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An area cartogram is a transformed map on which areas of regions are proportional to statistical data values; it is considered to be a powerful tool for the visual representation of statistical data. A circle cartogram is a type of area cartograms, on which regions are represented by circles. Its first construction algorithm is proposed by Dorling in 1996, based on the following requirements to construct visually elegant cartograms: 1) maintain the similarity of configurations between circles and regions, 2) express the contiguity of regions on cartograms if possible, and 3) avoid overlap of circles. The algorithm is widely used for its easiness to use and its ability to express a spatial distribution of data; however, the relative positions of circles on cartograms sometimes greatly differ from the geographical maps, since the algorithm does not consider the first requirements explicitly. In this paper, it is first pointed out that the construction problem of circle cartograms resembles that of distance cartograms, and the only difference is the existence of third requirement. Then a new construction method for circle cartograms is proposed based on the distance cartogram construction method; the proposed method is formulated as non-linear minimization with inequality constraint conditions. Finally its applicability is confirmed using dataset, including the comparison with the result of previous algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the potential of using cartograms for visualizing and interpreting forecasts of weather-driven natural hazards in the context of global weather forecasting and early warning systems. The use of cartograms is intended to supplement traditional cartographic representations of the hazards in order to highlight the severity of an upcoming event. Cartogrammetric transformations are applied to forecasts of floods, heatwaves, windstorms and snowstorms taken from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) forecast archive. Key cartogram design principles in standard weather forecast visualization are tested. Optimal cartogram transformation is found to be dependent on geographical features (such as coastlines) and forecast features (such as snowstorm intensity). For highly spatially autocorrelated weather variables used in analysing several upcoming natural hazards such as 2m temperature anomaly, the visualization of the distortion provides a promising addition to standard forecast visualizations for highlighting upcoming weather-driven natural hazards.  相似文献   

Aspects of GLONASS Carrier-Phase Differencing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

航空数码相机及其有关问题   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
介绍了两种航空数码相机的结构;分析了它们与中心投影的关系及相关的问题,如摄影比例尺、像片覆盖范围、测图精度等;并指出了这两种航空数码相机带来的两个问题:像对数增多、高程精度降低;最后提出了解决这两个问题的方法:按图幅为单位进行立体测图、DEM生成,基本实现模型接边自动化;按多目视觉的理论,利用大重叠影像增大交会角,提高高程精度.  相似文献   

航空重力测量涉及到诸多具体应用技术,如GPS星历的选用、地面GPS基准站的布设、GPS采样率的设定、机载GPS接收机前后天线的比较与综合处理及测线布设等。本文利用某航空重力测量实测数据,对上述具体应用技术进行了分析与研究,并得出了若干初步结论。  相似文献   

关于雷达影像干涉测量的若干理论问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
就雷达影像干涉测量的若干理论问题进行了讨论,提出了一种高程解算数学模型,该模型基于相邻两点对于同一天线的相位差,以精确可靠的控制点为出发点,可以不必顾及基线估计;提出了将控制点影像坐标与卫星位置参量按成像方程进行平差,以保证相位解缠和高程解算对控制点和卫星位置精度的要求,指出了在此基础上的基线估计方法  相似文献   

The number of people involved in the actual process of airborne data collection has always been relatively small in comparison with the large number of end users of the product. As with many aspects of photogrammetry, the techniques and equipment used in aerial imagery acquisition have changed rapidly over recent years. Other outside influences are having an effect on how aerial operations are carried out and this paper examines how these factors will affect air survey as we approach the millennium.  相似文献   

讨论了大地测量反演构造应力场的概念,分析了地表位移值作为构造应力场反演的约束条件的合理性,以及介质参数对构造应力场结果的影响。  相似文献   

当前,研究开发遥感影像处理智能系统已经是一项紧迫的任务。讨论研究了这类系统的几个重要的问题。这一系统应以影像分割形成的像斑作为分析处理的对象,为此,需要采取多尺度分割方法。针对每一地物类别选择最佳尺度或尺度组合,而不是对所有地物类别采用统一的所谓最佳尺度。系统应以地域性地物分布为其特点构建知识库,而不是要求所谓的通用性。采用地物分布语义网的方式,在其节点上建立起与相应地物类型相关的数据、算法的联系,包括影像特征选择、算法选择,并在此基础上讨论了有关数据库、算法库、知识库的问题以及人机协同问题。  相似文献   

本文围绕我国GPS空间定位网布测的目的意义、布网方案及相应的精度指标,施测中应考虑的观测技术和数据处理策略等有关技术问题展开了较深入的讨论,并指出了结合定位网布测应开展的几项基础研究。最后,就以上问题总结了作者们的基本观点,供有关方面参考。  相似文献   

全球卫星导航系统中,地面监测站和主控站通信传输容易受到宽带和窄带干扰的影响,导致卫星导航系统精确性和完好性降低。分析研究利用扩频增益抑制宽带干扰和利用陷波滤波器抑制窄带干扰,解决地面监测站和主控站站间通信抗宽带和窄带干扰问题,为增强卫星导航系统精确性和完好性提供了保障。  相似文献   

根据数字编码与处理特征,对地图传输理论进行了重新分析,建立了数字地图传输模型.  相似文献   

随着卫星定位技术的飞速发展,连续运行定位综合服务系统(CORS)被越来越多的用户采用。CORS系统工作效率高,应用领域广泛,完全依赖于现代通信网络运行。通信网络建设的优劣直接影响CORS系统的正常使用。  相似文献   

遥感技术的发展还处于一个初级的阶段,有关遥感影像处理和分析的理论和方法十分匮乏,还没有建立起适合遥感影像特点的理论和方法体系。基于此,提出了建立以像斑分析为基础的遥感影像分析的理论和方法体系,并就多光谱/高光谱影像纹理分析的概念、方法、以像斑为基础的空间关系分析、分析过程中引入先验知识的方法及数据套合技术研究展开了讨论。  相似文献   

地理国情普查质量监控是地理国情普查的工作重点,因此,加大地理国情普查质监力度才能确保地理国情普查成果的真实、准确、可靠。本文结合湖南省部分测区的生产实践总结了普查成果质量控制的几个关键问题,以便为该项目成果的质量控制工作提供参考。  相似文献   

本文简述了电子平板系统的发展历史,讨论了电子平板系统的串行通讯原理,给出了目前作业单位经常使用的全站仪的串行通讯参数,重点对可编程输出的全站仪与PDA的通讯进行了叙述,最后,对电子平板系统的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

电子水准仪与计算机的数据通讯   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以DiNi系列电子水准仪为例介绍电子水准仪与计算机的数据通讯,利用V6.0开发了数据通讯程序,可以实现DiNi系列电子水准仪与计算机的数据通讯,给出了程序代码及具体实现方法。  相似文献   

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