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Y. Taroyan  R. Erdélyi 《Solar physics》2008,251(1-2):523-531
The upward propagation of linear acoustic waves in a gravitationally stratified solar atmosphere is studied. The wave motion is governed by the Klein?–?Gordon equation, which contains a cutoff frequency introduced by stratification. The acoustic cutoff may act as a potential barrier when the temperature decreases with height. It is shown that waves trapped below the barrier could be subject to a resonance that extends into the entire unbounded atmosphere of the Sun. The parameter space characterizing the resonance is explored.  相似文献   

We study the effect of projection and line-of-sight integration on the interpretation of the morphology and kinematics of EUV waves. We have performed a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a coronal mass ejection (CME) erupting in an environment that mimics the low solar corona and calculated the resulting emission measure of the event from five different viewing angles. Our study provides more quantitative information about the impact of the viewing angle and projection effect on the properties of EUV waves than previous studies on the subject. Analyzing the emission measure of the lower corona reveals wave-like increases that move away from the eruption site, which we interpret as EUV waves. Behind the EUV wave front we can recognize coronal dimming regions. A comparison of the emission measure and calculated density supports the view that EUV waves are true waves. Our results show that the origin of the observed EUV wave is height-dependent, which means that the measured speed and the morphology depend on the viewing direction. Consequently, care should be taken when EUV observations are used to infer the true propagation speeds of EUV wave fronts.  相似文献   

The small ion-neutral drift speeds attained in MHD waves lead to a significant increase in the rates of several important ion-molecule reactions. The effect on the deuterium chemistry of dark clouds could allow MHD wave motion to be observed directly. The results of some recent observations to test this theory are outlined.  相似文献   

I. C. Rae  B. Roberts 《Solar physics》1983,84(1-2):99-103
Phase-speed diagrams, showing the allowable spectrum of surface and body waves in a magnetically structured atmosphere, are constructed for the interface and the slab. The diagrams (illustrated for photospheric flux tubes, photosphere-chromosphere magnetic canopy, and coronal conditions) classify disturbances for both the normal modes of a structure and incident wave propagation on a structure, allowing a simple application once sufficiently detailed observations of waves become available.  相似文献   

A revised linear model is presented to explain the waves from the collisions of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter, in which the Jovian atmosphere is taken as a rotating stratified, compressible and inviscid fluid layer. It is shown that the effect of compressibility can not be ignored, although most of the impacting energy is still converted into the energy of internal waves.  相似文献   

张璞  陈道汉  马月华 《天文学报》2007,48(2):190-199
提出一个彗木相撞的修正了的线性模型.在这个模型中,将木星大气视为一个转动的、分层的、可压缩和无粘滞的流体层.结果表明,虽然大部分撞击能量仍然转换成内波能量,但不能忽视可压缩效应.  相似文献   

The propagation of solar waves through the sunspot of AR?9787 is observed by using temporal cross-correlations of SOHO/MDI Dopplergrams. We then use three-dimensional MHD numerical simulations to compute the propagation of wave packets through self-similar magnetohydrostatic sunspot models. The simulations are set up in such a way as to allow a comparison with observed cross-covariances (except in the immediate vicinity of the sunspot). We find that the simulation and the f-mode observations are in good agreement when the model sunspot has a peak field strength of 3 kG at the photosphere and less so for lower field strengths. Constraining the sunspot model with helioseismology is only possible because the direct effect of the magnetic field on the waves has been fully taken into account. Our work shows that the full-waveform modeling of sunspots is feasible.  相似文献   

We present results from a survey of the Rosette Molecular Cloud (RMC) using both the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) and Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope . We have mapped a region of active star formation covering an area approximately 1° by 1.5° including several previously known clusters. Spectral energy distributions (SEDs) fitted to our data combined with that from Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) are used to identify young stellar objects (YSOs) with infrared (IR) excesses. We find that roughly 50 per cent of the sources are forming in clustered environments and identify seven clusters of IR excess sources including four that were previously unknown. We investigate evidence for triggering of star formation due to the ionization front, identified in Brackett-α emission, associated with the young open cluster NGC 2244. Although the position of several of the clusters of IR excess sources are coincident with the ionization front, the bulk of the youngest YSOs are located far from the ionization front, in clusters located along the mid-plane of the cloud. We conclude that although triggering from the H  ii nebula is a possible origin for some of the recent star formation, the majority of the active star formation is occurring in already dense regions of the cloud not compressed by the expansion of the H  ii region.  相似文献   

Recent advances in understanding of the basic properties of compressible Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence call for revisions of some of the generally accepted concepts. First, the MHD turbulence is not so messy as it is usually believed. In fact, the notion of strong nonlinear coupling of compressible and incompressible motions is not tenable. Alfven, slow and fast modes of MHD turbulence follow their own cascades and exhibit degrees of anisotropy consistent with theoretical expectations. Second, the fast decay of turbulence is not related to the compressibility of fluid. Rates of decay of compressible and incompressible motions are very similar. Third, the viscosity by neutrals does not suppress MHD turbulence in a partially ionized gas. Instead, MHD turbulence develops magnetic cascade at scales below the scale at which neutrals damp ordinary hydrodynamic motions. The implications of those changes of MHD turbulence paradigm for molecular clouds require further studies. Those studies can benefit from testing of theoretical predictions using new statistical techniques that utilize spectroscopic data. We briefly discuss advances in development of tools using which the statistics of turbulent velocity can be recovered from observations.  相似文献   

We present the results of analytical modelling of fast-mode magnetohydrodynamic wave propagation near a 2D magnetic null point. We consider both a linear wave and a weak shock and analyse their behaviour in cold and warm plasmas. We apply the nonlinear geometrical acoustics method based on the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin approximation. We calculate the wave amplitude, using the ray approximation and the laws of solitary shock wave damping. We find that a complex caustic is formed around the null point. Plasma heating is distributed in space and occurs at a caustic as well as near the null point due to substantial nonlinear damping of the shock wave. The shock wave passes through the null point even in a cold plasma. The complex shape of the wave front can be explained by the caustic pattern.  相似文献   

We report on a study of the molecular cloud S64 with observations at millimeter wavelengths of multiple molecular lines of CO isotopes.A weak outflow is found,and its physical parameters are estimated.The departure of the core of S64 from the S64 HII region indicates that there are still other star formation activities in that region.  相似文献   

The statistical distribution of short quiescent times 30 min) between solar flares has been investigated with a 1D MHD model. A power-law behaviour is found which indicates the existence of sympathetic flaring. This prediction is supported by recent observations.  相似文献   

We present a mini-survey of ultrahigh-resolution spectroscopy (UHRS) of CH towards three southern molecular cloud envelopes. The sightlines are selected to probe physically similar gas in different Galactic environments. With a velocity resolution of ∼0.5 km s−1  ( R =575 000)  these observations resolve most kinematic components of the absorption lines. We do, however, detect one line component in the Lupus region, which is not resolved and for which an upper limit of   b <0.3 km s-1  is found. We find a correlation between distance of the absorbing gas from the Galactic mid-plane and the fractional abundance of CH. We show that this correlation can be explained as being a result of a fall-off in the ultraviolet radiation field intensity and propose that CH observations in carefully selected sightlines might allow a mapping of the variations in the interstellar radiation field.  相似文献   

K.ZHANG  陈道汉  C.Jones 《天文学报》2004,45(2):176-185
提出了一个彗木相撞的线性模型.在这个模型中,将木星大气看作是一个分层的、不可压缩和无粘滞的流体层,而与撞击相联的引力波则由一个初始冲力所造成.采用初始冲压P(r,z,0)代替初始表面形变作为初始条件.发现这种做法使得问题的数学处理更加方便,特别是在计算流体粒子的垂直位移和摄动势能方面,后者可以表为P(r,z,0)的有限傅立叶正弦和余弦变换.导出了一个联系彗星碰撞参数、木星大气参数和所设初始冲力之间的关系式.还对两种P(r,z,0)的假设形式分析地导出表面波波高.  相似文献   

Recent numerical investigations of wave propagation near coronal magnetic null points (McLaughlin and Hood: Astron. Astrophys. 459, 641, 2006) have indicated how a fast MHD wave partially converts into a slow MHD wave as the disturbance passes from a low-β plasma to a high-β plasma. This is a complex process and a clear understanding of the conversion mechanism requires the detailed investigation of a simpler model. An investigation of mode conversion in a stratified, isothermal atmosphere with a uniform, vertical magnetic field is carried out, both numerically and analytically. In contrast to previous investigations of upward-propagating waves (Zhugzhda and Dzhalilov: Astron. Astrophys. 112, 16, 1982a; Cally: Astrophys. J. 548, 473, 2001), this paper studies the downward propagation of waves from a low-β to high-β environment. A simple expression for the amplitude of the transmitted wave is compared with the numerical solution.  相似文献   

In an effort to understand the three-dimensional structure of the solar corona and inner heliosphere during the Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI), we have developed a global magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) solution for Carrington rotation (CR) 2068. Our model, which includes energy-transport processes, such as coronal heating, conduction of heat parallel to the magnetic field, radiative losses, and the effects of Alfvén waves, is capable of producing significantly better estimates of the plasma temperature and density in the corona than have been possible in the past. With such a model, we can compute emission in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray wavelengths, as well as scattering in polarized white light. Additionally, from our heliospheric solutions, we can deduce magnetic-field and plasma parameters along specific spacecraft trajectories. In this paper, we present a general analysis of the large-scale structure of the solar corona and inner heliosphere during WHI, focusing, in particular, on i) helmet-streamer structure; ii) the location of the heliospheric current sheet; and iii) the geometry of corotating interaction regions. We also compare model results with i) EUV observations from the EIT instrument onboard SOHO; and iiin-situ measurements made by the STEREO-A and B spacecraft. Finally, we contrast the global structure of the corona and inner heliosphere during WHI with its structure during the Whole Sun Month (WSM) interval. Overall, our model reproduces the essential features of the observations; however, many discrepancies are present. We discuss several likely causes for them and suggest how model predictions may be improved in the future.  相似文献   

We use a global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model to simulate Mercury's space environment for several solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions in anticipation of the magnetic field measurements by the MESSENGER spacecraft. The main goal of our study is to assess what characteristics of the internally generated field of Mercury can be inferred from the MESSENGER observations, and to what extent they will be able to constrain various models of Mercury's magnetic field generation. Based on the results of our simulations, we argue that it should be possible to infer not only the dipole component, but also the quadrupole and possibly even higher harmonics of the Mercury's planetary magnetic field. We furthermore expect that some of the crucial measurements for specifying the Hermean internal field will be acquired during the initial fly-bys of the planet, before MESSENGER goes into orbit around Mercury.  相似文献   

根据文[1]中图1(a)和图1(b),分别对CepB和CepF进行成图处理,得到了它们的强度分布图和速度分段积分等高图,通过对这些强度分布图和速度分段积分等高图的分析和研究,也得到了CegheusOB3巨分子云复合体是成块的,并且这些块是没有被自引力束缚的,同时还得到了CepB和CepF的外流的动力学时标。  相似文献   

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