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袁媛  孙康远  陈刚  董金芳  夏斌 《气象科学》2022,42(6):825-834
基于南京信息工程大学C波段双偏振雷达观测数据,结合探空和地面实况资料,对2016年7月7日发生在南京地区的一次强降水超级单体过程进行双偏振雷达变量特征分析。结果表明:(1)当后向传播和多单体合并造成02—03时出现129.2 mm·h-1极端强降水时,最强回波ZH约60 dBZ,差分反射率因子ZDR达5 dB,差分相位常数KDP超过8 (°)·km-1。KDP大值区与地面上小时雨强极大值中心存在较好的对应关系。反射率因子ZH、差分反射率因子ZDR、差分相位常数KDP与小时雨强也有显著的正相关。(2)强降水超级单体发展旺盛阶段,垂直运动明显增强,上升气流活跃,冰雹和霰占的比例高,-20°C以上存在深厚的混合相态区,闪电的频次和强度明显增强,分钟雨强增大。相关系数小值区ρHV以及ZDR弧超前于超级单体1个体扫发生,并可以指示超级单体底层上升气流区的位置...  相似文献   

为了研究副热带高压(副高)背景下极端短时强降水系统的动力和云物理结构特征,利用厦门X波段双偏振相控阵雷达观测数据,采用多普勒雷达风场反演技术并结合高精度的地形数据,对2021年8月11日发生在厦门地区的一次极端短时强降水事件进行了分析。研究表明:(1)这次过程发生在副高控制之下,具有弱天气尺度强迫特征。地面辐合线促进了线状对流系统的形成,其后向传播过程导致了局地极端强降水的发生。(2)对流系统的中层存在大粒子累积区,大粒子的下泻导致雨强增大。倾斜上升(下沉)气流的配置使得大粒子的下泻不会影响上升气流,有利于对流系统的发展与维持。下沉气流与偏南气流相遇触发了上游对流系统的发展,形成后向传播。(3)在弱天气尺度系统背景下,局地地形对于降水系统的影响得以凸显。地形造成的低层辐合使得差分反射率因子(ZDR)、差分传播相移率(KDP)等双偏振参数在迎风坡处明显增大,且大值区在此处维持。更大、更浓密的降水粒子形成了极高的降雨效率。(4)暖雨过程和冰相过程在这次极端降水事件中并存,前者对雨水的形成起主导作用,冰相粒子的融化加速了这一进程。(5)强降水时雨滴的破碎和碰并趋于平衡,雨强的增大取决于雨滴浓度的升高。因此,KDP可作为判断雨强是否增大的指标。(6) ZDR柱与KDP柱的演变对于地面雨强的变化具有预示性,特别是在持续降水过程中,ZDR(KDP)柱的再度发展预示着降水系统的再次增强。   相似文献   

为研究梅雨期极端对流系统的微物理特征,利用2013—2014年江淮梅雨期间南京溧水S波段双偏振雷达探测资料和地面自动站小时降水资料,统计分析了两类极端对流降水系统的微物理特征及差异。这两类极端对流系统的定义基于地面降水强度和雷达回波顶高,分别为所有对流中降水强度最强的1%(R类:小时降水强度>46.2 mm/h)和对流发展高度最高的1%(H类:20 dBz回波顶高>14.5 km)。结果显示这两类极端对流系统仅有30%的样本重合,显示了二者之间的弱相关性。对于相同的反射率因子ZH,R类极端对流系统的近地面差分反射率因子ZDR通常较H类极端对流小约0.2 dB,表明R类极端对流具有较小的平均粒径。结合双偏振雷达反演的粒子大小和相态分布显示,虽然两类极端对流都表现出海洋性对流降水特征,但R类极端对流较H类极端对流的总体雨滴粒径更小而数浓度更高,导致R类极端对流系统的地面降水更强。与R类极端对流系统相比,H类极端对流系统的上升运动更强,将更多的水汽和过冷水输送到0℃层以上,有利于形成更大的冰相粒子(如霰粒子等),并通过融化形成大雨滴。以上研究表明,梅雨期降水强度和对流发展深度并没有必然的联系,极端降水主要是中等高度的对流引起。   相似文献   

为研究S波段双偏振雷达探测强降水超级单体的回波特征,本文利用广州S波段双偏振雷达、风廓线雷达、气象信息综合处理系统(Meteorology Information Comprehensive Analysis Process System,MICAPS)、地面观测站等资料,分析了2020年5月22日广州一次局地特大暴雨过程的发生发展及雷达回波特征。结果表明:列车效应和后向传播影响共同造成了广州此次局地强降水过程;强降水超级单体成熟阶段,雷达回波低层仰角会出现K_(DP)印,ρHV图上有非均匀波束填充(Non-Uniform Beam Filling,NUBF)特征,高层仰角会出现Z_(DR)环(高值区)、ρHV环(低值区)等特征,垂直方向上表现为形态相似、空间分布分离的Z_(DR)柱和K_(DP)柱;Z_(DR)最大值略早于Z_(H)最大值,一般出现在Z_(H)骤增时段,雨强开始增大或最大雨强之前,对强降水的发展有指示意义,K_(DP)最大值一般出现在Z_(H)大值时段,并与最强降水时段对应,结合Z_(DR)和K_(DP)可以更好地判断降雨强度的变化。  相似文献   

一次强降水超级单体的双偏振雷达观测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为分析强降水超级单体风暴的偏振特征及其动力和云物理结构,利用厦门海沧双偏振雷达数据及常规观测资料,采用多普勒雷达风场反演和粒子相态识别等技术,对2018年5月7日发生在闽南地区的一次导致特大暴雨的强降水超级单体风暴进行了分析,研究表明:(1)相关系数小值区出现在有界弱回波区和钩状回波之前,可指示低层上升气流的位置。(2)在前侧下沉气流南侧的反射率因子梯度大值区附近,存在一个浅薄的差分反射率因子大值区(差分反射率因子弧),其形态与超级单体的发展程度有关。在本次过程中差分反射率因子弧先于钩状回波和中气旋出现,对超级单体的发展具有较好的指示性。(3)在中层的融化层上,差分反射率因子大值区和相关系数小值区呈环形围绕在上升气流周围。差分反射率因子环和相关系数环对确定中层上升气流的位置具有指示意义。(4)差分反射率因子柱位于有界弱回波区的上方,并位于主上升气流附近,在仅有单部雷达进行观测时,差分反射率因子柱可用于识别主上升气流的位置。(5)差分相位常数柱主要由大量混合相态水凝物造成,其位置与地面雨强中心存在较好的对应关系。  相似文献   

潘佳文  高丽  魏鸣  蒋璐璐  蔡菁 《气象学报》2021,79(1):168-180
为了研究雹暴的偏振特征及其在实际业务中的应用,使用S波段双偏振雷达所观测到的46例冰雹数据,对其中反复出现的3种偏振特征:冰雹在各高度层的偏振参数特征、差分反射率因子柱、三体散射偏振特征进行了分析,重点分析了3种偏振特征大、小冰雹事件的差异.结果表明:(1)大冰雹的水平反射率因子中位数要高于小冰雹,二者的水平反射率因子...  相似文献   

利用习水双偏振雷达对2021年5月2日发生在贵州西北部的一次冰雹、短时强降水过程进行分析,结果表明:双偏振雷达能够很好区分出冰雹和短时强降水,并可以分析出冰雹相态演变:高空出现明显的冰雹特征(差分反射率因子Zdr、差分相移率Kdp小于0 dB,相关系数CC为0.9~0.95),随着高度降低Zdr和Kdp从负值向正值转变,CC增加到0.95左右,表明冰雹在下落过程中融化为包裹着水膜的小冰雹并伴随降水,这与地面观测事实一致。观测到CC谷、Zdr弧、Zdr柱、Kdp柱和典型的三体散射双偏振特征,这些特征对雹暴的演变有指示作用。短时强降水回波的Zdr和Kdp随反射率因子强度的增大而增大,CC>0.95,Kdp大值区能更好的指示出短时强降水的位置。  相似文献   

利用降水现象仪、双偏振雷达、常规气象观测资料和再分析数据,分析了郑州“7·20”极端强降水过程的微物理特征。此次过程受多尺度天气系统的共同影响,为复杂多变的降水微物理特征提供了有利的环境条件。结果表明,此次过程地面雨滴谱分布随时间存在明显变化,雨滴谱参数分布较广,覆盖了从大陆性对流降水至海洋性对流降水的分布区域。20日16—17时最强降水时段,小粒子数密度显著高于东亚地区普通对流性降水的统计结果和华南地区夏季平均值,且存在大量大粒子,保证了极高的降水效率。双偏振雷达参量的垂直结构反演结果显示,对流系统质心低,具有典型的暖云特征;0 ℃层以上冰相过程相对活跃,0 ℃层以下强烈的暖雨过程,大量的冰相粒子落下并融化和低层高效率的雨滴碰并增长过程,导致各尺度高浓度雨滴的生成,最终形成地面的极端强降水。  相似文献   

The polarimetric radar network in Jiangsu Province has just been operationalized since 2020. The first intense precipitation event observed by this polarimetric radar network and disdrometer occurred during August 28-29, 2020 and caused severe flooding and serious damage in eastern Jiangsu Province. The microphysics and kinetics for this heavy precipitation convective storm is diagnosed in this study, in order to promote the application of this polarimetric radar network. Drop size distribution(...  相似文献   

Polarimetric radar and 2D video disdrometer observations provide new insights into the precipitation microphysical processes and characteristics in the inner rainband of tropical cyclone(TC)Kajiki(2019)in the South China Sea for the first time.The precipitation of Kajiki is dominated by high concentrations and small(<3 mm)raindrops,which contribute more than 98%to the total precipitation.The average mass-weighted mean diameter and logarithmic normalized intercept are 1.49 mm and 4.47,respectively,indicating a larger mean diameter and a lower concentration compared to the TCs making landfall in eastern China.The ice processes of the inner rainband are dramatically different among different stages.The riming process is dominant during the mature stage,while during the decay stage the aggregation process is dominant.The vertical profiles of the polarimetric radar variables together with ice and liquid water contents in the convective region indicate that the formation of precipitation is dominated by warm-rain processes.Large raindrops collect cloud droplets and other raindrops,causing reflectivity,differential reflectivity,and specific differential phase to increase with decreasing height.That is,accretion and coalescence play a critical role in the formation of heavy rainfall.The melting of different particles generated by the ice process has a great influence on the initial raindrop size distribution(DSD)to further affect the warm-rain processes.The DSD above heavy rain with the effect of graupel has a wider spectral width than the region without the effect of graupel.  相似文献   

During the pre-summer rainy season, heavy rainfall occurs frequently in South China. Based on polarimetric radar observations, the microphysical characteristics and processes of convective features associated with extreme rainfall rates(ERCFs) are examined. In the regions with high ERCF occurrence frequency, sub-regional differences are found in the lightning flash rate(LFR) distributions. In the region with higher LFRs, the ERCFs have larger volumes of high reflectivity factor above the freezin...  相似文献   

Warm-sector heavy rainfall (WR), shear-line heavy rainfall (SR), and frontal heavy rainfall (FR) are three types of rainfall that frequently occur during the pre-summer rainy season in south China. In this research, we investigated the differences in microphysical characteristics of heavy rainfall events during the period of 10-15 May 2022 based on the combined observations from 11 S-band polarimetric radars in south China. The conclusions are as follows: (1) WR has the highest radar echo top height, the strongest radar echo at all altitudes, the highest lightning density, and the most active ice-phase process, which suggests that the convection is the most vigorous in the WR, moderate in the FR, and the weakest in the SR. (2) Three types of rainfall are all marine-type precipitation, the massweighted mean diameter (Dm, mm) and the intercept parameter (Nw, mm-1 m-3 ) of the raindrops in the WR are the largest. (3) The WR possesses the highest proportion of graupel compared with the FR and SR, and stronger updrafts and more abundant water vapor supply may lead to larger raindrops during the melting and collision-coalescence processes. (4) Over all the heights, liquid and ice water content in the WR are higher than those in the SR and FR, the ratio of ice to liquid water content in the WR is as high as 27% when ZH exceeds 50 dBZ, definitely higher than that in the SR and FR, indicating that the active ice-phase process existing in the WR is conducive to the formation of heavy rainfall.  相似文献   

黄乾  钱悦 《大气科学学报》2021,44(4):615-625
将WRF3.9模式的16种云微物理方案分为单参、双参两组,分别对2016年6月30日-7月4日江淮流域的一次强降水过程进行模拟.首先利用逐小时观测降水对各组模拟降水进行评估,在此基础上利用FY-2G和CALIPSO云产品数据分别评估不同方案对降水过程中总云量、云垂直结构云水含量等宏微观特征的模拟性能.结果 表明:选用不...  相似文献   

利用多普勒雷达风廓线产品、ERA5再分析资料和WRF模式,分析了2018年6月27日皖北一次特大暴雨过程中边界层急流的日变化特征及其对特大暴雨形成的作用。结果表明:特大暴雨发生期间存在边界层急流,急流最强达到了18 m·s-1,强降水主要发生在急流快速增强的时段;急流前部的边界层辐合线是对流的触发因子,强降水落区位于急流核前部。急流为对流系统加强提供水汽和能量,且边界层急流和雷暴高压对峙使对流系统稳定少动,在对流系统西侧激发新的对流单体,有利于特大暴雨的发生;此次过程中天气系统的影响时间主要决定了强降水的落区,而边界层急流的日变化决定了强降水发生的时间段;边界层急流在夜间具有超地转特征,午后具有次地转特征,地转偏差和水平平流作用是导致夜间边界层急流增强的主要原因。  相似文献   

In order to improve our understanding of microphysical properties of clouds and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau (TP), six cloud and precipitation processes with different intensities during the Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Science Experiment (TIPEX-Ⅲ) from 3 July to 25 July 2014 in Naqu region of the TP are investigated by using the high-resolution mesoscale Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The results show unique properties of summertime clouds and precipitation processes over the TP. The initiation process of clouds is closely associated with strong solar radiative heating in the daytime, and summertime clouds and precipitation show an obvious diurnal variation. Generally, convective clouds would transform into stratiform clouds with an obvious bright band and often produce strong rainfall in midnight. The maximum cloud top can reach more than 15 km above sea level and the velocity of updraft ranges from 10 to 40 m s-1. The simulations show high amount of supercooled water content primarily located between 0 and -20℃ layer in all the six cases. Ice crystals mainly form above the level of -20℃ and even appear above the level of -40℃ within strong convective clouds. Rainwater mostly appears below the melting layer, indicating that its formation mainly depends on the melting process of precipitable ice particles. Snow and graupel particles have the characteristics of high content and deep vertical distribution, showing that the ice phase process is very active in the development of clouds and precipitation. The conversion and formation of hydrometeors and precipitation over the plateau exhibit obvious characteristics. Surface precipitation is mainly formed by the melting of graupel particles. Although the warm cloud microphysical process has less direct contribution to the formation of surface precipitation, it is important for the formation of supercooled raindrops, which are essential for the formation of graupel embryos through heterogeneous freezing process. The growth of graupel particles mainly relies on the riming process with supercooled cloud water and aggregation of snow particles.  相似文献   

宋静  傅文伶 《气象科学》2021,41(1):119-127
利用天气雷达、地面自动站和微波辐射仪等多种气象探测资料,对2017年7月发生在成都双流机场的一次暴雨过程进行了分析。结果表明:此次暴雨发生在弱天气系统强迫条件下,大气层结呈现弱对流抑制、低抬升凝结高度、中等对流有效位能,湿层深厚,低层较暖且低层无急流影响。短时强降水由中尺度系统直接产生,午夜前的初始对流由高压西北部偏南暖湿气流与山体下滑冷气流相互作用,结合山前强水平温度梯度产生,之后在冷池和边界层暖湿气流作用下生成新的对流。产生强降水的回波结构密实,暖云特征突出,属于热带低质心降水系统。对抬升凝结高度、自由对流高度、湿层厚度等的分析表明,水汽条件较为极端,但由于系统整体属于前向传播,无明显的"列车效应",限制了实际降水效率。  相似文献   

曹舒娅  何琰  孙伟  殷昊翔 《气象科学》2022,42(5):602-609
利用FNL资料以及单、双偏振多普勒天气雷达资料,分析了2019年7月6日发生在江苏的一次自北向南罕见的伴有冰雹、雷暴大风和短时强降水的大范围强对流天气过程。结果表明:江苏上空垂直方向干冷空气叠加在暖湿气流之上,600 hPa以下存在明显的对流不稳定,强烈的深层垂直风切变提供动力不稳定条件。大的对流有效位能、强烈的深层垂直风切、合适的0℃和-20℃层高度利于大冰雹产生。强对流发生过程中,冰雹云回波强度普遍在50 dBZ以上,顶高超过10 km,三体散射特征明显,同时存在气旋式辐合、回波悬垂等特征。双线偏振雷达各偏振参量表现出明显的冰雹云特征,下击暴流发生时低层速度图上出现强辐散区,预示着下击暴流天气的发生。随着ZH的增大,KDP值也有所增大,表明降水粒子尺寸增加,偏振雷达回波在水平和垂直方向的相位变化也增加,当回波强度超过45 dBZ时,83.2%的KDP在1.5 (°)·km-1以上,CC值也超过0.97,利于强降水发生。  相似文献   

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