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A commercial marine seismic survey has been completed with the wavefield from the n-element (single guns and clusters) airgun array measured for every shot using an array of n + 2 near-field hydrophones, n of which were required to determine the source wavefield, the remaining two providing a check on the computation. The source wavefield is critical to the determination of the seismic wavelet for the extraction of reflection coefficients from seismic reflection data and for tying the data to wells. The wavefield generated by the full array of interacting airguns can be considered to be the superposition of n spherical pressure waves, or notional source signatures, the n hydrophone measurements providing a set of n simultaneous equations for each shot. The solution of the equations for the notional source signatures requires three ingredients: the geometry of the gun ports and near-field hydrophones; the sensitivity of each hydrophone recording channel; and the relative motion between the near-field hydrophones and the bubbles emitted by the guns. The geometry was measured on the back deck using a tape measure. A calibration data set was obtained at the approach to each line, in which each gun was fired on its own and the resulting wavefield was measured with the near-field hydrophones and recorded. The channel sensitivities, or conversion from pressure at the hydrophones to numbers on the tape, were found for each near-field hydrophone channel using the single gun calibration data, the measured geometry, and the peak pressure from each gun, known from the manufacturer’s calibration. The relative motion between the guns and hydrophones was obtained from the same calibration data set by minimizing the energy in the computed notional source signatures at the guns which did not fire. The full array data were then solved for the notional source signatures, and the pressure was computed at the two spare hydrophones and compared with the actual recordings. The rms errors were 5.3% and 2.8% and would have been smaller if the hydrophone channel sensitivities had been properly calibrated beforehand and if the movement of the guns with respect to the hydrophones had been more restricted. This comparison of the predicted and measured signatures at spare hydrophones can, in principle, be done on every shot and we recommend that this be implemented as a standard quality control procedure whenever it is desired to measure the wavefield of a marine seismic source.  相似文献   







基于波动方程理论的地震波场数值模拟方法综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地震波场数值模拟的重要性日益凸显,其在地震勘探、各向异性介质属性研究、强地面振动预测、理论地震图合成等方面的应用日渐增多.基于波动方程理论的模拟方法有很多,如:有限差分法、伪谱法、有限元法、谱元法、边界元法等,而现有的综述性文献仅仅是关注某一种或是几种算法,还未有融入最新的文献后系统论述以上五种方法的综述性文献.鉴于此...  相似文献   

井中震源在逆VSP、随钻地震和采矿地球物理研究中都有广泛应用.满足"小井孔"(井孔半径远小于特征波长)及"远场"(炮检距大于特征波长)假设时, 井中震源的远场波场存在解析解.为了检验解析解在不同情况下的适用性, 本文使用最速下降积分计算了不满足上述假设时井中震源远场波场的合成地震记录, 即半解析解.模型试验表明, 解析解只能在同时满足"小井孔"和"远场"假设时使用; 当这两个假设条件不满足时, 解析解的振幅和波形相对于半解析解会有明显的偏差.随着假设不满足程度的增加, 偏差会逐渐增加, 并会逐渐影响走时的准确拾取; 这种条件下, 采用半解析解才能获得准确的井中震源波场.  相似文献   

Multiple scattering is usually ignored in migration algorithms, although it is a genuine part of the physical reflection response. When properly included, multiples can add to the illumination of the subsurface, although their crosstalk effects are removed. Therefore, we introduce full‐wavefield migration. It includes all multiples and transmission effects in deriving an image via an inversion approach. Since it tries to minimize the misfit between modeled and observed data, it may be considered a full waveform inversion process. However, full‐wavefield migration involves a forward modelling process that uses the estimated seismic image (i.e., the reflectivities) to generate the modelled full wavefield response, whereas a smooth migration velocity model can be used to describe the propagation effects. This separation of modelling in terms of scattering and propagation is not easily achievable when finite‐difference or finite‐element modelling is used. By this separation, a more linear inversion problem is obtained. Moreover, during the forward modelling, the wavefields are computed separately in the incident and scattered directions, which allows the implementation of various imaging conditions, such as imaging reflectors from below, and avoids low‐frequency image artefacts, such as typically observed during reverse‐time migration. The full wavefield modelling process also has the flexibility to image directly the total data (i.e., primaries and multiples together) or the primaries and the multiples separately. Based on various numerical data examples for the 2D and 3D cases, the advantages of this methodology are demonstrated.  相似文献   

目前对多次波的有效利用仅围绕多次波成像技术展开,通过成像多次波试图获取更丰富的地下构造信息.不同于该思路,本文另辟蹊径,从利用多次波提高地震数据分辨率角度出发,对多次波的有效利用进行了深入挖掘.首先基于聚焦变换思想在聚焦域内实现多次波的降阶,通过理论推导得出聚焦域内多次波表现为原始数据的多维子波反褶积这一重要结论,从理论上证明了本文方法提高地震数据分辨率的可行性;然后采用引入整形正则化的非稳态回归自适应匹配滤波方法将聚焦域内由多次波构建的高分辨率数据分离出来,实现原始数据的高分辨率转换.与常规反褶积模型不同,该方法基于波动理论推导得出,可以适用于任意复杂情况;每一道输出结果中所有炮记录都参与了运算,从空间上加以约束,在提高纵向分辨率的同时可以改善数据的横向分辨率.最后通过模型试算和实际资料处理对本文方法的有效性、适应性和实用性进行了验证.  相似文献   

The current inverse scattering solution used for multiple attenuation of marine seismic reflection data assumes that sources and receivers are located in the water. To adapt this solution to the ocean-bottom cable (OBC) experiment where receivers are located on the sea-floor, we have proposed combining the conventional marine surface seismic reflection data (streamer data) with OBC data. The streamer data add to the OBC data some of the wave paths needed for multiple attenuation. This combination has allowed us to develop a multiple attenuation method for OBC data which does not require any knowledge of the subsurface and which takes into account all free-surface multiples, including receiver ghosts. A non-linear synthetic data example consisting of pressure and particle velocity fields is used to illustrate the procedure.  相似文献   

Filter formulation and wavefield separation of cross-well seismic data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multichannel filtering to obtain wavefield separation has been used in seismic processing for decades and has become an essential component in VSP and cross-well reflection imaging. The need for good multichannel wavefield separation filters is acute in borehole seismic imaging techniques such as VSP and cross-well reflection imaging, where strong interfering arrivals such as tube waves, shear conversions, multiples, direct arrivals and guided waves can overlap temporally with desired arrivals. We investigate the effects of preprocessing (alignment and equalization) on the quality of cross-well reflection imaging wavefield separation and we show that the choice of the multichannel filter and filter parameters is critical to the wavefield separation of cross-well data (median filters, fk pie-slice filters, eigenvector filters). We show that spatial aliasing creates situations where the application of purely spatial filters (median filters) will create notches in the frequency spectrum of the desired reflection arrival. Eigenvector filters allow us to work past the limits of aliasing, but these kinds of filter are strongly dependent on the ratio of undesired to desired signal amplitude. On the basis of these observations, we developed a new type of multichannel filter that combined the best characteristics of spatial filters and eigenvector filters. We call this filter a ‘constrained eigenvector filter’. We use two real data sets of cross-well seismic experiments with small and large well spacing to evaluate the effects of these factors on the quality of cross-well wavefield separation. We apply median filters, fk pie-slice filters and constrained eigenvector filters in multiple domains available for these data sets (common-source, common-receiver, common-offset and common-midpoint gathers). We show that the results of applying the constrained eigenvector filter to the entire cross-well data set are superior to both the spatial and standard eigenvector filter results.  相似文献   

模拟地震波场的伪谱和高阶有限差分混合方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
魏星  王彦宾  陈晓非 《地震学报》2010,32(4):392-400
伪谱法是一种高效、高精度计算非均匀介质地震波传播的数值方法,但是由于它的微分算子的全局性,使得该方法不适用于分散内存的并行计算.本文将有限差分算子的局部性和伪谱法算子的高效、高精度相结合,发展基于两种方法的伪谱/有限差分混合方法.该方法在一个空间坐标方向上利用交错网格高阶有限差分算子,在另外的空间坐标方向上利用交错网格伪谱法算子,既保留了后者的高效、高精度优势,又便于在PC集群上实现并行计算.对二维模型的计算显示,混合方法能有效处理介质不连续面,在保证伪谱法计算精度的情况下,提供了一种并行计算的可能途径.  相似文献   

地震逆散射波场和算子的谱分解   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
本文对地震逆散射的研究,旨在于为抑制层间多次波和地震波场多重散射对一次反射干扰效应提供理论依据.这对薄互层地层滤波的高频恢复、保幅弹性反演、衍射地震勘探及海洋地震勘探中的干扰消除皆具重要意义.本文基于上下行波分解及弹性波互易定理,导出横向变速介质条件下线性预测算子的表达式和反射数据的广义谱分解方程. 文中先由上覆地层广义反射透射矩阵的元素定义线性预测算子,并将其表示成一系列单程波算子的线性组合,之后将横向变速介质条件下线性预测方程表达为反射数据与线性预测算子及其逆的乘积. 对该方程的求解可获得上覆地层的线性预测算子,从而可借以求出相应的反射透射算子. 本文先将水平层状介质条件下垂直入射的一维线性预测方程推广到斜入射的情况,以此为参照,导出横向非均匀介质条件下反射数据的地震逆散射广义谱分解方程.文中也揭示了单程波地震逆散射算子、反射透射算子的性态.本文还针对水平层状介质条件,给出斜入射的数值结果.  相似文献   

We demonstrate by theoretical analysis that periodically distributed viaduct piers of high-speed rail result in the Doppler effect in the seismic wavefield of high-speed rail at specific frequencies and analyze the Doppler effect’s influence on the wavefield’s spectrum feature.We further verify our theoretical prediction by using observational data of the high-speed rail seismic wavefield in Rongcheng,Hebei Province,China.We find that the wavefield component with a noticeable Doppler effect vibrates in the propagation direction and only has a unique apparent wave speed,indicating that P-wave is dominant.Furthermore,we propose a speed measurement method based on the Doppler effect and measure the wave speed of the medium along the rail.Measurement results are highly stable and consistent.  相似文献   





在地震波场数值模拟过程中, 人工截断边界会产生数值反射而影响地震波场模拟的精度.应用PML(Perfectly Matched Layer)吸收边界条件是消除人工边界反射的有效手段, 但是该方法计算量较大, 实现较为复杂, 且在某些各向异性介质中不稳定.EAL(Effective Absorbing Layer)边界条件是通过简化PML吸收边界条件的阻尼项推导出来的一种吸收边界条件.EAL的吸收项作用于波动方程的时间导数项, 故EAL边界条件具有计算量小且利于并行实现的特点.应用EAL边界条件能够在保证全波形反演和逆时偏移精度的前提下, 提升计算效率并降低内存消耗.本文对EAL边界条件进行两点改进: (1)引入减速阻尼项; (2)采用高斯型空间加权函数构建阻尼项.正演模拟结果表明, 改进的EAL边界条件在不增加计算量和内存消耗的同时, 有效提升了EAL边界条件的吸收效果且适用于复杂介质和各向异性介质.特别地, 相比于PML吸收边界条件, EAL边界条件在各向异性模型中表现出良好的稳定性.


本文提出了一套叠前地震数据稀疏表达(特征波场合成)、深度偏移成像和层析成像的处理流程.不同于传统的变换域中的数据稀疏表达理论, 本文利用局部平面波的传播方向(慢度矢量), 在中心炮检点处同时进行波束合成, 从而将地震数据投影到局部平面波域(高维空间)中.由于波束合成后的地震数据描述了局部平面波的方向特征, 因此称之为特征波场.然而波束合成算法需要估计局部平面波的慢度矢量.当地震数据受噪声干扰时, 难以在常规τ-p谱中自动估计局部平面波的射线参数(慢度矢量).本文提出了基于反演理论的特征波场合成方法, 可以同时反演局部平面波及其传播方向, 从而提高特征波合成的自动化程度并保持方法的稳健性.通过特征波场合成, 可以将地震数据分解为单独的震相(波形).这样的数据可以直接用来成像及反演.在局部平面波域中, 由于局部平面波的入射与出射射线参数已知, 传统的Kirchhoff叠前深度偏移(PSDM)和高斯束/控制束PSDM可以实现从"沿等时面的画弧"到"向反射点(段)的直接投影"的转变, 叠前偏移的效率以及成像质量可以同时提高.此外, 特征波场与地下反射点(段)的一对一映射关系使得叠前深度偏移与层析成像融为一体, 可以极大地提高速度反演的效率.数值试验证明了特征波场合成、叠前深度成像以及层析反演的有效性.  相似文献   


三角网格有限元法具有网格剖分的灵活性,能有效模拟地震波在复杂介质中的传播.但传统有限元法用于地震波场模拟时计算效率较低,消耗较大计算资源.本文采用改进的核矩阵存储(IKMS)策略以提高有限元法的计算效率,该方法不用组合总体刚度矩阵,且相比于常规有限元法节省成倍的内存.对于时间离散,将有限元离散后的地震波运动方程变换至Hamilton体系,在显式二阶辛Runge-Kutta-Nystr m(RKN)格式的基础之上加入额外空间离散算子构造修正辛差分格式,通过Taylor展开式得到具有四阶时间精度时间格式,且辛系数全为正数.本文从理论上分析了时空改进方法相比传统辛-有限元方法在频散压制、稳定性提升等方面的优势.数值算例进一步证实本方法具有内存消耗少、稳定性强和数值频散弱等优点.


深度均匀采样梯形网格有限差分地震波场模拟方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



A compact representation is obtained for the separation of a scalar wavefield on a closed surface into parts due to internal and external sources. The formula assumes that the total field and its gradients are known on the surface, as is the exact Green function of the medium. The derivation involves four rather straightforward applications of Green’s theorem or the representation theorem, though it is a remarkable result in that waves from either source that traverse the boundary many times are appropriately separated. The intermediate results at the four steps of the derivation also shed light on the possibility of acoustic shielding from unwanted sources without knowledge of the Green function for the medium.  相似文献   

Water multiples can be very strong and contaminate the primary reflections. This can cause problems in the processing flow and the interpretation of the subsurface image. Hence, multiples suppression is an important part of the preprocessing flow. We present a fast workflow for attenuation of free surface related multiples for 2D and 3D ocean bottom seismic data based on the wave equation approach. Included in the workflow are: 1. Calibration of the pressure and vertical velocity components by using wavefield splitting. 2. Data interpolation by using offset projection. 3. Fast Radon transform by using fast fractional Fourier transform. Advantages of this workflow are that it is fast, efficient and the only requirements are the recording of both pressure and vertical particle components at some point below the source in the water column.  相似文献   

The pseudospectral method has been applied to the simulation of seismic wave propagation in 2-D global Earth model.When a whole Earth model is considered,the center of the Earth is included in the model and then singularity arises at the center of the Earth where r=0 since the 1/r term appears in the wave equations.In this paper,we extended the global seismic wavefield simulation algorithm for regular grid mesh to staggered grid configuration and developed a scheme to solve the numerical problems associated with the above singularity for a 2-D global Earth model defined on staggered grid using pseudospectral method.This scheme uses a coordinate transformation at the center of the model,in which the field variables at the center are calculated in Cartesian coordinates from the values on the grids around the center.It allows wave propagation through the center and hence the wavefield at the center can be stably calculated.Validity and accuracy of the scheme was tested by compared with the discrete wavenumber method.This scheme could also be suitable for other numerical methods or models parameterized in cylindrical or spherical coordinates when singularity arises at the center of the model.  相似文献   

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