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Following a recent report that AO Psc has broad iron Kα emission lines we have looked at the ASCA spectra of 15 magnetic cataclysmic variables. We find that half of the systems have Kα lines broadened by ∼ 200 eV, while the remainder have narrow lines. We argue that the Doppler effect is insufficient to explain the finding and propose that the lines originate in accretion columns on the verge of optical thickness, where Compton scattering of resonantly trapped line photons broadens the profile. We suggest that the broadening is a valuable diagnostic of conditions in the accretion column.  相似文献   

We present K -band spectra of the short-period dwarf novae YZ Cnc, LY Hya, BK Lyn, T Leo, SW UMa and WZ Sge, the nova-like variables DW UMa, V1315 Aql, RW Tri, VY Scl, UU Aqr and GP Com, and a series of field dwarf stars with spectral types ranging from K2 to M6.
The spectra of the dwarf novae are dominated by emission lines of H  i and He  i . The large velocity and equivalent widths of these lines, in conjunction with the fact that the lines are double-peaked in the highest inclination systems, indicate an accretion disc origin. In the case of YZ Cnc and T Leo, for which we obtained time-resolved data covering a complete orbital cycle, the emission lines show modulations in their equivalent widths that are most probably associated with the bright spot (the region where the gas stream collides with the accretion disc). There are no clear detections of the secondary star in any of the dwarf novae below the period gap, yielding upper limits of 10–30 per cent for the contribution of the secondary star to the observed K -band flux. In conjunction with the K -band magnitudes of the dwarf novae, we use the derived secondary star contributions to calculate lower limits to the distances to these systems.
The spectra of the nova-like variables are dominated by broad, single-peaked emission lines of H  i and He  i – even the eclipsing systems we observed do not show the double-peaked profiles predicted by standard accretion disc theory. With the exception of RW Tri, which exhibits Na  i , Ca  i and 12CO absorption features consistent with a M0V secondary contributing 65 per cent of the observed K -band flux, we find no evidence for the secondary star in any of the nova-like variables. The implications of this result are discussed.  相似文献   

Mass loss appears to be a common phenomenon among astrophysical accretion disc systems. An outflow emanating from an accretion disc can act as a sink for mass, angular momentum and energy, and can therefore alter the dissipation rates and effective temperatures across the disc. Here, the radial distributions of dissipation rate and effective temperature across a Keplerian, steady-state, mass-losing accretion disc are derived, using a simple, parametric approach that is sufficiently general to be applicable to many types of dynamical disc–wind models.
Effective temperature distributions for mass-losing accretion discs in cataclysmic variables are shown explicitly, with parameters chosen to describe both radiation-driven and centrifugally driven outflows. For realistic wind mass-loss rates of a few per cent, only centrifugally driven outflows – particularly those in which mass loss is concentrated in the inner disc – are likely to alter the effective temperature distribution of the disc significantly. Accretion discs that drive such outflows could produce spectra and eclipse light curves that are noticeably different from those produced by standard, conservative discs.  相似文献   

We extend recent work that included the effect of pressure forces to derive the precession rate of eccentric accretion discs in cataclysmic variables to the case of double degenerate systems. We find that the logical scaling of the pressure force in such systems results in predictions of unrealistically high primary masses. Using the prototype AM CVn as a calibrator for the magnitude of the effect, we find that there is no scaling that applies consistently to all the systems in the class. We discuss the reasons for the lack of a superhump period to mass ratio relationship analogous to that known for SU UMa systems and suggest that this is because these secondaries do not have a single valued mass–radius relationship. We highlight the unreliability of mass ratios derived by applying the SU UMa expression to the AM CVn binaries.  相似文献   

We present a detailed analysis of 101 white dwarf main-sequence binaries (WDMS) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) for which multiple SDSS spectra are available. We detect significant radial velocity variations in 18 WDMS, identifying them as post-common-envelope binaries (PCEBs) or strong PCEB candidates. Strict upper limits to the orbital periods are calculated, ranging from 0.43 to 7880 d. Given the sparse temporal sampling and relatively low spectral resolution of the SDSS spectra, our results imply a PCEB fraction of ≳15 per cent among the WDMS in the SDSS data base. Using a spectral decomposition/fitting technique we determined the white dwarf effective temperatures and surface gravities, masses and secondary star spectral types for all WDMS in our sample. Two independent distance estimates are obtained from the flux-scaling factors between the WDMS spectra, and the white dwarf models and main-sequence star templates, respectively. Approximately one-third of the systems in our sample show a significant discrepancy between the two distance estimates. In the majority of discrepant cases, the distance estimate based on the secondary star is too large. A possible explanation for this behaviour is that the secondary star spectral types that we determined from the SDSS spectra are systematically too early by one to two spectral classes. This behaviour could be explained by stellar activity, if covering a significant fraction of the star by cool dark spots will raise the temperature of the interspot regions. Finally, we discuss the selection effects of the WDMS sample provided by the SDSS project.  相似文献   

Blue- and redshifted hydrogen and helium satellite recombination lines have recently been discovered in the optical spectra of at least two supersoft X-ray sources (SSSs), RX J0513−069 and RX J0019.8+2156, and, tentatively, also in one short-period cataclysmic variable star (CV), the recurrent nova T Pyx. These features are thought to provide evidence for the presence of highly collimated jets in these systems. No similar spectral signatures have been detected in the spectra of other short-period CVs, despite a wealth of existing optical data on these systems. Here, we ask if this apparent absence of 'jet lines' in the spectra of most CVs already implies the absence of jets of the kind that appear to be present in the SSSs and perhaps T Pyx, or whether the current lack of jet detection in CVs can still be ascribed to observational difficulties.
To answer this question, we derive a simple, approximate scaling relation between the expected equivalent widths (EWs) of the observed jet lines in both types of systems and the accretion rate through the disc, EW(line)∝˙M4/3acc. We use this relation to predict the strength of jet lines in the spectra of 'ordinary' CVs, i.e. systems characterized by somewhat lower accretion rates than T Pyx. Making the assumption that the features seen in T Pyx are indeed jet lines, and using this system as a reference point, we find that, if jets are present in many CVs, they may be expected to produce optical satellite recombination lines with EWs of a few hundredths to a few tenths of an angstrom in suitably selected systems. A similar prediction is obtained if the SSS RX J0513−069 is used as a reference point. Such EWs are small enough to account for the non-detection of jet features in CVs to date, but large enough to allow them to be detected in data of sufficiently high quality, if they exist.  相似文献   

We review the theory and observations related to the 'superhump' precession of eccentric accretion discs in close binary systems. We agree with earlier work, although for different reasons, that the discrepancy between observation and dynamical theory implies that the effect of pressure in the disc cannot be neglected. We extend earlier work that investigates this effect to include the correct expression for the radius at which resonant orbits occur. Using analytic expressions for the accretion disc structure, we derive a relationship between the period excess and mass ratio with the pressure effects included. This is compared to the observed data, recently derived results for detailed integration of the disc equations and the equivalent empirically derived relations and used to predict values for the mass ratio based on measured values of the period excess for 88 systems.  相似文献   

Negative superhumps in cataclysmic variable systems result when the accretion disc is tilted with respect to the orbital plane. The line of nodes of the tilted disc precesses slowly in the retrograde direction, resulting in a photometric signal with a period slightly less than the orbital period. We use the method of smoothed particle hydrodynamics to simulate a series of models of differing mass ratio and effective viscosity to determine the retrograde precession period and superhump period deficit  ɛ  as a function of system mass ratio q . We tabulate our results and present fits to both  ɛ  and  ɛ+  versus q , as well as compare the numerical results with those compiled from the literature of negative superhump observations. One surprising result is that while we find negative superhumps most clearly in simulations with an accretion stream present, we also find evidence for negative superhumps in simulations in which we shut off the mass transfer stream completely, indicating that the origin of the photometric signal is more complicated than previously believed.  相似文献   

We report on the results from a five-night campaign of high-speed spectroscopy of the 17-min binary AM Canum Venaticorum (AM CVn), obtained with the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma.
We detect a kinematic feature that appears to be entirely analogous to the 'central spike' known from the long-period, emission-line AM CVn stars GP Com, V396 Hya and SDSS J124058.03−015919.2, which has been attributed to the accreting white dwarf. Assuming that the feature indeed represents the projected velocity amplitude and phase of the accreting white dwarf, we derive a mass ratio   q = 0.18 ± 0.01  for AM CVn. This is significantly higher than the value found in previous, less direct measurements. We discuss the implications for AM CVn's evolutionary history and show that a helium star progenitor scenario is strongly favoured. We further discuss the implications for the interpretation of AM CVn's superhump behaviour, and for the detectability of its gravitational-wave signal with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna ( LISA ).
In addition, we demonstrate a method for measuring the circularity or eccentricity of AM CVn's accretion disc, using stroboscopic Doppler tomography. We test the predictions of an eccentric, precessing disc that are based on AM CVn's observed superhump behaviour. We limit the effective eccentricity in the outermost part of the disc, where the resonances that drive the eccentricity are thought to occur, to   e = 0.04 ± 0.01  , which is smaller than previous models indicated.  相似文献   

We present our second paper describing multiwaveband time-resolved spectroscopy of WZ Sge. We analyse the evolution of both optical and IR emission lines throughout the orbital period and find evidence, in the Balmer lines, for an optically thin accretion disc and an optically thick hotspot. Optical and IR emission lines are used to compute radial velocity curves. Fits to our radial velocity measurements give an internally inconsistent set of values for K 1, γ and the phase of red-to-blue crossing. We present a probable explanation for these discrepancies, and provide evidence for similar behaviour in other short orbital period dwarf novae. Selected optical and IR spectra are measured to determine the accretion disc radii. Values for the disc radii are found to be strongly dependent on the assumed WD mass and binary orbital inclination. However, the separation of the peaks in the optical emission line (i.e., an indication of the outer disc radius) has been found to be constant during all phases of the supercycle period over the last 40 years.  相似文献   

We present the first of two papers describing an in-depth study of multiwaveband phase-resolved spectroscopy of the unusual dwarf nova WZ Sge. In this paper we present an extensive set of Doppler maps of WZ Sge covering optical and infrared emission lines, and describe a new technique for studying the accretion discs of cataclysmic variables using ratioed Doppler maps. Applying the ratioed Doppler map technique to our WZ Sge data shows that the radial temperature profile of the disc is unlike that predicted for a steady state α disc. Time-averaged spectra of the accretion disc line flux (with the bright spot contribution removed) show evidence in the shapes of the line profiles for the presence of shear broadening in a quiescent non-turbulent accretion disc. From the positions of the bright spots in the Doppler maps of different lines, we conclude that the bright spot region is elongated along the ballistic stream, and that the density of the outer disc is low. The velocity of the outer edge of the accretion disc measured from the H α line is found to be 723±23 km s−1. Assuming that the accretion disc reaches to the 3:1 tidal resonance radius, we derive a value for the primary star mass of 0.82 M. We discuss the implications of our results on the present theories of WZ Sge type dwarf nova outbursts.  相似文献   

Accretion disc outbursts: a new version of an old model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have developed 1D time-dependent numerical models of accretion discs, using an adaptive grid technique and an implicit numerical scheme, in which the disc size is allowed to vary with time. The code fully resolves the cooling and heating fronts propagating in the disc. We show that models in which the radius of the outer edge of the disc is fixed produce incorrect results, from which probably incorrect conclusions about the viscosity law have been inferred. In particular we show that outside-in outbursts are possible when a standard bimodal behaviour of the Shakura–Sunyaev viscosity parameter α is used. We also discuss to what extent insufficient grid resolution has limited the predictive power of previous models. We find that the global properties (magnitudes, etc.) of transient discs can be addressed by codes using a high, but reasonable, number of fixed grid points. However, the study of the detailed physical properties of the transition fronts generally requires resolutions which are out of reach of fixed grid codes. It appears that most time-dependent models of accretion discs published in the literature have been limited by resolution effects, improper outer boundary conditions, or both.  相似文献   

The 2001 outburst of WZ Sagittae has shown the most compelling evidence yet for an enhancement of the mass-transfer rate from the donor star during a dwarf nova outburst in the form of hotspot brightening. I show that, even in this extreme case, the brightening can be attributed to tidal heating near the interaction point of an accretion stream with the expanding edge of an eccentric accretion disc, with no need at all for an increase in the mass-transfer rate. Furthermore, I confirm previous suggestions that an increase in mass-transfer rate through the stream damps any eccentricity in an accretion disc and suppresses the appearance of superhumps, in contradiction to observations. Tidal heating is expected to be most significant in systems with small mass ratios. It follows that systems like WZ Sagittae – which has a tiny mass ratio – are those most likely to show a brightening in the hotspot region.  相似文献   

We consider the effects of accretion stream overflow on the viscous dynamics of accretion discs in dwarf novae. If the stream from the secondary star is geometrically thick enough, some fraction of its material can flow over and under the disc. The mass and specific angular momentum of the stream are then deposited not only at the point of collision with the outer disc, but also at those radii in the inner disc with geometric heights that are large enough to intercept the residual stream, or near the radius where the disc has the same specific angular momentum as the stream. The overflowing stream can alter the behaviour of heating fronts and cooling fronts in the disc. If the mass fraction of the overflowing stream is of order tens of per cent, the deposition of mass in the inner parts of the disc is sufficient to change the character of the eruption light curves significantly.  相似文献   

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