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Opaque minerals in the Jilin meteorite inelude kamacite, taenite troilite, chromite, ilmenite, schreibersite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and graphite.Five of the above-mentioned minerals have been discussed in more detail in terms of optical and physical properties, chemical composition, coexisting relationship, and the order of crystallization. It is indicated from this study that, with the exception of a small amount of Ni-Fe cbondrules, silicate minerals are the first to erystallize followed by chromite, ilmenite at the early stage of nebula condensation, while Ni-Fe phase in the matrix is considered to be of a more later erigin. At the late stage of nebula condensation troilite resulted from the reaction of Ni-Fe metal with residual H2S vapor. As indicated by the occurrence of coarse grained Ni-Fe metal, the recrystallization of troilite and the apparent Neumann lines in kamaeite, it is expected that opaque minerals in the Jilin metevrite have undergone different degrees of thermal and impact metamorphisms.  相似文献   

Mierospecimons of troilite from the Jilin meteorite No. Ⅰ, weighing only 200--500 micrograms, have been determined for S, Fe, Ni and Co. The sample is firstly decomposed by 6 N hydrochloric acid mixed with hydroxylanine hydrochloride at room tcmperature. Simultaneously, tellurium ions (To^4 ) are added to combine with divalent sulfur into TeS2. Excess tellurium is determined spectrophotometrieally. The sulfur content is indirectly obtained by substracting the excess tellurium from the total amount added. After extraction and separation, each of the other elements is colormetrically determined. The results are satisfactory.  相似文献   

Isoprenoid compounds in the Jilin meteorite are isolated and identified by a combined chromatography-mass spectrometry. In the chromatographic part of this instrumentation, the open glass capillary is coated with SE^30 carrier. Chromatographic and mass spectrometric evidence of the existance of pristane and phytane in the Jilin meteorite has been presented and the possible origin of these compounds briefly discussed  相似文献   

Preliminary investigation was earried out on the Jilin meteorite for hydrocarbonand nitrogen-bearing organic compounds. It shows that the meteorite contains 68 ppm of soluble organic matter, among which the normal alkanes amount to 0.36---0.48 ppm,with carbon number distribution ranging from C17 to C31, and the aromatic hydrocarbons herein are mainly composed of polyalkyl-substituted less condensed rings. Purine derivatives and pyrimidine have also been found. A discussion is given as to the origin of these organic substanees.  相似文献   

comparatively evident chondritie structure is observed in the Jilin meteorite. Chondrules range from 0.2 to 3mm in diameter, averaging 0.6mm. Chondrules can be divided into the following types according to the principal minerals crystallized and structure-texture characteristics: (1) Olivine chondrules. In terms of their structure they can be subdivided into prophyritic, grated, barred, sub swirlling internal flow and granular chondrulcs; (2) Orthopyroxene ahondrules. Textural types found are fan-like, radial,parallel fibrous, porphyritic and irregular; (3) Olivineorthopyroxene chondrules; (4)Glass or devitrified chondrules; (5) Ni-Fe chondrules and (6) Troilite-olivine chondrules. Among them, porphyritic and granular olivine chondrules and various kinds of radial orthopyroxene chondrules are most common. In addition, also have been recognized the overlapping of two or more chondrules and chondrules coated with glassy crust. The structure and texture of chondrules indicate that they were originated from molten silicate droplets through rapid cooling prior to the formation of the meteorite parent body. Rapid fusion may be induced on the surface of a few solidified chondrules by solar impulse wave or nebula lightning and, if rapid cooling followed, this would give rise to the appearance of glassy crust. Collision between chondrulcs may result in a variety of chondrule fragments and crystal debris. In some cases, collision is also considered to be responsible for the entrench, inclusion and overlapping textures in ehondrules. After the formation of the meteorite parent body recrystallization of chondrules may take place as a result of thermal metamorphism.  相似文献   

吉林陨石的岩石学、矿物学、化学组成及球粒结构的研究表明,陨石主要由橄榄石、古铜辉石、铁纹石、陨硫铁、斜长石及少量的铬铁矿、钛铁矿、斜古铜辉石、白磷钙矿及玻璃等近40种矿物组成。橄榄石(Fa18.7%)及古铜辉石(En81.8 Fs15.3 Wo2.9)的成分比较稳定。球粒比较发育,约占20%,但大多球粒的轮廓模糊,有的球粒与基质难以分辨,球粒结构类型多样,组成球粒和基质的矿物成分基本一致。按W.R.范施穆斯(VanSchmus)的分类,吉林陨石应属于H_5球粒陨石。根据同位素地质年龄的测定结果,吉  相似文献   

Glass and gas inclusions have been observed in olivine and other minerals in 30 doubly polished tin sections of Jilin meteorites, indicating that there must have been melting And condensation stages during the process of meteorite formation. Temperatures of formation have been determined by homogenization and quenching runs,giving 1050-200℃ and 502℃ for glass and gas inclusions respectively, Meanwhile,the fibrous radial crystals of pyroxene have been notieed to grow when heated over 800℃. These observations are in general agreement with the available experimental data and theoretical calculations regarding meteorite.  相似文献   

吉林陨石的透明矿物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Principal transparent minerals in the Jilin meteorite include forsterite (Fa 17.8--19.5), orthopyroxenes (mainly Fs 14.1-15.8), clinopyroxenes (clinobronzite, diopside and pigeonite), plagioclase (An 8--12), orthoclase and whitlockite. Among the 17 accessory and minor minerals recognized are: tremolite, zircon, sodalite, calcite, siderite,moissanite, quartz, christobalite and rutile. The chemical composition of olivine is relatlvely uniform. Of pyroxenes orthopyroxenc predominates while clinopyroxenes are rare. Optical measurement indicates a limited compositional variation for orthopyroxene. Feldspars occur mainly as microcrystals and glass chondrules have mostly devitrified into crystallites, microcrystals or even to perfect crystals. The outline of chondrules is partly clear or, in some cases,merely recoguizable. The Jilin meteorite should belong to the type of 4-5, basically type H 5, in accordance with the petrochemical classification suggested by W. R. van Schmns in 1967.  相似文献   

35个铁陨石化学组成研究及其在分类学中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我们在中国某些铁陨石化学分类的基础土,又对11个南极铁陨石及10个美国和其他国家的铁陨石进行了多元素的分析和研究。除首次对11个南极铁陨石进行化学构造分类外,还将以前划分为ⅢAB的新疆铁陨石重新划分为ⅢE化学群,并增加和更正了中国14个铁陨石的一些数据。故本文一并讨论35个铁陨石化学组成的研究结果。  相似文献   

宁强碳质球粒陨石含有大量聚集的球粒(13.7体积%)和非常低的难熔包体丰度(~2±1体积%),属于异常的CV球粒陨石(氧化亚群)。相对于典型的CV3球粒陨石,宁强具有低的难熔包体和较高橄榄石集合体(8.2体积%)及聚集的球粒丰度,相对于CV3氧化亚群,宁强具有较多的金属Fe-Ni及磁铁矿,高的磁铁矿(3.3体积%)/金属Fe-Ni(0.5体积%)比值(6.6),并有作为主要金属相的镍铁矿(Ni_3Fe),表明宁强球粒陨石类似于CV3氧化亚群。  相似文献   

1976年9月13日下午4时40分左右在贵州西部十八个县境内上空发现有明亮火球高速飞过和降落,并在清镇县卫城区找到两块石陨石。根据贵州省科委的指示和中国科学院贵阳地球化学研究所党委的决定,迅速组成了贵州西部陨石雨考察队,并分成11个调查组于9月15日到9月31日分赴各有关县进行现场调查,共调查了94个点,被访人数达744人(其中包括目睹者144人)。在调查过程中得到当地县、区和公社领导以及广  相似文献   

对我国新近降落的九十普通球粒陨石进行了岩石学和矿物学的研究,在此基础上划分了9个球柱陨石的化学-岩石类型,它们是南通(H4)、枣阳(H5),肇东(L4),启东(L-LL5)、饶阳(L4)、射阳(L6)、广南(L6)、随州(L6)及导河(L4)球粒陨石。  相似文献   

本文简单介绍了枣阳和肇东两陨石的陨落情况,并对其化学成分、矿物组成、岩石学等研究进行初步报道。确定了枣阳陨石为H,球粒陨石,肇东陨石为L4球粒陨石。  相似文献   

干旱沙漠地区与南极冰盖均有利于陨石样品保存。2013年4-5月,通过首次新疆哈密沙漠陨石考察,回收了陨石样品47块。文中报导其中6块样品的矿物岩石学特征,并划分它们的化学岩石类型。Arlatager004、006、0014、0022和TuzLeik001等5块样品主要由橄榄石、辉石、长石、铁镍金属和陨硫铁组成,具有典型的普通球粒陨石岩石结构特征,其球粒结构不明显,表明经历过较强的热变质,岩石类型划分为5型;根据样品中橄榄石Fa值,低钙辉石Fs值和样品的金属含量等,将Arlatager004、006、0014、0022划分为L5型普通球粒陨石;TuzLeik001划分为H5型普通球粒陨石。Kumtag005具有典型的球粒结构,结合橄榄石Fa值和低钙辉石Fs值以及岩石学特征,将其划分为L3型普通球粒陨石。根据橄榄石Fa值与其百分标准平均方差(PMD)之间的关系,将Kumtag005的岩石类型亚型划分为L 3.4。这6块样品代表了3个化学群,结合该地区回收到的其他陨石分析结果,表明新疆哈密沙漠是一个新的陨石富集区,这些沙漠陨石的发现和研究,必将极大促进中国陨石学和天体化学的发展。  相似文献   

庐江陨石的化学组成   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
庐江陨石是一块落的球粒石陨石,本文详细介绍了庐江的化学全分析,铁物相,镍物相和微量元素分析方法,给出了庐江陨石的主要元素组成和微量元素组成特征。由此可以确定该陨石的化学群属于LL群。  相似文献   

陨石是一种天然的多相矿物体系,其主要矿物如橄榄石、辉石、陨硫铁、锥纹石等都是含铁矿物。穆斯鲍尔效应方法,对于非破坏性探测铁原子在各矿物相中的分布和存在的价态等是一种很有效的手段。1964年,S.S.汉恩(Hanna)和E.L.斯普雷克尔-西格  相似文献   

王桂琴  缪秉魁  林杨挺 《岩石学报》2015,31(9):2724-2736
荷叶塘为一块我国降落的原始3型普通球粒陨石,因此具有重要研究意义。本文对荷叶塘陨石光薄片及粉末样品的岩石学、矿物学和全岩组成地球化学特征进行研究,为这块陨石的深入研究提供重要基础数据。研究表明荷叶塘陨石具L3型陨石岩石学特征,具典型的球粒陨石结构,球粒清晰,球粒结构类型多,基质重结晶程度低,组成模式为:球粒80vol%,金属和硫化物含量为5vol%,基质15vol%。矿物化学成分表明,该陨石球粒以Ⅰ型(贫铁型)球粒为主,橄榄石Fa0.41-34.1(PMD=51),低钙辉石Fs1.82-27.2(PMD=88),Wo0.18-3.13(PMD=103),铁纹石中Co含量平均0.62%(PMD=20),矿物成份不均一程度高,橄榄石矿物结晶颗粒内部化学成分变化大,呈正环带分布,与岩浆型结晶顺序一致,球粒与基质及间隙物成分明显不同,表现为不同物质来源。化学成分全岩分析结果显示,荷叶塘陨石亲石、亲铁元素含量均为L型陨石特征。依据以上岩石矿物学和化学组成特征,依照陨石亚分类参数,将其类型划分为L3.4型普通球粒陨石。冲击变质程度S2,风化程度W1。研究结果表明荷叶塘陨石为一块受后期水、热蚀变和风化影响较少的原始类型陨石。组成矿物成分极不均一,在矿物晶体内部,球粒内部及球粒与基质间均有明显变化。  相似文献   

卞青竹  胡森  林杨挺 《地质科学》2018,(3):1186-1197
林东陨石发现于我国内蒙古地区,被划分为LL5-6型普通球粒陨石角砾岩。本项工作对林东陨石开展了深入的岩石矿物学分析,提出将其重新划分为表土角砾岩的新观点。林东陨石主要由大至厘米级的角砾、以及微米大小的细粒基质两部分构成。不同角砾之间,表现出明显差异的岩石结构,反映了不同程度的热变质,岩石类型变化范围为4~6型。角砾以岩屑为主,还含有残余球粒和粗粒的矿物碎屑。不同岩石类型角砾的橄榄石Fa值(29.7 mol%~30.5 mol%)、低钙辉石Fs值(24.9 mol%~26.1 mol%)、以及铁纹石的Co含量(2.38%~2.51%)等,表明这些角砾均为低铁低金属的LL化学群,判断其来自同一小行星母体。林东陨石的细粒基质主要由微米大小的矿物碎屑固结而成,颗粒之间有较多的孔隙,整体较为松散。细粒基质的化学组成与岩石角砾中的矿物颗粒相同,应当是后者的机械粉碎产物。据此推测林东陨石的母体是一颗LL群小行星,表面经历了长期的小天体碰撞,形成各种岩屑和微细矿物晶屑,然后固结成林东陨石表土角砾岩。林东陨石的发现为研究小行星表面的演化历史,以及太阳风辐射等太空风化提供了珍贵样品,并为我国小行星探测提供可供对照的对象。  相似文献   

The Xi Ujumqin meteorite fell in Aug. 1980 at Xi Ujumqin County, Nei Monggol, China.This chondrite can be classified as L6 type based on the bulk chemical analysis (6wt% metal iron, 24% total iron, olivine Fa-26) and the textural feature of complete intergrowth of the chondrules with the matrix, The Mianchi meteorite is a type Hs chondrite that fell in Sep, 1980 at Mianchi County,Henan, China. Apart from porphyritic, barred, radial, cryptocrystanine chondrules, many intermediate-type or mixed-type chondrules are observed in the Mianchi meteorite under the microscope. It is suggested that the origin of chondrules showing different textures depend on the primeval compositions and cooling rates,  相似文献   

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