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岩石物性约束是地球物理联合反演重要的实现方式.在以往联合反演研究中,这种约束通常以点对点的映射方式出现,要求经验性的岩石物性关联是相对精确的,无形中提高了岩石物性约束应用于联合反演的条件.基于此,本文结合全局寻优的模拟退火算法,提出了宽范围岩石物性约束技术.该技术将岩石物性约束与模拟退火模型扰动、模型接受准则相结合,实现了空间对空间的映射,将电阻率和速度耦合在一起.文章以MT和地震正则化同步联合反演为例,检验了不同的先验信息条件下的宽范围岩石物性约束技术的适用性.模型试验表明:新技术容易实现,容错性高,可降低"不精确"岩石物性关联信息引入带来的风险,提高岩石物性约束应用的灵活性.  相似文献   




以河道观测深度为硬性数据,用贝叶斯理论通过随机建模的方法建立河道砂体横截面为抛物线形状的河道油藏地质模型.用差分方法将三维各向异性非稳定态渗流方程离散化,并用迭代解法求解包含河道区域在内的差分方程.以三种不同的非均匀渗透率场分别计算了压强的空间分布,算例表明符合实际情况.  相似文献   

宽范围物性约束方式可以促进物性参数在一定范围内实现耦合, 具有一定的容错性, 实现简单.但目前该方式只在全局优化算法联合反演中得以实现, 如何将其推广至梯度优化算法联合反演至今没有明确的策略.此外, Gramian约束虽然对先验信息依赖低, 但是对明确的物性关联信息利用率低.基于此, 本文提出了适用于梯度优化算法的宽范围物性约束的策略, 即"岩石物性关联+范围约束+耦合项", 并实现了基于宽范围物性约束策略的大地电磁测深(MT)和重力共轭梯度Gramian约束联合反演新算法.模型试验表明, 本文提出的算法可以提高先验物性关联信息的利用率, 且有效限定物性耦合的范围.我们将本文方法应用于安徽省茶亭铜金矿床实际资料处理之中, 联合反演结果清晰地揭示了铜金矿床的空间分布.  相似文献   

对弹性参数进行转换而获取物性参数的方法,适用范围有限且预测精度不高.本文基于岩石物理理论,提出一种带先验约束的碎屑岩储层物性参数预测方法,为储层预测、流体识别、储层描述、储量估计、烃类开发方案设计提供重要参数.应用岩石物理理论和物性参数先验信息建立了带先验约束的目标函数;并利用最优化方法对反演目标函数进行优化求解,对储层的物性及孔隙度和泥质含量进行同步迭代反演.经过正演数据及实际地震资料的测试应用,其结果表明本文方法反演得到的孔隙度和泥质含量为储层综合预测提供了愈加丰富的评价指标,同时孔隙度和泥质含量数据的联合应用对减小储层预测的多解性和降低勘探开发的风险有重要意义.  相似文献   

随着油气田开发难度的加大和技术的进步,储层随机建模技术已经成为储层表征的主要手段.基于地质统计学理论的认识,并结合模拟退火算法,本文研究了退火随机模拟储层地质模型,其结果表明该方法是一种易理解、易实现、较灵活、适应性强、较实用的算法.应用该方法可以建立渗透率、孔隙度、含油饱和度,以及波阻抗等参数的空间分布模型,这些模型很好的保持了已知数据所反映的储层空间特征,并真实地展现了各种参数在储层内的分布,为油气田储层预测和开发提供依据.  相似文献   

对不同地球物理方法的数据进行联合反演,通过模型参数的相互约束可以减小反演的多解性.本文对电阻率法和重力勘探数据开展了基于电阻率和剩余密度梯度累加约束的二维联合反演研究.电阻率法采用数据空间Occam反演,重力勘探采用基于对数障碍法的正则化反演.通过在电阻率法和重力勘探反演的目标函数中引入电阻率和剩余密度梯度累加约束项,利用交替迭代方式实现了电阻率法和重力勘探数据的二维联合反演.对理论模型合成数据进行了单方法反演和联合反演,对比了反演效果.结果表明:联合反演结果优于单方法反演结果,联合反演结果对异常体的物性值恢复和形态刻画效果更好.  相似文献   

宽范围物性约束技术容易实现、具有一定容错性,目前已在大地电磁测深(MT)和地震、MT和重力联合反演中实现,但该技术是结合模拟退火算法实现的.差分进化算法(DE)是一种全局优化算法,但该算法在地球物理联合反演领域应用较少.基于此,本文以双种群设置方案为框架改进了DE算法,并提出了基于改进DE算法的宽范围物性约束技术.MT和重力联合反演的模型试验表明:与传统的DE算法相比,改进的DE算法收敛速度更快,寻优能力更强;基于改进DE算法的宽范围物性约束技术可以促进不同岩石物性参数在一定"范围"内实现耦合,既可以利用岩石物性关联的导向作用,又可以发挥优化算法的寻优能力,进而降低地球物理联合反演对先验信息的要求;此外,该技术的实现也验证了宽范围物性约束思想在联合反演领域中的适用性,具有进一步推广至其他优化算法中的潜质.  相似文献   

宽范围物性约束技术容易实现、具有一定容错性,目前已在大地电磁测深(MT)和地震、MT和重力联合反演中实现,但该技术是结合模拟退火算法实现的.差分进化算法(DE)是一种全局优化算法,但该算法在地球物理联合反演领域应用较少.基于此,本文以双种群设置方案为框架改进了DE算法,并提出了基于改进DE算法的宽范围物性约束技术.MT和重力联合反演的模型试验表明:与传统的DE算法相比,改进的DE算法收敛速度更快,寻优能力更强;基于改进DE算法的宽范围物性约束技术可以促进不同岩石物性参数在一定"范围"内实现耦合,既可以利用岩石物性关联的导向作用,又可以发挥优化算法的寻优能力,进而降低地球物理联合反演对先验信息的要求;此外,该技术的实现也验证了宽范围物性约束思想在联合反演领域中的适用性,具有进一步推广至其他优化算法中的潜质.  相似文献   

反褶积是提高地震资料分辨率的重要方法,子波估计与反褶积算子设计是反褶积方法的两个重要方面.本文在分析谱模拟法与自相关法各自特点的基础上,将两种方法的优势相结合,提出了自适应谱模拟方法,提高了谱模拟方法的适应性和准确性.在反褶积算子计算过程中对误差能量进行加权,减少了反褶积过程中处理噪音的产生,同时引入信噪比谱约束,以达到保证信噪比的前提下合理提升地震资料分辨率的目的.  相似文献   

基于Markov链模型的储层岩相随机模拟   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
在油气储层随机建模研究中,基于Markov链模型的方法是一类较受欢迎的技术,同时也是一类不成熟的技术,问题的症结之一在于侧向的转移概率矩阵很难求取,针对这种情况,作者在深入理解Walther相律的基础上,借鉴模拟退火算法的相应思路,提出了一种岩相模拟的新方法,该方法依据不同岩相的百分比进行随机模拟得到一幅初始图象,而后以按岩相组织剖面得到的垂向和侧向的岩相转移概率矩阵的相似性作为判别标准对图象进行扰动,直至得到满意的图象,二维模型试算结果表明了这种岩相随机模拟方法的可行性。  相似文献   

We present a novel approach for optimizing reservoir operation through fuzzy programming and a hybrid evolution algorithm, i.e. genetic algorithm (GA) with simulated annealing (SA). In the analysis, objectives and constraints of reservoir operation are transformed by fuzzy programming for searching the optimal degree of satisfaction. In the hybrid search procedure, the GA provides a global search and the SA algorithm provides local search. This approach was investigated to search the optimizing operation scheme of Shihmen Reservoir in Taiwan. Monthly inflow data for three years reflecting different hydrological conditions and a consecutive 10‐year period were used. Comparisons were made with the existing M‐5 reservoir operation rules. The results demonstrate that: (1) fuzzy programming could effectively formulate the reservoir operation scheme into degree of satisfaction α among the users and constraints; (2) the hybrid GA‐SA performed much better than the current M‐5 operating rules. Analysis also found the hybrid GA‐SA conducts parallel analyses that increase the probability of finding an optimal solution while reducing computation time for reservoir operation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


塔里木盆地、四川盆地以及鄂尔多斯盆地深层-超深层碳酸盐岩油气藏是中国油气勘探的重要领域.由于中国海相深层碳酸盐岩储层发育的主控因素差异很大, 碳酸盐岩储集体类型多, 非均质性极强.随着深度增加, 海相地层地震资料信噪比低、分辨率变差, 增加了碳酸盐岩储层地震预测的难度.本文提出了以“相、面、断”三种端元为基础的深层碳酸盐岩储集体分类的新方法, 针对相控型、面控型和断控型三种类型储集体, 形成了相应的储集体预测方法、流程, 包括: (1)川西雷口坡组气田潮坪相白云岩薄储层“三型两构”组合预测技术; (2)川北茅口组气藏礁滩相白云岩薄储层地震沉积学分析约束的高分辨率反演技术; (3)顺北油气田奥陶系断控储集体基于振幅响应正演模拟的定性-定量描述; (4)大牛地奥陶系不整合面岩溶储集体地质规律指导下的波形分类与古地貌刻画技术.这些方法围绕特定类型储集体的特征, 充分运用地质分析所建立的储集体模式, 较好地预测了储集体的厚度、物性、含油气性及分布范围, 实现了单纯依据地震数据无法达到的预测目标, 取得了良好的应用效果, 有力支撑了深层-超深层油气勘探突破与高效开发.


周衍  饶莹 《地球物理学报》2018,61(1):284-292

塔里木盆地塔河地区的奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层埋藏深,其深度超过5000 m,储集体类型以裂缝、缝洞为主,储层的纵向和横向上都具有极强的非均质性.这些特点导致反射地震数据的信噪比低、分辨率低,从而使得碳酸盐岩储层特征描述的难度增大.针对这些问题,本文运用稳定化反Q滤波方法对塔河地区的三维地震数据进行提高分辨率处理,同步实现地震振幅补偿和子波相位校正.处理结果与原始地震数据进行地震剖面面貌、储层内幕信息、断裂缝洞刻画等方面的直接对比,一方面展示反Q滤波方法在提高分辨率、提高弱反射能量、以及增强反射同相轴的空间连续性等方面的优势,同时展示稳定化反Q滤波方法能够提高对奥陶系碳酸盐岩缝洞储集体的特征描述精度.


Based on the drilling data of the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Shale and the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Shale in southern Sichuan Basin,the construction of matrix pores and the development condition of fractures in a marine organic-rich shale are quantitatively evaluated through the establishment of the reservoir petrophysical models and porosity mathematical models.Our studies show that there are four major characteristics of the Longmaxi Shale confirmed by the quantitative characterization:(1)the pore volume of per unit mass is the highest in organic matter,followed in clay minerals,finally in brittle minerals;(2)the porosity of the effective shale reservoir is moderate and equal to that of the Barnett Shale,and the main parts of the shale reservoir spaces are interlayer pores of clay minerals and organic pores;(3)the porosity of the organic-rich shale is closely related to TOC and brittle mineral/clay mineral ratio,and mainly increases with TOC and clay mineral content;(4)fractures are developed in this black shale,and are mainly micro ones and medium-large ones.In the Longmaxi Shale,the fracture density increases from top to bottom,reflecting the characteristics with high brittle mineral content,high Young’s modulus,low Poisson's ratio and high brittleness at its bottom.  相似文献   

本文基于Metropolis接收原则改进快速模拟退火算法同时进行地下介质层速度和层厚度的联合反演.通过数值模拟验证,该方法在调整好起始温度、温度下降方案等参数的情况下,通过非线性反演可以得到接近理论模型的结果.通过对沿86.E经线南北跨越印度板块、青藏高原和塔里木盆地的垂直剖面的纯频散进行反演,得到S波速度结构,由此识别其Moho 面深度和岩石圈底界面等层面位置.  相似文献   

The regional terrestrial water cycle is strongly altered by human activities. Among them, reservoir regulation is a way to spatially and temporally allocate water resources in a basin for multi-purposes. However, it is still not sufficiently understood how reservoir regulation modifies the regional terrestrial- and subsequently, the atmospheric water cycle. To address this question, the representation of reservoir regulation into the terrestrial component of fully coupled regional Earth system models is required. In this study, an existing process-based reservoir network module is implemented into NOAH-HMS, that is, the terrestrial component of an atmospheric–hydrologic modelling system, namely, the WRF-HMS. It allows to quantitatively differentiate role of reservoir regulation and of groundwater feedback in a simulated ground-soil-vegetation continuum. Our study focuses on the Poyang Lake basin, where the largest freshwater lake of China and reservoirs of different sizes are located. As compared to streamflow observations, the newly extended NOAH-HMS slightly improves the streamflow and streamflow duration curves simulation for the Poyang Lake basin for the period 1979–1986. The inclusion of reservoir regulation leads to major changes in the simulated groundwater recharges and evaporation from reservoirs at local scale, but has minor effects on the simulated soil moisture and surface runoff at basin scale. The performed groundwater feedback sensitivity analysis shows that the strength of the groundwater feedback is not altered by the consideration of reservoir regulation. Furthermore, both reservoir regulation and groundwater feedback modify the partitioning of the simulated evapotranspiration, thus affecting the atmospheric water cycle in the Poyang Lake region. This finding motivates future research with our extended fully coupled atmospheric–hydrologic modelling system by the community.  相似文献   

This paper proposed an integrated simulation model to incorporate the impact of flood-induced reservoir turbidity into water supply. The integrated model includes a regional water allocation model and a one-dimensional settling model of cohesive particles based on Kynch’s theory. It simulates the settling of sediment flocculation in a turbid reservoir. The restrictions of water supply during floods is mimicked by simulating turbidity profiles for control points and then quantifying the associated treatment capability of raw water in the regional water allocation model for each time step. This framework can simulate shortages caused by flood-induced high turbidity as well as extended droughts, thus provide a basis for comprehensive evaluations of emergent and regular water supply facilities. A case study of evaluating different measures to mitigate the impact of turbid reservoir on water supply in northern Taiwan is presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

H. S. Kim  S. Lee 《水文研究》2014,28(13):4023-4041
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the regionalization method on the basis of a combination of a parsimonious model structure and a multi‐objective calibration technique. For this study, 12 gauged catchments in the Republic of Korea were used. The parsimonious model structure, requiring minimal input data, was used to avoid adverse effects arising from model complexity, over‐parameterization and data requirements. The IHACRES rainfall‐runoff model was applied to represent the dynamic response characteristics of catchments in Korea. A multi‐objective approach was adopted to reduce the predictive uncertainty arising from the calibration of a rainfall‐runoff model, by increasing the amount of information retrieved from the available data. The regional relationships (or models) between the model parameters and the catchment attributes were established via a multiple regression approach, incorporating correlation analysis and stepwise regression on linear and logarithmic scales. The impacts of the parameters, calibrated by the multi‐objective approach, on the adequacy of regional relationships were assessed by comparison with impacts obtained by the single‐objective approach. The regional relationships were well defined, despite limited available data. The drainage area, the effective soil depth, the mean catchment slope and the catchment gradient appeared to be the main factors for describing the hydrologic response characteristics in the areas studied. The overall model performance of the regional models based on the multi‐objective approach was good, producing reasonable results for high and low flows and for the overall water balance, simultaneously. The regional models based on the single‐objective approach yielded accurate predictions in high flows but showed limited predictive capability for low flows and the overall water balance. This was due to the optimal model parameter estimates when using a single‐objective measure. The parameters calibrated by the single‐objective approach decreased the predictability of the regional models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The objectives of this study were to discover the relationship between variables in a water reservoir and the hydrochemical variations related to acid mine drainage (AMD), and to describe the horizontal stratification related to vertical salinity and variations in metals present in the region. The information obtained may be used for establishing risk evaluation criteria and to design future remediation strategies, which could be useful for new dams. The hydrochemical characterization was based on a sampling campaign performed in October 2011. A total of 28 samples, at 1-m-deep intervals, were obtained. The hydrogeochemical study of the polluted reservoir shows that the dilution effect is not sufficient to neutralize AMD contributions from mining activity. Sampling carried out from the surface water to the deepest points reveals stratification of the reservoir that allows it to be included in the group of monomictic and holomitic lakes.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor M.D. Fidelibus  相似文献   

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