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In this brief report we summarise the most important points raised in the course of a two-hour evening discussion session on the above topic, organised by the author. Major questions that were debated included the universality of the IMF, the history of the star formation rate in the solar neighorhood, the star formation efficiency in molecular clouds, and the role of triggered star formation. The issue of a threshold gas surface density for star formation to occur was also critically discussed. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

旋涡星系中恒星形成对旋涡结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用N体数值模拟方法,讨论了旋涡星系中恒星形成对旋涡结构的维持作用。在假定恒星是在一定密度区域中形成以及恒星诞生率为1.0M_⊙/年的情况下,模拟结果表明,旋涡图象的维持时间是未考虑恒星形成模型的2.3倍。  相似文献   

The inclusion of a detailed modeling of the short-scale baryonic physics in a large-scale cosmological simulation is crucial for a better comparison between observations and predictions from cosmological models. From a set of 3D hydrodynamical simulations which include a chemical model to account for the complex physics of the ISM at a sub-grid scale, we have been able to obtain a statistically significant sample of galaxy-type halos with observational properties, like colors and luminosities for different cosmological scenarios. From this data base, we have studied a number of different things, like Tully-Fisher relations, luminosity functions and environmental effects. Despite the progress made during the last few years in the modeling of the physics of ISM and star formation, more work is clearly needed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We review the main results from recent numerical simulations of turbulent fragmentation and star formation. Specifically, we discuss the observed scaling relationships, the “quiescent” (subsonic) nature of many star-forming cores, their energy balance, their synthesized polarized dust emission, the ages of stars associated with the molecular gas from which they have formed, the mass spectra of clumps, and the density and column density probability distribution function of the gas. We then give a critical discussion on recent attempts to explain and/or predict the star formation efficiency and the stellar initial mass function from the statistical nature of turbulent fields. Finally, it appears that turbulent fragmentation alone cannot account for the final stages of fragmentation: although the turbulent velocity field is able to produce filaments, the spatial distribution of cores in such filaments is better explained in terms of gravitational fragmentation.  相似文献   

The effects of finite ion Larmor radius (FLR) corrections, Hall current and radiative heat-loss function on the thermal instability of an infinite homogeneous, viscous plasma incorporating the effects of finite electrical resistivity, thermal conductivity and permeability for star formation in interstellar medium have been investigated. A general dispersion relation is derived using the normal mode analysis method with the help of relevant linearized perturbation equations of the problem. The wave propagation is discussed for longitudinal and transverse directions to the external magnetic field and the conditions of modified thermal instabilities and stabilities are discussed in different cases. We find that the thermal instability criterion gets modified into radiative instability criterion. The finite electrical resistivity removes the effect of magnetic field and the viscosity of the medium removes the effect of FLR from the condition of radiative instability. The Hall parameter affects only the longitudinal mode of propagation and it has no effect on the transverse mode of propagation. Numerical calculation shows stabilizing effect of viscosity, heat-loss function and FLR corrections, and destabilizing effect of finite resistivity and permeability on the thermal instability. The outcome of the problem discussed the formation of star in the interstellar medium.  相似文献   

Understanding the star formation process is central to much of modern astrophysics. Stellar birth is intimately linked to the dynamical behavior of the parental gas cloud. Gravoturbulent fragmentation determines where and when protostellar cores form, and how they contract and grow in mass via accretion from the surrounding cloud material to build up stars. Supersonic turbulence can provide support against gravitational collapse on global scales, whereas at the same time it produces localized density enhancements that allow for collapse on small scales. The efficiency and timescale of stellar birth in Galactic molecular clouds strongly depend on the properties of the interstellar turbulent velocity field, with slow, inefficient, isolated star formation being a hallmark of turbulent support, and fast, efficient, clustered star formation occurring in its absence.  相似文献   

Current theoretical models for what drives star formation (especially low-mass star formation) are: (1) magnetic support of self-gravitating clouds with ambipolar diffusion removing support in cores and triggering collapse and (2) compressible turbulence forming self-gravitating clumps that collapse as soon as the turbulent cascade produces insufficient turbulent support. Observations of magnetic fields can distinguish between these two models because of different predictions in three areas: (1) magnetic field morphology, (2) the scaling of field strength with density and non-thermal velocities, and (3) the mass to magnetic flux ratio, M/Φ. We first discuss the techniques and limitations of methods for observing magnetic fields in star formation regions, then describe results for the L1544 prestellar core as an exemplar of the observational results. Application of the three tests leads to the following conclusions. The observational data show that both magnetic fields and turbulence are important in molecular cloud physics. Field lines are generally regular rather than chaotic, implying strong field strengths. But fields are not aligned with the minor axes of oblate spheroidal clouds, suggesting that turbulence is important. Field strengths appear to scale with non-thermal velocity widths, suggesting a significant turbulent support of clouds. Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs) require mass accumulation over sufficiently large volumes that they would likely have an approximately critical M/Φ. Yet H I clouds are observed to be highly subcritical. If self-gravitating (molecular) clouds form with the subcritical M/Φ of H I clouds, the molecular clouds will be subcritical. However, the observations of molecular cloud cores suggest that they are approximately critical, with no direct evidence for subcritical molecular clouds or cloud envelopes. Hence, the observations remain inconclusive in deciding between the two extreme-case models of what drives star formation. What is needed to further advance our understanding of the role of magnetic fields in the star formation process are additional high sensitivity surveys of magnetic field strengths and other cloud properties in order to further refine the assessment of the importance of magnetic fields in molecular cores and envelopes.  相似文献   

We discuss a new method for inferring the stellar mass of a distant galaxy of known redshift based on the combination of a near-IR luminosity and multiband optical photometry. The typical uncertainty for field galaxies with I<22 in the redshift range 0相似文献   

Light-echo measurements show that SN 1987A is 425 pc behind the LMC disk. It is continuing to move away from the disk at 18 km s-1. Thus, it has been suggested that SN 1987A was ejected from the LMC disk. However, SN 1987A is a member of a star cluster, so this entire cluster would have to have been ejected from the disk. We show that the cluster was formed in the LMC disk, with a velocity perpendicular to the disk of about 50 km s-1. Such high-velocity formation of a star cluster is unusual, having no known counterpart in the Milky Way.  相似文献   

The far outer regions of galactic disks allow an important probe of both star formation and galaxy formation. I discuss how observations of HII regions in these low gas density, low metallicity environments can shed light on the physical processes which drive galactic star formation. The history of past star formation at large radii, as traced by observations of old and intermediate-age stars, constrains the epoch at which the highest angular momentum regions of disks were in place; first results for the M31 disk suggest this occured a significant (≳ 8 Gyr) time ago. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Near-infrared (JHK) images of the nucleus of the barred spiral galaxy M100 (NGC 4321) have been obtained using a high-bandwidth tip-tilt secondary and fast guider system on the 3.8 m United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). The resulting images, with a resolution of 0.34″ at K, reveal for the first time a host of compact ‘knots’, which appear to be the result of a recent burst (or bursts) of star formation. Confirmation of this comes from K-band spectroscopy of these knots with CGS4 on UKIRT, which shows Brγ emission and CO absorption features. A comparison with starburst evolutionary models suggests ages for these knots of between 17 and 27 Myr, and a stellar population dominated by late-type supergiants. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本文根据球状星团所特有的金属丰度特征,利用星族综合方法,探讨了球状星团诸恒星的形成史。研究表明,这些恒星不可能通过恒星形成率和初始质量函数均不随时间变化的单一恒星形成模式产生。原初云通过恒星演化而得到金属丰度污染的过程和多数恒星的形成过程必须分为两个不同的阶段。 球状星团得到金属丰度污染的过程中,若恒星形成具有通常的初始质量函数,则其恒星形成率必须较低,且初始质量函数不能太陡,从而使污染过程中只形成数量较少的低质量恒星,以保证单个球状星团内金属丰度的均匀性。另一种可能性是污染阶段有非常特殊的初始质量函数,只形成大质量的恒星,从而除提供适量污染外不留下任何痕迹。 多数恒星应是在原初云不同部位得到适当污染后通过局域的短暂的爆发性恒星形成(星暴过程)产生。本文进一步探讨了在Fan和Rees球状星团形成模型的框架下,两相介质中温云块相互碰撞造成星暴过程的可能性。  相似文献   

吴月芳 《天文学进展》2001,19(2):246-248
对于大质量的形成,由于区域的遥远和结构的复杂以及过程的特殊,研究相对迟缓,对可能形成大质量得的云核和大质量年轻星体的活动,进行多波段搜寻和研究,取得了相应的进展。  相似文献   

Feedback from supernovae (SNe) and from active galactic nuclei (AGN) accom-panies the history of star formation and galaxy evolution. We present an analytic model to explain how and when the SNe and AGN exert their feedback effects on the star formation and galaxy evolution processes. By using SNe and AGN kinetic feedback mechanisms based on the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) model, we explore how these feedback mecha-nisms affect the star formation history (SFH), the Near-Infrared Background (NIRB) flux and the cosmological reionization. We find the values of the feedback strengths, ∈AGN =1.0+0.50.3and ∈SN=0.04+0.02-0.02, can provide a reasonable explanation of most of the observational re-suits, and that the AGN feedback effect on star formation history is quite different from the SNe feedback at high redshifts. Our conclusions manifest quantitatively that these feedback effects decrease star formation rate density (SFRD) and the NIRB flux (in 1.4 - 4.0μm), and postpone the time of completion of the cosmological reionization.  相似文献   

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