  相似文献   

Analyzing the information on benthic organisms and geochemistry, obtained from the Chinese First Expedition on Antarctic Ocean and its succeeded works and comparing with that of other oceans, this paper shows that in the circumstances of the researched area benthic organisms are rich. However, the prodsperity of the organisms is limited below 5-10 cm of the profiles in which the environment is mainly dominated by sulfate reducing reaction. On the condition of low temperature in Antarctic Ocean, the solubility of carbonates is higher than that of other latitudes of oceans, but the concentration of calcium in overlying water and pore water of the benthic environment is not higher than that in other oceans, which results in the difficulty for the crustaceas and mollusks to obtain sufficient calcium carbonate to form their solid shell as well as to bring about the lower ratios of these animals both in abundance and biomass in the researched ocean. Futhermore, there is a positive relationship between the dis  相似文献   

Fluorine content in bulk sediment and its pore water in Western Antarctic Ocean is 200~395μg/g and 1.18~1.92ug/ml respectively, far below the average reported previously in the world oceans (540 ug/g and 2.7t~g/ml, respectively). This study also shows that the distribution of fluorine in the sediments of the area is mainly controlled by the chemical composition of the material from the surrounding islands, and the element seems to be mostly incorporated in the hornblende, thus the correlation between the element and the hornblende amount in the sediments can be expressed statistically as following: F=217+ln Vh. The low concentration of fluorine in the pore water is largely due to the weak weathering process on the islands and the precipitation of the element with calcium. It can be indicated well by the lower value of anion-exchangeable (HCO_3~-) F- in the studied area, which is only about one tenth of that in Pacific Ocean and a quarter in South China sea and a half in the sea east of Zhejiang. In a  相似文献   

In this paper the characteristics of Sq variation of geomagnetic field in the region of the Chinese Great Wall Station (CGWS), Antarctica, in winter are analyzed from geomagnetic data obtained at the Geomagnetic Observatory of CGWS. The result enables us to reveal the following aspects: (1) The pattern of Sq variation at CGWS in early (Apr.) and Late winter (Sep.) is similar to that at Beijing Geomagnetic Observatory (BJO) at the middle latitude in the Northern Hemisphere. It may be controlled by the midlatitudinal ionospheric dynamo current. Amplitude of Sq variation is very small, and the harmonics in 8 hours or shorter periods in midwinter (June and July) is predominant because of the decreased effect of solar ultraviolet radiation and the dominant geomagnetic disturbance at high latitudes. (2) The vectors of Sq-equivalent current in the daytime are about five times more than that in the night. The direction of the vectors is clockwise in the daytime (08-15h) and counterclockwise in the night in earl  相似文献   

1.IntrodctionEnvirorun~lehassionsarebyproduCtsofeconoAncadivihes.ThelevelofedrissionsgenerallyincreasesastheleveIOfeconondcaCtivitiesincreases.AsameasureofpollutioninimsihescausedbyeconoAncaedvihes,aneAnssionfaCtorgenerallytakesthefOrmofarati0bforantOtalpollutantquantityandtotaleconohacaCtivity[l],orThenumerator,totalwaSteorpollthentqUantitymaybemeasuredinwegh,orvoIumeor,somedmes,nuybemulhpliedbyahealthriskfaCtor(tokicityindex)0fthepollutant.Thedenondnator,totaleconothecaCtivities,canbe…  相似文献   

I.IntroductionTlleYangtzeXiveroriginates0nthenorthernsideoftheTananlaMoulltail1ns0lltheQinghai-TibetPlateauinsouthwesternpartofQinghaiProvince,traversingacrosseightprovincesandanautonomousregionandfinallyPOuringintotheEastChinaSea.The638O-kilollleter-l0ngYallgtzeXivercoversadrainagearea0fl.8mi1lionkin'.0fthe53firstclasstributaries,26haveadrai1lageareaexceedinglO,OO0km2each.lnthevastdrainageareaoftheYangtzemver,tl1eeco-envir0nmentalconditi0nsdiffergreatlyfr0m0neregiontoan0ther.Topograp…  相似文献   

I.horoductionPleNorthwestPacificOceanisti1elnostfrequentlyaffeCtedareaoftropicalcyclone(TC).AboLIt36percentTCoftheworldoccurinffosarea[2],andthenumberofTCWhichlandedonChinawiti1n1akimumwindforcescalesoverlOisabout35percentofti1atintheeastemcoastalcoLUitriesofAsia[l].BothrainstormsandfloodsMide,theidriuenceofTCareheaVyinChina,suchastherainfalldePthof2749mm/3datXinliao,Taiwanandpeakdischargeof44,6oOm'/satHuanggo(55,42okn'),YalujiangRjver.Therefore,TCisanimportantfaCtorforflooddisas…  相似文献   

TheAnturCticisoneofthemostimpohantcoldsourcesonEarth,asabout24.5xlo'km'oficewhichtakes9opeamtoftotalicevolumeontheglobecoveronit.RotreaoradvanceOftheAntarcticIceSheetwillaffatfluCtuationofsealevel.ItiscalculatalthatiftheAntercticIceSheetlscomplotelymeltaw…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT According to repeated measurements at the fixed station, geomorphological in-vestigation, documentary records and recalls of the local residents, the Batura Glacier's terminus has undergone many changes during the- Quaternary and recent time.  相似文献   

通过对南极磷虾蜕壳前后甲壳和残壳中氟含量变化特征的分析 ,对南极磷虾富氟的原因进行了研究。结合其它资料 ,本文还对南极磷虾的富氟来源及机制进行了探讨。研究结果表明 ,南极磷虾蜕壳后的残壳对氟具有二次吸收的功能和作用 ,其对氟的富集存在着与生命活动无关的机理。氟的积聚不仅来自海水 ,且主要是以离子交换吸附的方式进行。  相似文献   

本文利用1984/85年我国首次南大洋考察带回的燐虾样品,采用氟试剂比色法,分析研究了南极大燐虾(Eunhausia Superba)的氟含量,结果表明:南极大燐虾含有很高的氟.虾壳含氟量最高,平均为4303mg/kgF;其次是头胸部,为1890mg/kaF;整体含氟量为1191mg/kgF;肌肉中最低,为370mg/kgF.雄性燐虾与雌性燐虾对氟的吸收和需求不同.冰冻贮存的大燐虾氟含量超出了美国食品药物管理局规定的二十多倍.新鲜脱壳虾肉氟含量只有60mg/kgF,是冰冻贮存燐虾肌肉氟含量的16%左右.富集氟是各种燐虾特有的生理功能,不仅南极燐虾有,其它海区的燐虾也有.  相似文献   

普里兹湾邻近海域大磷虾的种群结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文依据 1 989/ 1 990和 1 990 / 1 991南极夏季在普里兹湾邻近海域所获取的拖网样品 ,对大磷虾 (Euphausia superba Dana)的种群结构进行了分析。体长频数分布表明 ,种群中主要包括4个年龄组 ,即 1 + 、2 + 、3 + 、和 4+ 龄。 5 + 和 5龄以上的高龄组所含比重很小 (<3 %)。雌性临产个体 (3 DF)的体长频数分布表明 ,大磷虾的初次性成熟年龄为 3龄。生殖群体也以 3 +龄为主 ,4+龄次之。种群组成存在着明显的地区差异。普里兹湾以北海域是典型的双态分布 ,1 + 龄占有相当大比重 ;测区东西两侧以成体虾为主 ,极少有 1 + 龄虾。种群组成的年际变化也是明显的 ,特别表现在补充群体 (1 + 龄 )的强度上  相似文献   

本文根据1991/1992、1992/1993年度在普里兹湾外海调查的资料,进行了大磷虾水平、垂直分布的研究和资源现存量的估算。结果表明,63°~67°S、68°E沿线是大磷虾群分布较密集的海区,在调查海域内大磷虾群主要分布在70m以上的水层中。1991/1992,在150533.9km2调查海域内的大磷虾资源现存量为1.699×106t;1992/1993,在125740.7km2调查海域内的大磷虾资源现存量为4.043×106t。  相似文献   

南极磷虾渔业近况与趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
南极周边海域蕴藏着丰富的南极磷虾资源,其开发潜力受到世界各国的关注。为此,本研究基于南极海洋生物资源养护委员会(CCAMLR)统计数据分析了近几年南极磷虾渔业国家发展状况,并研究了南极磷虾渔业捕捞结构的变化特点。结果发现:(1)受捕捞技术及装备的限制,南极磷虾传统渔业国家——波兰、日本及乌克兰等正逐渐淡出开发行列;(2)随着挪威、中国及智利等新兴国家的加入,南极磷虾入渔船舶和渔业产量呈上升趋势;(3)南极磷虾全年均有生产,其中3—9月份渔获产量占总产量的70%—90%;(4)受综合环境因素和新的渔业管理措施影响,CCAMLR 48.1、48.2和48.3小区渔获产量年间波动变大,渔场选择难度增大;(5)传统的大规模科学调查模式已不适应该资源变化与渔业管理的要求,科学性渔业调查将成为今后南极磷虾资源调查与评估的重要补充。  相似文献   

王荣  仲学锋 《极地研究》1993,5(4):22-31
198 9/ 1 990和 1 990 / 1 991南极夏季期间在普里兹湾邻近海域进行了拖网调查 ,对这一海域大磷虾 (Euphausia superba Dana)幼体的分布和丰度进行了研究。1 990年 1月幼体的平均密度为2 6个 / 1 0 0 0米 3 ,2月增至 1 6 2个 / 1 0 0 0米 3 ,3月初达到 2 0 1 1 3个 / 1 0 0 0米 3 (3月为表层高速采集器样品 )。幼体出现高峰看来是在 3月。分布和丰度的年际变化明显。1 990年仅 1 / 2测站出现大磷虾幼体 ,以原蚤状幼体 I期和 期占优势 ,未发现蚤状幼体。1 991年幼体较多 ,2 / 3的测站都有出现 ,而且在外海较普遍地采到蚤状幼体 I到 期。这一年际变化与水温有关。在同一纬度 1月的表层水温 1 991年比 1 990年为高 (高出 0 .0 5 - 1 .2 4℃ )。幼体的平均发育期 (∑ Si Ni/ ∑Ni)平面分布表明 ,愈向北平均性愈高 ,随纬度增加发育期降低。  相似文献   

本文通过南极第15次科学考察,对夏季普里兹湾的溶解有机碳(DOC)进行研究.结果表明:调查期间普里兹湾及邻近海域DOC平均含量较高,表层含量在68.23-125.92μM之间变化,平均值为102.32μM,大于典型的大洋表层DOC含量(70-80μM).垂直分布表明水体上层DOC含量高于底层,在25-50m附近含量出现最高值.在普里兹湾及邻近海域难降解有机物是DOC的主要部分,经估算湾内难降解DOC含量92.34μM占总DOC的77%,湾外难降解DOC含量为76.89μM,占总DOC的82%.  相似文献   

本文通过南极第 1 5次科学考察 ,对夏季普里兹湾的溶解有机碳 (DOC)进行研究。结果表明 :调查期间普里兹湾及邻近海域DOC平均含量较高 ,表层含量在 68.2 3- 1 2 5 .92 μM之间变化 ,平均值为 1 0 2 .32 μM ,大于典型的大洋表层DOC含量 ( 70- 80 μM )。垂直分布表明水体上层DOC含量高于底层 ,在 2 5- 5 0m附近含量出现最高值。在普里兹湾及邻近海域难降解有机物是DOC的主要部分 ,经估算湾内难降解DOC含量 92 .34μM占总DOC的 77% ,湾外难降解DOC含量为 76.89μM ,占总DOC的 82 %。  相似文献   

南极磷虾硒及矿质营养的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
应用AFS和ICP-AES测定分析了南极磷虾和中国海虾样品中的硒和其他12种矿质元素的含量,并做了对比研究。结果显示,南极磷虾中含有丰富的人体必需元素,特别是Se、P、Mg、Zn,其中,Se含量范围为:2.48-4.15 mg/kg[均值:(3.32±0.73) mg/kg],所采集样品硒含量为中国海虾硒含量的2-5倍。普通干燥的南极磷虾中其他矿质元素,如P的平均含量为 (14.31±0.45) mg/g,Mg为 (6.18±0.16) mg/g,Zn为(153.9±5.7) mg/kg,约为中国海虾中含量的1.5倍。此外,样品中砷含量为0.68-1.22 mg/kg,低于国标GB4810-94对海产品中砷的限量要求≤2.0 mg/kg(以无机砷计)。这些结果表明南极磷虾不仅可以作为提供硒及矿质元素的一个良好的食物来源,还可以用作饲料添加剂、食品添加剂的加工原材料。  相似文献   

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