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The effect of collisions on electrostatic instabilities driven by gravity and density gradients perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field is studied. Electron collisions tend to stabilize the short wavelength (ky?i ? 1, where ky is the perpendicular wavenumber of the instability and ?i is the ion Larmor radius) kinetic interchange mode. In the presence of weak ion-ion collisions, this mode gets converted into an unmagnetized ion interchange mode which has maximum growth rate one order smaller than that of the collisionless mode. On the other hand, electron collisions can excite a long wavelength resistive interchange mode in a wide wavenumber regime (10?3 ? ky ?i ? 0.3) with growth rates comparable to that of the collisional Rayleigh-Taylor mode. The results may be relevant to some of the spread F irregularities.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of nonhelical large‐scale dynamos (shear‐current dynamo and effect of homogeneous kinetic helicity fluctuations with zero mean) in a homogeneous turbulence with large‐scale shear are discussed. We have found that the shearcurrent dynamo can act even in random flows with small Reynolds numbers. However, in this case mean‐field dynamo requires small magnetic Prandtl numbers (i.e., when Pm < Pmcr < 1). The threshold in the magnetic Prandtl number, Pmcr = 0.24, is determined using second order correlation approximation (or first‐order smoothing approximation) for a background random flow with a scale‐dependent viscous correlation time τc = (νk 2)–1 (where ν is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid and k is the wave number). For turbulent flows with large Reynolds numbers shear‐current dynamo occurs for arbitrary magnetic Prandtl numbers. This dynamo effect represents a very generic mechanism for generating large‐scale magnetic fields in a broad class of astrophysical turbulent systems with large‐scale shear. On the other hand, mean‐field dynamo due to homogeneous kinetic helicity fluctuations alone in a sheared turbulence is not realistic for a broad class of astrophysical systems because it requires a very specific random forcing of kinetic helicity fluctuations that contains, e.g., low‐frequency oscillations. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present a dynamo mechanism arising from the presence of barotropically unstable zonal jet currents in a rotating spherical shell. The shear instability of the zonal flow develops in the form of a global Rossby mode, whose azimuthal wavenumber depends on the width of the zonal jets. We obtain self-sustained magnetic fields at magnetic Reynolds numbers greater than 103. We show that the propagation of the Rossby waves is crucial for dynamo action. The amplitude of the axisymmetric poloidal magnetic field depends on the wavenumber of the Rossby mode, and hence on the width of the zonal jets. We discuss the plausibility of this dynamo mechanism for generating the magnetic field of the giant planets. Our results suggest a possible link between the topology of the magnetic field and the profile of the zonal winds observed at the surface of the giant planets. For narrow Jupiter-like jets, the poloidal magnetic field is dominated by an axial dipole whereas for wide Neptune-like jets, the axisymmetric poloidal field is weak.  相似文献   

Venus cloud covered atmosphere offers a well-suited framework to study the coupling between the atmospheric dynamics and the structure of the cloud field. Violet images obtained during the Galileo flyby from 12 to 17 February 1990 have been analyzed to retrieve the zonal power spectra of the cloud brightness distribution field between latitudes 70° N and 50° S. The brightness distribution spectra serve as a diagnostic of the eddy kinetic energy spectrum providing indirect information about the distribution of energy along different spatial scales. We composed images covering a full rotation of the atmosphere at the level of the UV contrasted clouds obtaining maps of almost 360° that allowed us to obtain the brightness power spectra from wavenumbers k=1 to 50. A full analysis of the spectrum slope for different latitude bands and ranges of wave numbers is presented. The power spectra follow a classical law kn with exponent n ranging from −1.7 to −2.9 depending on latitude and the wavenumber range. For the whole planet, the average of this parameter is −2.1 intermediate between those predicted by the classical turbulence theories for three- and two-dimensional motions (n=−5/3 and n=−3). A comparison with previous analysis of Mariner 10 (in 1974) and Pioneer Venus (in 1979) shows significant temporal changes in the cloud global structure and in the turbulence characteristics of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Using simulations of helically driven turbulence, it is shown that the ratio of kinetic to magnetic energy dissipation scales with the magnetic Prandtl number in power law fashion with an exponent of approximately 0.6. Over six orders of magnitude in the magnetic Prandtl number the magnetic field is found tobe sustained by large‐scale dynamo action of alphasquared type. This work extends a similar finding for small magnetic Prandtl numbers to the regime of large magnetic Prandtl numbers. At large magnetic Prandtl numbers, most of the energy is dissipated viscously, lowering thus the amount of magnetic energy dissipation, which means that simulations can be performed at magnetic Reynolds numbers that are large compared to the usual limits imposed by a given resolution. This is analogous to an earlier finding that at small magnetic Prandtl numbers, most of the energy is dissipated resistively, lowering the amount of kinetic energy dissipation, so simulations can then be performed at much larger fluid Reynolds numbers than otherwise. The decrease in magnetic energy dissipation at large magnetic Prandtl numbers is discussed in the context of underluminous accretion found in some quasars (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Strong (B?109 G) and superstrong (B?1014 G) magnetic fields profoundly affect many thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics of dense plasmas in neutron star envelopes. In particular, they produce strongly anisotropic thermal conductivity in the neutron star crust and modify the equation of state and radiative opacities in the atmosphere, which are major ingredients of the cooling theory and spectral atmosphere models. As a result, both the radiation spectrum and the thermal luminosity of a neutron star can be affected by the magnetic field. We briefly review these effects and demonstrate the influence of magnetic field strength on the thermal structure of an isolated neutron star, putting emphasis on the differences brought about by the superstrong fields and high temperatures of magnetars. For the latter objects, it is important to take proper account of a combined effect of the magnetic field on thermal conduction and neutrino emission at densities ρ?1010 g?cm?3. We show that the neutrino emission puts a B-dependent upper limit on the effective surface temperature of a cooling neutron star.  相似文献   

We use the Fisher matrix formalism to predict the prospects of measuring the redshifted 21-cm power spectrum in different k-bins using observations with the upcoming Ooty Wide Field Array (OWFA) which will operate at 326.5 MHz. This corresponds to neutral hydrogen (HI) at z = 3.35, and a measurement of the 21-cm power spectrum provides a unique method to probe the large-scale structures at this redshift. Our analysis indicates that a 5σ detection of the binned power spectrum is possible in the k range 0.05 ≤ k ≤ 0.3 Mpc?1 with 1000 hours of observation. We find that the signal- to-noise ratio (SNR) peaks in the k range 0.1?0.2 Mpc?1 where a 10σ detection is possible with 2000 hours of observations. Our analysis also indicates that it is not very advantageous to observe beyond 1000 h in a single field-of-view as the SNR increases rather slowly beyond this in many of the small k-bins. The entire analysis reported here assumes that the foregrounds have been completely removed.  相似文献   

A combination of diamagnetic pumping and a nonlocal α-effect of the Babcock–Leighton type in a solar dynamo model is shown to reproduce observations of solar magnetic activity. The period of the solar cycle can be reproduced without reducing magnetic diffusivity in the bulk of the convection zone below the standard mixing-length value of 1013?cm2?s?1. The simulated global fields are antisymmetric about the equator, and the toroidal-to-poloidal field ratio is about one thousand. However, the time–latitude diagrams of magnetic fields in the model without meridional flow differ from observations. Only when the meridional flow is included and the α-effect profile peaking at mid-latitudes is applied, can the observed butterfly diagrams be reproduced.  相似文献   

Hot spots similar to those in the radio galaxy Cygnus A can be explained by the strong shock produced by a supersonic but classical jet \(\left( {u_{jet}< c/\sqrt 3 } \right)\) . The high integrated radio luminosity (L?2×1044 erg s?1) and the strength of mean magnetic field (B?2×10?4 G) suggest the hot spots are the downstream flow of a very strong shock which generates the ultrarelativistic electrons of energy ?≥20 MeV. The fully-developed subsonic turbulence amplifies the magnetic field of the jet up to 1.6×10?4 G by the dynamo effect. If we assume that the post-shock pressure is dominated by relativistic particles, the ratio between the magnetic energy density to the energy density in relativistic particles is found to be ?2×10?2, showing that the generally accepted hypothesis of equipartition is not valid for hot spots. The current analysis allows the determination of physical parameters inside hot spots. It is found that:
  1. The velocity of the upstream flow in the frame of reference of the shock isu 1?0.2c. Radio observations indicate that the velocity of separation of hot spots isu sep?0.05c, so that the velocity of the jet isu jet=u 1+u sep?0.25c.
  2. The density of the thermal electrons inside the hot spot isn 2?5×10?3 e ? cm?3 and the mass ejected per year to power the hot spot is ?4M 0yr?1.
  3. The relativistic electron density is less than 20% of the thermal electron density inside the hot spot and the spectrum is a power law which continues to energies as low as 30 MeV.
  4. The energy density of relativistic protons is lower than the energy density of relativistic electrons unlike the situation for cosmic rays in the Galaxy.

A filamentary non‐holonomic dynamo solution of self‐induction magnetic field equation is found by considering highly conducting filaments. It is shown that planar filaments cannot support dynamo action since the flow along the filament vanishes for torsion‐free filaments. This is a generalization of the Zeldovich theorem for linear magnetic dynamo filaments. The flow of filament is proportionally to the product between Frenet torsion and curvature. This shows that filamentary dynamos must possess Frenet torsion. A well‐known example of this result is the α ‐dynamo in solar physics. Magnetic helicity and magnetic energy for this filamentary dynamo are computed. Magnetic helicity vanishes by construction and the magnetic field decays with torsion energy in helicoidal dynamos. The approach considered here is useful for the investigation of anisotropic turbulent cascades. As a particular simple example it is shown that under certain constraints the solution can be reduced to the Arnold cat dynamo map solution where the non‐holonomic directional mixed derivative, would play the role of the Lyapunov exponent which appears on stretching the magnetic field in Riemannian space. The solution seems to describe marginal slow dynamos when the velocities involved in the dynamo flows are constants. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The full magnetoatmospheric wave equation is numerically solved for the particular penumbral model of Nye and Thomas (1974). For chromospheric running penumbral waves it is found that the maximum vertical velocity occurs at the base of the Hα region (z ≈ 300 km) much lower than previous WKB estimates have suggested. The maximum ‘vertical’ kinetic energy occurs at z ≈ - 130 km. Very significant horizontal velocities are also found for these waves, and, in the absence of shear flow it appears that previous estimates of photospheric vertical velocities of order 10?1 km s?1 could be substantial underestimates. For the photospheric events of Musman et al. (1976), a high vertical velocity maximum is found in the corona, and the modes appear highly dispersive for periods ≥ 220 s. The effects of a sinusoidal shear flow profile on running penumbral waves are examined, and it is found that the eigenvalues (horizontal wavenumber k) are changed little, but the eigenmodes become significantly distorted; the position of the vertical velocity peak rises compared to the zero flow case, and the velocity below that peak drops significantly. This effect may well cancel the increased estimates based on zero flow.  相似文献   

We study magnetic power spectra of active and quiet regions by using Big Bear Solar Observatory and SOHO/MDI measurements of longitudinal magnetic fields. The MDI power spectra were corrected with Gaussian Modulation Transfer Function. We obtained reliable magnetic power spectra in the high wave numbers range, up to k=4.6 Mm−1, which corresponds to a spatial scale l=1.4 Mm. We find that the occurrence of the spectral discontinuity at high wave numbers, k≥3 Mm−1, largely depends on the spatial resolution of the data and it appears at progressively higher wave numbers as the resolution of the data improves. The spectral discontinuity in the raw spectra is located at wave numbers about 3 times smaller than wave numbers, corresponding to the resolution of the data, and about 1.5–2.0 times smaller in the case of the noise- and-resolution corrected spectra. The magnetic power spectra for active and quiet regions are different: active-region power spectra are described as ∼k −1.7, while in a quiet region the spectrum behaves as ∼k −1.3. We suggest that the difference can be due to small-scale dynamo action in the quiet-Sun photosphere. Our estimations show that the dynamo can generate more than 6% of the observed magnetic power.  相似文献   

The Forbush decrease (Fd) of the Galactic cosmic ray (GCR) intensity and disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field generally take place simultaneously and are caused by the same phenomenon, namely a coronal mass ejection (CME) or a shock wave created after violent processes in the solar atmosphere. The magnetic cut-off rigidity of the Earth’s magnetic field changes because of the disturbances, leading to additional changes in the GCR intensity observed by neutron monitors and muon telescopes. Therefore, one may expect distortion in the temporal changes in the power-law exponent of the rigidity spectrum calculated from neutron monitor data without correcting for the changes in the cut-off rigidity of the Earth’s magnetic field. We compare temporal changes in the rigidity spectrum of Fds calculated from neutron monitor data corrected and uncorrected for the geomagnetic disturbances. We show some differences in the power-law exponent of the rigidity spectrum of Fds, particularly during large disturbances of the cut-off rigidity of the Earth’s magnetic field. However, the general features of the temporal changes in the rigidity spectrum of Fds remain valid as they were found in our previous study. Namely, at the initial phase of the Fd, the rigidity spectrum is relatively soft and it gradually becomes hard up to the time of the minimum level of the GCR intensity. Then during the recovery phase of the Fd, the rigidity spectrum gradually becomes soft. This confirms that the structural changes of the interplanetary magnetic field turbulence in the range of frequencies of 10?6?–?10?5 Hz are generally responsible for the time variations in the rigidity spectrum we found during the Fds.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of strange-star (SS) radiation. The bare quark SS surface and electrons on the stellar surface generate an electric field that is strong enough for electron-positron pairs to be produced from a vacuum at a nonzero temperature. The luminosity in pairs is assumed to be within ?1049 erg s?1 from a surface with a characteristic radius of 10 km. We consider the energy transfer from pairs to photons by taking into account the well-studied reactions between e, e +, γ and obtain a change in the photon spectrum with luminosity. Our analysis is restricted to the spherically symmetric case. The magnetic field is disregarded. To solve the problem, we developed a new numerical method of integrating the Boltzmann kinetic equations for pairs and photons. This method is used to calculate the problem up to a luminosity of 1042 erg s?1 This region is difficult to investigate when the optical path for pairs or photons is considerably larger than unity but the two optical depths are not simultaneously much larger than unity (when hydrodynamics with heat conduction is applicable). It turns out that the mean photon energy is approximately equal to $\bar \in _\gamma \approx m_e c^2$ (the annihilation line for pairs) at a modest luminosity, L?1×1037 erg s?1, and decreases to ≈210 keV at L?1038 erg s?1. Hydrodynamic estimates point to an increase in the mean energy $\bar \in _\gamma$ to 1 MeV as the luminosity further increases to L?1049 erg s?1. Our calculations may prove to be useful in interpreting soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) and are of methodological interest.  相似文献   

A solar wind parameter ε, known as the energy coupling function, has been shown to correlate with the power consumption in the magnetosphere. It is shown in the present paper that the parameter ε can be identified semi-quantitatively as the dynamo power delivered from the solar wind to an open magnetosphere. This identification not only provides a theoretical basis for the energy coupling function, but also constitutes an observational verification of the solar wind-magnetosphere dynamo along the magnetotail. Moreover, one can now conclude that a substorm results when the dynamo power exceeds 1018 ergs ?1.  相似文献   

Intensities of auroral hiss generated by the Cerenkov radiation process by electrons in the lower magnetosphere are calculated with respect to a realistic model of the Earth's magnetosphere. In this calculation, the magnetic field is expressed by the “Mead-Fairfield Model” (1975), and a static model of the iono-magnetospheric plasma distribution is constructed with data accumulated by recent satellites (Alouette-I, -II, ISIS-I, OGO-4, -6 and Explorer 22). The energy range of hiss producing electrons and the frequency range of the calculated VLF are 100–200 keV, and 2–200 kHz, respectively. Intensities with a maximum around 20 kHz, of the order of 10?14 W/m2/Hz1 at the ground seem to be ascribable to the incoherent Cerenkov emission from soft electrons with a differential energy spectrum E?2 having an intensity of the order of 108cm?2/sec/sr/eV at 100 eV. It is shown that the frequency of the maximum hiss spectral density at geomagnetic latitudes 80° on the day-side and 70° on the night-side is around 20 kHz for the soft spectrum (~E?2) electrons, which shifts toward lower frequency (~10 kHz) for a hard spectrum (~E?1·2) electrons. The maximum hiss intensity produced by soft electrons is more than one order higher than that of hard electron produced hiss. The higher rate of hiss occurrence in the daytime side, particularly in the soft electron precipitation zone in the morning sector, and the lesser occurrence of auroral hiss in night-time sectors must be, therefore, due to the local time dependence of the energy spectra of precipiating electrons rather than the difference in the geomagnetic field and in the geoplasma distributions.  相似文献   

The paper contains a numerical simulation of the nonlinear coupling between the kinetic Alfvén wave and the ion acoustic wave for an intermediate β-plasma (m e/m i?β?1). For this study, we have introduced the nonlinear ponderomotive force (due to the finite frequency (ω 0<ω ci) kinetic Alfvén wave) in the derivation of the ion acoustic wave. The main aim of the present paper is to study the nonlinear effects associated with the different driving finite frequencies (ω 0<ω ci) of the pump kinetic Alfvén wave on the formation of localized structures and a turbulent spectrum applicable to the solar wind around 1 AU. As a result, we found that the different driving frequencies of the pump kinetic Alfvén wave affect the formation of the localized structures. We have also studied the turbulent scaling which follows (~k ?3.6) for ω 0/ω ci≈0.2, (~k ?3.4) for ω 0/ω ci≈0.3 and (~k ?3.2) for ω 0/ω ci≈0.4, at small scales. Further, we have also found that different finite driving frequencies of the pump kinetic Alfvén wave affect the turbulence scaling at small scales, which may affect the heating of the plasma particles in solar wind. The present study is correlated with the observation made by the Cluster spacecraft for the solar wind around 1 AU.  相似文献   

The electric potential field in the ionosphere, which is generated by the atmospheric tide with the diurnal first negative mode excited in the lower ionosphere, is estimated. An equivalent mode is used instead of the exact mode in the following approximations : (i) the horizontal structure of the energy input is composed of the first two terms of the series expansion of the Hough function with the associated Legendre functions, and (ii) the Coriolis force is assumed to be constant in the equation of motion and the value appropriate to colatitude 45 being used. It is found that the equivalent mode gives a good approximation of the exact mode at midlatitudes in the neutral atmosphere. The result shows that the oscillation with its temperature variation of about 40 K in the excitation region generates the horizontal electric potential field of 10?3 V/m in magnitude. The horizontal pattern of the field distribution is similar to that estimated by many authors. The maximum vertical electric current is about 3 × 10?9 A/m2 in the dynamo layer. It is found that the “virtual current,” introduced by Volland (1970) as a vertical current in and above the dynamo layer, in order to obtain a better agreement between theory and observations of the location of the diurnal symmetric Sq current vortex, is actually to be expected. The vertical current is very small, but this small steady current is necessary for the electric potential field of the dynamo layer to be mapped into the magnetosphere along the lines of the geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

The role of shear in alleviating catastrophic quenching by shedding small‐scale magnetic helicity through fluxes along contours of constant shear is discussed. The level of quenching of the dynamo effect depends on the quenched value of the turbulent magnetic diffusivity. Earlier estimates that might have suffered from the force‐free degeneracy of Beltrami fields are now confirmed for shear flows where this degeneracy is lifted. For a dynamo that is saturated near equipartition field strength those estimates result in a 5‐fold decrease of the magnetic diffusivity as the magnetic Reynolds number based on the wavenumber of the energy‐carrying eddies is increased from 2 to 600. Finally, the role of shear in driving turbulence and large‐scale fields by the magneto‐rotational instability is emphasized. New simulations are presented and the 3π /4 phase shift between poloidal and toroidal fields is confirmed. It is suggested that this phase shift might be a useful diagnostic tool in identifying mean‐field dynamo action in simulations and to distinguish this from other scenarios invoking magnetic buoyancy as a means to explain migration away from the midplane. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Junwei Zhao  Dean-Yi Chou 《Solar physics》2013,287(1-2):149-159
The continuous high spatial resolution Doppler observation of the Sun by the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager allows us to compute a helioseismic kω power-spectrum diagram using only oscillations inside a sunspot. Individual modal ridges can be clearly seen with reduced power in the kω diagram that is constructed from a 40-hour observation of a stable and round sunspot. Comparing this with the kω diagram obtained from a quiet-Sun region, one sees that inside the sunspot the f-mode ridge is more reduced in power than the p-mode ridges, especially at high wavenumbers. The p-mode ridges all shift toward lower wavenumber (or higher frequency) for a given frequency (or wavenumber), implying an increase of phase velocity beneath the sunspot. This is probably because the acoustic waves travel across the inclined magnetic field of the sunspot penumbra. Line-profile asymmetries exhibited in the p-mode ridges are more significant in the sunspot than in the quiet Sun. Convection inside the sunspot is also highly suppressed, and its characteristic spatial scale is substantially larger than the typical convection scale of the quiet Sun. These observational facts demand a better understanding of magnetoconvection and interactions of helioseismic waves with magnetic field.  相似文献   

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