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Quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) forms the basis for the chronology of Weichselian ice advances in Arctic Eurasia developed over the last few years. There is almost no age control on this chronology before 40 ka, except for some marine sediments correlated with marine isotope stage (MIS) 5e on the basis of their palaeofauna. Results from more southern latitudes have shown that dose estimates based on quartz OSL and the single aliquot regenerative (SAR) dose procedure may underestimate the age of MIS 5e deposits. Here we use the same method to date well-described marine sediments, thought to have been deposited during the very beginning of the Eemian interglacial at 130 ka, and exposed in two sections on the river Sula in northern Russia. Various quality-control checks are used to show that the OSL behaviour is satisfactory; the mean of 16 ages is 112±2 ka (σ=9 ka). This represents an underestimate of 14% compared to the expected age, a discrepancy similar to that reported elsewhere. In contrast to SAR, the single aliquot regeneration and added (SARA) dose procedure corrects for any change in sensitivity during the first OSL measurement. The SARA results are shown to be 10% older than those from SAR, confirming the geological age estimate and suggesting that SAR ages may underestimate older ages (larger doses), despite their good performance in the younger age range.  相似文献   

High-precision 40Ar/39Ar ages for a series of proximal tuffs from the Toba super-volcano in Indonesia, and the Bishop Tuff and Lava Creek Tuff B in North America have been obtained. Core from Ocean Drilling Project Site 758 in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean contains discrete tephra layers that we have geochemically correlated to the Young Toba Tuff (73.7 ± 0.3 ka), Middle Toba Tuff (502 ± 0.7 ka) and two eruptions (OTTA and OTTB) related to the Old Toba Tuff (792.4 ± 0.5 and 785.6 ± 0.7 ka, respectively) (40Ar/39Ar data reported as full external precision, 1 sigma). Within ODP 758 Termination IX is coincident with OTTB and hence this age tightly constrains the transition from Marine Isotope Stage 19–20 for the Indian Ocean. The core also preserves the location of the Australasian tektites, and the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary with Bayesian age-depth models used to determine the ages of these events, c. 786 and c. 784 ka, respectively. In North America, the Bishop Tuff (766.6 ± 0.4 ka) and Lava Creek Tuff B (627.0 ± 1.5 ka) have quantifiable stratigraphic relationships to the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary. Linear age-depth extrapolation, allowing for uncertainties associated with potential hiatuses in five different terrestrial sections, defines a geomagnetic reversal age of 789 ± 6 ka. Considering our data with respect to the previously published age data for the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary of Sagnotti et al. (2014), we suggest at the level of temporal resolution currently attainable using radioisotopic dating the last reversal of Earths geomagnetic field was isochronous. An overall Matuyama-Brunhes reversal age of 783.4 ± 0.6 ka is calculated, which allowing for inherent uncertainties in the astronomical dating approach, is indistinguishable from the LR04 stack age (780 ± 5 ka) for the geomagnetic boundary. Our high-precision age is 10 ± 2 ka older than the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary age of 773 ± 1 ka, as reported previously by Channell et al. (2010) for Atlantic Ocean records. As ODP 758 features in the LR04 marine stack, the high-precision 40Ar/39Ar ages determined here, as well as the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary age, can be used as temporally accurate and precise anchors for the Pleistocene time scale.  相似文献   

Clastic dikes are formed either by passive deposition of clastic material into pre-existing fissures (depositional dikes), or by fracturing and injection of clastics during earthquakes (injection dikes). We proposed to use optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to distinguish between the two modes of formation and hypothesized that (1) depositional dikes filled from above show OSL ages younger than the host rock; and (2) injection dikes filled from below show the same OSL ages as that of the host rock. We studied the mechanisms of clastic-dike formation and their ages within the seismically active Dead Sea basin, where hundreds of dikes crosscut the late Pleistocene (70–15 ka) lacustrine sediments of the Lisan Formation. Field observations and analysis of magnetic tensors show unequivocally that most of these dikes were emplaced by injection, inferred to be due to seismically triggered fluidization–liquefaction during earthquakes. Twenty-eight samples were collected from the Lisan source material and dikes that, based on field observations, are unmistakably either depositional dikes or injection dikes.

Quartz single aliquot OSL ages of the source Lisan layers are between 43 and 34 ka, and are typical for the Lisan Formation. The ages of both depositional and injection dikes are between 15 and 17 ka, younger than the Lisan host rock. Depositional dikes show a highly scattered distribution of single grain ages, suggesting several episodes of infill. Single grain ages of injection dikes are of latest Pleistocene to Holocene, and do not contain recently bleached grains that infiltrated from above. These results imply that the OSL signals were reset at the time of fluidization–liquefaction and buildup of fluid pressure within the injection dikes. If this resetting mechanism has a physical ground, then OSL dating is an important tool for constraining the ages of earthquake-induced injection dikes and recovering paleoseismic data from them.  相似文献   

The Comoros archipelago has attracted renewed attention since 2018 due to the submarine volcano growing east of the island of Mayotte and the associated ongoing seismic crisis. However, the origin of Comorian magmatism remains controversial, as it is either interpreted as related to a hotspot trail, to a fracture zone, or to a plate boundary. Lying in the central part of the archipelago, Anjouan is a key island to better understand the relationship between volcanism and geodynamics. Together with a careful selection of published whole-rock K–Ar ages, our new set of 13 groundmass K–Ar ages on lava flows and one radiocarbon age on a charcoal from a strombolian deposit, allow us to reassess the volcano-tectonic evolution of Anjouan Island. New groundmass K–Ar ages lie within the last 1 Ma, i.e. from 899 ± 14 to 11 ± 1 ka. They suggest that most of the subaerial volcanism in Anjouan is much younger than previously inferred, and occurred as pulses at 900–750 ka, perhaps 530 ka, 230–290 ka, and since 60 ka, with erosional periods in between. Among our new data, one 14C age of 7513–7089 yrs calBCE (9.3 ± 0.2 ka) and five K–Ar ages younger than 60 ka show that recent volcanism occurred in Anjouan. Moreover, the concentration of eruptive vents along a N150° alignment, parallel to the maximum horizontal stress, suggests a strong link between regional tectonics and volcanism. Considering the presence of active volcanoes on both the western and eastern extremities of the Comoros archipelago, our discovery of Holocene activity on Anjouan provides strong arguments against a chronological progression of volcanism along the archipelago, and therefore contradicts the hotspot hypothesis for the origin of volcanism.Finally, this study provides a robust geochronological timeframe of the different volcanic stages of Anjouan. It demonstrates that Anjouan is an active island and suggests that volcanism and tectonics can both resume at any time.  相似文献   

Glacifluvial deposits along an ice-marginal zone in Småland, southern Sweden, have been dated using post-IR blue OSL. To test for incomplete bleaching, we adopted two strategies: analysis of modern analogues and small-aliquot dose distributions. Samples of modern fluvial sediments show no significant incomplete bleaching; they yield equivalent doses of only 0.5–2 Gy (0.25–4% of our glacifluvial sediment doses). Small-aliquot dose distributions do not provide any evidence for incomplete bleaching.

The sediments are believed to have been deposited during deglaciation and appear to fall into two age groups: 19–25 ka (mainly sandur sediments) and 33–73 ka (mainly deltaic sediments). Compared to the expected ages (13–15 ka), even the younger glacifluvial OSL ages appear up to 10 000 years (25 Gy) too old. The ages are nevertheless stratigraphically consistent and correspond between sites; we deduce that the 19–25 ka ages are true deposition ages. For glacifluvial sedimentation to take place on the South Swedish Upland at this time either a very early deglaciation is required, or alternatively ice-free conditions just prior to the LGM. The deltaic sediments (33–73 ka) were most likely not significantly bleached during deposition and thus they date events prior to the latest ice advance.  相似文献   

The applicability of two different approaches in the luminescence dating of old (>70 ka) Chinese loess is investigated. Both SAR-OSL ages obtained on 63–90 μm quartz grains and SAR-IRSL ages obtained on 4–11 μm polymineral grains, for samples collected from two sites in the Chinese Loess Plateau (Luochuan and Dongchuan) are presented. The characteristics of the luminescence signals stimulated by blue and infrared light are investigated in terms of dose response and dose recovery, and as a function of age. Additionally, anomalous fading measurements from the 410 nm IRSL emission in polymineral fine-grains are reported. An average value of g2days amounting to 3% per decade was measured and seems to be independent of site location and age. For the samples from Luochuan, independent age control (pedostratigraphy and palaeomagnetism) is available. At both sites, the SAR-OSL ages are always lower than the SAR-IRSL ages after they have been corrected for anomalous fading. It seems that the quartz-based SAR-OSL ages are accurate for the younger ages, but that they underestimate the true age of deposition for loess that was deposited about 60–70 ka ago. The fading-corrected SAR-IRSL ages are in better agreement with the pedostratigraphic age control (75 and 130 ka) and allow dating beyond the quartz OSL range. Based on our results, we suggest that conventional SAR-OSL and SAR-IRSL protocols at these sites should be restricted to samples of ages not exceeding 40–50  and 100–120 ka, respectively.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was performed on Late Quaternary deltaic sequences from a 55-m-long core sampled from the Nakdong River estuary, Korea. OSL ages obtained from chemically separated fine (4–11 μm) and coarse (90–212 μm) quartz grains ranged from 29.4 ± 2.6 to 0.4 ± 0.04 ka, revealing clear consistency between the grain-size fractions. The De values from the standardized growth curve (SGC) are consistent with those from the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) procedure, which suggests that the SGC is valid for the Nakdong deltaic sediments. The 14C ages of shells and wood fragments ranged from 11 to 2.9 ka, demonstrating reasonable agreement with the OSL ages, within the error range. However, the limited number and random sampling interval of the 14C age data (10 ages) result in a simple linear and exponential trend in the depth–age curve. In contrast, OSL ages obtained by high-resolution sampling show down-section variations in the depth–age curve, indicating the occurrence of rapid changes in sedimentation rate. It is suggested that the high-sampling-resolution OSL ages provide a more realistic and detailed depth–age curve and sedimentation rate. The Nakdong deltaic sediments were divided into five units based on sedimentation rate. The lowest (unit 5) shows a break in sedimentation between the last glacial maximum (LGM) and the Holocene. The sedimentation rate increased in units 4 and 3, presumably corresponding to the early to middle Holocene sea level rise and high stand. Unit 2 shows a gradually decreasing sedimentation rate following the regression of the shoreline, until about 2 ka. The progradation of the Nakdong River delta resulted in the rapid accumulation of unit 1 during the last 2000 years.  相似文献   

The numerical dating of megaflood sediments is a worldwide challenge, a fact that has impeded a full understanding of Late Quaternary dam-outburst flood processes that occurred along the river courses of the Tibetan Plateau. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating has been widely used on such sediments. Due to their short transportation distances prior to deposition, the OSL signals of megaflood sediments are often partially bleached, resulting in age overestimations. Here, we report on a comparison of OSL ages obtained using both quartz (4–11 μm FG; 90–125, 180–250 μm CG) and K-feldspar (180–250 μm CG) extracted from sediments taken from the Binghong-Bingnong Neolithic-Bronze Age site on the second Jinshan River terrace (T2), in Yunnan Province, southwestern China. Contrary to previous experience suggesting that CG fractions are usually better bleached than FG fractions prior to deposition, our results showed that the OSL ages for the FG quartz fraction were generally younger than those for the CG fraction. This would suggest that the two fractions may have come from different sources, and may have been subject to different geomorphological processes prior to deposition. FG quartz fractions may be suitable to define the maximum age of sediments located in alpine gorge regions. CG quartz fractions can be used by applying the minimum age model (MAM) to select relatively well-bleached grains yielded ages close to the ‘true’ burial ages of the sediments. The results showed that the post-IR IRSL225 ages of single grain K-feldspar were overestimated by > 3 ka, suggesting K-feldspar may not be suitable dating material for megaflood sediments <30 ka. The OSL dates suggest that the T2 terrace was formed ∼8.4 ka, that aeolian sediments were deposited during ∼2.6–1.5 ka, and that the megaflood event occurred after ∼1.5 ka.  相似文献   

In this study, fine-grain quartz was used for luminescence dating for lava baked samples from different sites in Datong. Optical stimulated luminescence (OSL), thermal transferred OSL (TT-OSL)/recuperated OSL (Re-OSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) dating protocols were applied. For these samples, the OSL signals saturate at about 300–400 Gy, which limits their age to less than 100 ka based on their ambient dose rates. The TT-OSL/Re-OSL method has poor dose recovery. TL dating gives reliable results, and multiple-aliquot regenerative-dose TL method with sensitivity change correction based on the 325 °C TL peak of a test dose can be applied for samples up to 400 ka. The results indicate that the ages of the volcanoes in Datong are from 380 ka to 84 ka. The volcanic activity started earlier in the southeast area than those in the northwest part, which is consist with the literature data.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Himenoura Group in the Amakusa‐Kamishima Island area, southwest Japan is subdivided into the Hinoshima and Amura Formations. In order to determine the numerical depositional age of the formations, zircon U–Pb ages were investigated using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) for acidic tuff samples from the lower part of the Hinoshima Formation and the upper part of the Amura Formation. Although the two samples contain some accidental zircons, the samples have a definite youngest age cluster and their weighted mean ages are 85.4 ± 1.3 and 81.5 ± 1.1 Ma, respectively (errors are 95 % confidence interval). These age data indicate that the Himenoura Group in the Amakusa‐Kamishima Island area was deposited mainly in the early Santonian to early Campanian which is consistent with biostratigraphic ages. Additionally, zircon age distributions of the two tuff samples from the upper part of the Hinoshima Formation do not show a distinct youngest peak of eruption age but characteristics of detrital zircons suggestive of maximum depositional age of the host sediments. These results demonstrate that the mean age of the youngest zircon age cluster of a tuff sample does not always indicate depositional age of the tuff, and statistical evaluation of age data is effective to determine depositional age of a tuff bed using zircon U–Pb ages.  相似文献   

The timing of glacial advances, periglacial phenomena, and the ages of two marker tephras in northern Hokkaido were estimated by OSL dating. It appears that the glacier of Yamunai 2 stage on Rishiri Island expanded between 24 and 15 ka. In northern Hokkaido, OSL ages indicate ice wedge formation during the period 24–18 ka. These results indicate that both the glacial advance and the development of ice wedges were synchronous phenomena relating to the Last Glacial Maximum.  相似文献   

The West Pacific Seamount Province (WPSP) represents a series of short-lived Cretaceous hotspot tracks. However, no intraplate volcanoes in advance of petit-spot volcanism erupted near a trench have been identified after the formation of the WPSP on the western Pacific Plate. This study reports new ages for Paleogene volcanic edifices within the northern WPSP, specifically the Ogasawara Plateau and related ridges, and Minamitorishima Island. These Paleogene ages are the first reported for basaltic rocks on western Pacific seamounts, in an area that has previously only yielded Cretaceous ages. The newly found Paleogene volcanisms overprint the Early–middle Cretaceous volcanic edifices, because the seamount or paleo-island material-covered reefal limestone caps on these edifices are uniformly older than the Paleogene volcanism identified in this study. This study outlines several possible causative factors for the Paleogene volcanism overprinting onto existing Cretaceous seamounts, including volcanism related to lithospheric stress, or a younger hotspot track within the northern part of the WPSP that records magmatism from ~60 Ma.  相似文献   

The late Tertiary-Recent collision of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone with the Vanuatu (New Hebrides) Island Arc appears to have been associated with a shift to generally more potassic compositions. Glass shards analysed from Quaternary volcanic ashes recovered from ODP Leg 134 drill sites follow distinct shoshonitic and calc-alkaline trends, consistent with those previously recognised onshore. In the Aoba Basin (Site 832) a marked compositional change is recognised at 37 m below sea floor (mbsf). From estimates of sedimentation rates this is equivalent to an age of about 100 ka and may be associated with the development of the Central Basin volcanoes of Santa Maria, Aoba and Ambrym on fracture zones transverse to the island arc. Deeper than 37 mbsf differentiated compositions fall on a medium-K calc-alkaline trend but the associated basaltic glasses are strongly potassic. Conversely, above this level the differentiated glasses follow a shoshonitic trend but the basaltic glasses are medium-K calc-alkaline. Separate sources are envisaged, associated with subduction and rifting. Episodic subduction of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone exercises tectonic control over the release of magma from different depths. In contrast, shoshonitic glasses are sparsely represented in the Vanuatu forearc where relatively low-K calc-alkaline compositions probably correspond to the ashes in the lower part of the Aoba Basin sequence. This is consistent with their age (> 100 ka) estimated from lower sedimentation rates at these sites. The scarcity of younger shoshonitic ashes at the forearc sites is attributed to the influence of high-level westerly winds transporting ash from the Central Chain volcanoes eastwards across the North Fiji Basin.  相似文献   

Lakes over the inner Tibetan Plateau (TP) are very sensitive to the regional environmental transformations and climate changes. Well-preserved lake sediments around these lakes provide critical geomorphological and sedimentary evidence that can be used to infer the past hydroclimate changes. In this study, a lacustrine section from a sandy shoreline (∼74 m above the modern lake) situated to the northwest of modern Dawa Co in the inner TP was investigated using both luminescence and radiocarbon dating methods. Our results demonstrated: (1) the quartz optically simulated luminescence (OSL) dating yielded much younger ages (∼4 ka) than that of the post-infrared IRSL (pIRIR) dating of the K-feldspar fraction; (2) fading test showed g-values ranging between 1.34 and 4.46%/decade for quartz OSL signals, which is considered to be responsible for the underestimation of the corresponding ages; (3) the AMS 14C age of the charcoal sample from the section is in line with the K-feldspar pIRIR225 ages, confirming the reliability of the pIRIR225 dates and the underestimation of the quartz OSL ages. The anomalous fading of quartz OSL signals and the consequent age underestimation have been reported in several other lakes on the TP, we presented here for the first time firm evidence of the phenomenon with the help of a robust independent control of AMS 14C age of the charcoal. Based on the pIRIR225 and AMS 14C ages, we conclude that Dawa Co underwent a prominent highstand during the early Holocene (∼9–7 ka), which was probably controlled by the large amounts of glacial meltwater input and the increased monsoonal precipitation.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is becoming a useful technique to yield absolute age of organic-poor sandy deposits. The buried tidal sand body (BTSB) in the coastal zone of northern Jiangsu Province, China, has been suggested to have the same origin as the offshore radial sand ridge in the Yellow Sea. However, chronological constrain of the BSTB is still quite limited. In this study, OSL measurements were conducted using silt-sized multi-grain and coarse-grained single-grain quartz to constrain the depositional history of a 25.6 m core from the BTSB. A low luminescence sensitivity of quartz was observed, and only ∼1.04% of the grains passed the standard rejection criterion for single-grain measurement. Analysis of paired OSL ages from two grain-size fractions using different protocols showed that silt-sized quartz ages were underestimated of 0.14–1.35 ka in comparison to coarse-grained quartz in the depth interval of 5.8–22.4 m. We interpret such an age discrepancy as the effects of lateral infiltration of fine-grained sediment into the sand body due to dynamic feature of channel-ridge system on the shelf. As far as we know, it is the first time that such infiltration is demonstrated through OSL dating. Our OSL data indicated that there is a significant hiatus between the Late Pleistocene stiff clay layer (50–18 ka) and the Holocene sequence. Holocene deposits only occurred in the last 2 ka, with rapid accumulation of ∼17 m-thick sediments at ∼2–1 ka, a slower accumulation between ∼1 and 0.1 ka and rapid land emergence through an accretion of ∼4 m-thick sediment over the past ∼0.1 ka. This study highlights the complexity of OSL dating in highly dynamic sedimentary environments. Therefore, examining different grain size fractions and comparing different measurement protocols are highly deserved in carrying out OSL dating in such environments.  相似文献   

The applicability of both quartz and feldspar luminescence dating was tested on twenty-five samples from a marine succession now forming a coastal cliff at Oga Peninsula, Honshu Island, Japan. The quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signal shows thermal instability and linear modulated (LM)-OSL analysis revealed the dominance of a slow component. When compared with independent age control provided by two marker tephras, the quartz OSL ages grossly underestimate the depositional age. In contrast, potassium (K)-rich feldspar is a suitable dosimeter when measured using post-IR infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) at 225 °C (pIRIR225). Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses on the feldspar extracts revealed that the grains are amorphous with small crystalline inclusions; using standard internal dose rate parameters, this would result in a too large dose rate. Dose rates were calculated using the observed grain size of 40 ± 20 μm with an assumed K concentration of 12.5 ± 0.5%. The fading corrected pIRIR225 ages agree well with independent age control, and the sediments of the Katanishi Formation were deposited between 82 ± 6 and 170 ± 16 ka. This study demonstrates that pIRIR dating of feldspar is a powerful chronological tool for the dating of sediments of volcanic origin.  相似文献   

Late Pleistocene records of loess deposition are a critical archive for understanding terrestrial paleoenvironment changes in Central Asia. The age of loess is not well known for the deserts regions and surrounding high plateaus in Central Asia. Previous studies have shown that there remains a disparity between ages for loess deposition by luminescence and 14C dating. This study evaluates the potential of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) to date a loess sequence resting on fluvial sands in the east Ili Basin, Central Asia. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol on coarse grain quartz was employed for equivalent dose determinations. The basal fluvial sand returned a secure OSL age, with low overdispersion value in equivalent doses (19 ± 2%) of ca. 36 ka and provides a close, but maximum age estimate (within 5 ka) on the initiation of loess deposition. However, the loess yielded high overdispersion values for equivalent doses and age reversals, coincident with diffuse paleosols; indicating that pedoturbation with loess deposition may be a dominant process. OSL ages between ca. 45 and 14 ka calculated using a maximum age model and OSL ages from other sites in the Basin suggests that the latest major period of loess deposition was between 70 and 10 ka ago. A future hypothesis to test based on these analyses is that there may be three periods of heightened loess deposition at ca. 45, 35 to 19 and 14 ka, when desert source areas to the west were particularly dry.  相似文献   

The Nihewan Formation, consisting of thick fluvio–lacustrine sediments with abundant mammalian faunas and Paleolithic remains, is widely distributed in the Nihewan Basin, northern Hebei Province, China. In this study the fluvio–lacustrine sediments of the Nihewan Formation and the loess–paleosol sequence evident in the Haojiatai Section were dated by recuperated OSL (ReOSL) of fine-grained quartz (Wang, X.L., Lu, Y.C., Wintle, A.G., 2006a. Recuperated OSL dating of fine-grained quartz in Chinese loess. Quaternary Geochronology 1, 89–100.). The preliminary ReOSL dating results show that: (i) the loess–paleosol sequence in the upper part of the profile started to develop at about 128 ka ago; (ii) the unconformity separating the loess–paleosol from the underlying Nihewan Formation represents a sedimentation break of about 130 ka. On the basis of the ReOSL dates and related stratigraphic evidence it is proposed that the ancient Lake Nihewan dried shortly after about 266 ka.  相似文献   

Fluvial, colluvial, and aeolian sediments were dated by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) on quartz to improve the chronological framework for Quaternary sedimentation and landscape evolution in the forelands of the Vértes Hills (central Hungary). The separated quartz was suitable for age determination based on an OSL SAR protocol. Most samples have asymmetric equivalent dose distributions and OSL ages were calculated by the mean, central, and minimum De values. Considering geomorphology and earlier age data from the area, the central De values seem most appropriate for age calculation. A fan on the geomorphological level QV in the western foreland of the Vértes Hills was deposited 79–75 (±8) ka ago. In the south-eastern foreland an alluvial fan on level QIIb is at most 42 ± 4 ka old. Fluvial incision and aggradation occurred 16–10 (±1) ka ago on the geomorphic surface QIIa. Loess is 14 ± 1 ka old, and slope sedimentation was active 11–9 (±1) ka ago. Our OSL data demonstrate that in the north-western foreland of the Vértes Hills wind remained an important agent after the last glacial times, into the early Holocene (9–8 ± 1 ka) and was able to accumulate large aeolian dunes.  相似文献   

Resetting of sediments mobilised by the LGM ice-sheet in southern Norway   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Former geological field investigations in the Rondane area, east-central southern Norway, have proposed that the maximum Fennoscandian ice-sheet coverage occurred during the Late Weichselian Glacial Maximum (LGM, ca. 20 ka) and that subsequent glaciofluvial sediments were first deposited in the early Holocene (after 10 ka). However, recent field investigations with ages from three internally consistent quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) age series show an apparent deglaciation of northern Rondane in the period 20.0–13.8 ka. We examine here the possibility that these ages are too old because the sediment was not completely zeroed prior to deposition. Our investigations of incomplete bleaching use modern analogues, small aliquots, and single grains of quartz. First, the symmetric shape of small aliquot equivalent dose distributions suggests that the sediment was probably well bleached at deposition. This is supported by 5 modern analogue equivalent doses (De) of 0.6 Gy, 1.5% of the typical De from the deglaciation sediments. Finally, from single grain studies on three samples, we conclude that there is no evidence for poor bleaching in these samples; thus the weighted mean gives the best estimates of De, and these are completely consistent with both large and small aliquot estimates for these samples. These comparisons between large aliquots, modern analogues, small aliquots and single-grain analyses help to validate the OSL ages and confirm the complete resetting of these sediments prior to deposition.  相似文献   

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