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全球气候变化与能源安全的地缘政治   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王文涛  刘燕华  于宏源 《地理学报》2014,69(9):1259-1267
当前,气候变化问题已经远远超出科学研究的范畴,它影响到经济运行模式,乃至于利益格局和地缘关系,并成为国际关系中的焦点。中国正处于工业化的中期,在国际经济社会发展转型、世界地缘格局重组关键期,应对气候变化也是中国发展阶段的内在需求。随着气候变化对各国国内竞争力,以及重要地缘战略地区影响加大,气候变化和地缘政治呈现出复杂多元的关系,气候变化时代的地缘政治逐渐影响到各国战略和外交。本文围绕利益和博弈来阐述气候变化带来的地缘政治新特征,并在此基础上提出相关政策建议:国际气候谈判中,权衡利益,处理好复杂的大国关系;加强风险研判,积极与美国和欧盟开展能源、气候变化方面的合作;依托“一带一路”,确保我国能源安全,并积极参与全球能源治理;在“南南合作”方面,创新机制,大幅增加投入力度。最后,提出地理学界在气候变化与能源安全方面应加强的研究方向。  相似文献   

提升青少年气候变化意识水平对于我国推进生态文明建设具有重要意义。本文从气候变化态度、个人关注、气候变化知识、增值作用和气候友好行为5个维度构建青少年气候变化意识量表并展开调研。结果显示,青少年气候变化友好行为意向较为强烈且态度积极;气候变化知识与其他气候变化意识关键成分间相关性较弱;中学地理课程中的气候变化教育渗透有待加强。基于上述发现,本文提出的培养策略有:构建“地理+”气候变化专题,通过跨学科学习强化气候友好行为;开展气候变化议题式教学,通过情境具身强化价值观念;倡导在地实施气候变化教育,通过研学实践提升气候变化意识水平。  相似文献   

生物多样性公约将基于生态系统的适应(Ecosystem-Based Adaptation)(简称EBA)定义为:在总体适应战略中,利用生物多样性和生态系统服务,帮助人类适应气候变化的不利影响。随着气候变化对当今社会可持续性的影响不断增加,EBA正在成为国际社会适应气候变化的政策和行动支柱之一。介绍国际上EBA概念的历史由来、相关定义与特点进行,阐述了EBA的应用原则和相关分析工具,简要分析总结了国际上实施EBA项目取得的经验教训。  相似文献   

生物多样性公约将基于生态系统的适应(Ecosystem-BasedAdaptation)(简称EBA)定义为:在总体适应战略中,利用生物多样性和生态系统服务,帮助人类适应气候变化的不利影响。随着气候变化对当今社会可持续性的影响不断增加,EBA正在成为国际社会适应气候变化的政策和行动支柱之一。介绍国际上EBA概念的历史由来、相关定义与特点进行,阐述了EBA的应用原则和相关分析工具,简要分析总结了国际上实施EBA项目取得的经验教训。  相似文献   

气候变化与多维度可持续城市化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈明星  先乐  王朋岭  丁子津 《地理学报》2021,76(8):1895-1909
全球大规模城市化和气候变化已是不争的事实,这是全人类需要共同面对和关注的突出问题。当前对于两者之间的复杂关系以及城市化进程如何科学应对气候变化并不清晰,从科学、管理到实践都需要进一步加强探究,以实现全球和区域可持续发展。本文首先给出全球大规模城市化和气候变化发生的基本事实,综述归纳城市化与气候变化的相互影响以及可能机制,城市化导致热岛效应、降水分配不均以及极端天气,并具有局地—区域—全球多尺度叠加效应,加剧了全球气候变化问题;气候变化对城市化的影响主要表现为能源消费变化、死亡率与传染病传播、海平面上升、极端天气对基础设施的破坏、水资源短缺等方面。简要梳理相关的国际研究和行动联盟,从城市化的4个关键维度:人口、土地、经济和社会视角出发,提出适应与减缓气候变化的多维度可持续城市化的分析框架。呼吁加强自然与人文学科交叉,将城市化等人类活动纳入地—气系统,探究人—地—气复杂耦合过程,从城市化为代表的人类活动角度的适应与减缓,或许是应对气候变化的最关键和最现实的路径。  相似文献   

疏勒河流域气候变化情景下的适应对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙希科  周立华  陈勇 《中国沙漠》2011,31(5):1316-1322
疏勒河是中国河西走廊3大内陆河水系之一,近100 a受气候变化及人类活动的影响显著。采用实地考察和社会问卷调查的方法,评价当地适应气候变化的能力,进而提出对当地社会经济发展具有建设性的适应对策。研究表明,疏勒河流域适应气候变化的能力较低,主要表现在:气候变化明显,河流水量减少;疏勒河上游地区草场退化严重;牧民适应气候变化能力有限并有所减弱;城乡居民收入差距进一步加大,不利于社会的稳定发展。政策建议是:加强各级政府间的协作和政府部门的引导作用,统一利用和管理流域水资源;加强对低文化层次人群的教育工作;加速农村剩余劳动力向城市转移;继续实行生态环保政策;优化产业结构。  相似文献   

我国滨海湿地面临着持续退化和损失的风险,其中气候变化通过海平面上升、海水表层温度上升、风暴潮、海水入侵和海岸带侵袭,以及海洋酸碱度变化等一系列影响,导致了沿海湿地的退化与消失,制约了沿海地区的可持续发展。在总结中国湿地退化现状的基础上,分析了气候变化对中国湿地的影响,并从自发性适应和计划性适应两个方面探讨了潜在的滨海湿地气候变化适应性对策。认为将来可进一步加强对滨海湿地气候变化影响与响应机制的监测和研究,为制定相关政策和培养相关管理人员提供依据。  相似文献   

雨养农业区农户的气候变化适应行为及影响因素路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厘清农户的气候变化适应行为类型以及农户属性、气候变化感知对适应行为的影响机制,对于制定合适的适应政策至关重要。论文将适应行为分为技术性行为、经济性行为和迁移性行为3类,并构建了以气候变化感知为中介变量的“属性-感知-适应”多变量路径分析模型,在对农户属性对适应行为的影响进行多元方差分析的基础上探讨了变量间的影响路径。结果表明:① 农户适应气候变化会优先选择技术性行为,其次是经济性行为,选择迁移性行为的农户最少;② 农户属性对适应行为的影响具有显著差异;③ 根据中介变量的中介效应,将多变量路径分析模型分解为3类:完全中介模型、部分中介模型和无中介模型。通过分析以上3种模型可以发现,农户属性对适应行为既有通过中介变量产生的间接影响,也有不通过中介变量产生的直接影响,说明适应行为的选择并不仅仅依赖于气候变化感知,农户属性对于适应行为的选择也是一个重要的直接影响因素。最后针对提高农户应对气候变化的能力提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

<正>到2020年,非化石能源占一次能源消费的比重将达到15%左右国家发改委日前公布《国家应对气候变化规划(2014-2020年)》全文。作为我国应对气候变化领域的首个国家专项规划,该规划明确了2020年前我国应对气候变化工作的指导思想、主要目标、总体部署、重点任务和政策导向。规划提出,到2020年,应对气候变化工作的主要目标是:控制温室气体排放行动目标全  相似文献   

华北平原农业适应气候变化技术集成创新体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
适应气候变化技术的集成创新是应对气候变化的必要途径.以我国重要的商品粮生产基地--华北平原为例,分析了气候变化对华北平原农业的影响,提出华北平原农业适应气候变化的技术集成创新体系,包括:单一目标的农业适应技术集成体系,多目标综合的农业适应技术集成体系,多部门综合的农业适应技术集成体系和因地制宜的分区农业适应技术集成体系等;讨论了适应的不确定性、适应需求的差异性以及适应技术集成创新能力.最后指出,我国应对气候变化亟需开展不同领域适应气候变化技术的集成创新研究,构建不同部门适应气候变化技术的集成创新体系,使各种单项和分散的技术成果得到集成,从而建立完善的适应气候变化技术的集成创新机制.  相似文献   

国内外农户对气候变化/变异感知与适应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于国内外农户气候变化感知和适应研究进展,在辨析气候变化和气候变异概念的基础上,阐释农户气候变化/变异感知结果及影响因素。研究发现农户气候变化感知与适应行为之间存在不确定关系,农户气候变化感知直接转化为适应策略需克服一系列障碍因素。针对农户气候变化适应策略,在系统梳理国内外农户适应策略的基础上,对这些策略是否属于气候变化和变异适应行为提出质疑,认为不能忽略其他复杂的社会经济和政治因素对这些措施的驱动作用。最后,对中国未来研究提出慎重大规模开展农户气候变化感知及适应研究、厘清气候变化/变异感知与适应策略之间关系和重视时空异质性以及农户异质性研究三点展望。  相似文献   

卢笛声 《地理科学》2014,34(3):265-271
作为全球碳排放大国,中国低碳治理的发展方向对全球气候变化有深远的影响,值得深入研究。通过中国低碳治理的制约因素及其成因的分析,提出地方政府行为是中国低碳治理的主要制约因素。这主要表现在地方政府鼓励不符合低碳发展的粗放式经济增长和城市开发及地方政府制定与执行低碳政策的积极性不高。而地方政府行为背后是各种制度环境因素。因此,改善中国低碳治理需要从制度改革入手。对制度改革提出3个建议:① 强化节能目标责任制;② 缓和地方政府过于强烈的发展意愿;③ 加强公民参与低碳治理。  相似文献   

Local governments are responding to top-down policy initiatives from both federal and State governments to reduce emissions, and adapt to any potential impacts of climate change. Although climate change is clearly a global problem, many of the solutions will be implemented at the local level. To explore this issue, the aim of this research was to examine regional variation in climate change response across New South Wales (NSW). To this end, between September 2010 and September 2011, we reviewed publicly available council and regional documentations for all NSW councils. The indicators of response examined were based on the NSW Greenhouse Plan (2005). These were awareness-raising, emissions reduction and adaptation planning. It was found that councils were undertaking many practical projects to fulfil the goals of this plan. As a result, they are abating significant quantities of emissions. Adaptation is progressing through the development of risk-based climate change adaptation plans. Councils are addressing particular areas of management, such as water management, assisted by guidelines which incorporate consideration for climate change as part of best practice. While overall responses to this threat are progressing, a distinct urban bias in action has been observed, due to biases in policy and funding arrangements.  相似文献   

Areas affected by drought are increasing, and many lakes that provide potable water and recreation opportunities are located in drought-vulnerable areas. Understanding a population's attitudes toward conservation actions can improve communication initiatives, policy development, and education, which are all necessary for effective water resource management. However, little is known about stakeholders’ interactions with drought-influenced resources and the potential factors that form their water conservation attitudes. Using a mixed methods approach, we evaluated lake recreationists’ (n = 229) attitudes toward water conservation at a drought-impacted lake. We identified the relationships between two site-specific factors (place attachment and awareness of drought impacts), beliefs in climate change, concern for drought impacts, and water conservation attitudes. Results indicated concern for local drought impacts fully mediated the relationships between site-specific factors, beliefs in climate change, and attitudes toward water conservation behaviors. Implications for research, outreach, and water resource management are discussed.  相似文献   

Regional governance to address climate change is being constituted in New Zealand through domestic policy measures and international discourses. We examine climate change responses in two regions: Marlborough and Waikato. Informants expressed a desire for more transparent government policy; that planning for climate change makes good business sense for farmers and other businesses; that technology is sought to increase productivity and decrease environmental impact; and research networks build capacity for local action, linking sectors and organisations. Often conflicting, these responses to climate change were informed by a mix of discourses shaping New Zealand, including participatory democracy, the knowledge economy and sustainable development.  相似文献   

Local communities in the Gudbrandsdalen region in Norway are increasingly exposed to climate-induced hazards such as floods and landslides. A core question is how community members respond to climate change and what factors contribute to more resilient communities. The authors used a contextual approach to analyze data from semi-structured interviews along five dimensions. In Gaustad Muncipality they found that individuals’ motivation to adapt to climate change depended largely on subjective values such as identity, place attachment, cultural values, and social networks among individuals, which means it is crucial that strategic plans for adaptation to climate change at different policy levels are experienced as relevant by community members. While the studied community has experienced heavy floods in river systems and streams, little evidence of adaptation was observed. Instead, they appeared to adopt coping strategies. Landowners may have limited incentives to adapt to climate change due to contraproductive policy measures such as economic compensation for direct losses without requiring improved practices. Effective adaptation to climate change on the local level is likely to require making compensation mechanisms contingent upon landowners showing willingness to change from coping to adaptive practices, as well as a contextualized approach integrating local and scientific forms of knowledge.  相似文献   

The complexity of climate information, particularly as related to climate scenarios, impacts, and action alternatives, poses significant challenges for science communication. This study presents a geographic visualization approach involving lay audiences to address these challenges. VisAdapt™ is a web-based visualization tool designed to improve Nordic homeowners’ understanding of climate change vulnerability and to support their adaptive actions. VisAdapt is structured to enable individual users to explore several climate change impact parameters, including temperature and precipitation, for their locations and to find information on specific adaptation measures for their house types and locations. The process of testing the tool included a focus group study with homeowners in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden to assess key challenges in geographic visualization, such as the level of interactivity and information. The paper concludes that geographic visualization tools can support homeowners’ climate adaptation processes, but that certain features, such as downscaled climate information are a key element expected by users. Although the assessment of interactivity and data varied both across countries and user experience, a general conclusion is that a geographic visualization tool, like VisAdapt, can make climate change effects and adaptation alternatives tangible and initiate discussions and collaborative reflections.  相似文献   


It is commonly assumed that personal experiences of a changing climate will influence people’s attitudes to the extent that they will be more likely to acknowledge anthropogenic climate change as a real threat and therefore be more willing to accept both mitigation and adaptation efforts. In the article, the authors examine how survey participants’ personal experiences of extreme events and climate-related changes in the natural environment influenced their perceptions of climate change. Using data from a nationally representative survey conducted in Norway in 2015 and the results of logistic regressions, the authors find that individual observations of changes in nature were linked to higher levels of concern with regard to climate change, as well as to attitudes that were more positive towards personal mitigation and adaption efforts. Somewhat counter-intuitively, they also find that participants who had personally experienced a natural hazard event were less concerned about climate change compared with participants without such experiences. The authors conclude that personal experience of the consequences of climate change may in some cases have a limited effect on enhancing people’s concerns about climate change.  相似文献   

随着气候变化研究的进一步深入,中国已经积累和发布了越来越多气候变化方面的数据,为深入系统的科学研究和科技创新提供了宝贵的数据资源.相关数据存量越来越大,存储类型越来越丰富,促使我们进入一个前所未有的大数据时代.大数据时代需要对海量数据进行挖掘和应用,必然离不开数据的开放和共享.本文首先对气候变化驱动因素科学数据、气候变...  相似文献   

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