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Sedimentary basins of arid and semiarid zones are often subject to regimes of intense ground-water withdrawal as it is normally the only source of water for development of communities. An associated phenomenon is land subsidence, which can develop to ground failures, and consequently, damage to infrastructure. Aquifer deformation can be analyzed using a stress–strain or a flux–force approach depending on the aquifer material (compact or loose) and on whether the water withdrawal forms a predominant flow direction toward a cone of depression. Geometry of the aquifer system also plays an important role as uneven thickness induces differential compaction and hence, tensional and shear stresses on the ground mass. In this work we present a stress–strain approach to analyze subsidence for an unconfined aquifer of varying thickness; this is done in two steps, namely when the aquifer is in equilibrium, and when it is totally depleted. Using this scheme in a region where ground failure is evident, a portion of the aquifer system of the Querétaro valley is analyzed. The geometry of the hydrologic basement is first modeled using gravity measurements properly correlated with wells and field data. Then a stress analysis is implemented using the finite element method in order to identify probable zones of ground weakness, which are calibrated with known ground failures. The results indicate that both, tensional and shear stress are present, which induce ground failure in the form of surface faults.  相似文献   

The evolution and geometry of the Tertiary Upper Rhine Graben were controlled by a continually changing stress field and the reactivation of pre-existing crustal discontinuities. A period of WNW-ESE extension in the late Eocene and Oligocene was followed by lateral translation from the early Miocene onwards. This study utilizes 3D finite element techniques to simulate extension and lateral translation on a lithospheric scale. Brittle and creep behaviour of lithospheric rocks are represented by elastoplasticity and thermally activated power-law viscoplasticity, respectively. Contact elements allocated with cohesion and frictional coefficients are used to describe pre-existing zones of weakness in the elastic-brittle field. Our results suggest that (1) extension is accommodated along listric border faults to midcrustal depth of 15–16 km. Beneath, pure shear stretching occurs without a need for localized shear zones in lower crust and upper mantle. (2) Ductile flow at midcrustal depth across the graben accounts for the pronounced halfgraben morphology. Thereby, the shape of the border faults, their frictional coefficients, and sedimentary loads have profound effects on the rate of ductile flow across the graben. (3) Horizontal extension of 8–8.5 km and sinistral displacement across the rift of 3–4 km are needed to accommodate the observed sediment thickness.  相似文献   

渗流-水平井流耦合数学模型和数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在有侧向流入(流出)的水平井流运动和连续性方程的基础上,建立了渗流与水平井流耦合数学模型,主要针对混合水头损失问题,进行了渗流与水平井流耦合数值计算,分析了常用的摩擦系数修正方法对计算结果的影响。数值模拟计算表明:层流或者光滑紊流流态时,不同的摩擦系数修正方法对结果影响较小;粗糙紊流流态时,不同的摩擦系数修正方法对结果影响较大。当水平井流是层流-光滑紊流流态时,使用了一种新的流态分界点识别方法对水平井流态进行判断,计算结果证实了方法的可靠性、合理性。  相似文献   

Supercritical‐flow phenomena are fairly common in modern sedimentary environments, yet their recognition and analysis remain difficult in the stratigraphic record. This fact is commonly ascribed to the poor preservation potential of deposits from high‐energy supercritical flows. However, the number of flume data sets on supercritical‐flow dynamics and sedimentary structures is very limited in comparison with available data for subcritical flows, which hampers the recognition and interpretation of such deposits. The results of systematic flume experiments spanning a broad range of supercritical‐flow bedforms (antidunes, chutes‐and‐pools and cyclic steps) developed in mobile sand beds of variable grain sizes are presented. Flow character and related bedform patterns are constrained through time‐series measurements of bed configurations, flow depths, flow velocities and Froude numbers. The results allow the refinement and extension of some widely used bedform stability diagrams in the supercritical‐flow domain, clarifying in particular the morphodynamic relations between antidunes and cyclic steps. The onset of antidunes is controlled by flows exceeding a threshold Froude number. The transition from antidunes to cyclic steps in fine to medium‐grained sand occurs at a threshold mobility parameter. Sedimentary structures associated with supercritical bedforms developed under variable aggradation rates are revealed by means of combining flume results and synthetic stratigraphy. The sedimentary structures are compared with examples from field and other flume studies. Aggradation rate is seen to exert an important control on the geometry of supercritical‐flow structures and should be considered when identifying supercritical bedforms in the sedimentary record.  相似文献   

Five lineaments on the volcanic Vøring Margin, NE Atlantic, have been identified in crustal scale models derived from Ocean Bottom Seismograph (OBS) data. It is suggested that the Vøring Basin can be divided in four compartments bounded by the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone/Lineament, a new lineament defined from this study, the Gleipne Lineament, the Surt Lineament and the Bivrost Lineament. The NW–SE trending Jan Mayen-, Gleipne- and Bivrost lineaments probably represent old zones of weakness controlling the onset of the early Eocene seafloor spreading, whereas the Surt- and New lineaments, rotated ca. 30° symmetrically from the azimuth of the Gleipne Lineament, may represent adjustment features related to the early Cretaceous/early Tertiary rifting. The longest landward extent of a lower crustal high-velocity body, assumed to represent intrusions related to the last phase of rifting, is found between the New Lineament and the Gleipne Lineament, where the body extends across the Helland Hansen Arch. Northeastwards in the Vøring Basin, the landward limit of the body steps gradually seawards, closely related to the interpreted lineaments. Northeast of the Gleipne Lineament, the body terminates close to the Fles Fault Complex, north of the Surt Lineament, it extends across the Nyk High, and northeast of the Bivrost Lineament the intrusions terminate around the Vøring Escarpment. Evidence for an interplay between active and passive rifting components is found on regional and local scales on the margin. The active component is evident through the decrease in magmatism with increased distance from the Icelandic plume, and the passive component is documented through the fact that all found crustal lineaments to a certain degree acted as barriers to magma emplacement. The increased thickness of the continental crust on the seaward side of the Vøring Escarpment, the upwarping of Moho and thinning of the lower crustal high-velocity layer in the western part of the Vøring Basin, as well as a strong shallowing of the Moho observed in parts of the area between the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone/Lineament and the New Lineament, can be explained by lithospheric delamination models.  相似文献   

The contemporary stress field in the earth's crust is important and provides insights into mechanisms that drive plate motions.In this study,elastic plane stress finite element modeling incorporating realistic rock parameters was used to calculate the stress field,displacement field,and deformation of the plate interactions in the eastern Mediterranean.Modeled stress data for the African-Arabian-Anatolian plate interactions with fixed European platform correlate well with observed contemporary stress indica...  相似文献   

This paper describes a thermo-hydro-mechanical framework suitable for modelling the behaviour of unsaturated soils. In particular, this paper focuses on bentonite clay subjected to a thermo-hydro-mechanical load, as in the case of nuclear waste engineering barriers. The paper gives a theoretical derivation of the full set of coupled balance equations governing the material behaviour as well as an extended physical interpretation. Finally, a finite element discretisation of the equations and number of simulations verifying their implementation into a custom finite element code is provided. Some aspects of the formulation are also validated against experimental data.  相似文献   

This paper presents a finite element model for analysing the behaviour of granular material wrapped with polyethylene bags under vertical compression and cyclic shearing. The simple Mohr–Coulomb model is used to represent the soil behaviour. The polyethylene bag is represented by a linear-elastic–perfect-plastic model. The soil-bag interface is modelled with contact constraints. The main purpose of the numerical analysis is to validate the anticipated performance of soilbags under various loading conditions and hence the effectiveness of soilbags as a method of ground improvement.  相似文献   

白垩纪华北克拉通岩石圈经历了巨大的减薄事件,但减薄过程及机制仍存在较大争论。早白垩世的西石门杂岩体是华北克拉通东部与岩石圈减薄相关的重要杂岩体。根据西石门杂岩体形成时代和岩石结构特征将其划分为两套岩石组合。早期岩套由二长闪长岩-二长岩-正长岩系列组成,具等粒结构,形成时代约为135. 6Ma,岩石地球化学成分为SiO_2=51. 72%~68. 56%、MgO=0. 17%~4. 88%,少部分样品表现出C型埃达克岩的特征;晚期岩套由斑状二长岩-斑状正长岩系列组成,具似斑状结构,形成时代约为125. 3Ma,岩石地球化学成分为SiO_2=57. 00%~67. 51%、MgO=0. 61%~3. 37%,其中还存在大量年龄约2500Ma的继承锆石。两套侵入岩均为高钾钙碱性系列但早期岩套多具埃达克质岩特征,晚期岩套岩石中锆石具有更负的ε_(Hf)(t),显示其具有更多的壳源物质组成。角闪石温度计、压力计显示,早期岩套的定位环境为T=883. 66℃、P=194. 95MPa,相当于7. 36km深处;晚期岩套的定位环境为T=642. 34℃、P=26. 81MPa,相当于1. 01km深处。从135. 6Ma至125. 3Ma,地壳快速抬升了约6. 35km。研究认为,在约135. 6Ma时陆内岩浆作用开始影响研究区,软流圈地幔上涌促使地壳物质熔融、混合形成了早期岩套,同时大规模的岩浆活动及地壳褶皱变形导致陆壳加厚。之后岩石圈地幔发生拆沉作用,地壳快速抬升。在约125. 3Ma后,软流圈地幔继续上涌,回弹的陆壳开始发生大规模的熔融形成了晚期岩套。据此认为拆沉作用是中生代华北克拉通岩石圈减薄的主要机制。  相似文献   

汪洋  汪集旸  邓晋福 《地球化学》2001,30(2):186-193
大地热流值是大陆地壳和岩石圈U,Th,K丰度的直接约束;根据地球化学元素丰度值推算出的大地构造单元的区域地壳热流值,必定不能大于区域的平均热流值,根据700余个实测大地热流数据,对目前发表的中国大陆地壳和岩石圈的化学成分模型进行了检验,结果表明,多数模型不能满足大地热充约束,如黎彤等的关于中国大陆及其内部构造单元的地壳和岩石圈成分模型,倪守斌等提出的新疆北部地壳生热率模型,以及高山等提出的扬子地台北缘地壳成分模型,这些模型的U,Th,K丰度值不太可靠,其他强不相容元素的丰度值的可信程度亦值得怀疑,而迟清华,鄢明才提出的华北地台地壳成分模型和高山等建立的中国东部及华北地台和秦岭造山带的地壳成分模型通过了区域大地热流的检验。  相似文献   

One important consideration in the design of a braced excavation system is to ensure that the structural bracing system is designed both safely and economically. The forces acting on the struts are often determined using empirical methods such as the Apparent Pressure Diagram (APD) method developed by Peck (1969). Most of these empirical methods that were developed from either numerical analysis or field studies have been for excavations with flexible wall types such as sheetpile walls. There have been only limited studies on the excavation performance for stiffer wall systems such as diaphragm walls and bored piles. In this paper, both 2D and 3D finite element analyses were carried out to study the forces acting on the struts for braced excavations in clays, with focus on the performance for the stiffer wall systems. Subsequently, based on this numerical study as well as field measurements from a number of reported case histories, empirical charts have been proposed for determining strut loads for excavations in stiff wall systems.  相似文献   

Geologists examine fabrics to constrain models of formation or of deformation of rocks, and it is often convenient to summarise the results by a fabric ellipsoid. As fabric data are commonly collected on planar sections through the rock, estimating a fabric ellipsoid from sectional ellipses, often with arbitrary orientations, is an important task. An algebraic method to calculate such an ellipsoid, presented in an earlier paper, has been implemented with the program ellipsoid. It is used here on examples that illustrate questions and issues that arise when collecting, selecting and processing sectional fabric data, and when assessing the results. The quality of fit of the ellipsoid to the data is assessed in all cases. Examples include a case in which the average sizes of markers on individual sections can be used in the determination of the ellipsoid, and other cases in which such sizes are not useful; a case in which sectional ellipses are not obtained from closed markers; and a case in which data scatter and insufficient coverage of section orientations lead to a hyperboloid instead of an ellipsoid.  相似文献   

In the course of numerical experiments selected algorithms for stress tensor inversion and separation of heterogeneous populations of calcite twins and striated faults were tested. Artificial data sets were created in a manner simulating natural processes. They were composed of data, dynamically compatible with one or two stress tensors and chaotic “noise” imitating natural imperfections. For calcite twins the classical inversion procedure is considered valid, with restrictions regarding a high proportion of chaotic data, when shape ratio of the stress tensor Φ is poorly constrained. The algorithm of Etchecopar (1984 fide Tourneret and Laurent in Tectonophysics 180:287–302, 1990) devised originally for calcite twins has been modified and applied to fault/slip data, facilitating a rejection of incompatible outliers. Two main classes of data separation procedures were tested: separation contemporary with inversion and separation prior to inversion, utilising hierarchical clustering. The separation contemporary with inversion performs moderately but often fails with complex calcite twin sets. The performance of hierarchical clustering is high, but only with a σ 1 orientation as a similarity criterion—the new strategy introduced in this contribution. For fault/slip data the hierarchical clustering with the right-dihedra construction as the similarity criterion (Nemcok et al. 1999) is satisfactory. Additionally, a new approach is proposed for fault/slip data, utilising principles of the classical algorithm for heterogeneous populations of calcite twins. Validated algorithms for striated faults were successfully applied to a natural data set from the Holy Cross Mts (central Poland).  相似文献   

The Central European Basin System (CEBS) is composed of a series of subbasins, the largest of which are (1) the Norwegian–Danish Basin (2), the North German Basin extending westward into the southern North Sea and (3) the Polish Basin. A 3D structural model of the CEBS is presented, which integrates the thickness of the crust below the Permian and five layers representing the Permian–Cenozoic sediments. Structural interpretations derived from the 3D model and from backstripping are discussed with respect to published seismic data. The analysis of structural relationships across the CEBS suggests that basin evolution was controlled to a large degree by the presence of major zones of crustal weakness. The NW–SE-striking Tornquist Zone, the Ringkøbing-Fyn High (RFH) and the Elbe Fault System (EFS) provided the borders for the large Permo–Mesozoic basins, which developed along axes parallel to these fault systems. The Tornquist Zone, as the most prominent of these zones, limited the area affected by Permian–Cenozoic subsidence to the north. Movements along the Tornquist Zone, the margins of the Ringkøbing-Fyn High and the Elbe Fault System could have influenced basin initiation. Thermal destabilization of the crust between the major NW–SE-striking fault systems, however, was a second factor controlling the initiation and subsidence in the Permo–Mesozoic basins. In the Triassic, a change of the regional stress field caused the formation of large grabens (Central Graben, Horn Graben, Glückstadt Graben) perpendicular to the Tornquist Zone, the Ringkøbing-Fyn High and the Elbe Fault System. The resulting subsidence pattern can be explained by a superposition of declining thermal subsidence and regional extension. This led to a dissection of the Ringkøbing-Fyn High, resulting in offsets of the older NW–SE elements by the younger N–S elements. In the Late Cretaceous, the NW–SE elements were reactivated during compression, the direction of which was such that it did not favour inversion of N–S elements. A distinct change in subsidence controlling factors led to a shift of the main depocentre to the central North Sea in the Cenozoic. In this last phase, N–S-striking structures in the North Sea and NW–SE-striking structures in The Netherlands are reactivated as subsidence areas which are in line with the direction of present maximum compression. The Moho topography below the CEBS varies over a wide range. Below the N–S-trending Cenozoic depocentre in the North Sea, the crust is only 20 km thick compared to about 30 km below the largest part of the CEBS. The crust is up to 40 km thick below the Ringkøbing-Fyn High and up to 45 km along the Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone. Crustal thickness gradients are present across the Tornquist Zone and across the borders of the Ringkøbing-Fyn High but not across the Elbe Fault System. The N–S-striking structural elements are generally underlain by a thinner crust than the other parts of the CEBS.The main fault systems in the Permian to Cenozoic sediment fill of the CEBS are located above zones in the deeper crust across which a change in geophysical properties as P-wave velocities or gravimetric response is observed. This indicates that these structures served as templates in the crustal memory and that the prerift configuration of the continental crust is a major controlling factor for the subsequent basin evolution.  相似文献   

Jeffrey Poort  Jan Klerkx   《Tectonophysics》2004,383(3-4):217-241
Heat flow in active tectonic zones as the Baikal rift is a crucial parameter for evaluating deep anomalous structures and lithosphere evolution. Based on the interpretation of the existing datasets, the Baikal rift has been characterized in the past by either high heat flow, or moderately elevated heat flow, or even lacking a surface heat flow anomaly. We made an attempt to better constrain the geothermal picture by a detailed offshore contouring survey of known anomalies, and to estimate the importance of observed heat flow anomalies within the regional surface heat output. A total of about 200 new and close-spaced heat flow measurements were obtained in several selected study areas in the North Baikal Basin. With an outrigged and a violin-bow designed thermoprobe of 2–3-m length, both the sediment temperature and thermal conductivity were measured. The new data show at all investigated sites that the large heat flow highs are limited to local heat flow anomalies. The maximum measured heat flow reaches values of 300–35000 mW/m2, but the extent of the anomalies is not larger than 2 to 4 km in diameter. Aside of these local anomalies, heat flow variations are restricted to near background values of 50–70 mW/m2, except in the uplifted Academician zone. The extent of the local anomalies excludes a conductive source, and therefore heat transport by fluids must be considered. In a conceptual model where all bottom floor heat flow anomalies are the result of upflowing fluids along a conduit, an extra heat output of 20 MW (including advection) is estimated for all known anomalies in the North Baikal Basin. Relative to a basal heat flow of 55–65 mW/m2, these estimations suggest an extra heat output in the northern Lake Baikal of only 5%, corresponding to a regional heat flow increase of 3 mW/m2. The source of this heat can be fully attributed to a regional heat redistribution by topographically driven ground water flow. Thus, the surface heat flow is not expected to bear a signal of deeper lithospheric thermal anomalies that can be separated from heat flow typical for orogenically altered crust (40–70 mW/m2). The new insights on the geothermal signature in the Baikal rift once more show that continental rifting is not by default characterized by high heat flow.  相似文献   

Fluid flow at greenschist facies conditions during exhumation of the western Alps occurred in several penecontemporaneous systems, including shear zones at lithological contacts, deformed contacts between serpentinite bodies and metabasalts, albite veins within metabasalts, and calcite + quartz veins within calcareous schists. Fluid flow in shear zones that juxtapose metasediments and ophiolitic rocks within the Piemonte Unit reset O and H isotope ratios. δ18O values are buffered by the wall rocks; however, calculated fluid δ2H values are similar within all the shear zones suggesting that they formed an interconnected network. The similarity of δ2H values of the sheared rocks and those of unsheared calcareous schists suggests that the fluids were derived from, or had equilibrated with, the schists that envelop the ophiolite rocks. Time‐integrated fluid fluxes at the sheared contacts estimated from changes in Si in metabasalts were up to 105 m3 m?2, with the fluid flowing up temperature driven either by topography or seismic pumping. Individual shear zones were active for c. 2–3 Myr, implying average fluid fluxes of up to 10?9 m3 m?2 s?1. Rocks in shear zones within the ophiolite away from contacts with the metasediments show much less marked isotopic and geochemical changes, implying that fluid volumes decreased into the ophiolite unit, consistent with the source of fluids being the metasediments. Fluids were generated by dehydration reactions that were intersected during exhumation and, while many rocks show the affects of fluid–rock interaction, large‐scale fluid flow between major units was not common.  相似文献   

Abstract: There were huge life and property losses during the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008. Strain fluctuation curves were completely recorded at stress observatory stations in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and its surroundings in the process of the earthquake. This paper introduces the geological background of the Wenchuan earthquake and the profile of in-situ stress monitoring stations. In particular, data of 174 earthquakes (Ms4.0-Ms8.5) were processed and analyzed with various methods, which were recorded at the Shandan station from August 2007 to December 2008. The results were compared with other seismic data, and further analyses were done for the recoded strain seismic waves, co-seismic strain stepovers, pre-earthquake strain valleys, Earth’s free oscillations before and after the earthquake and their physical implications. During the Wenchuan earthquake, the strainmeter recorded a huge extensional strain of 70 seconds, which shows that the Wenchuan earthquake is a rupture process predominated by thrusting. Significant precursory strain anomalies were detected 48 hours, 30 hours, 8 hours and 37 minutes before the earthquake. The anomalies are very high and their forms are very similar to that of the main shock. Similar anomalies can also be found in strain curves of other shocks greater than Ms7.0, indicating that such anomalies are prevalent before a great earthquake. In this paper, it is shown that medium aftershocks (Ms5.5-6.0) can also cause Earth’s free oscillations. Study of free oscillations is of great significance to understand the internal structure of the Earth and focal mechanisms of earthquakes and to recognize slow shocks, thus providing a scientific basis for the prevention and treatment of geological disasters and the prediction of future earthquakes.  相似文献   

Many problems in mining and civil engineering require using numerical stress analysis methods to repeatedly solve large models. Widespread acceptance of tunneling methods, such as New Austrian Tunneling Method, which depend heavily on numerical stress analysis tools and the fact that the effects of excavation at the face of a tunnel are distinctively three–dimensional (3D), necessitates the use of 3D numerical analysis for these problems. Stress analysis of a practical mining problem can be very lengthy, and the processing time can be measured in days or weeks at times. A framework is developed to facilitate efficient modeling of underground excavations and to create an optimal 3D mesh by reducing the number of surface and volume elements while keeping the result of stress analysis accurate enough at the region of interest, where a solution is sought. Fewer surface and volume elements mean fewer degrees of freedom in the numerical model, which directly translates into savings in computational time and resources. The mesh refinement algorithm is driven by a set of criteria that are functions of distance and visibility of points from the region of interest, and the framework can be easily extended by adding new types of criteria. This paper defines the framework, whereas a second companion paper will investigate its efficiency, accuracy and application to a number of practical mining problems. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronology has been applied to a composite depth profile of Precambrian basement rocks underlying the Phanerozoic Canadian Williston Basin. Thermal histories derived from the AFT data record cycles of heating and cooling which follow the pattern of regional burial history, but which also indicate major temporal and geographic variations in the timing and degree of maximum Phanerozoic temperatures. These variations in the thermal history were not previously recognised from organic maturity indicators and subsidence models. Specifically, our study suggests a late Paleozoic heat flow anomaly with a geographic extent closer to that of Middle Devonian–Carboniferous Kaskaskia subsidence patterns than to that of the Williston Basin proper. This thermal anomaly has both economic and geodynamic significance. The recognition that potential Upper Cambrian–Lower Ordovician petroleum source rocks became fully mature during the late Paleozoic distinguishes that petroleum system from others that entered the main hydrocarbon generation stage in latest Cretaceous and Paleogene time. The late Paleozoic heat flow anomaly suggested from the AFT data implies a geodynamic coupling between inelastic Kaskaskia subsidence and previously inferred late Paleozoic lithospheric weakening. While the temporally varying heat flow model is preferred, the lack of independent constraints on the maximum thickness of upper Paleozoic strata precludes the outright rejection of the previous constant heat flow model. The AFT data provide important new constraints on the evolution of the epicratonic Williston Basin and its geodynamic models.  相似文献   

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