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从勘查地球化学到应用地球化学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
谢学锦 《物探与化探》2003,27(6):412-415
勘查地球化学是在20世纪从一门探矿技术发展成一门年轻的地学分支科学.进入21世纪,它可能为解决资源与环境关键问题做出许多从事勘查地球化学工作的人都未预料到的重大贡献.由于它的发展今后可能超越它原有的局限,因而称之为应用地球化学更符合它的发展方向.应用地球化学是尚未成形的一门科学.它是许多化学家、地球化学家、地质学家、物理学家、数学家、农学家与环境学家的多学科学术活动.由此产生了一种国际学术杂志“应用地球化学(appliedgeochemistry)”,但应用地球化学的研究成果散见于许多杂志,还没有一个学术团体以此命名.因而,国际勘查地球化学家协会大可借此机会改名为应用地球化学家协会,以便吸收多学科的人才,为解决人类资源与环境中关键问题共同努力.周期表上所有元素不同尺度不同性质的地球化学图已成为解决资源与环境关键问题的最重要的基础图件.勘查地球化学家多年研究地球化学填图的思路与方法可以帮助其它学科扩大视野,而多学科的融合将使改名为应用地球化学的勘查地球化学的研究得以更深入的发展.  相似文献   

李善芳 《物探与化探》1989,13(5):333-346
本文对地矿部系统地球化学勘查(简称化探)的几个重要方面的生产工作和研究工作进行了评述,包括了化探找矿效果、金矿化探、化探分析仪器和方法、汞蒸气测量、化探研究工作进展等内容。着重介绍了金矿化探的突破性进展,地矿部十年来根据化探方法发现的金矿产地和矿床数已达277处,其中已查明62处为金的工业矿床。其它如银、铅、锌、钨、钼、锡、汞、锑、重晶石矿床的见矿数量也有明显增加。化探分析的新进展不仅提高了化探的找矿效果,而且扩大了化探的应用领域。本文还列举了一些成功的化探找矿案例。  相似文献   

生态地球化学:从调查实践到应用理论的系统工程   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
生态地球化学是以多目标区域地球化学调查为基础,以生态地球化学评价、生态地球化学评估、生态地球化学预警和生态地球化学修复为主体的系统工程。文章系统地介绍了我国近年来生态地球化学研究成果,对长江流域河流生态系统、山西农田生态系统,北京城市生态系统,鄱阳湖、洞庭湖、太湖等湖泊湿地生态系统的区域生态地球化学评价进展进行了归纳总结。文章从区域尺度上综述了土壤碳库,土壤元素基准值和土壤背景值,土壤污染等级划分等基础研究方面的进展。面向未来,指出了生态地球化学发展趋势,提出生态地球化学研究需要进一步延伸和发展的领域。  相似文献   

地球化学背景与地球化学基准   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
探讨了地球化学背景和地球化学基准的概念、含义和确定方法.认为随着地球化学的发展,地球化学背景的概念和含义都发生了很大的变化,由初期的注重其“量”到目前的关注其“质”,研究的目的不同,背景值的确定途径也不同.无论是地球化学背景还是地球化学基准,共同之处在于它们独特的参考功能,正是这种参照性质使地球化学背景和地球化学基准的研究在进行环境质量评价和环境立法时具有重要的理论意义和实用价值.  相似文献   

全球地球化学基准:了解过去,预测未来   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
王学求 《地学前缘》2012,19(3):7-18
要认识地球的演化和全球变化,就必须有一致性的全球尺度地球化学基准或基线作为参照标尺。文中阐述了地球化学基准概念、建立方法和应用实例。地球化学基准是指系统记录元素及其化合物在地球表层的含量和空间分布,作为了解过去地球化学演化和预测未来地球化学变化的定量参照标尺。要建立全球地球化学基准,首先必须建立一个覆盖全球的地球化学基准网,在中国以1∶20万图幅为基准网格单元,在全国系统采集有代表性岩石组合样品约10 000件,疏松沉积物样品约6 000件,精确分析涵盖元素周期表上除惰性气体以外几乎所有元素的含量,制作化学元素时空分布基准地球化学图,提供衡量中国大陆化学元素演化和未来变化的标尺。以不同时代岩石代表性样品建立原生岩石圈地球化学基准,作为了解过去地球化学演化参照标尺,如云南禄丰龙产地楚雄—兰坪盆地白垩系-古近系界面(K-T界面)的凝灰质灰岩和凝灰质泥岩中发现Ir的含量为0.25~0.8ng/g,是白垩系和古近系地层基准含量的10~20倍。以疏松沉积物样品建立次生土壤圈地球化学基准,用于作为预测未来变化的参照标尺,如CaO含量分布与气候和酸雨分布有关,CaO在南方酸雨作用下淋失贫化,在西北碱性条件下富集。在过去15年里,由于酸雨的持续作用,CaO平均含量下降了22.6%,CaO含量<1%的分布面积扩大了23.0%。同时,这种原生和次生地球化学基准的建立,提供了具有时间和空间分布的成矿物质背景,对矿产资源评价和预测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

杨永忠 《贵州地质》2000,17(3):187-189
本文根据地球化学勘查和发展趋势浅谈贵州地球化学勘查的发展方向,指出地经学勘查对贵州矿产勘查、环境评价、生态研究以及农业牧业等领域会发挥其独特作用,积极贡献。  相似文献   

地球化学填图与地球化学勘查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢学锦  刘大文 《地质论评》2006,52(6):721-732
在中国与西方国家,地球化学填图的目的与做法并不相同,西方的地球化学填图是由研究机构开展的,使用等离子焰光量计、X射线荧光光谱仪等大型仪器进行多元素分析,目的是取得多种元素在地球表层分布的基础性资料。地球化学勘查则由矿业公司主要分析少量成矿元素,目的是为了找矿。而中国的地球化学填图计划却做出了巨大努力,使地球化学填图取得的资料既有学术价值又对矿产勘查具有重大的实用意义。本文详细讨论了西方国家与中国地球化学填图与地球化学勘查的思路、方法与技术的演变,并瞻望了地球化学填图在21世纪的巨大发展前景。  相似文献   

山东胶莱盆地及周边的金矿床主要有4个矿床模式:蓬家夼式、发云夼式、七宝山式和土堆式.这些矿床多产于山东省金异常密集区,是在区域地质、地球化学、地球物理及遥感资料综合研究的基础上新发现的矿床.本文总结了这4个矿床模式产出的区域构造部位、岩浆岩、控矿构造、遥感影像以及区域和矿区勘查地球物理和勘查地球化学特征,为建立胶莱盆地及周边金矿的区域勘查模型和该地区的找矿部署提供了基础资料.  相似文献   

新一轮全球地球化学填图:中国的机遇和挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述从1988年联合国教科文组织相继批准实施国际地球化学填图(IGCP259)和全球地球化学基准(IGCP360)项目以来,中国和欧洲在制定全球地球化学填图的方法指南及技术标准方面作出的决定性贡献。文中指出,中国的"环境地球化学监控网络及动态地球化学填图"项目、欧洲的FOREGS地球化学基准值填图项目为全球其他国家开展类似工作提供了示范,但地球化学家预期10年内获得全球地表地球化学概貌的愿望至今未能实现。挪威和中国的地球化学家通过IAHS/ICCE正在酝酿"Global geochemical mapping and the sediment-bound flux of major world rivers"重大国际合作项目,以开展新一轮全球地球化学填图。通过国际极地年,IPY317项目首先从北极地区启动。新一轮全球地球化学填图项目计划以中国提出的"全球地球化学填图的泛滥平原沉积物采样草案"和挪威提出的"三角洲中河漫滩沉积物的采样草案"作为实施方案,因而巩固和扩大了中国地球化学填图技术在全球的优势地位。论文在分析中国面临的机遇与挑战后,建议政府主管部门对新一轮全球地球化学填图给予优先支持。  相似文献   

Geochemical patterns from local to global   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The historical development of geochemical exploration is, in a sense, a process of progressive enlargement of areal coverage by exploration projects and progressive widening of sampling space. Along with this process, a hierarchy of geochemical patterns from small to large is gradually discovered and understood. In this paper, we try to summarize systematically the whole hierarchy of geochemical patterns from local, regional, provincial, megaprovincial to global, using examples obtained in China.Local anomalies (various types of dispersion halos, trains and fans) within areas not exceeding a few km2, can be delineated when sampling is done with very close intervals in limited areas. Regional anomalies within areas of tens to hundreds km2 and threshold values lower than local anomalies can be identified only when large areas of more than thousands of km2 are mapped with wider space sampling. Geochemical provinces with areas of thousands or tens of thousands of km2 can be discovered if even larger areas, of more than tens or hundreds of thousands of km2, are covered with very low density sampling. More than millions of km2 should be covered in order to discover geochemical megaprovinces somewhere in the world. Such megaprovinces are often associated with extraordinarily large mineral resources. If ultra-low density geochemical mapping can be carried out across national boundaries on a continental or global scale, we could find even broader geochemical patterns which will reflect the global tectonic features.The classification of geochemical patterns according to their sizes is necessary because it will be extremely useful in planning sampling layout in order to hit targets of certain size ranges. This in turn is arranged in different geochemical projects for achieving specific aims.  相似文献   

贾国相 《矿产与地质》2005,19(6):588-591
回眸桂林矿产地质研究院地球化学探矿研究室的创建、发展,开拓、奋进的历程,在金属矿产资源的地球化学勘查和油气矿产资源的地球化学勘查所从事的地球化学技术方法和应用开发研究中,为我国有色金属矿产资源和油气矿产资源的勘查和开发做出的重要贡献,谨以此庆贺地球化学探矿研究室第一任室主任欧阳宗圻先生的八十大寿.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the transfer of the green economy from a global discursive level to institutionalization at the national level in Tanzania. While there is a growing amount of research discussing technological aspects of the green economy, less attention has been paid to policy implications and governance aspects, especially in developing countries. There is an increasing emphasis on technological and market-based solutions to environmental challenges globally and in the developed part of the world. However, in developing countries, ‘green growth’ often implies transformed control over natural resources – under schemes that are often driven from abroad. Over the last five to ten years, investments aimed at increasing productivity in the rural agricultural sector in developing countries have become a focus area of the green economy, but various concepts of green have become confused. Such (mis-) interpretation of the green economy has consequences for implementation and outcomes of various ‘green’ projects. Drawing on governmentality as well as the concept of institutional bricolage, I examine how the green economy discourse and policy at the global level have been re-shaped and re-interpreted to fit the existing agri-business initiative of the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT), which has been championed as a model for green economy implementation in Africa. I discuss how the green discourse has been ‘grabbed’ as an opportunity to ‘greenwash’ SAGCOT in its establishment and institutionalization.  相似文献   

Geochemical soil surveys in areas underlain by Precambrian volcano-metasedimentary sequences and around rare-metal-bearing pegmatites of southwestern Nigeria demonstrate that residual geochemical soil patterns reflect a wide range of potential source rocks adequately. The secondary geochemical dispersion processes in these typically tropical weathering environments adjust the trace-element distribution during lateritic soil development to narrow fluctuation ranges in comparison to the differing Clarke values of various source rock units.The sample density in these soil surveys, averaging at one sample per square kilometer, favours geochemical inventories even at regional scale and shows great potentials to predict bedrock composition of tropical terrain where rock outcrops are rather scarce.  相似文献   

We use first field-based observations of precipitation and river isotopic chemistry from a three-year study (2009–2011) in rainforest and nearby savannah in central Guyana at the northern rim of the Amazon rainforest to establish the quality of modelled or remotely-sensed datasets. Our 3 years of data capture a reduced rainfall regime in 2009 and an extended wet season in 2010, in contrast to the widely documented Amazonian floods in 2009 and droughts in 2010. Comparisons of observed precipitation with satellite derived TRMM and ECMWF ERA-Interim reanalysis precipitation show that both of these data sets capture the general pattern of seasonality, but substantially underestimate rainfall amounts in the primary wet season (by up to 50% and 72% respectively). The TRMM dataset is generally better at characterising the main dry season from September to December but the ERA-Interim model can overestimate precipitation in the dry season by up to 175%. Our new data on isotopic chemistry of river waters show that δ2H/δ18O values in this region are broadly consistent with interpolated global datasets of modelled precipitation isotopic signatures. The dominance of isotopically lighter water derived from the rains of the ITCZ during the wet season provides evidence of the close coupling of water chemistry of headwater rivers on the northern rim of Amazonia to the positioning of the ITCZ over the region. Our results highlight the challenge in understanding and representing local scale hydrological and biogeochemical characteristics using regional scale model data. We argue that combining point and local scale field data with larger scale model data is necessary to progress towards a comprehensive understanding of climate–hydrology interactions in Amazonia.  相似文献   

The study of minerals is often focused on their crystallographic properties, chemistry and economic importance, and so their breakdown, or 'weathering'. by physical, chemical and biological processes is less well understood. However, mineral weathering is of considerable environmental significance. The interaction of minerals with water and microbes, such as algae and bacteria, controls soil fertility, the transportation of pollutants through the ground, and ultimately the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere over geological timescales. Therefore, minerals are a key factor in moderating global climate change. This article introduces conventional and new techniques that are being used by geologists to investigate these processes.  相似文献   

Systematic spatial analysis of mineral deposit point patterns can reveal significant spatial properties of mineral systems, with major implications for regional mineral prospectivity modelling. For valid results, a study area needs to be clearly defined, taking into account permissiveness of the geological units for a particular mineral system and effects of cover. Standard statistical tests assuming an isometric contiguous study area with regionally homogeneous distribution of deposits are likely to produce invalid results. Analysis of regional uniformity of spatial deposit density is required for adequate design and interpretation of tests for clustering. Spatial distribution of orogenic gold deposits in the Hodgkinson Province in Queensland and the Western Lachlan Orogen in Victoria (Australia) indicates the presence of significant regional linear metallogenic zones, probably controlled by deep crustal domain boundaries oblique and not related to any recognised major faults. Within the metallogenic zones in both regions, individual gold occurrences are strongly clustered into ore fields, but the distribution of ore fields is random.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1986,1(4):469-485
Thousands of solution-collapse breccia pipe crop out in the canyons and on the plateaus of northern Arizona. Over 80 of these are known to contain U or Cu mineralized rock. The high-grade U ore associated with potentially economic concentrations of Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu, Co and Ni in some of these pipes has continued to stimulate mining and exploration activity in northern Arizona, despite periods of depressed U prices. Large expanses of northern Arizona are comprised of undissected high plateaus; recognition of pipes in these areas is particularly important because mining access to the plateaus is far better than to the canyons. The small size of the pipes, generally less than 600 ft (200 m) in diameter, and limited rock outcrop on the plateaus, compounds the recognition problem. Although the breccia pipes, which bottom in the Mississippian Redwall Limestone, are occasionally exposed on the plateaus as circular features, so are unmineralized near-surface collapse features that bottom in the Permian Kaibab and Toroweap Formations. The distinction between these two classes of circular features is critical during exploration for this unique type of U deposit.Various geochemical and geophysical exploration methods have been tested over these classes of collapse features. Because of the small size of the deposits, and the low-level geochemical signatures in the overlying rock that are rarely dispersed for distances in excess of several hundred feet, most reconnaissance geochemical surveys, such as hydrogeochemistry or stream sediment, will not delineete mineralized pipes.Several types of detailed geochemical surveys made over collapse features, located through examination of aerial photographs and later field mapping, have been successful at delineating collapse features from the surrounding host rock: (1) Rock geochemistry commonly shows low level Ag, As, Ba, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Se and Zn anomalies over mineralized breccia pipes; (2) Soil surveys appear to have the greatest potential for distinguishing mineralized breccia pipes from the surrounding terrane. Although the soil anomalies are only twice the background concentrations for most anomalous elements, traverses made over collapse features show consistent enrichment inside of the feature as compared to outside; (3) B. Cereus surveys over a known mineralized pipe show significantly more anomalous samples collected from within the ring fracture than from outside of the breccia pipe; (4) Helium soil-gas surveys were made over 7 collapse features with discouraging results from 5 of the 7 features.Geophysical surveys indicate that scaler audio-magnetotelluric (AMT) and E-field telluric profile data show diagnostic conductivity differences over mineralized pipes as compared to the surrounding terrane. These surveys, coupled with the geochemical surveys conducted as detailed studies over features mapped by field and aerial photograph examination, can be a significant asset in the selection of potential breccia pipes for drilling.  相似文献   

Xiong  Hao  Nicot  François  Yin  Zhenyu 《Acta Geotechnica》2019,14(5):1307-1323
Acta Geotechnica - A 3D multi-scale approach is presented to investigate the mechanical behavior of a macroscopic specimen consisting of a granular assembly, as a boundary value problem. The core...  相似文献   

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