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The characteristics of spatiotemporal variability of surface air temperature anomaly fields in China are computed from the data of instrumental observations carried out from 1907 to 2000. The fields are represented by their empirical orthogonal function expansion. The temporal variations of the coefficients of this expansion are considered at the scale range from one month to five years. It turned out that both the orthogonal function structure and the type of the temporal variability of expansion coefficients in China differ from those in Northern Eurasia. Investigating the current climate warming in China, it is enough to consider the first two empirical orthogonal functions of temperature fields only. The characteristic time of the existence of temperature anomalies described by these functions is almost the same as that of the temperature anomalies in Northern Eurasia described by the first empirical orthogonal function of the respective fields.  相似文献   

Summary Using the 60 year period (1931–1990) gridded land surface air temperature anomalies data, the spatial and temporal relationships between Indian summer monsoon rainfall and temperature anomalies were examined. Composite temperature anomalies were prepared in respect of 11 deficient monsoon years and 9 excess monsoon years. Statistical tests were carried out to examine the significance of the composites. In addition, correlation coefficients between the temperature anomalies and Indian summer monsoon rainfall were also calculated to examine the teleconnection patterns.There were statistically significant differences in the composite of temperature anomaly patterns between excess and deficient monsoon years over north Europe, central Asia and north America during January and May, over NW India during May, over central parts of Africa during May and July and over Indian sub-continent and eastern parts of Asia during July. It has been also found that temperature anomalies over NW Europe, central parts of Africa and NW India during January and May were positively correlated with Indian summer monsoon rainfall. Similarly temperature anomalies over central Asia during January and temperature anomalies over central Africa and Indian region during July were negatively correlated. There were secular variations in the strength of relationships between temperature anomalies and Indian summer monsoon rainfall. In general, temperature anomalies over NW Europe and NW India showed stronger correlations during the recent years. It has been also found that during excess (deficient) monsoon years temperature gradient over Eurasian land mass from sub-tropics to higher latitudes was directed equatowards (polewards) indicating strong (weak) zonal flow. This temperature anomaly gradient index was found to be a useful predictor for long range forecasting of Indian summer monsoon rainfall.With 12 Figures  相似文献   

This study aims to detect the primary precursors and impact mechanisms for January surface temperature anomaly (JSTA) events in China against the background of global warming, by comparing the causes of two extreme JSTA events occurring in 2008 and 2011 with the common mechanisms inferred from all typical episodes during 1979–2008. The results show that these two extreme events exhibit atmospheric circulation patterns in the mid–high latitudes of Eurasia, with a positive anomaly center over the Ural Mountains and a negative one to the south of Lake Baikal (UMLB), which is a pattern quite similar to that for all the typical events. However, the Eurasian teleconnection patterns in the 2011 event, which are accompanied by a negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation, are different to those of the typical events and the 2008 event. We further find that a common anomalous signal appearing in early summer over the tropical Indian Ocean may be responsible for the following late-winter Eurasian teleconnections and the associated JSTA events in China. We show that sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) in the preceding summer over the western Indian Ocean (WIO) are intimately related to the UMLB-like circulation pattern in the following January. Positive WIOSSTAs in early summer tend to induce strong UMLB-like circulation anomalies in January, which may result in anomalously or extremely cold events in China, which can also be successfully reproduced in model experiments. Our results suggest that the WIOSSTAs may be a useful precursor for predicting JSTA events in China.  相似文献   

Mean seasonal and spatial variability in global surface air temperature   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
Summary Using terrestrial observations of shelter-height air temperature and shipboard measurements, a global climatology of mean monthly surface air temperature has been compiled. Data were obtained from ten sources, screened for coding errors, and redundant station records were removed. The combined data base consists of 17 986 independent terrestrial station records and 6 955 oceanic grid-point records. These data were then interpolated to a 0.5° of latitude by 0.5° of longitude lattice using a spherically-based interpolation algorithm. Spatial distributions of the annual mean and intra-annual variance are presented along with a harmonic decomposition of the intra-annual variance.With 7 Figures  相似文献   

The impact of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) mode events on austral surface air temperature (SAT) variability was studied both by statistical analysis of observed/assimilated data and experiments with a mechanistic baroclinic atmospheric model.During the period of analysis (January 1958–December 1999), IOD events had the strongest impact on SAT anomalies during austral spring and hence, the analysis was focussed on this season. IOD events induced large scale, intercontinental correlations of SAT anomalies amongst Australia, Africa and South America. Surface temperature consistently rose (fell) abnormally and coherently in the subtropical regions of these continents during positive (negative) IOD events. Variability during non-IOD years was considerably weaker than during IOD years over these regions.Analysis of stream function anomalies at the 200 hPa level (source: NCEP/NCAR reanalysis) revealed a Rossby-wave train extending from the eastern Indian Ocean into the subtropical regions of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Further, the diagnosed Rossby-wave activity flux emanated from the eastern Indian Ocean and propagated along the subtropical and subpolar jet streams qualitatively in agreement with linear wave dynamics. Experiments with idealized forcing in a primitive equation mechanistic atmospheric model suggested that tropical convective anomalies in the Indian Ocean during IOD events likely affects the austral subtropics through stationary Rossby-wave propagation.  相似文献   


Anomalies of monthly mean surface temperature observed at 55 stations in Canada and 13 in Alaska from 1951 through 1980 are related to concurrent anomalies of monthly mean 700‐mb height at a network of 107 grid points in North America and the surrounding oceans. The data are screened by a stepwise forward selection procedure to yield multiple regression equations for specifying the monthly mean temperature anomaly at each city and for each month from the field of simultaneous 700‐mb heights plus the previous month's local temperature anomaly. On the average, the specification equations explain 70% of the temperature variance and select as predictors approxiamtely 2 heights to the west of the reference station, 1.5 heights in the vicinity, 1 height to the east, and 0.5 previous temperatures.

Most of this paper describes various properties of the specification equations and related atmospheric characteristics on a regional, seasonal and month‐to‐month basis. Five statistical features are mapped for the months of January, April, July and October, and marked regional differences are noted. The above features are then averaged for the entire region and graphed month by month; the annual cycle of other properties is also described. Systematic spatial and temporal variations in the characteristics of temperature variability, persistence, correlation with height, and specification equations are illustrated.  相似文献   

This study investigates the interannual variation of summer surface air temperature over Northeast Asia(NEA) and its associated circulation anomalies.Two leading modes for the temperature variability over NEA are obtained by EOF analysis.The first EOF mode is characterized by a homogeneous temperature anomaly over NEA and therefore is called the NEA mode.This anomaly extends from southeast of Lake Baikal to Japan,with a central area in Northeast China.The second EOF mode is characterized by a seesaw pattern,showing a contrasting distribution between East Asia(specifically including the Changbai Mountains in Northeast China,Korea,and Japan) and north of this region.This mode is named the East Asia(EA) mode.Both modes contribute equivalently to the temperature variability in EA.The two leading modes are associated with different circulation anomalies.A warm NEA mode is associated with a positive geopotential height anomaly over NEA and thus a weakened upper-tropospheric westerly jet.On the other hand,a warm EA mode is related to a positive height anomaly over EA and a northward displaced jet.In addition,the NEA mode tends to be related to the Eurasian teleconnection pattern,while the EA mode is associated with the East Asia-Pacific/PacificJapan pattern.  相似文献   

Wang  Sai  Nath  Debashis  Chen  Wen  Ma  Tianjiao 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(11):4499-4513
Climate Dynamics - The second empirical orthogonal function mode (EOF2) of winter surface air temperature (SAT) over 0°–180° E, 40°–90° N during 1979–2005 is...  相似文献   

关键海区海温异常的变化与中国区域降水和气温的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用 1951年到 1998年的月平均海温资料及同时期中国 160个测站的降水和气温的月平均资料,选用海温异常的变化趋势一变温,讨论了关键海区海温异常的变化与我国降水和气温的关系,旨在探讨变温因子与我国降水和气温的关系与海温距平与降水和气温的关系有什么不同,用变温因子能否降低降水预报的不确定性。结果表明:降水异常对海温异常两种变化趋势的响应不完全相同,说明分别讨论同一种海温异常态的两种变化趋势对降水的影响比单独讨论海温距平对降水的影响更有效一些,有助于降低预报的不确定性;除西太平洋海区外,气温异常对各海区海温异常两种变化趋势的响应较一致。降水异常对变温的响应与对海温异常的响应,有一致之处,也有不同之处。  相似文献   

Li  Qingxiang  Sun  Wenbin  Yun  Xiang  Huang  Boyin  Dong  Wenjie  Wang  Xiaolan L.  Zhai  Panmao  Jones  Phil 《Climate Dynamics》2021,56(1-2):635-650
Climate Dynamics - Past versions of global surface temperature (ST) datasets have been shown to have underestimated the recent warming trend over 1998–2012. This study uses a newly updated...  相似文献   

Analysis of the global mean annual temperature anomalies based on land and marine data for the last 88 years (1901-1988) of this century has been carried out with a view to find any relationship with failures in Indian summer monsoon rainfall. On the climatological scale (i.e. 30 years) it has been noticed that there is as abnormal increase in the frequency of drought years during epochs of global warming and cooling, while it is considerably less when global temperatures are near normal. Results are unchanged even when the data are filtered out for ENSO (El-Nino South-ern Oscillation) effect.It has also been noticed that during warm and cold epochs in global temperatures the amount of summer mon-soon rainfall decreases as compared to the rainfall during a normal temperature epoch.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionStatisticalstudiesdemonstratedthatinEINinoyearstheprecipitationinsummerintheChangjiangRiverandHuaiheRiverBasinsisprobablyabovethenormalwhileitispossiblybelowthenormalinthenorthernChinaandtheHetao(theGreatBendoftheHuangheRiver)region.ThetemperatureinsummerisusuallylowerthannormalinEastAsia,especiallyinNortheastChina.Therewere6yearswithseverelowtemperaturesince1951,andtheyare1954,1957,1964,1972,1976and1983,whichareallrelatedtotheEINinoyears(seeHuangetal.,1989,1992;Xiangand…  相似文献   

This paper presents an assessment of the seasonal prediction skill of current global circulation models, with a focus on the two-meter air temperature and precipitation over the Southeast United States. The model seasonal hindcasts are analyzed using measures of potential predictability, anomaly correlation, Brier skill score, and Gerrity skill score. The systematic differences in prediction skill of coupled ocean–atmosphere models versus models using prescribed (either observed or predicted) sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are documented. It is found that the predictability and the hindcast skill of the models vary seasonally and spatially. The largest potential predictability (signal-to-noise ratio) of precipitation anywhere in the United States is found in the Southeast in the spring and winter seasons. The maxima in the potential predictability of two-meter air temperature, however, reside outside the Southeast in all seasons. The largest deterministic hindcast skill over the Southeast is found in wintertime precipitation. At the same time, the boreal winter two-meter air temperature hindcasts have the smallest skill. The large wintertime precipitation skill, the lack of corresponding two-meter air temperature hindcast skill, and a lack of precipitation skill in any other season are features common to all three types of models (atmospheric models forced with observed SSTs, atmospheric models forced with predicted SSTs, and coupled ocean–atmosphere models). Atmospheric models with observed SST forcing demonstrate a moderate skill in hindcasting spring-and summertime two-meter air temperature anomalies, whereas coupled models and atmospheric models forced with predicted SSTs lack similar skill. Probabilistic and categorical hindcasts mirror the deterministic findings, i.e., there is very high skill for winter precipitation and none for summer precipitation. When skillful, the models are conservative, such that low-probability hindcasts tend to be overestimates, whereas high-probability hindcasts tend to be underestimates.  相似文献   

Results of studying characteristic features of variability of the water surface temperature fields of Lake Ladoga during the open water period are presented. Anomalies and extreme deviations of real spatial distributions from those typical of the scales of synoptic variability are estimated. Typical surface temperature distribution of Lake Ladoga during an open water period occupies not more than 20% of the lake area. The near-shore shallow water area is characterized as an area of most anomalous water temperature distribution. The abnormality extent changes from month to month. July is the most anomalous month of the open water period.  相似文献   

Cited are the latest data on the contemporary climate changes in surface air temperature (to the year 2011 inclusive). Substantiated is the necessity of extending the concept on the normals and anomalies of surface air temperature under conditions of the changing climate. Formulated is a concept of “dynamic normals” and “dynamic anomalies” of surface air temperature taking account of current trends of climate change and interseasonal variations. It is proposed to adopt this concept both for the problems of forthcoming climate change assessments and for the long-range forecasting out of the “limit of predictability.” An adaptive regression method is proposed to compute such dynamic normals as a function of the indicator of global climate changes. Presented are the skill scores of dynamic normals as of “intermediate” forecasts (an analogue of the climate forecast under a changing climate).  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal variability of surface air pressure and surface air temperature in the Northern Hemisphere troposphere in 1990-2014 is described. In 2005 the low-frequency component (LFC) of average air temperature in January averaged over the latitude zone of 32.5°-67.5° N has stopped its increase that lasted for 35 years (from 1970). The LFC of air temperature in July has continued growing since 1975 (for 39 years). The anomalies of air pressure and air temperature for thirty-year periods and the dynamics of LFC of air temperature and air pressure in the atmospheric centers of action are analyzed.  相似文献   

We analyze minimum and maximum daily temperature records from weather stations situated in the Canadian Arctic area and investigate scaling properties and their change over time. Detrended fluctuation analysis is applied to the entire available records, as well as to successive non-overlapping temporal windows. Scaling is found for intervals of 1–2?months to 5–8?years, with most exponents in the range 0.70?±?0.05. Exponents are subject to temporal change that is found significant when compared with 95?% confidence intervals. Patterns of change are shared by groups of stations in spite of the distances separating their locations. Defining regions characterized by similar patterns of change may be possible, but such a classification should not be expected to be constant: region boundaries shift over time.  相似文献   

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