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Arattano  M. 《Natural Hazards》1999,20(2-3):197-213
Debris flows constitute a major threat forseveral urban settlements located on the fans ofmountain catchments and for other infrastructures thatinteract with these fans, particularly highways andmotorways. Often structural measures such as theconstruction and maintenance of deposition basins,check dams, channel linings are both too expensive andnot capable of completely guaranteeing the safety forinhabitants of villages and users of infrastructuresaffected by debris flows. Therefore the search offunctional, reliable and possibly not expensivewarning systems should be pursued to increase theavailable tools to face this often devastating kind ofphenomenon. In this paper the use of seismic detectorsfor the determination of a debris flow occurrence ina torrent before its arrival on the fan will bediscussed, together with their potential use asmonitoring and warning systems. In 1995 a set of fourseismic detectors was placed at a distance of aboutone hundred meters from each other along a straightchannel reach of a debris flow prone torrent locatedon the Eastern Italian Alps. The purpose, in a firstphase of the research, was mainly to verify whichinformation could be obtained through this type ofdevice on the occasion of a debris flow occurrence. On5 July 1995, 22 June and 8 July 1996 three debrisflows were recorded by this seismic network: the datathat have been collected will be presented andconveniently processed for their interpretation. Theresults that have been obtained show that the passageof a debris flow in a torrent can be clearlyidentified using seismic devices placed at a safedistance from the channel bed and that in some casesa velocity estimation of the flowing mass is alsopossible through the processing of the seismic data.  相似文献   

金沙江上游波罗水电站库区泥石流较发育,有不同类型泥石流沟130条。泥石流以暴雨沟谷型泥石流为主,多集中发育于岩性相对软弱的千枚岩、岩屑砂岩及板岩的相对宽谷段,多为黏性泥石流。流域内绝大部分泥石流处于衰退或停歇状态,现代活动泥石流规模不大,多发育于植被破坏较严重区域,对当地人民生命安全及波罗水电站水库的淤积等影响不大。  相似文献   

西南地区泥石流灾害及防灾预警   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西南地区山地分布广泛,地质条件复杂,构造运动剧烈,是山地灾害严重地区之一,其中泥石流灾害尤为突出。它们严重地威胁着人民生命财产安全,给国民经济造成重大损失。为此,加强泥石流灾害的防治和研究极为必要。文章论述了西南地区泥石流的特征、形成原因和分布规律,总结当前泥石流的防治及其预测预报的方法和经验,详细地论述了西南地区泥石流灾害仿治应以预防为主,指出今后防治泥石流灾害的发展方向是成灾信息采集和传输的网络化、实时化、自动化、数字化(可视化)等,使其成灾信息能够实现实时更新,便于科学管理及信息可视,从而准确、实时地预报、预警,为泥石流灾害防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   

四川省都江堰市龙池地区泥石流危险性评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川地震灾区震后泥石流灾害较震前活跃,对灾区泥石流危险性进行评价是灾后重建过程中合理防灾减灾的基础工作。通过研究泥石流灾害事件中的泥石流规模、泥石流沟堆积扇面积及相应的灾害损失等基础资料,提出以泥石流在泥石流沟堆积扇上的平均堆积厚度替代泥石流规模作为主要危险因子的单沟泥石流危险性评价方法。用该方法对汶川震区都江堰市龙池镇龙溪河流域2010年"8.13"泥石流事件中的29条沟谷型泥石流进行危险性评价,评价结果中9条为高度危险,12条为中度危险,8条为低度危险。用以泥石流规模为主要危险因子的单沟泥石流危险性评价方法进行对比评价,2种评价方法中有65.5%的泥石流的危险性评价结果一致。以泥石流沟堆积扇平均堆积厚度为主要危险因子的单沟泥石流危险性评价方法更能突出规模对泥石流综合危险度的贡献,能更好地反映小泥石流流域和小泥石流堆积扇的泥石流在中小规模的泥石流总量下的危险程度。  相似文献   

The erosion and deposition of debris flows at Jiangjia Gully in Dongchuan section of Yunnan province, southwestern China, was surveyed at 12 cross sections from 1999 to 2003. Deposition occurred in most sections because of the low debris-flow magnitude. The result was an increase in their elevations except for two sections at D17 and D19, where the channel was diverted in September 1999. As the annual sediment discharge of debris flow increased, the deposited volume decreased in the upper channel and increased in the lower channel. In each debris flow event, the erosion or deposition at the upper and the lower channel were different, but the eroded/deposited volume and the trend of erosion or deposition were similar between the neighboring sections. The average elevation change of all cross sections between consecutive surveys can reasonably represent the debris flow influence on the channel. Its relationship with the total sediment discharge between two surveys follows a three-stage pattern: when debris flow magnitude is small, deposition in the channel increases with the magnitude. When the magnitude reaches a certain level, the deposition begins to decrease and eventually erosion takes place. In three typical cross sections which had similar channel width, the debris flow showed a clear trend that the deposited volume decreased, while the eroded volume increased as the discharge of debris flow sediments increased.  相似文献   

泥石流流域岩性的坚固系数与暴发频率的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲁科  余斌  韩林  谢洪 《地球科学进展》2011,26(9):980-990
坚硬岩性地区的泥石流暴发频率较低在定性上基本可以概括岩性与泥石流暴发频率的关系,但目前还没有定量地描述岩性与泥石流暴发频率的关系。以四川省17个泥石流流域作为研究对象,通过现场调查研究泥石流形成区和堆积区粗化层颗粒的岩性、硬度以及泥石流的暴发频率,得出:①泥石流堆积区岩性组成特征基本可以代表形成区的岩性组成特征;②用地...  相似文献   

长白山旅游区泥石流灾害研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
孙平  王钢城  曹炳兰 《世界地质》2002,21(2):167-171,188
长白山旅游区为泥石流灾害频发地段,从地貌形态来看,其主要类型为山坡型泥充,其形成条件主要包括三个方面:区内广泛分布的倒石堆为泥石流的形成提供了主要物质来源,陡峭的地形提供了动力条件,丰富集中的降雨是诱发因素,这三个条件相互影响,缺一不可。分析表明,本区泥石流的空间分布规律与倒石堆的发育状况密切相关。  相似文献   

聂拉木县冲堆普2002年泥石流成因分析及防治对策   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
陈晓清  崔鹏  杨忠  齐永青 《冰川冻土》2006,28(5):776-781
聂拉木县冲堆普于2002年5月23日和6月29日先后两次暴发了大规模泥石流灾害,导致下游的水电站、中尼公路、农牧业生产、通讯设施等遭受严重破坏,总共损失约750余万元,给地方社会经济造成了严重的影响.通过对上游的考察和气象资料分析,查清了灾害的形成原因是冲堆普上游冰川融水和嘉龙湖局部溃决所诱发.这是一种多因子共同作用的新型泥石流类型,不同于以往的冰川融水型泥石流和冰湖溃决型泥石流.针对泥石流的危害,提出了防治措施,包括软性措施和硬性措施.  相似文献   

舟曲三眼峪泥石流监测预警方案设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对泥石流的防治不仅要有工程治理措施,而且应配合相应的监测预警措施,以达到有效减缓地质灾害风险的目的.笔者以舟曲三眼峪泥石流为例,设计了针对泥石流触发因素的降雨监测方案;针对泥石流发生和变化过程的次声、泥位、红外线遮断、视频监测方案;针对泥石流物源的滑坡崩塌监测方案;以及针对泥石流防治工程拦挡坝的应力应变监测方案;在此基础上形成了三眼峪泥石流沟的综合监测系统,并建立监测预警信息系统.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake induced large amounts of debris flows and catastrophic incidents triggered by subsequent rainstorms occurred frequently in the past 6 rainy seasons, and thus resulted in serious casualties, huge economic loss and long-term impact. In this paper, post-seismic debris flows distributed in 10 Wenchuan earthquake extremely stricken counties were verified and debris flow database consisting of 609 debris flows was established based on detailed investigation organized by Land and Resources Department of Sichuan Province. Combined with database and related studies, the impact of Wenchuan earthquake on debris flows was analyzed. And then variation of formation conditions including rainfall threshold and landform condition was analyzed by contrasting pre-seismic and post-seismic debris flows. Followed are some typical viewpoints on initiation mechanism of post-seismic debris flows. In the end of this paper, characteristics of postseismic debris flows triggered by subsequent rainstorms were comprehensively summarized, such as regional group occurrence, high frequency, high viscosity, chain effect, huge dynamics, large scale and long duration. We hope this paper will be helpful in understanding the formation mechanism, disaster characteristics and prevention countermeasures of post-seismic debris flows in Wenchuan earthquake extremely stricken areas.  相似文献   

药沟泥石流位于茂县县城东侧,"5.12"汶川特大地震的发生,使得该泥石流危险程度进一步增加。在震后调查基础上,论述了药沟泥石流的概况、动力特征及"5.12"地震的影响,通过对药沟泥石流防治现状和存在问题的分析,提出了拦、排和生物工程相结合的防治建议,并建议通过与建筑规划、交通规划和旅游规划等重建的结合,实现泥石流防治同震后规划重建的全面结合。  相似文献   

水力类泥石流起动机理与预报研究进展与方向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
水力类泥石流是泥石流的一大类型,一旦暴发可造成巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失,因而其起动机理和预报是泥石流学科的前沿课题。尽管国内外研究在该领域取得了显著进展,但是由于该类泥石流起动机理的复杂性,已有的预报模型和其实用性仍然有相当的差距。概述了水力类泥石流起动与预报的国内外研究进展,提出未来该研究方向的主要研究内容。未来研究内容应该包括从环境地质学、地貌学和水文学角度认识水力类泥石流的起动成因和过程及相应的临界条件;研究以水文学为主线的水力类泥石流的起动机理和模型,并提出水力类泥石流的起动水文参数临界条件;建立以临界流量法和分布式水文模型为理论依据的水力类泥石流的预报途径和方法。该研究对加强水力类泥石流起动机理及预测预报的创新性研究和促进学科发展具有重要的科学价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

在人类工程活动诱发下,老泥石流堆积体上的地质灾害尚未引起人们的充分注意。以川藏线二郎山隧道西引道公路别托段穿越的老泥石流堆积体为例,介绍其形成演化过程和物质结构特征,分析沿线各地质灾害点的成因,总结在这类流堆积体上进行人类工程活动时地质灾害的成灾机理及防治对策。  相似文献   

泥石流作用下建筑物易损性评价方法分析与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾超  贺拿  宋国虎 《地球科学进展》2012,27(11):1211-1220
建筑物易损度评价作为泥石流易损度评价的重要组成部分,其研究是实现城镇及居民点泥石流风险定量化和风险管理的必要环节。综述近30年来,泥石流作用下建筑物易损度研究的发展过程,并指出以统计分析方法建立的建筑物易损度曲线普适性差且力学机理不明等问题,提出数值计算和模型实验的手段获取建筑物结构易损度的机理模型。由于建筑物易损度研究问题本身的复杂性,统计分析方法仍将作为建筑物易损度研究的重要手段,力学机理明晰的研究方法则将成为今后研究的难点和热点。此外,地震、滚石、雪崩等类似灾种的易损度研究方法和成果可被借鉴到泥石流领域。针对灾害中因结构破坏引发人员伤亡的情况,建议采用时间概率和基于条件概率的事件树方法计算建筑物内人员易损度。最终形成综合结构和人员易损度研究成果的建筑物易损度评价方法。  相似文献   

汶川地震区文家沟泥石流成因模式分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘传正 《地质论评》2012,58(4):709-715
文家沟2008~2010年期间8次泥石流事件是在地震滑坡堆积体上因持续强降雨渗透变形溃决和后续侵蚀产生的,不同于一般的沟谷型和坡面型泥石流.文家沟滑坡堆积体上新生的泥石流沟共冲出松散固体物质总体积约180×104m3,2010年的“8·13”泥石流事件是其中规模最大的一次,冲出的松散固体物质体积约在115×104m3.文家沟泥石流的成因模式是,强降雨过程在滑坡堆积体上先期出现“渗流管涌、暂态壅水、溃决滑塌”的造沟作用模式,后期出现“溯源侵蚀、冲刷刨蚀、侧蚀坍塌、混合奔流(搅拌机)”的扩沟作用模式.2008年的“6·21”和2010年的“7 ·31”泥石流事件主要起因于前者,其他事件主要起因子后者.松散堆积体因排泄持续降雨入渗的能力不足而造成地下水滞留和水位升高是导致斜坡体稳定性降低的内在原因.当地下水壅高水位面达到水平时,堆积体内渗透动水压力达到最大,堆积斜坡的稳定性最低,成为堆积体表层发生滑塌溃决的临界条件.  相似文献   

柴艳  祁颖辉 《地下水》2011,33(3):165+176-165,176
河北省太行山区是河北省泥石流灾害的主要发生区,该区泥石流在空间上主要分布在太行山东麓的中低山区域,其分布与暴雨等值线的中心部位基本吻合;在时间分布上主要发生在每年7月20日至8月10日之间的强暴雨时期。泥石流的暴发受到降雨因素和地质因素的双重影响,由于降雨为第一主控因子,在地质地貌条件充许的前提下,决定着泥石流是否能在暴雨中被激发。  相似文献   

孙文伟 《地下水》2015,(1):118-120
丘陵地区植被较差,堆积物比较松散,遇有异常暴雨过程,容易形成山洪泥石流,产生自然灾害,造成人员财产损失。分析国内外有关建设最新成果,对丘陵地区开展山洪泥石流预警系统建设工作进行研究,利用现有科学技术,规划设计分析预警工作的方法、步骤、流程、结果,为丘陵地区防洪体系建设提供科学合理的建设模型。  相似文献   

国外深水沉积发展了50年,从浊流定义的普遍应用,到今天对鲍马序列、约克扇等经典模式持否定态度,深水沉积研究经历了一个推陈出新的过程。目前国外流行的砂质碎屑流理论是经典浊流理论的部分否定与新发展。本研究阐述国外砂质碎屑流的概念、实验、鉴别特征、沉积模式等最新认识,以运用砂质碎屑流理论解释鄂尔多斯盆地湖盆中部厚砂岩的成因机制为例,揭示我国陆相湖盆中心坡折带砂体分布特征与形成机制,为开拓陆相勘探领域提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

陈正洪  孟斌 《岩土力学》1995,16(3):62-69
从几十个典型事例出发,分析了我省降雨型滑坡泥石流的时空分布特征和与之密切相关的降雨气候条件的时空分布规律,较好地揭示了二者间的对应关系。并对10项降雨气候因子与逐月滑坡泥石流次数作逐步回归,筛选出日降雨量≥50mm(暴雨)天数为最紧密因子。  相似文献   

In this paper, based on the concepts of uncertainty and reliability analyses, a method used for assessment of risk due to debris flow events is proposed. First, procedures for obtaining the configuration of debris-flow fans are presented. Then, the parameters affecting the configuration of debris-flow fans are identified and their corresponding means and standard deviations are derived. Finally, the proposed method is applied to the Shih-Pa-Chung Creek in central Taiwan. The expected deposition thickness at any point in the deposition area is computed and then the contours of risk for the 50-year and 100-year events are constructed. Regarding the expected deposition thickness, it is found that the closer the distance from the canyon mouth, the larger the debris-flow thickness becomes. The results also show that the contours of risk are of the shape of an ellipse similar to the shape of deposition area, and the risk at a point decreases with increasing distance of that point from the canyon mouth. In addition, when the return period of rainfall event is fixed, the variation in risk decreases as the distance from the canyon mouth increases. For the assessment of risk due to debris flow events, the proposed method is recommended as an alternative to the existing methods, because the influence of all the uncertainty of the parameters is considered.  相似文献   

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