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骑鲸遁沧海,捋虎得绨袍。——苏轼《次韵张安道读杜诗》 在分类学上,鲸属于哺乳纲、鲸目。鲸的身体呈纺缍形,颇似鱼。前肢鳍状,后肢退化,尾未有水平尾鳍。胎生,哺乳。皮下脂肪很厚,以保持恒定体温。无外耳壳,听觉灵敏。鲸分两类:一类口内无齿有须,称为须鲸。须鲸体型巨大,主要包括蓝鲸、座头鲸、露脊鲸等。另一类口内无须有齿,称为齿鲸。齿鲸主要以鱼类和头足类为食,包括抹香鲸、虎鲸等。  相似文献   

海洋哺乳动物中鲸类占大多数,但究竟有多少种,目前意见并不一致。不过大体上鲸类可分为两大类:一类是须鲸,没有牙齿,只有须。它的种类很少,仅10种左右,一般个头巨大。蓝鲸、座头鲸、露脊鲸、灰鲸、小须鲸属于这一类。另一类是齿鲸,长有牙齿,投有须,能发出超声波,有回声定位本领,种类比须鲸多得多,抹香鲸、一角鲸、白鲸属于这一类。聪明活泼的海豚其实也属于鲸类,不过它与其它鲸差别较大,人们不把它们划为同类。动物之冠——蓝鲸蓝鲸是自古至今世界上最大、最重的动物。它在海  相似文献   

田美  申欣  孟学平  程汉良 《海洋学报》2011,33(5):104-114
综合分析鲸类32个物种的线粒体基因组全序列,全面揭示了鲸类线粒体基因组的基本特征、蛋白质编码基因、选择压力和差异位点等.鲸类线粒体基因组均编码后生动物标准的37个基因.绝大多数鲸类线粒体基因组的基因排列顺序完全相同,而且与脊椎动物线粒体基因组的典型排列一致.4个类群(真露脊鲸属、须鲸属、原海豚属和宽吻海豚属)线粒体基因...  相似文献   

谁操纵了鲸类的命运 鲸(Whale),地球上现存最大型的动物,也是最大型的哺乳动物,曾经广泛分布在世界各大洋的海洋霸主,但它们在用现代科技武装起来的人类面前,再也强大不起来了。如今,徘徊在灭绝边缘的鲸类除了面临海洋污染、船舶撞击、噪声污染、渔业误捕和渔网缠绕等因素造成的危险外,更主要的威胁来自于捕鲸船的围猎。  相似文献   

正抹香鲸是世界上最大的齿鲸。它们在所有鲸类中潜得最深、最久,因此号称为动物王国中的"潜水冠军"。可能只有喙鲸科的两种瓶鼻鲸在潜水方面能与之相比。除了过去被视为头号目标的捕鲸时期以外,抹香鲸可能是大型鲸中数量最多的一种。美国作家梅尔维尔的经典名著《白鲸记》,书中那头神勇的大鲸莫比·敌克就是一头抹香鲸。抹香鲸隶属齿鲸亚目抹香鲸科,是齿鲸亚目中体型最大的一种,雄性最大体长达23米,雌性17米,体呈圆锥形,上颌齐钝,远远超过下颌。由  相似文献   

鲸鱼虽然名之曰“鱼”,而且“鲸”字也从“鱼”旁,但实际上却不是鱼类,而是用肺呼吸、胎生的哺乳动物。鲸鱼的种类颇多,分为齿鲸和须鲸两大类。鲸鱼一般以体型巨大者居多,“鲸”字从“京”,京为“大”意。《尔雅·释丘》说:“绝高为之京。”体型最大的要属须鲸中的蓝鳁鲸了,最大体长可达35米,体重可达190吨。鲸鱼体型如此巨大,古人航海时若遇到它的话,随时可能发生危险,让人不寒而栗。古人称雄鲸为鲸、雌鲸为鲵。又称鲸鱼为海鳅。因其体型巨大,可吞下古代的木船,故又称为吞舟之鱼。《太平御览》卷九三八引梁简文帝《金楼子》说:“鲸鲵一名海鳅。”《文选·左思·吴都  相似文献   

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有关专家认定,在海南北港搁浅的是头鳅鲸。峨鲸,又名布氏鲸,须鲸一种。暖海性种,以觅食小型水生生物为生,成年体长可达16米,体竺可达25吨。其繁殖周期2-3年,多于冬季产子,妊娠期11个月,每次一胎。出生经拉长约5米。寿命50年。生活在深海中的鲸们如何会讲至浅海甚至趋向岸上搁浅而死?各国科学家莫衷一是,直至现在仍无定论。但较为合理的解周是鲸类因身上的回声定位功能失灵导致其搁浅。生物学家认为,鲸类搁浅的地点多为低洼海岸,水下沙质浅滩、陈老戎会淤泥的冲积土地段。鲸类一旦进入这些地方,由物体发出的回声就会受到障碍…  相似文献   

海洋中的哺乳动物,除鲸目(含齿鲸亚目和须鲸亚目)仅部分具有牙齿外,其它种类,包括海牛目、鳍脚目和食肉目中的海獭,都具有牙齿。因为牙齿重量轻、体积小、性质稳定、便于携带和保管,更重要的是它们包含许多特有的信息,是身躯的其它组织不具备的。为此,  相似文献   

<正>鲸是地球上最大的哺乳类动物,按照现代鲸类划分标准,鲸目不仅包括鲸,也包括海豚科、鼠海豚科和淡水豚总科。我国古人对鲸类的认识是根据鲸的外形特征将其归入到鱼类和鳞介之属。古代鲸的记载散见于沿海地方志,正史《五行志》对鲸的出没也有详细的记载,根据这些记载,考察不同历史时期鲸的分布及搁浅原因。《二十五史·五行志》中把鱼类的某些不常见现象都归入"鱼孽"中,由于鲸在近海极少见,且体形巨大,因此亦被归入鱼孽类,与当时的各种凶象联系  相似文献   

中国海洋哺乳动物区系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王丕烈 《海洋学报》1991,13(3):387-392
本文对中国海洋哺乳动物区系进行了初步分析。已知鲸目中须鲸亚目有8种,齿鲸亚目包括淡水产的白鱀豚有23种,鳍脚目有5种,海牛目有1种,总计37种。中国海洋哺乳动物在各个目然海区按种类论,渤海最贫乏,仅有8种,南海最多有26种。大陆沿岸有30种,台湾省有26种。有些种类热带性较强,明显的代表着南部海区海洋哺乳动物的区系特征,一些来自寒海区的冷温种,代表着北部海区海洋哺乳动物的区系特征。  相似文献   

The stomachs of 32 individuals of seven cetacean species incidentally caught in gill net and purseseine fisheries along Mangalore and Chennai coasts (India) between 2004 and 2006 were examined. The whole stomach (fore-gut, mid-gut and hind-gut) was examined in all cases. Prey remains (666 prey items comprising six species of teleosts, one crustacean and one squid species) were found in the stomachs of eight individuals (the remaining 24 stomachs were found to be empty). All cetaceans were found to feed mostly on teleosts with wide range of trophic levels. Based on an index that included frequency of occurrence, percentage by number and by weight, the oil sardine Sardinella longiceps was the main prey in the sample. Cetaceans appear to favour both pelagic as well as demersal prey, possibly indicating surface and benthic feeding habits.  相似文献   

Management and conservation issues are addressed through the identification of areas of particular importance, which requires the acquisition of baseline information on species distribution and dynamics. These types of data are particularly difficult to obtain at high resolution for large marine vertebrates like cetaceans, given that dedicated surveys are complex and logistically expensive. This study uses daily presence–absence sighting data of cetaceans collected year‐round from whale‐watching boats to support the theory that fine‐scale data obtained from platforms of opportunity can provide valuable information on species occurrence and group dynamics. Data from 7,551 (daily) sightings comprising 22 species were collected from 3,527 surveyed days over 11 years (mean of 321 days per year, SD = 17) in the pelagic environment of Madeira Island. Cetaceans were observed on 92% of the surveyed days, and a mean of 15.4 (SD = 1.5), 8.2 (SD = 2.0) and 2.1 (SD = 1.2) species were recorded per year, month, and day, respectively. There were significant differences in the number of species per month (p < .001), with the highest diversity recorded in June. At least nine species, comprising 96% of all sightings, were found to use the Madeiran waters on a regular basis, such as the Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis), the short‐beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), and others featured in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature as Endangered, Vulnerable, and Data Deficient. In addition, 10 species were found to use the Madeiran waters for travelling, feeding, resting, socializing and calving, which suggests that the southern and southeastern waters of Madeira Island constitute an area of interest for cetaceans. This study characterizes the cetaceans’ community structure (occurrence, aggregation sizes, behaviours, proportion of calves, and inter‐specific relationships) of a poorly studied region, providing important information for managers. Finally, the advantages and limitations of using fine‐scale data from a type of platform of opportunity that is increasing along coastlines globally are discussed.  相似文献   

Cetaceans are mobile and spend long periods underwater. Because of this, modelling their habitat could be subject to a serious problem of false absence. Furthermore, extensive surveys at sea are time and money consuming, and presence–absence data are difficult to apply. This study compares the ability of two presence–absence and two presence-only habitat modelling methods and uses the example of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. The data consist of summer visual and acoustical detections of sperm whales, compiled between 1998 and 2005. Habitat maps were computed using topographical and hydrological eco-geographical variables. Four methods were compared: principal component analysis (PCA), ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA), generalized linear model (GLM) and multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS). The evaluation of the models was achieved by calculating the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) of the models and their respective area under the curve (AUC). Presence–absence methods (GLM, AUC=0.70, and MARS, AUC=0.79) presented better AUC than presence-only methods (PCA, AUC=0.58, and ENFA, AUC=0.66), but this difference was not statistically significant, except between the MARS and the PCA models. The four models showed an influence of both topographical and hydrological factors, but the resulting habitat suitability maps differed. The core habitat on the continental slope was well highlighted by the four models, while GLM and MARS maps also showed a suitable habitat in the offshore waters. Presence–absence methods are therefore recommended for modelling the habitat suitability of cetaceans, as they seem more accurate to highlight complex habitat. However, the use of presence-only techniques, in particular ENFA, could be very useful for a first model of the habitat range or when important surveys at sea are not possible.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the occurrence and spatial distribution of cetaceans in Mauritanian waters (eastern Atlantic). A geophysical survey was conducted over 92 days between September and December 2012. Over 967 km was surveyed, with 1 017 h of observer effort recorded. Visual watches for marine mammals resulted in 228 cetacean sightings of 16 different species, including 12 odontocetes and 4 mysticetes. The short-finned pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchus was the most frequently encountered odontocete, followed by the Atlantic spotted dolphin Stenella frontalis. Of the mysticetes, the sei whale Balaenoptera borealis and blue whale B. musculus were encountered most frequently. We used generalised additive models and generalised linear models to examine the relationships between environmental factors and cetacean distribution. The results showed depth had a significant influence on presence of the short-finned pilot whale, which preferred waters deeper than 1 800 m. The model for mysticetes identified bathymetry as a significant environmental predictor, whereas slope of the ocean floor had a positive effect but was not significant. This study contributes to our understanding of cetaceans in Mauritanian waters, using data from a platform of opportunity.  相似文献   

Reports of anomalously pigmented cetaceans, including melanistic (all‐black) individuals are infrequent. We observed four melanistic southern right‐whale dolphins (Lissodelphis peronii) including a calf, off Kaikoura (42°34'S, 173°50'E), New Zealand. We also compiled records of melanistic individuals from five other species of cetaceans. The ecological context of melanistic pigmentation of cetaceans is not well understood; however, it may increase heat absorption, affect ability to capture prey, impair visual/social communication, and/or increase conspicuousness to predators.  相似文献   

Cetacean research, in terms of the number of papers, and areas for which data are available, has expanded considerably in the southern African subregion in the past decade, especially in the South-West Indian Ocean. We review cetacean research within this subregion from the 1800s to the present to provide an overview of findings, investigate trends and identify knowledge gaps. Data are presented separately for large whales (those subject to commercial whaling) and smaller cetaceans, and are separated by era and ocean basin. Over 550 peer-reviewed papers and books were identified relating to research on cetaceans within the subregion. More than half (284) have been produced since 1990 and 193 relate specifically to South African waters. The most-studied species are those that are most accessible due to their coastal distributions (southern right whale Eubalaena australis: 45 papers, humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae: 31 papers, killer whales Orcinus orca: 27 papers, Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin Tursiops aduncus: 30 papers, Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin Sousa chinensis (plumbea form): 25 papers) and/or were hunted commercially (sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus: 25 papers). Identified conservation concerns vary throughout the subregion, but include bycatch and directed hunts, oil and gas development, ecotourism activities, shifts in prey resources, and noise and chemical pollution. The inshore stocks of Bryde's whales Balaenoptera edeni, the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin and the Atlantic humpback dolphin S. teuszii were identified as the populations of highest conservation concern, although there are considerable knowledge gaps relating to deep-water species and almost no data (even on species occurrence) are available for several areas and countries.  相似文献   

Cetaceans (whales and dolphins) are diverse and abundant upper trophic level predators in the Gulf of Mexico, a semi-enclosed, intercontinental sea with a total area of about 1.5 million km2. The objectives of this study were to better define the habitat of cetaceans in the northern oceanic Gulf of Mexico. An integrated methodology was used that included visual surveys and hydrographic collections from ships. Near real-time sea surface altimetry from the TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS satellites was used during ship surveys to determine the location of hydrographic features (e.g., cyclones, anticyclones and confluence zones). Archival satellite sea surface altimetry data were also used to retrospectively determine the location of hydrographic features for analysis with earlier cetacean sightings. We estimated zooplankton and micronekton biomass using both net and acoustic sampling to indicate the amount of potential food available for higher trophic level foraging by cetaceans. Nineteen cetacean species were identified during ship surveys. Cetaceans were concentrated along the continental slope in or near cyclones and the confluence of cyclone–anticyclone eddy pairs, mesoscale features with locally concentrated zooplankton and micronekton stocks that appear to develop in response to increased nutrient-rich water and primary production in the mixed layer. A significant relationship existed between integrated zooplankton biomass and integrated cephalopod paralarvae numbers, indicating that higher zooplankton and micronekton biomass may correlate with higher concentrations of cetacean prey. In the north-central Gulf, an additional factor affecting cetacean distribution may be the narrow continental shelf south of the Mississippi River delta. Low salinity, nutrient-rich water may occur over the continental slope near the mouth of the Mississippi (MOM) River or be entrained within the confluence of a cyclone–anticyclone eddy pair and transported beyond the continental slope. This creates a deep-water environment with locally enhanced primary and secondary productivity and may explain the presence of a resident, breeding population of sperm whales within 100 km of the Mississippi River delta. Overall, the results suggest that the amount of potential prey for cetaceans may be consistently greater in the cyclone, confluence areas, and south of the MOM, making them preferential areas for foraging. However, this may not be true for bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins and possibly Bryde's whales, which typically occur on the continental shelf or along the shelf break outside of major influences of eddies.  相似文献   

本文设计了一套基于FPGA的鲸豚声信号实时数据采集与分析系统,在采集存储水族馆内声信号的同时,应用改进的HHT算法处理鲸豚叫声中的click信号,实现实时的甄别瓶鼻海豚和白鲸功能,可用于针对大型哺乳动物的远洋实时跟踪科考。  相似文献   

Fatal entanglements in fishing gear threaten marine mammal populations worldwide. The management of entanglements of large whales, such as the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis), with commercial fisheries, is a challenge given the species’ small population size, economic consequences of regulations, and the general lack of data on entanglements. The U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) requires development of programs to limit marine mammal entanglement in commercial fishing gear. Following a retrospective look at implementing aspects of the MMPA, a set of guiding principles were developed with associated best practices useful in reducing fatal large whale entanglement in fishing gear. Among these are: 1) involve stakeholders early in the decision making process; 2) establish a transparent management strategy that includes critical needs to guide research; 3) use a variety of tools such as an established process for receiving new information and ideas; and 4) incorporate adaptive management which considers the constraints of dynamic (rapid) changes to some fixed fishing gear. Efforts to reduce worldwide marine mammal bycatch will typically occur in a data-limited environment as experienced with U.S. Atlantic large whale entanglements. The guiding principles will remain as key tools for reducing large whale bycatch in fisheries as they build upon common practices. These insights developed over two decades of management can potentially help others to address similar bycatch problems.  相似文献   

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