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Because SQL for querying data from spatial databases is ineffective, the query based on natural or visual language becomes an attractive research field gradually. However, how to define and represent natural languages related to spatial data are still gigantic problems. Because existing models of direction relations can't describe by use of some common concepts. First of all, detailed direction relations are proposed to describe the directions related to the interior of spatial objects, such as “east part of a region”, “east boundary of a region”, and so on. Secondly, by integrating the detailed directions with exterior direction relations and topological relations, several NLSRs are defined, such as “a road goes across the east part of a lake”, “a river goes along the east boundary of a province”, etc. Finally, based on the NLSRs abovementioned, a natural spatial query language (NSQL) is formed to retrieve data from spatial databases.  相似文献   

根据结构化查询语言SQL的基本原理,设计了空间查询语言GeoSQL及其表达形式、界面设计和实现方法。GeoSQL的特色为:①采用子查询(subquery) 重组FROM 语句,使其符合一般空间操作的程序;②GeoSQL的界面设计融入了Icon、Listbox 等可视化部件,易于查询文本的形成,且减少了语法错误。  相似文献   

GML is becoming the de facto standard for electronic data exchange among the applications of Web and distributed geographic information systems. However, the conventional query languages (e.g. SQL and its extended versions) are not suitable for direct querying and updating of GML documents. Even the effective approaches working well with XML could not guarantee good results when applied to GML documents. Although XQuery is a powerful standard query language for XML, it is not proposed for queryings spatial features, which constitute the most important components in GML documents. We proposes GQL, a query language specification to support spatial queries over GML documents by extending XQuery. The data model, algebra, and formal semantics as well as various spatial functions and operations of GQL are presented in detail.  相似文献   

GQL: Extending XQuery to Query GML Documents   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
IntroductionThe geography markup language (GML)[1]is anXML encoding in compliance with ISO 19118 forthe transport and storage of geographic informationmodel according to the conceptual modeling frame-work used in the ISO 19100 series and includingboth the…  相似文献   

Over the last three decades analytical cartography has grown from Tobler's concept of "solving cartographic problems" into a broader and deeper scientific specialization that includes the development and expansion of analytical/mathematical spatial theory and model building. In many instances Tobler himself has led the way to these new insights and developments. Fundamental concepts begin with Tobler's cartographic transformations; Nyerges' deep and surface structure and data levels; and Moellering's real and virtual maps; the sampling theorem; and concepts of spatial primitives and objects. This list can be expanded to include additional analytical concepts such as spatial frequencies, spatial surface neighborhood operators, information theory, fractals, Fourier theory, topological network theory, and analytical visualization, to name a few. This base of analytical theory can be employed to analyze and/or develop such things as spatial surfaces, terrain analysis, spatial data schemas, spatial data structures, spatial query languages, spatial overlay and partitioning, shape analysis, surface generalization, cartographic generalization, and analytical visualization. More analytical uses of theory, strategies of analysis, and implementations are being developed and continue to multiply as the field continues to grow and mature. A primary goal is to expand the mathematical/analytical theory of spatial data analysis, and theory building and analytical visualization as analytical cartography takes its place in the geographic information sciences. The research future for this area appears very bright indeed.  相似文献   

Introduction Inmanyapplications(CADandgeographical informationsystem,GIS),dataaremanagedby spatialdatabases,whichstorepoint,line,region objectsandspatialrelationsbetweenthem.Spa tialrelations(topologicalrelations,directionre lationsandapproximatedistancer…  相似文献   

结合mapgis7.0的空间数据模型,本文提出了分布式空间结构化查询语言(DGSQL),设计了DGSQL的查询解释器,给出了分布式空间结构化查询语言分解为空间数据节点的GSQL的方法,建立了全局空间查询语句到局部查询语句的映射模型,从而支持空间数据的分布式查询,实现了分布式网络环境下的空间数据的关系运算(相等、并、交、差等)、合成运算(几何长度、缓冲区、相交区域等)等各种空间运算。  相似文献   

基于XQuery的GML查询语言研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着GML规范的不断完善及GIS软件厂商的广泛支持,越来越多的空间数据以GML格式存储,GML空间数据的查询已成为GIS研究的热点问题。传统的关系数据库查询语言SQL是针对平面的二维关系数据而设计的,并不适合XML/GML半结构化数据的查询;商品化GIS软件的查询系统只能查询自身的空间数据而无法查询其它GIS系统的空间数据;XML查询的研究为GML查询奠定了一定的基础。首先针对GML查询存在的问题,提出了扩展XQuery是GML查询语言实现的最佳选择;结合XML查询语言和空间数据查询语言,提出了GML查询语言的特征和GML查询语言系统框架;并根据GML空间数据的特点,以XML标准查询语言XQuery为基础,提出了XQuery空间扩展的内容;开发了GML空间数据查询语言GMLXQL,实现了GML空间数据的本原查询。  相似文献   

大数据时代地理空间资源不断增多,但现有通用知识库较少考虑地理空间数据蕴含的语义知识,难以实现数据的快速检索.因此亟需引入本体技术,以蕴含的语义知识为基础,提高地理空间数据访问速度,精确获取用户所需信息.以本体为基础,提出了顾及地理空间数据语义知识的快速检索方法.首先,基于通名编码规则、地理空间数据和开源百度百科数据构建...  相似文献   

3DGIS中空间对象的存储与快速查询   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空间对象的存储和快速查询是三维地理信息系统研究的基本问题。本文采用面向对象的方法将三维空间对象抽象为点、线、面、体四类,点对象用一个坐标点(x,y,z)来表示,线对象用一组首尾相接的线段表示,面对象与体对象用三角网表示,然后采用SQL Server 2005来组织存储数据。为了提高空间数据库的检索速度,作者编程实现了线性八叉树空间索引,应用程序采用目前比较流行的ADO.net技术来访问数据库。  相似文献   

空间数据库引擎关键技术剖析   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
解决用户应用系统与空间数据库间的数据传输成为空间数据库能否得以充分利用的关键问题。在众多解决方案中,空间数据库引擎备受关注。文中介绍了空间数据库引擎的概念和基本功能,并着重对空间数据模型的建立、空间查询语言、空间数据索引、多用户编辑的数据一致性问题等空间数据库引擎的关键技术进行了剖析。  相似文献   

论述了SQL Server Spatial技术理论,探讨了空间数据导入、索引的创建以及空间数据的查询方法。并以3维激光扫描获取的点云数据为例,采用C#连接SQL Server数据库,对点云数据进行了组织及查询,并在MapOb-ject组件下进行可视化。试验证明,建立空间索引后点云数据的检索效率较高。  相似文献   

This article investigates a new, integrated technique for storing and retrieving spatially varying data quality information in a relational spatial database. Rather than storing global data quality statements, the system enables data quality information to be referenced to a spatial framework, individual spatial objects, or even parts of spatial objects. The integrated model, called as RDBMS for Spatial Variation in Quality (RSVQ), allows flexible storage of spatially varying data quality information, and seamless querying irrespective of the underlying storage model. RSVQ is founded on a formal model of relational databases, defining a new derived, polymorphic query operator      to join quality data with spatial data. The      operator is implemented in an extension to SQL as a new WITHQUALITY keyword. A performance evaluation of RSVQ was conducted, using an Oracle Spatial database and a case study of cadastral data for parts of Victoria, Australia. The results of this evaluation demonstrated that the system is practical and efficient for a wide range of queries, as well as indicating the performance trade-offs associated with the different data quality storage models. Using the integrated RSVQ approach provides the potential for a single, consistent, database engine for a wide range of existing and proposed spatial data quality management systems.  相似文献   

GIS中文查询系统中SQL语句的形成   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
徐爱萍  边馥苓 《测绘科学》2006,31(5):110-112,106
由于GIS中文查询语句与SQL语句相差很大,直接转化非常困难,所以需要有某种中间逻辑形式语言。本文首先分析了查询语句的句型和基于此句型的栈式中间语言结构,然后重点研究了这种中间语言到SQL语句的转换。在此对SQL语句的结构中的查询条件段、查询目标段、分组段的判断策略进行了研究,难点在于嵌套结构的判断,在此借助中间关系进行转换,系统设计了相应的转换算法,并对算法进行了测试,测试表明系统所提出的转换策略和算法对大多数查询语句能转换为相应的SQL语句,为该课题的进一步研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

受限自然语言查询在GIS中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
简单论述了空间信息系统的自然语言查询问题;在应用范围受限的条件下,提出了主要以自然语言中的关键词构造模式库来反映射查询语句的思想方法;建立了系统的体系结构,并对空间操作算子、空间查询语句、模式库的结构等关键问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

广泛运用Web和分布式地理信息系统(WGIS/DGIS)有利于共享的空间数据库组织之间和用户通过互连网进行数据交换。不过,这些系统和应用软件的互操作性仍然是一个不能解决的问题,直到最近出版的地理标记语言(GML)标准的出现,这一问题才得到了解决。GML是一个新的实施规范并提供中立的框架为定义地理空间应用模式和对象的可扩展标记语言(XML)的文档。XML迅速成为一个事实上的标准电子数据交换之间的Web应用程序,然而,传统的数据库查询语言,在其目前的形式下并不适合直接查询和更新XML库。由W3C提出的XQuery查询语言为XML提供了强大的查询功能,但它缺乏支持空间查询,本文主要研究具有空间查询的语言GML-QL。  相似文献   

地图语言是地图制图学理论的常用术语,多种地图产品如多媒体地图、电子导航地图等的出现使得传统地图信息传输方式的研究需要进一步扩展。分析地图语言和自然语言的概念,分别从视觉、听觉及触觉方面讨论两种语言在信息传输方式上的异同点。借鉴自然语言的多通道传输方式,探讨地图信息传输的多感知表现形式,为地图符号设计提供新的思路。  相似文献   

面向交通地理信息时空特征描述的Spatial-UML研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈少沛  李勇  彭聪  谭建军 《测绘科学》2008,33(6):97-99,91
空间信息系统建模的多样性、主流信息技术的高度集成性以及逐渐变复杂的系统体系都使得软件和数据库设计者向可视化建模的主流方向发展。分析面向地理信息时空特征描述而建立的空间可视化语言插件(SpatialPVLs),并基于可视化建模技术标准,应用统一建模语言(UML)内置的扩展机制实现了针对地理信息时空特征描述的扩展。UML和SpatialPVLs的集成过程定义了面向地理信息时空特征描述的可视化建模语言,即Spatial-UML。最后,以城市交通模拟地理信息系统(GIS)数据概念模型设计为实例,验证Spatial-UML的适用性和扩展性,建立一个可以满足不同领域用户访问和理解的互协作建模架构,实现交通地理对象的空间、时态和时空特征的可视化标准描述和表达。  相似文献   

Geospatial Semantic Web promises better retrieval geospatial information for Digital Earth systems by explicitly representing the semantics of data through ontologies. It also promotes sharing and reuse of geospatial data by encoding it in Semantic Web languages, such as RDF, to form geospatial knowledge base. For many applications, rapid retrieval of spatial data from the knowledge base is critical. However, spatial data retrieval using the standard Semantic Web query language – Geo-SPARQL – can be very inefficient because the data in the knowledge base are no longer indexed to support efficient spatial queries. While recent research has been devoted to improving query performance on general knowledge base, it is still challenging to support efficient query of the spatial data with complex topological relationships. This research introduces a query strategy to improve the query performance of geospatial knowledge base by creating spatial indexing on-the-fly to prune the search space for spatial queries and by parallelizing the spatial join computations within the queries. We focus on improving the performance of Geo-SPARQL queries on knowledge bases encoded in RDF. Our initial experiments show that the proposed strategy can greatly reduce the runtime costs of Geo-SPARQL query through on-the-fly spatial indexing and parallel execution.  相似文献   

基于Oracle Spatial道路线状要素增量信息更新方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过分析地籍时空数据模型,初步得出线状时空数据模型及其相应事件,根据操作线状空间数据动作,分别建立了空间事件和属性事件,根据这两种事件操作的特性把要素单元分为了空间单元和属性单元,再根据要素的时间维,把空间单元和属性单元分别存储到历史表和现势表中。最后本文应用Oracle Spatial对该要素时空数据模型进行了组织和设计,并给出相应的查询时空数据的SQL语句。  相似文献   

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