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王家骥  陈力  陈鼎 《天文学报》2005,46(2):207-215
利用上海天文台相隔29年的两期天体测量底片,测量了球状星团M79的绝对自行,采用Harris给出的这个星团离开太阳的距离和视向速度数据,计算了星团当前的空间运动速度;根据银河系引力势模型,进一步计算了该星团在银河系中的轨道参数,还对利用自行数据所作的球状星团运动学研究的不确定性作了讨论。  相似文献   

温文  赵君亮  陈力 《天文学报》2006,47(1):9-18
利用上海天文台40厘米折射望远镜照相观测资料所得出的恒星自行,按最大似然原理确定了疏散星团NGC6530天区内恒星的成员概率.分析表明星团成员确定是非常有效的,成员概率p≥0.9的恒星计有250颗.最后,确定了星团的空间运动,并作了简单的讨论.  相似文献   

使用上海天文台佘山40cm折射望远镜拍摄的底片资料,对球状星团M79中心附近15’×15’天区内106颗恒星和63颗Tycho-2星,以《Tycho-2星表》中M79附近1°×1°天区内上述63颗Ty cho-2星的位置和自行为参考,归算得到了所有169颗恒星的位置和自行,并估计了其成员概率。  相似文献   

G302=L3107是球状星团M4中的一颗红星,目前还没有自行或视线速度的测定,Greenstein和Lee分别给出此星的星等和色指数为:  相似文献   

王龙  周洪楠 《天文学报》2002,43(3):302-326
选用银河系中29个累积光谱型为F型的球状星团样本。根据它们的视向速度,绝对自行等参数,归算处理后得出了各样本星团的空间分布和运动速度。并以此作为初始条件,在给定的3种银河系引力势模型中,采用数值积分方法计算出各样本星团的运动轨道。计算结果表明:(1)大部分样本星团都位于银心距5kpc-10kpc的范围内,相对于银心呈球对称分布,它们的速度也呈椭球分布;(2)29个样本星团按其金属度大小和基本性发类,可分属HB和MP两个次系,且样本星团数随金属度[Fe/H]而变化,在[Fe/H]=-1.6处出现一个峰值;(3)所有样本星团的轨道运动都呈周期性,大都在一个有界而不封闭的周期轨道上运动,其最大银心距大都在40kpc以内。不同的引力势模型对球状星团轨道的具体形态影响不大,在给定的引力势模型下,当某些星团的运动轨道穿越距银心1kpc附近的区域时会出现“混沌”行为。而样本星团的金属度与其轨道形态之间的相关性并不明显;(4)29个样本星团的轨道半长轴、远银心距和方位周期随金属度的变化规律基本相似。轨道偏心率与金属度有关,对于所选的晕族样本星团而言,大约有24%的样本星团的轨道偏心率低于0.4,不同的引力势模型对近银心距、偏心率和参数的不确定度等量影响较小,但是对远银心距、径向周期和方位周期等参数影响较为明显。  相似文献   

A proper motion study from Tautenburg Schmidt plates is presented for the globular cluster M3 and its vicinity. The plates were scanned with the Automated Photographic Measuring (APM) system in Cambridge (UK). A photographic B,V photometry and star counts on the deepest plates were carried out. With a limiting magnitude of about B = 21.4 proper motions with an accuracy from 2 to 3 mas/yr have been obtained for stars with B 19. The proper motions were determined using a stepwise regression method with 3rd order polynomials in the plate-to-plate solutions with about 2000 reference galaxies. The results which were corrected for systematic errors dependent on position and magnitude of the stars were used for the determination of membership probabilities. We also looked for possible internal motions of M3.  相似文献   

银河系中球状星团的空间运动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
球状星团是银河系中最古老的天体类型之一,其累积光度很大,是银晕中重要的示踪天体。已以发现的银河系球状星团有140多个,其中120个银心距R〈40Kpc的星团已被准确地测定了视向速度。根据结数据以及球状星团金属度的统计分析,可以把球状星团次系再进一步分成某些不同的族群。目前已经测定过绝对自行的球状星团只有38个,尽管这些自行的精度比视向速度和距离的精度差很多,然而,由此可以得出三维的空间速度,在统计  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The globular cluster (GC hereafter), as the oldest star group in the universe, has been a target that astro- physics has paid close attention to all the time. The near-field (Galaxy) cosmology makes contacts with the far-field cosmology by …  相似文献   

以《Hipparcos星表》体现的国际天球参考架为基础 ,对球状星团M3(NGC 5 2 72 )中心附近 10 0′×10 0′天区内 5 34颗恒星 ,使用上海天文台佘山 4 0cm折射望远镜拍摄的底片资料 ,以 8颗《Hipparcos星表》中恒星和 4 9颗《Tycho - 2星表》中恒星的位置和绝对自行为参考 ,归算得到了位置和绝对自行 ,并估计了成员概率  相似文献   

评述了球状星团系统研究中的比频、金属度和质量谱三大问题,就目前的认识和存在的问题进行了讨论。指出不同星系球状星团比频之间的差别表明了需要有各种不同的球状星团形成模型;球状星团金属度的分布表明球状星团可能有三个形成时期,分别与三类形成模型效应;尽管对数正态初始质量的数值模拟初步结果与观测结果符合得更好,然而幂函数的初始质量谱在物理上能很好地与球状星团形成联系起来。  相似文献   

We present a catalogue (CSOCA) of stars residing in 520 Galactic open cluster sky areas which is the result of the kinematic (proper motion) and photometric member selection of stars listed in the homogeneous All‐sky Compiled Catalogue of 2.5Million Stars (ASCC‐2.5).We describe the structure and contents of the catalogue, the selection procedure applied, and the proper motion and photometric membership constraints adopted. In every cluster area the CSOCA contains the complete list of the ASCC‐2.5 stars regardless of their membership probability. For every star the CSOCA includes accurate J2000 equatorial coordinates, proper motions in the Hipparcos system, BV photometric data in the Johnson system, proper motion and photometric membership probabilities, as well as angular distances from the cluster centers for about 166 000 ASCC‐2.5 stars. If available, trigonometric parallaxes, spectral types, multiplicity and variability flags from the ASCC‐2.5, and radial velocities with their errors from the Catalogue of Radial Velocities of Galactic Stars with high precision Astrometric Data (CRVAD) are also given. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

王龙  周洪楠 《天文学报》2003,44(2):147-155
选取前文中所列出的29个累积光谱型为F型的球状星团中的3个作为样本,深入研究了初始观测资料的不确定性和选用不同的银河系引力势模型,对样本星团轨道参数的影响。首先采用Monte Carlo方法产生3个样本球状星团的模拟初始观测数据,而后,以这些模拟数据为初始条件,在3种不同的银河系引力势模型下进行轨道计算,得到此3个样本的模拟轨道参数。模拟计算的结果表明:根据模拟初始数据生成的样本轨道参数分布形态大致可分为高斯分布、准高斯分布和非高斯分布等3类;初始观测数据的不确定性对样本轨道参数分布的影响,与样本星团的选择和轨道参数的类型有关;选用不同的银河系引力势模型,对3个样本星团的各个轨道参数的分布和形态结构也会产生不同程度的影响。该工作的结果,可供深入研究球状星团的整体运动和动力学性质等问题参考。  相似文献   

The Galway/DIAS Image Sharpening Camera, TRIFFID, has been used to make observations in two colours of the centre of the post-core-collapse globular cluster M15. We present here our analysis of the photometry in B over two seasons. We have combined the complementary qualities of the HST 's high astrometric precision and TRIFFID's extended coverage and photometric precision, to perform crowded-field photometry in the innermost region of M15. Our technique virtually eliminates the problem of extreme crowding which has hitherto hampered studies of the variable star populations in globular cluster cores, and thereby provides an extension of the HST 's capability. Candidate variables detected with the HST have been confirmed and monitored over longer periods. We show that most of these are RR Lyrae stars, and that one is a short-period Type II Cepheid (the third to be discovered in M15). Our photometric study also produced evidence of a similar number of new variables. These also appear to be RR Lyrae stars, except for a possible eclipsing system. Further data from an upgraded version of TRIFFID have recently been obtained to help to refine the light curves of all these objects.  相似文献   

A66是位于球状星团M4红巨星支最底部(近亚巨星支顶部)的一颗红星.按其在C-M图上的位置,A66可能是星团成员.目前尚无自行或视线速度的测定.发现A66为一小变幅的新变星,周期约一天, v波段的总变幅约0.05等.但是,如果自行或视线速度测定证实为其成员星,那么变光的原因也许不是脉动.因为按照熊氏理论,这样低光度的红星其脉动周期不可能长于0.1天.对于A66这样的周期和变幅,又很难想像变光原因是黑子星的自转或EW型双星的交食.或者,A66不是星团成员.  相似文献   

We measured relative proper motions with a typical accuracy of 1.0 milliarcsec/year (mas/a) for 2000 stars in a 1°4 × 1°4 field around the low-latitude globular cluster NGC 6934. Four plates taken with the Bonn double refractor, spanning an epoch difference of 62 years, were digitized completely. Within the tidal radius of the cluster, we find 106 stars with proper motion errors less than 5 mas/a. Membership probalilities are computed taking into account the individual proper motion errors and the radial distances to the cluster centre. We derive the mean relative proper motion of NGC 6934 using stars with high membership probabilities from radial velocities (Smith and Bell 1986) or from their location in the colour-magnitude diagram (Harris and Racine 1973). The relative proper motions of four Hipparcos stars in the field will be used to obtain the absolute proper motion of NGC 6934 once the extragalactically calibrated Hipparcos Output Catalogue is available.  相似文献   

We have measured the absolute proper motions of 534 stars in a 1.5° × 1.5° region around the cluster M3, using 14 plates taken with a 40-cm refractor spanning 80 years. 24 stars in the ACT catalogue were used to define the reference frame and the reduction was made using the central overlapping technique. Using the new data, the membership probabilities were redetermined. The mean absolute motion of the cluster was found to be −0.3 ± 0.3 mas/yr in R.A., and −3.1 ± 0.3 mas/yr in declination. Combining the present data with the known distance and radial velocity, the three-dimensional galactic orbit of M3 was calculated for Allen's galactic potential.  相似文献   

对著名老年疏散星团M67的成员星进行了两点相关函数分析,讨论了团星的空间分布情况及质量分层现象.结果表明:M67成员星的两点相关函数能很好地用幂律形式来描述,其成员星在空间分布上具有显著的成团性和自相似性.对M67不同光度成员星两点自相关函数的分析表明,亮星相比暗星具有更强的相关强度和更大的相关指数,说明在星团内部出现了明显的空间质量分层现象,亮星比暗星具有更强的成团性和更大的中心聚度.不同光度成员星间两点交叉相关函数的分析进一步表明,不同光度成员星之间并没有表现出绝对的空间质量分层现象,亮星和暗星在空间分布上相互交织、相互渗透.  相似文献   

Absolute proper motions and radial velocities of 202 open clusters in the solar neighborhood, which can be used as tracers of the Galactic disk, are used to investigate the kinematics of the Galaxy in the solar vicinity, including the mean heliocentric velocity components (u_1,u_2,u_3) of the open cluster system, the characteristic velocity dispersions (σ_1,σ_2,σ_3), Oort constants (A, B) and the large-scale radial motion parameters (C,D) of the Galaxy. The results derived from the observational data of proper motions and radial velocities of a subgroup of 117 thin disk young open clusters by means of a maximum likelihood algorithm are: (u_1,u2,u3) = (-16.1±1.0, -7.9±1.4,-10.4±1.5) kms~(-1), (σ_1,σ_2,σ_3) = (17.0 ±0.7,12.2±0.9,8.0±1.3) kms~(-1),(A,B) = (14.8±1.0,-13.0±2.7) kms~(-1) kpc~(-1) ,and(C,D) = (1.5±0.7,-1.2±1.5) kms~(-1) kpc~(-1) . A discussion on the results and comparisons with what was obtained by other authors is given.  相似文献   

Using metallicities from the literature, combined with the Revised Bologna Catalogue of photometric data for M31 clusters and cluster candidates [the latter of which is the most comprehensive catalogue of M31 clusters currently available, including 337 confirmed globular clusters (GCs) and 688 GC candidates], we determine 443 reddening values and intrinsic colours, and 209 metallicities for individual clusters without spectroscopic observations. This, the largest sample of M31 GCs presently available, is then used to analyse the metallicity distribution of M31 GCs, which is bimodal with peaks at [Fe/H]≈−1.7 and −0.7 dex. An exploration of metallicities as a function of radius from the M31 centre shows a metallicity gradient for the metal-poor GCs, but no such gradient for the metal-rich GCs. Our results show that the metal-rich clusters appear as a centrally concentrated spatial distribution; however, the metal-poor clusters tend to be less spatially concentrated. There is no correlation between luminosity and metallicity among the M31 sample clusters, which indicates that self-enrichment is indeed unimportant for cluster formation in M31.
The reddening distribution shows that slightly more than half of the GCs are affected by a reddening of E ( B − V ) ≲ 0.2 mag; the mean reddening value is   E ( B − V ) = 0.28+0.23−0.14 mag  . The spatial distribution of the reddening values indicates that the reddening on the north-western side of the M31 disc is more significant than that on the south-eastern side, which is consistent with the conclusion that the north-western side is nearer to us.  相似文献   

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