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为了解Curvelet变换在位场数据去噪处理中的效果,从Curvelet变换的原理着手,通过对多矩形棱柱体模型进行Curvelet变换去噪和普遍应用的小波阈值去噪试验对比,验证了Curvelet变换去噪的有效性问题。将其应用于实测位场数据的处理中,取得了较好的效果。理论和实测数据的处理结果都表明,Curvelet变换在位场数据的去噪处理中是可行有效的。  相似文献   

介绍了Donoho的小波域阈值去噪处理方法,提出了对小波变换尺度上小波系数进行分时分频相关处理去噪后,再重构小波系数的方法,以去除大部分随机噪声。然后,再对重构后地震剖面进行小波域阈值去噪处理。结果表明,使用上述新方法可以有效改善地震剖面处理效果,提高信噪比。  相似文献   

基于改进K-SVD字典学习方法的地震数据去噪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为实现更好的地震数据去噪技术,笔者引入一种新的算法:快速迭代收缩阀值法(FISTA),通过FISTA和K-奇异值分解(K-SVD)不断迭代更新K-SVD字典,利用更新得到的K-SVD字典对地震数据进行稀疏表示,去除稀疏系数中较小的数值,使数据中的随机噪声得到压制。对层状模型合成地震记录,Marmousi模型合成地震记录以及实际地震数据进行对比实验,得出FISTA算法较OMP算法能更好地提高地震数据的信噪比,同时有效地保护了反射信号。  相似文献   

基于小波变换的阈值降噪方法在地震资料处理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
这里主要讨论了小波变换阈值降噪方法的基本原理,并且将广泛使用的通用阈值方法与Birge-Massart阈值方法进行了比较,展现了Birge-Massart阈值选取方法的优越性。通过对模拟数据和实际地震资料的处理结果表明,基于小波变换的Birge-Massart阈值降噪方法对地震信号降噪具有很好的效果。  相似文献   

多震源激发技术与单震源采集方法相比,极大地提高了地震勘探效率,其混合数据的分离是影响成像的关键因素.将多震源混合数据的伪分离记录从共炮道集分选到其他道集时,次震源地震信号表现为随机噪声,可通过迭代去噪的方法进行分离.本文对传统的迭代预测去噪法进行改进,在每次去噪前加入上一次分离结果来增加迭代去噪的稳定性,并结合多方向矢量中值滤波来进行随机噪声的去除.通过理论模型的多震源混合数据分离试验,表明本文提出的方法具有更好的分离效果,且更为强健,在不同滤波参数下均能保持一定的稳定性.将该方法应用于实际海洋混合地震数据的分离,同样能得到较好的分离结果,具有实际应用价值.  相似文献   

基于第二代Curvelet变换的地震资料随机噪声衰减   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
噪声衰减是地震资料处理中的关键问题之一。根据Curvelet变换对含有光滑边界的二维二阶连续可微函数所具有的稀疏表示性能,给出了Curvelet变换域地震资料随机噪声衰减的阈值方法;并给出了基于地震资料中随机噪声是独立同分布的高斯白噪假设条件下的阈值估计方法。通过合成数据和叠后实际数据算例,对该方法的有效性进行验证。结果表明,Curvelet变换不仅可以很好地衰减随机噪声,并且能较好地保持有效信号。  相似文献   

The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (23–19 ka BP) in the Asian monsoon region is generally described as cool and dry, due to a strong winter monsoon. More recently, however, palaeo‐data and climate model simulations have argued for a more variable LGM Asian monsoon climate with distinct regional differences. We compiled, evaluated, and partly re‐assessed proxy records for the Asian monsoon region in terms of wet/dry climatic conditions based on precipitation and effective moisture, and of sea surface temperatures. The comparison of the palaeo‐data set to LGM simulations by the Climate Community System Model version 3 (CCSM3) shows fairly good agreement: a dry LGM climate in the western and northern part due to a strengthened winter monsoon and/or strengthened westerly winds and wetter conditions in equatorial areas, due to a stronger summer monsoon. Data–model discrepancies are seen in some areas and are ascribed to the fairly coarse resolution of CCSM3 and/or to uncertainties in the reconstructions. Differences are also observed between the reconstructed and simulated northern boundaries of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The reconstructions estimate a more southern position over southern India and the Bay of Bengal, whereas CCSM3 simulates a more northern position. In Indochina, the opposite is the case. The palaeo‐data indicate that climatic conditions changed around 20–19 ka BP, with some regions receiving higher precipitation and some experiencing drier conditions, which would imply a distinct shift in summer monsoon intensity. This shift was probably triggered by the late LGM sea‐level rise, which led to changes in atmosphere–ocean interactions in the Indian Ocean. The overall good correspondence between reconstructions and CCSM3 suggests that CCSM3 simulates LGM climate conditions over subtropical and tropical areas fairly well. The few high‐resolution qualitative and quantitative palaeo‐records available for the large Asian monsoon region make reconstructions however still uncertain.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the modeling of some aspects, such as the formulation of constitutive equations for sediment material or finite element approach for basin analysis, related to mechanical compaction in sedimentary basins. In addition to compaction due to gravity forces and pore‐pressure dissipation, particular emphasis is given to the study of deformation induced by tectonic sequences. The numerical model relies upon the implementation of a comprehensive constitutive model for the sediment material formulated within the framework of finite poroplasticity. The theoretical model accounts for both hydromechanical and elasticity–plasticity coupling due to the effects of irreversible large strains. From the numerical viewpoint, a finite element procedure specifically devised for dealing with sedimentary basins as open systems allows to simulate within a two‐dimensional setting the process of sediment accretion or erosion. Several basin simulations are presented. The main objective is to analyze the behavior of a sedimentary basin during the different phases of its life cycle: accretion phase, pore‐pressure dissipation phase and compressive/extensional tectonic motions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the problem of a hydraulically driven fracture, propagating in an impermeable, linear elastic medium. The fracture is driven by injection of an incompressible, viscous fluid with power‐law rheology and behaviour index n?0. The opening of the fracture and the internal fluid pressure are related through the elastic singular integral equation, and the flow of fluid inside the crack is modelled using the lubrication theory. Under the additional assumptions of negligible toughness and no lag between the fluid front and the crack tip, the problem is reduced to self‐similar form. A solution that describes the crack length evolution, the fracture opening, the net fluid pressure and the fluid flow rate inside the crack is presented. This self‐similar solution is obtained by expanding the fracture opening in a series of Gegenbauer polynomials, with the series coefficients calculated using a numerical minimization procedure. The influence of the fluid index n in the crack propagation is also analysed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The replacement of the late Precambrian Ediacaran biota by morphologically disparate animals at the beginning of the Phanerozoic was a key event in the history of life on Earth, the mechanisms and the time‐scales of which are not entirely understood. A composite section in Namibia providing biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic data bracketed by radiometric dating constrains the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary to 538.6–538.8 Ma, more than 2 Ma younger than previously assumed. The U–Pb‐CA‐ID TIMS zircon ages demonstrate an ultrashort time frame for the LAD of the Ediacaran biota to the FAD of a complex, burrowing Phanerozoic biota represented by trace fossils to a 410 ka time window of 538.99 ± 0.21 Ma to 538.58 ± 0.19 Ma. The extremely short duration of the faunal transition from Ediacaran to Cambrian biota within less than 410 ka supports models of ecological cascades that followed the evolutionary breakthrough of increased mobility at the beginning of the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

Mafic volcanic rocks of the Fortescue Group form the lowermost stratigraphic unit of the 100,000 km2 Hamersley Basin on the southern margin of the Archean Pilbara Craton, Western Australia. A regional burial metamorphic gradient extends across the basin from prehnite–pumpellyite facies in the north to greenschist facies in the south. Phase equilibria modelling of mafic rocks with the computer program thermocalc , in subsets of the system Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–Fe2O3, successfully reproduces observed metamorphic mineral assemblages, giving conditions of ~210 °C, 2 kbar in the north and 335 °C, 3.2 kbar in the south. Superimposed on this metamorphic gradient, regional‐scale metasomatism in the Fortescue Group progressively produces a suite of prehnite‐bearing and pumpellyite–quartz/epidote–quartz‐dominated assemblages. Further modelling of variably metasomatized samples consistently estimates conditions of 260–280 °C, 2.5–3 kbar across the basin. All modelled samples were likely metasomatized at approximately the same structural level, following regional deformation during the Ophthalmian orogeny. Folding during the Ophthalmian orogeny produced topographic and/or tectonic driving forces for regional‐scale fluid flow, pushing metasomatic fluid northwards across the Hamersley Basin. These new phase equilibria calculations support previous interpretations linking the Ophthalmian orogeny, fluid flow and upgrading of Hamersley iron ore deposits. We propose an extension of this fluid flow to the Fortescue Group, the metasomatism of which may have contributed a source of Fe to the Hamersley iron ore deposits.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the problem of a fluid‐driven fracture propagating in an impermeable, linear elastic rock with finite toughness. The fracture is driven by injection of an incompressible viscous fluid with power‐law rheology. The relation between the fracture opening and the internal fluid pressure and the fracture propagation in mobile equilibrium are described by equations of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), and the flow of fluid inside the fracture is governed by the lubrication theory. It is shown that for shear‐thinning fracturing fluids, the fracture propagation regime evolves in time from the toughness‐ to the viscosity‐dominated regime. In the former, dissipation in the viscous fluid flow is negligible compared to the dissipation in extending the fracture in the rock, and in the later, the opposite holds. Corresponding self‐similar asymptotic solutions are given by the zero‐viscosity and zero‐toughness (J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2002; 26 :579–604) solutions, respectively. A transient solution in terms of the crack length, the fracture opening, and the net fluid pressure, which describes the fracture evolution from the early‐time (toughness‐dominated) to the large‐time (viscosity‐dominated) asymptote is presented and some of the implications for the practical range of parameters are discussed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical solution for the prediction of internal forces and displacements of a jointed segmental precast circular tunnel lining. The effects of joint stiffness on the performance of the tunnel lining are discussed. The ‘force method’ is used to determine the internal forces and displacements of jointed tunnel lining. Five shield‐driven tunnel cases are adopted to study the effects of joint stiffness, soil resistance, joint distribution and joint number on the internal forces and displacements of circular tunnels. Laboratory model tests are conducted to verify the proposed analytical solution. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fluid‐driven fractures of brittle rock is simulated via a dual‐graph lattice model. The new discrete hydromechanical model incorporates a two‐way coupling mechanism between the discrete element model and the flow network. By adopting an operator‐split algorithm, the coupling model is able to replicate the transient poroelasticity coupling mechanism and the resultant Mandel‐Cryer hydromechanical coupling effect in a discrete mechanics framework. As crack propagation, coalescence and branching are all path‐dependent and irreversible processes, capturing this transient coupling effect is important for capturing the essence of the fluid‐driven fracture in simulations. Injection simulations indicate that the onset and propagation of fractures is highly sensitive to the ratio between the injection rate and the effective permeability. Furthermore, we show that in a permeable rock, the borehole breakdown pressure, the pressure at which fractures start to grow from the borehole, depends on both the given ratio between injection rate and permeability and the Biot coefficient.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the main parameters that influence the propagation of a fluid‐driven fracture in a poroelastoplastic continuum. These parameters include the cohesive zone, the stress anisotropy, and the pore pressure field. The fracture is driven in a permeable porous domain that corresponds to weak formation by pumping of an incompressible viscous fluid at the fracture inlet under plane strain conditions. Rock deformation is modeled with the Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion with associative flow rule. Fluid flow in the fracture is modeled by the lubrication theory. The movement of the pore fluid in the surrounding medium is assumed to obey the Darcy law and is of the same nature as the fracturing fluid. The cohesive zone approach is used as the fracture propagation criterion. The problem is modeled numerically with the finite element method to obtain the solution for the fracture length, the fracture opening, and the propagation pressure as a function of the time and distance from the pumping inlet. It is demonstrated that the plastic yielding that is associated with the rock dilation in an elastoplastic saturated porous continuum is significantly affected by the cohesive zone characteristics, the stress anisotropy, and the pore pressure field. These influences result in larger fracture profiles and propagation pressures due to the larger plastic zones that are developing during the fracture propagation. Furthermore, it is also found that the diffusion process that is a major mechanism in hydraulic fracture operations influences further the obtained results on the fracture dimensions, plastic yielding, and fluid pressures. These findings may explain partially the discrepancies in net pressures between field measurements and conventional model predictions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

David Waltham 《地学学报》2014,26(4):282-286
Reconstructed temperatures through the Phanerozoic indicate a gradual cooling or, at best, no significant temperature trend, despite a 4.4% increase in solar heating. It is possible that an underlying warming trend has simply been swamped by ‘noise’ due to significant data‐errors and/or natural fluctuations. Alternatively, the lack of warming may indicate cooling by biological and/or geological processes, which happen to have the right amplitude to cancel the effects of solar warming. This paper demonstrates that the absence of Phanerozoic warming cannot be explained as a warming trend hidden by noise. It also shows that, given widely accepted estimates of climate sensitivity, it cannot be explained as cancellation by negative feedback in the climate system. The Gaia hypothesis, anthropic selection or some other unconventional mechanism may therefore have to be invoked to explain the absence of long‐term warming through the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

This work presents analytical solutions to compute the vertical stresses for a cross‐anisotropic half‐space due to various loading types by batter piles. The loading types are an embedded point load for an end‐bearing pile, uniform skin friction, and linear variation of skin friction for a friction pile. The cross‐anisotropic planes are parallel to the horizontal ground surface. The proposed solutions can be obtained by utilizing Wang and Liao's solutions for a horizontal and vertical point load acting in the interior of a cross‐anisotropic medium. The derived cross‐anisotropic solutions using a limiting approach are in perfect agreement with the isotropic solutions of Ramiah and Chickanagappa with the consideration of pile inclination. Additionally, the present solutions are identical to the cross‐anisotropic solutions by Wang for the batter angle equals to 0. The influential factors in yielded solutions include the type and degree of geomaterial anisotropy, pile inclination, and distinct loading types. An example is illustrated to clarify the effect of aforementioned factors on the vertical stresses. The parametric results reveal that the stresses considering the geomaterial anisotropy and pile batter differ from those of previous isotropic and cross‐anisotropic solutions. Hence, it is imperative to take the pile inclination into account when piles are required to transmit both the axial and lateral loads in the cross‐anisotropic media. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We studied the continental deformation and modelled the contemporary flow and stress distribution in the lithosphere beneath Central Italy. We made use of a revisited crust and uppermost mantle Earth structure that supports delamination processes. The model behaviour is primarily determined by the thick high density lithospheric root to the east and the low‐viscosity shallow mantle wedge to the west. The rate of the modeled crustal motion is in agreement with GPS data and the pattern of lithospheric flow explains the heat flux, the regional geology and provides a new background for the genesis and age of the recent Tuscan magmatism. The modelled stress in the lithosphere is spatially correlated with the prevailing stress field and the gravitational potential energy patterns and shows that buoyancy forces, solely, can explain the coexisting regional contraction and extension and the unusual sub‐crustal seismicity.  相似文献   

This article derives the closed‐form solutions for estimating the vertical surface displacements of cross‐anisotropic media due to various loading types of batter piles. The loading types include an embedded point load for an end‐bearing pile, uniform skin friction, and linear variation of skin friction for a friction pile. The planes of cross‐anisotropy are assumed to be parallel to the horizontal ground surface. The proposed solutions are never mentioned in literature and can be developed from Wang and Liao's solutions for a horizontal and vertical point load embedded in the cross‐anisotropic half‐space. The present solutions are identical with Wang's solutions when batter angle equals to 0°. In addition, the solutions indicate that the surface displacements in cross‐anisotropic media are influenced by the type and degree of material anisotropy, angle of inclination, and loading types. An illustrative example is given at the end of this article to investigate the effect of the type and degree of soil anisotropy (E/E′, G′/E′, and ν/ν′), pile inclination (α), and different loading types (a point load, a uniform skin friction, and a linear variation of skin friction) on vertical surface displacements. Results show that the displacements accounted for pile batter are quite different from those estimated from plumb piles, both driven in cross‐anisotropic media. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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