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Ye  Chao  Pan  Jiawei  Liu  Zhimin 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(7):1225-1240
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The advent of a mobile society has led to profound changes in China’s traditional rural-urban pattern and called for new strategies for urban and rural...  相似文献   

中国古代政治地理思想探究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘云刚  王丰龙 《地理科学进展》2017,36(12):1450-1462
中国古代具有丰富的政治地理思想和实践,对当前中国政治地理学的建设具有重要意义。本文对中国从先秦至晚清的相关文献中涉及政治地理的内容进行梳理,归纳为地利(定都、设镇)、地政(治地、安民)、地缘(安边、攘夷)三大主题,对各主题的要点进行了整理,进而探讨了这些思想与西方政治地理学相关概念的关联,并期望未来中国政治地理学对于本国的传统思想给予更多关注。  相似文献   

"人地关系"和"区域研究"是地理学的两大传统,区域关系是人地关系的一种重要体现.在地理学的"区域范式"下,存在两类不同的区域系统,即社会经济系统和自然环境系统,它们在地表空间上的叠加会产生"空间冲突",并导致经济区域的外部作用.地理学已经发现和积累了大量的区域外部作用的地理事实.由于我国独特的区域制度和"行政-经济"区...  相似文献   

朱翔  何甜  戚伟  张国友  周国华  贺艳华 《地理学报》2022,77(12):3194-3202
中部地区地处中国内陆腹地,承东启西、连南接北,在全国经济发展中处于非常重要的枢纽地位。中部地区崛起取得显著成效,但内部发展不平衡不充分问题依然突出,如何在新时代推动中部地区高质量崛起,构筑区域协调发展新格局,是当前中国亟待解决的现实问题。第24届中国科协年会中部地区协调发展论坛就此进行专题研讨,普遍认为:区域协调发展是新时代国家战略导向,空间规划和产业布局要尊重自然与经济规律,国家战略规划布局应从主体功能区“差异化”向“差异化+系统化”转型。中部地区要以“两横三纵”城市化格局为骨架,积极融入国家区域重大战略;发挥城市群对中部地区的鼎托作用,推动长江中游城市群协同发展,强化武汉都市圈、长株潭都市圈、南昌都市圈等核心支撑作用;发挥比较优势,推进农业、能源、电力、工程机械、装备制造等传统优势产业高质量发展;注重生态环境保护,加强长江中游城市群水安全管理;补齐农业短板,推动乡村振兴,形成城乡统筹、城乡融合发展的新局面。  相似文献   

Rural vitalization in China: A perspective of land consolidation   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The core objective of rural vitalization is to systemically establish a coupling pattern of various rural development elements including population, land and...  相似文献   

陈海曦 《地理科学进展》2022,41(6):1136-1144
中欧班列自2011年开行以来,随着其国内国际影响力不断提升,逐渐成为中国学术界的研究热点之一。基于中国知网数据可以发现,中欧班列相关文献数量年均增长约70%,但发表在影响力较高期刊的文献占比还相对较低。从地理视角看,中国学者对中欧班列的研究主要集中在4个方面:一是测算班列具有竞争优势的区域范围,二是分析班列开行地区间的竞争博弈,三是优化班列运输网络的空间布局,四是分析班列的区域影响及其差异性。目前存在的短板主要包括:理论研究尚未紧跟实践,对整体改革的研究仍较缺乏,研究地域有待拓展等。建议在今后的研究中加快推进理论构建,多出系统性、针对性对策建议,在更大空间尺度内深耕细作。  相似文献   

中国转型期中心城市城乡关系演变   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
张婧  李诚固 《地理学报》2012,67(8):1021-1030
2000 年以来中国开始进入城乡互动与统筹发展的转型期。以中国中心城市为样本, 城乡经济增长与城市化为研究视角, 中心与外围区域为空间范围, 利用时间序列数据, 采用多元变量分析模型方法, 对中国区域中心城市城乡关系要素变化进行了动态分析, 建立了中心城市城乡关系模型, 划分了中国中心城市城乡关系地域类型。研究结果表明:中心城市外围县区的固定资产投资、经济总量、工业生产的增长速度开始超过中心市区, 经济要素过度集聚中心市区的格局发生转变。但中心城市外围县区的公共设施与基础设施供给能力与中心市区仍有较大差距, 公共设施与服务的非均等化是中国城乡统筹发展的关键性障碍因素。依据城乡要素中心市区与外围县区空间变化, 中国中心城市城乡关系可以划分为中心市区集聚型、外围县区快速成长型、中心外围相对均衡型、中心外围整体发展型等4 种类型, 反映出中国各中心城市城乡关系演变阶段、城乡结构特征与空间形态的地域差异变化。  相似文献   

Many factors impinge on local involvement in transnational corporation (TNC) networks. Two factors have not been explored, the previous economic strength of local partners and the large domestic market. This study employs site interviews and survey data in Shanghai to demonstrate that these two factors do affect the local involvement in management, industrial linkages, and technology transfer. The paper discusses China's cultural and political background, TNC's market‐capture motive, and equity joint ventures as the most common entry modes. The influence appears more evident when the two factors come together in joint ventures. Evidence also suggests that the overall localization level in Shanghai is lower than in some other developing countries because of the novelty of TNC investment in the city. On this account, as joint ventures constitute the main mode of TNC investment, increasing localization is anticipated in the years ahead.  相似文献   

Large regional differences and uneven regional development are fundamental challenges for China. Balanced regional development is an important issue in research on development geography. This study reviews the course of balanced regional development in China and summarizes its characteristics in each period. The results show that inter-regional development in China has undergone successive periods of balanced and unbalanced development. Each period has enhanced social development and contributed to a more balanced regional development. This paper discusses the scientific connotation of balanced regional development, and invokes sustainable development theory to argue that we should pay attention to the differences in resource endowments among regions, and solves the imbalance among the economy, humans, and nature to promote the spatial balance of regional development and green development for better coordination between economy and ecology. The balanced promotion of the well-being of people in each region is the ultimate goal of balanced regional development. We then use concepts from development geography to examine China’s path of balanced regional development from the three perspectives of society, the economy, and ecology. Suggestions are also provided for the balanced development of China’s regions and the improvement of public well-being.  相似文献   

In the last decades, the development of transport infrastructure has been necessary because of the population increase and expansion of urban centres. Infrastructure development leads to modification and changes in areas characterized by high human population density. The lack of adequate transport infrastructure inhibits local economic and social performance. In the period of economic stability (from 1970 to 1990), important roads that increased the connectedness of the Kolubara District (Western Serbia) with other parts of the country and the surrounding countries were built, but there is still a need for the construction of new roads. In order to examine the attitude of the local population in regard to transport infrastructure, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire consisting of closed questions. This topic is one that has not previously been examined. The data obtained were analyzed statistically and showed that local people have a positive attitude towards the existing infrastructure and towards the construction of new roads. There are statistically significant differences between the attitudes of the local population in different municipalities. The results from this research offer an opportunity to develop guidelines which can influence traffic development in these and similar areas.  相似文献   

Tropical Africa is often seen to have problem economies that are very much alike and suffer from the same development problems. This view is questioned in exploratory analyses of levels of wealth, spatial productivity, the structure of the economy and aspects of the openness of economies and the way they have changed between 1965 and 1995. The analyses reveal differences between economies in both degree and kind. Change to economies was not unidirectional so that they became more disparate and differentiated. The exploratory analyses were extended using factor analysis as a diagnostic tool on a 19-variable by 25 country data set for 1985, 1990 and 1995. This confirmed the findings of the exploratory analyses and revealed changes in the structure of the factors reflecting development in the period. The results are discussed in the context of the literature in a search for explanation and policy formulation.  相似文献   

关联演化视角下地理学区域韧性分析的新思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李艳  陈雯  孙阳 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1694-1704
区域韧性是一个区域应对发展进程中短期冲击与长期变化、积极进行自我调适与转型的能力,表征了区域的适应性、创新性与可持续性,作为新兴理念反映了地理学可持续发展与区域研究的新需求。本研究综述了区域韧性研究进展,基于关联演化视角,探索构建区域韧性认知框架,将情境分析与过程分析并重,思考并总结区域韧性分析的方法论,尝试建立区域韧性评估方程,从经济、社会、环境及制度四个维度进行区域韧性评估,将区域韧性应用于中国地理学研究,分析中国区域韧性研究的一般性与特殊性,将区域韧性研究对接中国实际问题,以期对区域韧性研究做出理论贡献,助推地理学区域发展研究及相关认知领域的跨学科讨论、知识集成与学术交流,为国家制定相关区域政策提供参考,并为国家及区域可持续发展提供科学指引。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionA country's regional development pattern is inevitably shaped by the regional development policies its government adopts. In planned economies like China's, the government's role in determining spatial differences of regional development is particularly great[1]. Since the inception of the economic reform and open-door policy in the late 1970s China has been undergoing an unprecedented transition from a planned to a market-oriented economy and from an agrarian society to an urba…  相似文献   

安宁  梁邦兴 《地理科学进展》2017,36(12):1463-1474
国家科学基金(国家自然科学基金和国家社会科学基金的统称)研究立项课题旨在探究重大现实问题以及学科前沿发展,在很大程度上反映了相关学科研究的进展和整体水平。通过分析近20年来中国国家自然科学基金和社会科学基金对政治地理相关议题的资助,以及受资助人在该时期对相关议题的科研情况,得出以下结论:①2011年以来,国内政治地理学逐渐被认可和关注,并呈现出以北京、广州、昆明和上海研究机构为辐射中心的地理特征;②国内政治地理研究重点为边境与边界、环境政治、领土(主权和安全)、行政区划和管治、尺度和空间、社会和文化政治等六大议题;③国内政治地理研究日渐与国际接轨,但行政区划和管治等是独特的研究。整体而言,随着国家科学基金对政治地理研究支持力度的加大,期望能瞄准国际研究前沿和国内需求,建构符合中国国情的政治地理学学科体系。  相似文献   

The tremendous changes in China's development philosophy and regional economies during the last two decades have carved out selectively new locations of development across the nation. While politicians heatedly debate the acceptable levels of regional inequality, most scholarly studies focus on broad aggregate trends of inequality among provinces and groups of provinces, and pay little attention to identifying and conceptualizing sources and major agents of spatial change. This paper aims at revealing detailed spatial ramifications of the reforms, and at understanding the impacts of the state, local agents, and foreign investors on regional development. To this effect, we conduct a disaggregated and empirical study of Jiangsu, a coastal province experiencing dramatic economic and spatial restructuring. We show that local agents which favor rural industrial enterprises accelerated new growth in selected rural areas, in contrast to slower growth of older cities and state‐owned enterprises, resulting in a net decline of intercounty inequality. But the coalescence of state policy, local agents, and foreign investment has widened the historical gap between northern and southern Jiangsu, and is likely to accelerate intercounty inequality in the future. Our study demonstrates the utility of the “developments from above, below and outside” framework for analyzing key forces of regional growth in socialist transitional economies.  相似文献   

Tourism as a local development strategy in South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The promotion of tourism has been identified as a key strategy that can lead to economic upliftment, community development and poverty relief in the developing world. In the last few years, tourism has also emerged as a significant development option in post–apartheid South Africa. In the context of some current debates on tourism in poor countries, the paper examines how economic, social and environmental resources are being utilized to promote tourism as a local economic development strategy in South Africa, and more specifically it focuses on current local government endeavours in this regard and two communities that have suffered the loss of their economic resource base. Tourism–based development initiatives, one in KwaZulu–Natal and one in the Western Cape, are evaluated in the context of generating economic growth, alleviating poverty and addressing the apartheid legacy of discrimination and inequality. The significance of the dynamics of development processes involved in these initiatives has much wider relevance for local economic development, both within South Africa and elsewhere.  相似文献   

基于演化和制度经济地理学,构建了区位机会窗口、金融机构衍生、区域产业分叉、制度厚度“四位一体”的分析框架,以郑州为案例,以郑东新区金融产业集聚区为对象,通过问卷调查和深度访谈,研究了中国内陆区域中心城市金融产业在特定空间的集聚过程与演化机理。研究发现:在金融产业集聚起步阶段,郑东新区开发建设为金融业发展打开了区位机会窗口;在快速发展阶段,金融机构衍生是金融业集聚和集群化发展的重要内生动力;在全面提升阶段,区域产业分叉是金融业态创新和高端要素集聚的主导力量;在郑东新区金融业集聚演化的全过程中,持续改进的政府支持与制度安排使制度厚度不断加厚,自增强机制使制度空间的粘性作用不断增强。与制造业的企业衍生、产业分叉过程不同,金融业集聚演化缺乏从大学实验室、科研机构、已有产业衍生和分叉出以技术为纽带的相关企业的实践,但对制度空间的粘性作用有更强的依赖。  相似文献   

李娜  石敏俊  袁永娜 《地理学报》2010,65(12):1569-1580
利用中国动态多区域可计算一般均衡(CGE) 模型,模拟了低碳经济时代实施碳税政策对中国区域发展格局演进的影响。模拟结果显示,如果各地区实施同一碳税政策,对区域经济的影响存在着区域差异,能源富集地区尤其是欠发达地区的经济损失较大,对发达地区则产生正面的影响,因而将扩大区域经济差异。如果实施差别碳税,对能源富集地区和欠发达地区的影响有所减轻,有利于缩小区域经济差异。针对不同区域制定差异化的低碳经济发展政策,有利于兼顾公平和效率,使中国走上低碳发展和区域经济协调的双赢之路。  相似文献   

中国中西部发展中城市的增长极作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柯善咨 《地理研究》2010,29(3):521-534
为了分析增长极在中部崛起和西部开发中可能发挥的作用,对我国中西部地域相连、经济水平接近的山西、河南、安徽、湖北、湖南、江西、广西、四川、重庆、陕西10个省(直辖市、自治区)的942个市县2000~2007年非农业GDP和就业增长的空间溢出效应进行了检验。模型估计表明,中西部地区各市县非农业经济增长的主要决定因素是自身的投入,同时,中心城市也存在明显的扩散和回流效应。地级市的非农业GDP增长对县级市有扩散效应,意味着城市间经济有一体化趋势,但是地级市的就业增长对县级市有抑制作用;地级城市对相对更不发达的县镇的GDP和就业增长同时具有带动作用;相邻的县级市相互间有较强的促进作用,但是对邻近县镇却有抑制倾向。  相似文献   

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