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超高压变质岩多硅白云母的外来40Ar探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用激光阶段加热 40Ar-39Ar定年技术, 测定了碧溪岭榴辉岩 6个多硅白云母的 Ar同位素组成.02BX030MS形成基本平坦的 40Ar-39Ar年龄谱, 数据点构成很好的正等时线, 加权平均年龄和等时线年龄均为 697 Ma, 这一年龄可能接近原岩年龄.DB-1MS、02BX018MS和 02BX019MS之 40Ar-39Ar年龄谱起伏较大, 表观年龄范围为~ 400 Ma至~ 680 Ma.在 40Ar/36Ar-39Ar/36Ar正等时线图解上, 这 3个样品数据点落在下拟合线 Reg-Ⅰ和上拟合线 Reg-Ⅲ之间.Reg-Ⅰ对应的年龄为 436~ 463 Ma, 与榴辉岩石榴子石原生流体包裹体年龄基本一致, 可能代表了榴辉岩超高压变质作用峰期的年龄;Reg-Ⅲ对应的年龄为 541~ 659 Ma, 最高年龄值小于 02BX030MS的年龄, 表明超高压变质作用使多硅白云母产生了不同程度的放射成因 40Ar部分丢失.继承 40Ar模型可以合理解释高压-超高压变质岩石之多硅白云母 40Ar-39Ar年龄明显偏老等地质现象.  相似文献   

杨锋  冯佐海  康志强  肖荣 《地质通报》2011,30(09):1429-1433
大明山钨矿床是一个与岩浆活动有关的多金属矿床。为确定钨矿床的成矿时代,对钨矿床中的白云母进行40Ar/39Ar快中子活化测年,获得白云母坪年龄为(97.10±0.86)Ma,相应的等时线年龄和反等时线年龄分别为(96.6±1.7)Ma和(96.5 ±1.1)Ma。结果表明,钨矿矿化年龄为97Ma,为燕山晚期本区成岩成矿活动的产物。该成果为进一步认识大明山钨矿的成因机制和成矿动力学背景提供了新的年代学证据。  相似文献   

杨锋  冯佐海  康志强  肖荣 《地质通报》2011,30(9):1429-1433
大明山钨矿床是一个与岩浆活动有关的多金属矿床。为确定钨矿床的成矿时代,对钨矿床中的白云母进行40Ar/39Ar快中子活化测年,获得白云母坪年龄为(97.10±0.86)Ma,相应的等时线年龄和反等时线年龄分别为(96.6±1.7)Ma和(96.5 ±1.1)Ma。结果表明,钨矿矿化年龄为97Ma,为燕山晚期本区成岩成矿活动的产物。该成果为进一步认识大明山钨矿的成因机制和成矿动力学背景提供了新的年代学证据。  相似文献   

吴皓然 《地质与勘探》2022,58(4):798-808
内蒙古沙麦钨矿床位于中亚造山带东段(或称兴蒙造山带),矿体主要赋存在黑云母二长花岗(斑)岩内,主要矿化类型为伟晶岩型和云英岩型。本文利用40Ar/39Ar同位素测年方法对沙麦钨矿成矿阶段形成的白云母进行了年龄测定,获得白云母Ar-Ar坪年龄为138.4 ± 0.84 Ma,对应的正、反等时线年龄分别为137.32 ± 0.73 Ma和137.35 ± 0.73 Ma。所测坪年龄与正反等时线年龄具有很好的一致性,可以代表矿床钨矿体的形成年龄,表明该矿床的形成与沙麦地区燕山晚期的岩浆活动有关,这与区域上的成矿事件相吻合。结合区域地球动力学背景的研究成果,认为沙麦钨矿床形成于陆-陆碰撞造山后的陆内伸展环境。  相似文献   

桂西北地区石英斑岩脉白云母40Ar/39Ar 年龄及其地质意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
华南西部右江褶皱带内部燕山晚期岩浆岩主要为成群分布的基性- 超基性岩墙群和超酸性岩脉带。本文对桂西北巴
马-凤山-凌云一带的石英斑岩脉进行了斑晶白云母40Ar/39Ar 法测年,获得凤山弄黄北东向岩脉的40Ar/39Ar 坪年龄为(95.59
80~100 Ma 之间,暗示该区晚白垩世发生了大规模的岩石圈伸展减薄事件。华南西部晚白垩世花岗质岩浆活动与大规模的
岩浆活动是否与以卡林型金矿为代表的低温热液矿床有成因上的联系尚需更多矿床地质和年代学资料的证实。  相似文献   

中条山前寒武纪岩石是洞悉华北克拉通前寒武纪基底构造演化的重要窗口之一,该区的前寒武纪岩系主要由涑水杂岩、绛县群、中条群、担山石群,以及西阳河群和汝阳群组成。本文以中条山地区涑水杂岩中古元古代花岗质片麻岩为研究对象,挑选其中的变形变质白云母进行激光40Ar/39Ar和常规40Ar/39Ar测年分析。激光40Ar/39Ar法获得的白云母等时年龄1830Ma± 20Ma为白云母氩封闭温度年龄的最小估计,常规40Ar/39Ar法给出的白云母坪年龄1852Ma±11Ma为白云母氩封闭温度年龄的最佳估计。白云母1852Ma±11Ma与先前获得的独居石电子探针U-Th-Pb主峰值年龄相近,并且与华北克拉通中部带的变质年龄一致,表明中条山地区涑水杂岩中古元古代花岗质片麻岩记录了古元古代晚期的一次变质作用事件。这一事件与华北克拉通中部怀安-吕梁-恒山-五台-赞皇等地的变质变形作用同时发生,揭示华北克拉通东、西部陆块沿中部带的碰撞拼合应发生在古元古代晚期,而非新太古代。  相似文献   

中条山前寒武纪岩石是洞悉华北克拉通前寒武纪基底构造演化的重要窗口之一,该区的前寒武纪岩系主要由涑水杂岩、绛县群、中条群、担山石群,以及西阳河群和汝阳群组成.本文以中条山地区涑水杂岩中古元古代花岗质片麻岩为研究对象,挑选其中的变形变质白云母进行激光40Ar/39Ar和常规40Ar/39Ar测年分析.激光40Ar/39Ar法获得的白云母等时年龄1830Ma±20Ma为白云母氩封闭温度年龄的最小估计,常规40Ar/39Ar法给出的白云母坪年龄1852Ma±11Ma为白云母氩封闭温度年龄的最佳估计.白云母1852Ma± 11Ma与先前获得的独居石电子探针U-Th-Pb主峰值年龄相近,并且与华北克拉通中部带的变质年龄一致,表明中条山地区涑水杂岩中古元古代花岗质片麻岩记录了古元古代晚期的一次变质作用事件.这一事件与华北克拉通中部怀安-吕梁-恒山-五台-赞皇等地的变质变形作用同时发生,揭示华北克拉通东、西部陆块沿中部带的碰撞拼合应发生在古元古代晚期,而非新太古代.  相似文献   

海绿石 K-Ar、40Ar/39Ar 年代学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李明荣  王松山  裘冀 《地球学报》1994,15(Z1):218-225
海绿石是与沉积岩同时形成的高钾层状硅酸盐自生矿物,其 K-Ar、40Ar/39Ar 年龄存在失真现象。笔者认为,引起年龄失真的主要原因是由于该矿物结构中含有可膨胀层。通过测量可膨胀层含量及中子活化过程中39Ar的丢失率,使可对海绿石常规 K-Ar、40Ar/39Ar 年龄进行校正,得到其年龄校正公式。  相似文献   

大明山钨矿床是一个与岩浆活动有关的多金属矿床。为确定钨矿床的成矿时代,对钨矿床中的白云母进行40Ar/39Ar快中子活化测年,获得白云母坪年龄为(97.10±0.86)Ma,相应的等时线年龄和反等时线年龄分别为(96.6±1.7)Ma和(96.5±1.1)Ma。结果表明,钨矿矿化年龄为97Ma,为燕山晚期本区成岩成矿活动的产物。该成果为进一步认识大明山钨矿的成因机制和成矿动力学背景提供了新的年代学证据。  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar年代学数据处理软件ArArCALC简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ArArCALC是40Ar/39Ar法数据处理专业软件,A.A.P. Koppers以Visual Basic编写的Microsoft Excel"宏",在Windows 95-Vista系统上均可运行.经过不断改进,ArArCALC已经发展成为一种功能强大且使用方便的软件,可全面进行40Ar/39Ar数据计算,包括回归时间零点值、坪年龄、全熔年龄和等时线年龄计算并自动作图,给出分析误差、内部误差和外部误差.更重要的是,ArArCALC能将原始数据、各种参数、计算结果和图件以可编辑的Excel格式给出.ArArCALC交互性强,用户可随时对有关参数进行修改,重新计算,提高了数据处理效率.鉴于上述优点,特此引荐ArArCALC.  相似文献   

Coesite- and microdiamond- bearing ultra-high pressure (UHP) eclogites in the North Qinling terrane have been widely retrogressed to amphibolites. Previous geochronological studies on these UHP rocks mainly focused on the timing of peak eclogite facies metamorphism. The Kanfenggou UHP metamorphic domain is one of the best-preserved coesite-bearing eclogite occurrences in the North Qinling terrane. In this study, mafic amphibolites and host schists from this domain were collected for 40Ar/39Ar dating to constrain their retrograde evolution. Two generations of amphibole are recognized based on their mineral parageneses and 40Ar/39Ar ages. A first generation of amphibole from garnet amphibolites yielded irregularly-shaped age spectra with anomalously old apparent ages. Isochron ages of 484–473 Ma and initial 40Ar/36Ar ratios of 3695–774 are obtained from this generation of amphibole, indicating incorporation of excess argon. Second generation amphibole occurs in epidote amphibolites yielded flat age spectra with plateau ages of 464–462 Ma without evidence for excess argon. These ages suggest that the amphibolite-facies metamorphism has taken place as early as 484 Ma and lasted until 462 Ma for the North Qinling UHP metamorphic rocks. Phengite from the country-rock schists yielded 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 426–396 Ma, with higher phengite Si contents associated with the older the plateau ages. Based on our new 40Ar/39Ar ages and previous zircon UPb geochronological data, we construct a new detailed pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) path illustrating the retrograde metamorphism and exhumation rate of the North Qinling eclogites and host schists. The P-T-t path suggests that these UHP metamorphic rocks experienced initial medium-to-high exhumation rates (ca. 8.7 mm/yr) during the Early Ordovician (489–484 Ma), which was mainly derived from buoyancy forces. Subsequently, the exhumation rate decreased gradually from ~0.8 to 0.3 mm/yr from 484 to 426 Ma, which was probably governed by extension and/or erosion.  相似文献   

柴北缘超高压带中锡铁山榴辉岩的变质时代   总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2  
宋述光  张聪  李献华  张立飞 《岩石学报》2011,27(4):1191-1197
锡铁山地体位于柴北缘超高压变质带的中部, 是柴北缘超高压变质带的重要组成部分。该地体由花岗质片麻岩、泥质片麻岩和相对较少的榴辉岩透镜体组成。大部分榴辉岩都经历了不同程度的后生合晶和角闪岩相退化变质改造。虽然近年来进行了大量的锆石U-Pb年代学研究,但榴辉岩相高压-超高压变质的时代一直存在争议,并且以前对锡铁山榴辉岩相变质时代的认识一直与相邻的绿梁山、鱼卡和其东部的都兰等地区的超高压变质年龄有明显的冲突。本文通过锡铁山榴辉岩锆石U-Pb年代学的研究,获得榴辉岩相变质锆石的206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为433±3Ma,与鱼卡地区榴辉岩的形成年龄一致,代表大陆俯冲时期的高压-超高压变质年龄。该研究对进一步了解锡铁山榴辉岩地体的变质演化和大陆地壳深俯冲有重要意义。  相似文献   

江思宏  聂凤军 《岩石学报》2006,22(11):2719-2732
首次对北山地区的乌珠尔嘎顺、额勒根、雀儿山、黑鹰山、狼娃山、明水和石板井等花岗岩体开展了高精度40Ar/39Ar同位素年代测定,共分析了10件样品,其中有6件获得了比较可靠的40Ar/39Ar同位素年龄数据,基本能够代表岩体的侵位年龄,分别为352.3±3.8Ma、271.76±0.88Ma、286.2±3.4Ma、272.0±4.7Ma、294.1±2.9Ma和255.2±4.1Ma;其他4件样品尽管受后期热扰动较为强烈,但是也能够获得一些有价值的年龄信息.另外,受后期构造-热事件的影响,本文有6件样品发生了不同程度的Ar丢失,其中样品NSS01-13钾长石Ar丢失最为严重,不能获得可靠的年龄,其他样品发生Ar丢失的时间主要集中在燕山期,少量在印支期.获得的这些40Ar/39Ar测年数据与已经发表的其他40Ar/39Ar测年数据记录下了北山地区多期次的构造-岩浆侵入活动事件.根据这些年龄数据,可以将北山地区自海西中期以来的岩浆活动归纳为5个阶段,分别是①330~360Ma,海西中期花岗岩类侵入活动;②270~310Ma,与西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦和塔里木三大板块碰撞的时间同期或稍晚的花岗岩类侵入活动;③250~270Ma,明显晚于主碰撞发生的时间,为海西晚期碰撞后花岗岩类侵入活动;④210~250Ma,印支期构造-岩浆活动;⑤169~195Ma,燕山早期岩浆活动.其中270~310Ma同碰撞期花岗岩类最为发育,分布范围最广.尽管北山地区从前寒武纪到燕山期花岗岩类均有产出,但是规模最大、影响范围最广的岩浆侵入活动发生在海西晚期,反映了海西晚期西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦和塔里木三大板块碰撞对接的构造事件.印支期和燕山期花岗岩类可能是在统一大陆形成之后由陆内强烈活化形成的.北山地区花岗岩类的高精度年代学测量可以构筑本区花岗岩类时空演化的精细格架,对于重塑本区大地构造演化历史、指导区域金属矿床的寻找具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

柴北缘锡铁山韧性剪切带的基本特征及其形成时代   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在柴北缘锡铁山地区元古宇达肯大坂群与奥陶系滩涧山群之间发育一条呈NW向展布的基底韧性剪切带。本文对该韧性剪切带中的宏观构造(鞘褶皱、不对称褶皱、塑性流变组构、S-C组构、旋转碎斑系、构造透镜体、粘滞型石香肠构造)和糜棱岩微观构造(云母鱼构造、压力影构造、动态重结晶、雪球状旋转构造、波状消光和云母扭折)特征作了详细的研究。对锡铁山基底韧性剪切带中花岗质糜棱岩进行白云母Ar-Ar同位素测年,获得坪年龄为398±4 Ma,等时线年龄为399±4 Ma,二者基本一致,代表了锡铁山基底韧性剪切带的形成时间。综合上述特征判断,锡铁山韧性剪切带是一条由元古宇达肯大坂群向SW斜向逆冲所形成的右行逆冲韧性剪切带,该韧性剪切带与早古生代柴达木地块向NE斜向俯冲碰撞造山作用有关,并可能导致了超高压变质体折返到浅部地壳层次。同样,该韧性剪切带的存在,也对锡铁山铅锌矿起到了十分重要的后期构造控制作用。  相似文献   

辽东半岛出露大量片麻状花岗岩,其锆石U-Pb年龄为180~157Ma,该套岩石的最大特点表现在岩石明显经历了早期上盘向NW推覆和后期近EW向伸展作用的韧性改造,然而其变形时代却一直未得到确定。本文以丹东市西南部黑沟二云母二长花岗岩岩体为例,通过激光^40Ar/^39Ar年代学研究探讨该岩体的变形时代。激光^40Ar/^39Ar定年结果表明,黑沟岩体经历的早期推覆、挤压事件发生在~143Ma,而后期地壳伸展作用则发生在121~113Ma,并且该区在早白垩纪期间经历了快速冷却、抬升过程。从而表明在晚侏罗纪-早白垩纪期间(143~113Ma)辽东半岛经历了区域构造体制变革。结合前人大地构造研究成果,本文认为辽东半岛晚侏罗纪-早白垩纪NW向推覆、挤压事件是古太平洋板块向欧亚大陆俯冲作用的结果,而晚期(早白垩纪)的地壳伸展事件是古太平洋板块俯冲作用的转向和变速、华北东部岩石圈较薄以及挤压后地壳松弛等综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

The North Qaidam is an Early Paleozoic UHP metamorphic belt located at the north margin of the Tibet plateau. Eclogites in this belt contain both continental‐and oceanic‐type ones. In which, the continental‐type eclogites have protolith ages of 750–850 Ma and WPB or CFB geochemical signatures and are believed to have formed in a continental rift or an incipient oceanic basin setting related to the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent, their metamorphic ages (421–458 Ma) and P–T paths are comparable to their host gneisses; oceanic‐type eclogites have cumulate gabbro or E‐MORB geochemical signatures, their protolith and metamorphic ages are 510–516 Ma and 425–450 Ma, respectively(Zhang et al., 2008). Therefore, the North Qaidam UHP belt was thought to record the whole Neoprotoerozoic–Paleozoic Wilson cycle (Song et al., 2014). In this study, we reported three new kinds of eclogites: kyanite‐bearing eclogite, lawsonite pseudomorph‐bearing eclogite and double mineral eclogite. They occur as big lentoid blocks in regional granitic gneiss in the western part of the belt. Phase equilibrium modelling and zircon LA‐ICPMS U‐Pb dating show that all these three eclogites experienced a clockwise P–T path with peak metamorphic conditions close to or fall in the coesite stability field, and their peak metamorphic age were around 436‐439 Ma, similar to those continental‐type eclogites in this belt. But their protolith ages are between 1273 and 1070 Ma, and some of them recorded an amphibolite facies metamorphic age of 927 Ma, and geochemical data and zircon Lu‐Hf and O isotope analysis indicate these eclogites have features of present day N‐MORB. Combined with the existing results, we propose that the North Qaidam is a polycyclic composite orogenwhich recorded tectonic evolution of Mesoproterozoic ocean floor spreading, assembly and breakup of Rodinia supercontinent, Early Paleozoic oceanic deep subduction and subsequently continental deep subduction.  相似文献   

The biostratigraphically constrained Permo-Triassic Emeishan Volcanic Province (EVP), extending over wide areas in southwest China, has been recently considered as a Large Igneous Province contemporaneous with the Siberian Traps and the siliceous tuffs at the P–T boundary in South China. We report the first 40Ar/39Ar ages on this igneous province. Minimum ages have been obtained on phenocrystic plagioclase of the Emeishan basalt, which has undergone a pervasive metamorphism, most likely during subsequent tectonization as a consequence of terrane amalgamation. Comparison between the Ar–release spectra obtained on clear vs. cloudy plagioclase indicates a 40–30 Ma sericite resetting time. A minimum apparent age of 246 ± 4 Ma for plagioclase from a plagiogranite, a late-differentiate of the Panzhihua Layered Complex, and an age of 254 ± 5 Ma for phlogopite from a pyroxenite near Lake Erhai, provide the first absolute age constraint on this igneous province. Additional Ar–Ar age measurements on post-Emeishan alkaline and mafic magmatism yielded 104 ± 2 and 100 ± 2 Ma for an alkaline complex near Panzhihua, and 42 ± 1 Ma for a gabbro sill emplaced near the Ertan Dam. Further study is still needed to determine the age of the Emeishan volcanic emission accurately, and to test the validity of the assumed short duration of the eruption.  相似文献   

Summary Amphibolite-facies para- and orthogneisses near Dulan, in the southeast part of the North Qaidam terrane, enclose minor ultra-high pressure (UHP) eclogite and peridotite. Field relations and coesite inclusions in zircons from paragneiss suggest that felsic, mafic, and ultramafic rocks all experienced UHP metamorphism and a common amphibolite-facies retrogression. Ion microprobe U–Pb and REE analyses of zircons from two granitic orthogneisses indicate magmatic crystallization at 927 ± Ma and 921 ± 7 Ma. Zircon rims in one of these samples yield younger ages (397–618 Ma) compatible with partial zircon recrystallization during in-situ Ordovician-Silurian eclogite-facies metamorphism previously determined from eclogite and paragneiss in this area. The similarity between a 2496 ± 18 Ma xenocrystic core and 2.4–2.5 Ga zircon cores in the surrounding paragneiss suggests that the granites intruded the sediments or that the granite is a melt of the older basement which supplied detritus to the sediments. The magmatic ages of the granitic orthogneisses are similar to 920–930 Ma ages of (meta)granitoids described further northwest in the North Qaidam terrane and its correlative west of the Altyn Tagh fault, suggesting that these areas formed a coherent block prior to widespread Mid Proterozoic granitic magmatism.  相似文献   

New single‐grain 40Ar/39Ar detrital white‐mica ages from the Lulehe section at the eastern Qaidam Basin yield uniform Permian ages between 250 ± 3 and 279 ± 3 Ma throughout the whole Cenozoic sequence. This is inconsistent with the present hinterland, which is composed of early Palaeozoic metamorphic units with subordinate early Palaeozoic and few Permian granites. The new data indicate that Permian tectonic units are likely more widespread at the north‐eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau as known at present, particularly within the Qilian Mountains. The preferred explanation is that the Qaidam block represents a rigid indenter, which indented during late Tertiary times into early Palaeozoic orogenic units. This is consistent with recent findings of a NW‐trending sinistral Permian ductile shear zone and a dextral, NW‐trending Tertiary fault system close to the north‐eastern margin of the Qaidam Basin.  相似文献   

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